Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, August 3, 2009

Keep These 2 Foods Out of your Diet

By Thomas Francis

The 2 foods that you should avoid may come as a surprise to you. You may be under the impression that they are OK. They are generally regarded as healthy" and people are surprised when they learn that they should eliminate them from their diet.

It is a fairly well known fact nowadays, that trans fats should be avoided, and that goes for the high-fructose corn syrup. So I won't bore you with this again. I was not referring to either of these two foods.

The first food (or type of food) that is to be avoided is wheat products " that is, all types of bread, bagels, pasta and cereals (I would even include whole wheat cereals in this list of foods to be avoided).

There are 2 main reasons why wheat products are to be avoided. First of all, a large percentage of the population has an allergy to the gluten contained in wheat and other grains. But what is more significant, we were never meant to consume wheat in such huge quantities. Our digestive system has not adjusted to it.

Wheat has come into our diet only in the last couple of thousand years, and it has NEVER been in such a large proportion of the human diet until the last 80 to 100 years! Our diet has evolved from a healthier one that had a much higher percentage of meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

When somebody is trying to lose weight, if they will cut wheat out of their diet for 2 to 3 weeks, they will get results. Not only will they lose weight and feel better as a result of having more energy, but in some cases it has resulted in curing headaches and indigestion that had persisted for years.

The second food that should be avoided comes as a surprise to just about everybody, because I am talking about fruit juice. It is generally regarded as being a healthy choice, and something to be included in a weight-loss diet.

I am not an anti-carbohydrate campaigner. I believe that most fruits are very healthy " when they are taken as nature intended. When you separate the juice from the other beneficial parts of the fruit like fiber, that is when you run into problems. You are left with a high-calorie, sugary mixture.

When you only drink the juice of the fruit, your body is missing out on the fiber. This will result in a craving for more carbohydrates. Oranges and apples are two of the best examples of this. The fiber in the fruit will help to satisfy the appetite, and it also slows down the response of the blood sugar, much more so that the juice alone.

The bottom line is that consuming too much fruit juice makes you fat. But consuming the whole fruit is an important part of a balanced diet, and supplies your body with a high level of nutrients. This also depends on you having unprocessed foods in the rest of your diet also. - 17273

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Dr. Oz, Acai Berry, and the Truth!

By Travis Van Slooten

Recent news has many people wondering if there is a Dr. Oz acai berry connection. Whether it is because you saw acai berry on Oprah's show or read is from their website, there is no doubt that Dr. Oz and acai berry have recently been a major topic for many people curious about acai berry supplements. Not entirely for good reasons either. Many companies which are being flagged as scammers have claimed support from Dr. Oz. So how do you know what the real connection is and which companies you should avoid?

What is the Myth?

While celebrities are often very careful about having their names tied to any product they don't really believe in, these supplement companies find it easy to make statements like "as seen on Rachael Ray" or "as endorsed by Dr. Oz" to make it appear that these tv personalities are really backing up their product. If you come across any site or company using this marketing strategy, by all means leave that site and don't look back.

So is There a Connection?

There is a connection between Dr. Oz and acai berry. However, it is not a connection to any specific product. Dr. Oz has touted the benefits of the acai berry and even recommended it as a supplement. He fully supports taking acai berry and backs the evidence that it is a very powerful super fruit worth your consideration. But there is no connection to any specific products and there likely never will be. If a company is trying to sell you a product with the recommendation of Dr. Oz, you can be assured they are doing it without his consent.

How Dr. Oz is Fighting Back

While these acai sites making outrageous claims continue to pop up all over the internet and it is difficult to have them shut down or at the very least stop those false ads, Dr. Oz, through the Oprah site, has issued a statement, indicating that he does not recommend any one acai supplement brand. The official statement also discloses that Oprah's legal team is already going after these companies.

One of the key lessons we can pick up from these updates in the acai berry industry is that we should never believe everything that is said. With such a hot product as acai berry, it is expected that many would like to cash in quick on this wonder supplement. But now that you know that there really is no Dr. Oz and acai berry link to a particular brand, do not do business with companies offering such blatantly misleading claims. - 17273

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4 Things To Avoid When Trying To Tone Up Your Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is a lot of controversy on the best way to tone arms. Somehow, even the experts have come up with different ways for getting results. Some of these ways are valid, some are not.

Unfortunately, even the most well respected experts can give subpar advice. How could this happen? Because scientific studies are never clear cut.

What is the source? Research studies. You might think that research is like math, one plus one equals two. Unfortunately, research is almost never clear cut like this. It's usually open to interpretation.

And today I have decided to talk about some things that you may be doing. Maybe you think said things will help you get rid of arm fat. In any case, here are 4 no no's when trying to tone arms:

1. Overdoing the fish oil intake. Have more than 3 gr. of fish oil a day and you run the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Why? Because the excess amount of omega-3 fat can oxidize.

2. Allowing nuts and legumes to stay warm. Put them in the refrigerator! Aspergillus, a toxic mold, can grow on nuts and legumes if the conditions are right. What conditions? Warmth and humidity. Now this isn't very likely unless you're overdoing it, however, a single case of poisoning has the potential to set your sexy arm mission many steps back.

3. Having trans fat. No amount is healthy, seriously. As proven by Harvard researchers, trans fat kill. And they will do no good for your arms. In fact, they will increase your overall body fat, including arm fat.

4. Staying away from plant sources of saturated fat. Animal fat is what does harm. But plant fat can do a body good. Coconut is a great example of a saturated plant fat that is very healthy for the female body.

There is a lot of information out there on how to tone arms. And even the best of authorities can give the wrong information since science is never clear cut. The facts are never clearly defined. The key, however, is to keep on moving forward despite all the small details. Accept the new information as it comes, but don't stop making progress! - 17273

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Body Building Nutrition Tips, The Importance Of Pre-Workout Nutrition

By Ricardo d Argence

The same holds true for each and every one of your workouts if the saying says, "if you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail". Every gym session must be faced with mental and physical preparedness because it is a battle.

A carefully planned pre-workout meal will ensure that you always enter the gym at peak strength and will provide your body with the necessary tools to battle the weights as effectively as possible.

The meal you eat before working out must accomplish three things: 1. Making you as strong as possible. 2. During the workout you should provide your mind and muscles with a constant stream of balanced energy. 3. You will be minimizing the muscle breakdown process in addition to providing the necessary tools to help your body recover post-workout.

Making sure you are properly hydrated, is the first thing you should do before a workout. Liquids are essential in maintaining strength and stamina, so be sure to drink a sufficient amount of water several hours before your workout.

Your pre-workout meal should be eaten approximately 30 to 45 minutes before you enter the gym. The initial ingredient in this meal is, obviously, protein. Maintaining an anabolic workout state helps prevent muscle breakdown and this protein will help you do that.

In order to prevent muscle catabolism, consuming Whey protein before exercise is a wise choice. It is suggested that you mix your whey protein with milk, for it will help to slow down the speed at which the protein is released which will give your body a steady flow of amino acids through the course of your workout.

Along with your protein shake you should also consume 1-2 portions of low-glycemic carbohydrates. Low glycemic carbohydrates are ideal before the workout because they are broken down and absorbed gradually in the bloodstream, providing your body with a steady stream of energy throughout your workout.

Your body responds to consumption of high glycemic carbohydrates, which are quickly released into your bloodstream, your body responds by releasing a surge of insulin to help your system even out your body's blood sugar. Rapid fluctuation in insulin levels is the last thing you want in the middle of high intensity workout so choose carbohydrates that will not cause this.

Pre-workout carbs, such as oatmeal, apples, or brown rice, will keep your energy high throughout the workout by providing your body with a stream of sugars. When you are in training, it is important to eat a small meal prior to your session to allow for easy digestion as well as preventing sickness. It is not a good idea to work out without eating beforehand. - 17273

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The Best Diet for Diabetes

By Barb Hicks

The diabetic diet is so healthy that anyone can and should partake of its goodness. Not only does the diabetic diet help to control glucose levels, it aids in weight loss as well. Obesity is one of the risk factors for diabetes in addition to a sedentary lifestyle. Following a healthy diabetic diet can decrease your risks for developing the disease.

How we eat is one of the major reasons that diabetes and heart disease are so prevalent in the US. So, it makes sense that if we all ate healthier foods and increased our physical activity, the prevalence of diabetes could decrease.

What is a diabetic diet?

A diabetic diet is comprised of fresh fruit, colorful and green vegetables, whole grains such as pasta and cereal as well as lean meats such as poultry and fish. In addition, diabetics must monitor their carbohydrate intake. Most foods contain carbohydrates and these are essential for the body as they supply the body with the energy it needs. However, someone with diabetes must monitor their carbohydrate intake as it raises the glucose levels in the body. It is for this reason that patients with diabetes should eat their meals at a consistent time everyday along with coordinating their insulin injections.

Fresh and healthy fruits: Fruit is a delicious way to achieve that need for something sweet. They are low in fat, contain no cholesterol and are low in sodium and calories. In addition, these colorful and tasty treats supply the body with high fiber, vitamins and minerals and even offer up cancer fighting antioxidants.

Fresh Or Raw Green Vegetables: Vegetables contain fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamins A and C. Fiber content is high and added with other foods that are high in fiber helps to ward off or prevent chronic and other serious illnesses.

Whole Grains: Are excellent sources of fiber and other natural nutrients that help keep the digestive system functioning regularly.

The dairy family: Every body needs a serving of low fat or skim milk two to three times a day. Each serving supplies the body with much needed calcium, potassium and vitamins.

Meats: Any lean meat such as fish, chicken or turkey is recommended. The Mediterranean diet suggests that eating red meat once a month is the healthiest things you can do for your body. Limiting the amount of red meat in your diet can be very beneficial as it is harder to digest and remains in the digestive system much longer than lean meats.

High fiber, low fat diets are extremely beneficial for everyone. Those with diabetes however must remember that while seafood does taste marvelous, it is known for being very high in cholesterol. In addition, diabetic patients must also keep in mind that liver is high in cholesterol and may also increase triglyceride levels.

Following a healthy diet along with regular checks of your blood pressure and glucose levels can assist in fighting off many diseases. Having a harmonious balance among these factors battles against neuropathy, kidney failure, heart failure and cardiovascular disease and ensures a longer, healthier life. - 17273

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Casein Protein, How Much is Too Much?

By P. Kaplan

Supplement manufacturers have done a wonderful job of confusing the fitness wanting public. For the last five years the bodybuilding community has gobbled up whey protein.

Eventually a research studies showed that due to its quick stomach emptying properties most of the protein consumed via whey protein is metabolized (burned up by liver enzymes). The whey manufacturers first responded by increasing the number of grams per serving. More protein would have to be consumed, thus more protein is sold.

Soy found its popularity primarily among vegetarians. The Soy companies watched as whey protein sales skyrocketed, thus, in order to grab their own position, they capitalized within a "health" marketplace, primarily targeting women. Many of the referenced studies are valid, but are not representative of "the whole picture."

One study looked at two groups of healthy middle aged men that were given isocaloric meals with one group eating soy protein, while the other consumed animal protein. They wanted to find out if there is a decreased propensity of gallstones when animal products are replaced by soy proteins. Very often gallstone accumulation is tied to cholesterol crystallization, so they then examined the participants cholesterol levels.

Findings from that study demonstrated that cholesterol crystallization was decreased in the soy group. This finding led to the idea that soy can aid in preventing gallstones. The study failed to show some important things. There was no control over vegetable and fruit consumption. Soy is part of the group of vegetables that are high in isoflavones.

There are many benefits associated with the consumption of isoflavones, including a lowering of cholesterol levels. Contrarily, research has shown that the ingestion of meat is associated with an elevated cholesterol levels. This is not to say that people who eat soy will be healthier and have a better cholesterol profile than those who consume meat and vegetables. This just goes to show you that extrapolations drawn from research is often taken out of context and overemphasized.

Scientific studies indicate that there are cancer defeating benefits of a meal plan rich in vegetables like soy. Most people would not assume that people who ingest soy instead of milk, egg-whites, and lean protein will demonstrate improved health, if a exercise ingredient is included, the study would be invalidated.

Most of the research information promoted specific to soy is publicized by organizations with a vested interest in Soy Protein sales, such as The United Soybean Board. This does not mean that soy is not a good source of protein, but rather that the health benefits, as is commonplace, have been taken out of context and overblown to sell products.

From a metabolic benefit standpoint, it appears based on the most recent and applicable studies, that you are best off getting your supplemental protein from a mix of whey and casein. Watch as the newest protein supplements to hit the market feature this mix. Unless you are vegetarian, I'd suggest you're best off including as wide a variety of foods as possible in your complete dietary regimen. If this includes a daily soy protein supplement I believe you'll do quite well. - 17273

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The Advantages of Using Fish Oil on Women

By Michael Byrd

Would there be advantages of fish oil for women special to the fairer sex?

Nevertheless, women are said to be smarter than men and definitely have stronger endurance and emotions. Not to mention, they smell a lot better too!

In most cases however, men and women suffer from the same health problems like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and depression. But there is one thing where men suffer more than women. It's PMS. (It was OK for my wife to mention it as long as I mentioned it kindly.)

Handling these health issues is all up to us.

There are two ways, to wait until you have some degenerative disease then get treatment (list what most men usually do), or you could do something before you get that problem.

If you select the second way, then you can try using fish oil for women and get specific health benefits ? getting lesser PMS and menopause symptoms and also reduce the risk of breast cancer.

All leading causes of death for women have two things in common. It is degenerative and preventable

We won't be nit-picking on the ranking of these diseases. Whether you have the one that is top on the list or last. We see no need for competition because this is not a thing you should be proud of.

Nevertheless, you will have one dietary adornment that you wish to have in your nutritional clothing, and this happens to be the most amazing form of prevention there is for women ? the omega 3 fatty acids from fish.

Every day, research has been continuously confirming the strength of these simple, natural nutrients.

Surveys tell us that a supplement of omega 3 helps in preventing heart disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, PMS, memory loss, dry skin and lots more.

One of the most important reasons why fish oil fatty acids can help you to become healthy is the way it helps in regulating and decreasing inflammation of the body - whether externally or internally.

The latest research shows that degenerative diseases arise when the body's inflammatory cycle is disrupted. This usually happens when a person lacks specific omega 3 fatty acids.

Scientist refers to this as an "inverse relationship", but this is actually very simple. If you have more omega 3 fish oil intake, the lesser your chances of developing degenerative diseases.

And if men think they are an exemption, they better think twice because the same thing applies for men. The lesser omega 3s they get, the higher risk of premature death due to a preventable disease.

It's that easy.

Omega 3 fatty acids are sourced from cold water fish, like salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, herring and mackerel.

In order to get all the health benefits of fish oil for women (and men as well), take in more omega 3 fish in your food intake and supplement it with pure fish oil capsules from a reputable source.

Certainly you ladies can prove to us that you are much smarter if you make sure you get more fish oil in your diet. - 17273

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Important Facts That Make Excellent Weight Training Routines

By Emmanuel Palmer

Are you still suffering from the hangover of Saturday's workout day? Let me guess, you've probably mumbled to yourself 'No Pain, No Gain" once or twice to strengthen your resolve to go back to the torture chamber many call the gym. It's true, to see the reward you have to experience hard work, which in this case, is evidenced by muscle soreness. However, listen to your body closely; because if it an unusual pain in parts of your body, it might be that something is not working right in your body. You want to know how to build muscles, start with the factors you need to heed to avoid causing your body injury or unnecessary pain.

When one is starting out this exciting, adrenalin pumping journey to fitness-a common mistake is to hit the gym too often. Over training has caused many to get burnt out quickly. More than that, the immune system will suffer and the risk of injury to the joints and bones are greater. Go to the gym a few days but take most of the days of the week to concentrate on getting quality rest and just relax. It will surprise you how much better you will be because of it.

If you want to bulk up, then many topics on how to build muscles will encourage you to concentrate on gaining body mass and stay away from too many cardiovascular workouts that burn calories needed. While you do need to pack on serious pounds for this particular fitness goal, you should not completely eradicate cardio training. Practicing aerobic training helps in your cholesterol levels and your hearts' arteries' elasticity-a strong enough motivation if you think about it.

When you are in the gym, practice the necessary precautions for yourself and the other members training with you. Return the dumbbells you've used back to its racks and make sure that when you finish with a particular machine, the weight plates are properly kept and locked in place. Keep your head on especially as you pass by equipment with overhead bars, pulleys and cables. Wear the appropriate clothes and footwear and make plenty of space for the other trainers as they do their own exercises.

Always keep the correct position and form as you execute your drills. A lot of people make the mistake of rushing through the last few reps just so they can complete the given set but doing so may potentially put your body in an injury with serious consequences. Study and know the right way of performing the assigned exercises, starting with the lesser weight and gradually increasing it. If a joint or tendon feels particularly over extended, do not force the movement. Stop and ask your instructor on the best way of doing the task.

Last but not the least, have the right diet. The right diet will fuel your workout sessions and even promote muscle development. If you are looking to lose weight then ease up on the calories; for bodybuilding, load up on the meals. Regardless of the goal in mind, get your calories from healthy food like chicken, fish, nuts, whole wheat grains, etc. Increase your fluid intake particularly during workout days.

Pay attention to the seemingly insignificant details and watch yourself overtake your hardcore fitness colleague even in his best weight training routines. The secret-rest, eat and exercise well, it does not get any better that that. - 17273

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Michael Thurmond Diet - Being a D Body Type

By Durk Mcphee

If you are a 6 Week Body Makeover Body Type D, you will have an upward battle to lose weight. Genetics are the main cause for you to be fat. The other reason is because of your lifestyle choice and your lack of adequate muscle tissue. Generally, most people who are classified as a body type d are fat because of a slow metabolism and a lack of muscle tissue.

There are good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Often times people stay away from carbohydrates altogether, however this is bad because your body will start breaking down your muscle tissue in order to provide energy to the rest of your body. All body types are susceptible to gain weight from eating too many carbs, however your body type is extremely susceptible to weight gain through the consumption of eating the wrong carbs.

During the Michael Thurmond diet, you will want to focus on eating complex carbohydrates. The reason why complex carbs are good for you is because they will break down in your body slower than simple carbs. Eating too many of the wrong carbs will make you gain weight.

The Michael Thurmond diet will make sure you focus on eating the right types of carbohydrates so that you will maintain your muscles. You will focus on eating more complex carbohydrates as these types are carbs are food for your body and will break down much slower than simple carbs.

Another important factor is to eat the right types of proteins. Eating lean protein like chicken, fish, and tofu will ensure that you build lean muscle mass. Remember, lean muscle tissue helps break down calories at a faster rate. Focus on these factors and you will learn how to lose weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover program. - 17273

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If I Learn Belly Dancing, Will It Really Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Wouldn't you love the idea of looking great, staying young, and overcoming your bruising easily at the same time? As we age, we have a greater tendency to bruise easily and to keep those bruises for a longer time frame than we used to. The truth is our bodies do not regenerate as rapidly or in the varieties of ways that they once did because, your body has become much less resilient as we've gotten older. One positive thing to know is that there are definitely responses to this condition, and one that you probably haven't thought of is belly dancing.

There are several different kinds of belly dancing out there, with styles that are intended for men and for women, and there are lots of different philosophies behind it as well. What just about everyone can agree on is that it is lovely and very good for you. What lots of people don't know is that this dance form can be very helpful when you are trying to overcome your tendency of bruising easily.

Belly dancing, despite its appearance of a wonderfully slow and sensuous dance form, actually involves a great deal of strength and focused concentration. Some belly dance styles are very aerobic, and this means that if you are willing to diligently work at perfecting your belly dancing ability, you will discover that you are increasing your cardiovascular capability, which will in turn help you overcome your susceptibility for bruising easily.

Improving your cardiovascular health will make you considerably more resistant to bruising easily. As your cardiovascular function improves, the tiny blood vessels located just beneath your skin will be much more resistant to rupturing when you bump the edge of a cabinet or counter, ending the level of bruising that you have noticed in the recent past.

You need to understand that people learn to be graceful as a participant of belly dancing. Your muscle control will be greatly enhanced, and this will cause you to be much less likely to trip or stumble, which will allow you to forgo the causes for bruising to begin with.

Once you have decided to take up belly dancing, remember that you need to consider what goals you are going to set. Are you planning to become a performer, or are you just looking for the physical fitness? As a performer will you dance with others or as a soloist? From the variety of dance troupes available, you will find a multitude of opportunities for you to evaluate.

Egyptian cabaret is probably the most glamorous form of belly dancing, while American Tribal Style has its foundation in unique personal styles, body acceptance, and group dances. Traditional dances from Iran, Egypt, Syria or Iraq are considered folkloric, while there some dances that are are founded on the type of props that are used in the dance.

Take some time and consider what kind of belly dancing is right for you and how much it can help you overcome your bruising easily. Don't be so skeptical as to rule out the benefits an all natural, unique, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned that may provide help for you to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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Dr. Perricone-Acai Berry Endorsement: Fact or Fiction?

By Travis Van Slooten

In the same way as talk show hosts Oprah and Rachael Ray have been linked to some supplements, there are also other acai products claiming to have that Dr. Perricone-acai berry stamp of approval. When people first hear of this, there is always that small shred of doubt especially since Dr. Perricone has his own line of products himself. Did he really make any endorsements? In the case of Oprah and Rachael Ray, any acai endorsement was denied by both talk show hosts themselves through their shows' websites. So what is the truth?

Who is Dr. Perricone

You may be wondering why Dr. Perricone is that target of these acai berry companies and what makes him different from any other doctor. If you don't already know, Dr. Perricone is somewhat of a celebrity doctor. He is a dermatologist by trade and has appeared as an anti-aging specialist on Oprah's show numerous times. While he is not vastly different from most doctors out there, his appearance on Oprah's show is enough to make him a driving force behind the sales of some products. His time on Oprah may also have something to do with the immense success of his own product line.

What does Dr. Oz purportedly endorse?

Companies which have questionable business practices do not hesitate to use the image of Dr. Perricone to boost their own brand's popularity and sales. It is not uncommon to find claims like "acai by Dr. Perricone" or "Dr. Perricone-acai berry choice" falsely advertised in websites. Any company that resorts to these strategies in promoting their acai supplement is stretching the truth a bit too far, and therefore cannot be trusted.

What is the Real Connection Between Dr. Perricone and Acai Berry?

If you haven't already figured it out, there is no connection. At least, not with any specific supplement or product. Dr. Perricone, like many others interested in health foods, has touted the remarkable benefits of the berry. He has called it a super fruit and openly said he thinks it is one of the healthiest foods you can eat and may have potential as an anti-aging product. But his support of the fruit itself does not mean companies selling acai berry supplements are allowed to use his likeness.

The bottom line is that Dr. Perricone has no connection to any acai berry products. If you find a company making that claim, there is always a chance they are simply looking for quick business for their scam. Considering how dutifully the lawyers from Harpo have been pursuing companies in violation of the law, it is likely you will see fewer companies making these false claims. In the meantime, any Dr. Perricone acai berry connections you see advertised by a company are a red flag and reason enough to stay away. - 17273

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A Woman's Fitness Routine for Achieving A Great Body Fast

By Chris Tan

A fitness routine geared specifically for women is an excellent way to lose weight and gain a healthier you. However, it is important to remember that with any fitness regimen, hard work and dedication are needed for success.

One of the number one reasons women fail at working out is time. In today's rushed world, women are constantly on the go, leaving little time for anything extra. It is also for this reason that many women turn to quick fixes such as diet pills and teas. However, these generally don't work, are unhealthy, and won't exhibit results without an added exercise routine.


The amount of intensity used in your workout, whether it is cardio or weight training will determine the amount of calories burned as well as the amount of weight loss you experience. If a woman jogs for five days a week, she will lose less weight and burn fewer calories than a woman who jogs for only three days a week. This is a perfect example of how intensity affects the body and your workout.

To implement high intensity, here is an example. Instead of long distance jogging, replace with short sprints and a rest after. The act of long distance jogging does not allow the heart rate to increase as much as the short sprints. Implementing high intensity into your workout will allow you to achieve greater success in less time.

Add Weight Training.

Training with weights is the best way to increase your metabolism. In weight training, the heavier the weights and the more lifting you do, the more your metabolism increases. In addition, the higher intensity of your weight training will increase your metabolism for twenty-four hours.

Try combining both cardio exercises and weight training exercises into your fitness routines and you will notice results almost instantly! Although it seems like loads of hard work, just picture yourself seeing changes in your body every week.

Healthy Diet.

It is said that you are what you eat. This statement could not be truer. The amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats your body ingests at each meal determines how your body will be.

To maximize your workouts, it is recommended that you implement a healthy diet. Here are some examples.

Take in more proteins as compared to carbohydrates and fats. This is really simple to understand. Proteins keep you full for longer amounts of time while excess energy from carbohydrates end up as fats that are stored by your body.

Another suggestion is eating smaller meals. Implementing multiple, smaller meals into your day tricks your body into thinking youre eating more, thus making it work twice as hard. This is the reason starvation diets don't work. When the body is starved, the metabolism has to work less in order to store energy. - 17273

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