Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Days Of The Diet Are Numbered - It's Goodbye to Diets!

By Henry John

The New England Journal of medicine has just published a new study into diets by the Harvard School of Public Medicine. It's quite revealing. What it found was that there is virtually no difference in the results of any of the diets, and they tested Atkins through to low fat and low carb, and a whole lot more on the way. So is it goodbye to diets...maybe! What it is really all about is calories taken in vs. Calories expended.

The study was a pretty comprehensive one. It involved 800+ people and lasted over two years. One of the major findings was that the weight people lost came back again - in varying degrees. It's a familiar story - very similar to a recent UCLA study which found that you don't achieve permanent weight loss by going on a diet.

The bottom line is that diets don't work. The other thing that they found lacking was any form of structure. People found that there was no clear guidance or support.

Have you had a look at the Atkins book lately? It's not exactly user friendly, is it? It's rather like the most boring chemistry book at school! People who want to lose weight need to have everything properly set out so that it can be easily understood.

So the best way to lose weight and supercharge your weight loss is not to go on a diet. If you do, the weight will come back. It's been proved time and time again.

It is of course about calories in and calories out and this can be put into a very simple and structured format of habits, slim habits, habits that include what you eat and how much you eat. Habits about calories and about exercise. Only by learning new habits can you get rid of your old bad habits and achieve permanent weight loss. - 17273

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Losing Weight With Baby Steps

By Jose Grinden

Whilst going through the process of losing weight, too many people jump onto the newest fad diet, or new this or that hoping to be shedding several pounds rapidly so that they can appear slimmer for a notable occurrence that's happening in the coming weeks.

That's all well and good if they only want to lose that weight in the short term. They certainly should not be too amazed when it all comes back to haunt them shortly following that all important date! That's due to the fact that short term diets and other weight loss methods just are not successful.

They usually fail as the person doing them generally does not have the required motivation to keep doing the good work they started out doing. This can occur for a variety of reasons. But the most common of these is that they merely failed to enjoy losing weight. There is no truth in that they didn't love seeing the final goal, naturally! It was the procedure that got them to that point that they didn't like!

As such when it comes to successfully losing weight, the secret is to be sure that the method of losing weight is such fun, that the person making it happen will stick to their guns. It's accepted that when anyone keeps at a weight loss program for the long term, they can not only lose the volume of weight that they yearn to lose, but they are liable to keep it off.

So what do you think are the best weight loss tips to bring about that long term desire?

Well, it is pretty uncomplicated to stick to a diet that is stimulating and diverse, rather than one that is uninteresting and inflexible. It's also more simple to stick with an exercise routine that is fun to do and flexible rather than one which is hard work and more closely resembles an army fitness regime.

So the clue to the most uncomplicated of weight loss tips is to make it nice, enjoyable, stimulating and flexible and then the extra weight will not only drop off, but it will remain off also! - 17273

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What You Need to Know

By Katie A. Price

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the colon, wherein the patient experiences episodes of abdominal cramping, constipation and diarrhea, and a feeling of fullness. The exact mechanism of irritable bowel syndrome is unknown but it is most likely linked to intake of dairy products because symptoms usually occur after ingesting dairy products. Although irritable bowel syndrome causes these discomforts, it doesn't pose as a serious disease.

Like what medical professionals say, patients shouldn't be troubled about their health in general. True enough that they experience a lot of discomforts but they shouldn't be worried that they have a major illness such as cancer. One example of discomfort that these patients would experience is diarrhea or passage of loose and watery stools.

Diarrhea experienced by patients with irritable bowel syndrome is the same as the diarrhea experienced by others. Stools are often soft, loose and watery. Once a person feels the need to defecate, it can't be controlled no matter how much effort you put in controlling it. Another symptom that causes disturbance in the normal living is the alternating episodes of diarrhea and constipation.

Medical professionals often say that the colon of a person with irritable bowel syndrome is very sensitive especially to some foods. The reason for this sensitivity is not yet known but they have linked it to foods that normally cause irritability like dairy products. Medical professionals have also deduced that those with lactose intolerance are also prone to develop irritable bowel syndrome.

There is no specific procedure to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. A diagnosis is purely based on the patients manifestations of signs and symptoms. This is why irritable bowel syndrome can't be treated as a serious medical condition; rather, it is called a syndrome because of the groups of signs and symptoms showing up. The medical term itself can be literally translated to how the person feels when symptoms occur.

Treatment for irritable bowel syndrome is mainly to relieve the symptoms that the patient is experiencing. Physicians often prescribe a diet specifically for patients with irritable bowel syndrome because the symptoms are caused by diet itself. Typically, a high fiber diet with adequate water intake is recommended.

A high fiber diet can be achieved by ingesting fruits and vegetables. These foods are very rich in fiber that aids in the process of digestion. A high fiber diet is recommended for patients with irritable bowel syndrome because of the manifestations of constipation and diarrhea. With fiber, it cleanses the colon and promotes bulk in the stool, relieving diarrhea. As for constipation, since fiber aids in digestion, adequate water intake should also be included in the high fiber diet to soften the stool and relieve constipation.

Once you are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, necessary lifestyle modifications should be done. Major diet changes are also recommended to avoid the manifestations of the symptoms. Increased physical activity is also required to promote a healthy lifestyle. - 17273

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Why Acetyl-L-Carnitine reduces brain fatigue and increases memory vitality

By Brian Reese

Acetyl-L-Carnitine or ALCAR is an amino acid which facilitates the remembering process and it is also known to work towards generally making you feel better. Most people know it to be very good for the health of your brain. Nourishing elements which help the brain perform better are always welcome because they lend an extra support so that the brain can recall things better. In today's environment, it is essential to consume brain powering foods because it usually not possible to take it naturally through the food we eat. So, it's very important that we understand how important Acetyl-L-Carnitine can be for our mental health.

Naturally, those who are taking this are trying to ensure that their brain power gets maximized and that they can remember things better. But it is also important to take into consideration other factors such as your diet and lifestyle which could inevitably cause damage to your brain. Furthermore, what you need to do is to remove stress from your life and do away with harmful habits such as drinking, smoking and drugs. It might seem to be a very straight-laced and devout way of living, but if it lets you live life to its fullest, what more can you possibly need?

More Facts about Acetyl-L-Carnitine Acetyl-L-Carnitine brims with all the nutrients that fall under the healthy group, such as vitamins(B), phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, magnesium and DHA/EPA (fish oils). With all these elements present, Acetyl-L-Carnitine becomes more efficient and works better.

This compound also helps in protecting your brain cells thereby accelerating memory retention. According to a research study conducted in human beings, it can be used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease as well. The best thing about Acetyl-L-Carnitine is that, it is one of the vital nutrients used for precluding Alzheimer's disorder.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine acts in different ways to stop or prevent the worsening of brain cells that usually occurs, while ageing. It serves as a potent antioxidant, offers your brain with therapeutic energy and increases the degree of a crucial messenger molecule known as Acetylcholine. The scarcity of acetylcholine is the vital cause for the Alzheimer's patients to suffer from poor memory retention problems. Thus, by increasing the level of acetylcholine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine accelerates memory retention and helps in preventing Alzheimer's disease as well.

Next, giving energy to your cell is an amazing thing. When cells have adequate energy, they can do whatever they want and develop themselves to the best. However, if they lack sufficient energy, they will expire. This is especially dreadful, when it comes to your brain cells. This is because, if the brain cells die, they are almost impossible to reinstate. That is why, it is often advisable to keep your brain cells charged or energized with effective nutrients such as Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

Other Notable Facts: The best part of Acetyl-L-Carnitine is that, this nutrient is completely a natural ingredient used to accelerate memory retention. Due to this ability, it is considered to be completely safe and effective for a better brain function. Acetyl-L-Carnitine performs four notable things for proper brain function and central nervous system such as:

1. Makes sure that neurons are in top condition and they have plenty of energy. 2. Protects and fixes membrane signal transduction receptors 3. Helps protect neurons from harm that stress can cause 4. Also works towards pushing up the levels of the brain messenger acetylcholine 5. It also speeds up the process of memory retention and increases the ability to learn new things.

So, if you really want to accelerate your memory retention, consider Acetyl-L-Carnitine, which is available as non-prescription supplement at all healthcare stores. - 17273

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The Right Way to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

By Ricardo d Argence

There are many ways to lose weight that you have gained from your pregnancy. In addition, there are fallacies regarding the proper method of losing pregnancy pounds that you ought to be aware of.

A lot of women put on a fair number of pounds during their pregnancy because they do not learn how to handle their cravings. Excessive baby weight gain during pregnancy necessitates practicing many things after the pregnancy to lose the weight. The only weight you'll lose when you have a baby is the baby itself plus the fluids. This can be up to 15 to 20 pounds but the rest is up to you.

One of the biggest myths associated with breastfeeding is that you will lose your baby weight faster. The truth about breast feeding is that it works in one way. One of the main benefits of breastfeeding is the colostrum the body produces for the first ten days after childbirth. After that, the milk is just milk.

The nutrients and vitamins that you consume is expressed in breast milk to your child. The baby will not be getting healthy milk, in case if you are not a healthy eater. Breast feeding will result in you being hungrier as your body will need more food to supply the breast milk to the child, resulting in you not losing weight faster.

The milk on the shelves is better for a baby after it gets the colostrum because it is packed with all of the essential vitamins and minerals a baby needs. It is rare a mother's breast milk is that healthy.

Losing weight after having a baby is no different from losing weight any other time. You need to eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet is required to lose the weight in an effective manner and without difficulty. To regain your strength, it's important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty foods, sweets and sugars. During pregnancy, in order to replenish the loss of fluids from body, you should drink a lot of water regularly.

After a pregnancy the body is working to get back to normal. Your hormones will be all out of whack and you may be extremely emotional. It is the best time to lose your baby weight. The next six weeks is the most important and the best time to lose the weight quickly.

You need to take the exercising a step up and begin aerobic exercises, eventhough walking is good for you and it was when you were pregnant. Resulting in working off the weight while working up a sweat as well.

The best thing that you can do is aerobic exercise and run. Jogging is the one of the best exercises you can do if you want to quickly lose the baby weight and get your weight back to normal. Exercise also works well to help your hormones remain normal and not send you into a depression. Exercising encourages your body to create feel-good hormones. - 17273

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Some Tips For Setting Up Your Home Gym

By Mark

If you're one of those people who routinely work out, then you have probably consider how hard it may be to set up your own home gym. Which is why in thise article, we'll talk about the specifics of getting your own home gym.

One of the first things you should consider in getting a home gym are the dimensions of each equipment. A home gym should be both functional, practical, but still easy to store. Not only do more compact equipment take up less space, but it is also a lot easier to assemble.

The next thing you should do is find a space or room in your house to put your home gym. While it would be nice to have a dedicated room for working out, most people just don't have that much free space. So it's better to set it up in a multi-functional room, such as a rec room or guest room.

You should also choose a multi-purpose machine, one that offers several workout stations. That way, you only need one machine to work out several parts of your body. It may be pricier than your single-purpose machine, but you should take into account that you are getting the value of several machines as well, eleminating the need of having to purchase additional equipment once you advance in your workout. So choosing this option will save you a lot of money.

If you have a smaller home, you should choose gym equipments that collapse or fold. You don't want to have an ugly, large treadmill taking up the middle of the room, where everyone can see it. Not only is it not aesthetically pleasing, but it doesn't hold much ergonomic sense.

Lastly, you don't need to buy everything all at once. Not only is this more expensive, but you really only need a few basics when you're starting out. - 17273

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How to Get a Flat Stomach and Burn Belly Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

The secret to burning belly fat and getting a flat stomach is a combination of three things, mindset, diet, and exercise. I have read many articles that emphasize diet and exercise, but if someone tries to induce these two things without having the proper mindset, they will always fail.

Before embarking on a change of lifestyle, you need to give yourself a check up from the neck up first. Understand why you want to be thinner, know the reasons why you aren't thin, and mentally accept the things that you are going to have to change in order to get a flat stomach.

It is essential to have a proper diet. If you drink coffee, try drinking it black instead of with sugar. Start with a good, healthy breakfast, and make sure your lunch and dinner are reasonable and healthy. Try to stay away from fast foods for lunch. Quick, junk food items are loaded with preservative ingredients and calories, and overconsumption of them is bad for health.

Don't drink soda pop or anything that has a high sugar content. Instead, try drinks that have a natural sugar content, like fruit juices. Instead of eating potato chips with your lunch, try eating raw vegetables. You will have more energy, and you might just find them delicious.

For dinner, it's still okay to eat some of your favorite foods a couple of days a week, so long as you cut down on your portions. Don't go back for seconds. Calories store up in your fat cells while you are sleeping, so never under any circumstances snack after dinner.

You ought to work out daily, however avoid repeating the identical routines each day. As your calories burn, you will be able to inclemently increase your walking distance and the amount of sit-ups you do.

When I say exercise every day, I don't mean exercise hard every day. The hard exercises should be limited to at least every other day. On the off days, try doing small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator where you work, or even mowing the yard.

You should take your time and go slow at first and as time goes by then you can increase your exercise to help you achieve your goal. Sit-ups are the way to go for this but don't throw out your back. Always to 10 minutes of stretching before you get into the hard exercise. In addition, a number of different exercise apparatus are available to help work out your abs with little stress on your spine.

Once you know what you like, it is important to stay with that exercise routine as much as you can. Don't fool yourself into believing that if you skip a workout, you will make up for it in the next workout session. It will be easy to think of reasons why exercise isn't necessary.

Make sure you have a scale and are keeping track of how you are doing. When you see yourself losing weight you will be encouraged to keep going. If you're not getting the outcome you want change your dining habits and the routine of your workouts. Remember, you're not the first person in the world that made the commitment to burn off that fat and enjoy a new, flat stomach. - 17273

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Mangosteen Juice Can Be A Natural Remedy For Diabetes.

By Julieanne van Zyl

The word diabetes comes from from a Greek word meaning to "siphon or pass through". In the assessment of diabetes it is often considered a nutritional disorder, a characteristic of having abnormally high blood-sugar levels and the subsequent secretion of that excess in the urine. The disease can result from a complete lack or reduced production of insulin which leads to abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein.

Two different types of diabetes are commonly diagnosed. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile onset diabetes, the body shuts down production of insulin or produces less than required to regulate the level of blood glucose.

Type 2 diabetes, when the body is not able to use the insulin that is secreted by the pancreas. It is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes.

There is a third type of diabetes called gestational diabetes that occurs during the second half of pregnancy and ends with the birth of the baby.

Many people who suffer from type 2 diabetes can assist their bodies to use insulin more effectively by making simple varying to their lifestyle. Some of those varying include eating less carbohydrates and increasing the amount of exercise each day. Exercise benefits the cells by enabling them to absorb more insulin from the bloodstream and thus maintain a normal blood glucose level.

Because the pharmaceutical industry is so competitive, medications and drugs sometimes slip through the Federal Drug Administration research process. Thus some drugs can be supplied to the general public which can have undue side effects or cause damage to other organs in the body. Consequently many people are inclined to look at natural remedies for diabetes as a means of augmenting their medication protocol or attempting to replace their medication entirely.

As of today, diabetes affects over 170 million people around the world and that number increases each and every year. Left untreated, diabetes will lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, blindness and some joint problems. Individuals will lose circulation to their referral tissues meaning their fingers and toes, and leading to amputation.

Regulating the disease can often be a matter of losing weight, exercising and improving your diet. Persons afflicted with diabetes often find that increased protein intake assists in the repair of cell membranes. They should also reduce their intake of sugar and increase their intake of complex carbohydrates, but not simple carbohydrates.

People with diabetes may also find that using other natural remedies will assist in the control of their blood sugar even further. One of those remedies is Ginseng. Although there are several different types of ginseng most of the promising studies have been made using North American ginseng. These studies have shown that over long periods of time, ginseng may improve blood sugar control.

The diabetic drug Acarbose decreases the breakdown of starch (carbohydrates) to sugar. Recent research has shown that the pericarp of the Mangosteen fruit contains a nutrient that works exactly the same way in our bodies as the drug Acarbose. It is recommended that diabetics take the Mangosteen one to three hours before their largest meal or with the meal.

The metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, requires an essential trace element, chromium. Several studies have determined that diabetics have low levels of chromium in their blood. As of today, further study is still needed to prove that using chromium supplementation will be an effective way of controlling blood sugar for a diabetic.

Further studies by other researchers have also found that chromium improves glycemic control in individuals who have insulin-dependent diabetes. So although the research may be varied it does point to the need for on-going research into the inclusion of chromium in the treatment of diabetes.

Another essential mineral that is found naturally in foods such as nuts, seeds and whole grains, is magnesium. Researchers have found that individuals need magnesium for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Some research suggest that low levels of magnesium may impair glycemic control in individuals who have type 2 diabetes.

Studies have also found that the use of cinnamon will improve glycemic control. In these studies the improvements were slight but statistically consequence.

It is essential for people who suffer from diabetes, not to ignore the liabilities. Lifestyle changes and their potential lifespan will be greatly affected. The care and advice of your healthcare practitioner is most important when you consider treatment procedures for your diabetes. - 17273

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Wedding Weight Loss and Interval Training

By Ricardo d Argence

Your engagement triggers thoughts of what you want to look like on your wedding day. You are absolute look yours best things so that all of yours eye are going to be with you only.

The temptation to try to drop weight quickly is definitely there, but the best way to get yourself into a healthy and great condition is to adjust your diet and exercise plan in a healthy way. This is where Interval Training can come in to help make you the most beautiful bride that you can be.

Interval Training is basically an exercise plan that you mix high intensity activities with lower intensity activities all in one workout. Due to this you are working both your anaerobic and aerobic systems so that your body will get the benefit of both types of training. Perhaps the most appealing benefit of Interval Training is that you can get a great workout in only thirty minutes.

Warming up is the best way to start your workout. Once you are sufficiently warmed up, it is time to launch into the high-intensity phase of your workout. Decrease your pace to one that is more sustainable if you experience muscle fatigue.

This will allow your body to recover a bit so that you can breathe easier and your body can handle the activity. Once you feel like your body has recovered revert back to the high intensity activity and repeat the cycle.

Perhaps the best thing about Interval Training is that you can get a great workout in a shorter period of time. Additionally, it is a really easy concept to incorporate into your workout, but it will help to combat the monotony that can arise from your workout. And perhaps most importantly it is easy. You do not need an expensive trainer or gym membership. Instead you can listen to your bodies clues to know when and how you need to adjust your workout.

The truth is that a program like this will make you look and feel great for your big day. It is really tempting to do a fad diet that makes big claims about how you are going to drop a lot of weight without having to put in a lot of effort. Chances are programs like this will not last for you, and you will not get the results that you are looking for.

Pounds will melt off and you'll experience other fantastic benefits when you eat a healthy diet and regularly follow a interval training exercise routine. You cannot put a price on improved physical well-being.

If you increase your health, you will feel better physically. You will find yourself with more energy which everyone needs while planning for wedding. Perhaps you will get a greater sense of a self confidence which is more important one. This confidence is what will enable you to see beautiful in your wedding day! - 17273

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How Can Banana Nutrients Help Your Health?

By Rachel Greene

Bananas are considered to be one of the most nutrient rich fruits that you can eat -- they are also one of the most popular fruits eaten today by people of all ages all over the globe. This combination means that few foods can have such a regular and positive impact on our health and well-being. So, let's take a closer look at how banana nutrients can help your health.

Bananas are a great source of vitamins for a start, including vitamins A, B and C, and we all need plenty of those. They are also rich in a variety of minerals including calcium, magnesium and potassium. The calcium content here, for example, is a great way of helping promote healthy bone growth for both children and in adults.

It is, however, the potassium content of the average banana that is considered to be the nutrient of most value in the opinion of most nutritionists and diet experts. Bananas contain such high levels of potassium that some doctors will even recommend eating them if their patients have low potassium levels and need a natural boost here. They are also a good source of fiber which is also important to your general health and everyday fitness.

You should also remember that the potassium boost that you can get from eating bananas regularly can also help keep you physically healthy in other ways. It is, for example, good for your heart and for your blood pressure. The potassium content in a banana also makes them the snack of choice for many athletes and fitness trainers. Potassium can go a long way to avoiding cramps and muscle spasms after exercise, for example.

Bananas are also an easily digested fruit which means that this can be an acceptable fruit to eat if you suffer from certain stomach problems such as ulcers. The way that a banana breaks down in your system helps protect the stomach and causes few problems. For this reason many people swear by eating bananas after a stomach upset or bout of diarrohea as the stomach can accept and digest bananas very easily without further problems.

Finally, bananas can be one of the greatest snacks that you can eat when you are on a diet. They are rich in natural healthy sugars which will immediately deal with any cravings you have for sugary foods. You will also get an immediate energy boost with a banana that is similar to the sugar rush that you will get from eating a sugary snack. The difference here is that a banana is good for you!

You will also find that your body processes the nutrients from a banana slowly and steadily. This means that most people will feel fuller for longer and they will not need the energy boost of sugary snacks as there will be a steady flow of natural sugars and carbohydrates going through their bodies. So, as you can now see, bananas can help you keep healthy in all kinds of ways! - 17273

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