Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Facts and Mindsets for Quick Weight Loss

By Curt Joel

The biggest problem with fast weight loss is that if you lose it fast, it will come back fast. Dieting slows metabolism, among other things. Therefore, to lose weight and keep it off forever, it is important that you keep some things in mind. First of all, realize that permanent weight loss requires a permanent shift in your attitudes, habits, and lifestyle. The best place to start with some small changes. The first change? Reduce your fat intake. If you just consume 500 fewer calories everyday you will reduce your body weight by 1 pounds in 1-week. One pound of fat is 3,500 calories (7 days X 500 calories per day = 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat).

1. Here is a great place to start. Eggs. If you normally eat the entire egg, you are choosing to triple the number of calories you are ingesting. A simple fix is to eat only the egg white of the egg. This is a great way to get high quality protein without unnecessary counterproductive egg yolks.

2. If you're over fat, you became that way because of your habits, tiny daily actions. It was your lifestyle that caused it to happen. The obvious solution then is to change your lifestyle. This requires a life change. Part of that life change is the foods you currently choose to eat.

3. It is not that difficult to learn to like new foods. Some simple shifts to different, fat-loss friendly foods, foods that will be kinder to your waistline and hips. For example, if you want to alter the appearance and taste of skim milk, you could add condensed skim milk to it. This contributes just a few extra calories of protein and carbohydrate, but no additional fat calories.

3. To lose body fat successfully, that is, to rid the body of fat and keep it off, you must change what you enjoy eating. This is an integral part of the commitment to changing your life-style. If you don't do this, you will never rid the body of unwanted fat. Consider this, if you simply ate five hundred fewer fat calories per day (that's five tablespoons of butter or margarine), you could probably lose one pound per week of fat (and probably more than one pound per week of total weight).

4. Now cheese and nuts. These are very popular party foods. Why? I have no idea. If people took a minute to think about where on their body that cheese was going they definitely wouldn't eat it. Sure, cheese and nuts have received some acclaim as health foods - but not as weight loss foods. Don't eat these if you wish to lose weight.

Most cheese gets an abundance, more than 75% of total calories from fat. They are far NOT "health" foods. They can be eaten in small doses as part of a healthy diet; but remember the very high saturated fat content and total fat content. High fat foods are easily stored in the body. Stay away from them.

6. Portion size should also be a consideration. The amount of fat you eat every day is cumulative. So, if you eat small portions of foods containing fat all day, although the fat count could be low, the total fat consumed adds to your daily total calorie consumption total. - 17273

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Get Rid Of Stomach Fat Now!

By Tim Williams

The one special abs exercise that is the best for losing belly fat is

None! Ab workouts alone don't create enough of a metabolic response in your body to create fat loss.

Most people who have excess fat believe that the answer to having ripped abs is to do abdominal workouts which they believe is going to burn the fat off their abs.

Doing abdominal exercises to burn their belly fat is the wrong way to go about it. You arent going to lose belly fat just by doing abs exercises.

Doing only abs exercises may seem like the right way to lose belly fat and get flat abs but it is not. Focusing all of your exercise time to abs exercises is actually preventing you from achieving your goal of flat abs. Want to know what exercises then are better to do? These are a few better alternatives to regular abs exercises:If I were to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat, my answer would include full body exercises such as the following: clean & presses, snatches, and swings.

These types of full body exercises would encompass a much higher percentage of the workouts I would design instead of abs exercises directly targeting the midsection. Making a workout plan around these exercises is a great way to maximize your metabolism which we all know is very important in the burning of fat, much especially belly fat.

Now, this is not to say that you should no longer do any abs exercises at all. Rather this is a reminder to be sure to focus more on full body workouts as your time spent doing these is going to give you faster and more efficient results. There still is some residual work out in the abs when you do full body multi-joint combo exercises. Youll be working out your abs directly through these indirect abs exercises.

One thing we havent brushed on yet is the importance of a well balanced diet and healthy nutrition. If your diet is full of junk food and fried foods, no matter how much you work out you are not going to shed that excess belly fat.

So for once and for all Put your efforts into something more efficient such as a high intensity full body workout that is highly effective in losing that belly fat. Couple that with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive six-pack abdominals will yours in no time! Find out more about rapid six pack abs at RapidAbs.com! - 17273

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Taking an Antioxidant Supplement: Is it Just as Good?

By Kerry Welsh

It can be hard to get enough antioxidants through the day, because you need to make sure that you are eating all the right foods. For people who are very busy, or those who otherwise just want to make sure that they are getting enough of these antioxidants so that they can reap the full benefits, such as prevent fine lines and other signs of aging, and the prevention of various health problems, then there is always the option of just taking an antioxidant dietary supplement.

A lot of people wonder if taking an antioxidant supplement is just as effective as actually eating foods that are high in antioxidants and getting antioxidants in other ways and there are a few different things to think about here.

Facts to consider

So if you are thinking of taking an antioxidant supplement, there are a few things that you are going to want to think about first. For one thing, you need to know that an antioxidant supplement is of course easier than trying to fit in all those foods that are high in antioxidants. Of course just taking a single supplement each day is going to be much easier than making sure to eat three to four servings of vegetables, and this is why people who are very busy and who rarely are able to find the time to eat, can take a supplement.

However you also have to think about all the other important vitamins and minerals that you are missing out on when you are taking an antioxidant supplement, and which you would be getting if you were to actually be eating those healthy foods.

The best thing to do is to take an antioxidant supplement and maintain a healthy diet. This is not always possible but unarguably the best thing to do. By adding the supplement to your healthy diet you will also not have to eat as much food as you would have had to if you were not taking the supplement.

An antioxidant supplement will provide great health and anti aging benefits and you should ask your doctor for help in finding the right one for you. - 17273

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Benefits and Risks of Whey Protein

By Phil Ruth

Whey and Soy manufacturers did a superb job of confusing the public. For 5 years now the health and fitness community has been drinking up soy.

Eventually a research studies showed that due to its quick stomach emptying properties most of the protein consumed via whey protein is metabolized (burned up by liver enzymes). The whey manufacturers first responded by increasing the number of grams per serving. More protein would have to be consumed, thus more protein is sold.

Soy got popular with vegetarians. The industry watched when whey sales spiked, thus, to get their own position, they targeted on the "health" marketplace. Many of the studies are valid, however, they do not represent the entire picture.

One study looked at two groups of healthy middle aged men that were given isocaloric meals with one group eating soy protein, while the other consumed animal protein. They wanted to find out if there is a decreased propensity of gallstones when animal products are replaced by soy proteins. Very often gallstone accumulation is tied to cholesterol crystallization, so they then examined the participants cholesterol levels.

The study showed that cholesterol crystallization was slightly retarded in the soy group extrapolating that soy can help in preventing gallstones. Here's what the study neglected to address. There wasn't any control over fruit and vegetable intake. Soy is a vegetable, and it does happen to fall into the group of veggies that are high in isoflavones.

There are many benefits associated with the consumption of isoflavones, including a lowering of cholesterol levels. Contrarily, research has shown that the ingestion of meat is associated with an elevated cholesterol levels. This is not to say that people who eat soy will be healthier and have a better cholesterol profile than those who consume meat and vegetables. This just goes to show you that extrapolations drawn from research is often taken out of context and overemphasized.

Scientific studies indicate that there are cancer killing benefits of a meal plan rich in vegetables like soy. Most people would not assume that people who ingest soy instead of milk, egg-whites, and lean protein will demonstrate improved health, if a physical activity ingredient is included, the study would be invalidated.

Much of the information promoted specific to soy is published by companies with a vested interest in Soy product sales, like The USB (United Soybean Board). This doesn't mean that soy isn't an excellent source of protein, rather it shows that the health benefits have been taken out of context to sell Soy products.

As far as metabolism is concerned it appears that you are best off ingesting supplemental protein from a mix of whey & casein protein. The new protein supplements will hit the market and feature this exact combination of proteins. You are best to include a wide a variety of food as possible in your nutrition program. - 17273

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How Can Swimming Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you have been noticing a lot of dark blotches on your arms and legs lately, and if you can barely remember how they got there, you will quickly determine that you don't need to deal with this situation. Lots of people find that they end up bruising more easily as they get older, and if you are looking around for a solution, you may find that swimming can have a very positive effect on reducing the bruising condition. While swimming is not likely going to be the absolute cure all for your easy bruising, you may find that there are some very real ways that it can be beneficial.

In the first place, swimming and any sort of cardiac exercise can help your heart stay in better shape, and this, in turn, can help you improve your cardiovascular health. Remember that bruising occurs when you have damaged the blood vessels directly beneath your skin, and the blood seeps out, pools, and becomes a visible bruise. When you exercise, you will find that you can improve your cardiovascular health a great deal; essentially, you are toughening up your veins and making sure that they do not break as easily.

You will find it difficult to forget to moisturize your skin after your swim. A great many people find that the chemicals used in pool water or the the salt found in ocean water dries out their skin. To neutralize this dryness, it is suggested that you employ a good moisturizer that will effectively help you keep your skin flexible. Combining your moisturizer with the benefits of the exercise that your consistent swimming routine provides, will go a long way to make your skin feel more flexible and at the same time tighter, which then increases your ability to resist easy bruising.

If you are taking swimming classes of any sort, you will also discover that you are encouraged to drink lots of water. Being in the water all the time will remind you to drink more of it, and when you want to perform your best, whether you are doing laps, water aerobics or even synchronized swim, you will discover that you are going to get thirsty. Take the time to drink the water that you need, and you will discover that drinking like this will improve your body's metabolism, allowing it to deal with bruises more quickly and expediently when they do show up.

Put on that bathing suit that you love, grab your towel and head for the pool or lake. Swimming makes for good times, and a regular swim program is a step toward helping your body defend itself against bruising easily. Considering participation in a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which is uniquely formulated to help you overcome your easy bruising to the end up helping you to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether is highly recommended. - 17273

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The Good For Your Health Acai Berry And Fat Loss

By Mildred I Bailey

The advertising surrounding the acai berry from Brazil has skyrocketed in the last five years. You can discover ads touting its advantages for all from fat loss to the deterrence of aging and sickness.

Nevertheless, the acai berry is not new. It is an genuine berry fruit that grows on the acai palm in the rainforests of Brazil. The citizens of the locale have had this wholesome berry as a fundamental piece of their food intake for centuries. It is brand new to the rest of the world however, for the reason that this little berry is tremendously perishable and it has only been in the past five years and because of advanced processing methods that it has been offered at all.

The acai berry has an wealth of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, fiber and phytosterols. All of these fundamental nutrients help your body to work at its maximum levels. All of these nutrients can be favorable for fat loss and optimal wellbeing. The acai berry is in reality one of the most nutritious fruits ever found in nature.

When used as a supplement to an already wholesome pattern of eating and regular nourishment program, the nutrients found in the acai berry can be extremely valuable when it comes to fat loss. The fiber from the acai berry can help you to stay fuller for a longer period of time and contribute to a healthy digestive system.

Acai berries are rich in Omega fatty acids. These are essential fatty acids and they cannot be formed by the body. You can just get the vital Omega acids from the food that you consume. Omega fatty acids are important to many of the functions of our bodies and research is continuing on the many benefits of these nutrients including fat loss.

The acai berry also contains 19 amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which your body needs in order to build muscle. Muscle is metabolically active tissue and it is necessary to having a high-functioning metabolism. Having more muscle on your body makes you automatically burn more calories just from day after day living without any supplementary exercise.

The acai berry has a plethora of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The antioxidants help your body to fend off the damage caused by free radicals and the vitamins and minerals help you to have the energy and stamina that you want in order to diet and exercise and lose the weight.

Acai berries and the related products can be a healthy and nutritious extra to a good for you standard of living. This berry can give the optimal nutrition that you require to drop fat, stop the declines of aging and maintain your best wellbeing. - 17273

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Keep the Brain Strong By Excercising

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

A study published this past July found that patients who were diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's showed significant variations when it came to the size of the brain-patients that had a high workout regimen had larger brains than the patients who had lower ones.

The study was conducted by finding 121 subjects that were sixty years of age and higher and were monitored with a fitness test by treadmill and a brain scans that looked at the white matter, grey matter, and total volume of the brain. Of the 121 participants, 57 were diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's while the rest did not have dementia

"People with early Alzheimer's disease who were less physically fit had four times more brain shrinkage when compared to normal older adults than those who were more physically fit, suggesting less brain shrinkage related to the Alzheimer's disease process in those with higher fitness levels," stated author Jeffrey M. Burns, MD, of the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City and member of the American Academy of Neurology.

The results remained the same regardless of age, gender, severity of dementia, physical activity and frailty. There was no relationship between higher fitness levels and brain changes in the group of people without dementia.

"People with early Alzheimer's disease may be able to preserve their brain function for a longer period of time by exercising regularly and potentially reducing the amount of brain volume lost. Evidence shows decreasing brain volume is tied to poorer cognitive performance, so preserving more brain volume may translate into better cognitive performance," Dr. Burns stated.

This is one of the first studies to explore the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and Alzheimer's disease," mentions Dr. Burns.

Dr. Burns also makes clear that people should be cautious when interpreting the study results because scientists only observed the standard measure of fitness at one point in time.

The study was funded by the National Institute on Aging, the University of Kansas Endowment Association, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Oppenheimer Foundation. - 17273

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Fat Arms And 4 Mistakes You're Probably Making

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The reduction of fat arms has become quite the mystery. The truth is that countless women are lost in a sea of information confusion.

Why? Because all the marketing hype has created a sandstorm of false information. Even worse, there are times when the research isn't even clear.

And if the experts are having a hard time interpreting the research, how are you supposed to? You can't But I am here to the rescue.

So without further ado, here are 4 fat arm pitfalls exposed:

1. Giving supplements priority over whole foods. Ignore the labels and outlandish claims. Whole foods will always trump supplements. Our bodies have evolved to absorb food in its natural form, not pills.

2. Fiber supplementation. Unfortunately, this ever popular supplement has been shown to increase colon cancer rates. The good news is that you probably eat so many vegetables that fiber supplementation is a moot point. Right?

3. Thinking ultra-thinness is the epitome of health. Have you ever seen a thin women undergo heart surgery? I have. Have you ever seen a thin woman with flabby arms? I have.

4. Assuming carbs are the only thing that can cause insulin resistance. A state in which more calories get shuffled towards arm fat cells, insulin resistance can also be caused by high protein and/or high saturated fat intakes. So don't think fast digesting carbs are the only evil.

Warning: now you know 4 things to avoid during your quest to get toned arms. Knowing what NOT to do is just as important as knowing what to do. I know there is a lot of information out there. The key is to look past all the marketing hype and stick to the facts. And don't forget to take action! Without action, information is useless. Good luck! - 17273

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Acne Scars

By Gail Jones

Acne scars are a sad memento of the having suffered pimples or even acne previously. They are intolerable because of their seeming permanence and their non-complimentary look. Generally speaking, acne scars are rather hard to eradicate, but tissue regeneration is not impossible these days with all the amazing technological advancements.

In general terms, when referring to acne scarring, we mean the healed lesions resulting from an acne breakout. While most scarring is temporary and will probably disappear naturally in time, scarring from the more severe forms of acne can become permanent.

Acne scarring can be prevented if the sufferer sees a doctor when it is in the incipient stage, especially if nodules or cysts accompany the red pustules on the skin's surface. If the breakouts of acne have marked your skin, you will have to approach the problem from a different perspective, which most of the time involves surgery.

Laser resurfacing is one possibility of removing the damaged skin parts and stimulating the organic regeneration of the tissue underneath. This operation only requires local anaesthesia and can take between a few minutes and an hour depending on the extent of the problem.

Fractional laser therapy is one of the most recent methods of removing acne scarring. It involves surgical intervention at deep skin layers. The treatment is better than both dermabrasion and laser resurfacing in terms of quality and involves a much reduced healing period. Nevertheless, fractional laser therapy remains within the reach of only those few lucky sufferers, who can afford it, since it is the most expensive acne therapy currently available.

It can happen that other sessions are required to improve the condition of the superficial layers of skin, before they can tackle the deep level treatment of the acne scarring. The doctor may inject collagen into the scarring in order to elevate the existing skin level or she/he may suggest micro-dermabrasion for the same purpose. Trying to carry out chemical peels at home could be a bad policy because of the risk of aggravating the condition by irritating the scars even further.

As for the kinds of acne scars, they can be grouped according to the formation pattern. Scars can result because of an increase of tissue or due to a loss of tissue They both have an adverse impact on the way the face looks. Specialists' evaluation of the nature of the scars is a very important factor in deciding on the adoption of one form of treatment or the other. - 17273

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Metabolism, Bodybuilding And Weight Loss

By Kelly Stevensmith

You may have heard that keeping your metabolism high is one of the keys to losing weight, but you may not really understand what metabolism is. In simple terms it is the process that converts food into energy. Metabolism occurs in your organs and muscles, so it basically helps to speed up your body's engine to burn more calories and fat faster.

One good way that you can boost your metabolism is to never skip breakfast. Sometimes it may be difficult when you are in a rush, but keep in mind that eating a good, healthy breakfast will get your metabolism off to a good start. When you put off eating, your body starts to protect itself and slows your metabolism down.

Another way of keeping your metabolism at a high rate is to eat several healthy snacks between meals every day. You will want to concentrate on complex carbohydrates such as grains, fruits and vegetables for maintaining a high metabolism and keeping your meal portions at a moderate size. When you eat more frequently your metabolism never gets a chance to slow down as it needs to keep up to digest what you are eating.

Do some form of aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling, jogging or dancing every day. The best time to do this is in the morning if at all possible to get your metabolism supercharged at the beginning of your day. Try to stay active as much as possible throughout the day so that your body will operate more efficiently and burn off calories.

Take a brisk walk, in addition to your other aerobic exercise, at lunch or at night. This is another activity that is easy to do that will help to keep your metabolism running high. It can also give a nice energy boost and you may find that it will not only help you to lose weight but also improve your productivity.

Weight training is another thing you should try to do about three times each week. This will help to strengthen and tone your body as well as help you to lose weight. Not only will you burn calories, but tone muscles also help to raise your metabolism and keep your body burning calories and fat effectively.

Drink at least 60 ounces of water every day. Water keeps your body hydrated and is essential for your metabolism to function properly. One way of making this easy on yourself is to carry a water bottle with you and drink from it on a frequent basis throughout your day.

You should try to eat your large meals earlier rather than later. Most of us eat small breakfasts, medium lunches and big dinners. Try to eat in reverse and have lighter meals at night and eat your dinner as early as you can to help in losing weight. - 17273

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Make Your Next Bodybuilding Supplement Purchase Online

By Aaron Wilding

Shopping online is a great way to find discount bodybuilding supplements. Many websites offer specials and coupon deals for web shoppers that you wouldn't get if you went to their store. These are usually listed as Web Only Discounts and could be from 10-25% off the cost of the product.

Just because a supplement is classified as a bodybuilding supplement doesn't mean that bodybuilders are the only ones that can benefit from their use. No matter what your sport, you can find a supplement that will help you to perform better. And by shopping online you can save money while doing so!

A key thing to do when shopping online for supplements is to shop around. You can either go from site to site or you can use a comparison site to find the best price. This way you can really make the most of your money and get discount bodybuilding supplements.

Another key benefit to shopping online is that you don't have to go anywhere. You can order ahead and have it shipped directly to your home or business. As long as you plan ahead you may never have to worry about going to a store to buy your bodybuilding supplements again!

When you shop online, keep your eye out for product reviews. These are nice because you can read about how effective a product is from another person like you rather than just a salesman. It's a great way to decide what to buy and what isn't worth your time.

Shopping online for bodybuliding supplements is the ultimate convenience. You can save time and have your order on it's way in a short period of time. You'll also save money by not having to drive anywhere and you can shop 24 hours a day. It doesn't get any better than this!

Online shopping is a great convenience, saves you time and money (and gas) and you can get your bodybuilding supplements at a good price. What better way to shop than in the comfort of your own home. - 17273

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Lose Body Fat: Unwanted Fats Only

By John Knight

Not all fats are harmful to our body, so do not lose body fat which is good. In fact, they are helpful and carry vital nutrients that help our systems work correctly. They form the building blocks to develop bodily hormones, controlling inflammation and digesting some vitamins and minerals that are good for us. We also need them as our source of energy.

According to medical guidelines, it is not the fats that cause our diseases but the type of foods that we eat. So, the right amount of fats is indeed important for our bodily needs. The types of fats found in our diet are: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and the trans fatty elements.

Trans fatty ones are no good at all which are found in baked and fried foods. Monounsaturated ones help lowers bad cholesterol which can be found in olive oil, fish oil and nuts. Polyunsaturated fatty elements found in liquid vegetable oils, fish, seeds, meat, eggs lower bad cholesterol and controls heart function as well as proper clotting and many more. Saturated fatty substances are contained in butter, coconut oil and other oils which raise total bad cholesterol but helps raise bad cholesterol.

Be mindful of the elements or substance that you apply on your skin or you touch for they can be absorbed by the skin and will be circulated in your system. The skin is trans-dermal in nature so anything that gets in contact with is just the same as putting it in your mouth. Having known these things, you will be more selective and careful with the foods that you put into your mouth.

If you want to have further studies on the good and bad fats, you can browse and make a research online. You can find on the internet the natural and organic substances that can be good for your health. You will be able to find in certain websites the methods to eradicate the undesirables and lose body fat. - 17273

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