Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Losing Weight With Exercise: Several Truly Effective Tips

By April Kerr

There are two standard progressively helpful losing weight exercise programs, and some of them are even fun. In the event that you don't find exercising enjoyable you aren't likely to do it very often. The more you enjoy the weight loss exercise the more likely you are to work it into your day.

Needless to say, you wish to try to have a good time while putting in a daily workout. The more fun you can have the more often you will approach your losing weight exercise program with gusto.

You will want to skip your workout less often and you will realize results much earlier due to the fact that you are committed to the process. You only require about one session every other day so that you can develop the slimming that you would like.

Either way, any exercise is going to be more effective than no exercise at all. When you first develop your plan to lose weight, keep in mind that you have to do a good job at controlling the foods that you put into your body while furthermore adjusting and tuning your work out program so that you can make it more useful.

Remember that in the majority of cases you did not gain the weight overnight and thus you will not lose the weight overnight. Changes in weight can be more noticeable (and appear like they are literally overnight) for those who were once victims of eating disorders and have a permanently altered metabolism, but most individuals will notice steady gains and losses.

As you begin to lose weight you possibly will discover that you need to make more changes in your fitness program. On occasion a simple plateau can be discouraging and not easy to deal with. However, this just means that your body is beginning to react differently and hence you need to make incremental adjustments along the way.

For any plan that offers you a diversity of weight loss exercises, you possibly will desire to adjust it to the way your body starts to respond. If you notice exceptional results from the cardio you may want to fine tune how often you do the cardio v the weight or resistance training. The majority of individuals find that the results that they are really searching for come from the weight or resistance training, but your body is unique and you need to locate what works greatest for you. - 17273

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How to Lose 100 lbs, Simple steps that Will Make or Break Your Success.

By Ryan M Hall

If you need to lose 100 lbs or more and just aren?t sure where to start, you?ve come to the right place. While 100 lbs may seem like a huge mountain to climb, it actually isn?t once you are committed and have a solid plan. Just know that your choices every day will make compound to give you huge results in the long run. You CAN lose 100 lbs naturally and safely if you work at it. It?s not necessarily going to happen overnight, but you can do it. Here are some tips to help you lose 100 lbs.

When you are going to try to lose 100 lbs or more, you need to set a goal. Losing 100 lbs is not a good goal. The best way to do it is state your goal positively. Focus on weighing however much you will weigh once you?ve lost the 100 lbs. For instance, if you now weigh 300 lbs and you want to lose a hundred, focus on weighing 200 lbs. This will get your mind working on the reality of weighing 200 lbs instead of the abstract goal of losing 100 lbs.

Close your eyes for a moment, can you picture what a hundred pounds of fat looks like? Better yet, can you actually picture "losing 100 lbs?" Probably not because it is an action, not a goal. You need to picture what you will look and feel like after you lose weight. Think about how your body will feel when it is feeling lighter, thinner and healthier. When you give your mind feelings and pictures to focus on, you are much more likely to achieve the goal.

When you decide to lose any amount of weight, it is best that you have a good proven system. It is best that the plan you choose is guaranteed and will keep you losing weight consistently, without weight loss plateaus.

Get a system with a diet and workout plan so that you are doing everything possible to burn more fat in less time. You want to reach that goal as soon as possible, don't you? Be sure you can stay committed to the plan. Too many people start a plan and give up a few days into it because it is too strict or not strict enough. Don't be like them. Be sure you can continue the plan for as long as it takes to lose your weight.

Note: Diet plans that cut out important nutrient groups may get you instant results, but will lead to plateaus and eventually weight gain later.

It is true that cutting carbs will help you lose weight at first, but what is the cost? When you drop carbohydrates, your body goes into dietary ketosis, which is a condition where you lose water weight, then your body begins to convert fat and muscle into nutrients it can use in order to keep functioning properly. So, why is that bad? The reason is that even though you are cutting fat, you are also losing muscle tissue. You will be much better off if you get a diet system that is well balanced. There are a lot of diets to choose from, and when it comes down to it, it's best that you find one that works for you, after all, making sure that you achieve your goal is the most important thing to consider here.

Once you have your goal in your mind, stay focused. It is very easy to overeat when you're out with friends or at business lunches, but if you intend to make your goal as quickly as possible, you need to say "no." This may sound easy right now, but when the time comes, and when it involves food, it's often much harder than it seems.

We all love junk food, and we all eat junk food for one reason, it tastes good. That's why McDonald's does so well. Everybody knows that it's not good for them, but we all go through the drive through every once in a while. The problem starts when we go to fast food too often. If you do, it will guarantee you failure.

If you are going to succeed, you need to get rid of your vice food. This means any food that is your vice. Maybe it's ice cream, chocolate or potato chips. Whatever it is, you have to get it out of your house so that it won't tempt you when you're feeling weak. This is one of the biggest reasons diets fail, junk food is tempting and easy to get to. Don't allow yourself to fall into this trap. Get rid of your vice food until you've reached your goal.

Let your friends and family know what you're doing. Tell them your plan to lose weight and let them know that you are serious. Ask for their help to stay on track. If your friends or family are also struggling with their weight, let them know that you are going to achieve this goal no matter what. This way they will be less likely to invite you for a sweet snack or an unhealthy meal. The problem is that they might not have the same level of committment as you, and this could spell disaster if they try to tempt you. It's often the closest people who will try to tempt you, but they aren't you. Ask for their help to stay on track.

When you do this, some of your friends may surprise you and jump on board with you. Others may just sit back and not interfere. These friends and family will be the ones that make or break your success.

If you are met with resistance wherever you turn, find a coach, or mentor, or more healthy friends that will help you stay on track, or if worst comes to worst, put your head down and charge forward alone, only you can do this, so it will be only you at the finishing line.

Even though you have to eat healthy to lose weight, it's important that you occasionally get to indulge. When you get a plan that keeps you burning fat consistently, you are less likely to get discouraged and can fulfill some of your cravings. If you don't indulge occasionally, you will eventually fall off the wagon and put your weight loss to a screeching halt. Doing this just isn't worth it. There are diet plans that let you cheat sometimes, and still lose weight. You aren't a robot, you need to eat sweets sometimes.

It?s okay to have a little cake, or go through a drive through sometimes, but doing so at the wrong times can put a screeching halt to your weight loss efforts. You need flexibility and the option of having an ice cream sundae or a slice of pizza sometimes. Some diet programs actually give you a chance to eat these things and still lose the weight.

If you want to lose 100 lbs safely and easily, follow these tips and above all, stay committed, even if you back slide, you can do it. It?s up to you to take action once you have a plan, and when you do, you will be amazed by the results. Imagine the feeling of being 100 lbs lighter. Imagine feeling light and full of energy. If you can imagine it, you can do it! It?s all up to you! - 17273

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Colon Cleaning for Your Good Health

By Donnie Boots

Who wants to clean their colon? More important. Who wants to drag an extra twenty pounds of garbage around everyday ON THE INSIDE? Get rid of it and you can get rejuvenated. Many people lose weight when they cleanse their colon just by getting rid of years of waste impacted on the walls of their intestines. With a good colon cleanse you will clear out environmental toxins that have built up inside your body and have a healthier body.

Historically, humans ate a lot more fiber and drank mostly water not carbonated beverages, and were a lot more active in everyday life. So keeping regular bowel movements everyday was not as much of a problem as it is today. But even as people began to be less active on the farms and ranches of our times, the issue of eliminating food wastes began to rear its nasty visage.

There is an equally long history of different kinds of colon cleansing though it may have been called by different names. Most of the methods and most of the products have a lot in common. Some things are noticeably different within various cultures and countries. In Chinese medicine there are many specific herbs for teas that will help you establish a regular pattern of colon cleansing.

I want patience and I want it now! That is our world today. Got a problem? Fix it now. Make it snappy and quick so it does not interfere with my lifestyle. I have to ask if the orchestra that finishes first is the best. Have you never had a colon cleanse and are you worried about how to go about it. Should you go to a clinic? Should you do it alone at home? How dangerous is that? What should you look for in colon cleansing products? How do you know when one is good or not? Use your common sense and good judgment. Know your body first.

Your colon cleansing products should be effective, safe, affordable and have a refund guarantee with it. It helps to be recommended by trusted colleagues. But I know you still have questions about how to detoxify your colon. I follow the same pattern that nature does. You put food into your mouth and it gets digested and whatever does not digest is is eliminated waste. So your colon cleansing product should assist with flushing out your digestive system and include some water soluble fibers to scrub the walls of your intestines.

However, you want to understand the ingredients in the colon cleansing products you are reviewing. If the label does not give you adequate ingredients and instruction, leave it on the shelf. If there are more unidentifiable or unfamiliar chemicals than there are natural contents, avoid it too. If I cannot pronounce or do not recognize the ingredients I simply put the product back on the shelf. The purpose of colon cleansing products is to remove toxins from your body. You want to get rid of unwanted chemicals and excess waste, not add more chemicals to the mixture within. That seems counterproductive.

Some people prefer the old style enema because that is what they are familiar with. Well, that is sometimes risky. It is not as highly recommended today as it once was. Some people think using a bidet is an adequate cleanse. They are wrong. A bidet will only rinse the external areas. Remember, the purpose of colon cleansing is to clean your colon of impacted excess wastes that are reducing your body's essential functions. The colon is designed to absorb water and nutrients from the food you eat. It is the last stop before waste is eliminated.

Is your diet inadequate? Do you exercise enough? Do you have a lot of stress? Are you exposed to environmental contaminants in your every day life? If your answer is yes,Then you need to pay attention to lifestyle changes to keep yourself at optimal health. then don't even ask. Your colon needs cleansing. That is highly recommended in order to restore healthy function to your liver and kidneys and other organs. A clean colon contributes to a healthier and rejuvenated you. Then you need to pay attention to lifestyle changes to keep yourself at optimal health. - 17273

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Three Benefits of Acai Berries

By Mary Hartz

Acai berries are the fruit of a palm tree found in South and Central America. Similar to a date, these fruits have a large central seed and a pulpy outer layer. It is within the pulp that all the benefits exist.

Antioxidants As we all know, antioxidants may be one of the most powerful cancer fighters available in nature. Antioxidants abound in the acai berry. Anthocyanins as well as a dozen different flavonoid-like compounds are among the beneficial ingredients found in both the juice and freeze-dried samples of acai. The antioxidant attributes can be found in the blood within two hours of eating it.

Inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 Freeze dried acai berry power has been shown to have some ability to inhibit the production and effects of COX-1 and COX-2. When there is an early detection of cancer, these enzymes are visible in mutant cell structures.

This same power was shown through extensive extra research that it was able to decrease the reproduction rate of experimental cells of leukemia. This kind of research is good for people having a family based tendency for the disease as a possible source of preventative medicine.

Heart Health Oleic acid is found in acai berries, which already possess plenty of organic fiber and mono-unsaturated fats. These tiny fruits pack quite a load of heart-related health benefits, on top of their impressive protein dose. Already well-favored by athletes, amateur and professional, acais popularity is quickly spreading to the masses. Adding acai to a regimen of heart healthy exercise and eating may produce even better results.

It's more and more imperative that you buy acai products from a trusted supplier as interest in the berry grows. Scams abound as people try to cash in on this new trend. Before buying an acai product, research how much of the product actually derives from the berry, and buy only from reputable sites. - 17273

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Discover High Quality Acai Berry Products

By Betty J White

Acai berries are among the most nutritious foods on Earth. This tiny, little, purple berry is loaded with healthy antioxidants, essential fatty acids, a plethora of vitamins and minerals and shockingly enough, even 19 amino acids. It is no surprise that this amazing little berry has become so sought after.

Acai berry products have been pouring into the marketplace. You can find products ranging from juices, to powders to supplements made from the extract. There are some high quality products out there but there are also some substandard items. Do not be deceived by glitzy and glossy advertisements but be wary of what you should look for when you buy acai berry products. Make sure that you are purchasing a high quality product to ensure that you receive all of the potential advantages this amazing fruit can offer you.

The acai berry can only be found in the Brazilian rainforest. In addition to that the berry has been proven to be highly perishable. At this time it is impossible to transport the fresh fruit to other locations throughout the world. However, you can still get the advantages of the acai berry due to recent advances in processing methods.

The acai berry must be processed within 24 hours after it has been picked from the tree, otherwise the natural depletion of the nutrients sets in and the nutritional value is quickly deteriorated. Freeze-dried berries and the processed powder from these berries are what acai berry products are made from.

Processing methods can make a difference in the nutritional content of the product. The highest quality products are the ones that employ freeze-drying rather than heat and chemicals. Heat and chemicals can quickly destroy the valuable nutrients that are naturally in the berry. Before you buy an acai berry product find out how that specific product was processed.

Another thing to consider is how much actual berry extract is in the product. Nutritional labels list ingredients in order of amount so the products with the highest levels of acai berry extract will list that first. Whatever ingredient is listed first will be the main ingredient in the product. This may not really be a problem if that ingredient is also nutritious but it is still nice to know.

Acai berry products range from delightful juices, to capsules and supplements, to dried powder forms. Each of these forms can be healthy and nutritious and it is up to you to determine your preference. These fruits have been found to support good health for everything from weight loss to serious diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Acai berry products can be a healthful addition to your healthy diet plans. It is an excellent source of crucial antioxidants and other nutrients and it can only benefit you and your health. - 17273

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How To Build Up Muscle: Learn How To Build Up Muscle By Working Smarter Not Harder

By Henry Bantista

Who hasn't heard about the puny guy who takes his girlfriend to the beach only to have her stolen from him by the big body builder, and he even gets sand kicked in his face to top it all off. Well you may not be that puny little guy, but you may desire to add muscle to a somewhat small frame. You look at all the muscle magazines and idolize Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lee Haney, but none of this is helping you bulk up or teach you how to build up muscle. So what do you do?

The first thing you may want to look at is what not to do when attempting to learn how to build up muscle. Do not follow the big boys. Sure it is great to have an idol and even use them as a source for motivation, but let's be honest, how many of these guys got that way through traditional bodybuilding measures?

The super stars of body building have a genetic advantage over the rest of us. They were born with the right combination of things to build up muscle, and in many cases these guys have not used just standard body building techniques to gain these massive physiques.

Chances are you are more like the average Joe, particularly if you are that puny little guy on the beach. First of all you probably don't have the genetic gifts and advantages of pro bodybuilders. Secondly you will have to learn to train smarter not harder to achieve your goals. Here are some steps to help you achieve this, and begin to build the muscle you have always wanted.

In order to build up muscles you need to create a program that caters to your particular needs. This usually means starting slow and improving over time. Naturally the first thing to do is to not hide behind a computer or sit on the sofa playing video games, while those are great hobbies they will not help build up muscle. You must make a conscious decision to change things. In other words you must be willing to change your lifestyle, and begin to focus on your muscle building goals.

If you have joined a gym the one of the best things you can do is seek the council of a certified trainer. Many gyms have trainers that can assist you to create a program that is designed with your physique in mind. The first thing a good trainer will teach you is to work in moderation.

Another thing you need to concentrate on is focusing on your workout and blocking out those around you. Do not measure yourself up against the others, as nothing will discourage you faster. By trying to do what the other guy is doing you almost guarantee that you will hurt yourself.

Once you have your program in place stick to it. Commit yourself to going to the gym on a consistent basis, and do not deviate from the program do not let your ego convince you to overdo it. If you injure yourself by being foolish you may find that you are not able to return to the gym and this would certainly affect your ability to learn how to build up muscles. So in order to get results work smart and safe. - 17273

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Creative Ways to Prepare Eggs for Children

By Amy Nutt

Eggs have always been a popular and healthy food for the entire family. When eaten in moderation eggs are a healthy source of protein. Eggs are especially popular with children. If you are looking for creative ways to prepare eggs for your children, below are a few recipes that you can try:

1. Make some toast and add butter. Cut a hole in the middle of the toast. Fry or poach an egg and place it in the hole. With a glass of milk and fruit, you will be giving your children a healthy and delicious breakfast.

2. Scrambled eggs have always been a very popular meal. You can add some flavor to it by mixing in a bit of soup broth when you are mixing it. You can also add a little bit of spices and sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese in the eggs while you are cooking.

3. Cut an English muffin or bagel in half and toast it. Poach an egg. Once the egg is poached, place it on half of the toasted bagel or English muffin. Pour a little pizza sauce on the egg. Add a slice of pepperoni or salami and top it off with mozzarella cheese. Put the other half on top and you will have a delicious sandwich.

4. Omelets are very popular. You can spice it up by adding salsa and grated cheddar cheese when you are cooking it. Fold it over so that the ingredients are in the middle of the omelet.

5. Egg salad sandwiches can make for a great lunch. You can add flavor when you are mashing the egg by adding some lemon, onion and celery pieces. You can also replace the mayonnaise with a salad dressing such as ranch or dill. Other ingredients can include: pieces of bacon or ham, and red and green pepper. Make sure your eggs are completely boiled so you don?t have any runny yolks.

6. You can make your children?s plate more creative by using eggs. Fry two eggs. Make toast and fry some bacon. Place the food in the form of a happy face. Use the eggs as eyes. Cut the toast in angles and position the pieces as eyebrows and a nose. Use the bacon strips for the mouth.

7. Bake a potato and cut it in half. Remove a small amount of the centre of each half. Mash up a boiled egg and mix in celery, chives, and some spices. Scoop it into the centre of each potato half. Cover each potato half with cheddar cheese. Have a cheese burger with the meal.

8. Open up a pita so that it is a pita pocket. Mix egg and cook as scrambled eggs. Put the scrambled egg in a bowl and add onion, tomatoes, green pepper, and cooked chicken pieces. Mix them all together with feta cheese and a bit of olive oil. Put the mixture in the pita and you have a pita pocket sandwich.

It is very easy to be creative with eggs. Because children love eggs, they will be surprised and pleased with the imaginative meals you prepare for them using this delicious and wholesome food. - 17273

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Factors to Consider When Buying a Power Juicer

By Tyler Howarth

There are so many juicing machines around and often it is quite difficult to pick a suitable one. I first became interested in juicing after purchasing a Jack Lalanne Power Juicer. Many people frequently buy a juicer that is unsuitable for their needs. Prior to going out and buying one it is important to look at your needs. To make the appropriate choice it is important to know the salient differences between the different juicers such as those for fruit and wheat grass. Formulating a list of the main features you require is a useful exercise prior to going out and making a purchase

There are a lot of different juicers available in the shops. It can be confusing trying to decide between a centrifugal juicer, a masticating machine, and a twin gear appliance. The cheapest appliances are the centrifugal juicers which are the most often found in the shops. Due to their high speed they are particularly suitable for processing vegetables and fruit.

For fibrous foods like spinach, wheat grass and lettuce they are not particularly suitable. They also let some of the fruit juice go to waste and to prevent this, single blade or twin blade juicers must be used. For these particular types of food there are dedicated juicers available. One of the suitable types is the Miracle-mj 500 auger Juicer. They contain no aluminium parts, are easy to assemble, disassemble and operate and are cheap. The lower speed units, such as masticating juicers, produce less oxidation of the vegetable juice and, therefore, produce a much higher quality juice.

It is of importance to check the guarantee on offer before purchasing your juicer. A guarantee of 5 to 10 years is often available on most quality juicers. As the cutting blade wears out roughly after two to four months of usage, proper checks should be performed before any purchasing. It is important to consider the percentage yield that the juicer produces because this factor determines the output. There should be a lot less waste and more of the juice in the final product. Fruit juice can often be damaged by the oxidation from the heat from a high power motor. I would advise looking for a machine with a power output of about 420 watts.

A machine such as the Jack Lalanne Power Fruit Juicer is often a better buy than a non branded machine. This is because, spares and replacement parts are often easier to find.

An added benefit of modern juicers is they can be used for other functions other than just juicing. They can be used to produce nut butters, pasta and ice cream along with many other foods. These more modern appliances are really quite versatile. - 17273

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To Build Muscle You Have to Eat Properly

By Ricardo d Argence

Now that you have decided to bulk up with additional muscle mass you must have a plan that works. Weight training is essential if you want to add muscle to your body. What is not as obvious to most people is the need for correct, healthy eating. It takes healthy nutrition to build the muscles that you want.

This short guide will show you precisely what to consume but initially we?ll walk through a few of the basic ground rules for a sensible muscle building diet.

Firstly to build muscle eat more often. Try to eat 5-7 smaller meals every day. This is due to the fact that your body needs excess calories to support muscle growth and build muscle.

If you are not taking on enough calories then you will not be able to build muscle. 5-6 small meals every day will mean that you can take on enough calories without stuffing yourself too much at any single meal.

You should get rid of any junk food that is still a part of your eating habits. Many people have a junk food addiction and it can be hard to break, but this is necessary if you are serious about being able to successfully build muscle size and strength.

Make sure that you increase the amount of water you drink each day. A good way of doing this is to make sure that you have a water bottle handy whenever you go to work or head to the gym. Adequate water is necessary to rid the body of the waste products that body building routines can create. You also need to drink enough water to keep your body from becoming dehydrated during long, strenuous workouts.

Fourthly, split your small meals into the following amounts of fats, carbohydrate and protein. Try to divide them into 30% protein, 50% carbohydrate with the remainder coming from fats.

Fifthly, you need to learn what foods you should be eating for muscle growth. Here is a start to illustrate what some of the best muscle building foods are:

For protein: turkey, chicken, fish and shellfish, eggs, red meats, dairy products. These are brilliant sources of quality protein so include them in your daily meals as regularly as you can.

Some of these foods also have high levels of saturated fats. This means that you should use them wisely. Remember that you can balance your diet by using more egg whites, low fat dairy products and lean white meats.

For carbohydrates and sustained energy release: bread, bagel, pasta cereals, brown rice, oatmeal, and potatoes. For instant hits of energy take on board: fruits such as grapes, bananas, apple, raisins, orange and sports drinks.

Don?t worry about the fat portion of your meal that will take care of itself from the other foods naturally. Also be sure to get plenty of vitamins and minerals from leafy green vegetables. If you have enough money for muscle building supplements then go for a decent multi-vitamin, essential fatty acids, whey protein and creatine.

Finally a few words regarding the timing of your meals. To build muscle eat within one hour of finishing your workout, before bed and immediately on rising. If you wish to pack on muscle mass then these are very important times. With the above muscle building diet guidelines in place then you are in an excellent position to start building muscle mass fast. - 17273

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Understanding The Link Between Obesity And Toxins

By Alex Ariel Sanders

There has been immense outcry over chronic obesity and general weight problems that has developed in recent years in the United States, with many pointing the finger at convenience food stores and restaurants as well as the living of sedentary lifestyles. Scientific tests have shown that there are numerous other factors that can contribute and be traced back to environmental toxins and even artificial preservatives in foods that can lead to an accumulation of toxins in the body. More studies have found a direct link between toxins and obesity, resembling that of two mutually feeding spirals that only gets worse.

It has long been known that overweight or obese people have a slower than normal metabolism that allows toxins to build up in their bodies. These toxins lead to illnesses, such as heart disease and high blood pressure, as well as increasing the risk of developing degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis and diabetes.

Many people may not know that the list below is responsible for accumulation of toxins in the human body:

* produce laced with poisonous pesticides

* meat from animals that were fed with grains that contain residues in the form of pesticides or animals that were boosted with hormones

* processed foods containing a variety of artificial ingredients and preservatives that bond to the tissues of the body and block the normal functioning of certain organs

How this works? The body tries to resist and protect itself from harmful and dangerous substance contamination, when bombed by immense quantities it's unable handle, by encapsulating the poisonous substance in fat pockets and storing them until later when it may have the ability to effectively remove them.

The greatest challenge faced, is the incredible pace and immense quantities these toxins are thrown at the body, which cannot find the opportunity to eliminate the toxins already accumulated. In turn, we store even more junk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to get rid of it.

This fat accumulation again slows the metabolism down to such an extent that it allows for even more build-up. Just shows you how the cycle becomes self-sufficient, resulting in an early grave due to numerous chronic conditions and problems that have developed in the process. Now we get stuck in a rut with a question similar to that of the chicken and egg mystery. The answer is simple. Obesity can lead to toxin build-up in the body and toxin build-up can lead to even more obesity.

While the exact link between toxins and obesity may not be quite clear as daylight, the solution to the obesity epidemic in USA lies in the consumption of a healthier diet. More fiber and nutrients is what your body needs to fight toxin accumulation and burn fat at an increased rate.

We need to consume more natural fruits and vegetables (washed thoroughly to remove all traces of pesticides) and find a way to consume less red meat that has been processed through commercial feedlots. In addition, avoiding processed foods that are full of artificial ingredients and preservatives and limiting or eliminating consumption of caffeine, cigarette smoke, and chemically treated water will help to reduce the number of toxins bombarding the body and aid in detoxification of the body. - 17273

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The Miracle Of The Acai Berry

By Jacqueline V Long

If you have been reading about the acai berry and acai berry products, you have probably read some outlandish claims that say that this little berry can do everything from help you to lose weight to preventing serious disease. What is this wonder fruit?

Well the acai berry is exceptionally nutritious but it is just the latest discovery in a long line of extremely healthy superfoods. Superfoods range from blueberries to spinach and oranges to green tea. The list of superfoods goes on and on and there are many, many exceptionally nutritious superfoods.

In order to have a health promoting diet you must eat a variety of health promoting foods. Our bodies require a balance of nutrition in the form of the macronutrients of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats and the micronutrients of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals and oxygen damage that has a proven causal relationship in everything from aging to disease. When we increase the quality of what we eat we add to our health and longevity. But adding just one superfood like the acai berry cannot do this. We must have a combination of healthy foods.

If you are on a weight loss program you will see advantages from the addition of acai berry products. However this alone will not assist you in losing weight. You also need to start a regular exercise program and eat less. You can receive superior nutritional support from acai berry products but all alone that will not help you. You must also do other things if you need to lose weight.

Nature has provided humans with superior nutrition in the form of many healthy foods. We were designed to enjoy these healthy foods and when we do our bodies benefit greatly. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be the basis for our diets but we do not necessarily need to be vegetarians as many meat eaters also have a healthy diet. There are some animal products and meats that are more nutritious than others and it may be wise to be aware of where your food is coming from but that would include the fruits, vegetables and whole grains that you eat too.

We were never meant to eat unnatural and manmade foods. Mother Nature leaves clues. If the food you are consuming won't spoil within a certain amount of time then you probably weren't meant to eat it. If bacteria won't consume the food humans shouldn't either. The acai berry is only grown in the Brazilian rainforest and it is so exceptionally perishable that it must be freeze-dried or frozen within 24 hours after it leaves the tree or the health benefits quickly spoil.

The acai berry can be a great addition to your nutritious diet. The superior nutrition can help you to combat the effects of free radicals and that can protect you from diseases. You may also lose weight once your body gets the outstanding nutrition that it craves.

But the best way to achieve and maintain great health through diet is to make sure that you are adding in a combination of many healthy foods including blueberries, spinach, salmon, walnuts, broccoli, tomatoes, green tea and of course, the list goes on. If you improve your diet all around you will also get the highest benefit from acai berry products due to the synergy of nutrients. Your health will improve in many ways. - 17273

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Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 8 - Start a Low Impact Exercise Program!

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are considering how you are going to get rid of your existing bruises and how you're going to be certain that new bruises don't come back to replace them, you should evaluate how low impact exercise can help you. Exercise is the primary means of strengthening your body, and exercise is the best means available for keeping heart and your blood pressure working at the proper levels.

Another thing that you will realize though, is that not only is doing low impact exercise going to help you heal your bruises up quickly, it will also help you move forward and make sure that you don't get bruises as often in the first place. Exercise will help you become more graceful and less inclined to bump yourself or to fall, and you will also discover that it will let you improve your muscle tone, which is important for preventing bruises.

Think about the fact that good exercise is something that is good for you across the board. Not only are you activating your metabolism, you will also find that you are making sure that your body processes are kicked into high gear. That means that you are going to be able to heal your body faster, and that your body will be operating in tip top shape. This can be essential when you want to get those bruises gone.

You have a wide variety of low impact exercise routines to choose from that will enhance your resistance to bruising easily. Select a routine that you can really enjoy, and then be certain to follow it regularly. Regardless of whether you practice three times a week or you do it every day, just keep in mind that for your program to be effective you maintain consistency. That being said, which exercise program is most appealing to you?

You can begin by simply taking a brisk walk. If you have been avoiding exercise for a while, walking is a great place to start, because there are numerous other things that you can do while you are out walking. Walking is easy on your joints, and you'll have an an excellent excuse to catch up on new music or books on tape while you are enjoying the fresh air.

Another excellent low impact exercise that can help prevent bruising easily is swimming or any other activity that you can do in the water. Water resistance helps make you work hard while you're in the water, but all the while the water cushions your joints. Consider how much fun you can have with water based activities.

Whether you go to the gym or you have your own machine at home, elliptical exercise machines are an excellent way to get your heart really pumping without stressing your knees. Elliptical machines provide a perfect solution to vigorous exercising combined with joint safety.

You should determine which low impact exercise regimen is best for you, because it is a great way to help reduce bruising easily. Keep in mind that any exercise program will only only be effective if it is practiced regularly. To add to the benefits you receive from your exercise program, you should consider adding an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which is uniquely formulated to help you overcome easy bruising and help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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