Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bodybuilding Workouts To Train Your Body After Your 40th Birthday

By Ricardo d Argence

They say that age is just a number, but when it comes to work outs and staying in shape that age factor is a definite factor in how you will approach your fitness regimen. Some people want to say that they are over 40 and they use their age as an excuse for not maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a regular workout routine.

Regular exercise and staying fit are very important no matter what your age. If you approach weight training, diet and work outs the correct way you can maintain a remarkably healthy and fit body for many years, regardless of your age. There are many benefits of both weightlifting and bodybuilding. You can reshape your body, become healthier, increase bone density and weight loss.

It is no secret that people who keep physically fit also feel better about themselves and about life in general. People who exercise also experience the release of endorphins from the brain, which helps, maintain a sense of happiness and well-being.

When you are 40 years old and older you might want to make a couple of changes in your workout, but you do not have to be victim of the publicity about aging. With age, the muscles and joints become less supple, further necessitating appropriate amount of stretching and warm up before exercising.

A 15 minute time allotment that is devoted to necessary stretching and limbering up routines will benefit you by increasing flexibility, and decreasing the chance of muscle or joint sprain or damage. The more completely you stretch the better conditioned your muscles will become.

Next should come a 15 minute cardio session on a treadmill, an elliptical training machine, a stair stepper, or a stationary bike. You are not going for the gusto with this exercise, but you do want to get your heart rate up a little and you want to build upon the limbering and stretching that you just completed. This exercise will let your body know that you are serious about doing some work.

You will want to follow this warm up by doing reps with the correct weights, you should consider light weights for this workout, if in addition to this you are doing circuit training or a free weight routine you will not have the stress of heavy weights.

Many bodybuilders favor the pyramid system, which means you do more reps with less weight, and as you add weights, you will begin to decrease the number of reps that you do. This method of weightlifting has great success for those who want to add muscle and bulk to their bodies. Concentrate on the proper form at all times, even if you have to cut back on the weight or the reps, having your form correct with each lift must be foremost in your mind. Not only does this maximize your results, it cuts down on the risk of injury.

You should be training with weights at least four days per week and each session should be no more than 30 to 45 minutes. One could repeat a cardio workout to wind down after lifting weight. This also give your heart and lungs strength. - 17273

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Can The Cookie Diet Deliver Weight Loss Success? - 1

By Lee Reid

Do you think that you have gained too much weight and that it is now time to lose a bit of it? Or is it that your spouse is getting slightly worried about your shape and asks you to exercise a little? Well, the best answer for all these matters related to fat would be "cookie diet".

Cookie diet will control your hunger while offering you a meal. This is a very effective way of getting than to go through surgeries. There are a huge number of cookie diets available all over the country. You could by them without a problem from any place that you might prefer.

Make sure that you get your family doctor's thoughts and his opinion in finding the best cookie diet which has the least adverse impact on your health with a low level of preservatives. However cookie diets are developed with the intent on finding natural food substances for hunger control. Sticking to one particular diet will be very absorbing and very much an impossible task once you find tempting food which you have been enjoying eating throughout your life. It would be hardest while attending a party or some function and having to eat tasteless dieting meals while having to watch others consume all the mouthwatering delicacies. This is why cookie diet might be additionally effective. Controlling your diet would not be required. Your cookies will take care of the job. All you have to do is to take few cookies per day.

The cost factor will be the other factor that will come in your favor when you use cookie diets. Cookies would be much less expensive when compared with a normal breakfast or a meal. In addition a large number of these cookie diets are tasty. This will make sure that you won't think of it as a dull meal or as a medicine. It is a tasty cookie that you are eating.

We all would like to have the shape of our dreams, and would almost do anything to have the best figure. But going through all those time consuming exercises merely to lose your fat doesn't sound like an effective way. You would have to disrupt everything by trying to stick to the fat burning schedule. The use of a cookie diet will mean that you could have fun while your fat burning program is already on progress. It would be so much simpler and easier for you to get your figure back through exercising after getting rid of the initial body fat. - 17273

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Best Ab Exercises? Get Hot Abs With These Popular Abdominal Exercises

By Oliver Henson

Looking for six pack abs to improve your appearance but do not know where to start? These six pack waist exercises are not incredibly tough, but they're very important ( and particular ) because your goal is so defined.

The following three exercises are a few of the best ab exercises for those wishing to get six pack abs, so take good notes!

Crunches are where you lay flat on the floor with the exception of your knees that has got to be bent. Alternate moving each arm over your chest while feeling your abdominal muscles tightening up and doubtless burning to get the full effect. These are widely considered to be the best six pack stomach exercises, but there are others that can achieve your goal. However , six pack waistline exercises should be rotated on a regular basis.

Lying Bicycles are when you're lying supine on the floor with your legs raised at the hips and hands beside your head.

Bending your right leg at the knee while pulling your right thigh up at the hip along with curling your spine will achieve the goal. Just as you may have been able to glean by reading the title, this exercise should make you seem to be riding a bike while lying in the floor.

Seated Jackknife exercises are when you're sitting flat on a bench with your legs extended in front of you with your higher body at a 45 degree angle to the bench.

Fold your body by bringing your legs in and curling your backbone forward and bend your knees as you raise your legs inward. Hold the position for a second and then return to the original position.

Do not believe that doing six pack waistline exercises one day will create a 6 pack the following day, it is certainly a process! Just bear in mind that this is a major goal for you and you wanted it so bad at the beginning.

These integral 6 pack stomach exercises are a great first step, but there are more to come, stay motivated! - 17273

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Isometric Exercise : Hard Abs In 7 Seconds

By Elliott Berry

Isometric stress was once very hip in the 1960s and 1970s but has been just about disregarded since then.

When done properly isometrics can reshape a persons physique and add amazing strength without the person ever moving a muscle. During isometric contraction, the muscle is turned on and held at a unceasing length rather than being allowed to lengthen or shorten. In other words you are tensing a muscle and holding it in the same position while holding the strain constant.

Isometric exercises are useful to people who have had injuries that limit their range of motion and for rehabilitating muscle around damaged joints. Isometric exercises are also those in which a force is applied to a resistant object like pushing against a brick wall, there's a increase of tension in the muscles, however there is no precise movement of the muscles.

To increase strength, you must maintain the position in any isometric exercise for at least six to 8 seconds. Isometric coaching causes your body to induct more muscle fiber every movement, so the increased strength comes not simply from more muscle, but also from increased muscle potency.

Isometric coaching plays a serious part in soviet strength training programs. Regular training excites growth of new muscle tissue.


Muscle activation is the main isometric effect, some of the resting fibers are being pulled from both ends by the muscles that are contracting. The key to the usefulness of Isometric exercise is to focus on reaching peak contraction of the muscles and holding it for a period.

Isometric exercises will strengthen and sculpt every muscle in the whole body without hazarding injury due to joints and lower spine or muscle tears possible with weightlifting.


Isometric stretching is a kind of static stretching, involving the tensing of the stretched muscles.

A full session of isometric stretching should not be performed frequently a day for each group of muscles. Isometric contraction of stretched muscles does a couple of things.

Isometric exercises train the stretch receptors of the muscle spindle to immediately allow for greater muscle length. The use of isometric stretching is more effective than either passive stretching or active stretching by themselves. - 17273

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3 Nutrients of an Effective Six Pack Diet

By Travis Hunt

Are you wanting to learn the most effective six pack diet? You no longer have to look for extravagant diet fads and costly supplements. This article will help you reach your dream abs in no time.

If you want shape fast six pack abs, eating proper diet is the key. ou can eat your way to six pack abs. One thing you should discover is the proper diet that will kick your exercises to high gear.

If you desire to lose belly fat fast and easy, just keep your diet fuss-free and healthy. Don't forget that the foods you eat are the primary source of your energy. They provide the nutrients that can help your system work properly.

Proper nutrition is vital; avoid food that can harm your body. It's important to remember that following the right six pack diet will make you burn belly fat fast. Here are the 3 major nutrients you should eat to make your flat stomach exercises work even better.

1. Foods Packed With Protein

Your body can't possibly run properly without protein. It plays a very important role in building LEAN MUSCLES during (and even long after) exercising.

Protein can keep your energy level in check and help your body become strong. It helps increase your resistance to sickness and, at the same time, repair damaged cells. This macronutrient aids in your muscles' recovery from strenuous exercises and makes your body even stronger as you advance.

Protein rich foods you want to include in your diet are fish, lean meat, beans, eggs, and low-fat yogurt. Try to eat these types of food especially after strenuous exercise routines.

2. Healthy Carbohydrates

These foods play a vital role because from them you get your main source of energy. It is the second most important aspect of your six pack diet.

When you're running low on energy, carbs will provide you with the power you need to get back up. Exercising without carbs in your diet will only make things harder.

Green leafy vegetables, bread, pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and cereals are only a few of the good carbs you need to load up on. They come in especially handy on days when you plan to work out.

Muscle loss is only one of the many side effects of not consuming enough carbs; it might appear that you're losing fat but you're actually not. Moreover, you do yourself more harm than good because it has a negative impact on your metabolism.

3. Beneficial Fats

Did you know that the third factor of a successful six pack diet is fat? Yes, you read it right! Fats can be good for you, but you need to be careful because not all kinds of fat are.

According to scientific research, fats play a big part in successful fat loss. It actually helps you control your cravings. That said, it would be beneficial if you included healthy fats in your diet. Olive oil, nuts, soy beans, and fish are perfect examples of food rich in healthy fats.

Then you have your bad fats. These are fats found in baked goods, deep fried food, junk foods, fast foods, processed goods, and margarine products.

So always remember to eat foods packed with protein, good carbs, and healthy fats. This truly is the best six pack diet. This will also help you get used to a healthy lifestyle.

These are the three important facts about six pack diet. Consuming these nutritious foods will help you burn belly fat fast. Combine this with regular workouts and you?ll get your dream abs in no time.

Now you know the three nutrients that will complete an effective six pack diet. Keep in mind, you should add protein, healthy carbs and good fats in your every day meals. Avoiding those unhealthy foods can help you take care of your body inside-out. Eating proper nutrition will burn belly fat fast and easy. - 17273

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Time to Lose Weight; Let's Get Started!

By Timothy Frazier

Studies in North America are showing that more children are over-weight or even bordering on obesity. Thus, motivational tips for weight control are greatly needed before they begin to develop major health issues at a young age. Adults also are heavier now than they've ever been. Motivation techniques are needed in order to help us as a society to become healthier. The cost of health care is rising and it is cheaper to find ways of motivating people to lose weight than it is to treat them once their health reaches a danger zone.

Some motivational words of advice are quite useful in helping to shed the pounds. One way to develop self motivation in exercise is by only doing what you like to do. This means that you should skip sit ups if you don't like them, and focus on push ups instead. Jogging too boring for you? Try squats and step ups as a replacement. This strategy helps you by getting rid of that excuse of not liking the exercise, thus there will be less dragging of the feet to the gym.

Other common motivational suggestions involve variety. Do different exercises and mix them up so you never get bored and in a rut. It is also a useful way to exercise efficiently, as different muscles can be doing different things and you can maximize your workout. Exercise motivation can also be found with breaks. Set yourself regular intervals of rest so that your body can recover from the workout, and so that you have a small reward to look forward to.

There are lots of motivational tips that center on other people. You can use friends and family to increase motivation for you. Start up training with other people and you'll have less of an excuse to not exercise. Either your friends will give you positive encouragement to come out, or they'll shame you into doing your regular exercises. You can also create a lot of healthy competition by exercising with others, and this can motivate you to give that extra bit of energy during your training.

Motivational tips for weight loss and exercising are important, as it is far too easy to begin an exercise regime only to start missing sessions and then finally giving up altogether. By trying some of these different motivation techniques you'll be doing yourself a great service, as you'll be much healthier and you'll look better too. The solution to our nation's obesity problem is in staying motivated and taking action to lose weight. - 17273

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The Best Way To Reduce Belly Fat In A Week- Get A Flat Midsection Fast

By Carter Singleton

How would you like to reduce belly fat in a week plus get a slimmer waistline? Take a couple of minutes out of your day to read this article and discover which diet actually works the most efficient to lose that mulish belly fat and get speed ed up weight loss!

The reason why majority of these diets that you see out here today are ineffective is simply because they're based around fad dieting methodologies. Low calorie, low carbohydrate, low-fat types of programs don't work simply because they are able to all cause your metabolic rate to slow down!

What you need to do to reduce belly fat in a week is boost your metabolism and give your body what it wants...PROPER nourishment. The best diet program that will help you with all of that's the calorie shifting program from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.You can eat plenty of food, but your intake of calories must be either significantly lower or higher than the prior day. It helps to have a general meal plan so you stay on track with your shifting. That is what becomes a fast way to lose belly fat.

The calorie shifting diet is extremely powerful at burning away determined fat such as that on your midsection because of the fact that it'll cause your metabolism to accelerate to the highest point possible. This happens by trying the "shifting" idea that you are going to learn after you download the diet program. With the "shifting" concept, you will find out how to alternate the calories from the foods that you eat so you can trick your metabolism into elevating to the highest point possible.

The final result with the calorie shifting system is you'll be in a position to reduce belly fat in a week, lose a large amount of weight, and keep it all off permanently since you'll be doing so one hundred percent naturally!

So, if you would like to reduce belly fat in a week and lose get a slimmer waistline, then I recommend you try out the calorie shifting diet today. - 17273

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Learn About A Gluten Free Diet

By Tara Locksley

If you are looking to change your diet to a gluten free diet, it is probably because you have Celiac disease. This condition is the most undiagnosed condition and 9 out of 10 people do not even know they have it. Celiac disease is genetically determined so unfortunately there is nothing that you can do to prevent the disease; you can only change the way and what you eat.

The small intestine has a lining that is damaged from the gluten and a person will then experience symptoms from weight loss, bloating, vitamin and mineral deficiency, among other problems. Someone living with this condition is strongly advised to change his or her diet to a gluten free diet. The small intestine will immediately start to heal when he or she changes their diet.

Gluten is hard to take out of someone's diet because so many products use grains during manufacturing. People often eat gluten in their food and they are unaware of doing so, but it is difficult to know if the product contains gluten just by its name. All in all, to improve your health, it is essential to eat a gluten free diet. For some help a person living with celiac disease can see a registered dietician when putting together your new diet.

When changing to a gluten free diet, you are consuming foods that do not contain any gluten including but not limited to wheat, rye and barley. Sometimes oats can be considered gluten because these oats can become contaminated during the manufacturing process. There are some clues however, that will tell you if grain is an ingredient in the food, which can be found on the label including stabilizer, starch, flavoring, hydrolyzed, plant protein, emulsifier.

One thing someone with celiac disease must be ready to change their eating habits. The gluten free diet needs to be consistent. While shopping, you can always look at the ingredients on the labels of the food. Many products will have the ingredients found on the label.

Today there are many supermarkets now stocking some gluten free foods because this condition is being diagnosed more often. There are also special health food stores that may have better selections on the types of food you are looking for.

During the week, it may in your best interest to pack lunches for work or school. Now it is not to say you cannot eat at a restaurant again but when you do eat out, keep it simple. Stay away from any sauces or dressing because they frequently contain gluten ingredients.

Once you are on a gluten free diet, you will find that it is easier than anticipated. However, doctors are becoming more aware of the disease due to more diagnoses. People with celiac disease have incorporated this diet into their lives and now they feel they are living a normal life like the rest of us. A gluten free diet is not the end of the world, changing a few things in their eating habits will have major improvements in their body. - 17273

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Nutrition Research Reviews Offers A Comprehensive Overview Of Nutritional Science Today.

By Pedro Toledo

As parents, today, we face an uphill battle in trying to get our children to eat healthily. There are so many temptations out there in terms of television and advertising and every which way you look, there are new products on the market, aimed at children. They're always advertised as colourful and exciting and very pleasing to the child's eye. But we must give up on teaching them the life-long benefits of healthy eating.

Start as you mean to go on When our baby is born, we are overjoyed with this beautiful new human being and we treat him/her with the utmost care. We breast-feed to ensure that they are getting the best start, but we need to continue nourishing them with healthy foods after the baby faze is over.

We should introduce new foods regularly and if they are not received well on the first go then we need to reintroduce them again and again until our child becomes accustomed to the taste. It has been found that it take 10 tastings of particular food to actually acclimatise to the taste and texture. Therefore, persistence is key and will in the long run help your child to have a healthy palate.

Whole grains provide complex carbohydrates. These are also the good guys. Not only do they have fiber and low in calories, but they are also low in fat as well. Most of the whole grains haven't been processed so all of the nutrients are still contained in the food. Many times people try and avoid carbohydrates as they feel that it will convert to sugar easily. But when fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are consumed they are considered complex carbohydrates so they will not affect your blood stream as the processed starches will.

When they're toddlers introduce finger food so that they get used to feeding themselves. But stick with your plan of everyone eats the same. This will only change if your child has an allergy to a particular food type

A Raw Food Plan that has been well thought out and researched can prevent you from making mistakes and guide you through potential pitfalls like eating out and dealing with well meaning friends who don't understand etc. It's good to be guided until the new way of eating ( Not diet! ) becomes a habit - your new "normal" way! This takes, usually, about twelve weeks. A good plan also needs lots of recipes for meals as well as delicious juices and smoothies else you can get in a bit of a salad rut and get bored! Following such a plan could well leave you feeling more energised and lively than you have felt for years and rather slimmer too. Why delay any longer! - 17273

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What are the Different Weight Loss Surgeries and the Associated Risks Involved with Each?

By Adriana Noton

With the increasing rates of obesity across the country, more people are looking for an effective method of losing weight. When traditional weight loss programs fail, overweight or obese people will consider weight loss surgery. There are a number of different weight loss surgeries available. The type of surgery chosen will normally depend on the person's health status and body type. Before selecting a particular type of weight loss surgery, it is important to be aware of the different kinds of procedures available and the risks involved with each.

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (Lap-Band): This type of weight loss surgery is often chosen by those who are overweight or obese. A surgeon inserts an inflatable band around the top part of the stomach to create a small upper pouch. Saline is injected into the Lap-Band which creates restriction. This restriction helps an individual to consume less food which promotes healthy weight loss. A person will also feel fuller after eating less food. The Lap-Band can be adjusted using saline injected into an access port underneath the skin to regulate the amount of restriction. Risks associated with Lap-band surgery include: band slippage, leakage of the device or erosion of the band.

Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG): This type of surgery is often called stomach stapling. The surgeon uses surgical staples to divide the stomach into two sections. The top section is small which allows only a limited amount of food intake. There is a small opening where food passes from the top section to the lower section of the stomach. To inhibit stretching, a non-adjustable ring is placed around the small opening. Risks of the surgery include: staple line break down, suture tears and leaks.

Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD): With this kind of weight loss surgery, the surgeon removes a large section of the stomach. Once removed, the amount of food and stomach acid production becomes restricted. The small pouch that remains is attached to the end section of the small intestine. By doing so, the food passing through will bypass the other sections of the small intestine. This permits the calories and fat from the food to be sent directly into the colon where they will not be absorbed. The result of less fat and calorie absorption is weight loss. Removing a section of the stomach is quite an invasive procedure. The major risk associated with this procedure is there is a high risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Choosing to lose weight by having a weight loss surgery has become a popular choice for millions of people around the world. It is one of the fastest growing forms of weight loss methods in the United States. If you are obese and are considering weight loss surgery, it is important to learn about each surgery and the risks and benefits of each type of procedure. Consult with your physician or a weight loss surgeon to help determine which surgery is best for your particular situation. - 17273

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Can I Lose More Weight With Workout Videos Than at the Gym?

By Carol Nelson

What's better, going to a gym (or getting a personal trainer), or following workout videos, be it ones you've downloaded online or purchased? Here are 5 reasons why the videos will serve you better in the end.

#5: Work Out in the Park, If You Want.

Don't be locked into the gym's schedule and opening hours. Instead, do your workout videos at home, at the park, or anywhere you want, really. And it doesn't matter if you feel like working out at 6am or midnight -- the videos are always ready.

#4: Get Instructions Without Queuing Up For A Trainer.

If you don't know exactly how to do a certain move, you have to go ask someone at your gym. Trainers are usually busy, and even if they aren't, there's still a good chance they won't know exactly what you're asking. With good workout videos, the instructions (and alternate moves) are built-in.

#3: Never Hurts To Double (or triple!) Check.

Ever had to re-ask a question about a certain exercise, over and over? Then, after the explanation was done, were you still not sure you had it right? Asking a trainer who you might not be paying $500/month to is only going to work so many times, whereas with workout videos, you can view them to infinity.

#2: There Are Thousands of Videos Out There.

A gym is a gym. Besides staff changes, major renovations, or the creativity of the trainers, it doesn't change so much. Whereas with a set of workout videos, you can pick and choose from dozens (hundreds?) of different routines.

#1: Don't Forget About the Gorgeous People.

Sure, it may be a frivolous concern, but there's something about a beautiful personal trainer (of any gender) that helps a lot of people get motivated. And there are a lot of great workout videos out there featuring some very beautiful ones. - 17273

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Supplements Are Simply Tools To Increase Your Muscle Building Potential.

By Pedro Toledo

Have you ever thought that you would willingly give an arm just to get the physique of a movie star? Well the good news is you can and it will not even cost you an arm. All it will cost you is dedication, persistence and the correct instructions. For real body building results, it is important that you reduce the amount of fat on your body. Fat tends to hide your body muscles pretty well. To achieve this fat burn results, you will need to make important changes to your life.

Some people try to show that they do not want a fit by making humorous remarks but the truth is they are hiding their inability to keep fit. Because who would not want to have a healthier body that looks good? Another misperception that some people have is that abs will take less time to recover because they are smaller. But if you really think about this it makes no sense since abs are not dynamically different in composition than any other muscle of your body.

Monitoring your diet is great for burning the fat off your body, but this is not what will build your muscle. For that you will need the appropriate exercises. Using body building natural methods, we can continuously work our muscles into shape. And in order to get the best results, it is important that we only use a reputable training product.

There are many reasons that influence the importance of this. All so often, many people who are beginning workout programs either start their adventure too fast or start with the wrong exercise routine.

After talking to him I realized that indeed in my desperate attempt to lose weight and show off my body and muscles I was working out approximately 10 hours every day and was actually very proud of it. Its nothing to be proud of as I was only damaging my own body.

Diet consciousness is very important in this case because you might start to lose weight but you will not achieve good abdominal shape unless your food intake is proper. Try to eat foods with lesser foods and instead go with foods that are richer in energy. This means avoiding fast foods and instead opting for health foods. - 17273

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