Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Want A Colon Cleanse Supplement But Which One

By Kym Y Butterworth

Colon cleansing has become extremely popular these days, and of course that much consumer demand has spurred an excited quantity of new products hitting the shelf. There are more options today for cleansing your body of harmful toxins than ever before. If you are trying to lose weight or just want to ensure that every area of your health is in good working order, then you should consider which of these options will best suit your lifestyle.

Pills for this purpose are sold everywhere and almost everyone is aware of them. Yet, most people do not realize they are not the only option. Actually, for many people they may not even be the best option.

There is one important decision that you have to make first. You can purchase something to use at home or you can go through your doctor and request a colonoscopy, which is a medical procedure that will do the job for you.

Even though you have the guidance of a trained professional if you go through your doctor, it is too invasive and expensive for most people.

The majority of people are going to elect to find a product that can be taken at home at less expense. Your choice at that point becomes whether to go with a pill or capsule supplement since they are so readily available, or look for another form.

Pills that cleanse the colon or even every organ in the whole body are widely available and easy to purchase. They can also be very affordable even when purchased a kit with more than one type of pill involved. The question is whether you can remember to take them at certain times of the day and if you can handle swallowing larger sized pills or capsules. If that is not a problem, then look for a product with natural ingredients.

For others, there are different types of colon cleanse products readily available.

The next best choice is likely to be a tea form. These products are also becoming widely available and are obviously less difficult to swallow. You will have to read the directions, but some still have to be taken at certain times of the day and possibly more than once a day.

If tea is already a natural part of your daily routine anyway this could fit right into your world without problems. If you don't drink it regularly already, then use it as a treat or a time of relaxation. Obviously, one other perk is that it tastes much better than swallowing a pill.

If you have to have immediate rewards, then an enema product could be your ideal route. This is more invasive and most people will cringe at the though of using them, but if used cautiously and not abused they can deliver more immediate results.

Once you decide on a product and use it for the given period of time, it is important to give your body a rest before doing it again. It will take time for toxins to build up before you need it again, but you can keep the benefits long term if you clean up your eating to include more fiber. You may also want to take a fiber supplement or use a high quality psyllium husk supplement before bed each night.

The trick to effective colon cleansing is to find something you can do without interrupting your daily life and then to use it responsibly. Great health benefits have been linked to these products, especially if you are trying to lose weight and get healthier. - 17273

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Acai Fruit Pulp As An Antioxidant Source

By Carter Sinclair

The acai berry comes from the palm trees, which is a fast growing plant found in Central and South America. It yields two crops each year. The berries are similar to the grape in size and appearance, except that the acai is darker in color and has slightly less pulp. They're found in bunches of three to five. One of the great draws of acai fruit pulp is the antioxidants it contains.

Free radicals can cause aging and cellular mutation as well as other diseases. Antioxidants are what protect the body from these free radicals. The main antioxidant in acai berry that does the protecting is anthocyacin. This powerful antioxidant fights off free radicals.

Anthocyacin is the man antioxidant found in red wine. Acai berries have thirty three times the antioxidant levels of grapes antioxidants. In addition, acai fruit pulp contains polyphenols which is another powerful antioxidant.

These antioxidants, along with the other nutrients in acai berries, not only can slow the look of aging, but can help repair tissue damage, fight bacteria, and even boost your cardiovascular system.

Also, the acai berry is used for many medicinal purposes such as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antimutagenic. These are just a few uses doctors are finding for the acai berry.

The acai berry really does contain so many vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial for your body. When you drink acai berry you are making your body healthier and happier as well as fighting off those harmful free radicals. - 17273

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How a Weight Lifting Program Can Help You

By Wakelin Smith

An appropriate weight lifting program is essential if you are working towards attaining the goal of any muscle builder - seeking to build his muscle mass. A good weight lifting program entails putting together a program that will bring about the desired result. This means that a muscle lifter should not simply go into the gym and throw weights around. Rather, he should have a specific routine to follow. Specifically, lifting weights involve weight training programs that are based on the proper science and tested techniques. Here is a sample workout program that uses a variety of weight exercises.

Stand with feet wider than shoulders and hold a heavy dumbbell in both hands. Bend knees and, keeping weight in the heels, lower butt until it is parallel to floor. Keep abs in and make sure you can see your toes. Push through the heels to raise back up and repeat. Come onto all fours, hands a bit wider than shoulders, lower body resting on knees. Pull the abs in and, keeping back straight, bend elbows and lower body towards the floor until elbows are at 90 degree angles. Push back up and repeat.

Stand with feet together, holding onto a bar or wall for balance. Step back about 3-4 feet and bend both knees, lowering into a lunge. Do not allow front knee to bend over the toe. Push back to starting position and repeat. Try not to push with the back foot - use front leg to pull your back leg in. Lie on a step, bench or floor with weights a few inches above the chest, elbows even with bench. Keeping abs tight, exhale and push arms up overhead - keeping weights a few inches apart. Don't lock elbows. Lower back to start and repeat.

Strength requires balance. This means that a weight trainer must balance his exercises between the push-based strength machines and pull-based ones. This is very important otherwise the body becomes structurally undeveloped. Look at it this way, if one only does one type of exercise and less on the other then he only develops the one that is exercised more.

In life, we usually reach or step with one arm or one leg at a time. Then we hit the gym, and we immediately plant both feet or grab a bar with both hands. This is known as the bilateral bias. This often results in a dominant limb negotiating more of the weight than its weaker counterpart. This can lead to physical imbalances, performance flaws, and eventual injury.

Stand with feet hip-width apart holding body bar, barbell (or dumbbells in front of thighs, palms out. Bend elbows and bring weights towards the shoulders (without swinging). Lower back down and repeat.

Lastly, a weight lifting program involves the fundamentals of a science. As such, it involves proper form and execution. Any weight lifter must approach it with precision and care. Otherwise, the time he spends in the gym comes to naught. It is important that he goes through the program with this in mind if he seeks to be successful in transforming his body into the muscle buff he desires that it becomes. - 17273

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Anti-Aging And Weight Loss With Resveratrol

By Jen Flour

Resveratrol has now been featured in many places including the media and a variety of other sources, as well.

Television shows like Oprah have even gone as far as to recommend viewers to take this amazing supplement because of its great proven benefits.

60 Minutes, the popular television program, first investigated red wine 17 years ago. They were particularly interested in why the French were so thin despite a diet high in such foods like cheese. Red wine, as we know now, is a drink that is full of resveratrol. We now know that resveratrol was very important to staying healthy.

Scientific studies also have proved this. For example, in one study, two mice were raised with the same high carb diet except one was given a resveratrol supplement while the other one did not receive such supplement.

After a while, the weights of the two mice were taken and it was found that the mouse that had gotten the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner than the other mouse despite having the same lifestyle and diet!

Our bodies can only absorb about 40-50% of the nutrients we eat. So, the rest of the food ends up being stored in fat cells for many years at a time. Often, this excess turns into toxins.

Since resveratrol has anti-oxidant properties, resveratrol can work to remove the toxins from our bodies and make sure things are running smoothly for us. These results can even occur just by taking resveratrol for a short period of time. So you can take advantage of the benefits right away.

For this reason, if you want to try out resveratrol for yourself and get these great health benefits, then try a resveratrol supplement like ResV Pro. At the time of this writing, ResV Pro is even being offered for free so you can try it out before spending any money on it. - 17273

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Want To Lose Weight Faster?

By Laura Croff

We all know that as we age, wrinkles, blemishes and other skin imperfections begin to appear.

However, there is a way to combat these difficulties and return to a state closer to our youthful, smooth, healthy skin.

Certain problems like exposure to sun and exposure to products which contain harsh chemicals means that our skin is often left in a not so young state.

UltraSlim XS has a unique formula which uses the green tea extract to fight back against these problems using anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens.

With these two ingredients, UltraSlim XS replenishes and nourishes your skin in ways that we couldn't do before.

Much scientific research reveals how effective UltraSlim XS is. The anti-carcinogenic properties of green tea extract is very beneficial in neutralizing free radicals. These unwanted cancer-causing agents bombard our bodies daily making it difficult to keep our skin from not showing the signs of aging. By reducing these free radicals, cancerous cell mutation is not as likely to happen. UltraSlim XS insures that you can fight back against these factors and make sure they do not effect your skin.

Anti-oxidants also are in UltraSlim XS and they fight even stronger against the spread of cancer. UltraSlim XS is able to fight in these two ways so that your skin can stay naturally young.

UltraSlim XS helps to rebuild the collagen and elastin that naturally has its production decreased as we age. By rebuilding these two important substances in our skin, your skin's outward appearance will improve thus dimishing wrinkles, fine lines and other visible imperfections.

If you are unsure of whether UltraSlim XS is going to work for you, don't worry! UltraSlim XS is currently offering a free trial so you can try the product out and see if it works without even having to spend any money on it. Go ahead and take advantage of this offer. - 17273

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A Look into Mixed Martial Arts Nutrition

By Amanda Gamdana

Being a participant in an MMA game match entails a lot of work and so, a lot of training is needed in order to stay competitive. Martial arts are different from MMA since you're only allowed to use the established techniques for that particular martial art but in the case of MMA, players are allowed to use any martial arts technique. Some of the counterattack and attack moves can be used in the MMA but are not accepted in regular martial arts. MMA is not just a men's sport since at this very moment several women have also become part in these matches.

The physical prowess of players is essential and players will move faster if their muscles are strong plus enhanced senses and the knowledge of various MMA techniques can you give you an advantage and chances of winning the game. To gain more physical power, many players in the MMA use nutrient supplements which can be in the form of pellets, syrups, powders, tablets, and capsules.

Athletes now are encouraged to have low fat and high carbs diet because carbohydrates are the main energy source. When you plan to compete in a match or tournament, you will require a lot of energy and with adequate carbohydrates as part of your diet, you will have sufficient energy to complete the fight. Besides the carbohydrates in your daily food intake and food supplements and you'll need fiber. Pasta and bread may be rich in carbohydrates but these foods lack vitamins, minerals, or fiber and if your goal is to be physically fit then you should be eating natural foods.

The body's building blocks are proteins and all athletes, without regard for their sport should be using the right proteins so if the foods you consume do not have proteins will want to take protein supplements A lot of companies exist all over the world that manufacture or produce these protein supplements however, you'll want to talk to your doctor before taking any nutritional supplement. Medical advice is still the best because if you ingest too much it may have harmful side effects to your body.

Hazards to your health might be by fatty acids as well as fats so even if used for a short time they might become effective to your body over the long term, negative side effects could occur. Omega 3 is a fatty acid that is required in preventing the excessive fat storage though it also helps to stop the breakdown of the muscle tissues.

Mineral supplements are just as important as that of vitamin supplements so see your doctor in order to choose your best nutritional supplements for you. Nutrition is a very important factor a player depends on to achieve victory though it is not sufficient by itself so you need to ensure that good nutrition is supplemented by an extensive knowledge of different fighting techniques. You must also have superb reflexes and sound mind, and then combining these you will have the upper hand in mixed martial arts competitions.

Mixed martial arts fighting athletes should always be conscious of how important of nutrition so they should get with their doctor or nutritionist and then by doing so, they can decide what to take. Set up an appointment with your nutritionist now while you're still training, so you can shape the condition of your body as well as your health. - 17273

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David Wolfe And His Latest Product, Longevity Now

By Michael Torc

David Wolfe's newest creation, Longevity Now, is expected to solve the costly problem of eating healthy to stay young.

David's resume as best selling author includes titles like Amazing Grace, Naked Chocolate, Eating For Beauty and The Sunfood Diet Success System.

His academic caliber includes degrees in political science and environmental engineering. Among the institutions he has studied at is Oxford University. In addition, he contributes as professor of nutrition for thet Dr. Gabriel Cousens' Masters Program.

David has a unique advantage on the field of nutrition. He is the son of two medical doctors. Since 1995, he has delivered over 1,000 lectures and seminars throughout the United States, Canada, Central and Latin America and Europe.

He works in conjunction with Sunfood.com for the development and marketing of unique organic food items. You might know Sunfood.com by its former name, Nature's First Law. They were the first to introduce organic items like cacao beans, goji berries, powdered encapsulated mangosteen, maca extract and cold-pressed coconut oil to health food stores in North America. The company has received multiple awards for its extraordinary record in ethical business practices.

Each year, Wolfe organizes at least six health-related retreats at various centers around the world.

David is the leading contributor of The Best Day Ever, his own online magazine on nutrition and peak performance. He also founded the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, a non-profit organization, that aims to plant over 18 Billion fruit trees world wide.

David's spare time is usually occupied with hiking, yoga, hot springs soaking, planting fruit trees, literature, writing, alchemy, chemistry and spending time with loved ones. Many remember him from his participation in Mad House, a 2004 reality show, as "Avacado".

When Longevity Now will be released to the public on June 24, 2008, it will reveal an innovative "longevity technology" that anyone can implement and afford. It involves simple additions to our every day lifestyle that are also delicious and exhilarating. Be sure to bookmark Longevity Now so that when you purchase the multimedia product from this site you can receive the Longevity Now Bonus that includes a rebate. - 17273

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Bucks County Exercise Videos - Benefits vs. Consequences

By Jose Loni

Exercise videos are here to stay. We like them because they make our lives easier, are inexpensive, and allow us the privacy to ease into a healthy lifestyle at our own pace. But what are pros for others become a major con for some especially those who need a more social environment to keep them going.

Exercise videos like Jane Fonda's, Suzanne Somers' and Richard Simmons' have been very popular in the past.

They paved the way for the great selection of videos on pilates, yoga, tai chi, belly dancing and more on the market today. There's a huge variety of exercise videos out there and that's why they're still popular.

It is more motivating to exercise when there aren't any obstacles to discourage us. That's why exercise videos are better because they are very accessible. No technological issues to deal with. Just pop in and play the video anytime you're ready.

Videos are inexpensive. A one-time cost gives you a lifetime of workouts and if we don't feel like it, we're not pressured to train because our membership is almost up or the gym will be closing in an hour. And there are no monthly fees or hidden costs of gas, parking, and travel time.

In addition, videos allow us to go at our own pace especially when there are certain moves we need more practice with. We're shown how to do it correctly and we can also pause the video at any part and keep repeating the section if we need to.

Exercise videos have the benefit of being very visual with simple instructions. Therefore, it is easy to imitate the movements demonstrated. There is little to no confusion of how they should be done. This is not the case with e-books. Words can easily confuse especially when typos occur.

There are definitely benefits and consequences to exercise videos. Convenience, cost, self-image and social interaction are all factors that affect our choice, but whatever we decide to go with, the most important thing is to be aware of these factors so we can make the best choice for us. - 17273

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What You Need To Know About A Cleanse Diet

By Ron Cripps

Are you feeling poorly due to the fact that your body has been taking in to much bad food, little sleep, drinking alcohol and smoking, perhaps you should really thank hard about researching a body cleanse diet to clean up your body of bad toxins that can give you long term health risks.

Before you take on a cleanse diet, you ought to consult a health professional or nutritional expert. This is particularly true if you have a medical condition or are taking medication. As rule, if youre taking medicine for a limited period of time, you should probably wait to finish that treatment before considering adopting a cleanse diet. This is for the reason that your body may still not be strong enough or for the reason that some cleanse diets contain hormones or substances that can interfere with the effectiveness of medication, or vice versa.

In addition, rather than choosing a cleanse diet, you ought to research the particular advantages you will acquire. A cleanse diet that is too general in its claims, as an example youll feel better is very hard to assess. In saying that, if you dont notice results, theres no line of attack where you can make a complaint or make the professional be held answerable.

An added good idea is to access the nutritional merit of the cleanse diet. This involves researching the amounts of proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats, fiber, and carbs that the cleanse diet includes. These principles are significant as they let you verify the authenticity of a cleanse diet very simply against a nutritional chart. It in addition lets you make certain that youre receiving all the nutrients your body wants.

A number of cleanse diets will contain a small number or a total exclusion of some elements, such as fats and carbs. If this is the rationale, you should speak with your detox expert why those basics are not there and how they are going to be replaced.

To finish, if youre going to follow through a body cleanse program with a nutrition professional, you may want to also get a calendar or schedule of visits and how much it will cost BEFORE HAND. Its very disappointing to have to stop a detox treatment because you ran low of money in the halfway point of it or because the Health Professional just realized that extra sessions are required.

Things like teas, pills, detox patches are usually all extras so you may want to ask the pricing, so as not to have some unpleasant surprises. Going a cleanse treatment with a consultant will always be the most pricey option, but on the other hand, the fact that youre putting your hard earned money at stake will make you think twice about reducing it halfway. - 17273

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Some Advice on How to Buy High-Quality Supplements

By Billy K. Beemtrum

Health-conscious people are always looking for ways to improve the way our body functions. Sometimes, to create a healthier body, all we need to do is find something that protects us against potential environmental threats and allows us to restore our body's natural harmony.

Sadly, we're constantly faced with attacks from toxins that we breathe, eat, or absorb through our skin. That's why I think getting resveratrol on the market is an important step in the right direction.

Just in case you're not familiar with it, resveratrol is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the market, and can help your body get rid of toxins that cause you harm. Resveratrol is not a synthetic substance. Resveratrol occurs naturally in fruits such as grapes that grow on vines.

In fact, it's found in red wine, which I'm sure you know has been promoted for some time as an effective way to improve the health of your heart. Yes, you'll find that resveratrol is the main contributor to the benefits that we find in these berries.

What exactly does this stuff do? As was mentioned earlier, our bodies are under assault on a daily basis from the toxins that we find in our everyday environment. You might find fungi and bacteria because of these impurities. Resveratrol can even attack fungi and bacteria in ways that minimizes the threat to your body from these toxins.

That alone can be enormously beneficial to the health of someone on a resveratrol regimen. Of course, it is also best to understand a few simple tips that can help you make the right purchase when you look for a place to buy resveratrol supplements.

Don't try and be too cheap when you buy. Yes, you can definitely find manufacturers out there that are charging less than $10 a bottle. As I'm sure you've heard many times, you almost always get what you pay for. When you focus too much on price, you are probably going to wind up with a subpar product in all likelihood.

Try and go with a supplement that has a proven track record. This is not meant as a knock on products that might not have the same name recognition as a more popular supplement; but, it is important to stick with those brands that have a good reputation in the marketplace. Just by doing this, you should automatically boost your chances of getting a quality resveratrol supplement.

It's just my personal opinion, but I think supplements that are red wine-based are better than the ones that come from other sources. I'm not implying that supplements that come from other sources won't be beneficial. They are. The supplements that are derived from wine tend to be a bit more powerful.

Don't buy resveratrol that is loaded with fillers or additives. You should definitely be sticking to supplements that are 100% resveratrol, since it's this compound that's the active ingredient. Things that only serve as fillers don't give you any health benefit.

Always go for supplements that offer a complete moneyback guarantee -- and a free trial period would be good, too. Companies behind these products are almost always confident in the results you'll get. They wouldn't make an offer like this if they thought that people who took them up on it wouldn't be thrilled with the product.

Thankfully, there are many excellent places to buy resveratrol products out there, but also a decent number of scams. There are some links below to resources that will guide you in the right direction. If you simply follow these tips, I'm pretty sure ill be able to find a resveratrol source that satisfactory. - 17273

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How to Gain Muscle in 4 Easy Steps

By Hugo Andersen

Building muscle requires a fairly simple plan....eating right and exercising regularly. There is no magic formula in building a perfectly sculpted body. However, you can learn how to gain muscles by following the tips below. These tips can help you in developing a well formed body structure.

You need lots of food to support muscle growth. A diet that provides the correct nutrients to support muscle building is just as important as the training program. It is important therefore to create a power diet that will promote quick muscle growth.

You can get recipes for a power diet on health magazines and online fitness site. You can also consult a dietician or a fitness training coach and seek advice about the proper diet that can build body mass.

If your budget permits, a personal trainer can help you to reach your goals much faster. So it is important to enroll in a body building gym so you can get professional assistance from a training coach.

make sure to create an exercise routine that you can stick to. It is not good to skip fitness training. If your training is erratic, it would be impossible for you to develop a well toned and perfectly sculpted body.

You should train all body parts to imbalances in muscle development. Your training and exercises should also develop your joints and strength so you can lift heavier weights.

When starting a new training routine make sure to allow a couple of weeks as a break in period to avoid injury. For example when developing your abs muscles, you should use an exercise ball first before starting a hard workout with a machine.

Once you are past the first couple of weeks you can begin to train muscles to failure. You have to motivate yourself to perform extra repetitions. By making extra reps during your regular exercises, your body will be more prepared to take on more demanding fitness trainings.

Muscle building isn't complicated but it does require a lot of hard work. You also need to implement a good diet and exercise program to quickly achieve your goal. - 17273

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What Are The Links Between Junk Food and Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are bruising easily, to the point where you can't remember getting the bruise at all, or when merely lightly banging into a door frame or shelf can make you bruise spectacularly, you may start wondering what the cause is. One of the issues that you might be running into is a vitamin deficiency, and one of the reasons for that might lie with your consumption of junk food. Junk food is very aptly named, and when you think about the empty calories that you are throwing into your body, especially without any redeeming quality of added vitamins, it gives you an easy reason to think about why your bruises might be getting much worse than they were before.

In the first place, you should consider what actually causes bruises to occur. As we age, our skin starts to get thinner and more fragile, and a number of separate situations can then lead to our capillaries becoming much thinner and frail. Because of this thinning of skin and capillary walls, even a light brush against something can cause our capillaries to break when they otherwise shouldnt, and that can be the cause of some fairly significant bruising. The answer to overcoming easy bruising starts with giving our body the resources it needs to strengthen the capillary walls when they break, and to make them less apt to break in to begin with.

The problem that occurs when you consume too much junk food evolves from the fact you are not getting the nutritional resources that your body needs to shore up its defenses. How many junk food products can you name that will give you a good dose of vitamin C, or vitamin A, or even iron? When you eat junk food, you are basically just stocking up on complex sugars. Complex sugars result in an immediate dump of energy into your system, which can help you get through a rough spot, but you are going to feel a drop (or crash) very soon thereafter. After the drop, you are likely going to be grumpy, and the temptation will then become to look for another high. On the other hand, simple, or non-complex, sugars will break down more slowly, which will give you a much easier time making your temporary burst of energy last longer.

If you are eating junk food on a regular basis, you are likely distracted from eating the foods that are right for you're trying to aid your body's ability to heal itself, and depending on your family's medical history, junk food could also be a contributing reason for your contracting diabetes. Easy bruising is one of the warning signs and symptoms of diabetes, so that is just another reason for you to be more careful about the kinds of food that you eat. Spend one day and commit everything that you eat to writing. From your list question yourself, Am I getting the required dosages of the vitamins and nutrients that I should have? Does your list seem to scream out the likelihood that you have any deficiencies?

You should take some time and really give thought to your diet. If you ever want to rid yourself of the tendency to bruise easily, you need to concentrate on having a good diet. - 17273

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