Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Advanced Wellness Research Trial

By Linda Kemp

If you suffer from chronic health problems then you might be wondering if there's a natural supplement that you can take in order to make yourself more comfortable, better able to take advantage of the opportunities that your life provides, and possibly even put those health issues behind you. The good news is that there is a new super food that can improve your chronic health condition no matter what it is! This food comes from the acai palm of Brazil and it's a fruit that looks a lot like a normal blueberry. The fact of the matter though is that the acai berry packs in a lot more minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial substances than any berry that you're likely to find growing in the United States! The acai berry is special because it has the ideal combination of the essential things that the human body needs, not only to survive, but also to perform at its bests! This miracle food essentially lets the body work like it's supposed to so that you can enjoy the life that you're supposed to live!

Of course the acai berry isn't really a new discovery. In fact, the natives of the Amazon river basin of Brazil have been enjoying the benefits of this fruit for thousands of years! What is new about the acai berry though is that it's now available in this country in the form of a nutritional supplement that concentrates all of its positive benefits into a single easy and convenient dose called Pure Acai Berry! With Pure Acai Berry, you can get all of the advantages of the fruit of the acai palm without having to worry about the details of shipping, storage, spoilage, and all of the other issues that come from dealing with fresh fruit. Especially fresh fruit that's shipped all the way from South America!

So what kinds of health problems can the acai berry help with? The answer is that no matter what health problem you have, there's a good chance that adding Pure Acai Berry to your diet will provide you with an improved quality of life! For example, the powerful antioxidants and nutrients of this supplement will help your skin look better, your heart to function better, your blood pressure to go down, and your brain to function better. You'll even find that you have improved memory and concentration thanks to this product! Plus you'll have improved quality of sleep. You'll have fewer aches and pains which is a real relief for anyone who suffers from arthritis. You'll also find that you have more energy and will be able to regulate your weight more effectively! Even your liver and kidneys will do a better job of flushing all of the toxins out of your body!

The great thing about using the acai berry is that it allows you to do so much more with your life! For example, if you have more energy, get better sleep, and have a clearer mind then you can jump into life with more passion, attention, and dedication! More energy will also mean that getting the lean, athletic look that you've always wanted will be easier and more gratifying. Fewer aches and pains- as well as quicker recovery from injuries- will translate into a greater passion for getting out into the world as well. Even your libido will improve with the help of the acai berry!

With all of these health benefits, you'll definitely find relief from your health problems with the help of the acai berry! - 17273

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5 Little Things to Easily Take Control of Your Diet

By Thong M. Dao

If you're serious about being healthy, the best way for you to do this is through a proper diet. Although nearly all of us tend to cheat from time to time because of our busy lifestyle, it's best if you're able to stick to some specific routines on a daily basis.

Should you divert from your ideal healthy eating plan, these 5 steps will bring you back on track and prevent your body from falling too far from your ideal weight.

1. Organic fruit. A minimum of 2 helpings of fruit should be eaten each day. You can also consume fruits by making a smoothie and dividing it into 2 parts, so one is ready for later. It will keep you on track and it's delicious, too.

2. Organic veggies. We should all consume veggies every day, it's part of the recommended daily rations. They help us stay healthy and offer a good source of fiber which helps in other ways.

If you have a hard time consuming vegetables, try to include some green leafy veggies in with your daily smoothies. It would come as a nice surprise to you that this is exceedingly tasty.

3. Sprouting is a very simple process. Just get some seeds which you can germinate, like wheat berries or lentils, place them in a jar to soak for several hours, then drain the water off.

Lightly wet them 2 times per day and they will germinate fairly quickly. Get some of these whenever you feel hungry for their marvelous health benefits.

4. Aside from fish and meat, taking flaxseed oil on a daily basis is a great way to get Omega 3 fatty acids. When this becomes a part of your daily life, you will be amazed to note that it makes so much difference in the way you feel and your health.

5. Water. Even though it's not a food, it's even more important to your diet. Consume a lot of water equating to half the weight of your body daily in ounces along with ocean salt of quantity one pinch per 16 ounces.

This will make an amazing difference to your health. You'll see after you take it for a week. - 17273

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Fitness Infos - Weight Loss Center

By Dani Maurer

If you are interested in losing weight, you may have thought about joining a weight loss center. Weight loss centers are often used to describe weight loss programs that are locally operated. If this is your first time looking to join a weight loss center, you may be unsure as to what you should look for in one. An important part of joining a weight loss center is finding the weight loss center that is perfect for you and your own personal needs. For that reason, there are a number of factors, which are outlined below, that you will want to take into consideration.

One of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when looking for a weight loss center to join, is the location. With gas prices high, many individuals find it difficult to travel long distances. You will have to pay money to become a member at a weight loss center; therefore, you should be careful about adding on extra costs, like the cost of gasoline, to your membership. If, at all possible, you should look for weight loss centers that are conveniently located either close to your home or your place of business.

Speaking of costs, as previously mentioned, you will have to pay to become a member of a weight loss center. This cost will vary depending on the weight loss center in question. On average, most weight loss center memberships are around twenty or thirty dollars a month. With that in mind, it is possible to find weight loss centers that cost more money. If you are on a budget, a weight loss center membership fee may have an impact on the weight loss center that you chose to become a member at.

Although it is important to find a weight loss center that you can afford, you don?t want to have your decision be based solely on costs. You will want to take the time to examine apiece weight loss center that you come across. For instance, you should be healthy to find some weight loss centers that only have weekly or monthly meetings or weigh-ins for members to attend. On the other hand, there are weight loss centers that may have exercise classes or a fitness gym, which you should acquire access to as a member. If you are healthy to find a calibre weight loss center or one that comes highly rated and recommend, higher membership fees may be worth it.

When looking to find the perfect weight loss center for you and your needs, it may be a good idea to do a little bit of research. With the internet, it is easy to review a company or a program, like a weight loss program. With a standard internet search, preferably with the name of the weight loss center in question, you should be able to come across program reviews or online discussions. Research is not only a great way to find weight loss centers that have great reviews, but it is also a great way to learn of any weight loss centers that you should avoid or ones that are known for not being worth the costs.

Although many weight loss centers come highly rated and recommended, it is important to find the weight loss center that can best fit you and your needs. - 17273

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Avoid Fad Diets Like Plague " They're Nothing But Trouble

By Thong M. Dao

It's not surprising that many people wonder why fad diets are bad when they seem to get results. You'll find many sites on the internet claiming significant weight loss in just a few days.

That is always temporary. It's usually 90% water which will be put straight back on as soon as your body rehydrates, which it must do or else you'll suffer severe health problems or die.

We also have over hyped fad diets that are not crash diets which push you to the extremes. However, these do not help you lose fat. They only help you lose money.

Good nutrition plans are available. However, why spend money when you can obtain the same information from your doctor for free? On the downside, they can be too difficult to follow, which is why many give up in no time.

Here are 5 reasons why fad diets are bad.

1. Here's the fact about weight loss programs that promise you a quick fix. They require you to eat certain types of food. Following those programs means that you're not getting a balanced diet.

They may suggest supplements but many supplements are not absorbed by the body unless they are taken along with the foods that the diet has banned. After a few weeks, if you stick to it that long, you may begin to suffer nutritional deficiencies.

2. Fad diets are often boring and over restrictive. After the first day or two, you'll not enjoy your meals anymore. You'll then start to crave food constantly and break the diet. You may even feel guilty, thinking it is your fault that you did not lose weight.

3. Fad diets do not meet the requirements of the American Heart Association. "These diets are short term", promoters might argue. But what happens if you do not reach your goals? Now make your choice: continue what's bad for your health or stop and you'll most likely gain all your weight back.

4. Many fad diets do not help you to incorporate enough servings of fruits and vegetables in your weight loss program, or give you the variety of foods that your body needs.

5. Fad diets are nothing but a temporary solution which does not produce permanent results. Permanent results need a permanent solution.

Yo-yo fad diets only make your weight fluctuate. And in some cases, you may end up gaining more weight than you've lost. The up-and-down weight issue hurts not only your health but also your self-esteem.

The only way to lose weight for good is to follow a healthy and moderate diet, exercise regularly and stay away from fad diets. If you come across a fad, run as fast as you can and don't look back. - 17273

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Should I Cleanse My Colon?

By Alissa Lee

A healthy colon is essential to good health, which makes colon cleansing, parasite cleansing, and detoxing a must. Everything we eat ends up in our bowels as toxins. As these toxins build up, we end up with various diseases, such as being overweight, constipation and candida.

Why should you try a colon cleanse product? One word...Toxins.

Are you suffering from some sort of ailment, constipation, acne, candida, brain fog, or sluggishness? If you are, you are most likely feeling this due to a problem with your colon.

You see, the colon is one organ that indirectly and directly affects all the other organs in the body. When it's clogged up, the liver can't do its job properly. When the liver can't work efficiently, the kidney suffers, etc. So to start curing our symptoms and to get better, we must do a colon cleanse process.

For most of us, toxins and mucoid plaque fill our colons. These conditions lead to our colon being clogged, which may lead to constipation. How did we reach this state? We reached this state of unhealthiness by bad dieting, poor lifestyle choices, and poor living conditions.

A great percentage of Americans today consume too much protein. Some protein is good for the body, but too much can lead to over-acidity. An overabundance of acid in your body can deplete the necessary minerals and electrolytes from your body leading to poor colon health. If your colon is in poor health, it is unable to attack harmful bacteria and toxins.

Many of us also overeat. We all know weight gain is a huge problem, but that notwithstanding, eating too much in one sitting can have serious long-term effects. Ideally, we shouldn't eat more than a handful of food in 1 meal. Overeating leads to an overuse of enzymes, and can cause our colon to work even harder.

Our environment is also another major cause for an unhealthy colon. Unless you live with the Eskimos, you probably are subjected to pollution, secondary smoking, harmful chemicals, pesticides, etc. every single day. Our immune system has to work overtime to rid our body of these nasty chemicals. This weakening of the immune system leads to a weakening of the colon as well.

You can treat many of these symptoms by cleansing your colon. Treating these symptoms will make you feel better and strengthen your inner organs. By cleansing your colon you are ridding your body of toxins that accumulate do to an unhealthy diet, environmental pollution, and chemicals, and a constant use of antibiotics.

Bowel cleansing not only cleanses your colon, but it indirectly cleans your small intestines, large intestines, and stomach as well. Trying a colon cleanse regiment can help anyone, even if you are not suffering from constipation.

Every day we are subject to unhealthy toxins. These toxins are due to unhealthy diets, environmental pesticides or pollution, stress, over or under eating, and or malnourishment. Our colon is under stress with all these toxins. Removing these toxins by using a colon cleanse will help the colon work more efficiently. - 17273

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A Cure For Clogged Pores

By Just Ask Fred

Beautiful clear healthy fresh skin is desired by everyone and you can have it with Healthy Pores. A three part skin system that will rejuvenate and cleanse your skin all at once. Your skin will look better than ever when you use this product, Healthy Pores. If you suffer from acne Healthy Pores can help you fight this disfiguring ailment many suffer from. Some of us are more likely than others to develop acne and this can be due to over active hormones, especially during puberty. Teens, adults, men and women, this product is for everyone. Seventy five percent of teenagers have recurring acne and in women over forty fifty four percent suffer from acne. This three part system can help you fight the acne occurrences you suffer from.

There are two layers of skin. The dermis is called the living layer and lays beneath the epidermis, the thin top layer that contains and sheds the dead skin cells on its surface. Any oil that collects under the epidermis or between the two layers resulting in inflammation causing an acne breakout. Suffers of acne have found that exfoliation doesnt completely eliminate dead skin cells and scrubbing roughly can only spread the bacteria and cause scarring. Using Healthy Pores cleanser with its two percent salicylic acid help to remove dead cells more completely using a gentle pressure. This acid has been used to clean skin and care of the skin experts have never changed their view of this acid. There is nothing better and it can be used with soap and water which gives you a nice clean face with that tingling refreshing feeling.

Then you apply the Health Pores cream to your skin this destroys bacteria. Your skin's naturally occurring oil, sebum, is necessary in certain amounts for the health of your skin. But for those that suffer from acne, this sebum gets caught between the epidermis and dermis which clogs the pores. Healthy Pores cream destroys the bacteria, which can spread across the skin to all areas, creating more blemishes. Similar to how salycilic acid that is used in the cleanser, the tea tree oil in the cream is a naturally-based ingredient that has been utilized for many years. It destroys the bacteria without drying the skin out, and does not cause redness due to the anti-inflammatory properties. This skin cream has other naturally-based ingredients to feed your skin nutrients.

The nutritional supplements of Healthy Pores is what really stands out in these products. Overactive hormones are the cause of acne and these hormones, during puberty, are known to be in overdrive during puberty, fertility cycles or changes in the weather or exposure to toxins. Its at this time that an abundance of sebum is produced and lodges between the layers of skin and causes the pores to clog. A nutritional supplement offered by Healthy Pores, all natural ingredient, help to balance the hormones, the body to detoxify and to clear the skin. And this is just one of the benefits of using Healthy Pores supplemental products. When you feel good you look good and visa versa.

When you use all these product together they help your skin clear quickly. Sometimes people see a noticeable difference in a short time as in a week, but usually it takes 3 weeks to see the most change, from blemished to totally clear skin. You get a money back guarantee so if you do not get your desired results, just return it and we will refund your money. We're that sure of our product! And acne is the only thing you have to lose. - 17273

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Rock Hard Abs - Training Your Abs Functionally

By Jose Loni

You want rock hard abs? Functional strength training is the way to go to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle. Training your whole body and working the muscles of the core and abdominals will really give the strength and appearance of rock hard abs.

Training functional is a great way to complement your lifestyle. You train the muscles and joints in a way that will allow for a comfortable and healthy way of life. Just having the strength to clean, carry your baby, or do housework can really make life happier.

Functionally training your abs is a great way to increase your overall metabolism and strengthen your body. Increasing multiple joints and muscle groups allow the body to use more energy as it needs to exert more effort. The increased energy requirement tells the body to consume more calories and results in more fat burning.

Exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and dead lifts are all great exercises at training the whole body and increasing the body's metabolism. These exercises are great at building muscle and burning fat.

Household chores such as cleaning, cooking and doing laundry can create opportunities to do some active movements. While you are doing laundry, you can do some wall or counter push ups, while waiting for the laundry to finish or do some leg squats, while waiting for your dinner to cook.

Training the core is the perfect complement to increasing your overall strength. Core exercises train the body in unstable positions that will force the body to stabilize and increase strength. Many muscles throughout the body must fire to hold these positions and results in more energy used, which in turn burns more body fat.

Single movement exercises and ab crunches are not very effective in burning calories. By working multiple body parts and kick starting your metabolism, the body burns more calories from the food we eat as well as our stored body fat. The body ends up burning fat throughout the day to help repair and replenish the muscles, which sometimes lasts for several hours after the exercise session.

Rock hard abs and functional training is a great way to increase your quality of life. Increasing your metabolism, and abdominal core training are great ways to a fit and active lifestyle. - 17273

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Toned Abs, Tight Jeans

By Dan Solaris

Western nations have long embraced drive through food, dial-up pizzas and chocolate bars. Unhealthy eating habits combined with activities which involve spending a greater part of the day sitting behind a desk are putting a toll on our bodies. Figures from a survey done by the CDCP (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) say a third of the American population is suffering from obesity.

Life as we know it today is indeed on a faster track and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find time to work-out the extra calories we get from the fast, convenient but high-calorie food we dine on. As a result, a lot of folks are forced to wear loose slacks with elastic waists- not really considered avante garde in these times.

Exercising consistently, every day if possible, is the most effective weapon against unsightly flab. The multiple benefits we get from regular work-outs make any questions about the value of exercise in fast-paced times like these is a no-brainer.

The elevated metabolism, a more positive mood, stronger immune system and several other health improvements we gain by exercising constantly puts to rest any questions whether making the effort to sweat it out each day is worth it. Another plus factor in working-out (a good one to think about to stay motivated) is being able to wear nicer clothes and look great in public.

Regular exercise is also a perfect stress reliever- quite useful in these financially hard times. Hypertension brought about by too much stress is one of the major causes of death right now in the world's top urban centers. Aside from lengthening our lives, working-out and getting lean will give us a more positive outlook because of endorphins released by the brain after intense activity. Remember- positivity begets productivity and happiness.

Tight, toned abs, a sculpted physique and stress release- all this can be gained with the proper exercise regimen. Even people that have less than an hour a day to exercise can reap the benefits by maximizing their aerobic and strength-building exercises.

Cardiovascular exercises have long been known to be the best way to burn calories from body fat, but one needs to keep at it for at least an hour in order to burn enough calories and facilitate fat-loss. For folks whose schedules are packed, intensifying cardio and muscle-building routines will let them reap the same weight-loss benefits for less than an hour each day.

Doing moderate cardio exercises interspersed with periods of high intensity maximizes calorie-burn- enabling us to get out of the gym quicker. The same goes for with doing abdominal exercises and weight training using an exercise ball or similar aid. The effort of trying to stay balanced while doing the reps recruits more muscle groups in activity and this means more caloric energy spent in less time. - 17273

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How To Get A Six Pack - Melt Your Whole Body, Not Just Abs

By Jose Loni

If you want to get a six pack, you need to know the truth about spot reduction. The TV ads we see all focus on ab machines or ab exercises claiming fantastic results. The best way to actually get results is to boost your metabolism by working your body with resistance and eating healthy meals.

Spot reduction is always talked about, advertisements claim their products work and by training the abs directly, you will get ripped abs. But they are misleading you and spot reduction does not work. Defined abdominal muscles require general fat burning and not specific ab exercises. Ab exercises will get your abs stronger, but they won't get them ripped.

Let's keep it simple. To lose body fat, train the whole body by increasing the body's metabolism. Resistance exercises are the best ways to increase metabolism and burn more fat.

This type of training should be done at least 4 times during the week and require high intensity, and lower repetitions. The resistance workout will incorporate multiple body parts and muscle groups to really burn calories.

A workout session can consist of lunges, chin-ups, squats or step-ups, which can be done with or without weights. These exercises are to be performed at high intensity for 20 seconds, moving from one exercise to the other with no rest, then resting briefly when the last exercise is done, then you repeat the sequence of exercises 6 times during each workout.

The great thing about this type of training is the body will work hard during the workout, but it also has residual effects and causes the body to work hard throughout the day burning fat and fueling muscle activity as the muscles are replenishing and repairing to prepare for the next bout of exercise.

Eating healthy is another factor to consider when getting six pack abs. Eat complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. Eat small meals throughout the day to keep energy levels constant and to control caloric intake. Avoid overeating and eating sugary snacks, sodas and fatty fast foods. The high calories from those foods will not allow our body to burn all the food and the excess will be stored as fat.

Increase the body's metabolism and have it working for you! Kick-start your metabolism and your body will burn the fat for you even while you are sitting at work, talking to clients or even sleeping. Regular exercise and healthy eating will get you six-pack abs! - 17273

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Flat Stomach Exercises - Defined

By Jose Loni

High intensity exercises are the key to getting a flat stomach. Ab exercises that target the abs will not give you a flat stomach. High intensity training will kick start your system and metabolism. This can be done through interval training and regular exercise.

Spot reduction is not effective at flattening your stomach. Training the abdominal muscles directly will increase the strength and help support the back, but it will not remove the fat on the stomach. To burn fat we must do overall, body fat burning to remove the visible abdominal fat to allow for the underlying abs to be seen.

High intensity training causes a lowered oxygen situation in the muscles, which results in increased accumulation of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Resulting in lowered muscle function.

When the intensity of the activity is decreased or removed, the body is better able to replenish oxygen into the muscles to repair and nourish. The increased metabolic activity requires more energy to function and helps remove waste products from the muscles.

Interval exercises create oxygen debt to force the muscles to expend more energy, the result being greater metabolic activity and increased overall metabolism of the body.

Regular exercise is a good way to be consistent and allow the body to become more efficient at burning body fat. Having a regular schedule of exercises promotes increased metabolic activity regularly, which has a residual effect of fat burning even after the exercises session.

Having a regular exercise program keeps the body active in burning fat as well as efficient at providing oxygen, energy and removing waste products from the muscles. This regular training has a cumulative effect and keeps the body's metabolism high as well as strong and healthy. - 17273

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Ab Workouts - Muscle Mass vs. Endurance

By Jose Loni

Which are better for ab workouts - muscle mass training or endurance training? Both are equally good at helping the body become fit and both are great ways to start a healthy lifestyle. But to really get rock hard abs, training for muscle mass will get you the results you want faster.

The traditional weight loss programs always emphasized sit-ups and running. Depending on what you want to train, you can run or workout with weights. If your goal is to get six pack abs, then running will not give you what you want.

Muscular endurance activities will condition your body to perform well for that activity. The long, low intensity activity will require your muscles to be light, lean and sleek to be able to last for long distances or durations.

Muscle power training is a great way to increase the body's metabolism. During the hypertrophy phase of training, the body will need to supply the bigger muscles with more energy. The increased size of the muscle also increases its overall metabolic activity, which results in more calories burned.

The increased muscular activity burns the food that we eat and when the body needs more fuel, it will use the excess body fat and burn that. When the body starts burning more fat, the abdominal area of our body will begin to show the underlying abs and give us more ab definition.

By weight training with high weight and low repetitions, the muscles will be forced to increase its size and also work harder to adapt to the increased exercise intensity. The muscles training at a high intensity cause a build up of carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles, which will force the body to try to get oxygen to the muscles to replenish, repair and remove the waste products.

When the exercise intensity slows down or stops, the body will then continue to send oxygen to the muscles to remove waste and replenish the muscles to prepare for the next bout of exercise or activity. What also ends up happening is the body continues to replenish and repair the muscles, well after the exercise session and the body ends up burning fat throughout the day and night.

Long duration or muscle power, the choice is really up to you. Both activities are great at helping you lead a healthy lifestyle. If ripped abs is what you want, then train for muscle power, it will be your fastest and most efficient way to get those abs that you've always dreamed of. - 17273

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The Reliability of Free Rapid Weight Loss Tips

By Peggy Armstrong

If you've been looking for some free info on the web on how to lose weight, you may have clicked on a link that promised free rapid weight loss tips just for giving your email address. But are they really free?

We get great entertainment from the media so when we're looking for facts or weight loss tips avenues such as newspapers, magazines or the TV is usually the first place we're gonna look.

Within these popular media forms you will find all kinds of healthy advice because healthy sells and what can see like a bunch of great free weight loss tips actually winds up being a series of commercials.

Some of the more obvious free weight loss tips that wind up costing you in the end is the newest trend of companies, usually restaurant chains, employing someone to lose a lot of weight by eating their products.

Then this person becomes a spokesperson for the company and does a bunch of commercials telling everyone that all they have to do lose weight is to eat at their restaurant and some moderate exercise.

Of course these free weight loss tips are commercials for that restaurant and what they always seem to leave out is the exercise part.

Here's a free rapid weight loss tip that you should take notice ofto get the weight loss results you want, you need to do more than eat a shed load of low fat sandwiches, you need to get off the couch and get moving.

Don't believe that water is your golden ticket to weight loss heaven either I'm afraid.

Many years ago a report came out from a relatively trust worthy source which stated that drinking water can greatly help you to lose weight. The bottled water companies jumped on this and some have gone as far to claim that all you need to do is drink water to lose weight.

It can be said that free rapid weight loss tips tend to stretch the truth such as with this water proclamation, watch out for these.

Everyone Wants A Piece Of The Action

The long and short of it is, there is no healthy way to lose weight in only a few days so you have to judge for yourself the best weight loss plan for you. Just be wary of all the supposedly free advice out there.

Sporting goods companies will tell you that more exercise is the way to go because that means you will buy more equipment.

Farmers markets will tell you to eat your 5 a day to lose weight quickly so they can sell you more fruit - it's pretty obvious.

When it is all said and done it is up to you what is best for your body and your weight loss goals. - 17273

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