Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, March 15, 2009

B Complex Vitamins Essential To Your Health

By Chantel Danis

Vitamin B Complex refers to a family of eight necessary vitamins that work together to boost your health. Because your body is unable to produce the B vitamins that it needs, it is essential that you make up for it by eating the proper foods and supplements. A lack of vitamin B will drain you of energy, as well as slow down your cell reproduction.

Deficiency in B vitamins can cause serious conditions that can hamper the proper functioning of life. In these modern times, people easily pop a couple of pills to fill their nutritional requirements, but this isn't always a safe thing to do. It is best to take nutrients the way nature intended - through food.

The B complex vitamins include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. You might also know them by the following names.

Beans, egg yolk, beef, seafood, liver, wheat bran, peanuts and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin B1. Eating these foods will provide you with a good source of energy and healthy nerves.

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin (helps body in using energy coming from food; transports iron around the body). It is found in yogurt, whole grains, legumes, fish, vegetables (green leafy), lean meat, milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, and organ meats.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin (promotes skin health together with more than 50 bodily processes), found in fish, green leafy vegetables, milk, seeds, asparagus, legumes, cereals, liver, meat, organ meats, peanut yeast, nuts, rabbit, poultry, and coffee.

Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid (maintains healthy hair; used in protein metabolism, helps in nerve function and keeping healthy red blood cells), found in whole wheat, whole rye, torula yeast, saltwater fish, royal jelly, pork, nuts, mushrooms, liver, legumes, kidney, vegetables, eggs, brewers yeast, and beef.

Vitamin B6 or Piridoxine (helps ease premenstrual syndrome, used in protein metabolism), found in walnuts, wheat germ, peas, kidneys, liver, fish, carrots, chicken, eggs, and brewers yeast.

Vitamin B7 - Biotin. The B vitamin is also known as vitamin H and is essential for the use of fatty acids and glucose. Also excellent for healthy skin and hair. This vitamin is prominent in chicken, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, spinach, cauliflower and salmon.

Liver, whole grains, beans, fruit, broccoli, and spinach all contain vitamin B9. Adequate intake of vitamin B9 can help prevent birth defects like cleft palate and spina bifida. Pregnant or nursing women should especially be vigilant.

Vitamin B12 Coalmine. A lack of B12 may lead to excessive fatigue, hair loss and unhealthy red blood cells. B12 can be found organ meats, shellfish, muscles, eggs, cheese and milk.

There are many foods high in B Complex vitamins and it is wise to take advantage of them. Not only do they provide people with good amounts of nutrients, they are also more enjoyable than boring pills. - 17273

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Why is AcaiBurn so Good?

By Casandra Weathers

So many people have been suckered in by power marketers and have filled up there medicine cabinets with a bunch of useless diet pills that don't work. Well, get ready to throw out all the others because AcaiBurn is the last one your ever going to need.

Why AcaiBurn? The answer to this is simple: it's the best. AcaiBurn is made of Acai Berry extract. The berry is the top fruit in potent antioxidant content. As a matter of fact, its antioxidant content is twice as much as that of pomegranate and five times as that of blueberries!

So what if it's loaded with antioxidants? Antioxidants burn fat naturally and because AcaiBurn capsules come from pure Acai Berries, it's safe and organic. Your body's metabolic rate increases as the antioxidants and fiber forms from the berries work together.

Do you know that you and your family are constantly exposed to harmful toxins from pollution, common household chemicals, and cigarette smoke?

These chemicals result in fatigue, moodiness, and many serious diseases. Antioxidants help your body to destroy all of these toxins and give you a feeling of renewal. It boosts your energy levels and strengthens your immune system. - 17273

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Quick loss dietary supplements.

By Calvin Coarse

The present times are marked by an increased awareness about health issues, especially controlling obesity and having the correct body weight.

Being over weight has some very strong downsides and side effects. If you are obese you are at risk of hearth failure and many more serious conditions.

The hectic pace of our daily lives scarcely leaves any time to pursue a long weight loss program. Hence, we are all running after quick loss programs which, unfortunately, some are found to be mostly disappointing.

Getting the weight off in a lot of cases is not that hard to do, once you buckle down and do it. With out the aid of proper supplements to go along with our busy lifestyles, most people will gain back a large portion of the weight they lost within 6 months.

Getting a dietary supplement online requires you to often read articles from people who have tried them out personally. - 17273

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What Foods Have the Most Resveratrol in Them?

By Jeremy Lucas

In order to protect themselves from bacteria and other outside attacks many plants produce a substance called resveratrol. There are also some initial indications that this compound can be very beneficial to humans as well. Studies on this substance began when scientists looked into why red wine drinkers were less prone to develop heart disease. Even though resveratrol is very powerful, it really is not found in many plants.

What foods have the most resveratrol in them?

Resveratrol is most prevalent in the red and purple varieties of grapes. Other dark berries such as mulberries and cranberries are also good sources, along with peanuts. Areas that get a lot of rain produce more plants with resveratrol, because the substance is produced to fight off attacks from the outside.

Even in the same type of grapes, the resveratrol content can change based on where the grapes are grown. If a grape is grown in cool weather, then it is likely to have higher content than if it is grown in warm weather. Organic fruits are also known to have higher levels, because they do not have as much protection from pesticides. Grapes grown in North Carolina are usually said to have the highest levels of resveratrol.

Even if you find a food that is a great source of resveratrol, heating it up can destroy all traces of the substance. Removing the skin can also get rid of much of the benefits, because that is where the highest amount of the compound is located. This means the best way to eat grapes, berries, and peanuts is raw and with the skin on.

Since there are few quality sources of resveratrol, it may be a good idea to get additional amounts with a supplement. Many of the supplements on the market today are derived from Japanese Knotweed. However, you should still try to get as much as possible from an all natural source. This means you should also have one glass of red win per day.

Red wine contains more potent resveratrol than grape juice, but if you are not able to drink a glass of wine everyday it is a decent option. Don't make the mistake of buying a grape juice that contains tons of sugar, because this will do more harm than good. Try to get a fresh juice that is made from organic grapes.

If you stock your fridge full of grapes, peanuts, and cranberries you will have plenty of healthy snacks that contain good doses of resveratrol. This is a great substitute for anything containing refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup. This will help ensure you stay looking healthy and young for many years to come. - 17273

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Mangosteen Juice and Natural remedies for Cholesterol Treatment

By Julieanne van Zyl

These days there is so much talk about "keeping your cholesterol low", but do the majority of people know what cholesterol is? Most folks know it is related to fatty intake and it is bad for your health which is somewhat right.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance. Yellow in color, soft, it clings to your membranes and cell walls throughout the interior of your body systems. In order to stay healthy your body does need cholesterol, but since your body produces it we definitely do not need to add to it.

There are things that you can do to keep your cholesterol in check and to keep your body healthy without using medications unless your cholesterol is critically out of control. some remedies for excess cholesterol have quite a lot to do with lifestyle changes.

To maintain optimum cholesterol levels you can:

If you are overweight take measures to reduce or maintain your weight if it is already optimal. Not only does excess weight cause your cholesterol levels to rise but it also keeps it imbalanced. high levels of cholesterol can and do clog up your blood vessels. Excess fat carried around the abdominal area and is a significant indicator that your cholesterol is too high.

Take Regular exercise. Getting regular exercise, ideally four times a week for 30-minutes is a a great way to keep your overall health at optimal condition. Regular exercise has been found to lower your cholesterol. By exercising regularly you are able to heighten your good cholesterol, HDL, and lower your bad cholesterol, LDL. Also, by exercising regularly you will be able to lose weight at a faster rate and to keep your weight maintained once you have lost it. Although some forms of exercise are better than others just concentrate on any form of exercise to get you moving.

Foods that lower cholesterol are:

Fruits, such as mangosteen, grapes, citrus fruits, strawberries, and apples Chicken Fish Whole grain cereals Lean meats Seeds Nuts, such as walnuts and pecans Olives and more.

Levels of cholesterol greater than normal, will cause a great deal of harm to your body. It will cause health complications, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. If you have high cholesterol, confer your doctor about additional ways of lowering your cholesterol. a few lifestyle changes pertaining to weight, exercise, and dietary modifications and you can be healthier sooner than you think. It takes work, patience, self-control and lots of ambition, but it can be done. your cholesterol levels can be returned to good health by following these natural remedies. - 17273

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Activate Your Metabolism To Burn Fat And Get Back Your Shape

By Christine G. Shannon

New mothers want a diet to lose the fat fast after they have finally had the baby. Chances are you are concerned about your weight gain while you were pregnant. Whether you decide to breast feed or not, you are wondering what happened to your shape. What are you going to do to exercise everyday or diet to lose baby weight and get rid of mommy's fat?

Before beginning a lose weight after birth program it is very important to visit your physician for advice, because the health of your baby depends on your good health too. A good weight loss after pregnancy diet is one which is suitable for your dietary needs and you yourself. A good post pregnancy diet will only work in the long term when it gives you choices about what to eat. You also need to schedule your meals through the day. This is something that is good for a new mother.

Weight loss diets, after you have had a baby, should always consider possible hormone imbalances that are involved with being pregnant and having a baby, in order to work effectively, and this is true of any diet. A program that helps you burn fat and maintain good health and energy levels to keep up with the new baby will always be the diet of choice.

By following a sensible fat loss diet, that gives you plenty of nutrients, as well as some of your preferred foods, you will have found a great post-pregnancy diet. For the best weight loss results, you need to shed the pounds in a healthy manner and over a reasonable amount of time. Quick weight loss seldom stays off long term, and can lead to other health problems from not getting enough nutrients.

Starving yourself to lose pregnancy weight leads to malnutrition and is very unhealthy. You will also feel on edge, stressed out and miserable, which is not something a nurturing mother wants or needs. Proper dieting takes patience and time and you have to commit yourself to losing weight in a safe way.

Your joints will have been adjusting to your pregnancy weight in the past months and it does take time to get everything back to how it was before. You need to know what to eat and when to eat. You need to activate your metabolism to burn fat.

Since every new mother is different it is understandable that as with anyone else some things work for us, others do not. It is like that in many things. Maybe that is what makes the world go round. However, when you are a new mother and want to lose your baby fat, keep in mind that you are not alone. It takes time to put on that extra weight.

You can get back you pre-pregnancy body. It just takes time and a good meal plan. Be sure that you chose wisely. Learning more about losing the baby fat is always a good idea. Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just what you are searching for. - 17273

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Advance Wellness Research Product Review

By Linda Kemp

Keeping yourself at optimal health can be a challenge with a hectic lifestyle. With all you have to do during the course of the day it's not easy to get to the health store or pharmacy to pick up supplements that contribute to better health.

Think of how much easier life would be if you could have supplements for better living delivered right to your door without having to worry about placing an order every few weeks.

Advanced Wellness Research is a company that will take the hassle out of getting the best supplements and products for your good health.

The Advanced Wellness Research team strives to find the best supplements, and then deliver them to you risk free. Supplements like: Pure Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening System are proven effective and safe.

In fact, the people at Advanced Wellness Research promise never to sell any product they wouldn't give to their families. They seek out the best health products and then put them through rigorous testing to ensure their safety and high quality.

Every product that Advanced Wellness Research markets is available for you to try, free of charge, before you commit to buying.

Convenient Auto Shipping - With many companies that sell health supplements you have to remember to order additional supplies, or make a trip to the store. But with Advanced Wellness Research, you will receive automatic shipments of your favorite supplement at intervals convenient for you.

You can choose to receive an order every month, every other month, once a year, or whatever suits your needs with the freedom to cancel at any time.

If you're tired of missing doses because you forgot to order, or just can't make it to the store, then you owe it to your health to try Advanced Wellness Research. With their risk-free policy and cancel-at-any-time shipping, you have only superior health to gain. - 17273

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Acai Berry and 6 Reasons To Try It

By Carter Sinclair

1. It Gives You More Energy. Brazilian surfers have been using Acai for years to give them an edge in competitions. Acai berry juice can give you a boost of energy that is as strong as, and longer lasting than coffee. If you are looking for a pick-me-up Acai is a much healthier option than caffeine based drinks.

2. Because Oprah Says So. Recently Dr. Perrisone appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and named the Amazon Acai berry his #1 super food. If Oprah thinks it's good for you then it must be true!

3. Improves Memory and Mood. The acai berry contains essential fatty acids that improve brain functioning. These essential fatty acids help you to remember and also fight off depression.

4. Acai Fights Cancer. A study by the Florida University disovered that Acai cauesd cancer cells to self destruct. Many scientists believe Acai is the next step in the battle against cancer.

5. Improves Eyesight. If you want to improve your vision at night or during the day you need antioxidants that contain anthocyanins. Acai has a very high level of these antioxidants to help improve your vision.

6. Acai Tastes Great. How many health foods do you know of that actually taste good? Not very often will you find a health food that actually tastes good. It tastes like a mix of berries and chocolate, it is so tasty that many say it tastes like a desert. - 17273

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Advance Wellness Research Acai Berry

By Linda Kemp

Did you know that acai berry, though one of the most popular supplements on the market today, is actually from a bush that is grown in Brazil. Because this berry has so many nutrients, especially so many nutrients that are perishable, fresh berries don't hold their nutritional value for long. People in Brazil who have used this product for centuries always picked their berries fresh and were able to get the best nutrition because of this. However, those of us in America are unable to get just-picked acai berry and must rely on other methods of preserving the nutritional benefits of this berry.

Pure Acai Berry is one of the forms of this supplement that you can get today and its probably the most nutritional complete of the supplements. This product uses an effective means of encapsulating the nutrition of the acai berry so that you still get all of the benefits, even weeks after the berries were picked. This is a very important point because many of the most important benefits of these berries are also the most perishable. You definitely want a supplement that is able to provide you with these exceptional benefits, so you want one that still provides the same nutritional content of a fresh berry when you get around to taking it.

Pure Acai Berry has other benefits too. Unlike other supplements on the market, this one is extremely concentrated, thus providing more nutrition per serving. Some supplement manufacturers include other ingredients in their supplements, thus reducing the effectiveness of this berry's effects. However, Pure Acai Berry is a completely pure product that is comprised of only this berry's flesh. When you compare that nutritional profile of all of the supplements you will find that this one is the most concentrated and the most potent. Therefore, this is really the only one you should consider when deciding to use this superfood.

Having the most concentrated form of acai berry on your hands provides you with even more of the benefits that this berry is famous for. Considering that you can expect everything from lessening of disease to prevention of many of the problems that come with aging by using this berry, you will appreciate having a very potent form of this supplement. Plus, since acai berry is a completely natural food and supplementing with it has no side effects whatsoever, there is no reason not to use the most potent source of this berry possible!

Of course, getting the best and purest supplement form of this amazing berry is also a great idea financially. Not only does acai berry have the potential to save you money because of its positive impact on your health (might be able to save you on doctor's bills and other medical expenses), but using Pure Acai Berry gives you all of the benefits of this berry with a much lower dose than impure products. You can either spend your money getting a pure and extremely effective product with the full dose of antioxidants and other nutrients, or you can pay more for a lesser product. Plus, with the trial offer that allows you to experience the many benefits of this berry at no charge, you can see just how wonderful this product can make you feel with no risk whatsoever!

Using acai berry is bound to make you feel great- just make sure to go with the product that gives you more of the amazing benefits you seek. - 17273

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Easy Weight Loss Tips

By Jose Grinden

The magnitude of people who start a weight loss program daily is unbelievable and the percentage of them that will be defeated is equally mind blowing. So what causes this, when there is plenty of good, solid information at everyone's disposal?

The predominant reason for that failure to lose any weight is simply because the vast bulk of people who try to lose weight just give up too early. There are scores of reasons for this, however one of the worst is haste. People are often in too much of a rush and expect to get results too swiftly and when that crops up, they merely give up, in the belief that it has failed for them. So here are five facts regarding losing weight which could cause you to change your own strategy with respect to losing weight.

Aiming to lose weight too swiftly by crash dieting could be extremely injurious to your health. Your body naturally resists your efforts to do this by checking your metabolism by attempting to counteract the withheld nutrients, thereby decreasing the cogency of the diet. When you cease dieting and resume eating as normal again, your body is going to stow food as fat in readiness for another bout of starvation, so you will gain even more weight than previously.

Everyone's body is designed to remain at the correct weight for its height and build and if that drops out of alignment because of abuse, a small shift in how you use your body will render it back into alignment and return back to the exact weight.

Doing strenuous exercises may cause unwanted stress on your muscles when they're unused to it. This can result in muscle and ligament damage which will have an injurious effect on your endeavours to lose weight.

By reducing your intake of calories from food so that it is a little less than the number of calories you burn through exercise, you should lose weight until a perfect balance is reached. This is the simplest truth about weight loss. With this knowledge a part of your strategy, you have a far more improved chance of succeeding where without them you could possibly have failed. - 17273

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Acai Noni weight loss supplement report.

By Collin James

If you judge a weight loss supplement by the resources used to make it then you are going to be judging Acai Noni with extremely high marks. Acai Noni supplement used three of the best weight loss ingredients in the world and combines them to make a supplement that delivers results for all who use it.

1- The first ingredient that is used in Acai Noni is the number one supper food called the Acai Berry. The Acai Berry boosts energy and contains the highest levels of antioxidants found in any fruit around the world. The Acai Berry also contains fatty acids, is high in fiber, contains anti aging properties, reduces free radicals in the body, and also flushes toxins and waste from the body.

2 - The Hawaiian Noni fruit is the second ingredient used in Acai Noni. Noni fruit has some amazing properties for weight loss. Noni helps to fight depression! Improving your mood and your outlook on life will help frame you for the weight loss trials ahead.

3 - Green Tea Extract (in the purest form) which means it was steamed properly. Green Tea, has been used for thousands of years in China and as many, many benefits. The funny thing about Green Tea is, used all on its own, it is a very powerful weight loss tool. Combined with the two fruits above - I am thinking - Look Out!

To insure you are happy with Acai Noni you are able to get a free trial to test it out. Acai Noni focuses there company goals around making you happy. So, if you are not happy with the results you have seen - you don't pay a sent. Another huge bonus to me is the fact that if you want to cancel your order - you don't have to hunt high and low for it. It is listed at the bottom of the front page - in plan site! - 17273

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How a little planning can avoid a lot of muscle pain

By Jon Cardozo

Many people begin a new project with much excitement but inevitably lose some steam as time goes on. This certainly happens in the world of muscle building, and when the going gets tough it can be difficult to maintain your motivation. In order to avoid this, it helps to have a little knowledge beforehand.

Even though a person might be eager to get started, rushing ahead with misinformation can lead to major problems down the road. Not only can this impede your progress in a strength training program, but it can also lead to injury and illness if care is not taken in the beginning. Here are a few tips to help you avoid pain in the future.

The first thing you should do is address any preexisting injuries before taking on an intense muscle building program. Getting a checkup with your family doctor is a good start, but you may need to consider some other therapies such as myofascial release to clear up any trigger points or scar tissue. Even some forms of massage therapy can be quite helpful, and many are surprised by the relief that these therapies can provide.

This so called alternative therapy is becoming more common and can offer recovery options that simply are not available in a doctor's office. The important point to keep in mind is that these injuries should be should be dealt with before they become a more severe problem. Remember that an injury like tendonitis can hamper your ability to train and delay your progress significantly.

After beginning a muscle building program, many unfortunately don't follow a good recovery program. You have to remember that the actual growth of your muscles does not occur in the gym, so you need to give your muscles enough rest in between workouts. Following this warning can help you progress more quickly as well as avoid injury. So many make the mistake of increasing their workouts when they don't see immediate results.

Their logic is simple: more is better. While this may be a simple concept, it is inherently flawed because it ignores the basic principles of muscle-growth. The goal of a strength training workout in the gym to is to challenge the muscle beyond its previous limits and create small tears in the muscle. The body will adapt to this new stress by rebuilding the muscle in a larger size (hypertrophy). However, the growth of the muscle itself will occur during the recovery phase, not during the actual workout in the gym. Allowing the body to heal before the next workout is critical to long-term success, and many experts only recommend as few as 3 hours of training per week!

If resting is important, then sleep is absolutely crucial. You should understand your muscles are not the only parts of your body that need to recover. Your entire body, including your nervous system and immune system, need to recover from your workouts. Moreover, deep sleep is necessary to build your muscles as effectively as possible. Do not underestimate the importance of sleep. Simply lying around and taking it easy isn't good enough either. You have to devote enough time to sleep each day.

Finally, a word should be said about listening to bodybuilding advice at your local gym. If you hear some information that contradicts anything in this article, you may want to think twice before succumbing to peer pressure. If you want to be one of the guys that gains huge amounts of muscle in the shortest time possible, you would be wise to take these tips to heart and ignore the bodybuilding masses. Your goal should not be to copy everyone else; rather, you should aim to be extraordinary and achieve the most spectacular results possible. This doesn't just mean gaining the most amount of muscle and becoming incredibly huge. What it really means in this case is that you should accomplish whatever muscle building goal you've set for yourself as safely and efficiently as possible. - 17273

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