B Complex Vitamins Essential To Your Health
Deficiency in B vitamins can cause serious conditions that can hamper the proper functioning of life. In these modern times, people easily pop a couple of pills to fill their nutritional requirements, but this isn't always a safe thing to do. It is best to take nutrients the way nature intended - through food.
The B complex vitamins include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. You might also know them by the following names.
Beans, egg yolk, beef, seafood, liver, wheat bran, peanuts and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin B1. Eating these foods will provide you with a good source of energy and healthy nerves.
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin (helps body in using energy coming from food; transports iron around the body). It is found in yogurt, whole grains, legumes, fish, vegetables (green leafy), lean meat, milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, and organ meats.
Vitamin B3 or Niacin (promotes skin health together with more than 50 bodily processes), found in fish, green leafy vegetables, milk, seeds, asparagus, legumes, cereals, liver, meat, organ meats, peanut yeast, nuts, rabbit, poultry, and coffee.
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid (maintains healthy hair; used in protein metabolism, helps in nerve function and keeping healthy red blood cells), found in whole wheat, whole rye, torula yeast, saltwater fish, royal jelly, pork, nuts, mushrooms, liver, legumes, kidney, vegetables, eggs, brewers yeast, and beef.
Vitamin B6 or Piridoxine (helps ease premenstrual syndrome, used in protein metabolism), found in walnuts, wheat germ, peas, kidneys, liver, fish, carrots, chicken, eggs, and brewers yeast.
Vitamin B7 - Biotin. The B vitamin is also known as vitamin H and is essential for the use of fatty acids and glucose. Also excellent for healthy skin and hair. This vitamin is prominent in chicken, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, spinach, cauliflower and salmon.
Liver, whole grains, beans, fruit, broccoli, and spinach all contain vitamin B9. Adequate intake of vitamin B9 can help prevent birth defects like cleft palate and spina bifida. Pregnant or nursing women should especially be vigilant.
Vitamin B12 Coalmine. A lack of B12 may lead to excessive fatigue, hair loss and unhealthy red blood cells. B12 can be found organ meats, shellfish, muscles, eggs, cheese and milk.
There are many foods high in B Complex vitamins and it is wise to take advantage of them. Not only do they provide people with good amounts of nutrients, they are also more enjoyable than boring pills. - 17273
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