Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Eating to Lose Body Fat, Some Facts About Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

Today you can find someone offering to sell you the latest fat loss plan or gizmo, anywhere you look. All kinds of remedies are available to fight fat, ranging from pills and shakes to electronic devices. Sounds good, right? Fat can be lost from the body by burning it off through exercise or changing diet to avoid intake. To remain healthy the body has a required fat content and consumption,the problem is there is actually some fat that we need in order. Yes, you heard correctly.

Although everyone is going crazy trying to lose a huge a mount of weight, we can't lose sight of the fact that in small amounts fat is part of a healthy diet. The purpose of fat cells is to help regulate hormonal levels, furnish energy sources, as well as provide cushioning for the body's internal organs. The problem then is not in the presence of fat but the amount. The three-percent threshold, when crossed, signals a dangerous situation to vital parts of the body.

When you eat there are two types of fat that you will consume. You can choose to either eat good fats or bad ones. Polyunsatured and mono-unsaturated rank among the good fats, while saturated and trans fats are harmful to the body. The latter we need to avoid while the former is an essential part of a balanced diet. The body is unable to manufacture its things like omega 3 fatty acids are essential to the human body however. Therefore, we must get it from our diet.

You don't want to have to guess which foods contain healthy kinds of fat. Instead, you need to learn which foods to eat and which to avoid. Examples of good fat foods are nuts, avocados, sunflower seeds and fish oil.

In deep fat fried foods and heavily preserved foods,the kind of fat you should avoid will be contained. A diet high in saturated or trans fats, including products such as cheese, french fries, and potato chips, quickly leads to health problems.

Tran's fats tend to have a doubly bad effect on the body, it increases the amounts of bad cholesterol in the body while at the same time lowering the good cholesterol.

Therefore, in addition to adding pounds around your midsection, you realize that fat storage may adversely impact your health. Besides the risk of high cholesterol, you are risking developing diabetes, stroke or heart attack. Exercise more and you will lower you risk of these and other health problems,the short answer is cut back on the bad fats. - 17273

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The Truth About Chest Muscle Building - Bench Press

By Westy

Weight lifting is all about what you bench. If you don't have an impressive bench, avoid showing off. This Muscle Building Program is one such program that will prevent you from a complex of not having a massive bench, and in just 10 weeks. Impressive, isn't it?

Is it really possible? Oh yes! But be cautious. Its clear that you simply cannot expect such rise by repeating the whole program consecutively. An intense program like this needs to be done properly and it primarily focuses on increasing your bench. But this program also demands time for your body to regroup before you set off again.

A 50lb might seem a superficial goal to attain, but it is realistic for people can work hard. The Author, knows almost everything you need to seriously put weight. He has proper explanation and says that pressing bench isn't just about your pectoral muscles, all your muscles are well utilized by the compound lift. Most of the job is done by your delts, triceps and muscles, but if there are any weak links in the body, it will revel in your bench.

The program is an overall guide to bench pressing tips and includes every minor technique. You will learn how to position yourself, how to grip the bar, stretching, breathing and many other important factors that will keep you posted. He also devotes time to the mind games played while you are beneath a bench, he pays attention towards one's mindset, which is an added element.

The outlook that you have is a critical factor in your program. You will learn the importance of training your mind and using it to effectively train your body. You will also learn how to set a goal and stick to the plan to reach it. There isn't anything that you cannot do with proper goal setting. The program also helps you with meal plans and information on supplements.

You will get an overnight result when you use this program. The problem that some inexperienced bodybuilders have is that they tend to over train. It is important that you recognize the problems that can come with overusing your muscles and not giving them the proper rest and recovery. The program requires you to be methodical and consistent in your training.

Try to look for intelligent ways of using the Critical Bench program; it will help you train your body by emphasizing on the bench. Mike has a 5 days training with 2 days for you to rest. Bench is done only on the first day of workout, the other 4 days are to understand your weak points and help those points develop. Also, do not over train yourself. - 17273

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Wine Tasting: Acquiring the Delicate Talent of Wine Tasting

By KC Kudra

Wine tasting and attending a wine tasting party, contrary to popular belief, does not involve a lot of sipping, swishing and swallowing. While there is a definite art to wine tasting and many different wine-tasting forms, the popular theory of sipping and the like could not be farther from reality. It does, however, take years of practice to master the technique.

Wine tasting notes abound and can get your started. However, the only true way to begin to distinguish a fine wine amidst a variety of fine wines is a skill. Picking them reliably requires a trained palate, which takes years to develop. Wine tasting involves ascertaining whether the wine has been stored properly in a wine cellar designed to produce a beverage that is both pleasing to the eye and an exquisite experience for the palette.

The foundation of wine tasting is actually rooted in our sense of smell. In fact, over 75% of our taste is actually due to our sense of smell and has a major impact on the taste of the food and drink we consume. Moreover, this is also why when we have a cold our sense of taste is so distorted. Most wine experts will agree that wine has more to do with smell than taste, but that is often where the agreement stops and personal preference takes center stage.

Proper wine tasting is initiated with the swishing that is most familiar to novices. The purpose of this activity is to circulate the taste of the wine by moving it between the front and back areas of the mouth in order to reach the taste buds contained in the tongue.

Taste buds do not necessarily have a noted taste factor, but they are capable of properly identifying food and beverages that are sweet, salty, and bitter with no problems at all. Therefore, the process of swishing is more about giving the senses an opportunity to extract the aromatic flavors in the wine being tested.

With even a basic understanding of the swishing technique, its purpose and the dispelling of long held myths, wine tasting will wind up looking less like something silly and more like a talent and skill that is part of the whole wine making process. Wine aficionados will be able to tell if the wine cellar designs and the features of a wine cellar have served their purpose or fallen short. All of this will be reflected in the end product.

Upon pouring the wine into a crystal clear glass, the first step is to take a considered look at the sampling. This is not a step to be rushed as a great deal can be ascertained during this step. Despite their name, white wines are actually not white as much as they are golden, pale brown or with a slight tinge of green. On the other hand, red wine is typically a dark pink hue or leaning toward dark brown in color.

The second step is observation. It is all about the nose and what the wine smells like. This is accomplished through two steps: taking a brief whiff of the wine to get a general idea and then taking a deep, extended inhalation in order to get the full aroma of the beverage.

Experts will generally pause at this point to take in and process what they have learned so far about the wine. They will want to reflect on the total experience with the wine.

In the end, the wine connoisseur will be ready to start tasting the wine, first by taking a sip then swishing it around to detect both the bold and subtle flavor in the sample. It is only after this step is accomplished will the wine taster fully savor the flavor and swallow the sip taken.

Completing these steps of observation, smell and finally tasting the wine, is essential to discerning the quality of the wine from the wine connoisseur's viewpoint. The three-step process is the most complete way to ascertain age, storage, and overall quality of the wine, if it is ready to be consumed and if the wine cellar storage was adequate to bring the wine to proper fruition. As it is with any skill acquired, practice makes perfect and in evaluating wine, this is no exception. In order to become adept at evaluating the uniqueness and flavor of the sample presented takes time and effort. - 17273

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Simple Secrets yo Achieve Fast Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Its important before starting the long process of weight loss to consider the time it took to put the weight on initially. It is important that you consider safety factors when dieting. Starting a diet is not only not practical, it is often unsafe and unhealthy. There are many things you can do to start losing weight.

This might seem a little far fetched, but bear with me a minute. Reduce as much stress as possible by meditating, resting, reading, taking time for yourself, or whatever works to help reduce your sensation of stress. Our bodies are designed to slow down the metabolism function when we are stressed because the types of things that typically cause stress are times when food is scarce.

Healthy and nutritious food should be eaten constantly throughout the day. You should consume a minimum of six small meals spaced out evenly over the day. The last meal rather than storing it up, not quite sure when the next meal will be coming that this will trigger your body in to a faster metabolism because it wil get in the pattern of expecting another meal very soon , so it will feel comfortable metabolizing.

Digestion of your meals is more difficult when your stomach and intestines are full of unhealthy things. There are many ways to go about loosing weight, and you might want to consider doing a complete body cleanse. Many find that by doing this they find that they are more energetic and their physical appearance becomes more healthy.

With almost absolute certainty, I can say that you are not drinking enough water. Do you know how much you should be drinking? Let's say that you are 180 pounds, so, you should be drinking at minimum 90 ounces of water daily. The formula for the amount you drink is divide your weight in pounds by two and that's the number in ounces of water you should drink every day. Note: tap water is not an option. The best choice is to drink water filtered through reverse osmosis alternately with distilled water. If you can't stand the taste of water, then add fresh squeezed lemons, but no sugar or sugar substitutes.

Even a thirty minute brisk walk will do wonders for your weight, with forty-five minutes to an hour of aerobic exercise being ideal for overall health.

Most of us do not get balanced nutrition in our diets. It would be hard to eat enough food to give us what we need, so add supplements to your diet. Be careful to not be tempted to get them from Wal-Mart or a chain vitamin outlet like GNC. If you want results, go to a natural health food store and ask a knowledgeable clerk for recommendations.

Tell everyone you can that you are losing weight and feeling great. Don't wait until you have results. Just say it. Talk to yourself about the success you are experiencing and expecting, never about your fear of failure and any negative self-image that you have. Bottom line: If you can BELIEVE IT, you can ACHIEVE IT!

Figure out how much weight you need to lose for optimal health. Then find a child that is about that same weight and walk for five minutes with that child in your arms. If you can't find a child, fill up a gym bag with books until it weighs the same amount that you want to lose. You will be so relieved to finally put it down that you will feel amazing, just think of how you feel when you lose that much of you!

So many areas of your life being overweight is bead for you. The biggest concern regarding your weight is your health, but it can also leed to relationship problems, as well as social and psychological problems. Don't you deserve better than that? - 17273

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Acai Berry Supplement Review - Are the Claims Real?

By Dawn Z Shillingster

Until quite recently, some people had any idea about the benefits of acai berry supplements. Heck, a lot of us still do not even know what acai berries are! Needless to say, we do not know a lot about their particular advantages either. To be quite honest though, it is quite worth it to get to know about them. It could be especially beneficial to your health.

There was a time in the not so distant past when acai berries were unheard of outside the lush vegetation of the Amazon rain forest. The berries, rather like a blackberry in color, grow naturally there. Because they are full of antioxidant vitamins, it is like a fruit with curative powers is just out there, growing wild. And so many of us have not even had a clue!

Local farmers now harvest the berries from where they grow wild in the forests. They have the additional value of remaining nutritious even when frozen. This allows it to be shipped all over the world without losing any of its healthy potency or possible curative powers.

How are acai berries so helpful? How can they positively affect your health? To be honest, the possibilities have only just begun being explored. They may be endless. Right now it is known that they can keep your heart healthy. Acai berries contain very special compounds known as anthocyanins. They are the same things found in red wine which make it healthy. The difference is that the concentration is higher in the berries. You can get all the good stuff without the threat of a hangover!

Thanks to protein, dietary fiber, and important fatty acids, acai berries also benefit the cardiovascular system. It can even lower your cholesterol! This is all thanks to the presence of omega-6 and omega-9.

Amazingly, it is also possible that each little acai berry contains its own special fountain of youth. It might even make the aging process slow itself. That is why it is already so popular with people who are into health food. - 17273

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High Cholesterol And Diet - Simple Steps To Reducing Cholesterol

By Adrian Fletcher

There are a plenty of people who need to reduce the level of cholesterol in their blood. A health carer can test your blood and this will give you the information about if you have an elevated level of cholesterol and what can be done to reduce it. Usually cholesterol and diet are closely related and your health carer will suggest that you follow a specialized diet that is very nutritious and this will give your body what is necessary without increasing your cholesterol level.

In most cases, cholesterol levels can be reduced and controlled by diet and exercise alone so that there is no need to resort to any form of medicine. When first diagnosed with high cholesterol this is the first strategy employed. The doctor will advise you to control your diet and give you some general good eating guidelines. They may also suggest a suitable exercise program. You can manage your cholesterol and diet on your own or for a more tailored plan, you can consult a nutritionist.

A nutritionist can help you to see the relationship between cholesterol and diet. You'll learn what foods you shouldn't eat and the ones that are helpful to have in a healthy diet. Being informed about foods that are good for your heart is the best thing you can do to achieve a healthier life.

Most nutritionists recommend that you find foods which you like the most to eat so as to reduce your cholesterol levels but at the same time are healthier for you. Most of the time, trying to moderate cholesterol and diet will fail because a person is eating the same foods every day which will make them give up trying. If you change the foods and find new ways of preparing them then it is more likely that you will stick with it. Keep in mind that herbs and spices are your best friend when it comes to adding variety to the same old dishes.

When you have your cholesterol and diet plan in hand, you can start looking for heart healthy recipes which will help to lower your cholesterol levels. You should also look for a wider variety of food to add in your diet. Try some foods which you are new to. Experiment with new flavors and look for healthier versions of the foods that you love to eat.

There is no doubt that the link between your cholesterol and diet will influence your cholesterol reading, however you must also take on a certain amount of exercise to increase your chances of reducing cholesterol and improving your general health. Exercising can be fun and stimulating and you should search for physical activities that will fit into your schedule and fitness level.

To ensure your success with managing cholesterol and diet, remember to include foods you actually enjoy and an exercise regimen that fits your every day life and can become part of your normal routine. Incorporating these two tips into your lifestyle will build a solid foundation to a healthier new you. - 17273

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How to Get a Rounder and Sexier Butt

By Ricardo d Argence

Everybody wants a sexier and firmer butt. The key to a perfectly toned rear end is to follow a specific exercise routine along with a healthy eating plan. Finding extra time in this busy world can be hard, but to get the perfect body you need to break a sweat on a regular basis, even for just a couple minutes.

You may look no further as in this article we provide you with effective solutions incase if you are looking for the best way to get that perfect toned glutus and become the envy of all your friends. You can get firmer, rounder, and sexier gluts without even leaving your house! We believe that the exercises that we recommend are the ones that are successful, and will give you the desired results you want in your workout.

If you are trying to slim down your backside, there are some specific exercises that will target the area you want to work on, quadrupled hip extensions is one of those exercises. This particular exercise allows you to contract the gluteus muscles. Ankle weights can be used to increase the intensity.

Lunges, as there are various types of them, you need to find one that suits you the best. The most basic lunge is the drop knee version, which is also one of the most difficult ones. You can use hand weights in this exercise if you feel you need more intensity.

Step-ups do work on your glueteus and hamstrings, but most of us are unsure if these exercises work. The platform you are using should be high enough, preferably 15 inches, for this exercise to work effectively to activate muscle fibers. To add intensity to the exercise, you can hold dumbbells.

Both the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus are used when doing a squat which makes it a good exercise. Squats are also good for the hips and the thighs. If you need back support you can use of a ball that can help you get the perfect position without it hurting your knees.

Multi-hip extensions are good for targetting the gluteus maximus and medius and the hamstrings. The machine can be tricky so it should be used used with professional help to get the necessary adjustments.

A good exercise to get your gluteus maximus and medius(butt) activated is the one legged squats. There are many ways to perform one-legged squats, the same as with lunges. So go for one that you can tolerate if not like. For a more intense workout go for something more challenging with a higher range of motion.

These excersises will surely help you create that amazing butt you always dreamed of. When you start an exercise plan you need to start slow and work you way up. As well as starting slow you need to remember to stretch and warm up, thus reducing the risk of strains, sprains and injuries. Working out for only 30 minutes a day will give your a sexier rounder butt in no time.

If you eat right and practice on a regular basis there is nothing more that you need to do. If you want that nice toned body that rival your favorite celebrity, there need to be no delay. Just grab your sneakers and start exercising, and you will be on your way to your ideal size and weight in no time. - 17273

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Get Results With These Building Muscle Secrets

By Westy

Jeff Anderson nicknamed "muscle nerd" has authored Optimum Anabolics. He got the nickname from his habit of dutifully writing down every minute detail of all that he did at the gym. So can he help you? If yes then how?

This "Muscle Nerd" can definitely help you to realize your goal of body building because he knows every fact and detail of mass building. He has dedicated an enormous amount of effort and time to study everything on mass building. He shares this secret information with you in Optimum Anabolics. While you're reading it, you too like Jeff will come to know everything relating to the topic of gaining muscle. Jeff not only shares all that he knows with you but will also teach you to understand it all.

This is a very unique book. It is animated and brought alive by a character Joe Hardgainer. Who is this: "Joe Hardgainer", you ask? It is you (well not literally) but you will surely see yourself in him. He's a guy who wants to desperately gain muscle weight. He has hit the gym, spoken to the biggest guy, tried the much-hyped supplements, scanned the muscle magazines and the professional bodybuilders for help. He is remotely successfully in his endeavour, but is still fighting those plateaus unsuccessfully. He has not been able to pull across the plateaus that constantly stall the progress of the most dedicated trainers.

Through this character, Jeff exactly knows who his audience are. It may be you. He writes well, and it's a very motivating read. However this program is not for the undetermined. This program requires discipline. Be it the diet, the five day a week one-hour workout. You will need to adhere to all points of the training for it to bear fruits. Does this scare you? Well it is a very intense program, but nobody's gained anything without sweat and hardwork.

The book presents the eight anabolic principles that are at the root of your weight and muscle gain. You will find that they are what the entire program is based on and will be very effective if you apply them in the correct manner. The program is available in MP3 format so that you can take the program and listen wherever you are. The points that are delivered are all about the tempo and frequency of your workout along with the diet that must be followed. When you get to the heart of the program, you will learn about Hyper Adaptive Cycling and how it can work for you.

His technique is workable, reasonable and detailed not only on breaking down plateaus but prevents them from happening in the beginning.

At the center of the program there is a great deal of information on how the body grows muscle. You will learn how the natural occurances in the body cause it to grow muscles in response to these occurences. When you understand the natural process of muscle growth, you will see how effective Hyper Adaptive Cycling will be on your program. When you are just beginning in bodybuilding, you will realize how difficult it can be to get through a plateau and start the body growing muscles again. When your body recognizes your workout, it will stop growing muscles after a period of time. The simple explanation of how this occurs is that your body is no longer responding to the workouts because it no longer needs additional muscle growth to complete the workout.

The most important part of your program should be to have your muscles react to your workout and add more muscle. This is the reason that a bodybuilder must add new things to their workout to constantly keep the muscles adding new growth. You must have to keep your body from becoming comfortable with the workout.

A Hyper Adaptive Cycling approach will cause some massive growth in your body.

With the program, you will learn how to use the principles of the body to gain new growth. You have to learn how to reprogram your body so that it responds to your workout by using the defense mechanisms that are responsible for new growth. - 17273

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Build A Bigger Chest With The Bench Press Through These 7 Tips

By Caleb Lee

The Bench Press is one of the best exercises to build your chest, bar none. And you can lift more poundage per workout than with other isolation exercises-so you'll build strength and size with this exercise.

This article believes that you are familiar with the nuts and bolts of how to bench...

Then again to gain the quality results, also known as to build a monster chest you can rest your beer can on, and you need to know these 9 tips...

Great Tip #1: Plant Your Feet And Puff Up Your Chest

Recline on the bench and plant your feet like you're determined. Next force your chest out to the extreme. To complete this you want to grip the uprights of the bench as you're laying down and carry out a pullover of sorts so there is an arch in your lower back.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together as hard as you can. Imagine you're pinching a quarter together with them. And simultaneously push your shoulders down towards your feet.

Great Tip #2: Hold Your Breath and Get Ready for Pressure

Take a deep breath and brace yourself like you're about to take a punch to the gut. This insures that you're keeping your whole body tight and forcing your muscles to have maximal tension. Also the intraabdominal pressure will give you more strength and protect your back. Plus, it's useless to try to breath when there's a loaded barbell sitting on your chest.

Tip Number 3 -- Draw the Bar Down With Your Lats

Contract your pecs hard in the beginning of the movement and concentrate on dragging the bar down to your sternum with your LATS. This will make sure you're keeping your shoulder blades together and making your pecs perform nearly all of the work.

Great Tip #4: Try To Touch The Bar With Your Chest

Keep puffing your chest out and imagine you are trying to touch the bar, meet it halfway with your chest as you're pulling it down with your lats. Continue pulling down until the bar touches your chest. Pause for a moment in this position

Tip Number 5 -- Do NOT Slow Down, Stay Tight and Get Ready

Keep the tension in your body, stay tight, and get ready to push. What you do is squeeze the bar off your chest, trying to move it as fast as you can while retaining full-body tension for maximum strength. Push the bar like you're doing a decline press down towards your feet to protect your shoulders. Imagine you are pushing yourself away from the bar, you'll know you're doing it right when you feel your upper back is tight

Great Tip #6: Make Use Of Extreme Tension Methods At Your Sticking Point

When the rep gets hard and you're hitting your sticking point, here's what you do:

1. Hold the bar as hard as you can

2. At the same time, Flex your Abs and glutes and grunt

3. Think you're sending strength from your core, your gut into your arms

And POUND it, keep pushing away from the bar, keeping extreme pressure.

Tip #7: Before Your Next Rep, Re-check Your Form

Before you continue for your next rep, recheck to ensure:

* Your feet are still planted

* Your shoulder blades are still pressed together

* Take a breath and then hold it another time to get your intra-abdominal pressure up once again...

If you drop a few of these things, re-rack the bar and get yourself into correct position for a second time prior to your next rep. Proper form is more important than doing all your reps all together.

There you have it, those were the 7 tips to ensure you build a monstrous chest with the Bench Press. Apply them now and witness your chest grow! - 17273

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