Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weight Loss Can Be Easy

By Marcus Werthen

Losing weight is difficult for most people, but the reality is that losing weight isnt as difficult as we might think. Recent studies have shown that it doesnt matter what diet you follow or even how much exercise you do. The bottom line is what matters is how much you eat, or how many calories you take in.

While most dieters are at least partly guilty of falling for a variety of diet plans (the grapefruit plan, food combining plans, and low carb diets, for example), science is discovering what our bodies have known for a long time. That is, its not what you eat, or how you combine that food, or what time you eat, but rather how much you eat. Your weight loss success is completely dependent on how many calories you eat (or cut).

Counting calories seems easy enough, and you might think that you dont need to follow any plan, that you can simply count calories. You can, but many of us might still thrive knowing that we are following particular guidelines set by a diet plan. You can save time if you follow a plan because you dont have to do the menu planning yourself. The final benefit is that following a plan ensures that you get the right nutrients, since menu plans you get from some third party sources are often formulated by dieticians with your health (as well as weight loss) in mind.

But many of us can create our own diets, based on the nutritional guidance we get from books or magazines. We might consult a dietitian, and create our own diet based on our eating preferences and needs. But there are some important considerations to make.

Its important when you count calories that you make each bite count. That is, each bite should include important nutrients. Because calories are restricted, there are fewer opportunities to get good nutrients in with the reduced calorie intake. The solution, then, is to ensure that each bite, that each meal, contains essential nutrients. Make sure theres a good balance of vital vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium and fiber.

Wherever you get your meal plans and ideas for low calorie menus, its important that you count calories formally. That is, figure out which method works best for you and count each calorie you ingest. Everything that goes into your mouth should be recorded. You might use an electronic device, or you might simply carry a notebook around with you. You might purchase a journal thats designed for counting calories. Whatever you choose, be religious about it, and record everything. Experts say this is the clearest and surest path to weight loss.

The bottom line is weight loss is more about wanting to lose weight and taking the right steps than it is about the fancy plans you throw into the mix. People who are really serious about losing weight (and who back up that desire with dedication and purpose) often find that the plan they follow is irrelevant. What is relevant is how many calories they eat, plain and simple. - 17273

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Do Spartan Way to Build Muscle Fast

By John Knight

You can build muscle fast the Spartan way! This is one of the secrets of how to blowtorch off your body fats and build natural muscles. But first you must have good diet and good heath to do this so you have the strength, stamina, endurance and power.

You can be proud to take off your shirt at the beach anytime to show those packs. You look good when you get that lean athlete-looking figure. You also feel the power from within you and when you feel good, you look good. When you look good, you feel young. And when you feel young, you look young. You can always control your physical appearance and those dense functional muscles will make you look awesome.

But before you go on any rigid exercise make sure you have a good heart condition. Never forget to ask the advice of clinical professionals or physical fitness instructors. This is a regimen that also needs mental toughness. If your mind dictates your body that you are too tired to exercise then you really re too tired. Use your mind power to be optimistic. Always have positive thinking. You mind must rule on the positive aspects of your being.

You can build your home-gym and have your private physical fitness within your comfort zone. Using weights is one of the secret to build muscle fast. You need some weight to do these. Choose the weights which do not strain you. If you do these at least for five to seven days every time you wake up in the morning for at least three to five minutes you will see the difference.

You can build your home-gym and have your private physical fitness within your comfort zone. You do not need to over exercise for that can be fatal. Just use the weights that are comfortable for you for they can help build muscle fast. - 17273

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Common Fat Burning Foods

By John Knight

The importance of fat burning food to our body is tremendous. They offer bone protection and relieves asthma, helps prevent Alzheimer's disease lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Some can reduce the risk of cardiovascular or heart diseases, control blood glucose, slow aging, sharpen brain function and improve vision. Most of these kinds of foods prevent certain types of cancers and diabetes, and aids in weight-loss management. These fat burning foods are very common and these are tomatoes, apples, white, and some spices like cinnamon.

Tomatoes: One tomato contains vitamins C, A and K, and potassium and fiber. A medium-sized tomato may provide almost half of a persons recommended daily amount of vitamin C. The red pigment in tomatoes is called lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for your eyes. Lycopene is more easily absorbed by the body when tomatoes are heated, either during cooking or processing.

Apples: Loaded with flavanols, apples are a great source of antioxidants and nutrients. Besides keeping your skin from wrinkling and promoting hair growth, apples contain antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer development. Sprinkling some cinnamon on an apple or pairing it with cheese or peanut butter makes for a tasty and nutritious snack.

White Tea: White tea actually has more antioxidants than green tea, even though it comes from the same plant. White tea is produced from an immature plant bud still covered in fine white hairs, hence white tea. While green tea is produced from leaves that are more mature and dried out. Because white tea is handled more delicately, it retains more of the antioxidant content than green tea. Adding some honey or natural sugar will boost the sweetness of this delicious drink. Always remember that white is not and not green!

Cinnamon: The spice alone can decrease blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, as well as improve your bowel movements due to its fiber content. They have a hefty amount of health benefits for such a tiny grain. If you have all of these on a daily basis you will feel wonderful and do not forget that they are the fat burning foods - 17273

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Use Acai Berries To Lose Pounds

By Jake Wakefield

There had been many weight loss products introduced in the market. People who have weight issues are often attracted to try various weight loss products in the hopes that they would work for them. Unfortunately, not all of them work and in some cases, they even cause negative effects.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

The incredible health benefits of the acai berries are now becoming increasingly popular as many companies started selling these products in many parts of the world. It used to be sold on it's original form as a fresh or dried berry but with today's technology it has been processed for longer storage. Acai berries are now available in various forms like tablets, juice and powder.

Taking acai berries provide many health benefits to the body. Not just a simple weight management product, acai berry products also provide better immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. With all the vitamins and minerals in the product, anyone most of the people taking it gets increased level of energy, improved sleep and healthier skin.

The acai berries have high fiber content. This is good in detoxifying the body and flusing out the toxins that thrives in the stomach. With these bad things out of the body, it can absorb more nutrients from the food we eat and improve our digestive process.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

Many magazines, radio and TV shows popularized the acai berries for its wonderful benefits. In fact, many professionals in the medical and health field are now calling the acai berry the SUPER FOOD. This just shows that the product really works for many people.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or maintain weight, you might be interested on how the acai berries would work for you. The good thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even order acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Acai berries could be bought in many local health stores in your area. If you find it difficult to find any, you also have the option to buy it from the Internet and have it shipped to your house. But again, make sure you read more about the acai berries to make sure it doesn't have any effects on you especially if you have an existing health concern. Better yet, ask your doctor or dietician if the acai berry is okay for you. - 17273

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The Best Things To Do To Burn Off Belly Fat

By Toony Graspee

I often get ask what is the best way to burn belly fat. Many people want to know if aerobics is the better way to go instead of strength training, or if the common cardio exercise does better than interval training.

Having a little more than 15 years of experience within the field of fitness, training myself and teaching others right from wrong I am sure I have the knowledge of what actually works and what dont.

I want to guarantee that you understand what I am saying. Heres what will actually work for people that cant devote a lot of time to exercising. Im expecting that whoever is reading this doesnt have 90 minutes to devote to working out. Now, almost everyone dont have enough time for their workouts to be included in their schedule. That is also why there is no connection of information found in fitness magazines. Readers reading those cant apply what is found in the magazines due to not having enough time.

No one has time to exercise 6-8 hours a week. Think, you dont need to actually workout 6-8 hours a week unless youre a tri-athlete. If you just want to burn off fat and pack on muscle you just need a system that will do that.

The point to getting a better looking body is to do bodyweight exercises as your warm up then you are ready to start strength training supersets to build muscle and then wrap it up with interval training to burn fat in a fast amount of time.

Turbulence Training is the only workout program that provides a system that was built to have you done with your workouts in 45 minutes, only doing this three times a week. You will begin doing a 5 minute bodyweight exercises as your warm up. This is a lot more effective than spending time on the treadmill, which dont do anything besides getting you ready to walk more on the treadmill.

Now, you will start the strength training supersets. Doing two exercises back to back with as little rest as possible between each one. Doing this cuts your workout time and gains maximum results. This just takes 20 minutes of your time how little is that? Basic exercises will be done and depending on the persons goal for packing on muscle more bodyweight workouts will be done.

The last part is done by 18 minutes of interval training. Starting with a warm up followed by six short intervals that is perfect for the client. Next, a low intensity recovery. Wrap it all up by cooling down, thats it, your workout is done. - 17273

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Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss- How To Use An Activity You Do Every Day To Shed Excess Pounds Of Your Body.

By Cynthia A Williams

Using Self Hypnosis for weight loss is very easy because we all go in and out of trance regularly on a daily basis. Examples of when you experience trances include watching an interesting movie, finding your way home and not really remembering any part of the journey.

The experience of hypnosis is very similar to these trance states that we already experience on a daily basis but the difference is that we now use it in a conscious way to achieve our dream weight.

I use hypnosis on a daily basis to achieve my goals, see things in a more positive light, and relate better with people. The good thing about hypnosis is that you can use it for just about any aspect of your life that you would like to improve upon.

Self-hypnosis for weight loss has numerous benefits. Firstly it makes losing weight easy and effortless. The reason is because it goes right to the root of the issue, your subconscious mind. It changes the negative programming that has held you back into a more positive one where losing weight becomes easy and enjoyable.

It also helps you develop good long term eating and exercise habits, and let go of all bad habits and false beliefs. So apart from helping you lose weight you will begin to establish new beliefs and habits that will stand you in the stead of time and never to back to the days of yo-yo dieting.

Also using self hypnosis will help you develop a new self-image. One with improved self-esteem and self-confidence. In my experience, I have to say the greatest benefit that I have received from using hypnosis is the feeling of being in control. In control of my life, my weight and my eating habits.

I also look forward to my listening sessions because it helps me relax after a long day. So it works like a two edged sword, a fantastic relaxation and me time and positive mental programming at the same time. What could be easier?

We have looked at how self hypnosis for weight loss is easy to engage in and the benefits we can receive from using is it consistently. There are many so called Hypnosis experts out there, can you tell who is real or not? - 17273

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Are There Potential Acai Berry Side Effects?

By Travis Van Slooten

With all of the great health benefits of acai berry receiving plenty of press, many people are left wondering if there are acai berry side effects. Most products only list their side effects in the small print as it is. But when a super fruit like acai berry becomes as popular as it has, it is important that people know whether or not they can rush out and try the supplement. There are some very important things that you need to know about before you consider acai berry.

Pure Acai Berry Side Effects

Natives living in the Amazon rainforests in Brazil where acai berry is sourced have made this fruit part of their daily intake for hundreds of years now. Studies reveal acai consists of about 40% of their diet. The fact that no side effects have been observed from the people who consume the largest quantities of acai should say something about eating acai in its raw form. The only instance where a few individuals might have some adverse reaction to acai is if they have pollen or food allergies that might be set off by eating the fruit. But this is no different than what other people experience from eating mangoes or oranges which could trigger irritants in the body. Other than this, it's safe to assume that acai berry in its natural form should cause little or no discomfort at all.

Side Effects of Acai Berry Supplements

The fact remains that all supplements are not created equal. While many people may experience no reactions to a raw acai berry product, there could be reactions to specific supplements. Some of these problems could be attributed to the supplement manufacturers. Some companies may use filler such as caffeine, which may cause undesirable reactions in many people. Other acai products may have additional sugars or dyes which could cause misconstrued acai berry side effects in certain people. However, many people who experience reactions are simply not using the product in the recommended way. As with almost any other product, too much can be a bad thing. Drinking too many acai berry beverages, for instance, may cause upset stomach or diarrhea. It is important that you take only the amount recommended by the manufacturer.

Can the Acai Berry be Dangerous?

To answer that question, try to ask yourself if eating an apple or orange is unsafe. I'm sure you will say no. Well, that's also how "risky" eating acai can be. It is a fruit first and foremost, and one that contains more nutrients than many other fruits. Just to be on safe side however, consult with a physician first if you are taking any prescription drugs, or have allergies or any medical condition that might adversely react to the supplements. This way you can be sure that you will not experience any acai berry side effects. - 17273

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Benefits of Dancing For Weight Loss

By James Kim

Dancing is a terrific way for people of all ages to lose weight, stay in shape and have a great time. Dancing is fun and is a great weight loss tool. Here are some benefits of dancing.

When you dance, your body will naturally become more flexible. The reason is that many types of dance require that your body has a full range of motion. When one increases their range of motion, they become more flexible. As you dance, you become more flexible (even without trying).

Strength can be defined as the body's ability to exert force against resistance. When you dance, you will increase your strength by forcing muscles to resist body weight (think plyometrics or jump training). Many genres of dance require the dancer to jump and launce their bodies off the ground. This will naturally increase the lean muscle mass in your legs, which will increase overall strength in your body.

Dancing is a great aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is where your heart rate increases above a certain beats per minute which naturally causes your body to start burning calories for energy, instead of storing calories for fat. When you're dancing, your heart rate will increase, which will trigger your metabolism to start burning calories for energy. Since your heart is beating faster, you will increase the oxygen in your red blood cells, which will increase your overall stamina.

The most important benefit of dance is that it's enjoyable. Most exercise routines are not fun as they become mundane and routine after the first week. Dancing is a great way to meet people and increase your social network. Also, when you exercise, you increase the endorphins in your body which will naturally make you feel great. - 17273

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Building Muscle Quickly - Follow These Steps To Get Ripped Fast!

By Austin Smith

If you visit the gym and are involved with weight lifting, you might be curious about what tricks there are to develop muscle rapidly. Particularly with the summer around the corner, an increasing number of guys are wanting to build muscle and get in shape.

The great news is that there are particular strides you can use to speed up your muscle building routine and begin developing lean muscle quickly. Obviously it requires some loyalty, but acquiring that perfect body is worth a small bit of work right?

First things first, you need to hit the gym a minimum of four times a week. No excuses! Another quick point, when you are at the gym don't lift weight for more than 50-60 minutes.

While you are lifting weights, always keep two important words in mind - "good form"! Don't attempt to increase the weight you lift if it means that you sacrifice your form. To grow muscle fast, you must make sure you are targeting every muscle the right way. You must ensure you are isolating the muscle and using good form. Don't stress about the fact that you might be lifting a touch less because you will get much better gains if you follow this advice.

Another recommendation to get the most out of your weight lifting is to use a three day structure for your routine. Structure your workout routine so that you exercise every muscle group throughout the three days. By just taking 3 workout sessions to work every one of your muscles you will get results much quicker.

Obviously your diet plays a major role in your workout efforts. To keep your muscles well fed and ensure your metabolism is at the proper pace, take in six meals every day. Of these meals, three of them should be your typical ones and make the other three smaller meals that have roughly 250 calories in total.

Your body will also get a lot from you using a protein powder to provide your body with the ability to repair muscle. If you don't use a protein supplement, make certain you are consuming lots of protein rich foods if you don't (chicken, fish etc).

Developing muscle quickly and building the perfect body fast is possible by putting in the required work and using the above advice. - 17273

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How To Gain Lean Muscle - A Beginner's Guide

By Jack Thomson

Anybody who cares about his or her looks must be looking for ways on how to gain lean muscle without the fat. Indeed who does not want to know the secrets to how lean muscles are gained? If you have been doing a research on this topic, by and large you must know that your attitude and your diet play very important roles.

In order to be successful in anything you do, you must have the right attitude. You have to believe that you will eventually have the body you've always dreamed of. Never tell yourself you can't; otherwise you will easily fall apart and lose your determination to pursue your dream.

If you no longer have a problem with how you look at things, you must now work on your diet. Yes, the kinds of food you eat have a lot to say on your general physique. As much as possible, cut back on foods that have a lot of fat, grease and sugar. Eat several times a day of meals comprising 50% starchy carbohydrates, 35% protein and 15% healthy fat. Eating frequent small meals improves metabolism, which helps you burn fat a lot faster.

In order to gain lean muscles, you must burn calories through cardio workouts. You can brisk walk, go biking, take a plunge in the pool, jog, hike, or do anything you wish to do. The important thing is that you get yourself moving and your heart pumping.

It is essential that you join a good weight training program. No you don't have to spend a lot of money on equipment because you can easily get by with just a few sets of dumbbells, and they don't cost a lot. Weight training enables you to tone your muscles, firm them up, and develop them so they become lean.

Gaining lean muscles is not an easy task. It may even take a while before you can sense something new in yourself. However, you should not be discouraged. Take patience and be committed and you will find your dreams.

When you sense your motivation starting to wane, try to change your routine. Instead of going to the same gym everyday, go to a different one. If you have been jogging around your neighborhood, try walking to the park this time. A change of atmosphere can do you a lot of good. Why not ask a friend to tag along with you while doing your exercises? Sometimes, it does pay to have somebody beside you to push you up when you're feeling down.

My site will show you more on how to gain lean muscle. - 17273

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Secrets About Exercise For Cellulite

By Mandy Adamsen

Cellulite can be on the top list of a person's worst nightmare. For some people, it may seem as unsightly as a large scar. It can ruin your chances of ever wearing those pair of sexy board shorts or that cute bikini. Fortunately, there is a chance that you can help relieve your cellulite condition with a little exercise for cellulite.

The Truth About Cellulite

Before going off and rushing to find the perfect exercise routine for cellulite, it is important that you understand some facts about cellulite first, like how it affects women of all shapes and sizes. Even skinny people and athletes can have some cellulite in their bodies. If you don't think you have cellulite, try pinching a couple of inches of your thigh. The rippling portion is actually a sign that you do have it and you probably need exercise for cellulite.

Don't be too excited though. Cellulite is very difficult to get rid of. For a lot of people, exercise is simply not enough. For others, it may take a whole lot of exercising before they can make a dent on their cellulite condition. If you are interested in exercise for cellulite, you should have realistic expectations and a great deal of perseverance.

What Exercise Can Do for You

There are some exercise routines that can provide a lot of benefits as far as cellulite reduction is concerned. That is why a lot of people still want to get into an exercise program. One exercise benefit is that you can get your muscles toned. This may not completely get rid of cellulite but it can buff up your muscles so that cellulite won't look so obvious. Exercise can also help improve your blood circulation. This is important because this is how nutrients contained in food and supplements reach cellulite areas. This implies though that exercise for cellulite should always be paired with a nutritious diet and a good cellulite supplement.

Exercise for Cellulite

What are these exercises that help reduce cellulite? A lot of sources will tell you that muscle strengthening and endurance exercises are the best for cellulite. This is partly true because these exercises are the ones that can tone your muscles. Squats, leg curls and weight lifting are examples of muscle exercises.

It should be noted though that aerobic exercises are equally as important. An aerobic exercise for cellulite is what can help improve your blood circulation and oxygen delivery. It also helps support toxin elimination. Swimming, jogging and walking are examples of aerobic exercises.

Gradual Start

Aside from effort and time, cellulite exercises would also require every ounce of perseverance from you. At the beginning, it is crucial to have a gradual start. Maybe you can begin exercising for 10 minutes a day for 2 to 3 days a week. When you are used to your pace, you can increase your exercise schedule to 15 to 20 minutes everyday for 5 days a week.

An exercise schedule does not have to mean regular daily exercises for 7 days a week. It simply means that you have to make sure not to miss your scheduled exercise days. If you do not have a regular exercise for cellulite schedule, you might not be able to get rid of your problem even if you keep exercising for years. - 17273

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