Weight Loss Can Be Easy
While most dieters are at least partly guilty of falling for a variety of diet plans (the grapefruit plan, food combining plans, and low carb diets, for example), science is discovering what our bodies have known for a long time. That is, its not what you eat, or how you combine that food, or what time you eat, but rather how much you eat. Your weight loss success is completely dependent on how many calories you eat (or cut).
Counting calories seems easy enough, and you might think that you dont need to follow any plan, that you can simply count calories. You can, but many of us might still thrive knowing that we are following particular guidelines set by a diet plan. You can save time if you follow a plan because you dont have to do the menu planning yourself. The final benefit is that following a plan ensures that you get the right nutrients, since menu plans you get from some third party sources are often formulated by dieticians with your health (as well as weight loss) in mind.
But many of us can create our own diets, based on the nutritional guidance we get from books or magazines. We might consult a dietitian, and create our own diet based on our eating preferences and needs. But there are some important considerations to make.
Its important when you count calories that you make each bite count. That is, each bite should include important nutrients. Because calories are restricted, there are fewer opportunities to get good nutrients in with the reduced calorie intake. The solution, then, is to ensure that each bite, that each meal, contains essential nutrients. Make sure theres a good balance of vital vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium and fiber.
Wherever you get your meal plans and ideas for low calorie menus, its important that you count calories formally. That is, figure out which method works best for you and count each calorie you ingest. Everything that goes into your mouth should be recorded. You might use an electronic device, or you might simply carry a notebook around with you. You might purchase a journal thats designed for counting calories. Whatever you choose, be religious about it, and record everything. Experts say this is the clearest and surest path to weight loss.
The bottom line is weight loss is more about wanting to lose weight and taking the right steps than it is about the fancy plans you throw into the mix. People who are really serious about losing weight (and who back up that desire with dedication and purpose) often find that the plan they follow is irrelevant. What is relevant is how many calories they eat, plain and simple. - 17273
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