Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Have You Tried the Acai Berry Diet

By Jeanne Miller

Have you noticed the benefits of the acai berry diet? The benefits of the acai berry diet are numerous, and include really accelerated rates of weight loss. This diet can also help to slow aging. The acai berry looks very much like a blueberry. It is native to the Amazon rain forest. Acai berries have been credited with everything from powerful weight loss to restoring your youthful appearance.

For so many years, acai berries have been a well kept secret. They are relatively new to the US market. Acai berries have vast amounts of antioxidants. They have approximately 10 times the amount of antioxidants as grapes, and twice the amount in blueberries. Antioxidants are great for destroying free radicals in the human body, and strengthening the immune system. Antioxidants can reverse aging, and restore your youthful appearance.

Acai berries are all natural appetite suppressants that also give you lots of energy. They are really healthy fruits that possess amazing benefits. Acai berry products contain the perfect weight loss aid. You only have to add an acai berry diet supplement to your daily routine, or try a bottle or two of acai berry juice to find the best pick me up drink for your stressful day.

Acai berry weight loss possibilities are endless. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight, and this is really not good for your health. On the other end of the spectrum, don't overeat or exercise to the point of exhaustion. Take everything in healthy moderation. Change your eating habits, and exercise regularly and at a steady rate to lose weight.

The acai berry diet will give you a sense of wellness, a slimmer appearance, and you will feel more energy again. - 17273

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Buying A Cheap Yoga Mat Online

By Steve Estes

I assume you already know what yoga is if you are looking around to buy cheap yoga mats online. But if not, here is a short definition.

The ancient Indian system of exercise known as yoga uses certain body postures and deep breathing to stretch your body, whether you are lying, sitting or even standing up.

It doesn't matter if you are looking to purchase cheap yoga mats or the more expensive variety, it has to offer you comfort in order to make your practice that much more fruitful. Without being comfortable all the breathing and postures in the world won't help you achieve your goals.

How do you know what sort of quality to look for in buying good yoga mats? Sturdiness is certainly a key feature, if only to insure that you don't have to buy a new on year after year.

It should also offer you strength and durability. These, along with sturdiness are the three main qualities you must look for when choosing your own cheap yoga mats. Make certain it grips the floor well enough to keep you from sliding around when you are practicing your yoga routine.

Look, we all know that great quality yoga mats can run upwards to $50, but there is no reason to have to spend more than $10-$40 for yours. That said if you can avoid skimping on the important piece of yoga equipment, please do so.

You may have seen old pictures of famous masters sitting and doing their yoga on tiger skins or white deer skin pelts but these things are no longer available to the outside worls and are quite possibly endangered. Just look for fabrics like cotton, jute, or linen if you like to use natural fabrics. No point in continuing the destruction of these rare beasts. I assume you are like me on this subject.

If you are online doing your own research look for modern materials that offer you a certain amount of traction. Also get something that is environmentally safe and easily recyclable so you can make it easier to get rid of if you ever need to.

I like to get a yoga mat that is simple to wash as I tend to sweat a great deal when I practice Bikram yoga. You will find a number of offline and online locations for buying your mats, just look around before purchasing. Clearly the amount of dough you are going to shell out is up to you, just be sure to get the right model for you to insure your comfort. - 17273

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What's the Big Deal about Acai Juice?

By Pauline Hanson

Acai juice is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It is made from juicing acai berries, which are purple berries only found in the rain forests of South America. The areas where they grow are usually swamps and floodplains. They grow on the acai palm tree, a member of the genus Euterpe palms. There are eight other species in the same family as the acai palm. You will find many acai palm trees in Central and South America, from Belize southward to Brazil and Peru.

When the acai berries are young, they are green in color. When they are older, they turn more purple. Some of them are very dark purple but others are lighter in color. They are as small as blueberries, some are smaller but some are bigger. An acai palm tree are very tall trees and can grow as tall as 15 to 25 meters high and near the top of the tree are the little acai berries in bunches, similar to grapes. The stone in each berry is very large.

Eating the acai berry can make you healthy. People native to the Amazon believe that the berry has miraculous power. They have recognized the nutritional and medicinal benefits of this fruit for centuries. People in Brazil and Peru would drink the acai juice made from pulping the fruit or they might just consume the acai pulp itself.

Pronounced "ah-sigh-ee, the acai fruit has been a popular fruit among the people of its native land for generations. In the US, acai palm trees do not grow so people drink acai juice instead of eating acai berries. Recently, the acai berry has become the subject of a North American health craze with many companies introducing various acai juices, health products and weight loss supplements.

There used to be just a few acai juice manufacturers but now there are many. Two popular and reputable acai product manufacturers are Sambazon and MonaVie. Sambazon has a wide range of acai fruit juice and they also introduced the Amazon Energy acai drink. MonaVie is an MLM company with a proprietary blend of acai juice. They claims to have thoroughly researched the berry and its health benefits and have come up with a blend containing all the best nutrients you can find in fruits.

Regardless of the acai juice you are interested in, it is very important that you educate yourself on the acai nutritional facts and associated acai berry benefits before you buy. That way you are less likely to get caught up in an acai scam that is common nowadays. There are plenty of products you can buy in your local grocery stores. - 17273

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Wu Long Tea Health Benefits

By Digby Wong

The consumption of wu long tea appears to beneficial to the body but should always talk with your doctor about the health benefits of wu long tea before adding the brew or other varieties to your daily diet for therapeutic purposes. Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

In America, Japan and several other countries research studies on the health benefits of wu long tea (also referred to as oolong tea) reveal the brews potential for many health benefits.

Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

Regarding weight loss Scientists from a Japanese University Medical School have found that people who regularly consumed oolong tea/ wu long tea experienced more than twice the calorie-burning results compared to those who drank green tea. Wu long tea directly after a meal increased energy expenditure by around 10%. This compared to an energy expenditure of 4% for green tea drinkers and 0 for water drinkers.

Researchers from one of Japans prominent University's of Medical Science found that drinking wu long tea each day helps to clear up skin problems within one month. In California a university study found that people who drank wu long tea on a daily basis experienced a fifty-percent reduction in free radicals within 2 weeks. Free radicals are damaging substances in the body that contribute to signs of aging, including wrinkles and dark spots that are caused by ultra-violet rays, chemical food additives, pollution and stress.Regular consumption of wu long tea is shown to assist in enhancing the skin condition.

According to a study published in Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, test subjects who regularly consumed wulong tea were found to have stronger immune systems and a reduced risk for infections.

The consumption of wu long tea appears to beneficial to the body but should always talk with your doctor about the health benefits of wu long tea before adding the brew or other varieties to your daily diet for therapeutic purposes. - 17273

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Bodybuilding Benefits Of The Acai Berries

By Dana Hawkes

A little-known benefit of the acai berry diet is its support in muscle building. Most of the acai berry diet reviews speak about how an acai berry diet can help in weight loss, anti-aging, good vision, cardiovascular health and so on. But a very few reviews speak about the bodybuilding benefits of the acai berries.

Acai berries are good for bodybuilding, but you cannot depend on them solely. Probably that's the reason why there is less information in this area. Acai is not as support for building muscles as it is for some other things, but it does speed up the process all the same.

You demand proteins in order to build muscles. That is the reason you see all professional bodybuilders consuming a diet that is rich in proteins. However, proteins are not introduced in the body directly. They are introduced in the form of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. Now, acai berries have a very necessary amount of amino acids. Hence, when consumed in the form of a diet, these simple-looking berries can actually produce chains of protein molecules in the muscles of the body.

There is more than 7.5% of amino acid content in acai berries. That's a significant amount. Also, since acai berry diet products are available in different concentrated forms, such as pulps, juices and powders, you can get a very good amount of protein through this food.

Also, the fact that acai berries remove bad cholesterol from your body helps. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants, which assist the digestive process and remove the harmful LDL cholesterols from the body. The result is a trimmer figure, and it is easier to work on building a trimmer body than a flabby body.

And it is not just about building your muscles. Check out the vast amount of acai berry diet information that is so freely available on the Internet. You will find out that this diet does not just pump up those muscles but ensures good overall health. A sound constitution in a great physique - that's what regular consumption of an acai berry diet can give you. - 17273

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Some Items to Ponder Prior Buying a Massage Chair Recliner

By James Q Knowlan

Looking for a massage chair is a complicated task. There is so much technology and so many choices. If you are starting out your research, then you know that massage chairs are not cheap. We have put together a number of questions that our customers said helped them the most to really zero in on the best massage chair for their long term needs.

Who will be utilizing the Massage Chair? Make a list of the potential users of the massage recliner. What are their needs? Are there certain areas of the body that they would like treatment? You should also jot down their height and weight. Massage chairs have certain ranges of body types that they can accommodate. You want to make sure that the chair will fit those that will use it. You also want to make sure that it has the features that can accommodate those most likely to use it as well. This will help you better meet your needs.

Where would you put the Massage Chair? Do not let this become a major problem. We have unfortunately seen fights over the placement of the massage chair. You want to think about how a given room is decorated and if the model you select will go well with the room selected. Also, you want to be aware of the dimensions of the massage chair. You need to know its upright dimensions and its reclined dimensions. In the recline position, you may need 3 feet of clearance behind the massage chair.

What functions are important in a Massage Chair? The functions should be based on who is going to use the chair and what benefits do they want out of it. If you have lower back pain, then you want massage techniques that can relieve that. If you have sore feet, then a reflexology foot massage is essential. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, then getting an arm/hand massager is essential. There are many similar functions in each massage chair, but also many unique functions. For instance, you can get massage chairs with heating elements, stretching functions and even a music player. Remember, these chairs are to help you relax and relieve sore muscles.

What should be my budget for a Massage Chair? If you do your homework on what you want out of your massage chair and also who will use it, then this can guide you pretty effectively. We have seen many times that when the features were really well thought out, then it could justify a larger budget to meet the person's requirements. This is obviously not always the case, but you have to be willing to pay for the quality level that you need. Saving a little money now can sometimes cost you much more in the future. In other words, think about the longer term and buy it for a longer term investment.

What warranty information do I need to know? Always ask about the warranty coverage for any massage chair you are contemplating of purchasing. The warranty is your long term protection from defects in materials and workmanship. Warranties vary by model and by manufacturer. Take you time and balance getting a good warranty with a good massage chair.

These are the questions to ponder. Find out what your needs truly are and what they may be in the future. Find out what types of massage therapy can help you the most. Check out the warranty coverage and how long the company has been in business. If you pick up just some basic knowledge, then you can speak intelligently about what you really need. This helps the salespeople to really steer you to the perfect massage chair that will last your for many years to come. - 17273

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HD BodySolution And Cellulite Reduction

By Jane Austen

To answer the question of what is cellulite, we know that cellulite is a series of ripples of fat cells under the skin.

Cellulite is usually found in the thighs and butt, especially in women, and can sometimes have the aspect of having a type of "orange peel" to it.

Why women seem to be more affected by cellulite than men is still a mystery. The two genders may have different skin compositions or cell structures which may result in this cellulite difference.

It is also unclear why cellulite exists in the first place. We still do not know what causes cellulite or why it comes to be. There are, however, many theories to the existence of cellulite including thinking that it is caused by problems in the fat cells or hormone inbalances.

One interesting thing to note is that being fat in itself does not mean that you will get cellulite. While many overweight people may get cellulite, there are many overweight people who do not have cellulite and many thin people who do get cellulite. Having large amounts of fat does not mean you will automatically get cellulite.

Although it is known that excess fat causes cellulite, this is possibly the result of enlarged fat cells under increased pressure which affect the connective tissues surrounding them and ultimately end up affecting the skin, as well.

There are a few solutions such as dieting so that the fat cells themselves become reduced.

However, one particularly nice answer is to increase collagen production in your skin which will help your skin appearance all around. If you want to try this method out, you should look into HD BodySolution. At the time of writing, HD BodySolution is even offering a free trial so you can give it a try and see the results for yourself without having to spend a penny today! - 17273

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What Yoga Pants Should I Wear To Bikram Yoga?

By Kurma Rosen

Bikram Yoga is one of the new kids on the block with respect to yoga systems. It is also popularly called hot house yoga by many. Its called this because typically it is practiced in rooms with elevated temperatures. You will often find the heat in these rooms turned up to a full 105 degrees F with humidity of up to 40%. Now thats hot!

Founded by Bikram Choudhury, this system contains 26 postures (asanas) and 2 breathing exercises (pranayama). Often imitated and sometimes controversial, Bikram Yoga is one of the most popular styles of yoga in the US, particularly with the well to do.

Obviously you will sweat in any yoga class but given the temperatures in the Bikram studios, youre really going to pour it out in their classes. So, what sort of yoga clothes should you wear in these classes?

Without a doubt your first consideration should be comfort. And they must be functional as well. Freedom of movement is a necessity so you are not restricted in any way. And please, buy a nice fabric that feels soft against your skin.

Given the fact that you will sweat more in these classes than in other yoga schools, it is certainly advisable that the fabric in your yoga clothes be particularly absorbent. After all, few things feel as uncomfortable as a sticky, clammy body that is sodden from perspiration.

Although yoga claims to be a unified system of body, mind and spirit, a lot of people practice yoga to tone their muscles and developing greater awareness. Given this fact, is there anything wrong with wanting to look good while you are in your yoga studio practicing your postures?

I mean its one thing to practice at home in an old t-shirt and cut offs but I have to imagine that youve worked hard to look as good as you do and there is nothing wrong with wanting to show the world how you've done it.

This might mean you are looking for something a little form fitting to wear to your Bikram Yoga class. This will show your fine lines AND give you the ability to tie yourself up in the knots that the poses can sometimes feel like.

This way the yoga clothes allow your teacher to be able to see exactly if you are performing the postures correctly or not. - 17273

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Eat Veggies!

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Kids don't have that strong a relationship to vegetables. Kids will go through the motions, pushing broccoli and lima beans around their plate a few times, but few veggies actually reach the inside of a kid's mouth.

And yet, we want our kids to eat vegetables on a regular basis. Serve fresh veggies daily, and make sure WE eat all the vegetables on our plates!

Why bother? It turns out that vegetables - all kinds of vegetables - contain super powerful ingredients that help keep us healthy and help us ward off a wide range of serious illnesses.1,2 These magical substances - phytochemicals - give fruits and vegetables their big nutritional kick!

"Phyto" is Greek for "plant". Brightly colored fruits and vegetables have the most nutrients and the most phytochemicals.

Well-known phytochemicals include lycopene, found in tomatoes; isoflavones, found in soy; and flavonoids, found in fruits such as blueberries and cranberries.3 Phytochemicals have wide-ranging effects; some are antioxidants, others stimulate enzyme activity, and others have hormonal action. All phytochemicals act to enhance health and well-being and human performance.

Antioxidants provide significant protection for your body's cells against the destructive oxidation potential of free radicals. Free radicals are produced by normal metabolic activities.They are neutralized by antioxidants which we obtain in a well-balanced diet.

But if we are not consuming our daily requirement of fruits and vegetables, our reserves of antioxidants are decreased, and free radicals can destroy cells and create disease. For example, certain types of cancer are linked to free radical damage.

Bottom line - broccoli spears are much more than flowery green things your Mom used to make you eat. Broccoli is a superfood that is rich in antioxidants and rich in cancer-fighting ability.

Carrots - another superfood- are rich in beta-carotene, which is an important antioxidant. Your body converts a portion of beta-carotene into Vitamin A, which helps strengthen the immune system and protects the digestive tract.

Tomatoes round out the list of the top three super veggies. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene - a potent antioxidant. Lycopenes give tomatoes their rich, red color. These phytochemicals have proven health benefits in the areas of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Eating vegetables every day provides so much benefit for people of all ages. Five to nine portions of fruits and vegetables are recommended in a balanced nutritional program.

Your chiropractor is an expert on nutrition and will be glad to help you construct food plans that work for you and your family.

1Hayes JD, et al: The cancer chemopreventive actions of phytochemicals derived from glucosinolates. Eur J Nutr 47(Suppl 2):73-88, 2008 2Nair S, et al: Natural dietary anti-cancer chemopreventive compounds: redox-mediated differential signaling mechanisms in cytoprotection of normal cells versus cytotoxicity in tumor cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin 28(4):459-472, 2007 3Vinson JA, et al: Cranberries and cranberry products: Powerful in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo sources of antioxidants. J Agric Food Chem June 2008 (in press) - 17273

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Is There a Homeopathic Solution for My Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you happen to be someone who suffers from easy bruising, you will probably find that you have an interest in exploring the homeopathic route for a cure. Homeopathy is essentially a type of alternative medicine that seeks to treat and cure disorders through using much diluted preparations that often mimic the problems that are manifesting. When you are dealing with bruising easily, you'll find that there are several different herbs that you can use to treat your bruising. These preparations can reduce the amount of time that your bruises stick around, and they can even help prevent you from getting bruised in the first place.

First let's talk about dosages. Typically, you can use the doses that you make for bruising anyway you please, but it is probably in your best interests to keep the potency of the dosage relatively mild. Take the time to learn as much as possible about homeopathic remedies if this is the first time that you have tried to use them, as this can make all the difference in the world to the results you obtain.

When you consistently have to deal with easy bruising, you will readily find that one of the herbs that you need to look into is arnica. Arnica is something that can give you a much shorter recovery period when you use it as a cold compress applied directly to the bruise. It can be used externally if the skin is not broken, but it should never be used if there is an open wound. Arnica has long been considered an excellent remedy for decreasing the visibility of bruising.

Bellis is another herb that can be used to reduce bruising through homeopathy, as are the herbs hamamelis, ledum and ruta. These are possible cures that you might want to examine if you are going to practice homeopathy, or if you know someone who is already a practitioner. It is very important not to shut your eyes to homeopathy just because its something that is a little off the beaten path. Do your homework so that you can really consider what these cures might be able to do for you. If you have ever worked with homeopathy before, what were your results?

Trying to find a solution that will allow you to work with bruises that you have already gotten can be quite frustrating. Everyone's body and bodily systems are made unique by their own specific circumstances, so you should consider your own uniqueness. Your age, what type of diet you follow, and your level of physical activity are all things that really affect how frequently we bruise and how severely. Homeopathy might be something that can make a major difference in our unique condition, so always give credence to all of our possible remedies. Whether we determine that we should actively use homeopathy, or take vitamin supplements, or even a combination of both will ultimately govern our results. - 17273

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Do You Want To Have A Breast Enlargement Operation?

By Vanessa Santos

Following a breast enlargement surgery, a considerable number of women ask if it's fine to breast feed. The reply to that is of course, they can breastfeed. According to a considerable number of women who went all through breast enlargement, breast feeding is no more rough with or without implants. A number of women even believed that breast feeding with implants is easier than without implants.

Currently, more and more women who are still single and who have not started yet their childbearing period are getting breast enhancement surgery. By way of this event many now are concerned to know if breast implants can affect find out. In past days, mostly women who undertake breast enlargementsurgery are married and over their childbearing days already so the concern for breastfeeding is not given much importance.

The initial silicone sickness hit the media in 1992, as a result the apprehension of endangering the baby on breast feeding with silicone implants became a mounting concern. However studies performed has revealed that this is not the case. The reason was that, the silicon molecule is too big to pass by in the milk ducts throughbreastfeeding.

A few years afterward, silicone was removed and replaced with saline implants. Even though saline can leach into the milk, it has no damaging effects to the mother or infant as it is an inert substance.

The fear of most people at this time are on implant placement and opening site. Some suppose that it is more optimal to have the implants placed underneath the muscle. It will furthermore avoid the peri-areolar incision. The reason for this is that with this guidelines, there is less interference with the milk ducts which reside directly beneath the skin and in the tissue above the breast muscle. However, this is yet not guaranteed. There are many of women who have implants on sub-optimal locations and still are doing well in breastfeeding.

To gain the finest potential results, it is best to discuss about your plans with your surgeon through consultation. With this, your doctor can support you and work with you based on your plans. Even if you are not planning to have children yet anytime soon, consulting this with your surgeon is particularly vital. - 17273

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