Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Superfood Properties of Wheat Grass

By James Campion

Wheat grass is a grass which belongs to the large family of grasses such as rye and barley which we are familiar with. Most of the juice that is made from wheat grass, however, comes from grass grown indoors on special trays. Much of the dehydrated grass that is about 60 days old is mainly used as nutritional supplements.

When combined with wheat berries, the fresh wheat grass can produce a highly nutritious drink rich in chlorophyll. This drink is believed to assist in the prevention of cancer but is known to neutralize many of the toxins in the body, cleanse the body and reduce the rate of aging. Many people are aware of the health benefits of the juices after watching those TV adverts for the Jack Lalanne juicer machine which extol the virtue of fresh juices.

Wheat grass can benefit a number of diseases as has been demonstrated by many medical professionals. The herbal form is frequently used as medicine and is believed to possess healing properties like those of the aloe vera plant. It is interesting to note that cats and dogs when ill or sick will frequently be found nibbling on grass.

It is known to neutralize all the rotten food that forms toxins in our alimentary canal and the blood stream. Most of the toxins and additives produced in the diet can be neutralized and detoxified by the enzymes found in wheat grass.

Green plants are full of chlorophyll which is known to be their life blood. Cooking can kill the bulk of the chlorophyll and enzymes in the grass and, therefore, this is not advised. The most known fact is that most of the grass eating animals are spared from cancerous conditions as they eat chlorophyll in the fresh form. Chlorophyll does not detoxify the body itself but has enzymes present in it that do have the power to detoxify.

Many people who have purchased a juicer by Jack Lalanne understand all too well the benefits of juicing. The nutritious properties of any fruit juice will be boosted by the addition of wheat grass. They can be a significant boost to health as they are full of essential vitamins and minerals.

The cleansing effect of juices on the body have been known for a lot of years. That is the main reason most of the doctors prescribe taking vegetable and fruit juices when we have a stomach ache or are not simply feeling well. Weight for weight, wheat grass contains more protein than eggs, fish and beans and more iron than spinach. This is a relatively little known but surprising fact.

A lot of people are discovering the health benefits and wheat grass could quite easily be considered one of the superfoods. Experience the wonders of this particular grass and try adding it to your daily diet today . - 17273

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All You Need to Take Easy Control of Your Expanding Waistline is Common Sense

By Thong M. Dao

There's no magic bullet or quick fix diet plans to go about it. When you get right down to it, heaping your body with essential nutrients is still the key to effective weight control.

Some people have a problem with food absorption. They can consume all the healthy food they want but, nutrients will not be absorbed properly. This problem keeps them from obtaining their weight loss goal. In this case, they need to seek medical assistance.

Lots of individuals who are struggling with excess pounds, started off head strong and determined to follow their weight loss program. Until they feel stripped away from foods they enjoy or the craving for certain foods, they give up and end up where they started.

How do we handle these problems? Natural medicine and nutrition experts believe the body can be trained to realize when you are actually hungry for food vs. to eat just to eat. The trick is to figure out how to suppress our appetite, especially at gather, like cookouts. As soon as you can distinguish actual hunger from desire, you will be well on your way to trimming body fat.

Nutrition experts suggest a few tips and reminders, too, to empower people to handle their `weighty' issues well. These include:

1. Increase metabolism

2. Understand our own health issue and how our body absorbs nutrients.

3. Fitness training on a regular basis

4. Eating well-balanced meals; choosing super fruits and vegetables, and low glycemic index foods that are known to keep people satiated longer, thereby curbing appetite and aiding in weight loss efforts (while also preventing serious illnesses like heart problems & diabetes)

To keep the extra pounds at bay, pay little attention to diet trends. Nix the junk food. Your best bets are the wonder fruits and veggies, the essential fats and calcium. Some foods that will let you get a power surge of calcium without causing your waistline to expand are tuna noodle or other pasta casseroles or a healthy serving of cheesy macaroni.

If you have problems with blood sugar or cholesterol; Omega 3-rich foods like salmon, mackerel and herring will help you control those problems and assist you in your weight loss program.

Green tea is also a great source in promoting weight loss. However, we recommend you to seek medical advice regarding the correct amount as green tea can create iron deficiency. Remove butters and shortenings and replace the flavoring by adding a few tablespoons of virgin coconut oil. This will contribute to flavorful meals and overall health. - 17273

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Increase Height - Will A Program Really Help?

By Shaun Davids

Have you been thinking of using a program to increase height? One that you can incorporate into your daily life? If you want to follow a program to gain a few inches in height, then make sure you take the following advice.

These growing taller programs can walk you through the exercises that you need to add, into your daily activities. You may be able to come across programs that would take you for about six weeks to accomplish. After the whole exercise program, you would then get the results that you desire to increase height.

The accompanying exercise that come with a grow taller program are generally quite simple to perform - some of them you may even be familiar with, but never quite performed them properly before. This time you will have to follow a schedule along with an exercise and diet plan to make it work.

Consider the rewards that you will be getting once you have completed the whole program, you would definitely be proud of your accomplishments, and you will be able to stand proud with that new and marvelous height.

To be able to be successful in completing the program and increase height, you need to have the right attitude towards it.

- You must have enough commitment in doing the exercises on a regular basis, in short, you have to follow your schedule.

- You must have enough persistence to work according to schedule on a routine basis. Meaning, if you are required to do the exercises three times a day, you have to perform the exercises, three times a day.

- You also need to show discipline to get through both the exercise and diet program. The diet will help you receive the recommended nourishment for your bones and spine. So it is vital to stick to the height growth plan, and stop yourself from eating the wrong foods.

By doing this, there is a very high chance you will do your bones a huge favor. And with the right program you will not only increase height, but also keep your body fit and healthy. - 17273

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Reduce Dietary Fat with Correct Food Choice and Preparation

By Ian Bowers

If you are embarking on a fitness program like the Vince Delmonte Fitness program, whether it be for a specific sport or putting on muscle, such as body building, it is vital to address your diet. It is important to eat a healthy diet even if you are following diets like a high protein diet.

It is important even for those dieting, on a weight loss program. Most diets for sports are not always healthy ones. A particularly important area is fat intake. The following provides tips and advice on which foods to buy and how to cook them in the best way to reduce fat intake:

Particular foods to buy:

Choose low saturated fat alternatives by checking the labels on food.

If you are buying poultry such as chicken or turkey, buy it without the skin on.

Vegetarian and Fish alternatives tend to have a lower fat content.

Choose low fat varieties of dairy foods, such as semi-skimmed milk and low-fat yoghurts.

A pie with only one crust on the top is lower in fat.

Checking the cut of meat and the visible fat content will help reduce the fat level. Look out for lower fat alternatives of meat such as lean mince meat. Also check the amount of fat on a cut of meat and choose the one with the lowest fat amount.

Low fat food preparation:

Saturated oils are bad, so use unsaturated oils as an alternative. Sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil are popular types. These are a good alternative to lard, butter and ghee.

Grill your meat instead of frying it. The fat is allowed to run away off the meat when grilling. Removing the fat from the meat before cooking will lower the fat content.

Using a non-stick pan can allow you to avoid using fat or oil altogether.

Used low fat spreads when making sandwiches or when adding to foods such as mashed potatoes.

If you are on a fitness plan then a more healthy alternative can be substituted. If you add all these small amounts of advice together it can amount to big changes in your diet. Consistent small changes can soon add up to large differences. - 17273

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The Health Boosting Properties of Fruit Juice

By Danny Redrow

The health benefits of fruit juices are many. The drink provides many health benefits for all ages. It is good in taste and simultaneously offers a way to boost your health. Since fruits are full of nutrients and vitamins, making a fruit juice by mixing different fruits makes it more beneficial than eating the fruits on there own. A great juicer like the Jack Lalanne juicer will help you achieve the best out of your fruit.

Mixing the fruits in a drink mixes the properties. This allows the different benefits to work in synergy which therefore boosts the property of a drink. People taking fruit juices have a lower risk of suffering from chronic diseases than their counterparts. Fruit juices make people leaner, increases their body's insulin sensitivity and lowers the risk of obesity. The risks of illnesses such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease can all be lowered by regularly drinking fruit juice. A lower body mass index and smaller waist circumferences are all characteristics of people who regularly consume fruit juice.

High nutritional compounds and health benefits can be found in blueberry juice. It has tremendous health benefits and can help in preventing urinary tract infections. It has been shown to destroy many viruses and helps prevent diarrhoea illnesses. They can also assist people whom are suffering from strokes and heart diseases.

Apple juices contain vitamins and mineral nutrients like boron which helps in strengthening the bones. Age related diseases and the effects of ageing may be lowered by the many polyphenols found in this juice. It can also sharpen the memory and positively affects the learning ability. The progress of Alzheimer's disease may be reduced by regularly consuming this juice.

Drinking a glass of orange juice has been shown to help people who experience problems with kidney stones. The lowering of blood cholesterol levels and overall regulation of the body's metabolism can be a beneficial result. Orange juices are a source of Vitamin C which is a powerful agent in the fight against free radicals. Blood flow to the heart muscle can be enhanced and the body's lipid, or fat levels may be lowered by pomegranate juice. It may also slow down the rate of growth of prostrate cancer in males.

It is worth noting that all juicing machines are alike however. Some juicing machines are designed for specific jobs like wheatgrass juicing or fruit juicing. The power juicers are great for juicing fruit.

Fruit juices are very effective compared to colas which contain nothing but empty calories. Drinking a glassful in the morning with breakfast makes you feel fresh. Obesity is an epidemic worldwide, caused by eating and drinking too many junk foods and colas. Drinking fruit juice regularly may help reduce this. Regularly consuming fruit juice on a daily basis can help in maintaining a healthy diet, which should be our main concern. - 17273

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A Natural Solution To Shoe Lifts

By Shaun Davids

Are you interested in discovering ways on how to increase your height without shoe lifts? Or are you a parent who has children who wants to gain height at a shorter period of time? Considering that height has a lot of factors to look upon, which includes genetics of course, you could still get taller naturally.

If you never knew this, it is possible for anyone to naturally increase their height by at least two inches (roughly five centimeters), and with more dedication, by up to 4 inches (about ten centimeters). And the tasks required are not that difficult either. The hardest part is to keep yourself motivated, excited and dedicated to completing a height growth program. If put the effort in you can lose the shoe lifts and be naturally taller.

To get started you will be focusing mainly on your bones - particularly in your back and legs. Certain parts of these bones can be lengthened easily through posture and stretching exercises, helping to increase height.

The spinal column should be the first thing that a person should look after if he or she wants to gain height. There are cartilages in between the spine's vertebrae, which has the property to stretch and increase your height for a few more inches. Badly adjusted shoe lifts can actually affect your spine.

Other than stretching and working out for growing taller, you should focus on keeping the right posture when sitting or standing. Also, you should try keep your back flat and straight when you are lying in bed. This helps decompress your spine, so that it can grow stronger and longer.

On the other hand, the legs also has the capacity to stretch out, and that is within the shine bone as well as the thigh areas. Do you know that bones have gaps? Through frequent exercises, probably for about 45-75 minutes a day, let's say for about six to seven days a week, a person may be able to lengthen those bones in an effective manner in just a short period of time and stop having to rely on shoe lifts.

Taking these tips into consideration, this is a good start for you to naturally get taller. If you are dedicated, focused and stick to a program, you could increase your height in a matter of weeks, and forget about shoe lifts for good. - 17273

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The Impressive Effect Of Antioxidants On Your Healthiness

By Marcus M Robertson

Even though our physical processes need oxygen, the consumption of oxygen in our bodies causes oxidative destruction. Free radicals are created when our bodies employ oxygen. A free radical is a molecule that is lacking one or more electrons. This makes the molecule extremely unstable and it can cause many problems in our bodies. Antioxidants are nutrients that are found in food that are acknowledged to slow or even prevent the effects of oxidative harm.

An antioxidant will come in and connect to a free radical by donating the missing electron. Most of the healthy foods found in nature are rich in antioxidants and including these foods in your diet can boost your immune system and help to thwart disease such as heart disease and cancer and other problems characteristically linked with aging.

Berries include some of the peak antioxidant levels in the world. Blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes and cherries all have extraordinary antioxidant content. The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC is how food is measured for antioxidants. All berries place high on the ORAC scale and the highest-ranking actual food on the ORAC scale is the acai berry. A couple of items such as ground cloves and ground cinnamon rank higher than the acai but as for authentic foods the acai berry surpasses all.

Other fruits that are high on the ORAC scale consist of citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes and most of the more tropical fruits like kiwi, mango and papaya. Apples, pears, plums, apricots and peaches are also first-rate sources of antioxidants.

Other foods that are elevated in antioxidants incorporate many everyday vegetables. Greens such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard and dandelion greens are very high in antioxidants as are the cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

Pumpkins are very superior in beta-carotene, which is a substance that converts to vitamin A in our bodies. Beta-carotene is a very vital nutrient but it can be risky, in particular for smokers, to take beta-carotene in supplement form. The top way to get this most important nutrient is through the diet. Most orange foods, like pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash provide an generous quantity.

A colorful diet is the most excellent way to obtain an copious supply of antioxidants. The deep and vibrantly colored foods from nature provide the supreme concentration of antioxidants. Oranges from pumpkins, carrots and sweet potatoes, deep purples and red from the berries and greens from spinach and cruciferous vegetables and red tomatoes and watermelon are all clues to high antioxidant content.

Research continues on antioxidants but it is showing progressively more advantages for our physical condition. Enhanced immune function can check disease like cancers and heart disease and also check common ailments related with aging such as macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. - 17273

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The Health Benefits of Citrus Juice

By Leanne Tyler

Citrus juice has significant benefits to offer that cannot be provided from other fruit juices. It is their high concentrations of Vitamin C which makes them highly desirable and beneficial to our health. Surprisingly, human beings are one of the few species that does not make its own supply of this vital vitamin.

Many of the illnesses we suffer from today, such as viruses and cancer, are thought to be due to the lack of Vitamin C in our diet. This is because it naturally destroys the free radicals that enters our body and damages the cells. Many thousands of years ago we ate much more fruit than we do today. Our bodies are perfectly adapted to picking and grasping fruit from the ground and trees.

Due to this high level of Vitamin C intake in the past it is believed our body started to produce less and less until today when we produce none. In the modern diet the amount of fruit we eat has decreased substantially. Therefore, our intake of this important chemical has also reduced to a significant and inadequate degree.

Juicing has become a way for us to reverse this and start increasing our intake of vitamins again. It is also an enjoyable, fast and refreshing way to boost our health. It does not require any regular expense of Vitamins or supplements and is all natural.

Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling has been one of the greatest supporters of Vitamin C and the health benefits it has to give. The quantities that he advised to take in though were quite large. It is generally thought we do not need to take in this much on a daily basis. He believed that it would prevent many of the illnesses that we suffer from today.

Large amounts of Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, can be found in oranges and lemons. Oranges contain about 50mg of ascorbic acid per 100g of fruit and about 70mg per fruit slice. Compare this to the recommended daily allowance of 70mg. This, however is the amount recommended to prevent scurvy. It is scurvy that classically causes bleeding gums.

Investing in a citrus juicer or fruit juicer is an investment in your health. As you can see from this article, many of the essential nutrients we require can be obtained in this healthy, natural way. - 17273

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Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250 - A Glimpse

By Reg Rubio

Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250

To set it plainly, Superpump 250 is a pre-workout mixture created by Gaspari Nutritions. The primary assumption behind the beverage is that you consume a trifle bit of it prior to exercising and it will assist you to acquire results from your workouts a great deal quicker than if you had just exercised alone. Therein, it is like several other products presently acquirable on the marketplace and below I critique it for your learning delight.

The Good

There are simple many things to love in the new Superpump 250. First, there are independent studies which proved that the data you find in Gaspari's website are true and accurate, meaning, you don't have to worry a thing when you consume this wonderful pre-workout drink.

This drink has been analysed doubly in two distinguishable trials from recognized bodies in the scientific profession. And it surely has no problem in passing those tests. The product have been affirmed and substantiated by autonomous bodies making it reliable on its claims for good condition issues.

Its time for more intense workouts today!

Belonging from that point, one can broaden the thought of autonomous tests being a beneficial matter to the list of things that Gaspari claims about this product. The power to place on some good muscle mass in a short quantity of time is specially attracting, same as the power to exercise more arduous and lengthier as a result of having acquired this beverage in advance.

There are a lot of additional welfares that Gaspari assures, all of which were examined and found to be demonstrated in the independent trials mentioned. For that grounds, the Superpump 250 is a product that not only has the power to render on what it assures, but it also has the power to assist you raise your physical fitness to the next tier.

The Bad

If you would like to purchase this product, don't waffle because luckily there's nothing bad to say about the Superpump 250. One matter that annoys some physical experts though is the deficiency of fact about the product's elements. There's a trifle of truth about the measure of these ingredients but the mixture have been hidden attributable to corporate grounds.

This is quiet perceivable for the company but it would be hiding infos from the public consumer. All the same, due to the bearing of the autonomous studies, the uncertainty of the consumers have been eradicated even there's no information about the patented blend of the product.

The Interesting

As yet a lot of fitness jocks have use the Superpump 250 in their work out regime and they guaranteed for the potency of the product concerning bringing about the vascular appearance that the physical fitness enthusiasts wishes and besides the surplus vigor they get to last longer in training is reliable. I will advocate this drink for those who desired to have a really physical and healthy lifestyle. - 17273

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How to Use Herbal Remedies to Deal with Hypertension

By Yolande Koy

A disease that everyone should be aware of is hypertension, otherwise more commonly called high blood pressure. Approximately a third of Americans are currently living under the specter of this disease. The incidence rate of this disease has exploded in recent times and shows no signs of slowing down. Hypertension brings with a rise in heartbeats, clogging of the arterial wall and blood volume increases.

No one is safe from this insidious disease, as it does not discriminate among the world population. No matter your age, sex or race. The disease has managed to gain a stranglehold on the population due to the prevalence of sedentary way of life, bad eating habits and stress.

You can however treat hypertension or the the very least manage it by adopting a program for a healthy lifestyle incorporating, a proper diet, exercise and herbal treatments. One of the most effective herbal treatment, which is also well known, is garlic. For those that would like to try a highly recommended herbalist combination, try garlic and raisin. Of course, it may be too much for those that only starting to use herbal remedies.

Grapefruits would be easier option on the palette. Despite being a popular breakfast item, the benefits are little known to most. Vitamin P can be found in great quantities in the fruit. This vitamin is known to reduce blood pressure. In addition to the grape you could eat a carrot, which also helpful to control hypertension.

Besides fruits and vegetables, you can use the more interesting herbs of hawthorn berries, Garcinia and a wonderful herb known as Shepherd's Purse. These herbs have the ability to help loosen the blood vessels, as well as cleanse them. Beyond that, you can use a blend of herb in an infusion, which is made by blending sarpagandha, lime blossoms, Siberian ginseng, mistletoe and motherwort. It is effective as it is, but if you want to lift it up another notch you can add one teaspoon of honey to the mix. Use this infusion every day and you will see a difference.

Honey is another food that can be used to deal with hypertension. It is able to strengthen your blood vessels and heart. The simplest way of taking honey is to make a drink out of it. Just mix one tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey to make a refreshing breakfast drink. If you are feeling especially brave, substitute onion juice for the lemon juice.

A nutritious diet is essential in dealing with hypertension. Fruits are highly recommended, as are vegetables. Apples and bananas are easily obtained at any local supermarket. Spinach, tomatoes and leafy greens rank as some of the best. Beyond that, you can try fasting a day every week. Instead of eating your regular meals for the day, you take fresh fruit juices.

Last on the list of things leading to high blood pressure is stress. A hard day's work may leave you tense and stressed out, especially in the current economic climate. You need to find ways to clear your mind and relieve the stress. Many turn to yoga to clear their minds. Other methods would be using aromatherapy or even massages if it is more towards your liking. - 17273

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Washington, DC Weight Loss Specialist Says Red Meat Is Not Bad

By Will Branden

Foods that aren't good for you, seems like one of the most talked about topics in the media. In case you haven't already realized, this changes quite often. Sometimes they say milk is good for you and other times they say its not. Ultimately what they are doing is making it look like researchers have made a breakthrough in science and promoting bad science. Washington DC, weight loss expert addresses this when he talks about red meat being ok to eat.

There is a new study that shows that eating red meat can increase your chances of dying prematurely. Apparently these statements are not true and according to Josef Brandenburg, Washington DC weight loss expert, the people that have made these statements really need to get their facts straight. News channels should not be airing these claims, as they give everyone the wrong idea.

He makes a valid point by bringing to notice that there is no evidence to justify their claims. It has never been proven to be true by anyone. Josef says that it is not based on facts and it has no cause and effect. He also establishes that just because majority of the people eat more ice cream in the summer, does not mean that it has anything to do with the fact that the number of murders committed in the summer increase. The two are not linked.

Josef explains that in order to prove that red meat will play a hand in an early death then you would need to intervene in a persons life so that you can watch what the effects of red meat actually have on that person. Studies have actually shown that when people cut back on the amount of saturated fats and the amount of cholesterol they have, the death toll actually went up so their claims of red meat being bad are not fact.

You can lose the weight you want, with the help of the Washington, DC based weight loss expert, Josef Brandenburg and it will not cost you your health. He has all the facts about weight loss and is well known by celebrities for his great work. If losing weight is what you are looking for, you should think about working with the Washington, DC weight loss specialist. You will find out that not only is red meat ok for you to eat, but also other things that you were told you were not supposed to, while he helps you do what is best for you as well as your body. - 17273

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What Are the Reasons We Tend to Bruise More Easily as We Age?

By Carolyn Cooper

Don't you remember when we could hang out with our friends until the next morning after a full day of studying? How about when we pulled all-nighters, and were still ready to head out to party for the weekend? When we were younger, our body recovered a lot quicker from the damage that we did to it, and now we notice that we are now seeing a whole lot more bruises. It is true that we are now subject to bruising more easily as we get older, and when we do bruise, they seem to last a whole lot longer.

The first reason why we may be bruising more as we age is that we have lost a portion of our fat layer that lies just below our skin. This causes the skin to have a rather papery appearance to it, and it is no longer as protective if we fall or bump into something. In the same vein, we find that the tissues supporting our blood vessels is getting a lot weaker, which makes them considerably more prone to incidental damage. As we grow older, the blood vessels themselves have become more frail, and we should be aware of that situation. When the blood vessels beneath our skin break because of blunt trauma, blood will pool below the skin, which causes the bruise formation.

If you are going to attempt to evaluate the process of why you tend to bruise more as you age, you should keep in mind that there may often be other causes involved as well. If you have spent a great deal of time exposed to the sun, that exposure could be a contributing factor, as will the use of things like blood thinners, whether in the form of corticosteroid drugs of over the counter aspirin. Some people will also discover that dietary supplements like ginkgo biloba, garlic, vitamin E, and ginseng can make them tend to easy bruising.

Also remember that bruising can be a sign of some of the more serious problems that can occur as we age. If you truly feel as though you are bruising for no reason, you should take your questions to your doctor. You may need to be screened for illnesses that range from diabetes to blood related diseases. If you have noticed more bruising after you take a new medication or a supplement, you will also need to talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Remember that no matter why it is happening, bruising is your body evidencing some form of damage, and this is not a situation that you should take lightly.

Stay aware of your bruises. When and where do they occur? Are the bruises sore, and how long does it take for them to heal? What type of medications are you using to help alleviate the bruising, and what else is there for you to do to take care of them? Bruises might well be a problem, but it is a situation that can definitely be overcome with the correct approach. - 17273

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