Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Toned Abs Come From Whole Body Movement

By Dan Solaris

An increasing number of people around the world are becoming obese because of the proliferation of fast food. The availability of delicious, calorie-loaded western food has in fact caused roughly 65% of people in North America and Western Europe to become obese.

The first mistake people do in their attempts to lose belly fat and get toned abs is doing ab isolation exercises. Although common-sense may make sit-ups and crunches seem effective in isolating belly fat, getting a lean, flat abdomen takes much more than that.

Exercises that isolate the muscles of the abdomen are not totally useless of course- they serve to strengthen and develop the muscle tissue under the stubborn layer of belly fat. The only way to lose belly fat and get really toned abs however is to do exercises designed for fast body fat burn.

Studies have proven cardiovascular exercise that involves the whole body is most effective in losing excess body fat. The more muscles involved in movement, the more calories burned from stored fat. Eliminate enough body fat and that flabby belly disappears resulting in nicely toned abs.

Doing total body cardio exercises at high enough intensity not only results in fat-loss- they also condition the heart and lungs, putting more oxygen into the blood stream and lowering blood pressure. The metabolic rate also goes up and stays elevated even after working out. This means more calories burned throughout the day.

The human body's ability to prevent fat-gain is improved significantly when our metabolism goes up. The higher our metabolism is, the more calories we can burn even while away from the gym. Everyone knows that weight-loss results from burning more calories than we consume from food each day.

Doing exercises that build muscle can also help in raising our metabolism to better combat body fat and help us get toned abs faster. Most people would be surprised to know that muscle tissue actually burns calories just by being there. Therefore, more conditioned our muscles are, the more calories we can burn without making an effort.

Whole body cardio exercises, aside from being highly effective in burning massive amounts of calories per session, are also more fun to do. The more a person has fun and looks forward to his workout sessions, the less likely he or she would be prone to get lazy and stop working out. Just as with any other endeavor, consistent exercise is the key to losing fat and getting toned abs with good definition. - 17273

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Love Your Cast Iron? Five Tips to Guarantee a Long, Healthy Life.

By Bob Moore

I'm not exactly sure why anyone wouldn't have cast iron in his or her cooking arsenal. Yes, it is quite heavy compared to stainless steel and copper-clad cookware. But, if you care for it the correct way, it can far outlast its higher-priced counterparts. Below are some tips to help you get the most out of your cast iron and keep it around for a long time.

Cast iron has a number of advantages over its stainless steel and copper counterparts. Seasoned correctly, cast iron can be equally as nonstick as the pans that cost much more. Also, it's incredibly versatile. It can be used on the stovetop, in the oven, and even on the grill. As long as you take care of it, your cast iron will be around for quite a long time. So here's what to do and what not to do:

As far as care is concerned, you want to make sure that all cast iron pots and pans are hand-washed. Never place them in the dishwasher as they are prone to rust. Obviously, this affects the seasoning aspect.

The next important tip is to be sure not to use soap when washing. As long as your pans are seasoned properly, they shouldn't stick. So a little warm water and some steel wool is sufficient for cleaning. Once washed, simply dry with lint-free paper towels and be sure to always store pans without the lids on. You don't want any excess moisture, as that will encourage rusting.

A well-seasoned pan will last much longer than one that is not. The seasoning will fill in the small pores in the cookware and provide a protective coating. Simply rub it lightly with shortening, lard, or oil, and bake it for an hour in a 300-degree oven The more you repeat the process, the greater the likelihood your cookware's life will be extended.

Since cast iron is a reactive metal, don't cook anything in it that is acidic, such as citrus or tomatoes. You don't want the metal reacting with the acids, as this will ruin your seasoning.

Lastly, don't use your cast iron as a storage container. Exposure to moisture over long periods of time will cause the cookware to rust. It's okay to use it to keep food warm while you're eating, but once the meal is over, clean it thoroughly.

So if you currently are without quality cast iron cookware, I would suggest starting out with a good skillet and a Dutch oven. You'll be amazed at the versatility of these pieces, whether you do a lot of pan frying, pan roasting, stewing, or deep frying. As long as you adhere to proper care and cleaning, your cast iron will be your friend for many, many years. - 17273

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Toned Abs & Compound Movements

By Dan Solaris

An increasing number of people around the world are becoming obese because of the proliferation of fast food. The availability of delicious, calorie-loaded western food has in fact caused roughly 65% of people in North America and Western Europe to become obese.

The first mistake people do in their attempts to lose belly fat and get toned abs is doing ab isolation exercises. Although common-sense may make sit-ups and crunches seem effective in isolating belly fat, getting a lean, flat abdomen takes much more than that.

Exercises that isolate the muscles of the abdomen are not totally useless of course- they serve to strengthen and develop the muscle tissue under the stubborn layer of belly fat. The only way to lose belly fat and get really toned abs however is to do exercises designed for fast body fat burn.

Studies have proven cardiovascular exercise that involves the whole body is most effective in losing excess body fat. The more muscles involved in movement, the more calories burned from stored fat. Eliminate enough body fat and that flabby belly disappears resulting in nicely toned abs.

The benefits of doing cardiovascular exercises are several. Aside from burning fat fast, the heart and lungs are also strengthened- improving endurance and lowering high blood pressure. Intense aerobic exercise also puts the body's metabolic rate in high gear- meaning you still burn calories hours after you've finished exercising.

A higher metabolism means a better ability of the body to avoid storing body fat because this means more calories burned. The key to weight loss and toned abs is burning more calories than we consume in a day.

Another way to increase the body's metabolic rate and get rid of surplus calories easier is by building muscle. Resistance training through free weights or other forms of resistance can help prevent fat gain because the more muscles we have, the more calories we can burn. Experts have discovered that muscle tissue eats up calories even while inactive. The more calories we burn while away from the gym means the less effort we have to make during our workouts.

Choosing cardio exercises that you won't get bored with can spell success or failure in your quest for lean, nicely toned abs. The more repetitive and boring your workouts, the easier it will be for you to get bored with them. Boredom is the main reason why people don't exercise consistently- prolonging the agony of having a flabby belly. - 17273

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5 Reasons To Try Acai

By Carter Sinclair

The reasons listed below alone are enough to try Acai berry. Here are 5 reasons you should try out Acai berry.

1. Acai Slows Down Aging. Acai contains the highest count of antioxidants in any known fruit or vegetable. Antioxidants combat the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Not only does this slow down aging, but it also improves the immune system, gives you better looking hair and skin, increases energy, and helps fight cancer. Not bad for a little berry?

2. Promotes Weight Loss. Acai is filled with tons of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids that help promote healthy weight loss. It also contains cyanidin which is thought to assist in reducing the absorption of fat.

3. Reduces Cholesterol. Omega fatty acids have also been shown to help improve cholesterol problems. Omega-3 has also shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks.

4. Improves Memory and Mood. The acai berry contains essential fatty acids that improve brain functioning. These essential fatty acids help you to remember and also fight off depression.

5. Improves Performance. Many athletes have used Acai as an energy supplement because it gives you long lasting energy without the come down. It gives you that same burst like that of coffee without the harmful side effects of caffeine. - 17273

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What You Need To Know About Weight Loss At Home

By Cathy M

There is a special occasion and you have to wear that old dress or suit but it does not fit so now you have to lose weight fast. Lose weight too fast and you could harm your body. A loss of muscle tone or even heart disease and issues with other internal organs can result from fad diets, miracle pills and extreme fasting. Here are some tips to safely lose weight fast.

Since losing weight is in simple terms expending more calories than you consume, figure out exactly what you are eating. Keep a written log of every tasty morsel, for a minimum of a week. Don't cheat. Short cuts on this only harm you. Now with the help of sources like mypyramidtracker.gov figure out the calories in what you have eaten over that time.

Once you have a list of all the calories you eat, look for ways to reduce them. This can be as uncomplicated as reducing down on meal portion sizes. Serve sizes are generally too big both at home and in restaurants. There are a lot of other simple tactics that don't significantly modify what you eat. Soda and juice, cake, cookies, butter, lose them all from your diet. Salad dressing is the prime source of calories on most dinner tables! Getting used to the delicious taste of a salad with a pinch of lemon juice makes a substantial difference. Also note that empty calories such as sugars and white breads (carbohydrates) are the first things to restrict. These can be replaced with sugar substitutes and whole grain breads without to much impact to you.

But I really like the side dish? This part of the meal is often a minefield of bad food choices including French Fries, macaroni and cheese and potato salad. Replace these items with healthy alternatives such as steamed vegetables, cottage cheese, or salad (minus dressing.)

Build up some muscle to build up muscle mass and metabolism. That leads to burning more calories even when you are sitting still like at your office desk. An Aerobic workout is probably the best for calorie control and fat burning. Many Guru's say to participate in some form of aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week. Don't pay attention to the 3-5 times a week school of thought on this. Find an activity you like and can achieve for seven days each week, as this is now a lifestyle change meaning forever..

There's the plan to lose weight fast. Now get moving! - 17273

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Facts about Xylitol

By Alyssa Devan

In ordinary term, xylitol is a sweetener that can be used as a substitute for sugar. Studies have shown that it has benefits not found in sugar. It is also found to prevent tooth decays and can be used as sugar substitute in food for people with diabetes.

The chemical composition of xylitol is not sugar. Fructose and glucose are examples of the kinds of sugar. Xylitol is actually a sugar alcohol with five instead of six carbon atoms. It can be compared to sucrose which taste as sweet as xylitol.

In the late 1900s, xylitol was discovered by German and French chemists. Raspberries and strawberries, other vegetables and even some mushrooms are examples of sources of xylitol.

How does xylitol prevent tooth decay? It prevents the occurrence of acid attack, that's how. The food that we eat contains sugar that aids in the proliferation of certain bacteria in the mouth. Those bacteria can penetrate the surface of our teeth through the acids produced by metabolic process.

Acidity is measured by "pH". When the pH of plaque falls down to 5.5 or lower, calcium is being stripped away from our tooth's surface. Then, our tooth's enamel will start to dissolve slowly. This is when tooth cavities will be formed. As it goes on further, the enamel will become porous and vulnerable to bacteria and will later lead to tooth decay.

Xylitol can stop this acid attack because the bacteria that cause tooth decay cannot complete their metabolism process which brings their growth to a halt. Leading bacteria that cause tooth decay are lactobacilli and streptococci. It is said that with xylitol intake instead of sugar, the growth of these bacteria can fall to as much as 90%. Because they cannot produce acid, the enamel stays safe from attacks and cavity cannot be produced.

Our saliva protects our mouth from bacteria. It prevents bacteria from producing acid that can destroy our teeth by maintaining the desired pH level. However, our saliva can only provide limited protection. If you consume more than the necessary sugar intake per day, the saliva's protective mechanism becomes useless.

Since most of us consume too much sugar in a day, we need to brush our teeth often. The fluoride in toothpaste helps wash out acids formed on the enamel. On the other hand, xylitol that is present in our saliva can make our mouth more alkaline. It raises amino acids and ammonia causing the pH level to rise and halt the production of bacteria.

After you've known the benefits of xylitol, you are probably interested about how you can avail of xylitol. It is being used in the production of chewing gum sweeteners. Dentists found that gums with xylitol is a good way of adding the compound to our saliva. Chewing in itself facilitates the production of more saliva. Presence of xylitol and more saliva secretion means more protection against tooth decay-causing bacteria.

One of the most important part of the body is the teeth. We need them to crush our food for better digestion. Toothache is definitely not something that we can take lightly. It's like a curse if you suffer from toothache. It is also not advisable to immediately extract the tooth that is causing the pain. Dentists would often give medication first to stop the ache before extracting the tooth.

Another good thing about having healthy teeth is that you always have a ready smile for everyone. You'll have more confidence when you talk with anyone. Hopefully, more manufacturers would find ways to use xylitol instead of sugar in our daily food so that we can always have healthy teeth. - 17273

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What Makes Dietary Vitamins Necessary?

By Royce Linford

We all know vitamins are good for us. But few people exactly what benefits they offer. Dietary vitamins have become increasingly popular, especially with all the studies being done on how they effect the human body.

Many doctors believe its necessary to include dietary supplements with our normal diets to give the full amount of vitamins and minerals our bodies need to stay healthy.

Lack of vitamins can lead to a number of illnesses, such as heart disease, memory disorder, asthma and cancer. This is why we have to make sure we are eating a healthy balanced diet.

One of the most important contributors to our health are antioxidants. They shield us from toxins and free radicals that damage our cells. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimers can be prevented by taking antioxidants. The most well known antioxidants are Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Staying healthy can be made much easier by taking vitamins. Since we dont produce vitamins on our own we have to get them from our diet or supplements. A healthy diet is necessary to ensure youre getting the proper amount of vitamins, especially because vitamin deficiency can lead to serious illness.

In addition to vitamins our bodies also need minerals. Selenuim and magnesium are two more well known minerals and have a strong impact on health. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, while magnesium restores energy and helps boost morale. Some other minerals we need are calcium, copper, chromium and iron. Each of these minerals have a very beneficial effect on our bodies.

Then there are also proteins and amino acids. Protein aids in muscle development and amino acids help give energy to muscles and other parts of the body.

With dietary vitamins having such a huge impact on our health, its very important to make sure we are getting enough. Taking a dietary supplement can help make sure you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. - 17273

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Acai Burn Complete Review - Better, Stronger Plus a Huge Bonus Offer!

By Collin De Ruyck

Acai Burn Complete Review - In my opinion, the worlds best Acai Berry supplement Acai Burn just got a whole lot better by adding a great colon cleanse"PureCleanse Pro" to the limited time free trial offer you can currently get from Acai Burn.

Acai Burn has helped millions of people to lose weight and keep it off for quite some time now. Using nothing but the purest acai berry extract, quality has been something users ave come to trust.

Included in your free trial of Acai Burn Complete is the following 60 Tablets of Acai Burn (1 Bottle) 60 Tablets of Pure Cleanse Pro (1 Bottle)

You get both of those supplements for the same shipping price of $4.95 which is a huge bargain because before if you wanted them, you had to get separate orders for both.

Doubling your chances to lose weight for the same price as previous free trials just insures you have success and with me personally using both products I know your going to see the same great results as I have. - 17273

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A Detox Diet for Cellulite

By El Bilson

Cellulite is a condition that affects many women of all ages. A detox diet for cellulite is something that may help you get rid of your cellulite.

Are you looking into doing a detox diet for cellulite? While there is no specific diet that will completely get rid of cellulite, detox diets can help. There are several detox diets that you can try and we will look at where to find more information on these special diets.

Wondering how a detox diet helps improve your skin? What does it mean to detox the body? This article is a good starting point for more information on detox diets and how they work. Before you start a detox diet it is important to check with your doctor. This is especially crucial if you have health problems or are on any medications.

Several organs in the body help clean toxins from the blood. The main detox organ is the liver. However other organs such as the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph, and skin all play their part in cleaning the body. Our bodies are a miracle in that all the systems work together.

After many years of cleaning the body, these organs can become overworked. Toxins build up, and hamper the functioning of the cleansing organs. Cellulite and the overall appearance of the skin will improve once you change your diet. And a good way to start is by detoxifying your body through a good cleanse. After that you can choose low fat, high fiber foods that will continue to improve the functioning of the body.

Many of us are eating processed foods that are high in fat and low in fiber. With the wide availability of junk food, it is easy to get off track. My husband and I travel a lot and most of our meals are consumed in restaurants. Many people give into their cravings for french fries or pizza on a regular basis. But over time these foods and others like them cause the body to be loaded down with toxins.

These toxins put a lot of work on the liver and kidneys and the other detox organs. Going on a brief detox diet gives these organs a rest and allows them to clean the toxins from the body. Detoxifying the body allows these organs to play catch up on the work they are designed for.

The term cellulite is used to describe the dimpled look that is found on the skin. As skin ages the connective tissue, called septa, in the subcutaneous layer of the skin loses its elasticity. When this happens, the fat deposits that are a normal part of the body push up between the connective tissue. This is what causes cellulite to have a rippled or dimpled appearance.

By changing what we eat and drink, we can improve circulation to the septa. When blood circulation is improved, a reduction in cellulite can be achieved over time. Of course, this is a change in lifestyle that might be difficult for many people. Permanent results require us to give up some of the foods we may enjoy. But the good news is that the healthy change in diet will not only improve the look of skin but will result in a healthier body overall.

There are lots of detox diet for cellulite to choose from. Visit your local library or bookstore or do a web search and you will find many methods to detoxify the body. Some of these detox diets include fasting. Others are liquid diets that include fresh fruit and vegetable juices. It is important to find a detox diet that you enjoy that that works for you. Make sure you do the detox diet frequently, but stick to a normal diet most days. Regular detoxing will lead to not only improve cellulite, but improved health overall. - 17273

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Fat Loss - Balancing Flexibility And Strength

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture has conquered most of the globe and the world's inhabitants are succumbing to the tasty, mouth-watering drive-thru fare that just so happens to be dripping with LDL cholesterol (yes, the bad kind). Fortunately, there are a gauntlet of exercises proven to combat the surplus of caloric energy stored in love-handles and bouncing bellies.

Most fitness experts prescribe the usual combination of cardio exercises and muscle-building routines for clients struggling with weight. With the wide variety of variations to choose from it's a wonder why a lot of folks still find it a challenge to keep working out consistently.

Folks that are looking for an effective fat-loss exercise program that won't leave them gasping for breath for an hour will find Pilates the ideal choice. Most people that find workouts too difficult and tiring stop exercising after a month or so without getting closer to their goals. Remember that having fun is a big factor in working-our consistently.

Pilates can even be the ideal fat-loss method of choice for the aged and those with physical ailments since the exercises aren't really high impact like conventional exercise programs are. Besides muscle strength and suppleness, flexibility and balance are also developed because most of the moves are executed while trying to keep one's body stabilized.

Total body aerobic exercise with resistance training is the most popular fat-loss workout combo nowadays. Interspersing Pilates sessions with the more conventional exercises will tone-up the muscles faster and facilitate speedier loss of body fat.

The slow, continuous stretching and limbering movements involved in Pilates strengthens the ligaments and connective tissue of our joints as well. Also, they are the perfect complement to joint and muscle stiffness brought about by weight-lifting exercises. Relaxed joints allow wider range of movement and stability.

The moves in Pilates exercises involve simultaneous action of all the core muscles- the upper and lower abdominals, the lumbar muscles, the obliques and even the buttocks. Since several muscles are being utilized at the same time, this means more calories burned in less time, ergo speedier weight loss.

A high metabolism is one the best weapons against body fat because it allows for more calories burned throughout the day. Regular stretching of muscle tissue lengthens and tones them up resulting in a longer, leaner physique, higher metabolic rate, and better results from fat loss efforts. - 17273

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Chromium Supplements

By Peter D Vizard

Chromium is a naturally occurring mineral in the body, but experts have yet to decide how much the body needs or really requires for normal health.

Chromium comes in two different forms: chromium 3 (commonly know as trivalent) which is found in many foods; and chromium 6 ( commonly know as hexavalent), which is considered to be the harmful form of this mineral. To function normally, your body requires a regular amount of chromium 3 .

Chromium helps your body use sugar correctly . It is also needed for the processing of proteins and fats. Chromium enhances the action of insulin in the body and also plays a major role in the storage of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Its exact role is yet unclear and more studies are being done to find out the exact reason why the body needs it.

These studies will analyze different foods for its chromium content, looking at the benefits of chromium, deciding if chromium supplements can help and working out much amount of chromium is needed to address any possible lack.

There are many different foods that contain different level of chromium. Unfortunately, the level found in these foods is small, approximately 2 microgram per serving.

These food items are those you would connect with healthy living include fruit vegetables, seafood and whole grain bread products. Foods that are high in sugar are known to deplete the chromium reserve in your body.

To give you and idea how much chromium is contained in different types of food, check the details in the list below.

- 1 cup broccoli (22mcg) - 1/2 cup orange juice (1mcg) - 2 cups orange juice (4mcg) - 4 slices of whole grain bread (4mcg) - 3 ounces of turkey breast (2mcg) - 1 tsp of dried garlic (3mcg) - 1 tablespoon of dried basil (2mcg) - 2 cups of mashed potatoes (6mcg) - 10 ounces of red wine ( 2 to 23 mcg) - 2 medium-sized banana (2mcg) - 1 cup of green beans (2 mcg)

The amount of chromium differs based on your age, body weight and size. Females who are pregnant need more that other normal adults. Females in this position, need around 30mcg of chromium daily. For adults, the recommended daily requirement is between 20 to 30 mcg.

If you have a busy lifestyle and maybe don't have the time to get the right amounts of quality food, you might want to consider taking chromium supplements. They are available in different forms medical advice should be sort before any type of supplement is considered. Chromium supplements are available in the following methods:

1. Oral -Chromium Capsules or Tablets (U.S. and Canada)

2. Parenteral Chromic Chloride or Injection (U.S.)

Once you received the approval of your medical professional, you can buy chromium supplements from most pharmacies and health stores. For the best prices and service you may want to look towards online stores.

The internet allows access to stores that may not have previously available. As with any purchases online, always look for a reputable operators who hold well know brand name products and are easy to contact via the phone.

As with any medical its is important to seek reliable medical advice especially if you have any form of allergy they may be effected by the addition of another mineral like a chromium supplement. - 17273

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The Acai Berri - The Juice With Amazing Antioxidant Powers

By I. Russell

You might have certainly come across the term of acai berry or you may have heard or seen some kind of advertisement for products containing the berry. Do you really know the true facts and nutrition of this wonder fruit and the benefits of the acai berry juice? It can be better explained so as to provide you the details and reasons why this berry has attained so much popularity and how it is beneficial to those who are looking for antioxidants.

To stay healthy it is very important for us to get plenty of antioxidants in our diet. Recent ORAC test (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) done by Dr.Guohua has shown the results that specific foods always helps the body to fight with health problems. It measures the level of antioxidants in particular food so that one can have idea that how much antioxidant power the specific food has.

So, how much ORAC should you end up having on a daily basis? Well, the recommended amount is 1670 each day. However, most people don't get this much. Many don't even get half of this amount. Eating the acai berry can change that and give you the antioxidants that you need in your diet.

You see, you'll actually find that the acai berry fruit actually contains 3800 ORAC for every 1 oz of the juice you drink. This means that you get more than double the amount of antioxidants that you need from one, one ounce serving of the juice. Now you may be understanding why you see it advertised all the time. With this amount of antioxidants in your diet you can really reap some great healthy benefits.

Why are the antioxidants found in the acai berry so important? The reason is that antioxidants help rid the body of free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous and can cause lots of diseases, such as cancer. So making sure that you get plenty of antioxidants in your diet is essential for a healthy body.

It's important that you buy juice that is organic when you're purchasing acai berry juice. Why be attracted by the many benefits of the juice (like lots of antioxidants), when there are hazardous chemicals that are used on the berries? Make sure that the company you are buying from is reputable, and uses organic berries when making the juice.

Learn more about the acai berry and how it can make a positive change in your life. No doubt you'll find that the acai berry juice totally changes the way you feel and impacts your health for the better. So, if you are interested in better health, getting more antioxidants is key to achieving this. - 17273

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