Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, January 9, 2009

Infos - The Importance of Physical Fitness

By Marius Hagen

The first order of business with any exercise plan, especially if you are a "dyed-in-the-wool" couch potato, is to consult with your health care provider.

If you have cardiac factors, your doctor may want to perform a stress test to establish a safe level of exercise for you.

Certain complications of some diseases will also dictate what type of exercise program you can take on. Activities like weightlifting, jogging, or high-impact aerobics can possibly pose a risk for people with diabetic retinopathy due to the risk for further blood vessel damage and possible "retinal detachment."

Health experts also contend that patients with sever peripheral neuropathy or PN should avoid foot-intensive weight-bearing exercises such as long-distance walking, jogging, or step aerobics and opt instead for low-impact activities like swimming, biking, and rowing.

If we have conditions which have practice as well as earthy aptness a challenge, your provider might impute we to an practice physiologist who can pattern a aptness module for your specific needs.

If we have been already active in sports or work out regularly, it will still great we to plead your unchanging slight with your doctor.

The bottom line is that physical fitness and exercise should not have to be a rigid activity and should not come off strong. Your exercise routine can be as simple as a brisk nightly neighborhood walk, walking the dog, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The important thing is that you keep on moving. Every little bit really helps a lot.

In the end, you will realize that the many things that good food can bring you are equally the same as what physical fitness can do for you. - 17273

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Critical Secrets Revealed-2 Weight Loss Programs!

By Peter Clayton

Fresh, innovative and revolutionary. These words describe a wonderful breakthrough weight loss program that allows you to shed countless pounds, and stay vigorous while adding years to your life!

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has blown the lid off the best kept secrets in weight loss ever discovered.

Dr. Gudakunst declares --

"This is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first...but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."

Dr. Gudakunst has established a key and definitive connection between those suffering from chronic obesity and the parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract and harmful plaque.

Pesticides, preservatives and other chemicals were discovered by Dr. Gudakunst to collect in everyone as unsafe crusty "plaque".

Dr. Suzanne also identified many specific species of "parasites" (i.e.--little worm-like, eyeless, fanged creatures) living inside 99.964% of everyone's intestines in the USA alone, and about 92.36% of people worldwide.

Parasites hinder you from absorbing the nutrition you require in two ways: They excrete an unsafe and toxic sludge that coats your insides. And, a coral-like barrier is formed by the fossilized remains of these dead creatures.

Testing her findings over the course of six years, this remarkable lady doctor developed a number of natural treatments to remove these harmful, digestive parasites and life-threatening plaques. Amazingly, even her worst-case obese patients experienced 100% effectiveness and success.

Dr. Gudakunst decided to test the effectiveness of her research findings with the severly obese on a group of moderately overweight people. She discovered the same quality of results described above.

Conventional doctors gave her case subjects little or no chance of living normal lives. However, after employing Dr. Gudakunst's remedies, they were able to see a wonderful contradiction to these traditional diagnoses.

The doctor's treatment is centered around natural protection agents found throughout the world. These are select herbs, extracts and organic ingredients, found in a variety of plants.

When prepared using meticulously chosen amounts and using specific combinations, the doctor has seen astonishing results.

Additional information is accessible in the author's bio below. - 17273

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Body Building For Those Above 40

By Zul Rahman

Who says that body building sports are just for younger people? Seniors like you are very much involved in body building. It is a sport for all adults young or old. In fact body building workout are known to bring a lot of health benefits to seniors like you.

Body building could help you to have a better heart, physically fit and achieve overall optimum health. It helps to condition your body and tone your muscle.

Healthy body helps blood circulation which means delay the aging process. No wonder seniors like you who are active, stay fit, normally free from major health problems such as hypertensions, diabetes and heart diseases.

You experience fountain of youth, great feeling and the world opens up in front of you. Your confidence level goes up to the roof, you are energetic and ready to embrace the world and conquer the consequences.

So how does body building helps you as seniors to achieve your optimum health?

Senior body building is no different from what other younger people do. You follow the same workouts, same exercise routine and same schedules just like other people.

Before you decide on this new exciting adventure, check with your health care professional first. Take your doctos advice to the letter and take their approval to the gym.

A professional personal trainer is very very helpful in your case. He or she has to make schedules of your activities that fit your goal and ability. Safety should be on top of your list in all your activities.

How do you know what kind of exercise routine to follow, how many sets of workout to do, how many routines and what is the right amount of weight to lift? That's why you need a professional trainer. He or she will draw a workout plan for you.

In order to achieve your ultimate goal in body building, don't overlook your daily diet. Proper diet should be part of your body building arsenal. Eating right and eating properly will help you to build your muscles as well as speed up the healing process of muscle tear.

Protein seems to be the main focus in body building diet. Some experts is of the opinion that each pound of body weight should consume one gram of protein on a daily basis. Protein supplement is a great way to compliment your daily protein intake.

Lets not forget good old vegetables and fruits. There is no healthy diet without vegetables and fruits. They helps you to obtain balance diet and healthy eating habits.

I cannot emphasize enough on safety here. Safety should be on top of your mind before beginning any of the body building activities. Be sure not to over burden yourself and work within your limit.

You should always wear proper attire during the training. You must be properly equipped with safety gear such as weight belt when doing the weight lifting. Talk to your professional about this.

Welcome to the new world of senior body builders. As a new chapter in your life is open in front of you, your potential is limitless. Enjoy your new body and rejuvenate your new spirit. Every minute of your life is meaningful and reap the benefits to the fullest. - 17273

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How to Lose Your Belly Fat

By Jose Loni

There are many ways to lose your belly fat, but an easy method to lose your belly fat is to focus on the quality and quantity of what you eat, increasing the exercises that you do and decreasing the amount of stress in your life.

The quality of the food we eat is very important. We should avoid processed foods, fast foods, high fat and high sugar foods. Also, we should not over eat and consume too many calories. When we consume too many calories and are unable to use up those calories, our bodies turn that food into fat and store it as belly fat.

We must match our food intake with our energy expenditure. Basically, we should decrease our meal portions and spread out the number of meals throughout the day, eating 5-6 times per day.

Increasing our physical activity as well as decreasing the amount of food we eat, will help you lose your belly fat. Our bodies can use the stored fat to fuel our muscles during activity.

By simply incorporating resistance training into our exercise activity, we enable our bodies to utilize the energy from foods and the stored fat. When this occurs, we also increase our metabolism, which also adds to the fat burning capacity of our bodies to burn belly fat.

Stress management is also another way of preventing any further accumulation of belly fat in the body. When we are in a stressed condition, our body produces Cortisol, which stores body fat in the belly region.

We can utilize various exercises and activities that will help us decrease our stress levels. Activities such as tai chi, deep breathing and meditation have all been useful in reducing stress.

The simple easy method to lose your belly fat is basically watching what you eat, increasing exercise activity and reducing the amount of stress you have in your life. By using this easy method to lose your body fat, you will achieve your goals quicker. - 17273

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How do antioxidants work?

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Supplements containing antioxidants give the promises to the consumers to slow aging is undeniably irresistible. We can only conclude that the desire to avoid the effects of aging is a universal desire.

Vitamins that have been particularly noted for their antioxidant properties include Vitamins A, C, and E. Aside from the fact that these are a wound to the pocket, antioxidant products offer a delight to those who would like to look young in a flash. But how does this free-radical sponge really work?

In 1900 Moses Gomberg first identified free radicals are molecular species that are highly reactive. As the cells produce energy (for function and survival), the also create oxygen molecules that are unstable because its electrons are unpaired. These unpaired electrons make this thing to be highly labile. These tiny things play a role in chemical reactions including that of the human.

Free radicals are produced naturally by many cellular processes, but more importantly, their output can be greatly increased by exposure to environmental factors such as pollution, tobacco smoke and radiation. They may cause cell damage which may lead to a breakdown in your cells ability to function properly.

It is very important that we don't give way to the formation of free radicals. In order to reduce the production of more free radical we should have enough sleep(at least seven hours) and stay active, exercise and live right.

Free radicals cause damange to healthy cells and are associated with signs of premature aging, they hurt the body by initiating chain reactions of electron scavenging that damage the body's cells. All these damages would mount up and cause our body to accelerate aging.

Free radical are detrimental to our body,as the same logic that oxidation damages metals. Upon breathing, oxygen induces a process called oxidation. And it is in here where free radicals form. This process is likened to the oxidation of metals. Once oxidized, aluminum turns to be white, iron becomes rusty, and copper transforms into green.

Antioxidants help to solve the problems listed above by mopping up the free radicals in the system, and having extra electrons that they are willing to give up to the free radicals, but the antioxidants do not become free radicals themselves in doing so.

Antioxidants were named by 15% of participants as "potentially reducing the risk of specific diseases or health concerns. It helps preventing oxidation, may increase immune responses, and possibly decrease risk of infection and cancer.

Antioxidants can fight the effects of free radical damage by boosting the skins natural protection. And those substances also prevent glaucoma and the age-related degeneration of our macula, the part of the eye that is dedicated for superior acuity vision.

As we get older, Glutathione - is said to be the most powerful antioxidants as are naturally present in our body since we were young is depleted. Supplements like Vitamin A, E, C and selenium, are known to be powerful antioxidants, plays an essential role in the synthesis of collagen.

Some super fruits such as blueberry and raspberry which are said to contain the most number of antioxidants, If antioxidant supplements are not your type.

Realizing why these antioxidants supplements cost a lot, as now you have the current understanding of how these miracle supplements work. - 17273

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