Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Muscle Building Routine to Develop a Wide, Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

While a well developed chest and arms is clearly an important part of any complete physique, the truth is that these muscles only play a small role when compared to a much larger, much more intricate muscle group that most people severely neglect in their training programs. I am, of course, talking about the major muscles of the back: the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and lower back.

A lot of guys in the gym neglect a really important group of muscles, Back. They maybe do that because it's a muscle you will hardly see it in the mirror or maybe because it's a more stressful training. Maybe just because the most of them don't even know how important is to have a wide, muscular back.

If you really want to look huge, you better start working out your back with the best program. There's nothing like a well developed back to get that look and that's because 70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in the back area.

If you want to succed and have a wide back, just follow these simple steps.

1) Deadlifts. There is not a single exercise out there that can even come close to matching the effectiveness of a basic, bent-legged barbell deadlift. This should be the most important part of your routine.

2) Vertical pulling movement. Examples of vertical pulling movements are chin-ups (overhand or underhand), lat pulldowns and v-bar pulldowns.

3) A horizontal pulling movement. Otherwise referred to as "rows", horizontal pulling movements place their emphasis on the upper/middle portion of the back and also stimulate the lats.

4) A shrugging movement. While not quite as important as the above mentioned lifts, a shrugging movement should still be performed at the end of the workout to target the upper traps and develop that mountainous, diamond-shaped look from behind. A basic barbell or dumbbell shrug will do the trick.

Okay, let's put it all together Deadlifts - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Overhand Chin-Ups - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Bent Over Barbell Rows - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Barbell Shrugs - 2 Sets of 10 to 12 reps.

It may not seem like a lot, but as long as you take every set to muscular failure and focus on quality rather than quantity, this routine provides more than enough stimulation for maximum back growth. I've used this same routine for many years and continue to see steady progress in both back size and strength.

If you want more routines for another parts of your body, don't worry, I will write about them in future articles. Or, you can visit my website. There, you will find a lot of articles and information about muscle building and the most effective ways to train your body. - 17273

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What You Need to Know When Shopping For A Treadmill

By Kyle Ross

When comes time to buying a treadmill, it is very important to know what you need and want in terms of features. It is very common for people to walk into a retailer with little idea of what they are looking for and end up paying for more treadmill than they really need. With the abundance of information available online today, there is no reason anybody should rely on commission-paid salespeople to tell you what you want. There are four key factors to take into consideration, and really make decide on, that will tell you what treadmill will make you happy.

The first, and probably the most influential for many people, is the budget. How much you have available to spend will determine the range of features available to you. If you only have one thousand budgeted, then you will end up with a budget treadmill or none at all. Simple economics will tell you that the cool features you wish to have aren't free and the sooner you come to terms with what you can afford, the better your eventual buying decision.

Now that we have looked at your budget, consider the activity level that your treadmill will have to face. A heavily used machine will require more durability than a lightly used treadmill for walking or irregular jogging. Also, the weight of the user affects the level of stress put on the machine.

Some people are already familiar with using a treadmill and know what features to expect. To these people, particular features are requirements not options. Almost every treadmill comes with some level of training programs built into it and contain different types of workouts. If you already did your homework and know what features are available in particular brands and models, you are less likely to get sold on something that no one in the history of treadmill runners ever use.

You don't have to buy immediately and most people find it easier not to talk to the same salesperson a second time, especially if you felt uncomfortably pressured with the first salesperson. You can look at many different models with different individual options. Compile the options you would like to take home.

The final consideration is the consistency of use. How heavily will the treadmill be used? A heavy user is someone who will run almost daily or multiple users sharing one machine so that it is used every day. We don't want an entry model breaking down after a couple months because it wasn't designed to be used twice a day.

One final point to make is the warranty of the treadmill. New treadmills will always come with some type of warranty even if it is a 90-day shrimp of a warranty. High-end models will usually come with better deals but sometimes it is economical to buy a budget treadmill, if that is all you need, and pay extra for an extension warranty. - 17273

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What Makes The Acai Berry Plan Succeed?

By Lori W Wood

If you have read anything about the acai berry you have probably noticed that this little berry has been touted as a miracle for weight loss. With all of the claims it may be enticing to believe that all you will have to do is munch some of these tasty berries or consume some of the products made from these berries and the weight will just fall off effortlessly and without problems.

There are some necessary nutrients that can promote weight loss that are found in the acai berry. Yet, this little berry is probably not the phenomenon cure that some of the claims would have you think. It is extremely dubious that you will lose weight just by adding acai berry products to your plan. It is just not that trouble-free and if it were, then everyone would be slim and muscular.

The acai is one of the healthiest fruits that has ever been found on earth. It boasts one of the record ORAC measurements of any singular food. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the active antioxidant activity in a food. Antioxidants are crucial to our good health for many reasons.

The acai berry also has an assortment of nourishing fats in the form of oleic acid and Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. These are necessary nutrients that are important to our health and principally the health of our heart. Essential fats can also help to heighten metabolism, which can lead to weight loss.

There is a useful amount of fiber found in the acai and that helps digestive health and it can be advantageous in preventing surplus snacking and appetite pangs. Fiber is an critical nutrient that helps fill you up and keeps your digestive system running efficiently.

An exciting breakthrough about the acai berry and one cause why it may perhaps help with weight loss involves some studies conducted with laboratory mice on anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are a influential antioxidant that is abundant in the acai berry. In the studies the mice that were given a purified form of anthocyanins dropped more weight and achieved leaner bodies than the control group. When you consume of acai berry extracts you are also receiving a more purified form of anthocyanins.

Individuals may be having such impressive accomplishment with the acai berry diet because of the superb nutrition, as our bodies tend to respond encouragingly to that. Also the fiber and essential fatty acids that are found in the berry are also useful for weight loss along with the high antioxidant ability including the extreme amounts of anthocyanins. All of these things can play a part to healthy weight loss.

The acai berry can offer you some benefits for weight loss however, you will still need to integrate a healthy all around nutrition plan and include in some regular exercise if you are going to have triumph. If you have all of the components of a healthy, balanced diet, a consistent exercise program and the addition of the outstandingly nutritious acai berry you will likely be successful at weight loss. - 17273

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The Reasonable Nutritional Reward Of The Acai Berry

By Gloria M Cook

In recent times there has been quite a bit of promotion on the acai berry, (pronounced ah-sigh-ee), a little purple berry that hails from the rainforest in Brazil. This diminutive berry has been marketed as a vastly beneficial food complement that can help you to drop weight and retain good wellbeing by preventing disease and the problems of aging.

However, as of March 2009, there were no controlled studies on humans that backed up any of these claims. Even so, when you know the facts about this little berry common sense will tell you that it is an extremely nutritious supplement to your good for you nutritional regime.

The advertising claims about this berry extend from providing increased energy levels, superior digestion, detoxification and enhanced sexual execution. There are also claims that this berry can enhance skin appearance, amplify your heart health, improve your slumber and decrease your cholesterol levels. Acai berry products have also been repeatedly been marketed as a weight loss product.

The facts are that the acai berry is one of the most healthy foods ever found on the planet. It boasts one of the maximum antioxidant levels of any food as measured by the ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It has a beneficial synergy of healthy monounsaturated fats and Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, and it has an just about ideal essential amino acid complex, along with a beneficial dose of fiber.

These beneficial components that are naturally a part of this good for your health berry can all be a cause in all of these claims that are being made. Fiber, essential fatty acids and antioxidants can all be a causative factor to healthy weight loss. Antioxidants have been implicated as a dynamic in anti-aging and the hindrance of disease. It has been known for many, many years that superior nourishment is significant for our all around good health by providing the components that our bodies need to naturally create great physical condition.

However, the acai berry is not some marvelous discovery but just another beneficial and nutritious food in a long line of healthy and nutritious foods and all of them can play a role to our excellent health.

Good for you and substantially nutritious foods are plentiful on our earth. The berry grouping alone, of which the acai berry is a part, includes amazingly good for you and nutritious blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and more. Spinach, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are especially wholesome. And there are many, many other extremely nourishing foods such as pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, sweet potatoes and more. All of these exceedingly healthful foods are valuable to our wellbeing and most of them also are a factor to the very same health benefits that the acai berry has been touted for.

The acai berry is just one of the healthiest of them all as it has up to 10 times the antioxidant capability of red grapes and even 2 times as much as blueberries. It is just reasonable that eating a nourishing diet is useful to our health so it is not really needed to have controlled studies on humans to prove it. The acai berry is a healthy fruit found in nature, healthy food is valuable to our bodies so it cannot hurt to try it and see how it will have an effect on your health. - 17273

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What is the Acai berry Diet all about?

By Dana Hawkes

The Acai Berry, pronounced as ah-sigh-EE, is mostly regarded as a super food as it offers dense nutritional characteristics and health benefits that are almost too numerous to count. But what exactly are Acai berries, and what is the Acai berry diet all about?

The Acai fruit can only be found growing at the top of a special plant that can be found in South America's Amazon basin. For centuries the locals have been aware of this unique berry and its legendary benefits and properties, and it has been known for possessing healing powers beyond much of what conventional medicine is capable of.

Only recently has the remainder of the world finally wised up to the incredible power of the Acai berry and the Acai berry diet. Although you may get mixed information when reading an Acai berry diet review, the truth about the Acai berry diet information that is out there is that the people saying bad things about Acai are unwilling to believe that it is as incredible as it is in boosting the immune system, fighting the signs of aging, boosting over all health and aiding in natural, healthy weight loss.

But what every good Acai berry diet review will tell you is this: If you try it for yourself, the results will astonish you. There is no way to deny the incredible results that the Acai berry diet is capable of achieving once they actually happen to you. If there is any doubt in your mind that the Acai berry diet will produce incredible results, simply try it for yourself and then you will see for yourself what this "super food" really can do for your health and well being. - 17273

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Review for the Panasonic EP-3222 Massage Chair Recliner

By Steve Esquire

This product review will evaluate the Panasonic EP3222 model massage chair recliner. The EP 3222 is part of the Real Pro Elite series. Panasonic has a full range of massage chairs and this model is one of the high end chairs that they make. This review will analyze the features, functions and warranty coverage of the EP-3222 massage chair.

Warranty coverage is an important aspect of purchasing any manufactured product these days. Although quality levels continue to improve and the incidence of breakdown is minimal, you still want to make sure you have protection. Warranty coverage is like obtaining an insurance policy. One you hope to never use, but just in case it is there if you need it.

The EP3222 comes with a standard warranty from Panasonic. The standard warranty covers parts for three years. There is one year of labor covered. A nation wide n in home technician service is also available and the first 90 days is covered with the standard warranty.

Panasonic integrates some fancy technology to truly customize the massage for each user. When starting an automatic program, the massage chair performs a body scan. The EP 3222 makes a virtual map of your back. It locates your acupressure points. This is then inputted into the chair's computer and the program then focuses on stimulating your individual acupressure points during the course of the massage.

Another innovative feature of the EP3222 is the floating massage mechanism. The floating massage mechanism is patterned after the hand movements of a master masseuse. The floating mechanism consists of 2 to 4 firm rubber massage heads. These massage heads can very accurately simulate certain massage movements like pressing with the heal of the hand, stroking with the palm of the hand, thumb-like kneading and thumb-like pressure.

There is no shortage of massage techniques with this massage recliner. Panasonic equips this chair with 11 basic massage modes, 6 automatic programs and memory capability to store your favorite massages. Some of the more important massage techniques include Swedish, Kneading, Compression, Tapping, Shiatsu and Rolling. These massage techniques are effective to relieve aches, relax muscles, increase energy flow and increase blood flow.

This is a full body massage chair and comes with a lower body air massage system. The air massage system comes with 33 airbags that provide a soothing compression style massage. The airbags are inflated which provide a firm squeeze on your buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. You can vary the level of air pressure to find the perfect compression level to provide relief.

The EP 3222 comes with a voice guidance system which can guide you through targeting specific relief. This is helpful for first time users or when you want to try something new. The remote also has a memory function. The memory function remembers the exact settings for the last five minutes of a massage you just received. If you like what just happened, you can store it in memory for the next time.

There is a lower body traction system built into the EP3222. This provides an excellent stretch of the lower body. The leg rest is designed to hold your feet, raise the leg rest and then lower it slowly. This will elongate your muscles and improve your range of motion.

The EP-3222 is one of the better massage chairs produced by Panasonic. It is part of the Real Pro Elite massage chair series and comes with some excellent functionality. Our minor concern is the 1 year of labor for the chair. We feel this should match the parts of 3 years and be in line with the other major manufacturers. The massage therapy is very effective and the variety of massage treatments is very good. This is a good massage chair. The EP-3222 massage chair will provide you many years of massage therapy enjoyment and relief. - 17273

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Foods High in Potassium

By Daniel Jackson

Before we get into the part where we discuss ways to increase your potassium intake, we need to talk about why you should. A lack or shortage of potassium can negatively impact your heart, cellular process and your body as a whole. Simply put your body cannot function without it.

With the importance potassium out of the way now, lets get down to how best to increase your intake.

1. Satisfy your daily potassium needs by eating a lot of seeds and nuts. For those who dont like nuts, you could switch to the next one.

2. If you do not like nuts or have some form of an allergy, the next best source is from cereal. Bran flakes would be an ideal method of getting some much needed potassium into your system.

3. As another alternative you can have some muesli. especially if you dont like the first two options.

4. Have a few dried fruits between lunch and breakfast which are very high in potassium and could serve as a post breakfast snack to keep you going.

5. You can also mix dried fruits into a food of your choice such as a salad where something sweet wont be noticed too much.

6. Raisins have great potassium as well, try including some in your food or just nibble on some when you have the time.

7. Fans of baked potatoes will be happy to know that this is another great source of potassium. You cant have it with your usual additions like cheese and cream, but if you dont mind a plain baked potato then this is another option.

8. A bit weird but boiled plantains are another good source of potassium.

9. Make yourself some whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce. This italian combo is also very righ in potassium.

10. Last but not least, have some sardines.

Do you still feel like you want to increase your potassium levels? Well if you need more motivation, know that according to statistics, one in five people in the united states suffer from a chronic deficiency of potassium, and more often than not result in hospitalization. - 17273

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The Reality On Dr. Oz And His Suggestion Of Acai Berries

By Marilyn J Ross

Many folks first heard about the acai berry from the gentleman dubbed "America's Favorite Doctor" by Oprah Winfrey. That would be Dr. Mehmet Oz, a repeated guest on the Oprah show and the co-author of the "You" books such as "You, on a diet" and "You, staying young".

Due to Dr. Oz' advice the popularity of acai berry products has grown and many people have started using these products with great success.

Yet, Dr. Oz did not and it is uncertain that he ever will endorse any certain or individual product, company or online solicitation of any acai berry product including MonaVie juice products. He recommended the acai berry as a fruit found in nature that is one of the healthiest foods on the planet but not any explicit brands. Any product claiming endorsement from Oprah or Dr. Oz, be aware that the solicitation is fake.

The acai berry is actually a fruit found in nature and Dr. Oz talked about the how extremely healthful this fruit is. There are not exclusive companies or trademark names of acai berry products that have a right to use the approval of Dr. Oz. He mentioned the nutritional aspects of this berry much like he has also mentioned how healthy blueberries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, white tea and red wine are.

It is recommended that we have about 5 or more servings of antioxidant-rich foods every day. Since the acai berry has two times the antioxidant volume of blueberries that makes it an excellent choice to add to your food intake. If you happen to decide on a juice product that contains acai berry just make sure that there is not an excessive quantity of carbohydrates in the product.

Many top doctors and nutritionists have suggested the acai berry because it does contain such a large quantity of antioxidants. It also contains a synergy of monounsaturated (the healthy kind) of fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols, which promote cardiovascular and digestive health and an almost ideal essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals.

But just like Dr. Oz and the others do not approve a precise brand of broccoli, a brand name white tea, a individual maker of red wine or any other healthy food, they do not recommend a individual brand of acai berry products. The berry itself was recommended because of the exceptional nutritional profile.

Right now you can find an abundance of acai berry products on the market. Some are great and effectual while others may not be as much. The one thing that is imperative to look for is that the processing of the product was done through a freeze-drying process as that has been confirmed to be the best way to maintain the potency of the naturally occurring nutrients. - 17273

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Jump Higher And Win Your Volleyball Game

By Lynn Lopez

Volleyball, whether it's the kind you play on a court or on the beach, is a sport that requires teamwork, a lot of strength, and skill. You need to be able to communicate well with your teammates even in the middle of a game, instinctively knowing when and where someone is ready to hit the ball back to the opposite court. Also, one of the most important skills you can learn as a player is learning how to jump higher for volleyball. This skill will allow you to send the ball back to the other team even as it sails high above the court. If you're a relatively short player, this skill can also compensate for your height.

In order to jump higher, you have to strengthen your muscles and train yourself to move faster from a steady standing position and leap up to jump high. Your legs form the foundation of this skill, and so you have to focus on developing their muscle strength. Start doing some simple exercises such as toe stands, lunges, and squats; the latter two exercises will also develop your thighs, which are essential in powering up your body and help you launch yourself during your jump. Do two sets of these workouts, with 10 reps. You can also use ankle weights during these workouts to train your muscles to work harder; just make sure you choose weights you are are comfortable with rather than ones that are excessively heavy, which could injure you.

Jumping on a trampoline is a fun way to practice jumping higher for volleyball. Each jump will push you to work your muscles harder and help you jump even higher than the trampoline would usually help you to.

You can also embark on a plyometric training program. Plyometrics involves working the muscles in order to help them effectively work harder and faster, even for quick spurts of motion, particularly in jumping higher. To perform plyometrics correctly, your body must be in perfect condition to enable you to withstand the intensity of the training, especially the repetitive movements that require a lot of muscle power. You must be flexible as well as possess strength in your core area.

Learning how to jump higher for volleyball requires a lot of work and training, but if you train consistently and properly for a couple of months, you will soon be able to notice a significant height increase in your jumps. - 17273

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What Role Does a Good Nutrition Plan Play in Muscle Gain?

By Ricardo d Argence

Are you ready to see where bodybuilding can really take you, or are you interested in investigating how to get started? When you want to learn about bodying building, you will find that you need to think about protein.

Every time that you turn around, you are being told to bulk up the protein in your diet, and certainly, it seems to be the cornerstone of every bodybuilding program out there. The truth of the matter is that bodybuilding has a great deal to do with protein and you will find that if you are looking to get the body that you have always dreamed of that you need to think about what it can do for you.

Consider what proteins are and what they do for you in a normal setting, even when you are not working out. Protein is an organic compound made up of amino acids and they are instrumental when it comes to both building up your muscle and repairing it after damage has been done. They contribute to the growth of your muscles over time and they will also help you make your body stronger.

When you are thinking about making sure that you are getting foods that will keep you strong and healthy, consider starting with good proteins. Any active person can benefit from the reasonable consumption of proteins if they live an active life. Martial artists, sportsmen and athletes can all benefit from good protein in their diet.

If you are a bodybuilder, on the other hand, remember that part of the process to grow your muscles involves damaging them very slightly on a regular basis. Proteins help you repair your muscles.

If you can get the right amount of protein into your diet, you are going to be able to put yourself on a more balanced and effective path that will help you build up the muscle tone and definition that you are after, as well as the bulk.

When you are looking to build muscle, you will find that you need to think about the best sources of protein that you can get. You will learn that lean meat is a great source of protein, but you will also find that you can get a lot of good protein for your body through the whites of an egg. This is a great way to help you body build, and you will also find that they are a great way to start the day.

Soya beans also make great sources of protein and in general, they have less calories for you to count.

Protein shakes are a wonderful option for you when you want to make sure that you are eating healthy but don't feel like cooking at all. You can whip yourself up a shake as you walk out the door, and you can even take them as a powder or a capsule. There are many different options here.

When you are ready to get serious about your bodybuilding and when you want to make sure that you are doing it right, consider how protein is going to be a part of that. - 17273

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