Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eat Healthily and Live in Health

By Jesse Regan

Diseases do not just occur without any scientific basis. Your doctor should be able to explain that clearly. However, in spite of the warnings, you get not just from your doctor but from other sources as well, getting rid of unhealthy habits that can result in serious ailments is difficult to do. Inclinations that have been deeply ingrained since you were born, especially if these are eating habits, are difficult to rid of. With almost everything edible sold processed and made 'instant', and with the pervading fast-food culture, breaking such bad diet may indeed seem impossible.

Notwithstanding the difficulty, continuing to eat unhealthily can bring you nearer to diseases that can be as severe as cancer. This means not heeding to the doctor's warning is suicidal. You should change your diet by taking into account the types of food that will make you healthy and steer you away from the path that can lead you to the hospital. If you want to live in health then eat healthy food. Otherwise, you might as well save enough for medical expenses soon.

For a start, end your dependence on food items that are not naturally processed and laden with refined sugar and grease. Processed foods are abundant with free radicals, which encourages cancer if taken in the body in large amounts. Greasy fat dumps bad cholesterol into the body and constricts the blood flow, making you a most likely candidate for a heart attack. Feasting on sweets, on the other hand, only increases the possibility of getting diabetes.

Now that you know what to shun, your next step is start eating healthily. Of course, the principal items on your table would be fruits and vegetables. These are loaded with antioxidants, elements that combat free radicals in your system. These are also your source of phytonutrients. These are natural chemicals that provide your body the minerals and vitamins that it needs in order to build defenses against dangerous bacteria and viruses.

To enhance your health even more, you should eat foods that are prepared or cooked with less fat and sugar. However, you should take note that your body also needs an amount of good cholesterol. Therefore, instead of eating the usual greasy stuff made of pork, chicken, or beef, your meat should be that of fish rich with omega 3. Instead of pies or chocolate bars for desert or snacks, take fruits that are also sweet but does not increase your blood sugar levels.

The changes can be harsh at first but it is for your own good. Do not let your doctor tell you bad news about your health in the future because you did not do your part today by eating only what is best for your body. Remember, prevention will cost you almost nothing while cure may require a fortune. Starting to eat with health in mind always will certainly guarantee you a longer and happier life without disease.

You have there the best information about weight training diet that you can enjoy online. - 17273

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Building Muscles Fast Using Supplements

By Molly Robbins

If you're interested in building muscles fast, you should also know that it's quite possible that your diet can't help you do this all by itself. Of course, you need a good diet and you need to eat as many of the right foods as you can, but that may not be enough when it comes to building muscles fast. Building muscles may also require the use of certain supplements so that your bodybuilding efforts are used to best effect so that you can reach your bodybuilding goals as fast as possible.

Ideally, you should eat five or six meals a day and make sure you get enough calories so that your metabolism both gets and stays high. For most of these meals, you'll want to take in real food, but you can also add in two or three meal replacement shakes so that you can be more assured of fast muscle building.

Because most muscle building powders are about the same in terms of the nutrition they provide, it's perfectly fine to go with cheaper ones on the market. Just make sure the ones you get come from a company that's reputable. Certainly, your meal replacement shakes will be cheaper than fast food trips, and are a great tool that you can use to help meet your caloric needs and get the right nutrients at the same time. Usually, you should take a meal replacement shake either before or after you've done your workout.

Use whey proteins to best effect, because these are very good source of protein that your body can easily absorb. Taking them both after workouts and before bed will help your body rebuild the muscle that you've broken down during your workouts. Again, whey protein is very inexpensive, but make sure you find a source that's reputable. The whey protein you get should have under 100 mg of sodium per serving, and be low in carbs, at under 5 g a serving.

Multivitamins are incredibly important for anyone to stay healthy but especially for those who want to gain muscles fast. Make sure that it has high levels of vitamin C (500mg) and high levels of vitamin E (400mg). Since you are putting your body through a lot of stress while you are building muscles fast, your body will need these more than other people.

Creatine, too, is great to help supply energy to muscles and nerve cells. Creatine is available from many different sources, but make sure the company you get it from has a good reputation. Unflavored creatine is best, because flavored creatine powders will have dextrose in them. You should take your creatine powder after your workout rather than before. If you take it with a high carb drink like grape juice, it will be more effective.

Glutamine is also another great supplement to take if you want to build muscles fast. It has 60% of the amino acids your body uses. It helps with protein metabolism and is needed for development of your muscles. After your workout you have used about 50% of your glutamine stores and your body will take it from the muscles to replenish it.

Whatever supplements and meal replacements you decide to use, make sure everything you take comes from reputable manufacturers. Take the supplements and meal replacement powders in the right dosages, and make sure you eat right when it comes to food consumption, too. A good diet, good supplementation, and a good workout program will help make sure that you build muscle fast. - 17273

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Unearth Nutritional Supplementation For First-Rate Health Right Now

By Brenda G Wright

You can find shelves full of nutritional supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins, minerals and even herbs at every grocery store, nationwide shopping chain and even thousands of online stores. People take supplements because they believe that they are not getting the acceptable nourishment from their every day diet and dietary supplements can fill in the gaps.

There is a apprehension about which nutritional supplements are of assistance to human health because of the body's power to absorb the important vitamins and minerals from a pill or capsule. The Council for Responsible Nutrition has released some conclusions that standard and uninterrupted consumption of multivitamins and other supplements can increase good health and put off disease and infirmity.

The sustained use of nutritional supplements like the separate supplements folic acid and calcium have shown a categorical outcome in the body such as increased immunity and with the supplementation of folic acid the considerable drop of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies.

After reviewing over 10 years of studies that took into consideration the health benefits of multivitamins and other nutritional supplements including Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, antioxidants, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 and folic acid, the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements. This report indicated that the comprehensive use of dietary supplements and multivitamins provides a effective health advantage for humans.

The studies cited in this report also found that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even just a folic acid supplement it may be feasible to lessen the occurrence of neural tube birth defects by as much as 70%. They additionally found that the aged patients who took supplements reduced the risk of hip fractures and improved their immune systems. The studies also indicated that the enhanced healthiness from taking nutritional supplements could trigger substantial health savings by postponing or entirely preventing illnesses and disease.

In spite of this, not all of the news on supplements is good. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that is found in many orange foods. It is essentially a precursor to vitamin A as it converts to vitamin A in the body. It has been found that beta-carotene from the diet reduces the risks of cancer and heart disease along with boosting immunity and supporting good vision. Because of these impressive findings, some experts started recommending beta-carotene supplementation.

But, shortly after that two first-rate studies showed that these supplements were in reality causing significant damage. The studies tested individuals who were at a elevated danger for lung cancer, including asbestos industry workers, former smokers and smokers. The study was abruptly|hastily|/spin] discontinued when it found that in this higher risk group the ones that were taking the beta-carotene supplements were truly showing a higher mortality rate and a higher rate of lung cancer than those that were given the placebo.

Beta-carotene is ample in fruits and vegetables and it is safe and advantageous when received from foods. Ideally, the best way to get nourishment is from nutritional regimens, but most of today's diets do not supply enough nourishment to uphold healthiness so dietary supplementation in moderation can be the best answer. - 17273

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The Truth About Dual Colon Cleanse

By Jared Rite

Detoxification has become a very popular term in the field of medicine. It has been found that most medical conditions has been caused by toxin build up in the digestive tract. This is why a Dual Colon Cleanse is usually advised; as this will help eliminate any waste left in the system.

One can possibly compare the cleaning of the digestive tract as that of cleaning a tile surface. Though one can wipe it with a damp cloth or a dry paper towel, the crevices in between are left unclean. To be able to clean it thoroughly, one must get down and dirty and scrub all of it to be able to restore it to its original state. As with the digestive tract, even with the regular bowel movements and the aid of the occasional fiber in the system, it will not be able flush all the waste out of the digestive tract. This is the reason for the Dual Colon Cleanse to be advised for individuals particularly due to the unhealthy ingredients of the food one eats.

Dual Colon Cleanse procedures can be easily done at home; unlike what most people think that it can be only done in clinics by certified physicians. The latest procedure for a Dual Colon Cleanse is through salt water flushing. It is done with sea salt which is widely available and can produce safe and effective results. However, one must be wary to use sea salt and not the regular salt as the effects are not the same in achieving results from this procedure.

Detoxification or colon cleansing may not always be as much of a pleasing procedure as one hopes it to be. It should be expected as it is cleaning. To be able to do this procedure at home provides comfort and confidence to one who wishes to do a Dual Colon Cleanse. Preparing oneself on the procedure and what to expect in the process will prove most beneficial. This is best done in a day where one need not go out of the house to avoid any untoward incident. A light dinner should be taken the night before the procedure and sleep for at least 6 hours. As soon as one wakes up, they should make and immediately drink the salt water solution and must not take breakfast. They can go about their normal morning and within an hour or two, they will feel the need to have a bowel movement. Several movements may be expected and is normal in this procedure.

When the full goal of the Dual Colon Cleanse system has been achieved, one can expect weight loss due to the amount of waste expelled from the body. The skin will be smoother and healthier as well as the hair and nail growth; all these are due to the higher nutrient absorption levels brought about by the clean colon. A general feeling of wellness and health as well as a lighter mood are also a result of the procedure.

One must regularly clean their colons as this will ensure that they will live a life with a clean and healthy digestive tract. Salt flushing is the most advised method of the Dual Colon Cleanse; however, this flushing method does not have any filters. With this, it should be known that while the salt flushes out the toxins and the bad bacteria, it also carries out the good ones. This is why Probiotic rich food and drinks should be taken after the cleansing for one to be able to replenish the good bacteria which may have been expelled in the process of cleansing. - 17273

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Try Solgar Omega 3 for Aches and Pains from Inflammation

By Keith Woolley

Essential for health, Omega 3 fatty acids must be acquired through diet. There a variety of foods that are rich in these oils including seed oils such as flax, safflower, canola and sunflower. Also important sources are cold saltwater fish such as mackerel, cod and salmon. As these are not in the diet of most people to a large extent, many should be taking supplements. Solgar is a brand that has been trusted for years and they have an Omega 3 supplement simply called, Solgar Omega 3.

EFAs, or essential fatty acids, are involved in many processes in the body. A number of them have an effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. One such process is the regulation of the transport and removal of cholesterol, which will help to keep the arteries from narrowing.

EFAs also have an influence on prostaglandins, which promote smooth muscle contraction and aid in blood pressure reduction. EFAs are also necessary for normal growth, that of nerves and blood vessels in particular. There have been many clinical studies on the ability of Omega 3 acids to help treat high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Other studies have been done on the anti-inflammatory ability of Omega 3 fatty acids. Improvements have been noted in joint tenderness and pain in people who have rheumatoid arthritis. Pain reduction has also been observed in other conditions including IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and menstrual pain.

These fatty acids have also been indicated in the promotion of brain health and appear to play a part in both behavioral and cognitive brain activity. Because of this, supplementation with EFAs has shown some positive indications for treatment of such mental diseases as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression.

While more clinical trials need to be performed, preliminary studies would indicate that Omega 3 fatty acids may have a positive effect on many other diseases such as diabetes, asthma, skin problems and cancer of the prostate, colon and breasts

Not surprisingly, with all the positive effects that Omega 3 fatty acids have on the body, deficiencies can show up with a variety of symptoms including: dry skin, poor circulation, depression, mood swings, heart problems, memory problems and fatigue. Pregnant women should be particularly careful to get enough of these fatty acids, as deficiencies can impair vision and the nervous system in the fetuses.

After learning more about what Omega 3 fatty acids do for you, it is natural to want to ensure that you are getting enough of them. As always, if you are currently going through medical treatment, particular for a serious disease such as cancer, or taking medications, you should check with your healthcare practitioner before starting any kind of supplements.

When you do decide you need more Omega 3s in your diet, and you do not want a fish meal every day, you will want to find a high quality supplement and Solgar Omega 3 gets high marks. The oil is from deepwater Norwegian salmon, and tests have shown that they contain negligible, if any, mercury. The other concern in finding a supplement is that there are no additives. Solgar Omega 3 does not contain starch fillers. There is no yeast, wheat or dairy added which may cause allergic reactions in some people. And there are no artificial preservatives. All you get inside the Solgar Omega 3 softgels is oil. The capsule shell itself is gelatin and glycerin. And nothing else. - 17273

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Read These 3 Tips Before You Walk to Lose Weight

By Thong M. Dao

If you thought losing weight was difficult, maintaining that 'lost' weight is even more difficult. I cannot tell you how many of my friends were able to lose weight successfully, only to regain back all the 'lost' pounds after a few weeks.

It is not the fault of the diet program they followed. They gained weight for two reasons: they got back to their old lifestyle habits-that is, regular junk food intake, and they started living a sedentary lifestyle and forgot all about exercising.

It's critical for you to stay on your diet and exercise routine even after you have reached your desired weight. However, many folks don't. Guess what? The weight is back in town.

I don't say that you must go to the gym. Some walking will do just fine. Here are 3 tips to get you started.

1. Consult with your doctor: Before we start walking for losing weight on a regular basis, I would recommend you visit your doctor and have a word with him.

He will monitor your schedule based on your health conditions. Therefore, it's best to have a clean check up. Who knows, you may have a problem with your feet. Your doctor can recommend bike riding instead.

2. Track your steps: Just walking threw a store today, the yard tomorrow, dose not cut it. We need to walk to lose weight. Walking here and there doesn't give a clue on how many steps you've taken each day to achieve your goal. To count your steps, you can use a pedometer.

Pedometers can be found at most sport facilities and they're not very expensive. They take the guessing out of how many steps. So each day you can improve your "walking for losing weight" adventure.

Just remain committed to your "losing weight by walking" schedule and see how better you feel!

3. Put the right clothes on when walking. The ideal clothing is loose and comfortable. Do you enjoy walking for weight loss in tight jean and heavy sweater if it's not cold outside? I personally don't. So select loose-fit and light weight.

Proper shoes are highly important as you are walking. If your shoes make your feet hurt or uneasy, do something about it and keep on walking! - 17273

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Agarikon (Fomitopsis officinalis) - Tree Fungus with Medicinal Aspirations

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Interviewed on NPR, world leading medicinal mushroom specialist Paul Stamets relates how he came to discover the healing properties of agarikon, an increasingly rare wood conk that has all but vanished from Europe and now grows almost exclusively in the old growth rainforests of the northwestern United States.

Stamets knew that fungi (mushrooms) were more closely related to humans than to plants and therefore susceptible to many of the same pathogens (bacteria, molds, viruses). And yet the perennial agarikon mushroom managed to remain disease free in the dripping wet rainforests for up to 50 years without decaying from rot, mold, or bacteria. So therefore it followed, he figured, that it must possess a powerful immune system full of antibiotic compounds that might benefit people.

Agarikon in the wild looks somewhat like a beehive on the trunk of some of the giant, ancient trees of the old-growth forests of the American northwest. (See picture of Paul Stamets with one of these wood conks by clicking on the agarikon-link on this page.) Be aware that this is an endangered species, which should be left unharmed in the wild. But be sure to bring your digital camera so you can prove to your mushroom club friends that you saw it.

Paul Stamets now grows his own agarikon, which he uses for his agarikon extract. A sample of this extract was sent to the BIO Shield Program for testing at a top security lab located in Ft. Dietrich, MD. The BIO Shield Program is a division within the Defense Department created to search for remedies against biological warfare agents and bioterrorism threats - e.g. pathogens like smallpox or anthrax.

Within this BIO Shield Program, tens of thousands of natural and manmade compounds have been tested for use against biological warfare pathogens. Drug discovery supervisor John Seacrest was happy to report on the radio show that the agarikon extract provided by Stamets had indeed been one of the few substances tested that had proved effective against smallpox related viruses.

Paul Stamets has since applied for a patent on a mushroom-based anti-viral drug. Boston investor John Norris is one of his financial backers. Mr. Norris believes in the project due in part to the fact that some individuals simply are not willing or not able to be vaccinated against smallpox or other potential biological warfare agents.

A former second in command at the FDA, Mr. Norris is hopeful that he and Paul Stamets will be able to sell hundreds of millions of doses of this agarikon extract to the American, German and British armies' defense stock-piles.

That may still be a few years into the future, though. Paul Stamets new mushroom related anti-viral medicine first has to stand up to exhaustive testing, and then eventually be approved for release by the FDA.

Note: The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Agarikon has not been approved by the FDA for use as a medicinal. Never use any herbal or mushroom-product for medicinal purposes unless advice to do so by a licensed medical practitioner.

Reference: Tom Banse, NPR Morning Edition, Smallpox Defense May Be Found in Mushrooms, August 4, 2005. - 17273

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Are You Chewing The Fat

By Christopher Rom

Try to cut back on fat, here are several tips to not chew the fat in your diet.

"Now hold the Mayo!" or at least use half a tablespoon.one tablespoon of mayo packs in 80 to 100 calories and from 10 to 13 grams of fat depending on the brand!

The reduced-fat varieties of mayo have become more satisfactory in taste over the years.Other alternatives include fat-free condiments like: salsa, chutney, pickle relish, mustard, or horseradish.

"Do try other foods" Trying a new ethnic food to keep things interesting and a lot of the different kinds are healthy for you? Mid-east restaurants have healthy entrees, such as: baba, ghanouj, rice pilaf, dolma, lentil soup, and kufta.

"What about the buttertins" Top toast with a tablespoon of regular butter and you've already downed an extra 10to 12 grams of fat before your day even starts! Switch to yogurt-based spreads, orfruit butters (like apple butter),reduced-fat margarine.

"Steer clear of the Bread Basket!" Watch your carb-intake. But if fat's your foe, munching a bread stick or a roll before your meal can help your weight loss efforts by curbing your hunger and possibly preventing over-eating.

Next "People just Love Salsa!" You have been told one reason people adore salsa, but it is naturally fat-free.It tops lots of foods deliciously in lieu of higher-fat condiments: baked potatoes; grilled chicken; salads; snack crackers; and of course, chips.Treat yourself to freshly-made salsa by mixing together diced tomatoes, green onions and chilies, and cilantro.

"Have half a Lunch" A normal slice of bologna has about 11 grams of fat. The reduced-fat varieties of lunch bologna have less fat content. Chicken and turkey are naturally lean and better for you also and the taste has become better over the years, But most processed lunch meats can contain around 80 percent of there calories from fat. Plus are very high in saturated fat. So in favor you can get deli meats or poultry and yes the price might be a little higher but maybe that will help you. - 17273

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Weight Loss Diets: Where To Start?

By Philip Alexander

If you're seriously interested in knowing about fast weight loss tips, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about quick weight loss.

Weight loss programs typically focus only on physical factors related to weight loss. You begin to think of yourself as a student of change as you learn to incorporate structure into your daily life and apply new strategies to the world around you. Weight loss doesn't make us happy. Being happy makes us physically and emotionally healthy and when we are healthy we make better choices that lead to natural weight loss. Weight loss can be achieved by different methods, but what about Sleep Diet? Several researchers in different states have proven that this really works and people lose weight just because they sleep enough.

Weight loss programs are available for men, women, and diabetics. Members receive online support as they strive to meet their weight loss goals. Weight loss secrets revealed. Weight loss programmes automatically adds up your total daily intake and expenditure to calculate your caloric balance. Weight loss may be temporary or may continue at a life-threatening pace.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about quick weight loss tips. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Acai vital provides amazing weight loss support, basically due to several important fatty acids, fiber and amino acids, fixed together especially to help rid the body of fat and shed pounds. These key fatty acids naturally increase your general metabolism, followed by appropriate and faster wealth loss. If you try to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise is that one of the things you need in your toolbox of weight loss. The question is, as you have, how difficult the work and the best cardiovascular exercises. With the proper weight loss procedure, we can find that lost confidence and feel great about ourselves again!

Weight loss programs are many. There are many other weight loss formulas. Weight loss pills can be very dangerous in both their pharmaceutical form and their "natural" counterparts. So weight-loss pills should generally be taken only as a last resort, probably before weight-loss surgery would be considered. Weight Loss Drugs have not sound effects for every over-weight person but it may very hardly suitable for everyone. Prescription Weight Loss Drugs are prescribed by doctors for the patients who have to face weight issues.

Weight loss in simple terms is all about arithmetic. However, unfortunately it is not always that simple to put into action. Weight loss clinics, gyms and fitness centers, liposuction , and gastric bypass surgeries all were based at least partly on the presumption that being overweight equaled being at risk for heart disease and diabetes . The studies in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that there may be more to health than meets the eye. Weight loss results when you burn more calories than you consume. If you only need to lose a small amount of weight and your diet is generally healthy, you can lose weight by increasing your activity level to burn more calories.

Take time to consider the points presented above on fast weight loss tips. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action. - 17273

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Best Muscle Building Secrets

By Mark Benson

These days there is a lot of craze about building six pack abs, four pack abs, chest muscles and arm muscles. People want to look great with well toned muscles and a slim body. If you really want to build your body muscles then it is very essential for you to follow a strict diet and a work out routine with experienced trainers. Muscle building is a not an easy task, you need to put in a lot of effort and have a lot of willpower.

Here are some very good tips that you must surely follow if you really want to build muscles.

1. Nutritious snacks are must Muscle building is a very time taking process because you need to pay attention to a lot of things. While you are engaged in muscle building process you must take strict care of your diet. Try to keep nutrition snacks like almonds, peanut sandwiches and fresh fruits with you. You must be careful of what you eat, because proper diet can really increase your chances of having a great body.

2. Lose fat before building muscles Before building muscles it is very important for you to loose extra fat. You should do cardio exercises at least for 30 minutes every day. Cardio exercise will burn your fat and would also keep your body well toned. For loosing weight, you should also cut the calories that you intake. Have low fat diet which has fewer calories and more fibers.

3. Proper sleeping habits Try to have proper sleeping and resting habits. Try to sleep for at least seven to nine hours per day. Proper sleeping would relax you mentally as well as physically. Sleeping also relaxes your body muscles and keeps you fit and fine all the day long.

4. Strict to your diet even if you eat out Even if you are going out to eat with family or friends, you should always strict to your diet. You will see that almost every restaurant offers grilled meat and steamed vegetables which are very healthy for you. Avoid eating friend, creamy or oily preparations.

5. Work out with determination Building muscles is not a very easy task and it is not something that you can achieve overnight. You have to work very hard for it and you should never loose hope even if it takes you longer to build muscles.

I am sure the above stated tips would surely help surely prove to be very helpful for you while you are building your body muscles. - 17273

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Exercises For Abs: Overview And Office Exercises

By Jace P. Andersen

Exercise machines, toning videos, motivational exercise tapes, the list goes on and on of the exercises for abs that are available. So one may wonder why there is such a high percentage of individual who suffer from obesity and can't seem to find time in their day to dedicate to being fit. A big part of the problem is centered around time.

Many machines are available that provide exercises for abs. The most common machine used is the treadmill which provides cardio as well a muscle improvement for the entire body including the abs. Many of these machines are built for easy storage and purchased for home use.

The rowing machines used in gyms have more functions and are much less mobile than the lightweight machines that can be purchased for home use. Rowing machines are more focused on the abs, legs and arms. The machines can be set to create more toning to the abs if that is the area that is being addressed.

Many trainers agree that the most effective way of toning an individual's abs is to incorporate the use of diet and exercise. In many cases this includes exercises which do not require equipment and can easily be done in the comfort of one's home or in an office.

If a person is in a work station that requires a lot of sitting one very effective ab exercise that can be done in just a few minutes during a break is to grasp the arms of the chair you are in, rise just a bit off the seat, then while staying in the sitting position lift both legs up for a count of ten, relax and repeat. This is a simple exercise but strengthens the abs and back as well as tightening the rear end. If a person is working in an office or cubicle it is not an exercise that will attract unnecessary attention when being done.

Another great office chair exercise for abs that will not draw attention is the ab twist. Simply hold a bottle of water horizontally at chest height and turn the body while holding the bottle from left to right, right to left, then bend down towards the floor. Please note that if your chair is on a slippery floor you may not want to do the bending forwards part. The left and right motion, keeping the rear end stationary works fine.

The last quick office exercise for the abs is most people's favorite. Interlace your fingers behind you neck, arch your back and suck in the gut at the same time. Hold this position for a count of 5, then relax by leaning the shoulders forward and hanging the head in a relaxed position. This exercise strengthens the abs, stretches the back, and helps the shoulders. For a sitting down exercise it does a lot.

Of course regular exercising when it can be done is the ideal form of exercise for abs. Taking a walk at lunch, a brisk walk while holding in the ab muscles is a great toning exercise. Packing some fruits and vegetables to go with the coffee and doughnut that one usually consumes for breakfast. Find the exercise and diet plan that fits your lifestyle and needs and you will have found the best exercises for abs that shows results for you. - 17273

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Slow Aging With Resveratrol

By Alex Ariel Sanders

The public first came to know about the significance of Resveratrol after a study on French men, who drink a good amount of red wine, and despite their rich diet, they do not suffer from the illnesses that come with age. It was found out later that Americans of the same age level are trying their best to deal with such illnesses. These studies served as the introduction on how Resveratrol can help us slow down the aging process.

Basically, Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant. An antioxidant is a compound that has the capacity to lessen the amount of free radicals in the bloodstream. Free radicals are considered to be the waste output of cellular functions. They are popular in the world of weight loss as a very helpful aid in shedding off a pound or two. More so, a good number of diet products are known for having Resveratrol as their main component. However, scientific studies have demonstrated numerous other health benefits of Resveratrol.

In many ways, resveratrol works in a similar fashion to caloric restriction, a diet plan that involves consuming higher quantities of nutrient dense foods that are low in calories. This diet has been shown to slow the aging process and reduce the chances of developing most of the diseases we normally associate with aging.

It is believed that resveratrol works to block the absorption of certain fats inside the body and helps to flush them through the digestive tract out of the body. In addition, it bonds with certain bad cholesterol and triglycerides to keep them from building up in the body.

Further studies made on resveratrol give us hints at how it is acts at the genetic level to deactivate the aging gene. Resveratrol may be the ultimate fountain of youth that has sparked the curiosity of many. Enough evidence has already been gathered to prove that it can actually inhibit or even prevent certain cancers, especially breast cancer among women.

One more thing about Resveratrol is that it takes a certain amount of it in order for the effects to be noticeable enough. The consumption of this compound through its natural sources such as red wine and mulberries is not enough.

Several tests have been conducted about resveratrol absorption in the body. When taken as a pill or capsule, it should be about 250mg for the resveratrol compound to be measured and the presence to be recognized in the bloodstream about 30 minutes after taking it in. After 4 hours, all traces of it are completely erased from the bloodstream. From this, it can be concluded that the compound should be supplied on a regular schedule in order to have sufficient amount of it in the body to effectively slow down the aging process. - 17273

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