Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, July 20, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Build Muscle ?

By Frank Palani Madan

When it comes to building muscles it can take weeks to see results and months to see massive results. Consistency in your workouts and nutrition are important for muscle growth. People make a lot of mistakes in the gym while working out and after a couple months they do not see any progress. This when they give up. There are some basic steps that you should follow when it comes to your workouts. Take it easy for the first month, then when you want to get further and bigger muscles even faster you really should read a guide.

Trial and error is not the way to go. The the internet is full of information that can help you. You can find great programs to help you build muscle have been tested to work and give you the results that you want. Follow them and before long, you'll build the muscles you desire.

If you are just starting out building muscles then chances are you know nothing about what it takes to build your muscles. You need to know what foods to eat, which muscles to focus on and about stretching and rest routines.

When you start you may thinkit's easy tobuildyour muscles. The reality is, it's anything but easy when you lack thetrainingand help togetthe muscle mass you want.Think abouthiring a personal trainer to help you starting out.

You may not want to stay with a trainer long, a personal trainer can be expensive over the long run. If you don't want to spend the money it may be good to hire one for you first few weeks. From the start you should follow basic nutrition tips, because nutrition is as important as your workouts. When it comes to nutrition you should eat a lot and often to feed your muscles, which need a lot of protein to grow bigger faster.

Try to eat 5 or 6 times a day. Eat a lot of meals of proteins and carbs with low fat. You can eat whatever you want, but stay away from fast foods and be sure you drink lots of water.

How long does it take to build muscle? It depends on how and how much you work out. Going to the gym 3 times per week should be enough, if you do it right. You should work on all muscle categories, legs, chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and back every week. Each day work on two muscle groups and do 3 to 4 exercises which are specific for each group. Lifts should be slow and have 12 to 8 reps for each exercise, take a short rest after each routine.

Listen to your body, take note of any pains you might have. Watch out for sharp and sudden pains since this could mean that you have pulled a muscle. Continuing to exercise when you have pulled a muscle can do damage. So take it easy and be consistent.

Getting into a routine of working out is what you want to do if you want to gain serious muscle. You need to be patient and persevere. - 17273

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Bodybuilding and Your Biceps

By Ryland Greg Brown

Biceps are one of the smaller muscle groups, they don't need the same rest period as the larger muscle groups like the quads or back. It is important to build up gradually, making sure that you develop your back muscles enough to carry the extra workout. Don't do this exercise too quickly, or build up the weights too fast.

The fundamentals to bodybuilding your biceps is the repetitions, rather than extreme weights. Working out with too heavy weights will make it hard to do the repetitions you need, which is not a good thing.

Another important factor is recuperation. Muscle builds when it is resting, not during training when it is being broken down. You need to give the biceps muscle enough time at rest to build itself to the max. One of the most important parts of recuperation is getting eight hours of good sleep a night.

Bicep exercises are satisfying because you can really see the muscle working. It is best to train the biceps together with the triceps, it is always good to work muscles on opposite sides of the body.

For bodybuilding your biceps, you usually use dumbbells, but muscles don't know whether the stress is being applied by free weights or a machine. Muscles respond only to the level of stress being placed on them.

Dumbbell curls are one of the easiest weightlifting exercises you can do and after a few repetitions you will feel your biceps being toning.

To make the most of your bicep workouts stand with your back straight, with the barbells in your hands, palms towards your sides. Take deep breaths from lower down in your lungs, not from your chest. Focus on your breathing, this can make a big difference.

Slowly pull the dumbbells up towards your chest, keep your elbows tight in next to your body. Don't get in a hurry, the slow pull on your muscles is what works best. Breath out fully, all the way to the bottom of your lungs.

Rotate your wrists so that when the barbells get to you chest they are facing the chest comfortably. Hold this for a couple of seconds before you let the weights down. Let the dumbbells down slowly. Take a breath in from the lower part of your lungs rather than at the top of your chest. Do up to 15 to 20 reps. Gradually increase the weight so you can gain strength without doing damage. Ryland Greg Brown - 17273

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A Dose Of Mineral Salts From Sea Food.

By Anastacia Sampson

Sea foods are commonly eaten; while shellfish is taboo for some or allergy causing and deadly for others. Sea foods can be used as a term to cover all foods from the sea, from fish to shellfish to seaweed. Apparently fish is healthier than red meats; fish is more easily digested and provides high levels of protein. It is cold current water fish that have more essential fatty acids and overall fish deliver polished wooden furniture essential fatty acids to our bodies, with plant sources delivering unpolished wooden furniture to us. The plants bringing these fats include sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, their oils, safflower oil, nuts and leafy vegetables. We derive types of fatty acids that are more easily used by the body and brain from fish and shellfish. Wake up and smell the coffee but not the fish! Fishy smells signify it is not fresh and has rancid essential fatty acids.

Do be aware that with high amounts of minerals in shellfish this is always healthy, but occasionally eating it may be a great benefit. There are types of shellfish eaten, from crabs to lobsters to oysters.

It is not all white meat and there is the vegetarian seafood of seaweed. We often picture seaweed as a slimy green, brown or reddish algae found floating in the sea waters. It is not purely plant when seaweed contains plantain; which are minor sea-animals. We can purchase seaweed in dried form and eaten (after soaking) or added to flavour soups or used in other ways. There are types of seaweed which are known to be fine to consume, with some types that are more suitable for consumption. Seaweed may be in cosmetic-make-up products and certain carbohydrate sections of it can be incorporated in some processed foods. Fortunately seaweed with its high mineral levels can also be a fertilizer and this is relevant for land plants.

The supplement known as kelp is derived from seaweed. Kelp delivers iodine, an essential mineral, which can only be sourced from the sea. Consequently all land plants near sea spray and seafood have iodine. Iodine is needed by our thyroid glands, in our necks, to make thyroid hormones to regulate our metabolism. We need healthy thyroid function to be healthy.

There have been cases of noxious sea foods due to them carrying excess toxic metals or minerals. Reports of tuna fish having high levels of mercury have been revealed. Then we know that is due to polluted sea waters where those fish were caught. High levels of arsenic, another poisonous substance, have been shown in shell fish. Yet that is generally not a problem unless we eat shell fish excessively. Sea foods deliver such high levels of minerals due to absorbing more of surrounding minerals in the sea. Pollution of the sea with noxious substances does go into sea foods. Generally sea foods occasionally eaten are healthy and there are international government measures to ensure safety in quality and quantity of sea foods. - 17273

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Acai and Faster Weight Loss

By Laura Lane

A wonderful product from acai palm trees found in many parts of Central and South America is becoming very popular right now as a weight loss and health supplement. The acai berries, a fruit, is not new to many people. In fact, it has been used in cooking and as a medicinal fruit in countries like Brazil, Peru and Belize. They are often used in recipes for cake, yogurt and many other kinds of desert.

The incredible health benefits of the acai berries are now becoming increasingly popular as many companies started selling these products in many parts of the world. It used to be sold on it's original form as a fresh or dried berry but with today's technology it has been processed for longer storage. Acai berries are now available in various forms like tablets, juice and powder.

Taking acai berries provide many health benefits to the body. Not just a simple weight management product, acai berry products also provide better immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. With all the vitamins and minerals in the product, anyone most of the people taking it gets increased level of energy, improved sleep and healthier skin.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

There are also some Omega-9 and Omega-6 that are present in the acai berries. These nutrients are known to lower the blood cholesterol in the body. And of course, the anti-oxidants that are found in the fruit is very beneficial for our heart.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

Acai berries are still available in its natural form. It can be consumed on its own or be a part of a recipe in a healthy meal. While other products are often chemical based, acai berry is highly organic and even some of its forms only include very few chemical additives for longer shelf life. So if you are looking for a product you can use for weight management, you should consider the acai berry.

Just remember that anyone with pre-existing conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must consult with their physicians first before taking the product. It is currently sold everywhere in the world in health stores or you can also order it through the Internet. - 17273

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Different Bodybuilding Routines To Get A Muscular Chest

By Ricardo d Argence

There are some common misconceptions when it comes to building muscle for a solid chest. As with any area of the body it take disciplined work of the pectorals to achieve that much desired chiseled look.

A lot of body builders seem to have been taught that bench presses is the best way to get the rock hard chest that they always wanted. There is no doubt that the bench press works out the pectoral muscles, it is not enough to give the bulk chest look that many people are after.

The following are a few simple exercises that can be used to get that well defined chest:

High Cable crossovers. This exercise will work the difficult to reach inner Pecs.

Low Cable Crossovers: With the right amount of tension, this is another inner pectoral exercise that has many benefits.

Bench press. Wide grip, your wide spaced handling will work the lower pectoral. Close grip, will work the inner Pecs quite well, however the movement will also work triceps and upper chest.

Dumbbell Flyers: If you really squeeze them together you will be able to work out the inner pectoral muscles. You can also alternate this on a flat bench, decline bench, or incline bench.

Dips: With this exercise you can work both the inner and outer pectoral muscles depending on how you are positioned.

These are a few good chest muscle exercises, varying your workout will decrease the likely hood of you reaching a plateau. Now it is important that you also realize that nutrition and rest are equally important.

Nutrition is extremely important in your venture of building muscle. When you work out, you are tearing your muscles and during your periods of rest, those muscles are working to rebuild themselves. To do this properly, your body needs enough complex carbohydrates and protein. Increasing your mineral and vitamin intake is a good idea as well.

Hydration is also important for any workout routine. The body requires water to provide nutrition to the cells, eliminate waste, and regulate internal body temperature. In addition to all these, water also cushions the joints and protects major internal organs. Increase your water intake above the recommended daily amount as strenuous exercise quickly depletes fluid levels.

Another thing that people tend to forget about when they are trying to build muscle is to get enough rest. Even though there are a lot of products out there trying to claim that sleep is something that you will want to avoid, it is untrue. Not only will a lack of sleep affect your ability to gain muscle mass but it could also affect many aspects of your health in general.

Always remember that sleep is how your body heals and regenerates. Without sleep your body will never function as well as it should and all of your hard work in the gym will have been for nothing. You will not even have the energy to continue your workouts for very long.

Bring all of the above elements together and you will quickly build muscle and have the solid chest you have always wanted. Eat right, diversify your routine, and get plenty of sleep to make the most of your body building sessions. - 17273

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Facts You Should Know About Bodybuilding Supplements, Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine isn't really a drug, in fact it is a substance that is produced by our bodies naturally. It is actually a combination of three amino acids which are glycine, arginine, and methionine. Usually creatine is derived from our diets, and for the most part from animal products such as meat or even fish. The creatine that is stored is normally kept within our muscles.

It helps the body do so-called "explosive" high intensity and repetitive exercise. This means that you can get a better workout when you take creatine, and you'll feel better after your workout too, since your muscles can cover much more quickly from fatigue. It helps reduce the accumulation of lactic acid after your workout, which will help you avoid muscle soreness after your workout.

Even though you can get creatine from your diet, taking supplements of creatine will give you larger amounts of it; taken within reason, this can help you exercise longer with less fatigue and soreness, and with faster recovery times so that you'll recuperate for less time between workout sessions. This is especially helpful for bodybuilders or other athletes who wish to build muscle mass quickly by working out longer and harder.

How does it do this? A substance called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, simply sits in your muscles waiting for you to need it. When you need it, it is provided quickly and instantaneously, which accounts for the "explosive" benefit it gives muscles, in that you can do very intense workouts almost instantaneously.

Creatine works quite well, primarily because right after ingestion it turns into what is known as creatine phosphate. This will replenish the ATP stored in muscles through replacing phosphate that was expended during your workout. During intense activity such as exercise, ATP turns into ADP or adenosine diphosphate.

That is how creatine functions in your favor. What it does is replenish the phosphate molecule that you've lost so that your reserves of ATP are full and ready to be used whenever you need them. Creatine will help lengthen your workout times and provide you greater results.

One caveat to taking creatine is that it makes you retain water in your muscles; this means that you have to drink a lot more water to compensate for the water you're storing in your muscles instead of other organs. In short, be sure you drink enough when you're taking creatine.

Creatine will give you the ability to exercise to your full potential and will help you to develop your muscles at an increased rate. You won't be as sore after your workouts, and this means that you can get back to is sooner than normal.

However, it has some drawbacks. You will gain weight because you will be retaining water in your muscles. It's not really a bad thing, just be prepared for higher numbers on the scale. In addition, if you're not careful, you can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures. Also, if you have kidney problems, you shouldn't take creatine; it can place greater stress on your kidneys.

Diet is something that needs to be observed as well, and that is true also with creatine. Creatine isn't a magic substance that will take care of everything, and as such you will need a good diet.

No amount of creatine is going to help you if you only subsist on junk food, so make sure that you eat complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins to ensure that you get the most out of your workout.

Muscles require some sort of building blocks, therefore make sure your diet is healthy, and make sure it has lots of lean proteins such as lean meats, fish, complex carbohydrates, among other things.

These tips will allow you to get the most possible out of your workouts, and increase your muscle mass. - 17273

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Great Exercises For Weight Loss

By Austin Stern

Every year people across the world make New Year's resolutions. These resolutions range from going back to school to saving up and buying that expensive car they have been eying for the past few months. But one of the most common goals people make around that time of year is the decision to get their butts into gear, and get themselves back in shape.

Working out is a great way to slim down and to build healthy muscle at the same time. When you push yourself beyond your normal level of physical work, you tear muscle mass, and over the next few days it repairs itself and your muscle strengthens and grows. It doesnt matter if youre pumping iron or running on the treadmill, youll burn calories and burn fat as well.

Of course, there are differences in what types of workouts you choose to do, as you stress different muscles in differing ways with each activity. But dont fear, youll be burning those extra calories no matter what, so long as you push yourself. Calories are the enemy, and so long as youre burning more calories than you consume each day, youll begin to notice a great deal of change in the weeks to come.

Cardio exercises stress the amount of oxygen the body can hold during strenuous activity, forcing the heart to pump faster and in turn forces the body to burn more calories. Some examples of cardio exercises are walking, running, swimming, and bicycling, just to name a few.Cardiovascular activity also boosts an individuals oxygen capacity, which allows them to run, swim, or overall be active longer with less stress on the lungs and heart as time moves forward.

When you do weight training (otherwise known as strength training) you lift weights which cause your muscles to tear, only to be built right back up again and stronger to boot! Because people can see the effects from strength training, it is one of the most popular forms of working out. Your body will become more attractive and toned, and hey, you'll get to burn quite a lot of calories while you are at it!

A great type of strength training is body resistance training. This is working out using only your body and gravity as resistance, rather than lifting dumbbells or free weights. Examples of body resistance training are push ups, jumping jacks and mountain climbers.

You can really burn fat quickly with strength training. Although you've probably heard that muscle can weight more than fat, it does, but do not worry. When you engage in strength training, you are building muscle which adds pounds (good pounds) but it also burns away fat quickly, causing you to lose very unhealthy weight.

New Year's eve or 4th of July and everywhere in between are all good times to start losing weight. You will feel better about yourself as well as have way more energy than you ever did before. Like the Nike commercial says, Just Do It! - 17273

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How To Get a Ripped Chest

By James Traynor

A lot of people would like a large muscular ripped chest as many would agree that they look great under a shirt or T shirt and when taking the top off down the beach or at the pool. One of the key important areas to address when looking at getting a ripped chest is fat loss.

A great set of pecs and ripped abs will undoubtedly catch everybody's eye and make you feel and look great. It gives a great shape to the front part of the body and makes you look fit and healthy. However, if you have a thick layer of fat over the pectoral muscles you will just look flabby and fat with no shape at all and worse still you might develop man boobs.

To get a large, toned ripped chest many people mistakenly believe that you have to churn out thousands of bench presses. Indeed, this exercise will help build up the muscles but will not give you an athletic ripped look as it will not get rid of the fat layer over the chest. Getting rid of this fat layer is the biggest hurdle to get over. It is possible for even a skinny guy to get a fabulous looking chest just by getting rid of this fat.

I guess you want to know what this great secret is, right? To be truthful it is not that much of a secret. In order to get rid of this fat layer you need to reduce your intake of calories and burn any excess calories off.

If you are a body builder, reducing calories may not be such a good idea as it can sometimes send you into a catabolic state and cause you to actually start breaking down that hard gained muscle. A lot of body builders face this dilemma after months of building up bulk and then trying to lose fat. It is a fine balance between keeping the lean muscle mass but getting rid of the fat layer.

One way to achieve this goal is to maintain and adequate intake or calories but increase the proportion of those calories as protein. This is because more calories are actually required to metabolize protein as it does for the same quantity of fat or protein, so reducing fat accumulation.

The next most important thing is to incorporate cardio routines into your workout program to burn those excess calories. Also performing large muscle exercises such as squats can help lose fat as they use huge muscles, such as the quads, that I like to think of as furnaces - requiring lots of calories to burn to perform the workouts.

These techniques can be incorporated together into a full workout program that you can easily follow regularly. Exercises can be found quite readily by searching online which can take some time. The other method is to buy a ready made program.

Most cover all the points mentioned above and are great for building all the muscles in the body and lets face it - just building a great set of pecs is going to make you look silly if you have no muscle elsewhere. They also incorporate fat loss routines that actually work.

The most important thing is that if you want to get a ripped chest quickly, then not to spend time procrastinating but to start working and working regularly. You will be surprised at how fast you will see results. - 17273

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Some Of The Biggest Myths Ever Told About Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Many have fallen victim to marketing schemes making extravagant claims that you will rapidly shed pounds while continuing to eat everything in sight. Let's consider a number of the most well-known myths out there about this industry.

Let's consider a number of the most well-known myths out there about this industry.

1. No carbohydrates. The most popular diets today all follow the concept of high protein, low carb. If you attempt to diet in this way you will almost inevitably end up regaining all the lost weight and more on top, even though initial results may be dramatic.

2. Genetics is the biggest factor. To a certain extent, genetics do play a role ion determining your metabolic rate, but this doesn't meant hat your fate is sealed if you have obese parents and grandparents. The most important factor in determining your success in any weight loss program is the number of calories you eat and the amount of physical activity you get in a single day.

Genetics do play a role in determining how much calories you will burn, as those with slower metabolic rates may burn calories much slower than those who are active and have higher metabolic rates. But there are always ways you can rev up a slow metabolism so don't ever use this excuse.

3.Fat must be avoided. Some individuals are of the view that cutting down on fat is essential during a weight loss program. But the key to effective fat control is cutting down on the dangerous fats and increasing your intake of the good fat. Instead of eating unhealthy, like Trans fat and saturated fat, you should eat foods, such as fish, olive oil and avocados, that contain the healthy polyunsaturated fat and Omega-3 fats.

4. Missing meals. Contrary to popular belief, missing meals is not a good idea as it results in a lowered metabolic rate and a consequent difficulty in losing excess weight. It is important to eat regular meals so you can avoid the temptation to binge but be sure you eat nutrition rich foods that are low in calories like salads, fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains - you can eat more so you stay full longer. Sticking to snacks such as a piece of juicy watermelon instead of your favorite ice cream is important.

5. Avoid white food. As opposed to popular beliefs, some of the "white" foods that are good for you include pears, avocadoes, and nuts - the key being that the nutrients contained in those foods are more important than their color.

6. Grapefruit Miracle. This is one myth that has no basis in reality. There is a group of individuals who are promoting grapefruit as a way to lose fat. In fact there is one small isolated research that states that there is a a magic fat-burning enzyme that can help you lose weight simply by consuming this fruit.

As yet there has been no questions as to the veracity of these claims and whether the citrus industry in fact had a part in the funding of this type of research. Grapefruits are rich in lycopene, which provide nutrients and prevent cancer and heart diseases and take care of cellular health.

We have here presented to you some of the most common myths surrounding weight loss, some of which you may have heard of previously. Once you know the facts, your weight loss strategy is wide open for you, and a healthier lifestyle. - 17273

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Health and Weight Loss

By Raymond Gamahe

One way to lose a few pounds, or so a number of people think, is by not eating and although this is a way to lose a few unwanted pounds, it can have repercussions if carried out for extended periods and no doctor or dietitian would ever recommend doing this. They insist that only healthy weight loss diets are recommended, given the fact that excesses tend to leave the body weaker and almost defenseless when facing illness.

Following a healthy weight loss program is all about what you eat and how much of it as if you consume more calories in a day than you use and this is done regularly, you will put on weight. Many people forget just how important it is to have a decent night's sleep for good health and body maintenance but juts as important is burning off those excess calories found in the areas of fat most of carry around with us.

Woman's magazines often present wonder diets that make you slimmer in a matter of days and some of these 'healthy' weight loss diets are centered on using a specific type of food. One of these methods is to eat only fruits, salads, chicken and boiled vegetables and while none of these are detrimental to your health, you will not receive all the nutrients your body needs from just these foods.

This is not to mention that after one and a half weeks of such a dietary program, you'll feel like you'd never want to touch chicken again as the body creates an almost defensive reaction towards this kind of force-feeding. The basis of healthy weight loss and maintenance is by removing high calorie foodstuffs from our diets and maintaining regular exercise in addition to good sleep patterns.

Always remember your doctor will ask you if you are sleeping well and will ask an overweight person if they snack in the middle of the night as while this is common, many do not remember. Many overweight people also suffer from stress which physical activity is known to eliminate and by eating healthily, calories will be lost but all this will go to waste if you are getting up in the night to eat.

You do not have to follow a health weight loss program for very long before your body will start noticing the difference with increased energy levels, better sleep and feeling healthier which also means you will be less prone to illness. Another aspect of a healthy weight loss diet is personal involvement and self-impression on the undergoing transformation so for instance; being too critical and demanding with yourself could sometimes do more bad than good. Often boredom creates problems when dieting especially when someone tries to push themselves too far because they want to lose weight and keep to the same routine. Why not build up your stamina and fitness level a little by carrying out some everyday activities first like walking or swimming for example. Remember to listen to your body and not overexert yourself and lose weight healthily. - 17273

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Acai Berry and Weight Loss: Where Does the Myth End and Reality Begin?

By Travis Van Slooten

What makes people usually sit up and take serious notice of this said amazing fruit is the acai berry and weight loss hype. Let's face it, losing weight is a constant struggle for many Americans. Unfortunately, many deceptive companies have also seen the high demand for weight loss products as an opportunity to cash in some quick money, and this is where all the hype about acai berry being the key to effectively losing weight begins.

Is Acai a Weight Loss Supplement?

So here's the honest answer to this frequently asked acai question: by itself, the acai berry does not act as a weight loss product. Those manufacturers who sell acai supplements mainly as a tool for weight loss are stretching the truth a little too far. In no study has it ever been reported that acai berries can effectively shed off the excess pounds just like that. If you're taking acai supplements in hopes of this happening, you may be in for a big disappointment. For those who are still looking around, stay clear of companies who blatantly advertise this.

So What Does Acai Actually Do?

As with most supplements, acai berry has potential to aid in the construction of a healthier lifestyle. Some of the healthy properties of acai include antioxidants, unsaturated fats, fiber and anthocyanins. These aspects of the acai berry can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, but none of them will lose weight for you. Anyone who knows the first thing about weight loss will tell you that without a proper diet and plenty of exercise, you're not really getting healthy. While you may be able to lose weight quickly with some methods, unless you are making a lifestyle change, you're never going to be truly healthy.

Using Acai Berries the Proper Way

Don't be discouraged if the acai berry is not the ultimate weight loss solution you imagined it to be. It can still play a major role in helping you achieve your ideal weight by increasing your energy levels even as you do your fitness routines and observe the proper diet. By maximizing the health benefits of acai berry, you can still lose weight effectively and efficiently.

Losing weight is a lifelong goal for many of us and that is why we easily get swayed by promises of no-sweat weight loss solutions. The reality however is that, there is no weight loss plan that involves merely taking supplements. Success in this area can only be achieved by eating right and exercising. And this is where acai berry can help. While there is no direct link between the acai berry and weight loss, acai is the perfect complement to a fit and healthy lifestyle. - 17273

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Acai Berries And Other Super Foods Advantages

By Doris Z Reed

It is universal knowledge that fruits and vegetable are a essential part of a wholesome and nutritious diet but comparisons between foods have found that there are a few that are so wholesome and helpful that they are considered to be "super foods" or "super fruits".

These super foods are foods that have an excessive amount of nutritional value based upon the calories that they offer. Many fruits and vegetables fall into this exclusive group such as spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes and many more. Berries are nearly all considered to be super fruits, especially blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry from the acai palm in Brazil. All of the super foods possess a high ORAC level. That is the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the ability of an antioxidant to counteract oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

A free radical is an unsound molecule that is developed during processes that require oxygen. The molecule loses an electron, which causes it to become highly unstable and volatile. If you are living and breathing, just about every process in your body requires oxygen so you are unconsciously making free radicals every single minute. Antioxidants are compounds that are found in food that come in and provide the missing electron thereby neutralizing it.

Antioxidants are exceptional elements found in food that deactivate free radicals within our bodies. Free radicals are erratic molecules that are absent an electron. They are produced in our bodies by processes that necessitate oxygen, which is just about everything. If you are breathing and you are living you are creating free radicals in each moment of your life.

The destruction caused from free radicals shows up gradually. Diseases usually manifest over the course of years and they do not happen overnight. The same thing happens with gray hair, wrinkles and sagging skin. The harm happens bit by bit but it all adds up.

Yet, nature provides a way for the free radicals to be neutralized. Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that come in and impart the missing electron to the hazardous molecule, in so doing neutralizing the free radical and preventing some of the damage.

In spite of this, nature provides a inherent and organic way to deactivate the injury that free radicals instigate in our bodies. Antioxidants from nourishing foods come in and offer the omitted electron to the free radical. It in that way neutralizes the molecule and helps to avert additional damage.

In order to have the most effect, antioxidant high foods should be consumed every day as part of an complete wholesome and nutritious diet. Continued investigation into the benefits of antioxidants are confirming how exceptionally useful they are. So be intelligent and consume your blueberries, take your acai berry supplement and be strong to the finish and eat up your spinach. - 17273

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