Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, March 13, 2009

Motivation and planning: the keys to muscle gain success

By Jon Cardozo

What is the first thing you thought about when you decided to begin a muscle building program? Was it the exercises? Maybe it was about your nutrition requirements or which supplements you should buy. These things are important to consider, but there may be something else you're ignoring. Knowledge is crucial for success, and learning about things like specific weight training exercises and which supplements to take is certainly important. However, you may actually want to take a moment and look at your motivation.

Before you begin to obtain this new knowledge, understanding the motivation behind your goals could actually be quite helpful. Lack of knowledge can make you fail, but a lack of planning and not really knowing why you're doing something can ultimately lead to failure as well.

So before you purchase a gym membership or head to the grocery store to replace the contents of your pantry, ask yourself a few questions about what you're trying to achieve. First of all, do you know what exactly you are trying to achieve?

If you don't know the answer, you should stop and think about how many pounds you want to gain based on your current situation. You may even want to discuss your fitness with your physician before you get started. You should also talk to a trainer or purchase a good muscle building course so you know exactly what you're getting into. Then you should divide your big goal into smaller goals to make things simpler for you.

Knowing what you want to accomplish before you start your weight gain program is very important for your success. You can visualize what you will look like at the end of your program and how long it'll take to get there. The other pillar of success, however, is proper motivation.

There'll be times when things get tough. You may not feel like going to the gym on a particular day, or you may be surprisingly sore after a difficult workout. You might feel like giving up, and this is when you need to remember your original motivation.

When you begin to wonder if you can really achieve your goal or why you even set the goal in the first place, your original motivation will be critical. Why exactly did you set the goal anyway? Whether it's feeling more energetic or being more fit for your sport, you need to identify the specific reasons for targeting this goal. It really helps if this is coming from you and not just from peer pressure.

It just means that you need to have your own reasons for wanting to achieve something along with a deep desire to overcome obstacles. You are far more likely to succeed in achieving your goal if it is truly your goal and not just the result of peer pressure or some other outside motivation. If you keep these things in mind, you are well on your way to muscle gain success. - 17273

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5 Interesting Height Statistics

By Rodney Williams

It's also fascinating to study statistics and try to find connections between different things, and the reasons behind them. This is no different with height. As we slowly begin to understand more and more of the factors which play a role in shaping height, the statistics which were previously unclear begin to make more sense.

1) Height by Region - This has probably been the most discussed and debated topic concerning height. Why is it that some races are so much taller than others? What factors, be they environmental or other are causing the differing heights?

Through study of such statistics, we've discovered some of the reasons why we believe some people are generally taller than others, though many mysteries remain. Nutrition and genetics of course play a role, but beyond that it's also a well established fact that wealth also comes into play (though that would probably tie in with nutrition).

2) Growth Spurts - The growth spurts in children, brought about by the increased levels of human growth hormones released during puberty, can by quite dramatic, usually resulting in height gain increases of more than 50% above the years surrounding the growth spurt. Girls, who typically hit puberty around the age of 11, can gain as much as 3.5 inches per year during this span, while boys, who hit their spurt slightly later, can see yearly increases of as much as 4.5 inches per year.

3) Family Ties - It's long been known, or at least suspected, that genes play a deciding factor in height, which is largely true. There have now been enough studies conducted to come up with a formula for determining likely natural height based on the height of one's parents and grandparents.

By adding the total of the two parents heights in inches, and the four grandparents heights and dividing that by 6, we come to the number that is fed into the formula. For males that formula is to multiple the number by 1.08 and add 3.5 inches. For females, they should multiple the number by 0.92 and add 2.5 inches.

4) Height in the Workplace - Taller men have a 75% better chance of being selected for promotion or an executive position than shorter people with the same credentials. Proof that height is often associated with power and successful individuals.

5) Height in Love - When it comes down to romance, height of course also plays an important role. For many their own height plays a deciding factor in the desired height of their partner. Taller women in particular want taller men, more so than tall men do of women. Women who were considered to have more options, such as those who described themselves as slim or athletic, also seemed to narrow in on taller men.

Broken down by region, Asian women were much more willing to overlook height, probably based on their own shorter statures, while black women wanted taller men at the highest clip.

These are only a few of the many interesting statistics concerning height, and the way its viewed in society. It's clear that height has a role in many aspects of our lives, not just the ability to reach an item on a high shelf. - 17273

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Weight Loss Tips? The Top 4

By Henry John

What do you do if you want to lose weight? The story in the mirror isn't getting any better. Something has to be done....but what? Another diet? Oh, no! Not again, please! There must be a better way of losing weight than going on a diet?

You don't mind a challenge, but it has got to be for something worthwhile. You don't consider a diet id worthwhile any more Why? Because after all the effort and commitment that you put into the last one, the weight just came back again after a few months.

It's not much fun when the weight returns, is it? All that effort all for nothing. It actually doesn't do you very much good for a number of reasons. Psychologically you are dealt a pretty heavy blow. It takes quite a lot out of you when all your efforts are in vain. This becomes an even worse problem if you are a serial dieter.

It is not widely known that serial dieters suffer from serious loss of muscle mass. This is because when they diet they tend to lose quite a lot of weight quickly. This has the effect of reducing their muscle mass. Why? Because when you diet you lose fat and muscle. When you stop your diet and the weight comes back again, it's fat that comes back, not muscle.

Muscle is a very efficient burner of calories. If you start to lose muscle, you become less able to burn calories efficiently. The more diets you go on the more difficult you will find it to lose weight. You are also becoming weaker - although you are not getting any thinner. It's not a good place to be. Serial dieting does you a power of no good.

Remember these 4 tips: 1. Don't go on a diet. 2. Weight loss pills are no different to diets. The short-term effect is the same. 3. You need a program that has an exercise plan. 4. The only way to lose weight permanently is to make change. You do this by learning new habits, slim habits. Only then can you lose weight safely and effectively...and it won't come back. - 17273

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5 Precautions To Observe For Safe Bodybuilding

By Colin Zane

Many bodybuilders love to live by the motto that there is no gain without any pain. The reality cannot be further from the truth. Our bodies always use pain as an indicator to tell us that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. As someone who wishes to become fitter and stronger through weights training, pain can only be embraced as an instrument in avoiding injuries and long term damage to our bodies.

To get the most from bodybuilding, not only must you stick to sound training methods, but safe measures must be undertaken to protect your body. Steering clear of injuries is essential to making consistent progress. What can you do to achieve that?

1. Use free weight exercises as they are the only true safe movements that your body was made for. Exercises done using machines are mostly dangerous in a subversive way and it does not help that most mainstream exercise literature promote them. Machines force your body to move in unnatural motion planes that lead to injuries, while free weights force your body to adapt to pressure using movements that it is familiar with.

2. Concentrate your efforts on major movements such as the squats, deadlifts, chin ups and bench presses. These exercises utilize all your major muscle groups which are really what your body is built on. They also encourage a more balanced body to be built.

3. While the majority of your workouts should comprise major exercises, be sure to include a few minor ones like hamstring curls. There is a place for them as the major movements do not hit all of the muscles in a body. Forgetting them might lead to overcompensation by other muscle groups.

4. Ensure that your body gets sufficient rest in between workouts. This must be done in tandem by having a sensible number of workouts per week, instead of training everyday. Having proper rest and nutrition is crucial to maximizing returns from bodybuilding, instead of doing too much.

5. Never go into a workout set with cold muscles. Perform a few warm up sets to get blood flowing to the muscles and keep them warm. This will also help your mind and body get in focus for the proper sets when the heavier weights are in place. Again, all this is done to avoid injuries that might result from ill preparation and a lack of concentration.

You will be able to enjoy safer and more productive bodybuilding workouts by observing the suggestions listed above. In order for muscles to grow well safely, you need to push them to their limits sensibly. Pain is always negative and should be avoided at all costs. - 17273

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A Healthier Heart Can Be Yours in the Produce Aisle

By Gary Betsworth

Most people know that they should include plenty of vegetables and fruit in their daily menu. Any kind of vegetables or fruits that you add will have health benefits. But some are more important than others when it comes to your heart health.

Two important categories of vegetables are dark, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables. Instead of iceberg lettuce, choose a variety that has a darker green color. This means that it contains more heart healthy nutrition than lighter varieties. Other important vegetables are cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and kale.

Your best choices in fruit are from the citrus family. Pick oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes for a healthy heart. You'll get the most benefit if you eat the whole fruit in its fresh form. But you can also benefit from the nutrition contained in fruit juice.

Most people have between one and three servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This is far short of the minimum of five that's recommended. And eating between seven and nine servings is even healthier. However, don't try to go from one serving to nine all at once. Take it slow and add them into your diet gradually. Try these tips to help you effortlessly add some extra servings at mealtime.

If you like eggs for breakfast, add some tomatoes, onions, peppers and mushrooms. Drink some fruit juice with your toast and coffee. Make up a smoothie containing whole fruit that you can take with you as you head out the door. Or add some fruit to your cereal.

When you make your sandwich for lunch, add lots of vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, in addition to the typical lettuce leaf. Eat a bowl of vegetable soup. Eat a small salad along with your main course, or make the salad itself the entree. Adding fruit to your salad gives both a flavor and nutrition boost.

If vegetables are already a staple of your evening meal, try adding an extra serving to your plate. If you're not eating a vegetable with dinner at all, make a point of adding one. Stews and hearty soups are a great way to include veggies in a satisfying meal. Or try having a salad right before the main course.

You don't have to make major changes to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet. Simply add a serving here or there. It won't be long before you're getting what you need for optimal heart wellness. - 17273

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Advanced Wellness Research Deal

By Linda Kemp

Are acai berries really as good at helping people lose weight as they are made out to be? Considering the number of people testifying how great these supplements are, the answer seems to be yes. There are so many people who are claiming that they were finally able to lose weight just by adding Pure Acai Berry to their diet that it definitely seemed like a worthwhile quest in order to try this idea out.

To determine for myself whether acai berry is worth taking as a weight loss supplement, I decided to add Pure Acai Berry to my diet for a month. I choose this particular supplement because it seemed to be the most pure and the most concentrated. Having a free trial offer of it also helped because I knew that I would not be wasting money if I didn't like the results! Not knowing what I would experience, I was definitely not very certain at first if this would be worthwhile. However, I was exceptionally pleased with the results of supplementing my diet with this berry.

Before starting my acai berry supplement routine, I was carrying a modest amount of extra weight- just like most people in this country. I knew that summer was coming up and I was really hoping to find a way to get rid of the extra weight so that I would look good in the summer clothing that I wanted to wear. However, all of the diets I had tried left me hungry and cranky and never helped me lose weight because I would go off of them too quickly once I got tired of them. And other diet supplements I tried were horrible too, because they left me jittery and feeling strange. But this berry was not at all like any of those other weight loss experiences. I felt no ill effects while taking it and I started noticing results right away.

Basically, after a month of taking Pure Acai Berry, I was feeling and looking noticeably slimmer and I also felt very energetic. This was sure a different feeling than I've had on other diets! I am actually looking forward to summer this year and to trying on bathing suits, especially after continuing the supplement routine for another couple of months! Plus, because I've had more energy ever since taking this supplement, I've also found the energy to exercise. This has really made a difference since I look more toned and fit and the weight is coming off even easier than ever before.

What has really surprised me about acai berry is that weight loss is not the only benefit I've felt. I've just felt overall healthier since starting to take it and my improved body image is really starting to show in my confidence in myself. I am also very impressed with the amount of nutrients that this berry contains and know that getting plenty of antioxidants, fiber, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients will really help me stay healthy over my lifetime.

After my trial period of taking Pure Acai Berry, I am definitely sold on the effects of this superfood. I will continue to take it in order to keep my weight under control and for all of the other great health effects and I sincerely urge everyone else to do the same. Do your own trial of this supplement and you are sure to find out, like I did, that it really is a miracle food. - 17273

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Is Acai Berry Beneficial?

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai berry is the newest health trend if you have been paying attention. Acai berry which is native to the Amazon rain forest is finding its way to the U.S. and to other places all around the world as leading health food supplement.

So, why the buzz about the acai berry? It turns out that the acai berry has been held in high regard for centuries among the native peoples of the region where the acai berry is harvested. For hundreds of years it's been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, and it's prized for the ability to give greater energy and vitality.

The question remains, is there any truth to these claims and is the acai berry really beneficial? The answer, surprisingly, is yes. Science is just beginning to unlock some of the incredible properties of this tasty purple berry.

Acai berry is packed with essential fatty acids and vitamins. It is rich with vitamins B, C, and E. It also contains Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids. The high fiber content also promotes healthy digestion and cancer fighting properties as well as aging.

Acai contains a very high antioxidant level more than any other known vegetable or fruit on the ORAC. Antioxidants are necessary in combating against harmful free radicals that can damage the immune system and cause your skin to age quicker.

Because acai has a short shelf life and is only found in the Amazon rain forest, acai berries have become popular around the world in the form of juices and powders. These products contain the same nutrients as unprocessed acai berries, and can be easily added to smoothies, shakes, snacks, and other foods.There are also supplements that harness the powerful nutrients found in the acai berry. - 17273

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Advanced Wellness Research Promotional Offer Info

By Linda Kemp

Hey, everyone now knows that acai berry is the perfect supplement to help induce health, right? But did you also know that the same nutrients that can make you feel healthier can also help promote beauty? Not only does a health person tend to look more attractive than someone less healthy, but the acai berry has special nutrients that are perfect for helping provide everything from glowing hair to vibrant skin.

Acai berries are a special food because they are so nutritionally complete. You can take tons of other supplements in order to get the same amount of nutrients from just one dose of this little fruit. The incredible combination of a large dose of vital nutrients is what gives this berry its power to transform your looks. Within just a short time of starting a daily supplement routine, you are likely to be getting compliments from other people about how great you look, and people will surely start asking you just what you are doing to have gained such a vibrant appearance.

You skin is one of the first things that people notice when they see you and Pure Acai Berry can help transform this organ into something glowing and vibrant. First of all, your skin is very reflective of your overall state of health. When you are in less than perfect health, your skin may show it by being sallow, having blemishes, or otherwise looking less than perfect. However, when you are in great health, your skin tends to take on a glow that gets noticed. This glow comes from being well nourished and feeling great and is extremely attractive. With the acai berry, you can expect to gain this glow because you will be giving your body the correct nutrients to enable better health. And, with the vitality that comes from supplementing with this berry, your skin is sure to show off your new found state of wellness.

Not only can your skin start giving off a beautiful glow when you add Pure Acai Berry to your diet, but you can also see a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. Whether you already have wrinkles or you are just trying to prevent them from appearing in the future, this berry's large dose of antioxidants are just the cure. Wrinkles come from aging and from the skin's exposure to pollutants, including UV light. Antioxidants, however, help prevent the body from sustaining damage from pollutants. Thus, taking in extra antioxidants can help prevent wrinkling. Keeping your skin free from wrinkles is perhaps one of the best steps you can take for maintaining beauty.

Of course, keeping your body in top form also requires staying at the correct weight. Being trim and toned is the ultimate in attractiveness and achieving this is essential for looking great in all types of clothing. Pure Acai Berry can help you both with losing weight and with adding the perfect amount of muscle to look toned. Pure Acai Berry has metabolism boosting nutrients that have helped millions to lose weight and it provides the nutrients you need to add the right amount of muscle tone.

There are tons of other ways in which acai berry can help you look and feel attractive and you have to start taking it to see all of the benefits it can have for you. Don't just take my word for it- try it for yourself with the free trial offer of Pure Acai Berry. - 17273

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Mangosteen Juice as a Natural Thyroid Remedy

By Julieanne van Zyl

Taking Mangosteen Juice may help to alleviate the symptoms of an under active thyroid gland. The symptoms may be feeling really tired, dry skin, weight gain, irritability, memory loss and a number of other physical conditions. However, the worst dilemma with an under active thyroid gland is the inability to take off weight even when you're on a low calorie diet and you frequently exercise. Even if you are taking thyroid hormone replacements, you may still find that your metabolism is much more reduced than what it was before.

However you can speed up your metabolism and treat your thyroid problems naturally. You can give your thyroid the boost it requires, with these natural methods and it can start functioning properly.

The best way to increase your metabolism, is not to skip meals, especially breakfast. The meal that gets your metabolism started is breakfast. Your body has been starving all night, which lowers your metabolism, so breakfast will get it going again. Also, it's better to eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day to keep your glucose levels the same.

To boost your metabolism and assist your body to function properly, water is absolutely necessary. Water promotes healthy function of all your vital organs and helps keep your hormones balanced and it also assists in burning fat.

To assist in having a healthy thyroid, it is necessary to follow a healthy diet. Junk foods and empty calories are very bad for your thyroid. Ensure that you consume foods that are rich in iodine and B vitamins. It's important to eat an abundant supply of seeds and nuts and wholegrain foods, and include fish and root vegetables in your daily diet.

Another important thing for a healthy thyroid, is to exercise. It will make you slimmer and make all parts of your body work better.. The body parts that will improve with exercise, include the glands that produce the hormones we need to live a balanced healthy life.

A good quality multi vitamin will also assist your thyroid to function properly. It's important when purchasing a good multi vitamin to avoid purchasing them in the discount drug chains. They produce in bulk multi-vitamins, such as Centrum, and these do not have the potency or bio-availability that you need.

Look for a multi-vitamin that has sufficient levels of minerals and vitamins, and contains trace minerals as well. Ensure the multi-vitamin is as natural as possible without additives such as flavors and colors. It's also important to take some extra vitamin C, or make sure the supplement has larger amount of Vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance.

Another important factor for a healthy thyroid, is to manage stress. Try to eliminat the stressors from your life and learn relaxation techniques. Practice yoga, meditation or other relaxation exercises.

See your medical practitioner for an accurate diagnosis, if you think you have hypothryoidism. The medical practitioner may want to run more extensive blood tests besides just a TSH. Try some of the above methods to get your thyroid into tip-top shape, if you do have a thyroid condition. - 17273

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7 Mistakes That Kill Your Time In The Gym

By Victoria Jamison

When you're in the gym, there are a lot of distractions. It seems, these days, my gym time is always battling with other things that can seem more important. When I do finally get in the gym, I'm careful to not waste my time on these 7 items.

1. Too much time in the gym- Cardio exercise should be a portion of your time in the gym, not the bulk of it. It's meant to compliment your resistance training and a proper nutrition plan.

2 - No more long rest periods between exercises. Usually this happens when you see a friend and you spend 10 minutes chatting about fitness. Talking about getting fit isn't going to help you get fit. Don't take as many breaks and instead schedule some time over coffee when you're both of you are away from the gym.

3) Plan, Plan, Plan. If you walk into the gym with no idea of what you're going to do, I can promise you there will be a lot of time wasted. Figure out what you're going to do before you even step foot into the gym.

4. Not having a backup plan- There is nothing more frustrating then going to the gym with your plan in hand and someone is already using the machine! Having a backup plan ensures you spend more of your time in the gym exercising and less time feeling frustrated. If someone is using the chest machine, no big deal: Do push-ups instead.

5) Work hard than you think you should. If you're building bulk, you should be doing 8 to 10 reps of each exercise. If you find you're doing more than this before you run out of steam, you need to increase your weights. If you're workouts aren't intense enough, it's going to take a lot longer to get the results you're hoping to see.

6. Not using your full range of motion- If you are not using your full range of motion when performing your exercises, you can be sure that you are wasting your time. Be sure you are using correct form to be sure you are getting the results you desire.

7 - Get a check-up from a professional. If a regular meeting with a personal trainer isn't in your budget, consider having a check up ever 90 days to make sure you're maximizing your time in the gym. A professional trainer will know how to get you through that plateau and on to bigger gains.

I'm sure you didn't relate to all seven items. You may only relate to one of them. If that's the case, fix that one time and gain back some time for other areas in your life. If you could relate to them, focus on a few at a time and lean out your gym time while you lean out your body. - 17273

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Healthy Diets, Your Best Choice to Lose Weight

By Ricardo d Argence

To develop a healthy diet, you must understand the basics of nutrition. You'll hear a lot of talk about carbs, proteins, and fats, but what does it all mean? First of all, there are two types of carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are otherwise known as sugars. Complex carbohydrates are starches that store glucose. Your digestive system breaks the starch down and releases the glucose into the bloodstream. You shouldn't cut out all carbs, because they provide your body with energy.

Proteins are essential to any diet because they provide cells with what they need to grow and maintain their structure. Proteins can be found in both animal and vegetable foods. Animal sources of proteins, such as eggs, milk, and meat, contain all the essential amino acids.

It's hard to believe, but facts are actually a big part of the diet you choose. Fat is used in your body for fuel, therefore giving you energy. The only way to get certain essential fat-soluble vitamins is through food. Your body has no way of producing these on its own. Unsaturated fats are completely different from saturated ones. Limit the amount of dairy, mayonnaise and oil that you eat.

The best way to prevent obesity is to eat right. Many illnesses and conditions are caused or complicated by obesity, including diabetes, stroke and heart disease, cancer, sleep apnea, gout, osteoarthritis, and problems with the gall bladder. This is the type of thing that can cut your life short, and cut you off from a normal lifestyle.

Of course it's your goal to maintain a healthy weight, but you need to realize that it's not going to change your physique immediately. If you're trying to lose weight because you think you'll look like a supermodel, better think again, that's definitely the wrong reason. The goal is to get yourself healthy and fit, and this will take time.

It will not be effective to use quick fixes such as diet pills or starvation diets. These results are not long lasting and can really do more bad than good. It's not dieting that is important but improving your overall health.

Of course, you'll also need to exercise. This is especially vital for great heart health. While muscle adds more weight than fat, it is preferable to be toned and in shape and heavier than to weigh less and be flabby.

So, now that you have the necessary information, it's time to get started. First, set a goal of how much weight you want to lose. Next, come up with a game plan of how you're going to reach your goal. Give yourself a reasonable timeframe. You'll need to figure out the ideal number of calories you should be consuming each day and how much exercise you will need to burn excess calories.

Be prepared for some emotional ups and downs, but don't get discouraged just because the pounds don't melt off immediately. Stick to your plan, no matter what. Once you've reached your goal, don't fall back into your bad habits. Remember this isn't just a diet, it's a lifestyle change for the good of your health. - 17273

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Why Do People Bruise Easily And What Can You Do About It?

By Carolyn Cooper

As people grow older, many notice that a simple bump can turn out to be the cause of a truly spectacular bruise. You could very well have no idea where the bruise came from, and your family and friends are worried and concerned. Many people, particularly women, find that as they age bruising easily becomes a fact of life and can be an ongoing problem. We have to try to ascertain what might be causing the easy bruising or what actual bruising causes we have to deal with.

One of the first things that we need to consider when we're looking at bruising and bruising causes is what causes or creates a bruise in the first place. Bruises, also known as contusions, are the result of damaged or thinned blood capillary walls when the adjacent skin is not broken. Practically any type of impact can create a bruise, and on fair complexioned people the resulting bruise can be quite dramatic. The impact which causes the bruise can be painful, but the bruise itself is seldom harmful, but they can cause embarrassment when we're around other people that can see them.

You know that bruises are usually caused by some sort of impact, so what makes bruises so colorful? The answer is that the look of the bruise is determined by the blood that seeps into the surrounding tissue. If you are someone who bruises easily, it may be because you have thinning skin or because you have weaker capillaries. Either of these bruising causes may be at play and the truth of the matter is that the likelihood of having either will increase as you get older. Having skin that is fragile or less elastic than it used to be can reduce the amount of protection that your body gets, and having weak capillaries can make damaging much easier. In many cases, when you are wondering why you are bruising more easily as you age, you'll find that you are looking at a combination of these two effects.

When you decide to take steps that can help you stop bruising easily, you'll find that there are any number of things that you can do. Perhaps the most important thing for you to think about when you want to stop bruising so spectacularly is to look at eliminating anything that might be weakening your capillary walls. For instance, having an nutritionally incomplete diet, smoking and drinking too much alcohol can weaken your capillary walls. When you want to change your bad or improper behavior, consider switching over to a diet that does not have excessive fats and, make sure that you get regular exercise and consider taking some specific, helpful natural supplements.

As you are growing older and you realize that simply barking your arm against the kitchen cabinet can make you look like you were involved in a battle, don't fret about it. This is a common effect of growing older and one that can be handled effectively. - 17273

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