Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Reason Why You Won't Lose Weight On The 6 Week Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

So you haven't lost weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover program. You start telling everyone that the program is a scam and not to waste their money. I'm here to tell you the reason why you didn't lose weight.

The first thing is that you need to stay committed to your meal plan. Don't divert from the plan or cheat. It only takes 6 weeks to get the body that you want. After these six weeks your body will be programmed to enjoy the foods on the mal plan. The meal plan is so simple that it's almost a no-fail system.

The diet works by you choosing and consuming the foods that will help your metabolism burn calories at a faster rate. You plan your meals based on your body blue print and determine where your problem areas are. Once you implement your plan, you have to stick to it. There are no excuses on why you are not losing weight on the six week body program unless you cheating on the diet.

The common mistake that people keep doing over and over on diets is that they tend to "cheat" or divert from the routine within the first two weeks. Also, many people by the program and let it sit in the corner for a long time. They think "I can put it off for awhile" and never get around to it. Another big mistake is going to a restaurant and eating a high calorie meal. These people think that they have gone so far over there head that it's pointless to go back on the diet. The key is to stick with the diet, sure you will have some bumps in the road, but one bad day isn't going to ruin your weight loss goals.

Once they gain all their weight back, they start to blame the diet (instead of themselves). Actually, it's that person's fault that they gained the weight back. You DID lose weight on the program, but you started to cheat and that's why you gained the weight back, not because of the diet. Of course there are times where you just can't control yourself and want to eat some ice cream. Moderation doesn't kill your diet and weight loss goals; constant gratification kills your goals.

There are ways to wean yourself off fatty foods. First, start cooking more often at home and stop eating out as much. This way you can control portion size and what type of foods you're eating. Also, cook with less oil and start cooking with more water and soup broth. Start adding half the salt to all of your meals and slowly wean yourself off of salt. The food will taste bland without spices so you can add peppers and other low sodium alternatives. - 17273

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Tips For Successful Teenage Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

Teenagers are increasingly taking up bodybuilding. Building muscle and generally getting into better shape are admirable goals; done properly, the teen years can be one of the best times to begin bodybuilding. Teenagers may be nearly full grown, but beneath the surface there is still a lot of growth and development happening, meaning teens have different requirements for body building regimens than adults. The most important factors are the weights used, nutrition and rest.

Teenagers have stores of energy that the rest of us marvel at, and these energy stores actually cause trouble in a body building routine. Teens can go for hours and never seem to tire, because of this many will work out for hours on end focusing on one set of muscles.

While more may be better with a lot of things, weight training is not one of them. It's much better to use a varied workout routine which works every muscle group equally. After a muscle reaches a specific point, you won't be doing any more good and could be doing harm by continuing.

It's common to see a young bodybuilder gravitate to the heaviest weight they see and overdo it. This can cause injury, so start off with light and medium weights. There'll be plenty of time for the heavy weights later on, so start small for now.

Nutrition is something which is all too often forgotten by bodybuilders, especially teenage bodybuilders who instead go for supplements. Nutritional supplements are certainly a helpful addition to a good diet, but getting the protein and fiber you need from your diet is far more important. What happens when you lift weights is that you tear your muscles; as they heal from this controlled damage, they build. This takes good nutrition.

Getting enough water is something else a lot of teenage bodybuilders overlook. Just remember that our bodies are 70% water and every important system in the body depends on water; and that goes double for your muscles!

The recommendation of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day is merely a starting point, when you are training you should increase your water intake considerably. Your joints and vital organs will thank you, plus you will increase the success of your work out.

While we're on the subject of things neglected by teenage bodybuilders, let's talk about sleep. It's while you sleep that testosterone and the important growth hormone IGF-1 is released. It's also when your body repairs itself and rejuvenates for another day " make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep every night.

Hard workouts are great, but it takes much more than this to build muscle. Your body benefits from a holistic approach with a goal of steady, sustained muscle growth. It may not come naturally to the teenage mindset, but real long term success in body building can only be accomplished this way.

Your teenage years offer a great opportunity to start weight training " and if you play competitive sports, building your strength will be a valuable asset in this pursuit. By following the tips in this article, you can get the maximum results from your weight training regimen and build muscle safely. - 17273

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Lower Back Pain: Definitions & Options

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

The lumbar region of the back consists of the lowermost five vertebrae. Vertebrae are cushioned and separated by cartilage-coated, spinal discs that consist of a gel-like substance.

The spinal canal surrounds the spinal cord and the nerves that branch away from it. It runs the length of the spinal column. It is common to experience pain in the lower back because the lower back bears most of the weight of the torso. For this reason the muscles, nerves and spine are under a great deal of stress and subject to pain.

Doctors see patients for lower back pain quite frequently - almost as often as for the flu! Back pain can be caused by a lot of things, and in fact, it can have multiple causes in one patient. Injury and trauma are the most common causes of back pain. Here are a few examples:

Strain: Injury to a muscle.

Sprains are caused by ligament injury.

Sciatica: Pinched nerve.

Sacroiliitis: Inflamed hip joint.

Disc degeneration caused by disease.

Pressure can cause a herniated disc.

Sprains and strains may be caused by single or multiple events. Improper lifting may causes a sprain or strain as a single event or cumulatively over a period of time. Obesity and poor posture can cause back pain due to constant pressure and stress.

Click here for more on reconstruction of torn ACL.

There are a number of ways to treat a sprain or strain. They include: hot and/or cold packs, ultrasound, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, traction and reduction in which the bones are maneuvered physically, and/or anesthetic or corticosteroid injections. It is very important to gently resume normal activity after a couple of days rest to avoid stiffness.

Conditioning and strengthening of the lower back muscles can help to avoid and treat lower back pain. This can be achieved through a combination of general aerobic exercise and specific strengthening exercises.

Back surgery knows as spinal fusion is a last resort when all non-surgical options have been tried. This surgery works by limiting the movement in the most painful part of the back.

If your pain is reduced, your surgery is successful. Keep in mind, however, that it may take more than a year to experience full recovery. Additionally, it is quite unusual for a person to truly have complete relief of pain. Discuss all of the options with your doctor. You may find that surgery is not the right treatment for your situation.

Click here for more on orthopedic surgery and surgeons. - 17273

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Students at George Washington University Get 5 Weight Loss Tips

By Josef Brandenburg

If you are a George Washington University attendee, you probably think a lot about getting in shape. You could just want to lose a bit of winter weight or you might want a complete transformation. The reality is that losing weight is not an easy task and if you add a plate full of academics and activities it does not make it any easier. Here are few tips that can help you, whether you are trying to lose those extra pounds or just trying to avoid the Freshman Fifteen.

1. Make time to exercise: Take a moment to think about how much you exercise. Even if you walk all over campus, chances are pretty good that you don't get nearly as much exercise as you need. Consider heading to the gym on campus or taking a physical fitness class. This is the ideal opportunity when you are a student at George Washington University. Weight loss is much easier when you are working to get your metabolism up and when you are actually enjoying the exercise.

2. Early to bed, early to rise: One of the reasons that eating schedules get knocked out of sync is due to irregular sleep and waking times. This can be very tempting when you are thinking about hanging out with friends or even when you are pulling all nighters with your studies, but remember that you should get sleep and wake up at a decent time. It will help your body stay on track with regards to sleeping and eating.

3. Eat healthy: You need to take some time to consider your food choices on your way to the cafeteria at George Washington University. Are you going to take the high road and go for the salad bar or are you heading for the junk food and deserts? Living on your own at dorms leads you to make important decisions about your eating habits for yourself. It is up to you to make the right choices that will not lead you to put on weight and that are good for your body.

4. Dont get too stressed out: Stress is inevitable when you are at a university, and it can create many unwanted health issues, like putting on weight. For your body to maintain control, you have to make sure that you do not get too stressed out, so get rid of your stress by taking a stroll, reading an interesting book, or even taking to family and friends from back home.

5. Try Cross-training: Doing any exercise over and over again will lead to it losing its effectiveness. Give some thought to the various exercise options available to you to make sure you find what works best for you. To fully benefit from your exercise routine and to keep yourself from getting board try out different exercises to find ones that most effective. - 17273

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Why The Sudden Popularity Of Detox Diets For Weight Loss

By Ron Cripps

With the rapid rise in the number of people who are resorting to diet programs and treatments to purge themselves of harmful substances that may cause them ill health, most nutritionists and physicians these days say that they can provide what those individuals are looking for. Perhaps the detoxing and the removal of these unwanted elements from your body is actually a great idea, as after that you may feel better and feel healthier. Still when really is the proper time to dedicate yourself into that sort of cleansing?

Studies show that if you are the type of individual the wishes to lose weight quickly, then you might use the detox diet. This program might be composed of simply drinking a mixture of lemons and other herbs in lieu of your meals for several days. Thus, as a result of this, you are sort of fasting for several days, so who wouldn't lose weight if they only ingest juices and liquids? After a brief period of time you'll drop a couple pounds and those curves may be more apparent than ever.

Still, numerous professionals believe that the detox program must not be carried out for longer than three days. This is because you may actually deprive yourself of additional required vitamins as well as nutrients since you are not eating a balanced meal. If you really feel like trying this program, you might wish to request supervision of your physician or other health professionals. Nevertheless, you really do not need to starve yourself to cleanse your own body since the body is equipped with organs which carry out that cleaning. That's the reason why every now and then, you find yourself frequenting the comfort rooms. You might believe your organs require a little assistance from you, and the detoxification diet will help but this is just a myth.

If you are in good health, your internal organs would be adequate to carry out those actions correctly. If you truly wish help out your internal organs, you might wish to stay away from consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, or smoking too much: briefly, you have to alter your method of existing.

All the same, some experts believe a well-planned detox diet can be good for your health. They emphasize on the correctness of the method to be used as well as the suitability of such techniques to the dieter's health condition. Although, just as quickly, many experts think that detox isn't really a proper technique to lose weight and its objective should really be the eradication of toxic wastes. That's the reason that they don't recommend this regimen to last for more than three days. Therefore, if you want to attempt the program since you've heard that your favorite stars have utilized this therapy to reduce weight, then the diet will not do any good for you.

Therefore, you might want to think twice before trying that sort of diet as while it may seem easy and fast, it likely will not be as easy as you think. The results are just temporary and you may even hurt yourself if you're not adequately monitored by professionals. Before undergoing a detox diet, you ought to learn all the things you need to be aware of. - 17273

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Rapid Weight Loss

By Owen Jones

Apart from physical appearance, weight affects a person in various ways. This could be the overall standard of life, self-esteem, depression, health problems, or physical incapabilities. There are a lot of plus-points to losing weight, which is why lots of people are searching for a weight loss technique that will slim down those excess pounds and get a beautiful, eye-popping body.

The first thing that an over-weight person ought to do is seek a doctor to recommend the best weight loss program. This will be done after a full physical examination, which leads to the determination of a proprietary weight loss technique. To lose excess pounds fast and effectively, four aspects of one's life has to be changed: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level.

Below are some fast recommendations that can change an over-weight individual's life:

1: Quick weight loss is achieved by a multi-faceted technique that is made up of mindset, exercise, and, in some cases, dietary supplements. Start by following a food plan that can be easily adopted into your current way of life. Start an exercise regimen that includes a minimum of fifteen minutes a day lively walking, running, swimming and/or dancing.

2: Set realistic targets. The ability to focus and have a proper mindset enables a person on a diet to rapidly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and a proper mind set, a dieter will not be discouraged and lose focus.

3: Listen to what your body is saying. Each and everyone's body reacts differently to different fast weight loss plans. Try substituting one program for another to judge the body's reaction. The exercise program must be suited to one's body, because some are not able to exercise as rigorously as others can. If walking is all that can be done, then walk, for this is proven to be the best exercise. Muscles burn calories so it's also a good idea to put on a little more muscle and it looks good too.

4: Eat more fibre because it makes you feel fuller sooner and takes longer to digest, making it longer before you will be hungry again. For example, a few slices of whole grain bread will remain in the body longer and put off hunger longer than white bread, which turns in to sugar more quickly. giving you a quick, sugar spike, which soon dissipates, leaving you hungry again.

5: Keep away from fried food especially deep-fried, as it contains a lot of fat. But remember, although fish and chicken appear to be far leaner than beef, these white meats can retain even more fat than beef when it is fried. It is advisable those on a strict diet choose grilled food, as it does not have much fat after the food has been cooked.

6: Take in plenty of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body 'flushing' and because weight loss depends on how the body gets rid of bodily waste, the body must stay hydrated.

So, all in all, discipline and consistency is the key to quick weight loss. Light dieting, exercise and the right nutritional supplements taken regularly everyday will result in a quicker weight loss than having a huge, but short-lived campaign followed by a return to your bad old ways, because this only results in adding more weight than before the weight loss plan was started. - 17273

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Poppy Seeds: Delicious Recipes for Mouth Watering Goodness

By Krishna Cooke

Poppy seeds are totally different to any common seeds that you either just put away or set aside to have it cultivated. These seeds are popularly known as a main ingredient in various delicious recipes where in most cases, it is used as a filling or toping on cakes, bread, and muffins. It takes the shape of a tiny kidney that can either be used as whole or ground. It actual size is no more than a millimeter in length so minute that 3,300 poppy seeds are needed to compose a gram. Furthermore, a million or two of these seeds are needed to comprise a pound.

The seed has a scientific name of Papaver somniferum. The seeds are being harvested from the seed pods of a plant called opium poppy. This type of plant has been known and cultivated by various ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians that rose from Mesopotamia now known as Southern Iraq and the Minoan that emerged form the island of Crete. poppy seeds for sale were popularly known with the ancient civilizations as a common health remedy in various illnesses and diseases. But now, poppy seeds are more adored for the joy it brings in home cooking. Worldwide, poppy seeds have been playing a vital role in a lot of delicious dishes.

More frequently, poppy seeds are more enjoyed as a dressing for certain meals and salads for various fruits and vegetables. One savory example is a poppy seed dressing with some help of mustard powder, cider vinegar, white sugar, vegetable oil, and onion. With such a dressing youll be satisfyingly savoring the goodness of fresh fruits salads or halved grapes and shredded cabbage. Another perfect poppy seed dressing is achieved with the proper mixture of white sugar, milk, distilled white vinegar, and a fat-free creamy salad dressing like Fat Free Miracle Whip. This particular dressing is more frequently used on vegetable salads and can be conveniently made for some extras to have it on hand in the fridge for various salads every time you feel like munching.

Another unique application of poppy seeds is on tasty breads such as the poppy seed cranberry bread that is popularly known through its unique and delicious taste. Baking such bread is easy and simple like with other ordinary types of bread only that it comes perfect with two table spoons of poppy seeds and chopped and thawed fresh cranberries. Such bread comes with a sweet creamy icing on top making a mouth watering appeal on it, perfect for snacks and breakfast. But if you still need more, then lemon poppy seed muffins can be a perfect choice. Such muffins emphasize full lemon flavor, with a delicious taste. Other ingredients needed for lemon poppy seed muffins aside from the poppy seeds are the lemon juice, non fat lemon yogurt, lemon extract, lemon zest, all purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, milk, vegetable oil, confectioners sugar, and salt. The muffins need 10-12 minutes of baking time and then you are set for a flavorful taste of lemon poppy seed muffins.

For most people, cakes are the most preferred type of dessert set on dinner tables. With a sour cream poppy seed cake, you will feel like wanting more even after you have just had your meals. To bake such a cake, youll require a yellow cake mix, vegetable oil, eggs, sour cream, poppy seeds, and orange juice. A pre-heated oven under 175 degrees Celsius of heat is needed to successfully bake the cake. After 50 minutes, youll be savoring the unique sour cream taste of a poppy seed cake. - 17273

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Maqui Berry Helps Boost Metabolism

By Kyle Synderhelm

The Maqui Berry is a powerful fruit from Chile located around the Patagonia region. This oddly named berry is being dubbed as the worlds most powerful berry because it contains a ton of antioxidants. It contains about 2500 antioxidant strength per gram of the powder.

The world's most popular berry at the moment is the Acai Berry. You can find the Acai berry mainly grown in Brazil. The reason this is the most popular berry is because the very popular Oprah show did a mention on it.

After Oprah made the Acai berry incredibly popular, there have been hundreds of products coming out that contain the powerful berry. You can find the berry in capsule, pill, and juice format all around the internet. In some states, you can even find it at your local stores.

Acai became incredibly popular after the Oprah show mentioned it mainly because it had an extraordinary amount of antioxidant properties in it. This is also the same reason why the Maqui berry will soon become the world's most popular berry in a few months.

The Maqui berry is often being compared to the more popular acai berry. The two however, do not compare at all. The Maqui just destroys the competition when they are compared side by side.

The ONLY thing the Acai berry beats the maqui berry in is that the acai berry contains Omega 3 fatty acid while the maqui contains Omega 9. This is a tiny little thing though because the Maqui contains more than twice as many antioxidants which are far more important.

Nothing else in the world can compare to the maqui berry. For this reason, I am sure you will be hearing about the word maqui a lot more as the months go on. However it will still take a few months for it to grow more popular than the Acai berry which is heavily hyped right now.

If you are fast, you can enjoy the Maqui far before the rest of the world. You can get maqui berry supplements very cheap right now which means there is no reason you shouldn't order your first bottle today. - 17273

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The Best Low Fat Diet Plan Out There. (How I Quickly Lost 59lbs!)

By Mindi Everett

Hi, my name is Mindi Everett. I want to share with you the only low fat diet that has ever worked for me. Firstly, let me say that I am not a great salesperson, but I know how many of you might be feeling, since I was once in your shoes.

I have great news! There is something you can do about the unwanted extra weight. You came to the right place if you are looking for a low fat diet plan that will work. I thought by sharing my story of struggle and success it might help one person to become happier and healthier.

After the birth of my second child I found the weight gain from my pregnancy harder to take off. In fact I gained more with my second child than with my first and became too busy to watch what I ate and regulate portions. Once my second child arrived I found that I had no time to balance my diet, my eating habits, or my time to research healthier options for cooking.

It became embarrassing to see photos taken with my sons and most of the time I refused to be in the pictures. The picture showed someone I did not recognize. I began trying every diet out there, the tiny portioned calorie cutting ones, the low carbs, the high protein, the no processed or sugar foods, etc.

In fact I tried so many diet fads that call themselves low fat that I could quote the calories and fat content for every item they offered in their tasteless recommended portions. I am sure you have been there and done that too. They just don't work long term!

When I found the low fat diet plan that finally worked for me I knew I had to share it with others struggling. This plan was super effective, easy to use, and fit perfectly into my busy lifestyle. Try it for yourself. You have nothing to lose but the weight. It may just be the last low fat diet plan you ever need to use. It was for me! - 17273

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Extreme Green Tea And Your Weight Loss

By Jen Lore

Tea is the most adored drink of several individuals across the world. Popularity and glory of tea has pressed scientists to carry out observations on the benefits of drinking tea. Amongst all the three famous categories of tea explicitly green, black and oolong or wu-long tea; green tea has achieved acclaim for being the most medicinal and valuable tea. We have heard a lot concerning health benefits of green tea. The people of china are renowned to make most green tea usage. Right from the earlier times, the Chinese population has favored drinking green tea. The glory of this drink of the east arrived at the borders of the west. But westerners require scientific support to make out and authenticate the health benefits of green tea. Hence, several observations have been done on the health benefits of green tea from last few years. Let us get familiar with causes that make green tea medicinal and valuable for obtaining an enhanced life.

What makes green tea good for health?

All tea varieties namely green, black and oolong or wu-long tea belong to the same species; Camellia-sinensis but numerous factors such as weather, height of plantation, climate, temperature and processing cause the differences in the appearance, color, taste, aroma and qualities of the tea. The least processed variety of tea retains maximum natural quality. Green tea is the least processed variety among black tea and oolong tea. Therefore, it releases vast number of antioxidant polyphenols, especially a catechin known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG is considered to be the prime factor behind the health benefits of green tea. EGCG is renowned for it's anti-cancer quality. The absorption of EGCG is increased considerably when green tea is taken with black pepper.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

Study and research done by hundreds of reputed global institutes have highlighted some of the major health benefits caused by regular consumption of green tea. Those who drink green tea on a daily basis face reduced risks of bacterial infections, cardio- vascular (heart) diseases, viral infections, cancer, and obesity. Many people who want to lose weight in a healthy way are advised to drink green tea. Anti-cancer or anti-oxidant qualities of green tea can considerably reduce the risk of getting breast, lung and prostate cancer. Green tea is highly beneficial to those who are suffering from diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, weight loss, neurodegenerative diseases, and even halitosis. Excessive LDL Cholesterol that increases the risk of cardio- vascular diseases is reduced by the regular intake of green tea. Research conducted by credible Japanese, European and American institutes have concluded that a person who drinks green tea three times everyday is at a very low risk of acquiring any kind of mild or severe disease. Besides giving protection from diseases, green tea gives sense of rejuvenation and vitality.

What are other green tea health benefits?

Green tea is also effective in countering brain tumors in children, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases as well as flues. It reduces blood pressure and assists in the prevention of hypertension, arteriosclerosis, ovary cancer, osteoporosis and even colorectal cancer. It also protects liver from alcohol and other chemicals, kidneys from renal diseases; and helps in building bones.

These were few aspects of the health benefits of green tea. However, besides these benefits, green tea has an enjoyable scent, superb taste and is merely stimulating. - 17273

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What Are The Drawbacks And Benefits of A Detox Diet

By Ron Cripps

Perhaps you've read many written articles discussing detox diets, their efficiency in addition to the drawbacks. In addition because of the different articles that you have read about it, you are currently baffled as to whether or not you really want to give it a try. Certain articles might have written stating it's very effective and in only a couple days, you'll lose several pounds. Other people though, might tell you that this diet isn't good for you at all and it may have certain bad effects which are not worth the try, so what then should you think?

Possibly with the right reason as well as resolve, the detox diet might really improve your way of living. With only the title of the diet, you're certain to become free from the poisons in your system, and those are the substances which are believed to be harmful for your well being. Maybe if you understand the reason the detox diet should be properly performed, then you can never have any errors.

Many professionals believe that cleansing your body is important and that is exactly what a detox diet offers - an overall cleansing of your body system. Although the body is equipped with organs which are made to clean the body, the detox diet can still be performed for both assistance as well as reinforcement. But, Many experts additionally think that the detoxification must not be done for a long period.

They advise that twice annually or just one time every 6 months is sufficient, because a detox diet isn't really for losing weight. Its objective should actually be for the elimination of detrimental substances and the attainment of great health. By this we indicate its natural ability to make you healthy, physically fit and active.

Nonetheless, today, the value of a persons well being depends highly upon their lifestyle and on the opinion of other people that influence their life. Keep in mind that you should care for your health by always keeping it in good condition, because this will take you to the places you need to go.

Aging can additionally be yet another reason to use detoxification and is much better than using medicines which say they'll stop the aging process. Through the detox programs, toxins are flushed from your system - and these toxins are the same causes of aging and deterioration. Growing old is a process that everyone has to undergo, and it is an inevitable course - although, you must be able to go through it properly and with grace. Using medications might just flood the body with additional poisons, therefore detoxifying is a better option.

You should know your priorities when it comes to your health because social conditioning have, over a period of time, brought individuals to establish different sets of priorities, besides their own health. Used in the right way, the detox diet is a great way to keep your health and leave it in great condition. You'll have greater defense against illnesses and diseases since your system is cleaned, so with moderation and proper guidance, you should not make any mistakes using the detoxifying program. - 17273

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Adut Stem Cell Nutrition

By Andrea Rousseau

There has been a lot of controversey over stem cell research over the past eight to ten years, and rightly so. The controversy surrounds the use of Embryonic stem cell research. This method requires that cells be removed from a five day old embryo, known as a blastocyst. The living embryo is destroyed through this procedure, thus the moral objection.

Adult Stem Cell research does not use embryos, therefore no life ends in the research process. Sources of adult stem cells include bone marrow, peripheral blood, and amniotic fluid, to name a few. The use of adult stem cells in battling disease and injury shows huge promise.

Researchers have proven that stem cells, somewhat inactive cells, can respond quickly to tissue injury and stress. They are a renewable source of replacement cells to treat disabilities, conditions, and diseases. [Neostem.com]

Adult Stem Cells have the capacity for self-renewal, and are able to differentiate into other cells types.[Life Extension, Oct 2007]. Stem Cells are also very resilient. It is being shown that they can travel to a site of tissue damage, penetrate the damage, and begin to regenerate the tissue. For this reason, the key to your own treatment are your own adult stem cells.

Disease fighting and anti-aging strategies require that stem cell growth be properly stimulated. Potent Nutrition at the cellular level is essential to maintaining health and preventing disease.

In a recent study, researchers found a dose-related effect of blueberry, green tea, catechin, carnosin, and vitamin D3 on the proliferation of human bone marrow. Resveratrol also shows promise for boosting stem cell health.[neostem.com]

Blueberries have been shown to be one of the superfoods that can give a strong foundation for cellular health. Among the superfoods, they have one of the highest antioxidant activity and anti-inflamatory properties.

Amla and Acai provide extreme nutrition at the cellular level. Acai is rich in Omega fats, and Amla has the highest, natural source of vitamin C, and protects cells from free radical damage. - 17273

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