The Best Dieting Approach to Get Ripped Abs
In order to make this layer disappear, the only approach is to burn calories and to reduce their intake. In this article I'm going to look at lowering calorie intake so you will discover how to get ripped quickly.
There are many diets, books, DVDs and websites providing information about many types of diets and usually claim their current diets are the best ones. Reducing the calorie intake, however, is the way these information sites get you to lose weight. Staying motivated and going on with the diet is the main problem most people face. It take a long term view and change of lifestyle to be able to get rid of fat and keep those rippling sexy abs.
The question that remains, therefore, is how do we keep motivated? Breaking down the long term goal, which can often seem like a huge mountain to climb, into shorter term goals I have found to be the best approach. It is important not to look beyond each short term aim. A lot of sporting disciplines such as weight training can benefit from this stepwise approach.
If you were to plan to lift a certain heavy weight you would not just go for it straight up. You would build up gradually over many weeks. The sensible approach would be to gradually increase the weight lifted each week. Then after a number of weeks you would gradually reach your goal. This approach can also be applied to dieting.
I have that the most successful way would be to set a goal of around 4 pounds over a 1 month period of time to be the most successful. Now this may not sound a lot compared to those diets that claim you can lose fourteen pounds in a month. However, most of these products involve some form of crash dieting which can quickly make you lose motivation. They can also slow your metabolism making it difficult to lose further weight over the long term.
The important thing to remember is that if you were able to lose 4 pounds in weight a month, that is a huge 48 pounds over a twelve month period. Now that is a very serious amount. Remember, lots of small losses quickly add up into large losses. At the end of each month I usually set the target for the next month with a general outline of a plan which I often find goes a long way to keeping me motivated.
So if you are looking to get rid of fat or following a program to get a lean ripped body or just to look and feel more healthier and slimmer then a small gradually increasing regime is the fastest way to go. - 17273
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