Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Constipation Remedies The Natural Way

By Kelly Coolman

Feeling constipated is a dreadful feeling. It's impossible to feel good about yourself with a bloated stomach, terrible wind, stabbing pains in the abdomen and an inability to go to the toilet properly.

Fantastic natural constipation remedies exist, and you might have already tried some laxative-based constipation remedies in a desperate attempt to relieve your constipation symptoms.

However, with a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle you could avoid buying off-the-shelf constipation remedies at all.

You'll finally be able to go to the toilet, get into a normal routine, and feel socially more confident. Sounds good!

1. Diet is the key

Wholewheat foods are much better for the digestive system than highly refined white products so try to avoid white and stick to brown.

Processed foods are typically low in nutrients and low in fibre which is pure hell for your digestive system.

Eat natural and simple foods instead. Aim to eat lots more vegetables, fruit, cereals and wholesome unprocessed food.

Eating a healthy wholesome diet prevents the blockages that processed, fake food can lead to.

Also, eating whole, good food high in fibre helps your body get rid of toxins and waste, and further helps you absorb the full benefit of the nutrients in your food too. All this is essential for making you feel good about yourself and avoiding the awful symptoms of constipation.

Out of all constipation remedies, eating the right food is the most effective action you can take.

2. Take plenty of fluids

Few people drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day but this really helps to maintain a healthy system as well as being beneficial in other ways, such as aiding concentration and preventing tiredness.

Drink more water - simple!

3. Take your time

There never seems to be enough hours in the day, and it's tempting to rush through meals to keep up with the fast pace of modern life. Don't. It's crucial for beating constipation that you sit down for meals and take your time when eating.

Chew your food properly too. You'll feel fuller much quicker, which not only helps get rid of constipation, but also can help with weight loss too. Result!

4. Become more active

Regular exercise is an often over-looked and highly effective weapon against the symptoms of constipation. It doesn't have to be strenuous - even just a few simple walks can help kick-start your digestive system into action.

A healthy, active body is stronger and better equipped to deal with the job of digestion and elimination. This in turn will make you feel more positive.

It doesn't have to take too much time or major life-style change to increase your weekly activity to a level that will really show some improvement in your digestion and sense of wellbeing.

It's worth the effort and the rewards will surprise you.

5. Don't eat too late in the day

When you sleep, your body goes into shut down. If you eat late before you go to bed, you put tremendous strain on your body, which tries to digest your food while trying to rest.

While you're sleeping you also can't digest nutrients from your food, and your body stops pushing your food through properly.

Water intake is obviously not possible during sleep, therefore motility is reduced even more.

Try not to eat too much a couple of hours before going to bed. You'll see the benefits in reduced constipation symptoms immediately.

Make these 5 simple changes to your lifestyle and wave goodbye to your constipation symptoms forever, without the need to buy over-the-counter constipation remedies. - 17273

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The Natural Path To Digestive Health Through Alternative Products

By Richard Ealom

Natural health remedy practitioners regularly receive questions about how to achieve a healthy digestive function easily. This is a great question to investigate, since so many of us fight with digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea or other gastric disturbances. Here is a synopsis of a few of the alternative health products that may maintain your digestion system running smoothly.

HCL (Hydrochloride): If you are beyond sixty, or past menopause, and often encounter bloating, digestive disorders, diarrhea or are not able to stand oral supplements, its likely these symptoms are caused by a shortage of gastric acid secretion by the stomach. Without this acid secretion, what you consume is not fully digested and causes all forms of digestive upsets. Nutritional supplement experts are advocating the ingestion of HCL to assist in the digesting of protein, especially.

Lipase: This plant enzyme is reported by natural health advocates to be supportive in the metabolism of fat. The lack of ability to properly metabolize fat can be seen in 2 ways: relentless stomach upset or the failure to gain weight. Lipase has additionally been found to be essential in the correct processing of triglycerides and other harmful fats.

L-Acidophilus: This probiotic is essential for complete digestion of food. People with minimal levels of this microorganism in their digestive systems might, for illustration, have difficulty digesting dairy products. For that reason, some foods such as milk and yogurt may have L-Acidophilus added to assist in their digestion. Additionally check for L-Acidophilus in supplement form.

Berberine: A plant alkaloid found in several plant species, berberine has long been used in Chinese medicine. They believe it to be useful to inhibit fungus like yeast in the digestive system, while not affecting beneficial germs.

Fiber Supplements: Innumerable recent studies have proven the benefits of dietary fiber. Its been touted as the simplest means of reducing cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease. If you find it not easy to eat enough fiber every day, a fiber supplement can offer the same benefit, as well as cleansing the digestive tract and stopping constipation.

One of the very best fiber supplement ingredients to hunt for is psyllium husks, which absorb large quantities of water and create a sticky material that removes hardened substances from the colon. Natural remedies such as psyllium husks keep the colon unblocked without drugs.

L-Carnitine: one of the most used amino acid supplements is L-Carnitine, which supplements the identical amino acid your liver produces when you eat meat. If you are a vegetarian, you must find a different means to introduce this essential amino acid into your system, as it assist in metabolizing fat at the cellular level so it can be transferred into energy. A shortage of L-Carnitine in the body can cause all fat ingested to be stored rather than metabolized, resulting in weight addition.

No matter your digestive problem, there is an herb, plant compound or other alternative health product that might aid you. Work with your alternative medicine giver to determine which nutritional supplements to try.

Look for the purest type of each, those with no fillers or additives. Pay thorough notice to amount instructions, as these are powerful compounds with potential side effects when misused.

Natural remedies have been utilized for centuries by natural health MDs. Keep in mind these alternative health products when seeking a way to encourage digestive health naturally. - 17273

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Always Feeling Tired? Give These Natural Energy Boosters a Try

By Travis Van Slooten

It seems as if everyone nowadays thinks they need a sugary energy drink to get them through the day, but there are many better solutions with natural energy boosters. Most people don't get as much sleep as they should, don't eat properly and are stressed out quite a bit. These things all lead to fatigue. Your body is just telling you that it needs some help to keep going. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to help avoid the mid-morning slump that don't involve caffeine.

The biggest thing you want to avoid is taking in a lot of sugar as that can give you a quick boost, but will ultimately cause you to crash and become even more tired than you were before. And don't be fooled by products that contain things like guarana, they are just caffeine in disguise. Some products contain chemicals like niacin which may give you the sensation of being energized, but are really just opening your capillaries and causing you to get a rush. While it may last longer and not have a severe crash like sugar, it's not substitute for some of the natural energy boosters out there.

If you're putting too much effort in concentrating on whatever it is you're doing or even just keeping your eyes open, the first thing that you should do is to get up and get moving. Do a bit of stretching or any physical activity to speed up your heart rate and respiration. This action also helps circulate oxygen around the body, making you feel energized. While exercising may not be the first thing you think of when you're tired, it's one of the quickest ways to get back your energy.

For some people, though, a quick walk around the office might not be enough. If this is true for you, it could be a sign that there is something (or even a few things) missing from your regular diet. A great way to give your body the nutrients it isn?t getting from the food you eat is by taking a supplement, such as acai berry. Acai berry supplements are rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, as well as protein and omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids are compounds that the body needs but cannot produce on its own, so they need to be a regular part of your diet. And a good dose of protein is a great, natural way to keep you going, as it acts as a slow-burning fuel for your body.

In addition to these steps, you should also make sure that you are getting the right amount of sleep. If your body doesn't have time to recharge, you'll be running on low all day long. You should also make sure that you drink plenty of water. Most people spend their day dehydrated and don't even know it. And dehydration leads to fatigue. Follow these basic guidelines and you might notice that you don't get heavy eyelids in the afternoon. And it's all thanks to completely healthy, all natural energy boosters. - 17273

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All You Need to Know About Styles of Coffee

By Damian Papworth

With all the different drinks out there, it's tough sometimes to know the difference between a soy latte and a caffe latte. Besides, who really cares, as it couldn't be that different, right? Wrong. The differences are huge between types of coffee beverages. Here's a cheat sheet for the next time you don't know what to order, or don't quite understand how something is made.

First, though, it's important for understanding styles of coffee to recognize some key names for when you're ordering a coffee the next time you're in Italy, or at a great restaurant in your own town. You've probably said at least one of these names before, but maybe you don't know what really goes into the drink. Well, now you're going to:

Caffe Latte Also referred to as Cafe au Lait, depending on where you're ordering your drink, this is one of the most popular styles of coffee worldwide, and is really just a fancy way of saying espresso with milk. A single shot of espresso is made with steamed milk, and then served with an extra inch of frothed milk (foam) on top.

Americano You know how when you use your drip coffee machine at home, how the product tastes more like coffee-flavored water if you don't put the right amount of grounds in? Well, the Americano is named, jokingly, after the sort of taste it is that Americans prefer when drinking their coffee. Basically, eight ounces of hot water is added to a shot of espresso, giving you a--you guessed it--watered down version of a stronger espresso drink.

Caffe Creme A number of different styles of coffee just involve a couple of variations to change the end result. Here, your coffee is brewed right from the beans, resulting in a non-milk layer of foam, referred to as crema, on top of the drink itself. No dairy is involved, but the taste is surprisingly smooth, considering.

But half of what makes coffee is actually the style in which it's brewed, not the ingredients added for it to be served to you. Here are a couple of the processes that you might also not know what the heck their names mean:

The French Press It's known but a bunch of different names, but the concept is always the same. A glass container has a wire part and a plunger. The coffee goes in, almost-boiling water goes on top of it, and then you physically press the coffee with the plunger part. You use coffee that's ground a little rougher in here, and basically are filtering the coffee to make a more delicious cup at home. Surprisingly, it really works.

The Fully Automatic Espresso Machine From semi-affordable versions given as wedding gifts to machines that literally cost the same amount as sports cars, Italy definitely perfected yet another mechanical device when the guys up in Milan invented this. For over a hundred years, these have made the best coffee you could get your hands on, and families are known for bringing over specific machines for their restaurants to do well. It basically grinds, measures, heats, and makes shots of espresso automatically. Amazing!

Of course drip coffee, popular in offices and homes across the land, is simply when you plug in a machine that heats the water and drips it slowly over the grounds, which are located in a filter. The taste, usually, is a little more watered down than with an at-home espresso machine.

So the scary world of coffee vocabulary is actually nothing more than a few fancy foreign language words used to describe strong coffee, hot water, and milk in various stages of being heated. Stop worrying, and start drinking. You'll be a coffee expert in no time. - 17273

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Why Natural Bodybuilding Is Your Best Option To Build Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Whenever you are ready for a better and healthier body you should take a look to Natural Bodybuilding. Natural body building is when you only use natural supplements, and do not resort to enhancing drugs such as HGH or steroids.

You are putting your health in jeopardy when you take in substances like that. If you wish a slow but continuous improvement and talent to keep your physique, you must switch to Natural Bodybuilding.

Natural Bodybuilding is throwback to something much more basic. After all, in nature, we do not require steroids or HGH to build up our muscles. The reason why we developed our muscles is because we needed them and because the food that we eat can encourage the growth of our muscles.

With that in mind, it is easy to see why Natural Bodybuilding is so good for you. By taking things at a pace your body can process you are in a place where you can make certain that your body is going to be able to advance and keep the figure that you worked to get it into.

Remember that Natural Bodybuilding is something that takes a holistic approach towards the work that you are doing. You need to be certain that you are watching what you are ingesting and the affect it has on you. Your meals should be about 30% protein, 50% from natural carbohydrates and 20% from healthy oils.

You'll also find that you will be avoiding things that are overly sugary and overly processed as well. When you eat too many sugars and consume too many processed foods, you will find that you will be putting on fat rather than muscle. Instead, concentrate on proteins and what they can do for you. Natural protein is literally the only way that you can heal up the torn muscle fiber that results when you work out a lot.

When considering Natural Bodybuilding, you should remember that there are not any shortcuts. Contrarily, you acquire a lifestyle program. You will make real progress, rather than something that is going to disappear when you break a cycle.

Think about building muscle in a healthy manner, rather than in a way that could leave you injured.

It is very important to work towards the body that you want, and while there are a lot of different ways to get there, make sure that you take a look at Natural Bodybuilding and see what it can do for you! - 17273

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Effects of Colostrum on the Heart

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith

Thousands of articles have been written on the health benefits of colostrum. Colostrum has been known to effectively help build the immune system and treat many ailments and diseases. Now, scientists are learning that colostrum can have huge health benefits for the heart. Current scientific knowledge shows what dietary supplementation of bovine colostrum taken on a routine basis can do for heart function and physiology. The following article discusses that information.

Growth Hormone IGF-1

Growth hormone is present in bovine colostrum and has been shown to work in concert with IGF-1 in the functioning and repair of the heart muscle. Receptors for both growth hormone and IGF-1 are found on all heart muscle cells and scientific evidence indicates that growth hormone may act directly on the heart, whereas the effects of IGF-1 may be indirect and operate through separate hormonal pathways.

There are pathways that use calcium in which IGF-1 and growth hormone use to have stimulatory effects on the heart muscle cells. The administration of growth hormone has been shown to improve the heart function as well as improve the clinical status of patients suffering from congestive heart failure.

Quality Colostrum is Safe

Because Colostrum and milk comes from the same source, many people think that colostrum is part of milk. This common belief could not be further from the truth. It is true that colostrum and milk come from the same source, however they are fundamentally different. The fact is that colostrum and milk are two totally different substances. Colostrum comes first from the mother then milk comes second. There is a period of time when both milk and colostrum are mixed together. However, high quality colostrum has virtually no milk present. Bovine colostrum contains no cholesterol and can be used by patients with high triglycerides and high serum cholesterol. For this reason, those that have cholesterol problems should seek out the highest quality colostrum. - 17273

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What Do You Really Know About Panic Attack Symptoms?

By Deborah Shevaun

More and more people are having to face the panic attack symptoms that seem to be taking control of thousands of people in our society. Most likely you have found your way to the internet because you are facing this growing problem.

We all know that it can feel as though you are the only one who is dealing with this problem; however the truth is that there are millions of people who deal with this condition each and everyday. We wanted to write this article to help you better understand what you can expect when you are dealing with symptoms of panic attacks.

We wanted to share with you some of the common panic attack symptoms that have plagued people in our life. Now you have to understand that the symptoms can easily vary from person to person.

1. Faster Heart Rate: You may be aware of the fact that one of the symptoms can be suffering from a faster heart rate that scares people. In fact many people who suffer from this condition have easily mistaken the faster heart rate for a heart attack.

2. Losing Control Of Their Breathing: One of the biggest things that people find themselves suffering from is losing control of their breathing. In fact many people have begin discovering the importance of learning some breathing exercises that can help them regain control of their breathing during and attack.

3. Upset Stomach: Several people who suffer from panic attacks have complained of experiencing an upset or nausea symptoms during an attack. In fact it is not unusual for people to find themselves vomiting during an attack.

One of the best things is that you can learn how to overcome this growing problem and there are natural panic attacks treatment tips that you can use. In fact now is the time to learn what actually works to get control of your life again. - 17273

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Making Use Of Hair Loss Treatments For Women

By Philip Mockely

Average hair loss is 100-150 hairs every day; nothing is more moving for a lady than to realize her hair is coming out way more significantly and rapidly than normal. One strand of hair will grow for two to six years before being replaced by a new strand after a brief time of latency. A woman ought to be worried and try to find the cause if big amounts of hair are falling out and not being replaced by new.

Female hair loss comes from a variety of causes - some temporary, some permanent. Temporary causes include pregnancy, anxiety and stress, too many strong treatments - coloring, bleaching - too much manipulation, illness, disease, and infections of the scalp. Fortunately, regrowth occurs naturally as these causes dissipate. Permanent hair loss occurs as a result of heredity and hormonal changes and unfortunately is not reversed naturally.

Women usually see hair loss begin at areas where partings become wider. Female pattern baldness occurs primarily in the frontal areas; then, there is general overall hair loss, resulting in a continual thinning of the entire head with the scalp becoming more and more visible.Hair loss treatments for women include a number of things:

1 - Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet which can serve to prevent hair loss.

2 - Increasing blood circulation through exercise can also benefit your scalp. There is research that shows increased blood circulation helps. It can stimulate follicles, which will then start to produce hair again.

3 - There are a number of natural herbal and oil remedies, most of which are topical, that is, they involve applying solutions directly onto the scalp with the effect of opening up closed follicles and enhancing the chance of hair production. These have varying degrees of success, dependent upon the individual.

4 - Wigs and hair extensions can provide non-permanent relief for sufferers and, fortunately, these are considered acceptable fashion accessories today.

5 - A number of medical products have also been developed specifically for females. It is important to state here that women must be certain that products they use are specifically designed for them.

Male hair products are not appropriate for women, and can actually pose a danger during pregnancy. You can acquire medications either OTC or by prescription. Before you use any of these, talk to your doctor. They might interact with other medicines you are taking. You also need to be certain that your hair loss isn't from some other medical condition.

Provillus has products designed specifically for women, and is FDA approved. Research studies on the effectiveness of these and other products, in terms of both reducing loss and promoting regrowth, is readily available on the Internet. Some offer money-back guarantees, and most have testimonies from satisfied users. Success varies by individual, and success or lack of success from one customer does not necessarily relate to your body?s response.

6 - There are also a number of surgical procedures available for women, including transplants and grafts. These are expensive and should be explored carefully before committing to the cost.

Everybody has separate strain over hair loss. If your hair loss concerns you psychologically on a day-to-day basis and you are starting to steer clear of ordinary public activities owing to embarrassment, you should feel responsible to follow curative steps and opt for hair loss treatments for women. Life must be savored! - 17273

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Dr. Phil's Weight Loss Program Sorts Out the Way You Think About Losing Weight

By Peter W.L. Owen

The building blocks of Dr. Phil's diet are based on the fact that you have to be honest to yourself and to friends and family. Being under the impression that you don't have to change anything to lose weight has been part of so many overweight individual's thinking patterns. It doesn't matter if you have all the supplements available and the smartest specialists around. It comes down to the fact that you have to change the way you think about diet and your overall lifestyle.

You might be a big fan of Dr. Phil or not. The fact is that he has helped millions of men, women and kids around the world to face their problems and enjoy life again. Obesity and less serious weight issues have been a road block since the beginning of time, but today it has been more serious than ever. Did you know that obesity is at the top of the list when it comes to preventable deaths in the United States of America? This fact alone has convinced Dr. Phil to take this matter on.

Dr Phil's weight loss program explains one of the reasons people fail time and time again to lose weight. Some people manage to reach their perfect weight but gains everything back in no longer than one year. Why is it such a big problem? We need to look at ourselves because that is where the cause of the problem lies. Your desire to change the way you look and to take care of your body should be greater than the things that causes obesity.

Dr. Phil's weight loss plan first explains that you need to be honest with yourself. He asks a few questions so that you can determine if you're ready to change. Some of these questions are as follow:

1.Dr. Phil's diet plan has a few basic principles that needs to be carefully followed. Are you willing to take the steps even if you think it won't work for you?

2.You don't need all the candy bars and sodas in your kitchen. Are you ready to throw them out?

3.The time may come when you've tried to cheat the fat loss plan. Will you then admit it to yourself and others around you?

4.Have you realized that it will be expected of you to spend time in the gym and work hard?

5.The only person that has the power to change the way you look and feel is you? Do you acknowledge that?

6.You might have healthy food in your fridge and a gym contract, but do you understand that you need to start with a plan of action and see it through till the end?

The above questions and a few dozen more of them put you in a position where you have honest answers in front of you. Then you'll be able to see if you can have a new body just the way you want it. Dreaming of having a beautiful body will only stay a dream if you don't actually do something about it.

I've seen the best before and after pictures and some are really true. But one thing that stands out from Dr. Phil's weight loss plan is that it doesn't set you up with giant hills to climb at first. He explains that you need to set small and realistic goals. Don't let other stand in your way of success. You will be surprised to see that so many people want you to fail. Remember, the main obstacle in your way is yourself. Don't stop until you've reached your goal. - 17273

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Easy Tips To Change Your Diet

By Selene Foong

Maintaining a healthy body in a modern world where fast food and unhealthy junk food is easily accessible is no easy task. It is even harder to choose between sinfully delicious but totally unhealthy junk like potato chips, french fries, sweets, pastries, cakes and carrots, celery, fruits and vegetables.

The easier to grab food is usually fast food especially if you are on the go but did you even stop to think what these food do to your body? It is a difficult choice when one is confronted between healthy fruits and vegetables to deliciously tempting burgers, fries and cakes because more likely than not, you'd choose the latter. However, eating such unhealthy food for the long term will only cause obesity and possibly diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and heart disease.

Having an unhealthy eating lifestyle will not only shorten your life span but also cause you to have a lower quality of life as you will be suffering from various health conditions that require regular medical attention. In order to avoid that, here are some tips you can follow to change your eating habits for a healthier you without starving yourself.

1. Eating on the go - you are in the rush and you need a quick bite to fill the stomach. Instead of settling on junk food like chips or grabbing a burger, why not go for some wholesome healthy wholemeal sandwich? You can drop by at sandwich places like Subway to grab a tuna sandwich. Just remember to ask for additional vegies, wholemeal bread and definitely hold the mayo. If you must have some sauce, choose the healthier option of olive oil or even mustard is fine.

2. Eat out rules - if you don't cook because you don't have the time or don't like to cook, that does not mean you don't have a choice over what you eat. Eating out also means you have a lot of choices to make and you can always choose to go to a place with healthy options rather than go to a fast food place. You can always choose to go to a restaurant or cafe that offers salad choices and grilled mains. Instead of going for deep fried food, always choose grilled, broiled and even stir-fried mains like chicken and fish. Also remember to ask for extra greens and instead of mashed potatoes and fries, do choose baked potatoes with the dressing aside.

3. Eating at parties or during festive seasons - the festive season like Christmas and Thanksgiving often comes with loads of goodies like cakes, cookies and high-fat, high-cholesterol food. In celebrating the season, it is usual for one to enjoy the many goodies available. Sure, you can enjoy the goodies but the keyword here would be 'moderation'. As long as you eat all things in moderation, it should not cause much harm. If you really want to eat the cake, go ahead but keep it to half a slice. Same goes for any other dishes. If you want to try the pot roast, keep the portion small and load up on more salads.

You don't really need to be counting calories but as you slowly reduce your portion size and add in more healthy vegetables and fruits, you will find the pounds slowly dropping away. The best part is that you are not even depriving yourself but just cutting back and changing some of the foods for healthier alternatives. Try it and you will see the results! - 17273

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The Dirty Dozen - 12 Foods to Avoid

By Johncoc Hermsin

In today's fast-paced society, Americans find little time to prepare and eat nutritious meals. That is why the line at the fast food drive through is so long at peak meal times. Consequently, Americans suffer from obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Having a tasty but unhealthy snack every now and then will not ruin your health, but if you consistently make poor food choices, your health will suffer. If you want to lose weight, just start eating better or if you want to lose fat and build muscle you must remove these foods from your diet.

Deep fried fats and oils: Foods deep fried in fats and oil will definitely raise your bad cholesterol and have been linked to cancer.

White flour: When wheat is stripped of its bran and germ, nearly all the nutrients are lost. The end result is a product that needs enrichment in order to market. Refined white flour products are also associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Sugar: Besides the added calories, many people are not aware that the fructose in refined sugar also contributes to high cholesterol levels.

Canned soups: Canned soups are flavorful, plentiful and affordable, but many are also loaded down with salt, fat and calories, especially the cream varieties.

Donuts: There is nothing nutritionally virtuous about a deep fried refined white flour blob dipped in sugar.

Energy drinks: If you need a quick pick-up from one of the many popular energy drinks, be aware that you are also getting high amounts of sugar, caffeine and carbohydrates.

French fries: The simple sugars in potatoes quickly convert to glucose and raise your insulin levels significantly. French fries are extremely high in trans fat, calories, sodium and the carcinogen acrylamide.

Granola Bars: Granola's reputation has taken a nose-dive in recent years due to the fact that has evolved into something that is a far cry from its original formula. Now laden with far, sugar and calories, granola bars should just be moved to the candy aisle of the supermarket.

Dried Fruit: You may have munched on it during a hike, or packed it in your lunch, but you might want to forget it altogether. Dried fruit is often coated with sugar and is loaded with additives and preservatives.

Margarine: Previously considered a safe alternative to butter, the dangerous trans fat in margarine will put you at higher risk for heart disease.

Sodas: Sodas and colas are packed with tons of sugar and caffeine. Even diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners that may lead to long-term, unpleasant side effects.

Hot Dogs: Hot dogs are essentially highly processed meat byproducts loaded with unhealthy additives, sodium, fat and calories. - 17273

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