Constipation Remedies The Natural Way
Fantastic natural constipation remedies exist, and you might have already tried some laxative-based constipation remedies in a desperate attempt to relieve your constipation symptoms.
However, with a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle you could avoid buying off-the-shelf constipation remedies at all.
You'll finally be able to go to the toilet, get into a normal routine, and feel socially more confident. Sounds good!
1. Diet is the key
Wholewheat foods are much better for the digestive system than highly refined white products so try to avoid white and stick to brown.
Processed foods are typically low in nutrients and low in fibre which is pure hell for your digestive system.
Eat natural and simple foods instead. Aim to eat lots more vegetables, fruit, cereals and wholesome unprocessed food.
Eating a healthy wholesome diet prevents the blockages that processed, fake food can lead to.
Also, eating whole, good food high in fibre helps your body get rid of toxins and waste, and further helps you absorb the full benefit of the nutrients in your food too. All this is essential for making you feel good about yourself and avoiding the awful symptoms of constipation.
Out of all constipation remedies, eating the right food is the most effective action you can take.
2. Take plenty of fluids
Few people drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day but this really helps to maintain a healthy system as well as being beneficial in other ways, such as aiding concentration and preventing tiredness.
Drink more water - simple!
3. Take your time
There never seems to be enough hours in the day, and it's tempting to rush through meals to keep up with the fast pace of modern life. Don't. It's crucial for beating constipation that you sit down for meals and take your time when eating.
Chew your food properly too. You'll feel fuller much quicker, which not only helps get rid of constipation, but also can help with weight loss too. Result!
4. Become more active
Regular exercise is an often over-looked and highly effective weapon against the symptoms of constipation. It doesn't have to be strenuous - even just a few simple walks can help kick-start your digestive system into action.
A healthy, active body is stronger and better equipped to deal with the job of digestion and elimination. This in turn will make you feel more positive.
It doesn't have to take too much time or major life-style change to increase your weekly activity to a level that will really show some improvement in your digestion and sense of wellbeing.
It's worth the effort and the rewards will surprise you.
5. Don't eat too late in the day
When you sleep, your body goes into shut down. If you eat late before you go to bed, you put tremendous strain on your body, which tries to digest your food while trying to rest.
While you're sleeping you also can't digest nutrients from your food, and your body stops pushing your food through properly.
Water intake is obviously not possible during sleep, therefore motility is reduced even more.
Try not to eat too much a couple of hours before going to bed. You'll see the benefits in reduced constipation symptoms immediately.
Make these 5 simple changes to your lifestyle and wave goodbye to your constipation symptoms forever, without the need to buy over-the-counter constipation remedies. - 17273
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