Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Acai Berry Natural Energizer

By Carter Sinclair

When it comes to nutritional and healthy food there is an amazing wonder in the world known as the Acai berry. At the top of the list for healthiest foods every is Acai berry. Studies have shown that most people are poorly nourished and it has lead to a craze in the health and food industry.

About 80% of the Acai fruit is made up of the seed, the fruit as a whole is about one inch in diameter and is very small. The berry is usually purple but sometimes the berry is green. While the berry is very healthy the seed offers no nutritional value and is often used for livestock feed or top soil.

It is the pulp and skin that are the most prized and most well known outside of their native habitat. This is what is what ends up in the various food items such as juices, yogurts, and ice creams as well as being sold dried or frozen. The reason why it is so eagerly sought after is due to the fact that it has one of the highest ORAC assay results ever recorded for a food.

The ORAC measures the level of antioxidants in a fruit and their ability to fight off harmful free radicals. Acai berry scored over a thousand on the assay. This means that it is very potent and very good at fighting off free radicals. Current studies on the Acai berry are revealing benefits such as amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients that the body needs for energy and metabolic functioning.

Coffee and other caffeinated beverages contain high levels of sugar and their energy often loses its kick after a short time period, Acai berry on the other hand will give you energy that will last longer and still has great nutritional value.

The Acai berry has a taste likened to a mixture of chocolate and berries. This makes it delightful by itself, but it also a great addition to a number of foods. This versatility allows for great creativity when it comes to finding ways to incorporate Acai berries into the diet. - 17273

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The Acai Berry The Natural Energizer

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai berry is one of the most amazing natural wonders of the world when it comes to nutritional and healthy food. The studies that have come out showing how poorly nourished most people are has lead to a craze in the health food industry and Acai berries are at the top of the list of the healthiest and best for you.

About 80% of the Acai fruit is made up of the seed, the fruit as a whole is about one inch in diameter and is very small. The berry is usually purple but sometimes the berry is green. While the berry is very healthy the seed offers no nutritional value and is often used for livestock feed or top soil.

The skin and the pulp of the fruit offers the most nutritional value. This is what is used for such foods as ice creams, yogurts, juices, and often they can be sold frozen or dried. The berry contains one of the highest ORAC which is why the food is so sought after.

The ORAC assay determines the ability of the antioxidants within a particular food to inhibit the effects and activities of free radicals. Acai berries scored over 1000 on this assay. This means that it is currently one of the most potent free radical fighting foods available. Current studies on Acai berries are finding more and more benefits such as fatty acids, amino acids, large quantities of nutrients that the body needs for increasing metabolic functions and for increasing energy.

Having an energy drink with Acai berries in it works to provide the body with even more energy than a cup of coffee and it has nutritional value that coffee does not have, making it possible for the energy to be longer lasting than you get from coffee or even from carbohydrate and sugar laced food.

The Acai berry has a taste likened to a mixture of chocolate and berries. This makes it delightful by itself, but it also a great addition to a number of foods. This versatility allows for great creativity when it comes to finding ways to incorporate Acai berries into the diet. - 17273

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The Acai Berry Natural Energizer

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai berry is one of the most amazing natural wonders of the world when it comes to nutritional and healthy food. The studies that have come out showing how poorly nourished most people are has lead to a craze in the health food industry and Acai berries are at the top of the list of the healthiest and best for you.

The Acai berry is small, approximately one inch in diameter, though over eighty percent of this berry is made up of a seed. The berries are either purple, this is the most well known, or they are green. While the seed does not have nutritional value for humans it is the perfect addition to top soil or even livestock feed.

It is the pulp and skin that are the most prized and most well known outside of their native habitat. This is what is what ends up in the various food items such as juices, yogurts, and ice creams as well as being sold dried or frozen. The reason why it is so eagerly sought after is due to the fact that it has one of the highest ORAC assay results ever recorded for a food.

The ORAC measures the level of antioxidants in a fruit and their ability to fight off harmful free radicals. Acai berry scored over a thousand on the assay. This means that it is very potent and very good at fighting off free radicals. Current studies on the Acai berry are revealing benefits such as amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients that the body needs for energy and metabolic functioning.

Acai berry is an energy drink that provides the body with more energy than coffee or other caffeinated drinks and still maintains great nutritional value. It provides you long lasting energy that isn't in the form of drinks laced with sugar.

The Acai berry is so versatile in that it tastes great in a number of different diet choices. It is a great addition to many different types of foods and has a taste that is a mix between chocolate and semi sweet berries. - 17273

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Tips For Building Up Your Muscle

By James Thompson

When one commits into increasing muscle size and weight gain, he should start learning how to eat properly.Through our eating program ,our goal is to establish two things : More gaining of muscle weight and lesser fat intake. It can be possible as you mainly need to set your focus on to two things:

Protein should be the base nutrient of each meal. Everything comes after it, while protein is your main focus. To estimate roughly how much protein to eat per meal is envisioning an amount which would fit and fill your hand if you cupped it. Another method is multiplying 1.5 to that of your bodyweight.

You now know daily gram amount of protein intake which you can divide up for each meal everyday. Both these methods are easy to do, yet with this you can now begin figuring out your protein intake. All in all, for someone looking to gain muscle, for each meal a minimum of 20 grams is usually recommended

It is necessary for you to sum up the overall calories for your body to gain weight. As protein is your base, it won't supply all your daily calories need. The rest should come as combination of carbohydrates and fats.

As for the ratio for each it would come as a case to case basis, but in general you could start with a reasonable size serving of carbs, such as brown rice, and then include a smaller serving of fats, such as a small handful of peanuts. Other people can manage a higher carb meal, while others should work in lowering their carb amount, while slightly raising fat amount. For you to have an estimate as to how many calories you should eat daily in order to gain weight and muscle is multiplying your bodyweight by 15.

All of these are general, which allows you to add in more weight and muscle gain while adapting to a stable progress. Reinforcing it with the right muscle gaining weight workout, you can be assured of increase in body frame within 6-8 weeks. - 17273

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Does Milk Cause Cellulite?

By El Bilson

Many people enjoy daily consumption of diary products, but I have often wondered " does milk cause cellulite? Is it possible to improve the look of your skin simply by making a dietary change?

Have you ever thought about the connection between the foods we eat and the appearance of our skin? More specifically have you wondered " does milk cause cellulite? Some people feel that milk does indeed lead to this skin disorder. While some of us would not enjoy giving up our daily dairy products, others might find this to be worth a shot if it means no more cellulite!

One of the biggest controversies surrounding milk is the amount of hormones contained in milk. These hormones are mainly from the hormones given to the cows to enable them to produce more milk. Many feel that these extra hormones can do damage to our bodies when we regularly ingest them.

Because cellulite responds to hormonal changes with in the body, it would make sense that increases in hormones in the body would trigger an increase in the amount of cellulite. Some studies have shown that a reduction of cellulite was found in women who stopped using diary products. It took about 6 to 12 months for these women to notice a difference in the appearance of their skin and get rid of cellulite.

For many women who are desperate to get rid of their cellulite and have tried many different products in the past with no success, a simple diet change may be the solution they are looking for. This can be hard to accomplish however. Diary products are found in many foods we eat " just try eating something that doesnt contain milk or cheese!

A an easy solution to regular cows milk is to use goats milk. Goats milk doesnt usually have the hormones found in regular cows milk. Be careful with yogurt too as yogurt is made from cow's milk and can contain hormones.

Some people may feel that there is no true answer to the question does milk cause cellulite. Many feel that this topic has not been studied extensively. This leads them to feel that no scientific conclusion can be drawn as to whether or not milk leads to cellulite. While this point is valid, it should not be used to dissuade those who are interested in eliminating diary from their diets in order to obtain better health.

Many women are wondering if milk products are the source of some of their other health problems as well. These can include things such as digestive issues, weight gain and acne. Going off diary products may be helpful for many a variety of reasons, not just cellulite reduction.

In conclusion, only you can decide if milk really does effect your cellulite. If you decide to stay away from milk products, make sure you give yourself enough time to see results. This means dedicating 6 months to a year towards this goal. While after this amount of time you may not find any results with your cellulite, you may notice that you do not crave or tolerate milk products any longer. - 17273

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Free Online Ab Workouts - Are They Worth Trying?

By Jose Loni

There are plenty of free online ab workouts to choose from but finding the right program should be the priority. The right program must include a combination of nutrition guidelines and safe and effective exercises that will raise metabolism enough to start burning fat and it must be able to inspire you to get started and to stay with the program.

Out of the great variety of online ab programs available, there are those that provide free trials and those that provide detailed descriptions of how to do specific exercises. These options are both great ways to get you moving. There are also a lot of free online ab workouts that aren't as accurate and only provide target area types of exercises for the abs. They usually don't talk about the other important aspect of an ab workout program, which is proper nutrition.

Unfortunately, there are also a lot of untrained people who post exercises that are just not safe to do and which actually cause injuries. These sites are usually linked to a related item they are trying to push.

You need to evaluate your fitness objectives and try to see if they match with that free program being offered. Let's say you want six pack abs and the free program tells you to do crunches and sit-ups. In that case, those six packs will not be materializing anytime soon although your abs will definitely get stronger.

Most free online programs just give you a taste of an ab workout routine that may or may not work for you. It's up to you whether or not you want to go on with it.

Usually, the good online ab workouts incorporate a full support network of knowledge from experts in the health field as well as explain the important factors of diet, exercise (type of exercises), stress and they provide updates and support that will help the client keep educated and motivated.

Diet is an important factor when considering an online ab workout program. Not only do we need to do exercises, we need to watch what we eat. Avoiding fatty foods and sodas, we can control our caloric intake and help balance our calories.

Exercise is another key element to increasing our metabolism to burn fat. By training with resistance or doing multi-joint exercises, we can really jumpstart our metabolism and have our body burning fat throughout the day to prepare our muscles for physical activity.

Online ab workouts, whether free or free trial are great ways to make that first step towards a healthy lifestyle. Knowing your goals, knowing basic concepts of diet and exercise and asking the right questions will help you make the right decisions to find the perfect program that will give you six pack abs! - 17273

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6 Pack Abs - What It Takes

By Dan Solaris

We all know how hard it is to get lean well enough to expose our abdominal muscles under the stubborn layer of belly fat. A well-defined physique and contour abs comes from commitment, some sacrifice and total dedication to living healthy.

Getting rid of excess body fat and developing a nice set of 6 pack abs requires self-control and focus. Avoiding foods with useless calories like candies and fries and choosing healthier alternatives will help significantly in the fight against flab. Starting a fat-busting workout program and exercising religiously is also a must if you want 6-pack glory.

Having a healthy low-fat diet doesn't require turning into a health nut however. Strict low-calorie diets are in fact deficient in protein or carbohydrates needed by the human body for muscle growth and daily energy. Experts say it's ultimately beneficial for out fat-loss goals to eat ample amounts of nutrient-rich foods like fruits and nuts together with well-balanced meals.

A balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, dairy products and fruits and veggies will ensure you the proper amounts of nutrients. Eating lots of the latter will particularly load your system with fiber and folic acid- proven effective in lowering deadly LDL cholesterol and homocysteine (a proponent in heart disease) respectively.

A common dietary mistake people do in their efforts to lose weight is skipping lunch or breakfast. This can actually go against the body's ability to burn fat because it slows down our metabolic rate considerably. Experts say eating three full meals and munching on something healthy in between will keep metabolism high and prevent pigging-out during dinner when we're least active.

Even if we don't do it on purpose, we tend to over-eat when we sit down for a meal after going for several hours without food. Doing this repeatedly will result in an outsized gut because eating too much in one sitting causes our stomach to balloon out of proportion- the last thing we want on getting 6 pack abs.

It's quite impossible to lose fat quickly through dieting alone. A slew of exercises that maximize caloric energy burn from body fat are also necessary in bringing out the rippling muscles of the abdomen underneath the layer of belly fat. Only by both eating wisely and exercising consistently will get you flat washboard abs before your hair turns gray.

Studies reveal that any kind of cardiovascular exercise combined with core and weight-training will facilitate rapid calorie burn and muscle development. These kinds of exercises also raise metabolism giving way to improved ability of the body to ward-off the onset of body fat. - 17273

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Hoodia Gordonii wares For Weight Down Reduction

By Neil Rogers

Hoodia Gordonii may have only been approximately for the last few years, but the count of Hoodia products that have literally jumped onto the market is unbelievable.

The CBS and even 60 minutes send platform on applying Hoodia as an "appetite suppressant" has spread havoc like wildfire across the earth the stunning gist of this establish as a weight reduction agent. Because of this active popularity that Hoodia has attained one can very easily now find dissimilar brands of Hoodia products exhibit up everyday. Various in depth inquiry propose Hoodia products are very working for tightening weight.

One who intends to buy hoodia wares s/he has to deal many essential factors prior to the buy to become a smart vendee. One has to make sure that s/he is having real Hoodia so one can enjoy the weight loss profits and not squander the money around. The Hoodia product equivalence chart is compiled with the best priced Hoodia at the top and the cheap priced product at the bottom. It is crucial to consider that although price is important, examining and other factors are equally essential points prior to the leverage of Hoodia.

Considering recent examines you require between 2,250-3,000mg a day of Hoodia to determine that your appetency is in effect suppressed. So adding all this information together - how can you be confident that you are getting every the essential amounts to successfully slim down? Then there is the problem of every the other ingredients these Hoodia wares incorporate. For illustration, didnt we just suppose that the inclusion of other constituents can decrease the affixes effectiveness? With each the cumulative factors that these Hoodia wares hold in, how can you know that these petty spear carriers are not affecting the Hoodia Gordonii? You cant.

To ensure that you are receiving genuine Hoodia Gordonii you need to check: that the components contain at least 400mg of Complete Hoodia Gordonii taken from the effect of the plant; that it has been well-tried by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals; that is has got a CITES certificate that proves its place of lineage and that it comes up in a capsule form. You see to date, Hoodia offered in a capsule pattern has been the only product type to be evidenced to accommodate 100% Clear, unrevised Hoodia Gordonii.There is still a lot of heated debate ringing all the other Hoodia Gordonii wares, which makes their dependability every the more doubtful.

If you do not respond to inputs such as caffeine, then it is stronger to deflect any other Hoodia product and concentrate only on buying real Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia Gordonii is 100 % bright and herbal. It has no side events. All can use these products. This can be purchased from the market in the process of powder, lozenges or capsules. - 17273

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Discover the Secrets Powers of Phosphatide and how it can reduce brain cell loss

By Bryan Reese

There is quite a lot of Phosphatide present in people's brain in the form of chemical or lipid. Around 30% of Phosphatide or phospholipids are present in the brain of a human. Approximately 1/5th of the nerves found in the body of humans are made up of phospholipids or Phosphatide.

The phospholipids in our brain are thought to very active when seen with the different lipids that are there. These lipids are effective in lowering brain fatigue and they are thought to even boost the ability to remember things. What's more, they even help in ensuring that the brain gets enough nutrition.

One more thing that Phosphatide is responsible for is the assimilation of a very crucial messenger neuron known as acetylcholine. If there is any lessening of acetylcholine levels, then we tend to become less attentive and we cannot remember new things easily. We also tend to forget things as a result of that. If the brain has the ability to maintain and to boost the levels of acetylcholine, then directly due to that, we tend to learn better, remember more accurately and we also have increased attention spans. When the acetylcholine goes up, then it starts working immediately, making us better at focusing on things and remembering things more accurately.

Maintain the right levels of Phosphatide

If you want to make sure that Phosphatide remains in the brain in right amounts, then you should try taking Nan Lecithin Granules. These granules have been derived from pure soybeans and are free from oil and they have not been modified genetically. There is no added taste or color or any sort of additives.

Soybeans are considered as being rich in Phosphatide. They have a very good taste and so there is no problem in consumption. The Nan Granules are light and get digested easily. One can have it with a combination of cereals, salads and many such food items.

How Phosphatides act to lower brain fatigue and help us remember better:

The first vital function of Phosphatide is in lowering brain fatigue and pushing up the amount of things we can learn. Phosphatide is easily available in nature and it lends a big rush of energy. Also, when there are proper levels of Phosphatide in the brain, then we also tend to remember things better, our memory power goes up and we also become very focused with extreme clarity of mind.

If we cannot remember things properly, then brain fatigue will take place. So, it becomes very important to make sure that Phosphatide levels are always at a high in the brain.

With good amounts of Phosphatide in the brain, memory becomes better because Phosphatide is there in proper amounts in all the cells. All the important parts of our body have significant amounts of Phosphatide. There's about 20% of Phosphatide in the nerves and 30% in the brain.

What Phosphatide does is that it helps in the merger of acetylcholine, an important messenger between nerves and other cells, in other words a neurotransmitter. These neurotransmitters work as messengers between the body cells and this comes about with the aid from Phosphatide. Most of the work of Phosphotide is done by the phospholipids and these are the ones which aid in keeping the correct level of acetylcholine in the brain. The phospholipid which carries out this task in Phosphatide is known as Lecithin. Neurotransmitters cannot work properly if there are problems faced by the brain such as high stress, tiredness and more work than the brain can handle. Lecithin helps in keeping these factors under control.


Hence, phospholipids present in Phosphatide that is there in our brain, aids us in managing the working of the brain. Due to this there is considerably lesser brain fatigue and consequently the brain tends to remember better. As a result, we tend to have better attention spans and focusing abilities. - 17273

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Know The Origin Of Acai Berry And Its Uses

By Terry Rossi

Obtained from an Amazon rainforest tree, acai berries have been considered recently as the most nutritious foods existing. The berries have numerous benefits to the human body including aiding in clearing the digestive system, providing immense energy to the body as well as removing toxins that might be harmful to the body. Acai berries are also believed to relive pain from joints, protect the body against infections, protect the body against heart diseases and also act wonderfully in weight loss. The berries contain some vital minerals for the body; for instance proteins, oils, Omega 3, 6, and 9. Although it may not taste great, it has wonderful effects in your body.

Research has shown that the Acai berry is laden with huge amounts of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and fiber, essential for attaining and maintaining good health. Health experts now recommend the Acai berry diet as a good way to lose weight. It's a safe and healthy way of losing the pounds without going to the extreme and denying the body nutrients. The Acai berry diet works by reducing appetite while increasing the rate of metabolism. While many diets are said to be fads, the Acai berry diet has gained popularity owing to its quick, positive results, and the added advantage of improving overall health.

The Acai berry also acts as an antioxidant. These antioxidant properties cleanse the body by removing toxins that have accumulated in the body over time mostly due to unhealthy eating habits. Products to clean the colon are nowadays also being made from the Acai berry. When on the Acai berry diet, one is advised to embrace healthy eating habits and combine this with regular exercise for optimum results.

Acai berries are also used in products that are a source of energy - energy giving foods. It also contains high concentrations of anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is the healthy component found in red wine. This is what makes the consumption of a glass red wine a day recommended. Taking Acai berry juice instead gives you the benefits without having to induce any alcohol. Acai berry pills are another popular that can be used regularly as a diet supplement. Other products made from the Acai berry are: the Acai bum, the Acai berry detox, UltraPrime Acai and the white Acai tea. Information about these products can be found on the Internet. - 17273

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Using Meatless Substitutions With Your Family Meals

By Meshel Nosak

With the best of resources and a good idea of what for Veggie lover likes to eat, creating one family meal for everyone in the household is now an option. Using meat free substitutions when preparing your dinner menu's has never been easier.

I take my ideas for a simple dinner meal and give it some meat free appeal. There are so many meatless products on the market today that can give you the texture and taste of meat without the animal by-product.

Include meatless products, such as tofu, to your basic grocery shopping list. If your dinner menu calls for hamburgers tonight, make sure to grab a package of veggie burgers as well.

Adjusting your meal planning for dinner to include meat free options can now be easy. If your looking for a new way to get your family to try new veggies then let me suggest preparing a meatless main dish for dinner and simply serve meat on the side if necessary. This is a great way to start eating healthier for everyone in the household not just the vegetarian.

I have included a list of some of our family favorite dinners and the simple meat free possibilities you can create with each dinner dish:

Barbecue Sandwiches - my favorite cheap and simple dinner idea

*Meatless option - tofu fried

*Traditional version - chicken or beef shredded

Homemade Pizza - I just love meal idea without meat but I'll include my families favorite toppings

*Meat free version - olives, onions, green peppers, mushrooms and every other veggie you love

*Meat eaters - all the meatless ingredients with sausage, ham, and of course pepperoni

Good Ole' Spaghetti - this is the best back up meal when I have had a crazy day

*Veggie eater - loads of vegetables, your favorite sauce and lots of yummy cheese

*Meat Options - add homemade meatballs to the meatless option

Hamburgers - the most popular all American dinner idea

*Meatless options - veggie burger made using lentils or a store bought veggie burger

*Meat eater - a regular hamburger patty cooked to perfection

Pasta - You choose the sauce, Alfredo is my favorite

*Meat free version - choose your favorite noodle and sauce and load on the cheese

*Traditional version - use chicken and a white sauce or sausage and a red sauce to the meat free version above.

Preparing an easy family meal with these ideas is just the beginning. Use you family favorite recipes and get creative, you never know until you try. Dinner time won't be stressful anymore, now you can cook just 1 meal for everyone.

Check your local health food store, there are so many great meat substitutions these days and some great Internet sites that can help you get the flavor and texture your looking for. Dust off your favorite dinner recipes and get cooking the ideas are endless. - 17273

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Boost Your Workout or Start a New One: The Turbulence Training Program

By Caitlin Ryan

I have the misfortune of becoming bored very easily. Because of this, if I do not change up my workout routine and exercises often, I start to become unmotivated to workout. This happens to many people and I think it is very important to constantly change your exercise routine in order to obtain a sexy, sleek, healthy body!

There is another reason for this as well. Muscle needs to be continuously challenged. Craig Ballantyne knows this and he has developed an awesome fitness program called the Turbulence Training Program to help you avoid that exercise plateau.

Craig basically used some very important concepts of fitness that offers sound nutritional advice in addition to exercises. This offers your body energy and important nutrients so that you can lose the body fat and still improve your lean body mass.

Most of us do not have a load of time on our hands to spend at the gym working out and changing up our exercises. Thats part of the beauty of Turbulence Training because it can be done in less time.

Most importantly is Craig's concept of changing the exercises and providing rest in between workouts. He knows this is important in a proper fitness regime for a few different reasons.

For one, when we do not continue to challenge our muscles, we reach an exercise plateau that keeps us at the same fitness level rather than moving us forward to a better body and better health. This is just basic physiology that most of us do not completely understand.

His plentiful exercises are clearly mapped out for us, so we do not need to think about all that he knows about the physiology behind muscle growth and definition. He uses charts that you can print out and take with you to the gym or keep on the wall in your home. You can chart your progress and have handy photos of the exercises available for reminders.

Secondly, you may not realize the importance of resting your body to support your fitness regime. If you work out too often, you are doing more harm than good to your body. It is important that you follow the turbulence training guide and do the strength training three times a week and the interval training four times a week.

In this manner, you are allowed the rest that your muscles need AND you avoid risking injury or toxicity. When you workout too hard or too long, lactic acid can cause a toxic reaction in your body leading to decreased immunity and other chronic ailments. As well, you rob your lean body mass of energy and cause your body to store more fat. The result? Skinny, but flabby!

I found the exercises to be a lot of fun and it has added a spark to my workout routine. Just what I needed before summer! In addition, I can do the work outs in less time than I was spending. I think my favorite exercise so far is the Spiderman Climb/Spiderman Lunge! - 17273

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