Muscle Building for Women, How to Get the Body of Your Dreams
Technically there is no strict distinction between body building workouts for men and women. Why should there be when they both have the same number and type of muscles and bones.
The main difference in our bodies is our natural hormones. Men have much more testosterone, and therefore have an easier time packing on new muscle mass. Women have much more estrogen, which can lead to naturally storing more fat. But despite this difference in our bodies, if a woman takes a smart approach to getting into shape and weightlifting, than she can still succeed at the highest levels.
Women often hesitate to enter a body building routine because they think that if they were to stop exercising that it will lead to excess fat deposition. But this can be safely branded as a myth.
Muscles and fat are different tissues. They cant be converted into one another. Fat is formed in the body when all the calories that you consume are not burnt properly. The most common cause behind this is reduction in physical activity and exercise. This happens in everybody, even people who exercise regularly.
When bodybuilders stop exercising or they retire they would inevitably gain weight because their metabolic rate goes down and physical activity is reduced too.
Now that you see some of these misconceptions that have been cleared up, you should be able to also see the many advantages for bodybuilding for women. If you use the appropriate game plan, such as the steps outline below and you stay committed to the cause, than there's no reason why you won't be able to succeed.
1. If you are going to build your muscles you will have to make some changes in your diet. You might have a little difficulty in doing this but at the end of the day it is totally worth it.
The easiest way to increase your metabolism is by eating 5-7 small meals and snacks every day instead of 3 large meals. This will keep your engine revving and it will also keep you feeling energetic at all points of the day.
2. The best way to build new muscle mass is by using the best possible exercises at your disposal. These are compound exercises, which target more than one group of muscles at one time, and stimulate a huge amount of muscle growth. The best compound exercises are the squat, the deadlift and the bench press. If you use these you'll be able to add a ton of new muscle mass to your frame.
3. But muscle building is not only about exercising. Its also about catching on your sleep on your regular basis. If you want to build your muscles you need to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night.
This is so important because your muscles really don't grow while you're awake. Your body is too busy with many other natural processes. Therefore, your muscles only get the chance to grow and be repaired while you are resting. - 17273
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