Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, April 6, 2009

Should Teenagers Drink Acai Berry Juice?

By Carter Sinclair

Both teenagers and parents alike might be wondering, "is the acai berry safe for teens?" This is the prudent thing to do, because you can never be too safe when it comes to the teenager body.

However, when it comes to the acai fruit you are in luck. This hot new health trend is incredibly safe, because it is a natural fruit. The only difference between the acai fruit and apples, oranges, and bananas is the fact that is it so incredibly good for you.

Instead of turning to healthy alternatives, most teens are reaching for soda, energy drinks, or coffee when they need a bit of a pick-me-up. Most schools do not help this problem and give students easy access to these high sugar energy drinks. This is very sad, because these drinks are known to stunt growth and promote obesity.

Acai berry juice can be a great tasting and healthy replacement for these drinks. In fact, most people report that the energy they get from Acai blows both coffee and Redbull out of the water. There is no better way for a student to start off a day of school than with a glass of Acai juice.

Teenagers face many peaks in valleys as they work their way through high school. One of the great benefits of acai is that it is packed full of omega fatty acids. These essential fatty acids will help teens get through the tough times in life, as they are known to improve mood and fight off depression.

Acai can also help teens that are dealing with acne. It is a little known secret that antioxidants are one of the main ways to get clear and health skin. The acai fruit is the highest ranking antioxidant food, which makes them the perfect weapon for fighting off teen acne.

A high quality acai product is an organic way to help teenagers reach their full potentials. If you make sure to purchase an all natural pure acai product, you will never have to wonder if the acai berry is safe for a teenager. - 17273

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Anxiety and Natural Remedies including Mangosteen Juice

By Julieanne van Zyl

Anxiety will affect anybody at some time in their life. But if there is no real explanation for it and it is starting to affect your everyday life, then you could be putting up with generalized anxiety disorder. This can become so critical that you may have difficulty going out.

Restlessness, poor concentration, irritability and just generally feeling overwrought are some of the indications of generalized anxiety. Some folks also have general changes in their health such as insomnia, numerous headaches, jaw pain, fatigue, chest tightness and indigestion.

If any of these symptoms pertain to you, you should see your health practitioner before starting any natural treatment. The health practitioner needs to exclude any physical cause of these symptoms.

If the final diagnosis is anxiety, try the herb called passionflower. This herb was found to be just as useful as the drug benzodiazepine but with less drowsiness. However passionflower can produce side effects. These may include nausea and vomiting, drowsiness and rapid heart beat. You should not take passionflower if you are pregnant or have kidney or liver disease. Nor take passionflower with other sedatives. If you feel like you are depressed, mangosteen juice is known as a natural anti-depressant, without any side effects.

You may want to try massage and mind and body relaxation techniques in lieu of internal treatments. Massage therapy will moderate your level of stress significantly and promote sleep. Yoga, tai chi and meditation, all will cut the stress that brings about anxiety. Experiment, to find the technique that works for you.

A significant manner of allaying the stress can be performed by hypnosis provided it's managed by a proficient practitioner. Hypnotherapy is brought to bear in psychotherapy and counseling to lessen anxiety. There are two ways in which it can be used. As suggestion therapy to make the person more acquiescent to suggestions, which will help overcome uninvited behavior such as anxiety, nail biting, over eating or smoking. Or secondly it can be used to analyze the root cause of the anxiety. When this has been determined, it can be focused on in counseling sessions.

Hypnotherapy is not offensive. It is not a form of mind control or indoctrination. The individual being hypnotized, cannot be persuaded to do things he or she does not want to do. Nevertheless you should only explore hypnotherapy with someone who is a expert mental health professional, trained in hypnotherapy.

Should you feel that you are experiencing from anxiety, the first thing you can do is to eat right and get plenty of sleep. Do not make caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol or illicit drugs the crutch to get your anxiety under control. This will only make worse matters. Enhance your physical well-being and your mind will be better equipped to control your anxiety. - 17273

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Amazon Acai Capsules

By Carter Sinclair

The magical Acai berry has recently taken the health food industry by storm. You've probably already seen ads promoting Acai juice or Acai Capsules. Oprah has featured it on her show; naming it the #1 super food available today. Since the berry is packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids it can provide massive health benefits to anyone who takes it.

Acai berry contains around 3870 ORAC and doctors suggest you should have at least 1600 ORAC a day which means Acai contains more than double the amount. The ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity which measures the level of antioxidants in foods. Acai has one of the highest levels of antioxidants of foods out there.

If you want to look younger, feel healthier, lower your risk of heart disease, and prevent yourself from getting cancer then Acai is a great food for you. The research suggest that this very small berry can increase your overall health.

You can get the same energy boosts that coffee contains without having caffeine and other additives. Acai also contains essential fatty acids like Omega-3, 6, and 9 which increase circulation, help brain functioning, lower cholesterol, and put you in a better mood.

If you are sick or healthy, or older or younger, or if you just want a long last amount of energy then you should check out Acai. The benefits are so numerous and is why everyone is jumping on the Acai bandwagon.

The Acai berry tastes like a mixture between that of a chocolates and berries. The juice is amazing but the capsules also provide all the health benefits that you get from drinking the juice. Acai berry is mostly sold as the juice, powders, or capsules because the fruit doesn't stand up to transportation very well. - 17273

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Muscle building and the importance of the recordkeeping

By Jon Cardozo

If you've decided to build significant amounts of muscle, you should already know the most important components of your program. I'm talking, of course, about a resistance weightlifting program and a solid nutrition program.

But how do you know if your diet is indeed adequate for the task ahead? Likewise, how do you know if your training routines are effective or not? A critical but often overlooked component of muscle building is keeping records of what you eat and what you lift. A simple meal journal can get you started in the right direction.

This may seem difficult and even annoying at first, but it should become second nature pretty soon. Gradually you'll get to know how many calories a particular food contains or how many grams of protein or fat you're eating. When you think about it, most foods that you buy at the grocery store already have this kind of information available, so this should make your job that much easier.

Writing things down in this way is a great way to keep track of your progress, because if things don't seem to be going the way you intended you simply go back to your record. Chances are you did something wrong either with your diet or with your workouts.

How do you know if you're getting enough food to build muscle? A quick tip is that you should be gaining about a pound or two of muscle each week, but keep an eye on your body fat percentage to make sure you really are gaining muscle and not fat!

You should already know that lifting weights is actually what stimulates your muscles to grow. This is important because without this, an increase in calories will simply end up increasing your fat levels.

Recordkeeping is important here as well, since you can easily record your body fat percentage with the right kind of scale. Writing it all down is essential because you have to know your starting point if you're ever to reach your goal.

If you're trying to make it through a muscle building workout plan and you're not keeping track on paper, you really are wasting your time. - 17273

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How You Can Build Chest Muscles So Big That They Turn Heads

By Rob Molloy

It is important to build chest muscles if you want to have a body that you can be proud of. Many men have the same problem that women do, of wanting a well-sculpted chest. It's far more desirable than the less than firm chest that they probably already have. To build chest muscles is hard work but there are several things that you can do to help you get that big muscular upper torso.

In order to be able to achieve this objective it is important that you focus on the muscles being worked, which is true for any workout. Once you understand what muscles are being worked and what their functions are, it will assist you in concentrating and focusing on them instead of on the weights you are lifting.

In the chest area there are two main muscle groups, the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. The pectoralis major is the group of muscles on top, the ones that are mostly visible and the pectoralis minor lie towards the top of chest near the shoulder beneath the pectoralis major muscles. Many will think that you should focus your attention on just the pectoralis major muscles but if you develop the pectoralis minor muscles you stand to push the major ones forward making them look bigger.

At any rate, because of the way the fibers in the muscles grow in so many different directions, it is best to target the chest from different directions. The basic uses of the chest muscles are to bring the arms and shoulders across the front of the body and also to push things.

To add build and definition to the upper torso there are two types of exercises that target these muscles. These are known as presses and flys. Although presses involve more than one muscle group, namely the shoulders and triceps and is therefore called a compound movement, the flys are more effective for isolating the chest and adding bulk. Exercises such as presses that involve weights help you to maximize not only your energy but your time as well. Flys, on the other hand, do involve more than one joint movement but are not call a compound exercise. When doing presses you move the weight away from the body by straightening the arms. Flys require you to begin with your arms stretched out to the side so that the body forms a "T" then the arms come together in the front of the body.

Considered to be the best and most effective way to build chest muscles is the flat bench press that you will be doing. The angle of the press will affect which part of the chest is targeted. An incline press will affect the upper chest and a decline press will affect the lower part of the chest. When holding the bar one needs to remember that by holding it with the hands widespread will target the outer chest. Likewise, holding the bar with the hands closer together will target the inner chest. If you are exercising without a spotter at the gym, it's important to make use of the different press machines available in order to stay safe.

For fly exercises, you will need to use either cables or dumbbells, as both are effective. However, it is important to alternate between the two. When using the fly exercise to work the upper chest do them on an incline, and on a decline to work the lower part of the chest. In order to target the whole chest area a flat bench is necessary.

The best way to build chest muscles is to decide on the amount of sets, reps, and weights that best suit you. Ideally, it is advisable to do 3 sets of 10-15 reps on each exercise. Beginning with the first set you will warm the muscles in preparation for the second, heavier set. The final set will help to cool you down. Efficacy depends on doing each of the motions slowly, although it is quite likely that by doing them slowly you will find that you are only able to do them using less weight. But this is no reason to feel discouraged, though, so do not give up. You will be getting the best possible workout and achieving better results. Remember to only increase the amount of weight you lift gradually, and soon you will see changes as you are on the way to developing that desired sculpted upper torso. - 17273

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What is the Acai Fruit?

By Carter Sinclair

This odd sounding word doesn't quite get the publicity it deserves. You might be asking yourself, What is Acai? Acai berry is derived from the palm tree family. It has been a regional dietary staple for many Brazilians.

Acai is known as a super-food because of the massive amounts of nutrients and antioxidants it contains. The palm tree has 7 different species and they all derive from Central and South America.

The Acai fruit is used to make pulp, juice and even powder that is highly nutritious and has found its way into health foods and dietary supplements. The leaves are used for head coverings, roofing thatch, even brooms, baskets and mats can be made from the leaves.

The Acai plant is used for medicinal purposes as an astringent for gastrointestinal issues. The wood has a very high resistance to bugs and therefore is used for a lot of construction. Seeds are used for livestock food, jewelry, and plant soil.

Acai is used for so many things that it has to be created and grown in abundance. It supplies basically everything nutritional food, materials for structures, and livestock feed. It is a gift from nature that provides many wonders.

Acai is a dietary staple for this native region and around 40% of the their diets are in some various form of Acai. You can grow around 2 crops a year from mature plants and they produce around 1000 berries per crop per tree. It takes 2-3 months to grow these seeds into seedlings. - 17273

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Detoxing with Zeolites

By Carrie Spry

Zeolites are formed naturally resulting from a chemical reaction between saline water and volcanic lava. Zeolites are structured like cages which have open spaces and channels. Ions and molecules can move easy into and out of the structure. This class of materials is known as molecular sieves.

Zeolites are one of the few negatively charged minerals found in nature. This negative charge allows them to attract and trap into them positively charged atoms, ions, and compounds and can remove them from a system. Zeolites can trap heavy metal toxins which have a positive charge and expel them from your body.

Zeolites have been shown to remove mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals. Research has shown that it actually helps to balance the pH level in our body producing a slightly alkaline system. This in turn stabilizes the immune system.

Zeolites have been used in powdered form for over 800 years throughout Asia as a traditional medicine to promote well being and overall health. Zeolites have been giving a GRAS (generally recongnized as safe) status from the US FDA. The are natural, non toxic and safe for long term use.

Everyday we are exposed to heavy metal toxins through the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Also, we like to knowingly apply personal hygiene products that are usually choc full of heavy metal toxins and other chemicals. Ensure that you do research on the product of your choice. You generally get what you pay for.

Zeolites should go in empty and come out full. If the zeolites you are using are not properly activated, they could go in full and come out the same way without actually absorbing anything. There is no danger of absorbing the contents of the zeolites as they are virtually indestructible, however, it wont do you any good.

Here are some guidelines to follow if you choose zeolites in your program. Try and choose a non synthetic naturally occurring product. The product needs to be "activated" or chemically washed to remove the toxins already present. The zeolites should be suspended in water only. You are taking zeolites to detox your body, not add this that and the other. - 17273

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Where to Buy Acai Berry

By Frank Vandy

If you are like most people, you have probably been bombarded with the hype about the Acai Berry. It has been hailed as a superfood and for good reason. The Acai Berry is one of natures best foods. The problem is that there are a ton of unscrupulous merchants out there offering poor or worthless products at premium prices. This article will focus on the major benefits of including the Acai Berry in your diet and how to determine if the Acai Berry product you are buying is genuine.

Is it Available in the US?

The Acai Berry is grown in the Amazon Jungle. Once picked from the tree, it has a self life of about 24 hours. This short self life makes it impossible to harvest, ship, and sell in the United States. Therefore, if you come across anyone trying to sell you the actual berry, beware! They are either lying to you or they are selling you a rancid fruit.

Understand What You Are Buying

The Acai Berry is very safe and has no real known side effects. Unfortunately, many of the companies out there today arent really selling a quality Acai Berry extract. Many of these products are filled with cheap fillers. Make sure the product you buy is 100% Freeze Dried Acai Berry. This is the only way to really know if you are buying a quality product. Also, make sure the company you are dealing with offers an Unconditional Money Back Guarantee if you are not COMPLETELY satisfied.

What About All of These Free Trials?

Have you ever heard the saying There is no such thing as a free lunch? The truth is, these free trials arent free at all and they are not a trial. They are a subscription. Once you sign up, your credit card will be charged every month. The really bad news is that most of these products are poor and the subscription rate is 3 to 4 times higher than what you should be paying for 100% Pure Acai Berry. So much for it being free!

Listen, the bottom line is that the Acai Berry is a wonderful product. It offers a ton of great health benefits, including weight loss. Just be cautious and make sure that you are buying only 100% Pure Acai Berry that has been Freeze Dried for freshness. Stay away from the free trial offers and make sure that the merchant you buy from offers a 100% Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. - 17273

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No Time or Too Busy to Exercise? Try This...

By Martin Knight

Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a way to:

* lose fat

* gain muscle

* have more energy

* look better and

* feel younger

with just 3 intense workouts a week, 45 minutes each.

At Fitness-Programs-Review, we review all the major fitness programs on the internet. Here are a few things you might want to know about the program that we rated #1 out of over 40 fitness programs.

--The #1 rated program contains research proven and time efficient workouts that boost muscle growth and blowtorch body fat.

--You will lose fat while simultaneously gaining muscle with just 3 short, intense workouts a week.

--You will need LESS time to see MORE results.

--You can do these workouts inside your own home. No more boring treadmill or cardio workouts. No more wasting money and time at the gym.

--The #1 program is enthusiastically endorsed by elite trainers and top fitness magazines because it just plain works. In fact, it was recently endorsed by Jillian Michaels from the TV show, the Biggest Loser.

--Thousands of men and women have experienced more energy, improved health and a more attractive body with the #1 program.

--The #1 rated program is a great program for busy men and women who are looking for dramatic results, but don't have a lot of time to work out.

--The #1 program's author has invested 6 years of University study; 16 years of hands-on, in the trenches gym experience; over 5,318 personal training sessions; and careful study of over 723 medical research papers in creating the program.

--Exercise science has advanced dramatically just in the last two decades. The latest fat loss research, which the #1 program is based on, allows you to lose more fat while keeping your hard-earned muscle, and doing so with far less time than ever before.

--More is not necessarily better. For example, endless hours of long, slow, boring cardio exercises will rarely help you achieve your fat loss goals, and can lead to injuries.

--With the #1 rated fitness program, you will skyrocket your metabolism after your workout, allowing you to burn TWICE as many calories as you would with traditional cardio workouts, which only burn calories during the workout.

--Unlike outdated workouts, high intensity strength training with the #1 program builds muscle while burning fat.

Your time is precious, so why waste it with workouts that don't WORK?

And why settle for having less strength and stamina when you can be as energetic as you like?

You've only got one body...

...don't you want it to be in the best possible shape?

Are you happy with your body just the way it is?

Or would you like to lose some fat, gain muscle, and quite possibly get into the best shape of your life in just 45 minutes a day, three days per week?

By the way, the #1 program is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you, you can return it for a 100% refund, even after 7 weeks of trial. - 17273

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Toned Abs, Tight Jeans

By Dan Solaris

Western nations have long embraced drive through food, dial-up pizzas and chocolate bars. Unhealthy eating habits combined with activities which involve spending a greater part of the day sitting behind a desk are putting a toll on our bodies. Figures from a survey done by the CDCP (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) say a third of the American population is suffering from obesity.

With all the things we have to do each day- commute to work, sit for extended hours inside a cubicle then commute back home and surf the net or watch TV, it's no wonder a lot of people have outsized bellies. A lighter, leaner body and a toned abdomen are not exclusive to other people however. There are still ways to live healthily even in times like these.

Working-out consistently is the most effective way of losing unsightly flab and getting tightly toned abs. The benefits we gain through regular exercise far outweighs any issues about being too tired after work or having a busy itinerary.

Regular exercise not only gives us the obvious benefits of toned abs and a lighter, better-looking physique. Making it a point to work-out everyday lowers blood pressure and significantly lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension while boosting our immune system.

Making it a point to exercise everyday also does wonders for our demeanor as it promotes the release of endorphins- chemicals which give us a feeling of being content or even happy. Exercising then goes beyond physical gains and even relieves us of pent-up stress, making us feel better about life.

Nicely toned abs and a better disposition- what better way to offset the ravages of an unhealthy diet and job stress? Having a tight schedule is no excuse because with the right combination of exercises, it's possible to create a daily calorie deficit in just 30 minutes a day.

Though aerobic exercises done for extended periods have been proven to be the best for burning body fat without sacrificing glycogen needed by the muscles, most people don't have enough time to perform them each day. High intensity cardio and anaerobic exercises can be effective ways to lose weight as well.

Doing moderate cardio exercises interspersed with periods of high intensity maximizes calorie-burn- enabling us to get out of the gym quicker. The same goes for with doing abdominal exercises and weight training using an exercise ball or similar aid. The effort of trying to stay balanced while doing the reps recruits more muscle groups in activity and this means more caloric energy spent in less time. - 17273

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Using Diet as a Natural Diabetes Remedy

By Lara Richards

Diabetes is normally detected by an abnormal rise in the blood glucose levels in the body. Performing a blood test will confirm the findings. This rise in the blood glucose levels may be attributed to the body not producing enough insulin or the body is producing enough insulin but the body is not properly utilizing it. Diabetes when left uncontrolled can lead to damage other organs of the body like the eyes, kidney, nerves and the heart.

You are what you eat. It seems there is more to what this age old adage has to say. The food that you consume is for the nourishment required by the body; it is where we get our daily requirement of energy, vitamins, minerals and whatever nutrient the body needs. From starches and sugar we get our carbohydrates and from meat, poultry products, vegetables we get our protein requirements, fiber, and all the other nutrients we need. We also need water to be hydrated constantly. The glucose in the body is a form of the carbohydrate and any starch or sugar we consume is converted to simplest form of carbohydrate. The more carbohydrate we consume, the higher the glucose sugar in the body. The more it needs to be regulated.

There are many misconceptions about diabetic meal planning. Diabetic or not, you may have the idea that insulin dependence will be the end to the high blood sugar levels in the body, without any need to worry anymore about having high blood sugar level. Another one is that diabetics can eat anything so long as the eat bitter herbs and vegetables at the end of each meal. Another popular one is that it is okay for diabetics to eat anything they want as long as it is not sweet. All of these are wrong.

The battle against diabetes begins once you are diagnosed with the disease. If not avoided, you may need long term care from a physician to avoid getting the complications from the disease. Also, you need to regularly monitor your blood sugar level. You may also be required to take insulin shots to keep your blood sugar level under control.

Once diagnosed, you will be forced to make lifestyle modifications to avoid further complications from the disease. There are many diabetics who live considerably normal lives as long as they keep their blood sugar levels in check and they remain physically active.

You might think, Why the attack on food rich with carbohydrates? Because it is quite obvious that what raises the blood sugar level immediately are after eating carbohydrate and sugar rich foods. These foods considered to contain high glycemic indices are usually the ones anyone would like to eat. Chocolates, cakes, candies, ice cream are packed with sugar and carbohydrates that can be detrimental to the health of the diabetic. Generally speaking, a diabetics diet should be low in carbohydrates sugar and high in fiber, mainly to reduce carbohydrate intake and control the blood sugar level. Meals should include vegetable dishes that are lightly salted. Fruits should also be a staple. Another concern is the calorie requirement of the diabetic, which is decided by age, weight, and extent of physical activity. On the average, a grown person would require only 1,500 calories required to maintain a controllable blood sugar level. Fast food drenched in fat should be avoided as much as possible.

Staying healthy has a lot to do with good eating habits and a little discipline. They are essential not only for the diabetic but for anyone wanting to stay healthy and avoid not only diabetes but other diseases as well. The idea of eating in moderation and exercise will go along way into maintaining a healthy body. It is okay to eat sweet foods so long as you dont overeat, reducing portions or replacing some foods with healthier alternatives will help you feel not being deprived of the tempting foods that you like. - 17273

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How To Get A Flat Stomach In 3 Stages

By Jose Loni

The secret as to how to get a flat stomach the right way? Exercise. Daily physical activity, high intensity training, and training in bursts of energy are all what's needed to get a flat stomach the right way. Engaging in these types of activities starves our muscles of oxygen, which kick starts our metabolism and fat burning ability into high gear.

The body increases its lean body mass as a result of the regular exercise that it performs. As a result, the body needs to feed and fuel the muscles through the food we eat, as well as breakdown any excess fat on our body to provide energy to the muscles.

Regular physical workouts are necessary to spur our body to maintain a higher degree of metabolic activity in order to meet the greater demands of increased activity. The more disciplined and active we are, the more our body maintains its increased metabolic rate.

An intensive workout is determined by training within our target heart rate zone. Training within that intensity will yield the best results because our body is made to work harder, allowing us to get a flat stomach faster.

Training in bursts of energy raises our metabolism by constantly challenging our muscles to work at a higher level to meet the sudden bursts in energy demand. Because the muscles are constantly being unexpectedly called to work and perform, they are in a state of preparation rather than rest, and therefore, use up more fuel in the form of excess fats.

Incorporating weight training with interval training results in extremely effective fat burning capabilities. Doing this type of training in on-again, off-again bursts, and then allowing the muscles to rest and recover also shakes up the intensity of the workout. Repeating this cycle a few times will jumpstart our muscles and get them hungrier for more fuel to get through the workout.

What occurs in the muscles is an oxygen debt, where the muscles are working so hard that there is an increase in carbon dioxide in the muscles, which results in increased lactic acid in the muscles. During recovery, the muscles are so depleted of oxygen, the body's blood system increases supply of oxygen, to clear away waste products and provide nourishment to the muscles.

Through regular exercise, training with increased intensity during our exercise programs, and incorporating interval training, our body will adapt to the metabolic changes that resulted from the increased training. As a result, the body becomes a very efficient fat burning machine that will give you a flat stomach. - 17273

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