Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, February 20, 2009

Know More About Vitamin Supplements

By Keith Woolley

Vitamins can be found in both plants and animals. They are an essential food requirement. For our bodies to remain healthy and functioning we need vitamins. They aid in the breakdown of other foods nutrients in the body. Nutrients found in vitamins are not enough to sustain a human body, therefore energy giving food have to be taken as well. Deficiency of vitamins can lead to numerous diseases.

The vitamins help the body function properly and also prevent diseases therefore they keep you healthy. They also help the body to produce hormones and the components in your body that are hereditary. You only need to take small amounts of vitamins for the body to work properly. The recommended amount should be taken everyday for good growth.

There are cases where the amounts of vitamins found in plants and an animal is not sufficient to sustain the human body and to prevent diseases. In such a case, individuals opt to take vitamin supplements that are manufactured in industries to meet these requirements. Vitamin supplements are components that are manufactured in industries to stand in place of required vitamins that cannot be found in their natural form in sufficient portions. In take of these supplements should be not be taken lightly and should be monitored to avoid an overdose which can lead to serious complications. It is advisable to seek advice from a registered dietician before deciding to take vitamin supplements.

Natural vitamins can be found in both plants and animals. They have not undergone any form of processing before being consumed by humans. There are however no guidelines to taking these vitamins. The only thing is an indicator is that the body remains healthy. For an average person, a certain number of vitamin nutrients in take are required daily. It is important to note that food supplements should not be a replacement for a balanced diet. Recommended doses for minerals from a nutritionist should not be overlooked. Diseases that occur from a deficiency of vitamins can be prevented if the right amounts of vitamins are taken daily.

Vitamins supplements are made using chemical components. There are different types of vitamins and each serves a different purpose in our bodies. Vitamin B1 aids in the conversion of fats to energy. Vitamin B2 helps in the prevention of skin diseases. Vitamin B3 helps in the breakdown of fats while Vitamin B6 and vitamin B5 are essential for grow. - 17273

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No Fat, Low Fat, and Wo Fat

By Dr. Bill

You must be the same age as me if you get the Hawaii 5-0 reference to Wo Fat, a villain from the old television show. A medical school classmate of mine got stuck with that for a nickname, and it fit him perfectly.

I've always hated low fat and no fat foods. They usually end up in the "disgusting" category in my book, and the garbage disposal in my home.

There ARE some low or no fat foods that taste pretty good. The key is to get them in as close to their natural state as possible. Like some good Jersey tomatoes with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and balsamic vinegar.

How about watermelon with a touch of salt? Or not?

Fresh cherries? Peaches?

Salad can be excellent if it's pulled fresh from the ground.

But I'm a realist, and this doesn't happen every day, or even month. But when the opportunity presents itself, go for it. Your body loves these ingredients, as opposed to Pop Tarts, and microwaved mac and cheese.

The other thing is, most low fat and no fat items are really not food, but a sort of chemical construct. See if you recognize any of the ingredients. And most of them contain artificial sweeteners, which are just plain bad for you.

Just remember what Julia Childs once said. "If you want to lose some weight, eat a little less. You don't need to eat a 16 ounce steak, or a one pound potato. Butter isn't your enemy, gluttony is!" Don't forget to sound that out in her unmistakable voice.

None of us need a "Larry The Cable Guy" explanation of why Hot Pockets aren't good for you - although he does a hilarious job of doing so if you've had the pleasure.

Eating food in its natural state is also key to long-term weight loss. If you ever have the chance to see how a group of chefs eat, you'd be surprised. Everything on the plates would be simple yet with pristine ingredients.

It used to be a pain to get good ingredients for cooking.

But finding fresh food today is a lot easier no matter where you live in the U.S. So gradually add some of these kind of meals into your weekly routine.

There was a study I just finished reading showing that people who made changes in their diets, and I'm not talking radical changes, as well as supplemented with pharmaceutical grade fish oil, lost weight and kept it off.

That's good news. Simple changes in diet, combined with an ultra pure pharmaceutical grade fish oil are a dynamite combination.

So get started now and you won't have to spend any time reading old magazines in an overcrowded waiting room, if you know what I mean. - 17273

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Cholesterol Reducing Diet

By Charlie Reese

We all know that too-high cholesterol levels spells trouble for your heart health. If your doctor has advised you of a high cholesterol condition, it's wise to take immediate steps to bring those numbers down. While there are cholesterol lowering medications you can take, there's so much you can do to accomplish your objective through dietary changes.

Here are some of the best cholesterol reducing foods, herbs and spices to work into your cholesterol reducing diet program. Including plentiful amounts of these foods and nutrients can whip those numbers into shape within as little as three months. These healthy dietary inclusions also offer an array of other benefits to your general health. Let's take a look.

Garlic is a top notch ingredient for any cholesterol reducing diet program. Many studies have found garlic equally effective in reducing cholesterol readings, when compared with pharmaceutical medications. Garlic also lowers your blood pressure, is an anti-cancer agent and effectively wards off colds and flus by enhancing your immune system response. Garlic is also a natural antibiotic, proven effective against 27 specific pathogens, including streptococcus. Douse your salads and entrees with garlic and save some cash on the meds!

An apple or two a day is another smart choice for your cholesterol reducing diet plan. While lowering cholesterol, they're loaded with vitamin A, warding off cancer and those nasty colds. Replace that candy bar with an apple for a healthful snack.

When you make salads, use raw spinach instead of lettuce. Packed with antioxidants and fiber, you'll reduce your risk of cancer while getting those cholesterol numbers down. Fresh spinach is most effective. You can add a side of lightly steamed spinach as a side dish to an entree of cold water fish, such as salmon, for a power dinner of a cholesterol reducing diet menu. A sprinkling of garlic in your meal certainly doesn't hurt!

Dress that salad with olive oil. Olive oil dissolves cholesterol deposits and is certainly an essential in any cholesterol reducing diet program. Don't forget the garlic! Incidentally, olive oil is good for your nerves and digestion.

Make broccoli a frequent snack or side dish. Pair raw broccoli florets with a spinach dip and eat to your heart's content. Rich in fiber and antioxidants, you can protect your body from cancer while simultaneously reducing cholesterol. Broccoli is a great food for diabetics, regulating blood sugar levels.

Soy products significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels. Try substituting a glass of soy milk for your afternoon soda. Tofu is a chameleon food, taking on the flavor of any food or broth it accompanies. Soak some sliced, extra firm tofu in chicken broth and fry lightly. Combine in a chef's salad of spinach, garlic and mushrooms for a tasty treat and a premium cholesterol reducing diet dish. Soy is an undisputed anti-cancer agent as well.

Speaking of mushrooms, Shiitake mushrooms are a powerful addition to your cholesterol reducing diet plan. Available fresh or dried, not only do they reduce your cholesterol, but simultaneously reduce HBP and reduce your risk of cancer.

Make cold water fish a regular part of your cholesterol reducing diet. Salmon, halibut, sea bass and tuna are all high in the Omega-3 fatty acids. While improving your cholesterol readings, you're decreasing cardiovascular risks, such as heart attacks by a whopping 50%! Explore curry recipes. Turmeric is the main ingredient, a spice which lowers cholesterol, aids digestion, reduces blood sugar levels, as well as your risk of cancer. If you suffer from arthritis, turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

It's interesting to note that foods which regulate cholesterol levels are most often potent anti-cancer agents. These foods are also easily combined into tasty recipes that make it easy to create a cholesterol reducing diet plan that's a pleasure to consume. Go for it! - 17273

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Pregnancy Weight Gain, How Much Is Enough?

By Ricardo d Argence

During and after the pregnancy, weight gain is common and something most women dislike. Putting on pregnancy pounds is absolutely necessary for the embryo to get the appropriate vitamins and minerals for healthy growth.

In the past, the concensus was that pregnant women should not gain any weight; however, now that pediatricians now understand more about a fetus' growth, that thinking has changed. One big question pregnant women always ask is how much weight should I gain during pregnancy.

Some exercise and a proper diet is extremely important for the mother and her child. The weight gained during pregnancy is distributed throughout a woman's body; most of it is the baby, some the placenta, some to the breasts (for milk production), and some as extra fluids needed during pregnancy.

The average pregnant woman should be prepared to gain approximately 15 lbs. Skinny women who gain 45 or 50 lbs is still considered a good weight during pregnancy.

However, with the use of ultra sounds some women find out they are going to have more than one baby. In this case, it is natural for pregnant mother to gain even more than that, because there are now more vitamins and minerals that need to be divided between the embryo's. Women who do not gain weight tend to have troubles with the development of the embryo, and can cause trouble for the newborn baby, they tend to be sickly babies.

300 calories a day is what a pregnant woman should consume. Junk foods are not really good for pregnant women. Mothers who will be expecting children will most likely see some gain in their weight when pregnancy begins, yet they possibly will not experience a significant amount of weight gain until in a later stage.

If you gain too much weight than its tough for you to lose your weight. In order to not cause your baby some future troubles you should not eat salt while pregnant.

Women that are obese tend to have higher blood pressure ratings, gestational diabetes, and other issue while they are pregnant. They also increase the chances of having a miscarriage.

Here are some instructions for a pregnant mother like light exercise and little bit swimming is good however they should consult with doctors who can give good advice. Swimming is a great way to burn calories; short walks and some easy exercises are good for pregnant women or consult with pediatrician.

Never forget that proper diet and exercise is important to facilitate healthy growth. - 17273

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Is the Healthier Choice Organic Food?

By Kiiera Success Group

Since organic food started to gain popularity in the late 1990s, people have been skeptical about the superiority of organics. Many people claimed that the benefits of organic over traditional products could not be proven. The truth is that there had simply not been enough testing done to prove the benefits of organic products or the drawbacks of traditionally produced food.

There have been various studies done to show the improved nutritional value of organic agriculture by analyzing the vitamin, nutrient, and mineral content of both organically and traditionally grown produce. There are significantly higher levels of various components in organic products, including:

* Chromium, prevents hardening of the arteries and type 2 diabetes * Calcium and Boron, build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis * Lithium, a common chemical in antidepressants and mood stabilizers * Salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory which can prevent heart disease * Antioxidants, protect cells from damage * Magnesium, helps prevent death during a heart attack * Selenium, helps prevent heart disease and certain cancers * Vitamin C, builds the immune system

While this list seems rather long, its not complete. While these nutrients have been found organic produce, they arent the only ones. This list could also get longer as more research is done about the nutrient benefits of organic food.

While its important to look at the beneficial properties of organic food, we must take into account the harmful effects of traditionally grown foods to fully understand why organic food is superior. When many of the chemicals used in farming were approved, there had been little research to show whether or not these chemicals we harmful. Research has since found that most of these chemicals have negative effects on humans. Non-organic foods have been analyzed and have been found to contain harmful chemicals, heavy metals, solvents, and various hormones. Some of the conditions linked with these substances include:

* cancer * heart disease * osteoporosis * migraines * hyperactivity * decreased intelligence * impaired hearing * less growth in childhood * anemia * Alzheimers * multiple sclerosis * rheumatoid arthritis * early puberty * increase in antibiotic-resistant disease strains

Again, this list is just part of the harmful side effects of these chemicals. There are likely many more conditions to be added to this list after more research is done. Also, most of the research has been done on the affects of single chemicals, and not multiple offenders as are normally found on conventional food. While several of these chemicals have been banned, they are still present in regular and organic food. This is because they linger in the soil; some have been there for over 20 years.

While there are obviously many benefits to organic agriculture, it is not without its faults. First of all, organic products are more expensive. Depending on where you buy organic food, it could cost twice as much as regular grocery store brands. There is also concern that natural fertilizers such as plant material and manure could contain harmful organisms, such as e coli. Although this can be rare it can also make consumers very sick.

Even with the drawbacks, organic food production is proving to be much safer for consumption than other foods available. Along with the health benefits, organic agricultural practices also benefit the environment; keeping it viable for years to come. - 17273

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What to do when you're sick of drinking protein shakes all day

By Jon Cardozo

It can be difficult at times to stick to your muscle building routine. One of the classic examples of this can be found in your kitchen. Protein shakes can become pretty old after a while. Your taste buds are probably asking for some new excitement in their lives!

If you're having the same problem and want to spice up your protein shakes, you can start by adding some simple flavors. Natural peanut butter or almond butter would be a good start since you need extra calories. But sometimes it's still not enough. What if you're still tired of taking the same drinks every day. Well, you could simply stop drinking them all together.

You should understand that protein shakes should not to be the basis of your muscle building diet. You need plenty of nutrients which are not always available in these powders, so you should focus on eating plenty of whole foods. These protein supplements should be treated as their name suggests - as supplements and not the core of your diet. Think about the original purpose of these supplements.

Well, besides making companies money, these protein drinks are designed to be a convenient way to consume extra protein. This is useful because sometimes it's difficult to get enough calories and protein from your meals, especially when you're on the go (and who isn't these days).

Still, it's unhealthy to drink nothing but protein shakes all day. Furthermore, it's not really necessary to drink any protein drinks, otherwise known as liquid meals, at all. It is possible, though it may be difficult, to get all of you required protein and calories from your meals.

Of course, remember to balance your added calories with the proper weight training exercises. Otherwise, all those extra calories will simply expand your love handles and not your biceps.

A friend of mine began eating a bunch of calories including throwing eggs into his protein shakes every day. Believe it or not, he didn't combine it with weight training, and his waistline suffered as a result.

Always remember that the core concepts of building muscle involve strength training exercises and proper weight gaining diet. No supplement, even a protein shake, can replace the fundamentals. - 17273

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Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome

By Chrisitan Goodman

A friend and fellow chocolate lover recently told me of a new discovery of his - eating a Snickers bar, fresh from the freezer.

My friend's wife, however, suffers from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. Her condition is exacerbated by the cold of the frozen candy. When asked, she was quite eager to share the symptoms of her condition.

Most TMJ sufferers experience the same or similar symptoms but some are always surprising. Or, at least this is what I have found in researching this condition to create my TMJ program.

The acronym TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint. This is what some people mistakenly refer to as a disorder, however, TMJ syndrome is actually a disorder of the joint.

The TMJ is responsible for allowing us to talk chew and yawn. They are located on either side of the face in front of the ears. TMJs are made up of blood vessels, nerves, bones and muscles.

This joint can be found by placing a finger in front of the ear and then opening and closing the mouth. The jawbone is responsible for opening and closing the mouth, acting as a hinge and performing a gliding action, allowing the mouth to open wide.

A disorder occurs when the joint gets eroded and slides out of its alignment. Some medical conditions (i.e., arthritis) damage the cartilage that makes up the joint. An injury can also cause this disorder.

This condition can also be caused when the joint is over used. This is one of the reasons it's so unhealthy to grind or clench your teeth. In addition to eroding your teeth, it can cause the TMJ disorder. Certain others are born with an irregular development of the joint.

There are certain triggers which can bring on symptoms such as repeatedly grinding or clenching your teeth, poor posture of the face and neck, direct exposure to cold air or air conditioning on the face, eating cold foods or drinks, getting poor sleep and stress.

TMJ syndrome affects women more than men. Experts say 5-15% of the population but agree the number is likely higher due to misdiagnosis.

Symptoms of this disorder include: Pain in the face, pain or tenderness in the jaw, difficulty opening and closing the mouth, headache, earache, and neck pain. Some experience a clicking sound with pain.

The comforting news is that in most cases, no surgery is required. If the cause is something you can correct (i.e., teeth grinding or poor neck posture) you and your doctor/dentist can take steps to correct the problem.

In my friend's wife's case it was all about temperature. Eating cold food or drinks or direct exposure to cold air or air-conditioning were triggers for her condition. Thanks to my TMJ program she was able to learn good habits to bring about relief to this disorder.

In fact, I've received so many good reviews of my program, I'm overwhelmed by the reviews. If you haven't found relief from TMJ syndrome and are looking for an answer, please try my program. If headache is a common symptom for you, I would also try my Migraine and Headache program.

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