Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Food Alkaline or Acidic?

By Anthony Gutierrez

Is food acidic or alkaline? It is hard to tell. For example, once lemons are digested they are basic or alkaline even though they are acidic to start with. Eating a significant amount of alkalizing foods is important to balance a raw food diet.

First Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens and broccoli are great alkalizing agents. Next dandelion and wild edible grasses are also alkalizing.

Alkalizing foods such as parsley, cilantro, basil, garlic and grasses such as wheat and barley grass, sprouts and sea vegetables like kelp, nori, dulse, spirulina and blue green algae are good foods to consume. Shitake, maitake, and reishi, medicinal mushrooms, help make the body more basic.

Life is all about balance. This universal truth is especially profound when speaking of body pH levels. Body pH is the human bodys need to stay at a certain pH level. Levels of pH are measured on a scale from zero to 14, in which zero is very acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is very alkaline.

In the human body, the pH of blood must remain at a slightly alkaline level of 7.35-7.45. To keep you healthy and maintain the blood pH some of the body's other fluids are maintained at different pH levels. Your cells and organs are constantly working and filtering what you eat to sustain these pH levels throughout the body.

Bacteria, viruses, yeast and other harmful organisms thrive when the blood system is more acidic. It is important that the pH is balanced for your total well being. If the pH balance is on the alkaline end of the scale it creates an uninviting environment for things that make you ill. Consuming more alkaline foods than acid foods is important and beneficial to your overall fitness.

The specific ratio of alkaline foods to acid foods determines pH balance and good health which is what consumers find out when they learn more about nutrition. Human blood registers about 7.4 on the pH scale. What this means is the blood is naturally alkaline. Proper balance of alkaline foods to acid foods is what the body needs to maintain this level. - 17273

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Why Should You Protect Your Health?

By Vincent Roumou

Health is a key to everything else in life. If a person desires to be successful, then he or she has to be healthy.

Losing your health may bring about financial ruin. People with health problems often have trouble remaining employed. If you miss too many days at one job, it may jeopardize your search for a new job. Persons who constantly call into the job sick are the first to go when the economy begins to tighten up. Even in a strong economy, employers do not want to keep these people on the payroll as it can cost the company a substantial amount of money in benefits.

Here are some tips that may help you to keep your health.

Eat the right foods. You need a healthy diet to stay well. One which is balanced in nutrients is essential to keep you from getting sick. You will need carbs for energy, protein for building damaged tissue and fruits and veggies for vitamins and minerals.

You got to move it, move it... That is right, exercise is good for your health. You may feel that you are so out of shape that you cannot exercise. Begin somewhere, even if you must sit in a chair to exercise, toning those muscles helps your body to be a more efficient machine. In the long run, you will be a healthier human.

Spend time with friends. Everyone needs some time with other people. If we are only involved with ourselves, and spend all our time at the computer or watching television, we are not going to take care of ourselves. A friend can help us to see hope in the most desperate situations. Hope can lead us to have better health.

While health is not all that is needed to get ahead in life, a lack of health can cause great setbacks. - 17273

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Parents Getting Older

By Dr. Jason Fowler

The average age of Americans is increasing year-by-year. Approximately 77 million babies were born in the United States during the boom years of 1946 to 1964. In 2011, the oldest will turn 65, and on average can expect to live to 83. Many will continue well into their 90s. Most people continue to retain the habits they developed as children and teenagers. For many Americans, these habits include lack of regular exercise, sedentary activities, and poor nutrition.

As adults we no longer possess the free pass we had when we were kids. If we continue to eat high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods, we'll gain more and more weight. If we persist in viewing regular exercise as an unnecessary indulgence, we will continue to experience high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune systems. Older adults who resist the importance of good nutrition and regular exercise are also missing the thrill and sheer joy of having a vibrantly healthy, high-efficiency body. In contrast, older adults can achieve high levels of fitness, or even satisfactory levels, and feel much more youthful than they have in years.

Young adults who are the children of older adults can set a good example for fitness. Of course, this strategy is the reverse of what we're used to, our parents setting the example for us. But good examples work both ways, and smart parents may be willing to take a tip from their kids.

The first good example is regular exercise. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 30 minutes of exercise five times per week. Most Americans do no exercise at all. Get your parents into the routine by inviting them to go for a walk or bringing them to the gym and showing them a few basic exercises. For our parents, the key is to get them started. Keep encouraging them, not as something they "should" do, but rather as something they could bring into their lives as a "choice". No one wants to do what they "should". Make it an invitation - make it fun.

Begin to set a good example with nutrition. Take your parents out to dinner at a healthy place - talk to them about eating smaller portions, avoiding fried and processed foods, and food combining. Food combining means eating a portion of protein and a portion of carbohydrate at every small meal. For most people, altering their food habits-of-a-lifetime is pretty radical. Help your parents learn how to take small steps in the direction of healthy nutrition, rather than attempting to change everything at once. Again, help them have fun with it. Good nutrition is a choice.

For all of us, it's important to walk the talk. Our kids - and even our parents sometimes - will mimic what we do. We want our own lifestyle choices to be healthy and life-promoting, so our kids and our parents have a good example to follow. Your chiropractor is an expert in using exercise and nutrition as a means of helping patients restore good health. We will be glad to provide valuable information on both of these topics for you and your whole family.

1MetLife Demographic Profile. MetLife Mature Market Institute, New York, NY, 2006 2Howard RA, et al:Physical activity and breast cancer risk among pre- and postmenopausal women in the U.S. Radiologic Technologists cohort. Cancer Causes Control October 21, 2008 3Leitzmann MF, et al: Physical activity recommendations and decreased risk of mortality. Arch Intern Med 167 - 17273

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Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of Your Gym Program

By Mark Mason

With increasing health consciousness and the desire of keeping the body in good shape gaining momentum, people are increasingly enrolling their names in gyms. However, if you have already managed to get rid off the extra kilos, you should concentrate your efforts on muscle growth to get into a well built shape.

If bodybuilding is what you are targeting at, you should obtain a good gym membership. Not only will you be able to stay enthused, you will also get the type of guidance and equipment that is necessary for bodybuilding. Once you have registered with the gym you need to create an appropriate gym schedule to make sure that you can extract the maximum out of your efforts.

The primary thing to do is to get your exercise schedule charted out. An instructor from the gym can assist you with developing goals and the plan that you would be required to follow to achieve them. You must make sure that your entire week is properly planned, including what exercises you will perform, how much weight you will lift and what number of times you will be repeating a specific exercise on any given day.

Mental preparation before you begin your daily exercise is a necessity to put you in the correct mindset. Any quantum of laziness or relaxation should be first overcome, because these might interfere with your regimen and may also be harmful for your health. To remain committed to your programme, you should maintain high levels of dedication and stay in a competitive and spirited mood.

Keep record of your progress after you have initiated yourself into a gym schedule. This will assist in keeping things on track and you will realise that you are in absolute control of your program. Putting down your advancement in writing and seeing it on paper will raise your motivation and propel you towards achieving your goal.

Trainers in a good gym will be experienced enough to recommend you the correct method for performing a specific workout in your gym program. But if you get a hint that you have registered with a novice instructor, then it is always better to double check from a bodybuilding guide or on the internet if the technique you are being taught is scientifically proven and safe.

Finally, your diet plan forms a critical element of a gym program. All good gyms have in-house dieticians, who can advise you on what and how much to eat so that you get adequate quantity of carbohydrates and proteins to support your exercise regime. - 17273

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Fighting the Obesity Epidemic One Person at a Time

By Nate Barnett

We live in a world full of obese people. That is really no surprise to most of us. With the obesity rate on the rise there is no doubt that America is facing an obesity epidemic. Most of the super obese know it is a true problem and they are definitely a part of it. The super obese, at least many of them, truly wish they can control some of their cravings for food. What are we doing as Americans to control this issue? Why arent more people involved in trying to solve this problem? It all starts with you.

There is no doubt that America today is facing an obesity epidemic. Oh wait, its already here. There are more people becoming overweight everyday and this nonsense has to stop quickly or we will all be paying for it even more. Health care costs are already up the roof and with Obamas new plan on health care it will even worsen. Are your pockets deep enough to help those who are at risk of heart disease caused by poor diet? Or are you part of the problem?Everyday, more and more people are becoming obese. Our public schools are getting rid of gym classs everyday saying that Mathematics and Science is much more important than staying in shape. The only problem that America faces with people being so overweight is the issues we are having with Health Care costs and obesity. The question arises for many people is, are they causing this problem.

So many people are educated about nutrition and exercise, yet so many Americans are doing very little if anything to take care of themselves. Most people will not do any exercise or eat healthy until a medical professional tells them they will die very early if they do not do something right away to combat their eating habits and lack of exercise. Most people will be on the go right after the initial shocking interview with their doctor and they will watch what they eat and exercise. That typically only lasts a few short months and these people are back at the old habits that will eventually kill them.

What can we do to stop this obesity epidemic? Individually and collectively we can start making a difference. However, it does start with you. Are you the root of the problem? Do you overeat? How many times do you exercise on any given week? If you are part of the problem I would suggest you make some drastic changes to your behaviors that are keeping you overweight. You can do it. Do it for yourself, not just because of the epidemic.

My recommendation to everyone right now is to win the fight of obesity. Overcome the addictions that are holding so many Americans bound from enjoying a life of true freedom; a life full of happiness and confidence. I am convinced that many of Americans problems would be solved if we took care of our physical selves and treated our bodies like temples. - 17273

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Guide to a Great Workout

By Jesse Regan

Many things have been made much easier with the internet around and this includes inquiring about the most effective workout program. If you live in a suburb, it is too much effort for you to go to a gym or seek an advice from a fitness trainer on workout issues. With an internet connection at home, however, you can just go to any website that offers recommendations online. From there, you can get the professional help you need. However, despite the abundance of workout programs, you can still get frustrated from the failures you might meet. You may blame the workout program you are into but it is possible that you just do not have the right attitude. Below are some guidelines so that you can get the best mind-set before starting and during the workout program itself.

Set a realistic target. Every effort must have a direction. A realizable objective must be drawn up before setting out with the workout routine. This is where strong motivations are anchored. Without this, one can just let go of the entire routine anytime. The target must also neither be too soft or too hard on the body. However, as the workout advances, it is possible to raise targets a notch higher.

You should draw a detailed plan that you can follow while carrying out your workouts. Included in the plan are the schedules and the routines to be implemented. It should be a flexible plan. You should not only be able to follow it religiously but also to make adaptations when it is necessary to keep up with later developments.

Observe the results often. If possible, put into writing any development in the workout. Doing so would provide the information on which decisions regarding the workout can be based. Any problem that is met along the way can be given attention immediately and solved. On the other hand, positive breakthroughs can fuel up the passion to continue and succeed in the workout program.

Do not set aside proper diet and rest. You are not required to fast just because you are on a fitness program. In fact, you need to eat and have enough rest just as long as you do not overdo both. What is needed is just a little discipline in the choice of food you make. Your body definitely needs to rest also. A workout is not a punishment for some offence so you can always get a breather when needed.

Change the program if necessary. The longer one has been on a certain program, the easier for him to get bored. Doing the same workout routine repeatedly every day has this setback. It is, therefore, important to introduce changes and avoid trashing the entire workout. Trying new routines will help, especially those more challenging and rigorous for the body. This increases physical capabilities while keeping away from the pitfall of monotony. These are only some of the many valuable workout video information that you can find online. - 17273

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4 Arm Toning Mistakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There are lots of women who have it all wrong when it comes to nutrition for getting toned arms. Maybe you are one of them

If this is the case, you're not to blame. You see, all the marketers and product pushers have created a giant ball of flabby arm confusion.

I know because I used to be completely lost.

Luckily for you, I've cleared up the confusion though years of research and trial and error.

Thus, here are 4 arm toning mistakes that I discovered along the way:

1. Going overboard with protein. Protein has a lot of benefits, but if you have too much the benefits quickly vanish. How much is too much? More than 30% of your total caloric intake.

2. Assuming whole grains are key to arm fat loss. Whole grains are healthier than most processed alternatives. However, whole grains are not optimal for someone that is very sedentary. If you're just starting out with losing arm fat, then whole grains are ok. But eventually you'll want to transition into legumes.

3. Considering dietary supplements as being completely safe. If only the supplement industry were regulated, but it's not. So until the government steps up and oversees the supplement manufacturing process, be very critical of what you put into your body.

4. Allowing more than 5 hours pass between meals. Optimally, you want to eat every 3 hours for a wide variety of physiological reasons. 5 hours, however, is the absolute limit. Once you go past this time frame, arm-fat burning muscle gets wasted away.

Steering clear of the above arm fat no no's will make the process of getting toned arms that much easier. So make sure to take action on this advice now and not later. Because later usually never comes! And don't forget to view all the marketing hype with a critical eye. Only then will you be able to get lean and sexy arms once and for all! - 17273

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Gourmet Mushroom Lion's Mane Supports Nerve Regeneration

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Out of the kitchen, into the pharmacy, the gourmet mushroom Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) with its unique flavor resembling lobster or shrimp appears to also possess likewise unique medicinal properties. It has been found to stimulate nerve and myelin regeneration, which may be beneficial in many neurological conditions. World renowned medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets suggests its potential application in conditions such as Alzheimer's, dementia, multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. [134]

Hericium erinaceus (Lion's Mane) is known to grow in Europe, North America, Japan and China. It can be found on many broad leaf trees, from oaks, maples and sycamores to beeches and walnuts.

"Erinacines" is the name of the medicinal compounds from Hericium erinaceus that are being researched for their neurological health benefits. They are small enough to pass through the blood brain barrier, which or course is a requirement in order to effect any healing on the myelin sheaths or neurons. [152, 153, 154]

In Japan, there are two patents on extracts of Hericium erinaceus. The first was filed in the 1990's for a process of extraction that yields what has been named "Nerve Growth Stimulant Factor." [150, 151] The second from 2004 is for a water extract of Hericium erinaceus. It is likewise used to stimulate nerve regeneration. [155]

In addition to its effect on nerve regeneration, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also prescribes Hericium erinaceus extract for stomach and digestive conditions, as well as cancers of the digestive tract and related organs.

Two modern studies have confirmed this ancient wisdom. One done in 1985 showed positive results for treating atrophic gastritis. Another conducted a decade later, in 1995, showed some ameliorating effect on hepatoma, with a marked life extension of treated patients. [156]

In conclusion, additional medical research studies on Hericium erinaceus extract that are worth mentioning have shown it to have some therapeutic effect in the following areas: Immune stimulating [157]; antimicrobial against Aspergillus and Candida [158]; anti-tumoral [159]; inflammation [134]; stomach cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes.

Credits: Thank you, Paul Stamets, for research references. - 17273

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13 Cool Facts About Water That You Should Know

By Harvey Kent

Water is the most important element of life. Our bodies are 77% liquid out of which 70% is water. Water is the giver of life. Without it, life as we know it would not exist. So the water we drink and it's quality has a very important impact on our health. Here are 12 cool facts about water:

1) If you want to make the best choice for drinking water, you have to take into consideration the content of minerals it offers. It has to be balanced, and the best water for consumption come from accredited sources such as bottled spring waters both sparkling or flat.

2) Bottled teas, sodas and alcoholic drinks are both unhealthy and inefficient in quenching your thirst. They contain all sorts of bad chemicals, preservatives and tones of sugars. Plus they tend to have a diuretic effect and so they achieve the undesired effect of dehydrating your body and making you thirsty.

3) Water filters should be chosen based upon the type of water you have at home. A simple chemical analysis can help you spot undesired issues so that you can buy the best filter to fit your needs. Also their maintenance is just as important, so regular filter changes are a must.

4) Ice can be harmful to people who suffer from cardiovascular illnesses. The difference in temperature can produce a sudden shock in their organism.

5) While eating please refrain yourself from drinking water because you tend to forget to chew your food properly. Proper mastication is necessary for a healthy diet.

6) Never drink hot tap water. It is very corrosive and often contains harmful agents. Cold tap water that has been boiled is far better for your body.

7) On average 3 liters of water is wasted by every human by just brushing his teeth once. If you brush 3 times a day that's almost 10 liters of wasted water per day. You can avoid this problem simply by closing the tap when brushing and by using a cup for rinsing.

8) The human body is made up of 77% liquids. But did you know that a lot of the aliments you consume are also largely made up of water? For example carrots are 90% water, even though they are pretty hard.

9) From the day he is born till the day that he dies, a normal person drinks about 60 000 liters of water. An Olympic swimming pool has about 2 500 000 liters.

10) Although mineral water, as the name implies, contains minerals they are, for the most part, inorganic minerals. Don't confuse them with organic mineral such as those found in whole wheat products. These inorganic minerals can be harmful and can cause serious problems such as arthritis and kidney stones.

11) 97% of all the water on planet Earth is found in oceans. Only 3% is fresh water and 3/4 has the form of glaciers.

12) The average person uses about 270 liters of water daily. 140 liters are used on an average 15 minutes shower. The sailors on submarines can't afford such waste. They shower for just 2 minutes and keep the water running only to rinse. They use about 6 liters.

13) Water, no matter how clean it may seem, contains impurities such as minerals for example. The only pure H2O is distilled water. - 17273

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Five Fat Loss Mistakes People Make

By Tomuse Gospuse

Right to the point, there are five different mistakes people do due to fat loss. I watch men and women do this everyday. Make sure you aren't doing these mistakes and you will burn fat.

1. Not having any support behind you

Trying to lose fat without any social support from your friends, family, trainer, etc. is not the way to go. Research has proved that with social support you will most likely be successful in burning fat. Concentrate on two people out of your social support that has be successful as well.

2. Not following a program that will keep them on track

How do you approach the gym? Do you walk in thinking about where to start and what you are going to do today? You are wasting your time. A plan needs to be made so that you know what you are going to work on. Stay with the plan, now whenever you enter the gym you know exactly what is going to be done.

3. Staying with the same workout for more than 4 weeks

No same workout should be continued for more than 4 weeks, especially if you haven't been receiving much results. Mix it up a here and there often, you will see awesome results and have more fun exercising.

4. What you eat

If you want to lose fat you will have to eat right for fat loss to occur. You won't be able to train like an animal then eat junk food and still expect to lose fat. No program can promise you that. Diet is just as important as training, eat whole natural foods in 6 medium sized meals a day. Intake lots of fiber, a lot of protein and vegetables. Eat good fats, stay away from trans fat and Drink as much water as you possibly can. Pretty simple, very effective.

5. Not understanding their limit

I always get asked by people if adding more lifting and cardio to their workout is good, no it isn't. People get this crazy idea that if they add more cardio and lifting to their training it would be even better for them. Doing so is not advised.

Your body can breakdown to fast from too much exercise, especially when you are dieting. Over training and low calories do not go together. This type of combo will not make your engine run at optimum performance.

Aim for quality not quantity in your workouts. For quite a bit of reasons stay with good quality training and a good quality diet. All that really is important is the results you get not the tiredness of your muscles or the tiredness after each workout. What's important is quality exercises and nutrition. You are aiming for a healthier good looking body that you can be proud of. - 17273

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Tips On Picking The Right Gym

By Brown Young

For health-conscious individuals, all roads lead to a gym, which serves all their fitness goals. The number of gyms has grown immensely over the last decade and the facilities available at these places have also attained a whole new level. They are no longer used by only body builders or serious sportsmen. They are actually packed with fitness conscious people, who are men and women of all age groups and from all walks of life.

However, some unscrupulous profiteers try to cash in on the gym culture by opening unprofessional centres that have no appropriate equipment, and people can risk their health by frequenting such places. Hence it is essential to keep a few key points in mind while picking the correct gym for yourself.

Your inspiration levels can be notably affected if the gym is situated far off from your place of work or home. Therefore, close proximity of the gym is very important. The overall environment in the gym, which includes the mindset of the staff, the design, air-conditioning etc, must also be factored in. Moreover, the interiors should not be cluttered with equipments or cause any sort of discomfort during exercise. Only gyms with latest equipment and modern facilities should be chosen. This is a crucial criterion, because faulty equipment will not only hamper the results, but may even be dangerous for you.

The availability of add-on facilities, like sauna etc always enhances the credibility of a gym. Many gyms even boast of special day care centres that keep kids occupied while their parents sweat it out in the exercise area.

Another important aspect is whether the gym provides personal training facility or not. Personal training is an excellent way to get yourself a tailored fitness routine and to stay motivated. The personal trainers available must be committed, determined and accessible so that you are able to derive the maximum out of their expertise.

A gym whose registration charge stretches your budget or seems to be much higher given the facilities it offers must not be chosen. You may go for annual or even longer packages that would significantly cut down your expenditure on membership, but don't fall for a lock-in period that you are not comfortable with.

The aim is to be satisfied and energized after every exercise session inside a gym and the expected satisfaction levels are what should ultimately help you take a decision. - 17273

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Are High Protein Diets Effective For Getting Toned Arms?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

With all the savvy marketing out there it can be virtually impossible to find the right diet for getting toned arms. Unless you have a degree in exercise science, making the right decisions can be extremely hard.

I was once in this exact same situation.

Even worse, the experts can't even agree on which diet is best. And if they can't agree, how are you supposed to make a choice???

Well, luckily for you, I've already navigated these waters many times over. And I've also looked at the research again and again, and again.

So without further ado, here are 4 reasons why high-protein diets are effective for reducing flabby arms:

1. Ease of implementation: Merely cutting out carbohydrates from your diet is extremely simple. The elimination of a single food group does not take much work. And if it doesn't take much work, you are more likely to stick with it.

2. Extremely fast weight loss: If rapid results send your levels of motivation through the roof, then this may be the diet for you. However, keep in mind that the MAJORITY of initial weight loss is merely water

3. Massive hunger reductions: Once you go into ketosis from the high protein intake, your appetite will virtually disappear. Seriously.

4. Lowest insulin levels: Insulin is the arm fat loss gatekeeper. And with no carbs in your diet, insulin will be as low as possible. Low levels of insulin allow you to get rid of flabby arms very quickly.

Is it time to throw out the carbs and buy a bunch of meat? Probably not. You see, high protein diets come with a lot of negatives. And I believe the negatives outweigh the positives. Unfortunately, I can't cover everything in a single article, so keep your eyes peeled. And always remember to do solid research before going on an extreme diet. Good luck! - 17273

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