Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hemorrhoid Miracle - Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

By Todd Titus

Hemorrhoids are not only pain in the butt but real pain in medication. Most people with this burden avoid seeing the doctor due to some personal reasons and instead go to the over the counter medications.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins just inside the anus. They produce pain if they come out of the anus with a bowel movement because of constriction. Once they come out, the skin around them and the veins themselves are inflamed. So the next question you might be asking is What causes hemorrhoids and their symptoms?

When there is pressure on the vein that prevents the blood flow from returning to the heart, sometimes the veins just inside the anus become swollen for they become constricted due to the large amount of stool that stays. Also, a job in which a person sits all of the time can produce hemorrhoids. Straining and sitting a long time on the toilet trying to have a bowel movement is also thought to produce hemorrhoids and diarrhea causes hemorrhoids by the same mechanism.

Increased intra abdominal pressure from heavy lifting or a chronic cough from asthma, smoking or any chronic lung disease causes hemorrhoids because the increased pressure is like straining at stool that obstructs the flow of blood through the veins that cause the swelling. Obesity can also cause an increased intra abdominal pressure just by the weight of the abdominal wall. It is associated also with hemorrhoids. Pregnancy produces swollen veins and hemorrhoids due to a moderately increased blood volume, and also because the pregnancy itself may slightly block some of the return venous blood flow from the lower pelvis and rectum. Rectoceles can also be associated with hemorrhoids when the rectal wall protrudes out of the vagina and obstructs the veins in the wall of the rectum below.

If one or more of the swollen veins becomes "scratched" by hard stool, it may cause bright red bleeding. Often this is painless bleeding and comes out in the toilet bowl water or on toilet paper. Most bright red rectal bleeding is due to hemorrhoids but there is always concern that a rectal cancer could be present. So next time consider a rectal exam by a physician to avoid even more trouble in the future. - 17273

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Raw Food Benefits

By George B. Siba

What is the Raw Food Diet? The raw food diet is more than salads, carrots and celery sticks. Raw cuisine can be delicious and interesting, or it can be dreary. Some of the world's best resorts now offer raw food menus and there has been a great effort by chiefs around the world to come up with recipes that are worth eating.

At least 75 percent of the food that is eaten in the raw food diet is not cooked. Heating food above 116 degrees F destroys the enzymes in the food that helps with digestion. Foods that are included in the raw food diet are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, legumes, seaweeds, dried fruit, freshly made juices, raw carob powder, cold pressed olive oil and certain spices, seasonings and mineral water. Dried food is allowable because drying doesnt kill off the enzymes.

Raw foods are high in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, dietary fibers, antioxidants and lots of live goodness. Most raw foods are easily digested; this saves your bodys energy for other things. Raw fruit and vegetables are high in water content, this helps with the constipation that can sometimes happen on a high fiber diet.

Most foods in nature contain the enzymes needed for your body to break them down. When we cook food, we destroy these enzymes. This means we have to break them down ourselves using our own digestive juices.

The enzymes our body makes arent as efficient as the natural ones, and our body has to work hard to make them. This takes resources away from out bodys systems that keep us from being susceptible to illness, disease and premature ageing. If we eat raw food that helps with the digestion process; we dont have to draw on these resources that could be put to better use.

One of the benefits of the raw food diet is active enzymes. Most of the foods in natural state contain the enzymes needed to break them down. When food is cooked, these enzymes are destroyed. This means we have to break them down ourselves using digestive enzymes our body has to make. This takes energy and our enzymes arent as efficient as the natural ones, and our body has to work hard to make them. If we eat raw food that has the enzymes that helps digest it; we dont use our bodys energy to do this and we can live longer, healthier lives.

Fruit and vegetables have high water content, this helps with the constipation that can sometimes be a problem with a high fiber diet. Many people report having clearer skin and stronger nails and fuller hair. I dont know of anyone who has not lost at least some weight when they switched.

Part of the raw food diet includes suggestions like which food should be eaten together, eating only organic food, and only eating sprouted grains. This can be hard to stick to for some of us, I found the best way to go at it is to start off with something raw every meal and then add a raw food every week. Add nuts, seeds or a salad or fruit to your meals. By doing this you are adding active enzymes that will help you digest the food faster and you are easing into eating raw.

Whole, ripe, raw, organic foods in their natural state are what your body needs to be vibrant and free of disease. - 17273

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Tea and Your Health

By Christoph O Conner

Tea has been used as a great health benefit for many years throughout the world. Tea has been known boost a person immune system due to the many disease fighting ingredients it contains. Tea is no longer simply a beverage but rather a way to stay healthy.

Green tea is known to have some of the best health benefits. Green tea is has strong disease fighting antioxidants such as EGCG. It can restore a poor immune system and even deter diseases such as cancer.

How tea is processed plays a great role in the amount of immunity it offers. Green tea is considered the best for your immune system in that it is made with the least amount of processing. Therefore the less processed the tea is the more health benefits it offers.

Human trials have been conducted showing that tea contains an amino acid called L-thanine. This particular ammino acid is known for its disease fighting abilities and also boosts the immune system. This evidence has helped tun the opinion of many skeptics around.

Tea is great for the immune system but also plays a strong role in helping with many other ailments. Tea helps keep our digestive tract in order and kills of bad cells that cause cancer. Not only is tea rich in antioxidants but it also helps keep our teeth strong.

Tea not only boosts your immune system but also has practically zero calories and is a very healthy alternative to most drinks. In order to gain the benefits of most tea a person should drink about two to four cups of tea day. People who drink tea have been found to have higher levels of anti-bacterial proteins than those who don't.

People who drink tea regulary can count on a healthy immune system as well as strong defense against many diseases. Tea is a great way to stay healthy and prevent future diseases and health problems. Since it cant really hurt, its a good idea to try and incorporate tea into your life in some way. - 17273

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Wedding Weight Loss and Water

By Ricardo d Argence

If your wedding is coming up soon, no doubt you want to make sure that you look your best. For some this may include loosing a bit of weight. Perhaps you want to take off a few pounds to make that dress fit better, or maybe you just want to make sure you look amazing for the wedding night.

No matter what the reason, you likely want to find a practical method to drop some weight. Drinking plenty of water is one way to lose weight. Let's examine the ways water can assist you in losing sufficient weight in time for your marriage.

Would you like to know how to lose weight by drinking water? One of the principal ways that water assists with weight loss is by increasing the rate at which your body burns calories. It works well enough that it can give you a 3% boost in the speed that your body burns off calories. That's a fact!

Often when you think you're hungry, it's really just that your body is dehydrated so consuming more water will help you lose weight. This leads to consuming more calories. You are less likely to get dehydrated and it can help you prevent problems with overeating, which will help you take off some pounds,when you drink plenty of water.

Of course not only will you find that drinking plenty of water can help you to lose weight, but there are other great benefits that you can enjoy as well. When you drink more water, you'll benefit from less water retention, better energy levels, and your skin may even clear up.

It will even reduce the risk of kidney stones as when drinking plenty of water and helps to get rid of toxins in the body. Other benefits include reductions in blood pressure and cholesterol, plus headache and joint pain relief.

So how much water does it take to lose the weight you want to lose before your wedding day? Eight glasses of water - 64 ounces - is the minimum amount per day. But, you need to drink a little more everyday in order to loose weight.

It may be helpful to remember that you should, daily, drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight. In order to boost your energy and metabolism,you need to drink a minimum of 75 ounces of water if your weight is about 150 pounds. Or, if your weight is 180 pounds, then you need to drink 90 ounce of water. - 17273

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Weight Gain After Menopause and How to Avoid it

By Ricardo d Argence

Remember the days when you had a model figure like the ones you see on the cover of glossy magazines. It would seem like ages ago especially when you have reached the menopause stage. By that time bulging in the abdomen would be pretty obvious and would continue to gain around one pound per year. This may not be a good thing, but women need to face up to it.

Why is it so hard to maintain one's body weight after menopause? Some people would suspect a change in the hormonal levels for the gain in body mass. But what is more evident is the alteration in the mature person's lifestyle.

The days when you had tons of energy to do a bunch of activies and exercise are over. Food is now used as a pastime, for most people. And the older one gets, the slower the metabolism becomes, this promotes the body to replace muscle with fat.

In turn, fat burns lesser calories than muscle does and more fat decreases the body's metabolic rate. If all this doesn't seem applicable, then the increase in weight could be attributed to genetic factors when family members and relatives show the same tendency.

Some people do not mind having a little flab, but obesity has serious health consequences. We frequently learn about family, friends and co-workers who have hypertension, osteoporosis and heart trouble for no other reason than they're overweight.

The worst-case scenario is a fatal heart attack or stroke. On top of that if you gain weight your risk for high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes becomes greater. Those ladies who gain more than 25lbs. after going through menopause have a better chance of having breast cancer.

So what is a mature woman to do to reverse the weight increase phenomenon? If less activity and more food consumption would mean getting fat, then the sure way to turn it around is to do the exact opposite. This translates to getting into an exercise program that will help transform those fats into muscles.

Cardio-boosting aerobic exercises, as well as weight training, are fun ways to affect weight loss. Any form of physical activity which gets you moving, such as walking, biking or dancing, will do until you are ready for more strenuous exercise.

There are many delicious meals and snacks whose calorie count is not too high. Moderation is the key to a person's success in any endeavor.

The most effective and least costly medicine is always prevention. Therefore, a weight-loss program should be started before the onset of menopause. It important to learn to the lessons of keeping to an ideal weight by consuming good nutritional food while you're young. The key to good health throughout life is patience and discipline. Even during menopause, with the right attitude you can control your weight. - 17273

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Hypnosis for weight loss

By jackson young

Are you stressed with the limited success you are getting with dieting and exercise? Stress from work and family life as well as negative food ideas affect your ability to lose weight. Hypnosis can help you eliminate these impediments from the depths of your subconscious mind to create an effortless approach to a healthy diet and exercise program.

If you want to accomplish these goals, hypnosis is extremely effective. When you are in the temporary, altered state of hypnosis you become so absorbed in your experience that the world fades away from your attention. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy can provide long-term changes and is a form of psychotherapy.

You can break the unwanted eating habits caused by boredom, loneliness, sadness, anger or other emotions and unhealthy attitudes towards food. These emotions are the motivation to eat when you aren't hungry. With hypnosis you can change your basic assumptions about food including:

Food cravings for salt or sugar Eating too much because you eat too fast Cultural eating patterns learned from your family Large portions that are unnecessary

Change in your eating patterns becomes natural with suggestions of better food choices and exercise which can increase your metabolism.

The subconscious mind controls eating patterns, cravings and your attitudes towards food and your weight. By altering the beliefs in the subconscious mind through hypnosis you can control your eating and exercise habits which will lead to successful, long-term loss of weight and better health.

An underlying problem resulting in overeating and weight gain is low self-esteem which causes a vicious cycle. You feel unhappy with yourself and eat for comfort which leads to worse feelings and weight gain. By using hypnosis you can gain control over your feelings and increase your self-esteem. This will build your confidence to lose weight.

Hypnosis can make weight control possible where other approaches have failed. This is because it does not depend upon willpower (trying to dominate the subconscious by the conscious mind). Instead the subconscious mind has to be in agreement with your conscious desires. With Hypnosis you are subconsciously motivated to make better choices leading to the permanent loss of weight.

Hypnosis can help you uncover the unconscious reasons you fail to reach your goals. You will develop effective strategies for change. The subconscious mind holds the keys to changing these habits. You can develop new strategies to make these changes permanent with a weight loss program that will utilize the power of your subconscious mind. You will shed pounds while becoming self-confident in your ability to control your eating habits and your appearance. The power to control your health and weight is within. Hypnosis will help you utilize it and put you on the path to a healthy, slim, confident and happy you. - 17273

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Create Yummy Healthy Drinks With Wheatgrass Juicers

By Randal Pike

Wheatgrass is a powerful source for many vitamins and nutrients. To capture the healthy benefits of wheatgrass, wheatgrass juicers make the task fast and easy. In just a few minutes, you'll have a glass of wheatgrass juice that meets the recommended daily serving.

Wheatgrass, or young grass from the common wheat plant, is a green leafy vegetable that is part of the cereal grass family that includes oat, barley and rye grasses. Fresh, organic wheatgrass can be purchased at your local nursery or farm and then pressed into juice with wheatgrass juicers. Wheatgrass can even be grown at home, with health food stores carrying seed or wheatgrass growing kits.

When you use wheatgrass juicers, your end result is a glass full of vitamins A, B, C and E and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium. Wheatgrass is also high in amino acids, natural enzymes, chlorophyll and fiber. According to health experts, wheatgrass can prevent heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Other health benefits of wheatgrass include helping with digestion and ridding the body from toxins that can cause various illnesses and diseases.

Wheatgrass juicers are necessary to enjoy the health benefits of wheatgrass. They work by crushing the wheatgrass leaves, thus extracting the juice from them. With wheatgrass juicers, getting your daily supply of wheatgrass is a breeze. Wheatgrass juicers work quickly, so you'll have your two ounce serving in no time. A two ounce serving twice a day of wheatgrass juice is the recommendation for achieving optimum health benefits.

Wheatgrass juicers are made specifically for processing wheatgrass. They use a squeezing action that presses the wheatgrass into liquid. Wheatgrass juicers are different from regular juicers. One major difference is the speed. Unlike juicers that have a 1000 RPM, wheatgrass juicers have an 80-120 RPM to ensure that wheatgrass enzymes are not destroyed. Wheatgrass juicers come in two options, manual or electric. The Blender Juicer Depot at www.blenderjuicerdepot.com can help you choose which wheatgrass juicer is best for you.

The best manual wheatgrass juicers are those that are easy to hold and operate. A good manual wheatgrass juicer should also allow you to feed the pulp back through so additional juice can be extracted. Manual wheatgrass juicers should crunch the wheatgrass to squeeze out the juice, rather than shred them.

The best electric wheatgrass juicers are those that have all stainless steel juicing parts, are self-feeding and are multifunctional. A powerful motor, around 90 RPM or more, is something to look for in a good wheatgrass juicer. The lower priced electric wheatgrass juicers generally have plastic parts and are not as powerful. These more economical wheatgrass juicers are ideal for those who don't plan to use them on a daily basis or who don't need a large quantity of juice at one time.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, wheatgrass juicers should be one of the appliances on your kitchen counter. Nature has provided us with a tasty way to get important vitamins and nutrients. But only wheatgrass juicers can properly process wheatgrass to maintain its healthful benefits. - 17273

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Acai berry scam has stopped.

By Casandra James

If your tired of being screwed over by online companies when all your trying to do is buy an acai berry supplement, then make sure you read this brief review of Acai Berry Extra.

If you want to buy an acai supplement who's primary goal is to NOT scam there customers then there is no other company to get that supplement from then Acai Berry Extra. Not only are you dealing with a straight up company but you are also getting 1200mg daily of acai extract from your supplement.

The biggest feature of acai berry extra I want to point out to you is there is no auto ship program in place. There is no dumb clubs that yo get enrolled for either. Just a simple price for the best acai supplement.

I am not sure why almost every supplement provider feels the need to scam you once you place an order. Acai Berry Extra has really proven to me to be very honest and upfront with there product and they stand behind it 100% - and they don't scam you either.

Acai Berry Extra does not do any of that which is why they are standing above all the other supplement providers. - 17273

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Red Carpet Ready Review - Your Guide to a Movie Star Body

By Lisa Gardner

Badly want to have a movie star body like that of Jennifer Garner's or Poppy Montgomery's? How about that of Cindy Crawford's or Kim Raver's? Well, worry no more and release all your envious feelings for those famous celebrities as with the help of Red Carpet Ready trainer, you too can now have a movie star body you will always be ready to show.

Red Carpet Ready is a program that will help you get a tight butt, small waist, toned arms, and a lean sexy body in just 6 weeks from the comfort of your own home. Author of the program is Valerie Waters who firmly believes that one doesnt need to be a celebrity to have a movie star body. For years now, she has been helping Hollywood stars like Poppy Montgomery, Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Garner, Lauren Holly, Elizabeth Berkeley, Kate Backinsale, and Lauren Graham get the sleek and sexy bodies that they need to do excel in their jobs on limelight. If you decide now to try Red Carpet Ready, you'll belong to this long list of celebrities with movie star body without being a celebrity at all.

Program Basics:

Program itself is unique. Yes it includes exercises to perform, diet plan to follow, and attitudes to develop like any other programs of same kind, but it has uniquely added effective rules and approach for better, more notable results which truly makes it distinct.

Program has included 8 rules for eating your way to a movie star body. It also has "3-On Alternating" approach to get rid of some pounds fast without spending so much time in exercises. Not to mention that it also has the diet that will allow you to see your waistline shrink before your very eyes.

Value for Money:

Aside from teaching you what exactly to eat, how exactly to exercise and how exactly to get the body of your dreams, Red Carpet Ready also allows you to feel really good about yourself despite feeling of dissatisfaction. With the program, you can be a part of a private online community wherein youll get a chance to have all your questions be answered and at the same time interact and get to know other Red Carpet Ready women who can possibly give you comfort and consolation. Truly with Red Carpet Ready, youll get best value for your money. - 17273

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6 Tips Help You Learn How to Build Muscle Faster With Ease

By Allen Brian

People are impatient naturally, and this is especially true when trying to achieve body mass goals. Many people trying hard to find out how to build muscle faster, here is some tips you can apply in your bodybuilding process and you will see results in weeks.

First, when you are building muscles by working out, you should be careful not to do too much. Many people think that the harder workout exercise (reps, liftings and weights) they do, the greater results they will get. That is totally incorrect.

Building muscles requires a specific method, and overexertion of the muscles will not make it go any quicker. Damaging and straining muscles can cause you to miss out on weeks or months of working out because the muscle will have to recover. It is impossible for you to build muscle if you are recovering on your back.

While doing weight lifting working out, remember not to lift over 70 to 80 % of your maximum strength. The damaged muscle will repair itself. And the more muscle damaged, the more muscle will be added when it repairs. And 70 to 80% is the good muscle damage point for this purpose. Finishing workout exercise within one hour is what we called fast muscle building. It cause accumulated lactic acid in body and hurts your muscle building process.

Cut Out Any Aerobics

Aerobics are good for cardio. But they have nothing good for muscle building. They can actually interfere with your attempts to build muscle.

More Fish and Meat

Intake mass fish and lean red meats. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. In order to grow more muscle, you need the protein in lean red meats.

Get More Rest

A full day rest is needed after a day of weight lifting. That means one-day workout, the other day rest. And so on and so on. Many body builders will work certain sets of muscles one day then use an entirely different set the next day. Anyway, all you have to do is to rest for one set of muscle for repairing itself. The other form of rest you must have is sleep. You need sleep for muscles to repair itself. Just like we said above, muscle mass is built by healing muscles.

To continue building muscles, you have to have the proper hydration. The function of suitable hydration is regulating your body temperature, cushioning your joints, eliminating body waste and carrying nutrition. These are all things that are important to your own general health and to working out properly.

The Importance of Protein

In order to build muscles faster, you should add lean chicken, tuna, turkey, lean red meats and eggs in your meal plan. In muscle building process, eat lean meats are important. In order to increase your muscle growth, fat loss and increase muscle strength, you can eat some foods that will stimulate your testosterone level, like red meat and salmon.

Visit Your Doctor

You should consult doctor for suitable rest of muscles. Your doctor will advice you how to stay in healthy.

Sleep as Much as You Can

In order to building muscle quicker, you need to sleep 8 to 10 hours daily. That is the minimum time frame for your muscle to rest. Much of the growth of your muscles happens while you are asleep, so sleep then whenever you get the chance. - 17273

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The Super Food Amazon Acai Berry

By Jorandy Eck

At this time a revolutionary type of foods has been making a lot of noise in the health industry. They are a category of foods known as Super Foods. Many are looking at alternative ways to live healthier lives without turning to prescription drugs and that's where these foods come from. They are natural and organic foods with many great health benefits.

One super food that is causing a stir is the Amazon Acai berry. It has been used by locals as well as other fruits and vegetables to give them amazing health benefits to live longer fuller lives.

A staple in many South American diets is the Acai berry fruit. They have seen first hand how wonderful the acai fruit is. Many of their athletes have used the Acai berry juice to increase their athletic performance by giving them a long lasting surge of energy. This purple berry is grown in South America for great nutritional value to all who ingest it.

Man scientists are excited about some early research performed with the Acai berry. Researchers at the University of Florida have used Acai berry to cause cancer cells to self destruct.

Acai is one of the most potent sources of antioxidants on the planet. Everyday our bodies are assaulted by free radicals which attempt to break down our cells. Antioxidants help fight the oxidation that the free radicals use to do us harm.

This means that antioxidants help us to look and feel younger and strengthen our immune system so we can live longer, healthier lives.

The Acai Amazon berry is truly an amazing fruit, and the health benefits are numerous. Acai is also one of the best sources of Omega fatty acids you will find in any fruit. These essential fatty acids help reduce cholesterol, fight depression, and improve general brain functions. - 17273

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When You Set Targets Your Body Growth And Fitness Is Improved

By Rob Molloy

When you are trying to change your body, it is good to know where you want to go and how good you are doing at getting there. You may have an idea of what you want your body to look like, how much body fat you want to have or a certain weight that you are trying to get to. There will be times that it may seem that the goal is just too far away and you aren't making any progress. There may be times when someone says something that may make you feel that you aren't doing well and aren't getting very far. The truth is that any work that you do is going to show results. The best way to know how far you are going is to set goals for yourself and keep track of all that you are doing.

The first thing you need to do is to ask yourself what it is that you are wanting to achieve, and write it all down, because setting goals for yourself is important. You need to be as detailed as possible and remember to be S.M.A.R.T about it, too! It needs to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely, meaning that you do it in a specific time frame. It is advisable to put all your goals in a journal and have them somewhere where you can see them.

When you decide what your long-term goals are you need to be specific, because this will enable you to focus on achieving them more easily. So you need to identify what your long-term goals are. Do you want a smaller waist? Do you want to build more muscle? If so, which particular muscle groups do you intend focusing on? Once you have determined what your body fat percentage is, perhaps this is something you wish to change. The whole point is to know what your long-term goals are and then to be specific about them.

They also need to be goals that you can measure. Getting a smaller waistline or bigger biceps is good but try to have a number in mind that you would like to get to. Be ready and have a scale and a tape measure handy to chart your improvements. You will know you have reached your goal when you have reached those measurements.

Make sure that your goals are truly attainable for you and that thay are realistic. You may have these grand ideas that you definitely should be shooting for but one of the most frustrating things in life is to realize that you can not get to where you want to be because you set the bar too high. Don't set goals that will be impossible to achieve. You must also set a time frame for them to be done in. This must also be attainable and realistic. Write all of this down in your journal.

Also, try to visualize what it is that you want to accomplish. If you are trying to get back to the way you used to look then put that picture in prominent places for you to look at, so that you can constantly be reminded of what it is you are trying to do. If it is a certain person or people that you are trying to look like then have their picture up where it can easily be seen. If there is a motivating factor that is causing you to make these changes, someone you want to impress or win back, then put their picture up.

Now comes the short term goals. The best way to reach your long term goals is to attack them in bite size chunks. What is the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Have weekly goals that you write down for yourself. How much time are you going to spend on aerobic activity this week? How much time per day will you be doing it? What days are you going to be working on certain muscle groups. Write down a plan that you are going to stick to for the week. apply the S.M.A.R.T. method to your weekly goals.

This is an adventure that you are entirely in control of. You are the one who decides what the end result will be and the way you will achieve that result. On this journey to a healthier and fitter you, all you need to do is set good, attainable and realistic short and long-term goals. Do not believe that it is impossible. Believe that you can, because once you do, you will be at the starting point and on your way to your objective. - 17273

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