Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Is a lack of sleep thwarting your best weight loss efforts? There is much evidence to suggest that a lack of sleep goes hand-in-hand with weight gain. But first, it is important to address why you arent sleeping well. Is your stress level or caffeine intake to blame? Or is your sleeplessness due to a common but very serious condition called sleep apnea? Sleep apnea can affect weight loss, hunger and hormone activity in a number of ways, thwarting your best efforts to maintain a healthy weight.

Simply put, sleep apnea happens when breathing is obstructed or ceases altogether while sleeping. Symptoms of the condition range from light snoring to waking up several times during the night, gasping for air. The most common form of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, affects approximately six percent of the population. But this number is expected to rise along with the increasing rate of obesity, because obesity is a chief cause of obstructive sleep apnea.

To make matters worse, those who are already overweight may gain weight more easily if they are not getting adequate sleep, fueling a vicious cycle. Several theories attempt to explain why a lack of sleep may encourage us to pack on the pounds. Some say that a sleep-deprived person simply doesnt have the energy to be active during the day. Theyre too tired to get to the gym or even take the stairs, burning far fewer calories than a well-rested individual would. Others believe the sleep-deprived attempt to make up for a lack of energy by consuming a greater number of calories. Additional evidence surrounding sleep deprivation and weight gain suggests the problem may be hormonal.

Hormone function is largely responsible for the way in which fat cells respond to the food we eat. Cortisol is a hormone that is usually released in response to emotional and physical stress. When we do not get enough sleep, cortisol is released at an increased rate, making us feel hungry even if weve eaten enough.

And just because sleep apnea is most common among adults, do not assume that children are exempt from the problem. Its no secret that the number of obese children is rising steadily; and its no stretch to imagine that some of these children will develop sleep apnea.

If youre having trouble sleeping on a regular basis, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Otherwise, a few simple tips and tricks just might help get you back on a regular sleep schedule. If you are already obese and suffering from sleep apnea, your chiropractor can discuss a sensible dieting plan with you, helping you return to a healthy weight and enjoy more restful, unobstructed sleep. And of course, never underestimate the importance of exercise. Exercising three to four times per week is crucial for restful sleep. Getting your workout in long before bedtime is helpful, leaving ample time for your heart rate and hormone levels to return to a resting state. Make sure your room is dark and the temperature of the room will remain comfortable throughout the night. If youre one of those people trying to squeeze extra tasks and activities into your day, leave more for tomorrow and get some sleep. Adequate sleep will increase your productivity during waking hours. - 17273

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How To Gain Muscle And Weight Gain Smart

By Muscle Man

Could you teach me how to gain muscle fast? Every single hard gainer wants to know how to gain muscle fast and how to do it safely and effectively. Hard gainers, please listen up! I am happy to say that learning how to gain muscle fast is not as hard as some would make you believe but it also not as easy as you might think. But you must be prepared to train smarter and not harder. Here is some of the most popular advice I give to the hard gainer when he wishes to gain muscle fast.

* Never perform Beyond 10 Reps - If you are lifting weights more than 10 reps, then you are stressing your slow-twitch muscle fibers which have the smallest opportunity for muscle growth. You need to take on the maximal amount of muscle fibers in every set. Remember keep the weights heavy but not more than 10 reps.

* Perform less time but more capacity. Perform more work in less time and slowly increased your work capacity. Work refers to the number of sets, reps and poundage within your workout. Move from one exercise to the next much quicker, try to complete your current workout in less time. Take shorter rests. This is one of the easiest tips you can increase your muscle density and take your fitness to a new level.[I.0.J]

* Only One Exercise Per Muscle Group - Yes, do only one exercise for a muscle group for not mutilate your muscle. We do exercise is to spark your muscles into growth, not drain them to death.

* Do Not Do More Than 3-5 Sets Per Muscle Group - Again, we are not exhaust muscle to death. Anything over and above this will simply exhausts the muscle beyond reason and delays your recovery ability to hit the muscle again.

* Increase Your Strength 5% Every Two Weeks - How do you expect to gain muscle fast if you continue to lift the same weights each workout? Your body is designed to tolerate stress. Battering it and let it get bigger. I would recommend aim for a minimum of 5% strength increase every two weeks. You might progress a little quicker with larger muscle groups like back and legs versus smaller muscles like biceps and triceps. I would actually recommend writing down your strength goals for six months from now and than work backwards. If you are currently dead lifting 135 lbs, aim to be dead lifting 270 lbs over the next few months! - 17273

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Fight Acne and Win with an Alternative Safe Remedy

By George Alarcon

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic acne breakouts there are many alternative acne products out there that claim to cure your problematic acne, zits and blemishes. However many of them produce little if any results at all. A quick Google search can produce up to 1,500,000 results to choose from. With so many sites out there claiming to have a cure what's the ideal alternative treatment for acne? A recent development in the alternative treatments for acne is showing promising results in the market today. This treatment involves the use of light rays and is commonly called light therapy.

There is no known cure for acne, thus in order to get rid of it one may have to substantially change his or her life (and even then, acne may pop up from time to time, life aint fair).

Typical, blue light treatment consists of eight sessions given over a period of four weeks. A normal treatment session lasts about 15 minutes. Side effects are mild and can include temporary pigment changes in the skin, swelling around the treatment areas, and skin dryness. Studies have shown that 55% of treated patients see noticeable improvement.

Aloe has been used many times for it's healing effects. It provides a soothing and cooling effect to irritated skin. It also helps to heal lesions that can be caused by acne.

Although it is scientifically proven that food is not the direct cause of acne, eating improperly will definitely stress the body. High sugar, low protein diets will leave one with a nutrient/vitamin deficiency which may result in acne. Thus, try to replace soda with water (after a few months soda will disgust you if you follow through with this), eat plenty of vegetables, and cut back on fast food. Moderation is the key here, there is no reason to completely remove your favorite foods and drinks from your diet, but try to make them more of an exception rather than the rule. Try to avoid excessive recreational drug use, especially use of opiates and methamphetamine, which can cause endorphin deficits and may result in acne in many individuals.

Both blue light therapy and LHE treatment have been proven a safe and effective alternative to popular chemical treatments for acne - 17273

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Which Whey Protein Powder is right for You?

By Nathaniel Millsby PHD

Whey protein isolate and whey protein powder concentrate is an examination very frequently sought. This question without a doubt is one that has crossed the minds of a lot of hopeful weight lifters when glancing at the shelves of an assortment of kinds of whey protein powder on hand in the health food supermarket.

Which whey protein should you be using; concentrate or isolate?

The most imperative differentiation amid the two is that Isolate is processed at deeper levels so that the fat and lactose are removed. This more involved system provides a higher quality of protein. The fact is that over 90% of whey protein powder isolate is protein calculated by weight.

This is valuable as lesser levels of fat are a benefit for the regular daily diet of bodybuilders and when whey is utilized for the purpose of losing weight.

Decreased lactose levels are also a positive for individuals who are lactose intolerant and can also diminish the chance of that bloated feeling that can go along with some protein supplements. There are some side effects to using whey protein isolate nonetheless.

Since it is high in protein ratio, isolate powder requires you to pay a higher retail price. The filtering procedure isolate goes through is significantly more intensive to remove the components that are known as alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins which is significant immune boosters.

Whey concentrate has smaller protein available ad this can range from anywhere between 29% all the way up to 89% in some brands. Concentrate is higher in levels of lactose so anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance should to be very cautious.

Concentrate however cost less so this can be a better alternative depending on what your budget is. Whey concentrate also is low in levels of cholesterol, which is another benefit to consider for your diet.

Overall, dietary and medical conditions call for action to be taken into consideration when choosing the kind of whey protein powder you prefer.

Isolate whey powder may have the slight edge in regards to the biological value (BV) and will make available to you with more value for your money if you are needing a higher dosage per serving of whey protein. - 17273

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Basic Dental Hygiene Forestalls Larger, More Expensive Health Problems

By Shelton Graham

Since we were kids, we have heard a lot about the value of practicing "good dental hygiene", but it is frequently assumed that we already know what that suggests. Sadly , we usually assume that we know what the outcome of such a regular practice is going to be...but we are wrong.

We understand at some level that we wouldn't need such extreme dental procedures as fillings, extractions, and root canals. We realize, at least to some degree, that we'd potentially look and feel better...not to say experience less pain...were our dental cleanliness habits a little better. We can even grasp the tangible cost of after-the-fact dental treatments will be much larger than the price related to just keeping our teeth and gums healthy on a daily basis.

However, most of us never put the entire package together and realize the total impact that neglecting basic dental hygiene can have on us. Not merely will our wallets and jaws be impacted, time taken from our daily activities either as we perform our daily required dental care, or as we visit the dentist later to correct the conditions which developed as a result of our carelessness. Worse, we shall likely experience needless discomfort, ill-health, and possible early death, or at least devitalizing conditions, as a consequence of not doing the few straightforward and comparatively cheap steps which would look after the situation before it has a chance to occur.

A life filled with disease and agony and all the kinds of expenses related to that can be the result of neglecting to take some straightforward, and comparatively cheap, steps towards a healthy mouth and gums. The following steps are easy and basic Dallas dental cleanliness that prevents you from having larger, bigger and dear health issues:

Regular Brushing and Flossing - One of the first steps someone can take on the road to correct dental cleanliness is quite simply to brush their teeth at least twice per day and to floss once per day. Even though it is counseled by some to comb in the morning and before bed, it could have value to at least squeeze it in somewhere in the day. Flossing takes away the plaque which builds up around teeth. Plaque will eventually lead to tooth decay, and removing it regularly is a major step in forestalling cavities which will have to be filled or perhaps teeth which will need to be removed or be saved by a root canal.

Use a Toothpaste Containing Fluoride - Such toothpastes will help prevent the growth of plaque whilst bolstering the enamel of the tooth itself. Mouthwashes with fluoride and plaque-preventing ingredients may help as well.

Avoid Sugar - This tip could be included in a great many articles. Not only does sugar help promote the growth of plaque, but it also makes a contribution to nonessential weigh gain. Since over 65% of the adult population of America is overweight, cutting sugar from our diets might have a double whammy in favor of good health

Avoid Tobacco - While smoking and chewing might or may not have any direct effect on the teeth themselves, tobacco products can make a contribution to illnesses of the gums and mouth, including oral cancer.

Visit Your Dentist Continually - A dentist can spot a developing cavity or other condition before it becomes a massive, pricey problem. Bad things might be going down in your mouth, or your kid's mouth, that you may not be aware of, but the dentist can discern and possibly take steps to fix. The dentist's office will also frequently provide a cleaning that will be far better than what you can usually do at home yourself.

Even if you skip all the other steps, visiting your dentist a couple of times a checkup and cleaning could go a long way to keeping your teeth, gums, and mouth in a healthy condition. - 17273

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Learn About Exercise And Optimum Nutrition That Can Aid You To Lose Fat

By Joan K Cooper

Right now in the United States obesity and being overweight has reached nearly epidemic proportions. Our lifestyles are sedentary and we eat too many nutritionally vacant foods in the Standard American Diet. We don't exercise enough and we eat too much.

Our ancestors needed to grow in such a way as to guarantee continued existence. Therefore our bodies naturally preserve fat and energy in order to defend us from the times of shortage. These days the only scarcity that we ever experience is the self-imposed famines that we experience when we go on a limiting diet.

On the other hand, our bodies cannot differentiate between a scarcity and a restrictive diet. We start dieting and our biology sabotages us by slowing down our metabolism and conserving every little bit of fat and energy that it can. That is one cause why our dieting efforts get more and more stubborn with every ensuing diet.

A big part of the answer to this quandary may be to just stop dieting and start eating. Begin working with your biology instead of against it by discontinuing the mad diets and eating like you are supposed to.

It is more than simply starting to eat again, however. The Standard American Diet, which is also known by the appropriate acronym SAD greatly contributes to obesity and being overweight. The reason why is that our bodies were never planned to consume the unwholesome, nutritionally bankrupt and processed foods that are so abundant in our culture.

Our anatomy was intended to eat the wholesome, nutritious and organic foods that are found in large quantities in nature. Nature provides the foods that are optimal for our bodies. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. The less processed and the more natural the food the healthier it is for our bodies.

As homo sapiens we were also intended to move and keep fit. None of our ancestors led a inactive life. They were always up and around, moving about in the course of living. If you want to reach optimum fitness including losing weight you need to include both exercise and an optimum nutrition diet.

So if you're dream is to combat obesity and lose weight for good not to mention create optimal health start eating the healthiest foods in nature and begin an work out program. Your body will thank you and you will see the results on your bathroom scale. - 17273

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What You Should Know about Heart Foundation Diet

By Jesse Regan

Good health is a personal resource. This statement is hardly questionable since too much information are being circulated by medical experts in order to inform people from all over the world about the importance of having good health. But despite the efforts of medical organization, the truth about good health is being ignored by many people who have unhealthy lifestyles which are the cause for acquiring diseases and becoming obese. Hence, medical experts and nutritionists are propelled to formulate diet programs in order to address the health complaints of unhealthy people. One of these diet programs is called heart foundation diet. Read on to find out about diet and the meal plans of this diet program.

Heart foundation diet is a three day diet program that results to losing 10 pounds after three days. At day one, the suggested breakfast meal includes black coffee or tea, " grapefruit, a slice of dry toast, and 2 teaspoons of peanut butter. For lunch, the suggested foods are another cup of black coffee or tea, 4 ounces of tuna, and a slice of dry toast. For dinner, the recommended foods are two slices of any cold meat, 1 cup of string beans, 4 ounces of beets, 1 small apple, 4 ounces of vanilla ice cream, and water.

At the second day, breakfast meal consists of black tea or coffee, one boiled or poached egg, one slice of dry toast, and half banana. AT lunch, the suggested foods include 4 ounces of cottage cheese and five crackers. At dinner, the foods are 3 ounces of broccoli, 2 ounces of carrots, " banana, 2 hotdogs, and 4 ounces of vanilla ice cream.

At day three, breakfast meal is composed of black tea or coffee, 5 crackers, a slice of cheddar cheese, and 1 apple. At lunch, the meal plan includes 1 hardboiled egg and a slice of dry toast. During dinner, the foods include 4 ounces of tuna, 4 ounces of beets, 4 ounces of cauliflower, " melon, and 4 ounces of vanilla ice cream.

According to experts, this diet program provides benefits to dieters. One, this program will result to losing ten pounds. Second, since it can make weight loss happen in such a short time, it makes a good impression on dieters, thereby encouraging them more to take the healthy diet. However, this benefit may not last when dieters regain the weight quickly they have lost.

Despite criticisms against this diet plan, it is still best recommended for people who have to lose weight within a short period of time. Aside from becoming sexy, dieters will eventually learn to choose what they eat in order to be fit and healthy. - 17273

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Gain Muscle Or Lose Fat, What Do I Have To Do?

By Ricardo d Argence

Gain muscle or lose fat? Maybe you have never thought how important is to know when to stop losing fat. Or how does it affect in your way to get ripped. Keep reading and you will discover the best way to achieve success.

There's a lot of scrawny guys who wants to lose fat, but they don't realize that they should focus on gaining muscle instead. You'll never look huge and ripped if you don't give your body what it needs and if you don't exercise in the right way.

Its necessary to succeed to know what is your main goal, what you really need. If you need to lose fat or to gain muscle. Through my experience in working with athletes and dozens of men in the gym trying to lose fat and gain muscle, I've come up with a height-weight chart that determines whether or not you should lose weight. It's something like this: 5'6" - 140 pounds. 5'7" - 145 pounds. 5'8" - 150 pounds. 5'9" - 155 pounds. 5'10 - 160 pounds. Let me explain how to use this chart.

After that, for every inch taller, add 5 pounds. Therefore, for every inch shorter, substract 5 pounds. So, if you are 5'6" - 140 pounds, there's no need for you to try and lose weight. What you have to do is to start with your gaining muscle program in order to have the look you desire. But if you try lo lose weight, that will be the worst thing you can do to your body. You will, look skinny, anorexic.

Well, you should now by now if what you need is to lose some fat, or to gain muscle. And that's a good thing because now you know what you must do to achieve that look you want. Keep in mind that this chart is not designed for that people who want to look "huge". If that's what you are looking for, you are in the wrong article. What I mean is that this chart is for regular people who wants to have great, defined muscles, big, but not precisely huge.

To use Turbulence Training to gain muscle and lose fat, simply stick to the weight training workouts only. Avoid the hard interval cardio for at least 4 weeks as you gain muscle, and eat extra calories right after your workout (as well as having a bigger breakfast than normal). These two changes will allow you to gain muscle and lose fat. - 17273

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Cordyceps sinensis - The Athlete's Mushroom

By Dr. Markho Rafael

From high elevations of the Tibetan plateau comes a minute fungus known as Cordyceps sinensis. It parasitizes on caterpillars and sprouts out of their dead carcasses. [1] With 95% of the world's mushroom species still undiscovered, it's a small wonder that a tiny fungus from a remote and sparsely populated area is not only described but revered the world over as one of the most highly prized medicinal mushrooms on the planet.

The extreme unlikeliness of this remote, rare, and insignificant fungus's claim to fame speaks volumes in and of itself as to its value and potency.

In China, Cordyceps sinensis has been treasured for 2,000 years as a vitalizing tonic and aphrodisiac. The oldest preserved written record of it stems from 200 A.D. and the book The Classic Herbal of the Divine Plowman. Contemporary research is beginning to reaffirm the traditional Chinese knowledge about this medicinal fungus.

Later research in China and Japan has indicated that Cordyceps possesses important anti-tumor and immune stimulating properties. [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

In particular, a number of studies indicate its potential usefulness in cases of leukemia. [13, 14, 15, 16] In 2002, the U.S. National Institute of Health began Phase I screening of cordycepin in the treatment of leukemia. Cordycepin is an active compound from Cordyceps sinensis.

In keeping with the use of Cordyceps as an aphrodisiac, a recent study reported a 64% improvement of erectile dysfunction. [17] Underlying these results may be the effect Cordyceps appears to have on blood vessel dilation and blood-flow. [18, 19]

Some more areas of potential interest for Cordyceps extract include reducing cholesterol, [20] supporting liver function (post-hepatitic cirrhosis), [22] and kidney health. [21]

But Cordyceps' main claim to fame lies in its enhancement of physical stamina. [23, 24, 25] As mentioned earlier, a contributing factor may be the dilation of blood vessels and increased blood-flow, but also the dilation of respiratory passageways, as demonstrated in two studies on asthma and bronchitis. [3, 26]

Cordyceps made sports headlines in 1993 when a group of nine Chinese women credited the mushroom for their world records set at the Chinese National Games that year. [27, 28]

Cordyceps extract is a confirmed source of anti-oxidants, [29] polysaccharides, and a large host of other newly discovered nutritional compounds, [8, 30, 31] plus certainly many others that are yet to be discovered.

Last but not least, in his book Mycelium Running, foremost U.S. medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists the following additional areas of potential usefulness for Cordyceps extract as indicated by scientific research: Anti-bacterial; anti-viral; blood pressure; nerve support (stress); lymphoma; lung cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17273

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Fish Oil Used as Treatment for Psychosis

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil as a treatment for psychosis is a fresh topic for research.

A lot of scientists are really impressed by what they are now discovering, and most probably you will be too.

According to the Medline Plus online encyclopaedia, psychosis is defined as the "loss of contact with reality. This typically includes delusions (false ideas about what's taking place or who one is) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren't there)."

The general definition of psychosis includes depression, abnormal emotions, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dementia, hallucinations delusions, unfounded fears, extreme excitement, confusion and illusions.

If you suspect that you have the above symptoms, do not worry right away and get a diagnosis. Take note that psychosis is a chronic illness and does not occur just immediately.

The use of illegal or prescription drugs, alcoholism and other conditions that may cause damage on the brain and causing it to not function correctly, like stroke or Alzheimer's Disease are some of the major causes of psychosis.

People believe that the food that we eat has nothing to do with psychosis, but that is like saying that man can live on junk food alone and still stay healthy and live a long life. Of course we all know that would be impossible.

What does the research reveal?

Fish oil has been found to give major health benefits according to the latest scientific studies, and it includes the treatment of psychosis, bipolar syndrome and depression.

The Journal of Affective Disorders reported a research that says "Major depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?than minor depressed subjects and healthy controls." (Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46)

In other words: a diet rich in fish oil fatty acids will make a person less depressed.

Based on another research done on patients with depression that was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry "Highly significant benefits of the addition of the omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo were found by week 3 of treatment." (Vol. 159:477-479)

In other words: fish oil offers great health benefits in a matter of 3 weeks.

The Archives of General Psychiatry published a research by Harvard University which found that, "Omega 3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder." (Vol. 56 No. 5)

In other words: Patients with bipolar disorder had their conditions improved after taking fish oil.

Additional research accounted in the American Journal of Psychiatry says, "The results of this study suggest that EPA may be a safe and effective form of monotherapy for women with moderately severe borderline personality disorder." (Vol. 160:167-169)

Meaning: Fish oil is a good supplement to help women who have severe personality disorders.

The researchers in the department of psychiatry at the UK University of Sheffield also reported in the Journal of Affective Disorders that, "The findings [of their study] raise the possibility that depressive symptoms may be alleviated by omega 3 PUFA [polyunsaturated fatty acid] supplementation." (Vol. 48(2-3):149-55)

The implication: A supplement of good quality fish oil helps depressed individuals.

That's the rundown ? short, sweet and to the point. The above researches should help you make your decision on using fish oil as treatment for psychosis and minor depressions.

Let the health benefits of fish oil speak for itself naturally. - 17273

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Why Do Some People Suffer From Joint Pain?

By Mitchell Tyrell

Joints are the body's natural shock absorbers. Joints, especially the ankles and knees, absorb tons of pressure with every movement we make. Therefore, joint pain is a common ailment, especially in older people. It can also have several causes.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the cartilage in the joints. Cartilage is the cushioning between the bones in a joint. Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage to wear away. Once the cartilage is gone, the bones rub together. Bone spurs often develop at this point. This illness eventually affects everyone to one degree or another. However, after the age of 55, more women are affected than men.

Ligaments are fibrous tissues that connect the bones. Ligament damage is another cause of joint pain. If a ligament is overused or overextended, tears or other damage can occur. When a ligament is injured, it swells. This causes pain in the joint, especially during movement. Ligaments can be injured in two ways. Strains occur when the ligament is stretched too far or overused. Sprains happen when the joint is forced into a position it would not normally go.

Bones are another cause of joint pain. Several things can affect the health of a bone. Fractures and breaks can occur with almost anything depending on the strength of an individual's bones. However, the most common causes of bone damage are falls, accidents and repetitive motion.

The above are just a few causes of joint pain. They are also some of the most common causes. However, many other causes also exist. Septic arthritis occurs when a bacterial infection affects a joint. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis cause a great deal of joint pain. In addition, tendonitis, usually caused by repetitive motion, can cause a great deal of joint pain. Obviously, joint pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is imperative that you seek medical help if you are experiencing pain in any joints. - 17273

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The Gold Standard Of Weight Training Exercises

By Emmanuel Palmer

Gym memberships are comprised mainly by two very different groups of people: those who want to trim down, and those who want to bulk up. If you want to lose the excess pounds, you'll be put on a low-calorie and high-cardio program. To build bigger muscle however, you will go the opposite direction and increase calorie intake while undergoing a physically demanding weight training exercises aimed to get you that colossal physique.

Let us focus on muscle building for this particular article. You will need to gain a significant amount of muscle mass and one way to accomplish this is to perform high intensity training for 45 to 75 minutes. Relegate cardiovascular exercises to either once ever week or two. Make the most out of every session by taking only 90 second breaks in between sets.

You will notice there are many fancy equipment and new drills but really, it's the simple ones that usually get the job done. For example, your legs will still get the most benefits in squats. Alter the positioning of your legs and you can target specific areas of this muscle group. Incorporate calf raises and lunges for best results.

There are opposing views as to which are the most effective chest exercises one should use. The bench press is the perennial go-to for men who aspire to get that barrel chest. However, many people who do not exercise this still have amazing results which they have gotten from performing flyes and pullovers. There is no right or wrong answer. You do what you believe will benefit your body the best. The vital factor is challenging your body to go to the next level by increasing weights and varying angles and reps/sets.

For guns as big as a wrestler's, do strong bench dips and bicep curls. Use high weights and increase them even more as you progress. You will notice the difference soon enough. Your arms will feel the strain the days after your training; and if they are still sore, do not exercise them yet. Over training the muscles will do you more harm than good in the long run.

Use pull-ups to exercise your back and military press (sitting and standing) to beef up your shoulders. There are a number of back and shoulder drills which you should also use but these are some of the most effective by far. Modify your workouts every two to six weeks because your body needs to be pushed to its endurance limits for your weight training exercises to work.

Strong cardiovascular training is not advised for those who wish to gain weight and add bulk to their frame. Even so, make it a point to take time out for light aerobic exercises or sports regularly. While your goal is not to burn calories, your heart will be better for the cardio exercises you put in.

And most of all, make the best out of your weight training exercises by hitting all your drills strong every single time. You can rush through the assigned number of sets with poor form but your body will not be fooled. Do your best, and not only will you build bigger muscle-you will feel better about yourself as well. - 17273

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