Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tips To Build Muscle...Even If You Are A Vegetarian

By Ricardo d Argence

Many people who are considering being vegetarian are worried that they won't be able to build muscle if they do so. Before we talk about whether or not you can build muscle as a vegetarian, though, let's talk about what the different types of vegetarianism are.

Vegans eschew animal products of any kind, including dairy products. Pesco vegetarians eat fish and dairy products, while lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and milk but don't eat meat or fish. There are more sub categories of vegetarianism, but that will suffice for the purposes of this article.

Because vegetarians don't consume several different types of foods, such as red meat, they also have a lower risk of things like hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease and some cancers.

It can be very health inducing indeed to change to vegetarianism, and not just because of advantages to your health. There are other reasons, too, such as that the vegetarian lifestyle is less cruel to animals and better for the environment.

However, a lot of people who want to become vegetarian are worried that they aren't going to get enough protein to become very muscular. In reality, though, soy is a perfect food to do just that, given that it has more protein than beef and has all eight essential amino acids in abundance.

Soy can easily be gotten from sources like: textured soy protein, soy milk, and of course tofu. These can all be included in a variety of tasty recipes and dishes. Beans, rice, seeds, legumes, nuts and even vegetables are another great supply of amino acids which together should ensure you never get short on protein.

However, those who are vegan especially may find themselves in short supply of certain vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, zinc, iron, calcium, and B12. However, supplements can take care of this shortfall.

If you're vegetarian but you eat dairy products, you're not going to have any shortages of B12. If you want to make sure you are meeting all of your nutritional requirements, you can try a nutritional replacement powder as part of your daily calorie consumption, too. And don't forget about great sources of vitamins and minerals like leafy green vegetables, and fruits. All of these things are going to help you build muscle as a vegetarian.

In short, there are lots of reasons as to why it's beneficial for you to become a vegetarian, and you won't have to give up your bodybuilding goals to do so. Of course, as a bodybuilder, you are going to need to plan what you eat, too, but that's true of people who eat meat as well. With these few pointers in mind, go ahead and engage in bodybuilding as a vegetarian, successfully. - 17273

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Rapid Weight Loss Begins With A Sound Diet

By Mike Mession

When you're ready to lose weight shoot for the first 10 pounds. Our fist focus is to pay attention to the amount of food you're eating. Eliminate those unnecessary sugar and fatty foods from your meals while making delicious meals and snacks that keep your palate happy.

Use this straightforward and super healthy diet plan to lose the first 10, the last 10, or any amount of pounds in between! Because this is a balanced and flexible program, you can stay on this diet as long as it takes.

Most weight loss programs insist you keep track of every bit of food you eat or drink. Start by writing down everything you eat. No need to write down the calorie count but start not putting margarine or butter on toast, vegetables and sandwiches. Use less oil in food as well as cooking.

Cut down in your fat intake by cutting out whole milk. Use skim milk or if you're hooked on whole milk, use 2 percent milk.

Be certain to include legumes, peanut, cottage cheese, chicken, fish, eggs or yogurt. Try to draw the limits on your sugar treats to a few times a week max. Eat one or more meatless lunches and dinners each week.

Eat fresh in season fruit twice a day. Stay away and constrain sugary fruit juices and have water or drink tea instead. Add a slice of lemon for some zest if you like. Eat more vegetables with lunches and dinner so you have at least 4 servings a day.

Eat a few servings of food using whole grains at each meal. Don't eat in front of the TV. Studies show that you eat larger portions of foods and snacks watching TV.

Choose calories you can chew that means only calorie-free beverages (except for milk). Sodas are loaded with empty calories, and fruit juices provide less fiber and vitamins per calorie than the fruit they're made from. Plan ahead for meals and snacks so you know exactly what you plan to eat. Last-minute choice tends to be higher in calories and lower in satisfaction. - 17273

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Is it True That You Can Burn Fat Without Cardio?

By Ryan M Hall

Go to any gym and you'll see loads of people running on treadmills, these people think that there is no other way to burn fat without cardio. The truth is though, there is a way to burn fat with absolutely no cardio. The secret is to build more muscle. The myth that pervades our culture is that muscle builds bulk and cardio burns fat.

The real truth is that lean muscle mass burns fat, not just the activity we perform. Your muscle is what makes your body burn fat, so of course if you have more lean muscle, you will be burning more fat. Doing traditional cardio, the kind we are all used to, actually does very little to help your body burn fat.

If cardio doesn't work, how can I build more muscle to burn more fat? If you intend to build muscle quickly, then you should do compound exercises rather than isolation exercises. Compound exercises are exercises like bench press, rows and squats. These exercises make your body build muscle all over, rather than just one or two places, and they have a huge effect on your body's fat burning ability.

The secret to building more muscle in order to lose weight without cardio, is to do your workouts without a rest between sets. If you rest between sets, it gives your body a chance to slow down, but if you keep your heart rate up, you will get cardiovascular benefits as well as more muscle building. This means that your heart and lungs improve along with your lean muscle mass.

There is a secret to burn fat without cardio, but it doesn't have to be hard, and it doesn't have to be a secret. Just follow this advice, focus on compound resistance exercises and you will be burning more fat with less work immediately. If you follow this advice, you will keep your heart rate up and build more muscle. Your body will be burning more and more fat because of your increased muscle mass. - 17273

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Foster Natural Wellness with Nutritional Health Products

By Richard Ealom

With more and more press and information about the potentially dangerous, even serious, side effects of prescription drugs, lots of people are turning to alternative health products as a natural means to realize wellness.

Mother Nature has provided ably for us, if we only take advantage of her abundance. There is no doubt that natural remedies provide a source of health and wellness that cannot be received from prescriptions or over the counter drugs.

Aspirin, for instance, one of the most efficient fever reducers, pain relievers, cardio-protectors and anti-inflammatory substances found on earth, is derived from the bark of the willow tree. Early people discovered the naturally helpful properties of aspirin way back in Cleopatras period, and in the 1890s it was commercialized as an analgesic.

You would most likely be amazed at how many diseases and health problems have a healthy cure or palliative therapy in nature!

Many everyday physical complaints have an herb obtainable that provides help in eliminating or decreasing symptoms.

Given that so few people nowadays eat a healthy diet, it is more important than ever to provide your body with the right dietetic supplements. If you dont have the time or desire to consume the recommended servings of vegetables each day, for example, you can acquire a natural supplement to help furnish the necessary nutrients needed by your body for ideal physical wellness.

Amino acids are a fundamental area that is often shortchanged in the hectic lifestyles of modern times. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins; building cells, repairing tissues, producing enzymes, and playing a chief role in mental health.

Amino acid supplements are taken by thousands of health-conscious people who desire to make certain their bodies get the appropriate nutrition.

Three Reasons to Take Dietary Supplements

1. Methods of Food Production: Current profitable farming methods use toxic chemicals and regularly harvest foods prematurely. Also, many foods are stored for prolonged periods of time. Among all of these things, many of the nutrients that should be in our food just are not there anymore, specially nutrients like enzymes & phytonutrients, which are very fragile and are ruined prior to the food reaching your table.

2. Modern Diets: Anybody who thinks that the typical person consumes a healthy diet must consider the documentary SUPER SIZE ME. The filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock, ate nothing but McDonalds food for thirty full days. At the end of the month, he had acquired twenty five pounds and added 65 points to his cholesterol count. His head ached unceasingly and he was depressed. His doctors thought that his liver looked like pate. This is what fast food does to us, and this is exactly why every person needs to be taking a nutritional supplement on a daily basis!

3. Environmental Trauma: Many large cities have extremely high toxin levels owed to toxic waste etc.. Even in more country areas, you can be subjected to unhealthy toxins from pesticides and herbicides. Toxins have a very considerable effect on your complete health and wellness. Taking nutritional supplements is 1 way for you to fight sickness.

The American Medical Association recommends that you supplement your food intake. Utilizing alternative health products to increase your wellness is the smart thing to do! - 17273

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Acai Berry Success Stories: Fact or Fiction?

By Travis Van Slooten

As with any food supplemented being touted as a weight loss product, the acai market has its share of acai berry success stories. It usually tells of how someone lost so much weight in just a few days! Some even claim they can help you lose one pound a day. I?m sure that for those who are looking for a way to trim down, all these stories are like music to the ears. But what truth really is there to these claims? The real truth could actually be somewhere in between. As we all know, losing weight is not easy to achieve. Take a closer look at the tales of these individuals and you?ll realize that taking acai berry wasn?t the only thing they did.

The most important thing you should know is that, no matter what the ?experts? tell you, acai berry supplements alone will not make you lose weight. Behind every single one of those true acai berry success stories you?ve heard there lies a healthy diet, extensive exercise, or a diet made up exclusively of acai berry supplements. The first two are the true secrets to success with the acai berry; the third, not so much?

Think of your body as a car (this may not seem too attractive for some people, but try it just this once for the sake of illustration); under normal conditions, your car runs pretty well: nothing too impressive, but it gets you to the office on time without too many hitches. Now imagine if you were to mix in some high-power rocket fuel with the unleaded gas one morning; you?d be flying down the road! This is, basically, what acai berry does for your weight-loss program: it acts as a turbocharger for your body. But you still have to put in some effort; you still have to give your engine tune-ups and change the oil every once in a while. And you still have to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. This is the true story behind the magic of acai berry.

So what exactly is it that makes acai berry so special? The secret lies in the nutritional properties of the berry itself. The acai berry is rich in essential omega fatty acids, protein, and fiber. Proteins are essential to any successful weight-loss program, as they are the building blocks of muscle tissue, and muscle is what burns fat. And a diet rich in fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system, which is always a good idea, especially if you?re trying to lose weight.

While quite a few people have definitely had success with acai berry supplements, there?s obviously quite a bit more to the whole story than just popping a couple pills a day and magically dropping ten pounds. A lifestyle of healthy food and regular exercise is still the key to losing weight. And the addition of acai berry supplements as a healthy boost to your weight-loss program is the truth behind every acai berry success story. - 17273

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Tracking Training Programs Is Crucial For A Precise Body Building

By Tony Gates

Before you even start lifting that weight you've bought recently, did you know that you should be tracking your workouts? It is very crucial that you know how to because that's the only way you are not guessing what you've done over the past weeks or even months. If uncertain of what needs to be done, just find a training program that includes a tracking program for the hard work you will be putting in. Will it take long? Not as long as guessing if you gained more muscle or more meat and fat which just makes you bigger for nothing! Don't waste time, be precise. In the long run, you would be stunned when looking back from the start.

There's many things that should be done and can be taught through real training programs. Let's start with just a important ones here.

Recording Weight - It's best of you weight yourself in the morning but only after you've urinated. That should help a lot which the goal here is to be exactly on point with no disappointment. Make sure your weight measuring scale is on a flat surface before you step on it. Another good thing to consider is not to wear any clothes yet except something thin or just your pajamas.

Body Fat Percent - The main goal in body building is of course to lose body fat and gain more muscle mass. For proper measurements, inquire a tool from your local store.

Lean Body Mass - Calculating lean body mass will help you realize how many percent of your body is fat and what percent is actual muscle.

Measuring Body - After a two week of long hard workout there is no doubt that you've gain muscle. Pull out that flexible measuring tape and measure the muscles you've been trying to gain. If it is your bicep, measure it, and then record it down on your progress report.

Progress Photos - Many people don't realize how far they are. Memories can fade, strip down to those shorts and take a photo every 2 weeks or so. You'll start to notice differences. Keep a record of it, then compare when you first started to about 2 months later. It will totally boost your confidence. - 17273

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Control the Epstein Barr, Hepatitis, and Herpes Viruses With Gene-Eden, an Natural Antiviral Supplement

By Mark T. Johnson

What is your number one enemy? Chronic viruses that reside in your body. Scientific research shows that viruses, such as the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes Virus, and the Hepatitis Virus (HBV and HCV), that reside in almost all of us, cause most major diseases. Worried? There is a solution.

Recently, the Center for the Biology of Chronic Diseases (CBCD) published a very interesting press release about the relationship between the chronic viruses that reside in all of us and cancer. The press release cited Dr. Ila R Singh, an associate professor of pathology at the University of Utah, who said that "for the first time we have analyzed prostate cancer and normal prostate tissue and found cancers are much more likely to have [the XMRV virus]." ... "It was also more likely to be present in more aggressive tumors," Singh said. "We found it in 20 percent of the least aggressive tumors and over 45 percent of the most aggressive tumors."

After quoting Dr. Singh, the release says that his study is the last in a long list of studies that observed chronic viruses living in many types of tumors. Surprised? Don't be. As it turns out, Dr. Hanan Polansky predicted the results of these studies. He predicted that studies will find the most common viruses living in tumors and other diseased tissues. The prediction was made in his highly acclaimed 2003 "purple book." In this book Dr. Polansky showed that a chronic virus is a genetic parasite, and when the virus multiplies itself, it "starves" the human genes around him. How do starved genes behave? As if they've mutated. Now, we all know that mutated genes cause cancer. So here is the sequence, chronic viruses enter the body, they multiply, starve human genes, and the pseudo mutated genes cause cancer.

The beauty of the press release is in the next section. This section offers a metaphor to help those of us that don't have a solid background in biology. It is asking us to think of the nucleus inside the cell, where the chronic viruses live, as a field with many flowers. To bear fruits, these flowers need to be pollinated by bees. Now take a chronic virus and think of it as another flower that migrated into this field. The viral flower is also dependent on the bees for pollination. However, the viral flower has a very strong scent and brighter colors. What is the effect of the new flower on the local flowers? The bees, that used to pollinate the local flowers, now hover most of the time over the viral flowers. The result? The production of fruits by the local flowers declines. And since many animals are dependent on these fruits, the entire ecosystem is suffering. The "starved" human genes stop the production of their "fruits," or proteins. In technical terms, we can say that the human genes behave as if they've mutated. (They were not mutated, by to a confused scientist they look like they were!) Now what happens to the host in general? Without the important proteins, the cell starts to behave strangely, and the host starts to show the symptoms of a major disease.

What a powerful metaphor!

Now the the punchline. We can fight these chronic viruses. The Starved Gene was not just another discovery. As it turns out, it led the scientists at polyDNA, a biotechnology company, to develop Gene-Eden, an all natural, antiviral dietary supplement that targets many of the most common viruses. To develop Gene-Eden, the scientists used their signature process. First, they downloaded thousands of scientific papers published in scientific journals. Then, they analyzed these papers with their in-house proprietary bio-informatics-based software. And finally, they used the results of the analysis to identify the most effective, yet safe natural compounds. These compounds were combined to form the Gene-Eden formulation. Now, this is no small feat. This process produced a supplement that targets viruses such as Epstein Barr (EBV), Herpes, Hepatitis, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), or Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

For more information on Gene-Eden, visit http://www.gene-eden.com. To order Gene-Eden, visit Amazon.com. - 17273

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Understand Proper Nutrition For A Pregnancy

By Henry Poperfield

There are many things a woman can do to grow a healthy, full-term baby. Eating a healthful, well-balanced diet is the most important of them all. Proper nutrition helps you avoid a premature birth, preeclampsia, eclampsia, or gestational diabetes. Diligence in this will pay off with an easier pregnancy, an easier delivery, and a healthy, happy baby. If you can't afford to follow a good diet, apply for the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program, which is available nation-wide. These coupons can be used at all grocery stores and many farmers markets.

What should you eat? It's really pretty simple. Imagine your dinner plate. Divide it in half. One half should be filled with vegetables of assorted colors: green, yellow, red, white. Things like peas, broccoli, green beans, dark, leafy greens, and asparagus are green. Corn, sweet potatoes, and yams are yellow. Bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant are red. Cauliflower, mushrooms, and potatoes are white. Technically, some of these things are not vegetables, but for our purposes, this is the category they go in.

The other half of your plate is divided in half again. In one section, you put your protein. This can be chicken, beef, pork, lamb, and other meats, seafood, or vegetarian options such as tofu, cheese, or beans. For the most part, be careful to choose lean cuts of meat, or low-fat versions of cheese.

The final quarter of your plate will be filled with a starch. This can include items from the vegetable category, such as the potatoes and yams, or beans, which are also a protein. Other items are rice, bread, pasta, and other grains. The most important thing - and this is really important - is that you choose whole grains. Your breads should be made with whole grain flour (it will say so on the label), your rice should be brown. Other excellent grains are quinoa (also high in protein), kasha, wheat berries, and whole grain cornmeal. Steel cut oatmeal is practically the best thing you can eat for breakfast.

Every day, be sure to drink a quart of milk or eat milk products, such as cheese or yogurt. Have two eggs every day. Include a serving or two of fruit. Eat small amounts - three meals, and a snack between each meal and before you go to bed. Salt your food to taste, and drink eight glasses of water or other liquid each day. It also helps to know what should not be included in the pregnant woman's diet. This includes the obvious, such as alcohol, to the not-so-obvious, such as caffeine, sugar, and junk food, to the disputed, such as processed food. Do your best to avoid refined foods of any kind. - 17273

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Conservaton of Energy

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Renewability, sustainability, and energy conservation are all over the news. Every newspaper's front page and every television nightly news program features sustainability daily. These important issues, are not only for the health of our planet, but also for our physical health and well-being.

Our physical health depends on how we maximize our available energy resources - how we use our body's stores of energy, how we replace and renew that energy, and how we practice conservation of our physical energy.

The interaction of all the elements of human physiology is exactly analogous to the interaction of ecosystems in the global ecology. It's an interesting and powerful comparison.

Energy resources in our body consist of nutrients obtained from food, oxygen, and stored energy in the form of sugars (glycogen) and fats. We gain energy by eating good food and balancing our nutritional choices from all the major food groups.1,2 We gain energy by having efficient and well-toned cardiovascular and respiratory systems. We gain energy by having strong muscles. And we can gain energy by getting sufficient rest.

How we use these resources depends on instructions from the nerve system. Being able to use these resources efficiently depends on the underlying tone of our cells and tissues, which in turn depends on normal flow of information in our nerve system.

Hyperactive nerve systems and sluggish nerve systems - due to a variety of causes - create imbalances up and down the line.3 Systems perform abnormally. Your metabolism slows down or speeds up. You don't digest your food properly. You use too many or too little resources for a given task, and the job doesn't get done properly. Muscles get tight. Joints get stiff. You have pain. You get sick.

In these cases you're using more energy - due to inefficient systems - than you're taking in. You're not sustaining your resources, you're depleting them. Sooner or later, your entire system will begin to breakdown. You have chronic pain, you're tired all the time, you toss and turn when you should be sleeping, and you're irritable during the day.

Energy is not being renewed. Your body's out of balance, physically and metaphorically.

Chiropractic treatment directly addresses these energy concerns. Chiropractic care is all about your energy management and conservation of resources. Gentle chiropractic treatment focuses on restoring balance to nerve systems, muscular systems, and physical structure. Energy begins to flow to where it's needed most, chronic pain begins to resolve, and you begin to sleep more restfully. You have a greater focus and get done the things you want to get done during the day. Your relationships with family and friends are more enjoyable, and life itself becomes much more fun.

Your chiropractor, your energy conservation specialist, is an important natural resource for your well-being and your family's well-being.

1Katona P, Katona-Apte J: The interaction between nutrition and infection. Clin Infect Dis 46(10):1582-1588, 2008 2UNESCO, Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific: Population, nutrition, and health. Bull Unesco Reg Off Educ Asia Pac 23:260-268, 1982 3D'Melllo R, Dickenson AH: Spinal cord mechanisms of pain. Br J Anaesth April 15, 2008 - 17273

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Burn More Fat With These Foods

By Jermaco Helelad

For those looking to lose weight and boost their metabolism, there are many healthy and nutritious foods that actually help your body lose weight naturally. Adding some or all of these foods into your diet can help you lose weight faster and eventually lead to a healthier lifestyle. These foods burn more calories to digest than other foods, helping you burn fat just by eating.

Lean Turkey. The protein in lean cuts of turkey can boost your metabolism, helping you lose fat and build muscle tissue which in turn burns calories. Choose boneless, skinless cuts of turkey and avoid processed deli varieties.

Oatmeal. This breakfast favorite is a rich source of cholesterol-fighting, soluble fiber that helps keep you feeling full and gives you the energy you need to make it through the morning. Avoid instant oatmeal and choose steel cut or rolled oats instead to get the maximum amount of fiber.

Grapefruit. Highly efficient in regulating your body?s insulin levels, grapefruit also helps your body effectively process other foods and controls your appetite. It can also aid in dissolving fat and cholesterol. Check with your doctor first before making grapefruit a regular part of your diet because it may render some medications less effective.

Apples. Apples contain pectin, a chemical typically found in berries and fresh fruit, especially apples. Pectin restricts the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Pectin binds with water and helps cells release fat deposits. Fresh fruit like apples also contain rich sources of soluble fiber. This kind of fiber helps you feel fuller for longer and prevents dangerous drops in blood sugar levels.

Broccoli. Calcium has long been associated with safe and effective weight loss. Broccoli is an excellent source of calcium as well as vitamin C which helps the body absorb calcium more efficiently. Broccoli is also a great source of vitamin A, folate, and fiber. Packed with vitamins, this low-calorie vegetable helps your body fight disease.

Low-Fat Yogurt. Dairy products can also help people lose weight. Dieters who eat 3 to 4 servings of dairy foods per day typically lose more weight than dieters on a restricted calorie diet alone. One serving of low-fat yogurt contains calcium and 12 grams of protein.

Soybeans. These versatile beans are an excellent source of lecithin, a chemical that prevents cells from building up fat. To help reduce the fat stores in your body, simply add fresh or frozen soybeans to your diet. - 17273

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Observe The 5 Top Fat Loss Rules

By Susan S Wilson

It is a myth that "all diets work" and that the only problem is that people just can't keep the weight off after they lose it. Some people, women especially have bodies that are very resistant to weight loss and they never seem to be able to lose a pound in the first place.

As an experienced dieter I have tried many weight loss programs that just didn't work. I would follow the program rigorously but the scale would not move. On some of these diets, I could follow perfectly for months at a time and never lose a pound.

Biology has made it more challenging for women to lose weight. It is always easier for a man to lose weight because nature has programmed women to hold on to fat. That is because in the case of a famine, a woman not only has to be able to keep herself alive but she must also be able to keep any offspring alive. Biology has just made it more difficult for women. It's a fact of life.

But over the years I have learned quite a bit about what works to lose weight and what doesn't work. Here are the top five rules that I have come up with.

The first rule is fairly elementary, "Eat". Yes, eat at least three and even as many as 6 small meals every day. One reason is that it keeps you from getting over hungry, which stops you from gorging and another reason is that it keeps your metabolism going strong. Your body will start to conserve fat if it believes it's starving so the first rule is to Eat.

Second is to substitute quality for quantity. Empty calories that provide no decent nutritional value do nothing to fill you up and eating nutritionally void food is a guaranteed way to pack on the pounds. Cravings are often caused by a deficiency of vital nutrients so it is crucial to choose high quality, nutritionally dense foods. Stay away from the "white stuff', meaning white flour and white sugar.

The third rule is to have protein at every meal. There is a reason why high protein diets have been successful. It's not because they are especially nutritious but rather because protein does not cause sugar spikes and it is digested slower than carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates. Therefore, when you add protein you don't get anywhere near as hungry and you don't eat nearly as much.

The fourth rule is to be picky about the carbohydrates that you eat. Simple carbs, such as baked goods made with white flour and anything that is pure sugar will just send your blood sugar soaring and that makes you hungry again in a very short time. It will also go straight to your fat deposits, as it adds no nutritional advantage. Complex carbs, such as whole grains and vegetables have fiber, which keeps your digestive system running smoothly and they also provide excellent nutrition.

The fifth rule is to start moving. Start an exercise program. Start walking and take the stairs. You can begin slow and move up to a more challenging program as you become stronger but if you want to lose weight and keep it off long-term exercise is critical.

It will probably be that you'll have to work at it. Few people with weight problems solve them once and for all for and never have to deal with it again, but if you follow these rules the majority of the time, you will lose weight and you will be able to keep it off. - 17273

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What's All The Fuss About Acai Berries?

By Rebekah Galafinakis

Acai berries are making the health food industry and consumers stand up and pay attention. What's the reason? Because these little acai berries, which are deep purple in color and the size of a small grape, are rich in vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for good health. From extra energy to anti-aging benefits these little purple acai berries promise the consumer everything.

They also carry levels of Vitamin E in the fruit which helps the immune system to function more efficiently and some health food companies claim the acai berries helps with a steady natural weight loss. In part, that gives you the energy boost similar to caffeine like effect but without the jitters. The fruit is also a more natural form of caffeine that gives you an energy boost but unlike, say coffee for example, you dont get the jitters just more energy and for longer periods of time.

Some people use the acai berries as a facial astringent because the fruit has high anti-bacterial properties and leaves the skin feeling bright and soft. Health and Organic food stores offer many different types of acai berry products because they are made up of so many antioxidants. You can find acai extract in many health stores; this can be found as pills or mixed into smoothies. And online you can find the purest all natural organic acai berry products and have them delivered right to your door.

There is little doubt that this amazing fruit has a promising future in the medical world, health food industry and with consumers. Results are not conclusive as yet but an expert in health foods can tell you more about it.

At times, acai berries are called "power berries," and it is no surprise considering all of these amazing health benefits. And that, my friend, is what all the fuss is about. - 17273

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