Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, July 10, 2009

Michael Thurman Six Week Body Makeover - Basics of Food Composition

By Rico Kidd

Once you understand the basic chemistry of food, you will be able to understand what foods will help you lose weight. You will also be able to reprogram your metabolism to maintain your weight at the desired level. There are three main types of categories to foods as far as your body is concerned.

Carbohydrates are what your body uses to get energy. When you eat a piece of bread, it's broken down and turned into sugar (glucose). Glucose gives you energy and fuels your brain so that you can think and concentrate harder. There are two types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Complex carbs are white rice, whole grains and potatoes. Simple carbs are found in refined sugars and sweet fruit.

Protein is the main building block for building and maintaining muscle tissue, hair and vital organs. Protein comes from animal sources such as meat, fish and poultry. There are non-animal sources of protein. You can consume soy, legumes, nuts and combinations of partial proteins to substitute for animal proteins. The easiest way to get protein is through animal sources. It is hard to get an adequate amount of protein from non-animal sources. Many people worry about the fat content in protein. This is why you should choose proteins that are low in fat. A great source of low-fat protein is egg whites, skinless turkey, skinless chicken breast and many types of fish.

Fat has essential elements that control your metabolic rate. It is stored as energy reserves and can be found in animal fat, vegetables, nuts and dairy. When you eat fat, you wear fat. Fat takes a long time to break down in your body. It will take your metabolism a long time to turn fat into fuel, so there is a greater chance of having the fat stored as "reserves".

If you are not eating a variety of foods, it might be a good idea to supplement some foods with vitamins. However, on the Six Week Body Makeover, you shouldn't have to supplement your diet with vitamins as you will be getting all the nutrition you need from the meals that are planned according to your body type. - 17273

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6 Week Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

How about if you could eat the same amount of food and still lose weight? Would you want to try this type of diet? The 6 Week Body Makeover states that this is possible as they have provided a way to lose weight by learning how to eat the right way. Each body type reacts differently to food, some people gain a ton of weight when eating red meats, some lose weight when eating red meats. Since each person's body reacts differently to food, it is important to learn what kind of body you have and what foods will help your body burn fat.

Blue printing your body is the first step in determining what types of foods will help burn fat. According to the body makeover diet, your body type can be determined by categorizing yourself as an A, B, C or D. This article will describe each body type and the types of foods that should be consumed to maximize weight loss.

Type A body types have slow metabolisms and gain weight easily. The reason that these types of bodies gain weight are because their body metabolism can not burn enough of the calories that they consume. These people should stay away from simple and complex carbs and should eat proteins that are lean, such as fish and turkey.

Type B bodies are able to build lean muscle and consistently maintain it. Building lean muscle is important as this is the key to increasing your bodies metabolism. B bodies tend to burn calories at a slow rate. B people can eat lean proteins such as chicken, turkey and seafood. They should stay away from foods such as potatoes, yams and pasta. Type C bodies are like B bodies. The only difference between a B and a C is that complex carbohydrates are tolerated more in Type C bodies as their metabolism burns a bit faster than a B . An example meal for a C body type is chicken and shrimp stir fry with garden vegetables.

Body Type D people have slow metabolisms and do not have enough lean muscle to burn fat. D people should eat more proteins as they need to build lean muscle in order to increase their metabolism. A protein rich diet with red meat consumption is acceptable for the D body. However, just like type B's and A's, simple carbohydrates need to be avoided.

There is no magic bullet for weight loss. However, knowing your body type and choosing the right foods will increase your chance of losing weight. The first step in learning about your body is by taking the body blue print. - 17273

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6 Week Body Makeover - Diets Without Carbohydrates

By James Kim

All protein/no carbohydrate diets are a popular way to lose weight. However, there are many negative aspects to these types of diets. This article will describe the reasons why you should stay away from all protein/no carbohydrate weight loss plans.

Therefore, even though you are consuming large amounts of protein, your body will break down your lean muscle to provide a source of glucose. Carbohydrates provide a source of glucose and your body will seek other places to find energy if you do not provide your body carbohydrates. Protein serves as a building block to increase muscle mass. However it only builds muscle if it is mixed with carbohydrates in the diet. The other problem is that muscle burns calories and if you start to lose lean muscle mass, your metabolism will decrease and you will gain weight.

Carbohydrates provide a source of energy as your body breaks down carbs and turns it into glucose. Protein is a great building block to build muscle, but the only way it can function in this capacity is when it's consumed with carbohydrates. Lean muscle tissue increases your metabolism as it needs energy even when you're not doing anything. If catabolism is occurring within your body, you will lose lean muscle tissue, which will inevitably decrease your metabolism.

Another important factor is that carbohydrates make your body retain water. This might be the reason why so many people lose weight quickly on all protein diets. This is very unhealthy and a counterproductive way to lose weight. There are many other methods to avoid water retention.

Consider the 6 Week Body Makeover because the plan teaches you how to eat correctly, not how to diet. Diets rarely work and are a short term solutions to long-term problems. Learning how to eat correctly based on your body structure is the best way to lose weight. - 17273

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The 6 Week Body Makeover Scam

By Rico Kidd

The 6 Week Body Makeover is not a diet, it's a program that re-teaches you how to eat so that you lose weight and stay thin for the rest of your life. Many people are too quick when judging a program and will shout out "scam!" if they do not lose weight (or lose weight at slower rate than what the plan states).

So what do you do when you think something is a scam? Well you Google it of course! You will see a variety of websites and hundreds of complaints about this program when you Google the term "6 Week Body Makeover Scam". I have decided to write this article to clear up some notions about this "scam" diet and clear up misconceptions.

I would like to give a fair review of the of the body makeover program as I am currently on this eating plan and have enough knowledge to give an un-biased review. I can say that my review is un-biased because I'm not trying to sell you anything. You will not see any affiliate links to a product within this article (this diet does not have an affiliate program). There is absolutely no benefit for me, except to share a rebuttal towards all of the negative complaints towards this program.

The important question is, "will you lose weight on this program?" The short answer is, yes. However, this eating program is not like other diets. Once you start the program, you will be on it, for life. This program is about making over your body for a life-time, not just for a short-term weight loss project. If you want to lose a few quick pounds and go back to your flabby self, I suggest you try another fad diet. If you want to lose weight and learn how to keep it off, then do this program.

I have read a lot of complaints and the majority of them state that they in fact lost weight on the program. I am confused why they would complain when the program did its intended purpose. One of the major complaints was that the diet was too restrictive and that people left the diet because it was "too much, too fast". Yes, the diet is restrictive in the fact that you aren't allowed to eat sweets and junk-food. This program is intended for people who are willing and wanting to lose weight. You should try another diet if you want to diet slowly and lose a little weight over a long period of time.

The overall program is intended for you to lose weight by confusing your metabolism into thinking that food is abundant, therefore it should burn calories faster. The way to do this is by filling out the body blue print questionnaire, determining your body type and planning your meals according to your body's needs.

Other people complain that all they lost was water weight and that they gained all the weight back once they left the program. What they don't tell you is that they started eating unhealthy again and went back to their old eating habits. People are not victims when it comes to weight loss and weight gain. You ultimately make the decision of whether or not you will lose weight or gain weight. No one is forcing that donut into your mouth. - 17273

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Mighty Memory - How To Improve Memory

By Chris Jensen

Do you want to know how to make more money and save time? Do you want to know how to get better grades and learn faster? Do you want to know how to get a faster job promotion and enhance your career? First learn the secret on how to improve memory, and be able to do all these things.

Memory is the ability to remember something that has been learned or experienced. It also refers to the brain's ability to store information. Certain structures of the limbic system appear to play major roles in storing and retrieving memories. These structures include the amygdaloid complex and the hippocampus, both in the temporal lobe. Evidence suggests that memories may be formed through the establishment of new brain circuits or the alteration of existing circuits. Storing new memories involves structural changes and chemical changes in the nerve cells of the brain or in the substances that carry messages across the tiny gaps between the nerve cells.

Memory experts say that the chief reasons for forgetting include interference, retrieval failure, motivated forgetting, and constructive processes. They believe that with practice, people can increase their ability to remember.

One of the most important means of improving memory is the use of mental aids called mnemonic devices. Another good way to help remember a piece of information is to repeat it a number of times. You can do this out loud or quietly to yourself. The more frequently you do this, the more lasting the memory will be. Elaborating the piece of information by relating it to something else may also help, as well as making the surroundings in which you remember material similar to those in which you learned the material.

It has been proven that having a strong, dependable memory is directly correlated to one's quality of life. Discover the ways on how to improve memory and become a memory master. - 17273

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Acai Berries Are Wholesome Brain Fare

By Wesley A Willis

Berries are particularly nourishing and they are in particular beneficial for your brain physical condition. This includes all types of berries, remarkably blueberries, cranberries, boysenberries, purple grapes, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and the acai berry from Brazil. Most berries have a elevated antioxidant content but some are better than others. Most berries contain extraordinary amounts of a strong antioxidant, which is actually the deep dark purplish pigment that gives the berries their bright colors.

Research has revealed that berries are valuable for protecting the brain from inflammation and oxidative stress. These are tribulations that can contribute radically to brain aging. Science has shown that a diet high in the anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants that are found in berries can reduce the risk of developing age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's.

In a experiment involving rats it was established that berry extracts improve the memory. Rats given berry extracts did considerably better in maze tests than the control group.

Another study gave rats a berry supplementation that was equal to one cup day after day for two months in human use. After the time had passed it was found that the motor functions of coordination, balance and memory showed considerable improvement. The berries were also shown to be useful in reversing motor behavior deficits.

Berries can also help elevate the good cholesterol or HDL and lower inflammatory markers in the bloodstream. They thin the blood in an effect that is equivalent to aspirin. Berries are good for both your brain and your cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

Of all the good for you berries, one of the most nutritious is the acai berry from the acai palm tree in the rainforest's of Brazil. This little berry has one of the uppermost antioxidant contents of any food found in nature. It is not viable to find this berry in a fresh and unprocessed state outside of Brazil because this berry is enormously perishable. However, you can still enjoy the advantages of it because you can find it in a processed form in juices, smoothie mixes, a range of powdered forms and extracts and even in a pill or capsule form. Just make sure that it is processed with a freeze-dried method to protect the nutrition.

Blueberries, cranberries and blackberries are also listed as some of the highest-ranking antioxidant foods. You can find these berries fresh in season just about anywhere and you can also locate them in frozen form, which is very often just as wholesome as fresh, since the nutrition are locked in place during the freezing process.

If you want to thwart many of the harms related with aging, such as age-related dementia and Alzheimer's disease, make sure to add wholesome and nutritious berries to your every day nutritional regime. - 17273

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Truth And Confirmation About Acai Berry Weight Loss

By Jane L Bennett

The tangible scientific substantiation that the acai berry can help you to lose weight is absent. There have been no particular experiments on it. However, many persons have lost fat by including the acai berry into their food plans and the anecdotal confirmation for the fat loss claims on this berry abounds.

The acai berry can bestow your body with superb nutrients. This can prove to be a massive help when it comes to fat loss. Overweight is often caused by undernourishment, as our bodies tend to crave foods when we are deficient in imperative nutrients. Cravings are often our body's way to telling us that we are deficient the superior nutritional levels that we need for greatest wellbeing.

The acai is truly one of the healthiest and most nourishing foods on the earth. The acai has an wealth of crucial vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants. The acai berry has one of the top antioxidant capacities of any food and there are only a few ground spices that have superior antioxidant activity.

The acai berry has an plenty of a critical antioxidant called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are bounteous in blueberries, cranberries, red cabbage and red wine. This is because anthocyanins are really the pigment that makes these healthy foods their radiant purple and deep red hues.

Anthocyanins may be an essential nutrient for fat loss. A study with laboratory mice showed irrefutably that mice fed with purified anthocyanins and a restricted food intake were able to cut their body weight considerably more than mice that were only on the restricted nutritional regime or mice on the restricted diet with supplementary fruit.

The acai is also excessive in beneficial fats. It is laden with essential fatty acids, which are critical in stabilizing blood sugar levels, which is imperative for weight loss. Essential fatty acids are also critical for our cardiovascular, immune, reproductive and skin health.

These essential fatty acids that are so influential for our excellent physical condition also initiate our body's instinctive fat-burning aptitude. These fats are a forceful blood-sugar stabilizer. When our blood sugar levels spike our bodies pump insulin to counter the sugar in our blood. The difficulty arises because insulin is a fat-promoting hormone and elevated insulin blocks the body's ability to burn stored adipose tissue for energy as well as creating a brisk decline in blood sugar levels that results in more appetite. Keeping our blood sugar stabilized is an critical issue in weight loss and the essential fatty acids from the acai berry can help accomplish this.

The acai berry can offer your body with superior nutrients, which can be valuable for fat loss. Even without the scientific studies to back up the weight loss claims it is worth it to try the acai berry as the superior nutrients can only help your body anyhow. - 17273

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Green Tea for Good Health

By Julian Alusi

It is only recently that the world at large has become enlightened about the great many health benefits that green tea possesses. On the other hand the use of green tea has been prevalent in many Asian cultures, the Chinese and Japanese being at the forefront for many centuries.

Green tea is derived from the leaves of a native Asian shrub known as the Camellia Sinesis. The leaves of this shrub are dried up for the purpose of preparing green tea.

China has been utilizing the benefits of this wonder drink for over four thousand years according to records.

Green tea has been the subject of extensive scientific testing the results of which have proved the wisdom of the Chinese in making use of green tea for its health benefits.

Green tea gets is loaded with a number of unique substances that can be a source of great health benefits for the body. The shrub is renowned for being antioxidant rich in particular.

Epigallocatechin Gallate, known as EGCG for short is one of the antioxidants that green tea is heavily potent in.

Antioxidants, in a certain quantity are vital to ensure the proper functioning of the human body and at the same time they can safeguard the body against the onslaught of harmful diseases including even cancer.

Green teas antioxidants have been tested to be at least twenty five times more effective than Vitamin C and work much better for cellular protection and DNA structure preservation than Vitamin E.

Green tea can be used on a regular basis for the prevention and cure of a wide variety of diseases. HIV and cancer have showed improvement when treated with green tea whereas it is also a natural booster of immune system functionality.

Problems like rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases and Alzheimers disease which usually crop up with age can also be countered by making use of green tea. Green tea has even been considered to prevent the development of the symptoms that lead to Parkinsons disease and multiple sclerosis.

In recent years green tea has been promoted as a weight loss agent. This is so because the consumption of green tea can boost the metabolic processes in the body which help to breakdown fat. At the same time it loads the body up on various other health benefits and its inclusion in your every day diet is highly recommended. - 17273

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Phellinus linteus - An Increasingly Popular Korean Medicinal Mushroom

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Out of Korea comes a new and increasingly popular medicinal mushroom known as Phellinus linteus. It does have a rarely used English common name, Black Hoof Fungus. But you are more likely to hear it referred to by its Japanese name as Mesima.

Phellinus linteus is common in Southeast Asia as well as the southern United States. It grows on hardwood species of oak, mulberries and poplar, and sometimes on pines. [1]

Unlike most medicinal mushroom species, which were originally used in China or Japan, Phellinus linteus first became popular in Korea as a complement to traditional cancer therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy.

From there, the fame of Phellinus linteus has spread across the globe. Doctors all over the world now use it as an immune enhancer [2-11], particularly to prevent cancer metastasis. [5,10,12-17] In addition to Korea, Phellinus linteus is today also increasingly popular in the U.S., Japan, and the Middle East from Turkey to Israel.

Perhaps it all got started when one of the first Korean studies on Phellinus linteus in 1996 reported that it exhibited a wider range of immunostimulation and antitumor activity than polysaccharides isolated from other medicinal mushroom species. [4]

World renown American mycologist Paul Stamets took this a step further when he published research in 2003 which compared seven of the world's most popular medicinal mushroom species, including Reishi, Cordyceps, Maitake, Chaga, Lion's Mane and Agaricus blazei. [18]

In this study, Phellinus linteus turned out to have the most powerful effect on enhancing the activity of macrophages, a type of white blood cell that's an important part of the immune system. Macrophage activity was increased 5,700% by the Phellinus linteus extract. The dose used was equivalent to 3,750 mg for an average (165 lbs) adult. [18]

Macrophages as part of the human immune system can be a two-edged sword. They may devour cancer cells, but can also stimulate cancer growth. The published research on Phellinus linteus indicates that it activates the cancer-fighting properties of macrophages, not the cancer-stimulating properties. [8,14,19,20]

Additional reports have been published on cases of "spontaneously" regressed cancers, where the patients reported having used Phellinus linteus by their own choice:

1. First out was a Japanese article in 2004 with a case study of a patient with hormone refractory prostate cancer and bone metastasis who exhibited "dramatic remission" after using Phellinus linteus extract. [15]

2. Next out was a Korean article published in 2005, which reported on a patient who "ingested mushroom called Phellinus linteus for one and a half years" before exhibiting "spontaneous regression" of liver cancer and skull metastasis. [17]

3. And then one year later, in 2006, another Japanese article was published on "a case of spontaneous regression of hepatocellular carcinoma with multiple lung metastases." The 79-year-old patient had been taking an extract of Phellinus linteus Mycelium for a month. When examined by his doctor 6 months later, his tumors had disappeared. [16]

Note: The information in this article is not intended to cure, treat, or diagnose any illness. The article is for entertainment and informational purposes only. The fungus Phellinus linteus has not been approved in the United States for use as a pharmaceutical. Always ask a licensed medical practitioner before using any substance as medicine. - 17273

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You Should Consider Cooking With Alfredo Sauce

By Ferdinand Emy

Once you have your ingredients ready, there are many things that you can do to prevent ruining your dish. The most common recipes do not add cheese or butter while the cream is on the heat, as this can cause the cheese to stick to the pan or the butter to cause the cream to separate. When the cream is added to the pan, it should be done off of the heat, with the cream being returned to the heat after it has been warmed in the pan. Have your pasta pot prepared in advance Alfredo sauce is best eaten immediately. Also, ingredients may be altered depending on whether or not there are attempts at making the Alfredo more healthy.

This makes this dish an excellent alternative to the standard red sauces and meats normally associated with Italian meals. The secret to good Alfredo sauce is a combination of ingredients and technique. Add toppings to Alfredo sauce, it is flexible. Plan to make your Alfredo sauce when you can dedicate time to it. Great with meats and seafoods, as well as with vegetables, you can easily turn Alfredo into a one course meal.

While mainly affecting aesthetics and lengthening cleanup time, it can also affect the flavor of the dish. The process of making the sauce goes by very cursorily, so you will want to insure you have everything nearby so that you do not risk scorching your cream as you cook. Unlike many Italian dishes, Alfredo sauce is extremely rich, with the base ingredient being cream. Start boiling the water part way through the sauce making process so that your Alfredo sauce and pasta finish at the same time. Prepare any toppings in advance, and warm them on a grill prior to serving.

As scorching the cream is the most common cause of ruin of an Alfredo dish, this simple preparation can prevent disaster. The common ingredients of standard Alfredo sauce are: Heavy Cream, Parsley, White Salt, Pepper, Butter, Parmesan Cheese. Cooking times and amounts may vary from recipe to recipe. In the case of zucchini and other vegetables that do not sit well, put them on the grill or in the frying pan just as the sauce is nearing completion. As Alfredo is so heavy on cream, butter and cheese, it is often viewed as a treat or avoided on many diets.

By properly preparing your pan by preheating and cooling the pan slightly with water, you can prevent the cream from scorching. Prepare your Pan Scorching Alfredo is only the first of the risks. Alfredo is not a sauce that you can leave alone for long. Remember to stir constantly Reducing cream by half requires patience and dedication. Do not add cheese while sauce is on the burner A common mistake is for individuals to add the butter and cheese to the sauce while it is still on the burner.

Do not make this error unless the recipe calls otherwise. Before you begin cooking, have your water for your pasta already prepared, and the amount of pasta you want cooked put to the side. When you go to make your Alfredo sauce, you should make certain you have all of your ingredients ready in advance. - 17273

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The Health Benefits Of A Juice Maker

By Ian Randin

The health benefits of a juice maker appliance are quite widely known, and, as such, these devices have become quite popular for personal within the home. One of the most valuable benefits is that it is possible to make the freshest of juices. This is particularly important because, over time, some of the health benefits received from the fresh juice will deteriorate or disappear.

When freshly prepared in the maker the flavors of the fruit and vegetables are preserved in their sweetest state. Carrot juice is one good example, where it is at its sweetest within the first half hour which is the optimum time for it to be consumed. Twenty minutes is the best time within which to drink citrus juices

Another great benefit you get by using a juice maker is that juices are at their highest and best nutritional value. You can guarantee that there are no extra additives or chemicals in your juice, and you can create many amazing combinations instantly.

Use organically grown fruits or vegetables for the most natural juices. You have the option of keeping pulp, rinds and skin in your juice, or removing them. It is good to keep them, as they do contain many nutrients. Since raw fruits and vegetables contain many essential vitamins, you have the benefit of making the very freshest juices possible when you use your own juice maker.

Live enzymes and amino acids can be obtained by consuming the fresh raw fruit and vegetables. These are particularly important for good health.

Using a juicing machine means that you can get more benefits for your fruit and vegetables than when eating them raw. Indeed, just one cup of carrot juice provides more nutrients that eating four cups of raw carrots. The juice is also much more easily digested and places less workload on the body.

Retaining the pulp, rind, and skin for added fiber can help with the bowel. There are many claims by health experts and fitness gurus like Jack LaLanne, that consuming juices will help prevent many diseases including heart disease and cancer. They also maintain that fresh juices slow down the aging process, as well as boosting health and energy levels. There are many more benefits to the drinking of fresh and raw food products, and juice is an vital tool in controlling weight.

There is a great range in the prices of juice makers from around thirty dollars up to a few hundred. It is important to look at the horsepower of you intend to do a lot of juicing. You can find juicers with additional functions such as masticating juicers which can also be used for making baby foods, nut butters and sauces. - 17273

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Ways That You Can Shed Pounds

By Jerry Thompson

One of the most effective ways to start burning that fat off of the belly would be running, jogging, bicycle riding or swimming. Another effective way to lose weight, and commonly the most difficult to do, is to eat small portions of healthy food throughout the day.

Dieting doesn't mean that you have to starve yourself in order for you to lose fat. Eating right is. What this means is that you need to eat less fatty foods and eat more foods that your body needs in order to function every day. Eat foods that have plenty of fiber and in order to promote muscle growth, eat food with plenty of protein, such as beef.

Another great tip is to cut your carbohydrate intake down say 25%. By doing this you are just adding another piece to the puzzle of weight loss and shedding those pounds off of the waist line.

One way to jumpstart your metabolism for the day, would be to go for a 30 minute jog when you first wake up in the morning, before breakfast. This will get your heart rate pumping first thing when you wake up, and then you will be feeling great for the rest of the day.

Once you are done doing cardiovascular exercises, it is now time to develop your muscles with weights. For maximum muscle gain, you might want to use as much free weights as you can. Try to minimize the use of the machine as the machines only focuses on the primary muscle and not the supporting muscles.

If you just want to increase your strength, such as a power lifter, then you will want to lower the amount of repetitions that you do, and increase the amount of weight that you are using. Reverse that process if you are trying to burn fat.

There is a lot more to weight loss than this, but this is definitely enough valuable information to get you started. There is no magic weight loss program out there, to lose weight will require eating healthy and staying on a consistent workout schedule. - 17273

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