Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How To Get Sexy Arms With Proper Nutrition If You Workout In The Morning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Basic nutrition for getting sexy arms is not too hard to follow. And if you ignore all the marketing hype and fads, it's relatively simple to understand.

However, there are certain situations when basic nutrition just won't do-some advanced techniques are called for.

One tricky area is when you exercise very early in the morning. Since your body is coming out of a fasted state, you have to be very precise with your nutrition.

Thus, without further ado, here are some tips for early morning workout nutrition:

1. Drink 2 cups of water immediately. This has to be your top priority. When you wake up you are severely dehydrated. And dehydration will really mess up digestion. So without water you will not be able to efficiently digest your breakfast.

2. Exercising 3 hours after rising. You can go ahead and have a full breakfast here. Make sure it's balanced, though. Include a protein, carbohydrate, fat and vegetable source. Doing so will maximize the amount of nutrients going to your active tissues before working out.

3. When the workout is 1 hour upon waking. You need some carbs and some fat to slow down the digestion of the carbs. A good choice here would be a peanut butter sandwich. And make sure the bread is whole grain, no high fructose corn syrup allowed!

4. Exercising 10 minutes after rising. You are going to need some liquid or gel-like carbohydrates here. You could have a supplement like power gel for Gu. Or you could make your own shake with maltodextrin or dextrose and casein protein. It's essential you have fast digesting carbs before exercising so that you don't black out. Blacking out is not worth it no matter how badly you want sexy arms!

Exercising right after waking up is not good for you. It's simply too hard for the female body to digest food so quickly. If you do this, you're most likely going to start exercising while still in the fasted state-not a good thing if you're trying to get sexy arms! So try to give yourself at LEAST 30 minutes between eating and exercising in the morning. - 17273

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Electric Ice Cream Makers - 8 Compelling Reasons To Make Your Own Ice Cream

By Mia Kane

I get asked a lot of questions about making my own ice cream. Besides the fact that I love it and enjoy it, I have found over the years that there are many more reasons that I stopped buying and started making ice cream. Here they are. I hope I can help turn you into an ice cream maker.

1. As a family, we eat ice cream regularly. Not just in the warm summer months, but throughout the year. It's not cheap to buy, as you will know. But when you add it up over a month or a year, well I was surprised at how much I was paying out, too much. When I make my own, I keep cost in mind, I can make it cheaper, with no loss of quality or taste.

2. By making my own ice cream, I reduce my food miles. (embarrassingly my kids told me about that one). My children come home from school asking me what am I doing to save their planet. Well, making ice cream means that I am not using fancy packaging, tubs and useless cartons that it comes in, and I have not paid for it to travel from several hundred miles away to my door. Everything I put in my ice cream, I get locally. You can too.

3. I get to know exactly what is going into my kids mouths. There are no additives or preservative in my home made dessert. Only natural goodness no artificial rubbish.

4. Allergies are not a problem. More and more friends and family these days seem to suffer from some sort of allergy or another. Well I can usually just leave out what they are allergic to, and replace it with something else.

5. I'm never stuck for something to bring to a friends for dinner. I usually make up a batch specially to bring along for dessert.

6. It's a fantastic way of getting the kids involved in what they are eating, (not to mention entertaining them for an afternoon). When they have their friends around and are starting to get bored, I get them out some ingredients and get them making. They love it.

7. I can get the kids to eat more fruit too, by serving it on top or beside the ice cream. Add some good nuts, and maybe some oats sometimes and they don't even know they are eating something really good for them. Result!

8. I always make my ice cream with lower fat cream or half and half. Honestly they don't notice the difference. It's so much less calorific than store bought.

So there you have it. The many reasons I make my own ice cream. I hope I have been able to convince you to have a go. - 17273

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Bodybuilding Tips to Increase Your Testosterone Production

By Ricardo d Argence

The amount of muscle you can achieve is regulated by testosterone, also known as the Holy Grail of muscle growth. Quite simply, testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body and is one of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle you can ultimately build. Here is just a small handful of the many amazing benefits that increased testosterone levels will provide you with: Increased muscle size and strength, decreased body fat levels, increased sex drive and sexual endurance, improved mood and decreased levels of "bad" cholesterol.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Well it is, and in this article I'm going to outline 10 simple steps to naturally elevate your testosterone levels and achieve all of these incredible benefits. While these steps will not result in "steroid-like" muscle gains, they will definitely contribute to your overall bottomline results.

1) Your workout exercises should have compound exercises as a foundation. I'm talking about the basic, bread-and-butter lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, chin-ups, dips, lunges and military presses. At the gym, you can maximize your workout with these exercises because they provide the greatest muscle resistance and make your body produce more testosterone.

2) Your intensity and effort should always be at 100% when you are training. If you want to see real muscle mass increases, you have to push yourself to your limit when you work out at the gym. Increasing muscular stress by working out will produce more testosterone.

3) Train your legs equally as hard as your upper body. As you may already be aware, intense leg training can actually stimulate growth in your chest, back and arms. This is due in part to the increase in testosterone that leg training induces.

4) Increase your EFA consumption. Sources such as peanuts and avocadoes, will be the source of Essential Fatty Acids. One interesting way of naturally boosting testosterone levels is through the regular use of olive and canola oils in one's diet.

5) Eat less soy. Testosterone levels are negatively affected by elevated levels of estrogen, which can be caused by soy protein intake.

6) Limit your consumption of alcohol. Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on testosterone levels, so try to limit your "binge drinking" nights and keep your alcohol consumption in moderation.

7) Increase your dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts have all been shown to dramatically reduce estrogen levels, thereby raising testosterone.

8) Lower your daily stress levels. Being overly stressed stimulates the release of "cortisol", a highly catabolic hormone that will cause your testosterone levels to plummet.

9) Increase your sexual activity. Sexual stimulation causes the body to increase the production of oxytocin which increases endorphin production, the "feel-good" chemical, and this also raises testosterone.

10) Be sure that you are getting a decent amount of sleep each evening. Your level of testosterone will decrease when cortisol production increases, which can happen when you don't get enough sleep.

Start implementing these techniques on a consistent basis and you should experience a noticeable increase in your muscle size and strength gains. - 17273

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How To Treat Constipation At Home

By Troy Adams

Constipation can be treated with natural ingredients you can purchase in the grocery store or probably already have at home. Flaxseed, rhubarb, buckthorn, and aloe or senna are frequently ingredients in natural constipation remedies, but often no special remedies are needed. Rather, changing your diet and increasing your intake of water can treat constipation naturally. Eating a diet rich in insoluble fiber helps clean the intestines out and soften stools so they pass easier. Drinking lots of water also moistens stools for easier passing.

Insoluble fiber can be found in things like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Since fiber passes through the digestive tract virtually unchanged, wheat bran, brown rice or whole grain breads are a good way to add fiber, but eating plenty of fruits and vegetables daily is a good preventive measure. For example, eating raw vegetables, such as celery, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower can be the most effective because they act as natural scrubbers as they pass through the intestinal system. Of course, you can cook the fruits and vegetables, but for the most fiber and nutrient content, raw is recommended.

To avoid constipation and stay hydrated, the human body requires 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Increasing your water consumption to the recommended amount is the least expensive and easiest way to treat constipation naturally. Drinking soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, coffee, and tea are not the same as drinking water. Those high in sodium actually dry out and dehydrate the body, as does alcohol. Too much tea or coffee upsets the intestines and, for some, can even result in diarrhea.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Some people hold off on going and this can cause stools to become dry and harder to pass. This is the most common cause of hemorrhoids. For the most part, diet and de-hydration are found to be the most common causes and so natural treatments for constipation would be to first make changes in those areas.

Colon cleansing has also become a popular way to clean out the body and improve bowel habits. For people who have a lot of mucus within their intestines and thus find it difficult to pass stools, a color cleanse can be helpful. You can also do this at home easily, but do it when you can stay home near the bathroom, because it works!

Drink a glass of warm water with one teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in it twice each day. Then add in a lemon-maple syrup colon cleanse detox. To make this colon cleanse, stir 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 2 Tablespoons of organic maple syrup, and 2 Tablespoons of natural lemon juice into a glass of water. Drink this 6 to 10 times daily.

While often used as a 7-10 day weight loss regime, this is one of the best natural ways to treat constipation at home, too. Many people utilize the lemon-maple syrup colon cleanse detox mixture once every three months or so to keep their digestive system clean. Between colon cleanses, they eat a diet rich in insoluble fiber and drink lots of water to stay regular and avoid constipation problems. - 17273

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Do You Know These 5 Dieting Myths

By Cracky McMerlot

If a myth gets passed a lot by lots of sources in no time it gets to be an absolute truth. Some myths are harmless and some can be extremely harmful to your health. Here are some dieting myths and the truth regarding them :

1) Honey has fewer calories than sugar: many suggest that you can replace sugar with honey in your diet. While a spoon of sugar contains 15 calories a spoon of honey contains 65 calories. As you can see the reality is that honey contains much more calories than sugar. But it is also true that honey has much more sweetening power. This makes it so that you need far fewer honey to make your coffee taste sweet. In the end it seems that honey remains a good beneficial substitute for sugar but not because it contains fewer calories.

2) The skin of a fruit is the part that is richest in vitamins: many say that if you throw the peel away you throw away all the vitamins form the fruit also. The truth is that the greatest concentration of vitamins and minerals is found in the pulp of the fruit not in its peel. This doesn't mean you don't waste valuable minerals and vitamins if you throw away the peel.Also usually the peel is super rich in fibers. Dietary fibers help your digestive system work better and put a stop to constipation.

3) The best source of iron is spinach: this dieting myth is as old as the world. We know it form out mothers and our mothers know it from their mothers. Spinach contains 90% water and only 4 mg of iron are found in 100 grams of spinach. Unfortunately spinach isn't the greatest source of iron. There are foods that contain much more iron. From 100 grams of parsley you will get 10 mg of iron and form 100 grams of liver you will get 15 mg of iron. And there are much extra foods that contain more iron than spinach does .

4) Lemons are the best source of vitamin C:From 100 grams of lemons you can get about 75 mg of vitamin C but there are vegetables and fruits that contain even more vitamin C. Some of them are cabbage, dill, blackberries and much more... The best source of vitamin C are rose hips which contain over 200 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. The pulp of rose hips is especially full of vitamin C. Related to this myth is the belief that sour green fruits are rich in vitamin C. The truth is that the fruits that get loads of sun exposure and are ripened and sweet contain much more vitamin C than green sour fruits.

5) Butter has more calories than margarine:while dieting you should stay away from both of them if you want to lose weight.The truth is that 100 grams of butter or margarine both have about 360 calories. There is almost no difference when it comes to the amount of calories. The difference is the quality of the fats they contain. Butter contains saturated fatty acids while margarine contains vegetable unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are more easily assimilated by your body. If you like margarine you can still eat it because it has the same number of calories as butter. - 17273

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Why Acai Berry?

By Blake A. Mclawhorn

Why is it that so much attention is being given to such a small fruit from the remote regions of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil? How can a relatively unknown fruit become so praised, maligned and exploited? Can it be real?

Having personally sampled Acai fresh in the rainforest along the banks of an Amazonian tributary I can confirm that the Acai fruit is real and is here to stay. The versatility of this fruit as it transforms from a savory dish to a sweet dessert to an amazing drink speaks to the uniqueness of this aptly deemed Super Food. The acai plant and its fruit has been around for an undetermined amount of time. However the fruit and its discovery have been documented.

Acai is indehiscent meaning that the fruit does not open on its own to release seeds. It is a fleshy or pulpy, indehiscent, superficially berry-like fruit in which one seed is encased in a stone as in cherries. It was first described as a berry in late 1769 by Joseph Banks, one of the worlds greatest botanists. He recorded in his journal and described Acai as "palm berries (that) appear much like black grapes but for eating have scarce any pulp covering a very large stone."

Acai is known to have been used as food staple since pre-colonial days in the Amazon rainforest. The indigenous people of the area tell of the legend of Iaca or Acai that originated during the pre colonial era of northern Brazil. They claim that it was a fruit discovered by fate during very desperate times in the jungle. The legend declares that the discovery of Acai literally saved the tribes of Indians from death. Acai has been documented in the writings of British, Portuguese and American explorers of the Amazon during the 18th and 19th centuries during the Age of Enlightenment. In each respective accounting of the discovery of acai by these intrepid expeditionary naturalists the fruit is described as being harvested and eaten in the same manner as it is today in that area. Acai was only recently introduced to the rest of Brazil in the 1980s. Up until that time it was consumed raw in its more earthy form as a local savory dish: nothing fancy just some raw acai and cooked fish.

During the 1980s Acai was transformed into an acai bowl. It was not the raw earthy food staple of the Amazon but a more commercially accepted form of the fruit. To make it more commercially acceptable, sugar and guarana, a natural form of caffeine and a popular ingredient in guarana soda pop, were added to the Acai and then frozen into a sorbet like serving. The exotic purple sweetly energizing slushy treat grew in popularity along the beachside resorts in Rio de Janeiro. This popularity spread both south into the more business oriented Sao Paulo area and northward back toward its origin the Amazon. This spread of Acai as sorbets, jams and ice creams was mostly along the coastal areas of Brazil.

It was in the 1990s that a couple of brothers from southern California on a surfing vacation to Brazil first tasted the acai in this form. They fell in love with the taste. This love for acai fueled their fledgling entrepreneurial skills and soon acai was introduced into the United States commercially. Since then acai has been adopted and promoted by many different companies. It has become widely available in powder, pill and juice forms. The fresh acai fruit is impossible to sell in the United States because of its tendency to spoil quickly after harvest. Many of these companies selling acai in North America are merely marketing firms cashing in on a generalized frenzy about acai stimulated by televised exposure on the Oprah show. Her then 'guru' Dr. Oz spoke highly of the nutritional benefits of the acai and declared it the perfect super food. These companies have brought a bad name to the Acai fruit through overstating the benefits of the fruit as a magical weight loss solution and trapping consumers into costly credit card charging schemes. Many of these companies have been identified and are being held accountable for their illegal activities by the Attorneys Generals of many states and Oprah and Dr. Oz themselves.

Still there are many very good and reputable companies working very hard to continue providing very good Acai products to the public. Acai has many good and beneficial qualities that support good health. Just as the fruit sustained the wild Indian tribes of the Amazon Rainforest we too can enjoy the Acai fruit as a dietary supplement that can sustain us in our modern world. Remarkably the antioxidants (boosts immune health), monosaturated fats (the good ones) fiber (good for both cardiovascular and digestive health), phytosterols and amino acids (improves muscle contraction) all work together synergistically to provide an anti-inflammatory result. Many of our modern-day disease processes are inflammatory diseases. So much pollution and over exposure to unhealthy elements we have re-discovered the power of antioxidants. Acai is a very good source of antioxidants that have been proven to be readily absorbed into the human blood stream. It is truly amazing to realize that the old adage 'the more things change the more they stay the same' is as true as in the case of Acai. A fruit that once gave life to a dying tribe of jungle Indians gives life to the modern world to those who will add Acai into their diet as a dietary supplement. - 17273

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Gain Abs Fitness

By James Statham

If you're looking to trim your belly fat and sculpt rock hard abs, you'll want to read this article. Most people think that getting abs must involve lots of crunches, and long hours of cardio work. This is all wrong! In this article, I'm going to show you the proper methods that you should be following in order to get your abs fitness up and achieving a six pack!

There's alot of abs fitness equipment on the market currently, but you really don't need the latest release to get great abs. Infact, sorting out your diet is far more important than the exercises you perform. You're not going to get a sexy six pack by eating rubbish foods and thinking you can "burn it off in the gym". The key to getting abs is to lower your body fat levels and raise your metabolism. Your metabolism determines how much body fat your body burns whilst resting. So how do you do this? Well start by cutting out the foods that have no nutritional benefit, such as crisps, cakes and fizzy drinks. If you don't, then you're only harming your chances of getting visible abs. To raise your metabolism, instead of eating three large meals a day, eat six smaller meals per day. This will give your body a constant supply of nutrients, and if you're eating lots of protein, will help your body build lots of muscle!

When you have improved your diet, it's time to improve your workout routine! Now getting a six pack isn't all about going out and buying the latest abs fitness equipment, it's about high intense, compound exercises. The reason why crunches aren't effective, is because they are too small an exercise and not intense enough. When you exercise, your body burns fat from all over your body, and not just from a specific area. Therefore, you need to be performing large exercises that involve lots of muscles. This results in much more fat burn, which will make your abs shine through! You should also be looking to keep your workouts under an hour. This is so you can exhaust your body in one hour, and give yourself lots of time to rest.

Although strength training is great in improving abs fitness, it is also good to combine effective cardio alongside this. Cardio, such as swimming, is a great exercise. This is because swimming exercises your whole body, meaning all muscles are being involved and fat is being burned much quicker! When performing cardio however, I don't mean spending hours on a treadmill. Cardio should, like strength training, be kept to short, high intense sessions. This will keep your body in a high fat burning state, and will also help to raise your metabolism.

By applying these three factors about getting a six pack, you will see your abs fitness rise like never before! All you need now is dedication. If you stay committed to a routine, and stay consistent with your meals, you will have awesome results to show off wherever you want! - 17273

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3 Steps for a Full-Proof Exercise Plan to Work Lower Abs Fast

By Travis Hunt

I always hear people say to me that they are having a hard time getting lower abs. Out of curiosity, I asked them what things they do exactly to achieve this, and I discovered they all made similar mistakes: they all focused on buidling their abs. That?s it. They forgot about cardiovascular exercises and proper diet.

Any successful fitness plan would involve working the whole body and not just your abs. Also, exercising your butt off is never enough; eating healthy plays a big part as well.

Without these 3 steps, you would still not get your lower abs. Even if you go and sign up for extravagant gym memberships, seek the help of the best personal trainers, or use every workout machine in the world, none of this would matter.

1. Exclude unhealthy fats in your dietary chart

2. Perform regular cardiovascular exercise

3. Do workouts focusing on your lower abs

Doing one without the other two will do you some good. But that would not be enough, would it. Imagine what you can achieve when you do all three.

If you do not reduce the fat you consume, your muscles will stay concealed by all your excess body fat. So it is best to lessen the fatty foods you eat to allow your body to burn existing fat.

To build lower abs effectively, include a lot of whole grains, lean meats, and a few good fats in your meals. Foods like green vegetables, brown rice, fresh fruits, and nuts are some good examples of foods you should eat.

Stay away from fatty, processed, and starchy foods, such as junk foods, soda, and candies; they can only set you back from your goal.

Doing complete body workouts can precisely boost your diet. Cardiovascular exercises done 2 up to 3 times per week will get lower abs quickly. These routines will aid you in toning your muscles and intensify your metabolism.

Jogging, cycling, and boxing are only a few examples of cardio workouts. You can also try watching workout videos for a change. There are so many activities and outlets to choose from.

Lastly, to complete the three steps, focus on working lower abs through abs-concentrated workouts routines.

Begin your abs-centered workout on a weekly basis. 3 to 5 times a week about 20 to 25 reps for every workout will do the trick. You can make basic and full body crunches as these are easily done yet just as effective.

So if I were you, I will include these three steps in my fitness program for this can lead me to success in building lower abs fast. What more can you ask? With less than an hour of exercise each day, accompanied by a nutritious diet, you will have your six pack abs real fast. - 17273

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