How To Get Sexy Arms With Proper Nutrition If You Workout In The Morning
However, there are certain situations when basic nutrition just won't do-some advanced techniques are called for.
One tricky area is when you exercise very early in the morning. Since your body is coming out of a fasted state, you have to be very precise with your nutrition.
Thus, without further ado, here are some tips for early morning workout nutrition:
1. Drink 2 cups of water immediately. This has to be your top priority. When you wake up you are severely dehydrated. And dehydration will really mess up digestion. So without water you will not be able to efficiently digest your breakfast.
2. Exercising 3 hours after rising. You can go ahead and have a full breakfast here. Make sure it's balanced, though. Include a protein, carbohydrate, fat and vegetable source. Doing so will maximize the amount of nutrients going to your active tissues before working out.
3. When the workout is 1 hour upon waking. You need some carbs and some fat to slow down the digestion of the carbs. A good choice here would be a peanut butter sandwich. And make sure the bread is whole grain, no high fructose corn syrup allowed!
4. Exercising 10 minutes after rising. You are going to need some liquid or gel-like carbohydrates here. You could have a supplement like power gel for Gu. Or you could make your own shake with maltodextrin or dextrose and casein protein. It's essential you have fast digesting carbs before exercising so that you don't black out. Blacking out is not worth it no matter how badly you want sexy arms!
Exercising right after waking up is not good for you. It's simply too hard for the female body to digest food so quickly. If you do this, you're most likely going to start exercising while still in the fasted state-not a good thing if you're trying to get sexy arms! So try to give yourself at LEAST 30 minutes between eating and exercising in the morning. - 17273
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