Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How To Get Taller No Matter Your Age

By Shaun Davids

Are you feeling frustrated with being short and want to get taller? Keep your spirits up. Many people from around the world assume that they cannot grow taller. But they are wrong.

In fact, there are a number of steps you can take to increase height and strengthen your bones. These two factors are very closely related.

First, let's discuss a little bit about how our bones grow. When we are babies, much of our skeleton consists of cartilage. This is why we have so many bones when we're younger than when we're adults.

When we begin growing taller, a lot of our cartilage moves and bonds together to become tough adult bone. Most of our growth during puberty is caused by our cartilage growth plates. So during this time a good dose of exercise and nutrition can help a lot to increase bone length.

Why is exercise so crucial during puberty? First off, it triggers the release of HGH (human growth hormones) - which helps you get taller much quicker. But it also strengthens your bones by helping them reach their full length.

A healthy diet is also extremely vital to grow tall. Many people don't realize that when they have poor diets, they actually risk stunting their growth. When you're young, it's important to have a steady intake of calcium, protein, amino acids, and calories to ensure that you have the energy to grow and move.

These nutrients also help in the replenishment of new cells in our bodies as our old cells die off. Remember that as teenagers our bodies work much harder, and as we taller we need as many nutrients possible.

But even during adulthood, what we eat and how often we work out, still play a crucial role to increase height and stay taller. But, do not believe anyone that tells you certain exercises or stretches will make your bones longer even after can no longer grow. This is not possible. Nevertheless, a good diet and exercise keeps you fit and lean, making you look taller when you're dressed up.

A healthy diet, specifically high in calcium will help make your bones stronger and less prone to shrinkage as you grow old.

And those are just 2 of the steps you can take to get taller. The sooner you take action, the sooner you will get taller, so get started now! - 17273

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Buying Brita Water Filters? Here are 2 Important Points You Need to Know.

By William Lin

Brita water filters are very often the top choice of most people when they are considering a water filter. Not surprisingly, Brita water filters is the top selling water filtration system in the world today. However, is Brita the best choice available for customers today?

As someone who has spent a lot of time studying water purification and analyzing the different types of water filters available on the market, I have two important points to make about Brita water filters. So read this article very carefully, if youre someone who is contemplating buying a Brita water filter.

Brita has two types of water filters " pitchers and faucet filters. Both these types of filters are very much affordable as they are cheaper than most other water purifiers available on the market today. This, in fact, is the biggest USP of Brita. People from all walks of life are able to afford them as they are fairly cheap. Now, let me make my first point.

Although the initial investment in Brita water filters is very small, there are many other factors which need to be considered when buying a filter. The pitcher model costs just under $30 and their faucet model costs just under $40. But water filters are not just about the initial costs. You need to take the ongoing costs, or the maintenance costs, into consideration as well. Let us take a look.

A Brita pitcher filter cartridge sells for about $8. The cartridge is capable of producing about 10 gallons of pure water after which the filter should be replaced. Similarly, a filter cartridge for the Brita faucet filter costs about $20. It is capable of producing up to 100 gallons of pure water after which it should be replaced.

Now, depending on the size of your family and your daily water consumption, you can do the math. Even if you consume only two gallons of water every day, the cost per gallon, as far as Brita water filters is concerned, is somewhere in the range of $0.20 to $0.25. This is way more than the average cost per gallon of their competitors, which lies in the range of $0.08 to $0.15. So, my point is " these water filters are definitely not the cheapest on the market.

Now, here is my second point.

When it comes to effectiveness, I have a big problem with Brita water filters. These filters, though certainly effective to some extent, are not capable of removing harmful contaminants such as volatile organic compounds, cysts, certain types of pathogens, and some harmful byproducts of chlorine. Conversely, Britas competitors such as Aquasana produce water filters that are capable of removing all of the mentioned contaminants.

So, where does this leave you, the consumer? As far as I am concerned, it is very clear. When it comes to water filters, Brita water filters are not the cheapest and they are certainly not the most effective as well. So, all I want to say is very simple. Do not go by popular perception. Learn about the different types of water filters available on the market, their efficacy, cost, and all other related factors and then make an informed decision. - 17273

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Facts About Cellulite

By El Bilson

It can be hard to tell facts about cellulite from cellulite myths. This is mostly because cellulite is not very well studied. However based on what we do know about cellulite, there are dermatologists and plastic surgeons that may have differing opinions but most agree with these basic facts on cellulite, its causes and treatment.

A cellulite fact that is generally agreed on by doctors is that cellulite is not so much a fat problem as it is a skin problem. The reason for this is because cellulite is made up of fat that resides directly beneath the skin. The elasticity of your skin can have an effect on the appearance of cellulite.

Many doctors also agree that cellulite is found mainly in women over 35 years of age. However age is not the sole factor in determining if someone will have cellulite or not. Women of all ages are affected by cellulite including girls in their teens.

Doctors also agree on the fact that there are a few key reasons why some people develop cellulite and others have perfect skin. The three key reasons for this are hormones, genetics and anatomy. The anatomy of the septa plays a role in the development of cellulite.

It is important to know a little bit about our skin in order to understand cellulite. Septa are the fibrous bands of connective tissue that surround fat cells in the skin to help keep them in place. In men the septa run in a diagonal pattern while in women their pattern is vertical. A person's genetics play an important part in determining how many septa are found in the body and thus how much cellulite they may have. Doctors feel that our circulatory systems are affected by hormones or may become damaged over time, allowing cellulite to become more apparent.

While opinions of how well they work may vary, experts do agree on four treatments for cellulite. The four treatments doctors recommend are creams and lotions, cellulite diet and supplements, light devices such as lasers, and high-tech massages techniques. These treatments will provide varying degrees of improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

These treatments come with varying degrees of commitment. Changing the diet is a long term commitment to a lifestyle change. Creams and lotions require regular application and can take several weeks to notice results. The use of mechanical devices as in Endermologie or the use of light devices such as laser offer more lasting results but can be expensive. Patients may need to be made aware of the pros and cons of treatments.

One of the treatments that doctors can't seem to agree on is Mesotherapy. While many physicians are using this technique to treat cellulite, others feel that this procedure is not safe to use. Mesotherapy is among the most controversial of cellulite treatments. Developed in France in the 1950s, it combines a mixture of off-label FDA approved medicines to make an injectible solution. Patients often experience mixed results as well.

The types of medicines used in this cocktail can vary. The injections are given rapidly over the course of 30 to 60 minutes. Some doctors and surgeons question the effectiveness of the ingredients of the cocktail. They are also concerned with what happens to the fat that melts and fear that it might end up in the liver.

These facts about cellulite are generally agreed upon by most physicians but you should always contact your own doctor before undergoing any treatments. Beware of doctors that seem to be just pushing products and treatments. If you're going to spend the money on cellulite treatments, make sure they are done by someone you trust! - 17273

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The Acai Berry Lowers Blood Pressure

By Carter Sinclair

High blood pressure is more and more common in this day and age. If not controlled properly it can be fatal. You can come down with serious conditions and even have a stroke if you do not control it. You should do your best to manage your blood pressure for your health.

One of the most common methods of treatment for high blood pressure is medication prescribed by a doctor. Many times people find that they are on some type of diuretic in addition to medication. This is because many people have a body that can retain extra water, which raises your blood pressure levels.

The first thing you must change is your salt and sodium intake. If your diet has a lot of sodium in it then your body will retain more water. Many doctors are finding that Acai berry is very beneficial to those suffering from high blood pressure.

The Acai berry is a berry from the Amazons that has a very high antioxidant content. It is full of anthocyanin and has more antioxidants in Acai than that of wild blueberries.

You should choose wisely what type of Acai you choose to take. The organic and pure pulp version does not contain any sugar but there are some juices that contain sugar. Just be wary when reading the ingredients and try to purchase them from a trusted provider like Amazon Thunder.

The biggest benefit the berry helps out blood pressure with is its ability to flush out toxins from the body. The acai body will cleanse your body of these toxins to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. - 17273

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Longevity Now And The Busy Life Of David Wolfe

By Michael Torc

David Wolfe's newest creation, Longevity Now, is expected to solve the costly problem of eating healthy to stay young.

David is the author of several best sellers including, Amazing Grace, Naked Chocolate, Eating For Beauty and The Sunfood Diet Success System.

His academic caliber includes degrees in political science and environmental engineering. Among the institutions he has studied at is Oxford University. In addition, he contributes as professor of nutrition for thet Dr. Gabriel Cousens' Masters Program.

David has a unique advantage on the field of nutrition. He is the son of two medical doctors. Since 1995, he has delivered over 1,000 lectures and seminars throughout the United States, Canada, Central and Latin America and Europe.

He is associated with Sunfood.com that specializes in novel organic food items. Sunfood.com was the first to introduce organic items like cacao beans, goji berries, maca extract and cold-pressed coconut oil to health food stores in North America. The company has a record of excellence in quality control and ethical business practices.

Each year, Wolfe organizes at least six health-related retreats at various centers around the world.

David is the leading contributor of The Best Day Ever, his own online magazine on nutrition and peak performance. He also founded the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, a non-profit organization, that aims to plant over 18 Billion fruit trees world wide.

Most will probably remember him from his role as "Avacado" in Mad Mad House, a 2004 reality television show that was airing on the Science Fiction Channel. When David is not involved in the pursuits mentioned above, he does hiking, yoga, hot springs soaking, planting fruit trees, literature, writing, alchemy, chemistry and spending time with loved ones.

When Longevity Now will be released to the public on June 24, 2008, it will reveal an innovative "longevity technology" that anyone can implement and afford. It involves simple additions to our every day lifestyle that are also delicious and exhilarating. Be sure to bookmark Longevity Now so that when you purchase the multimedia product from this site you can receive the Longevity Now Bonus that includes a rebate. - 17273

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The Warning Letter from Your Evil Body Fat

By greckery graboo

From you best buddy, body fat. This whole summer was really great, wasnt it? Good times, Great food, and sitting around and stuffing your face way too much.

Ive been thinking a lot about staying another summer or who knows maybe longer if its OK with you. I was also thinking of making my place bigger so you should buy some bigger pants maybe some stretchy pants.

Could you do something for me, try not to do that interval training again. The last time you did that, I almost had to try and find somewhere else to live. I was like the wicked witch of the west. You didnt hear me screaming, "Help me Im melting!"?

Instead of all of that you should go with slow cardio stuff. I will get a little sweaty, But the brain up top thinks it is getting a real fat melting workout, but it does not get me off you.

Remember to keep listening to those experts who say strength training does not get rid of body fat. When research says that they are incorrect, and if you did use strength training to your exercise you would have to say goodbye to me.

Every time you did one of those super set workouts you tried a while ago it felt like you lit a fire under my butt. I was blazing down here!

But man, I was happy you gave that stuff up and started lifting just utensils not dumbbells, or we wouldnt be celebrating another year together.

Sometimes I think what you did in college without me, your jiggle jelly fat? Then you must have been a person who could not wait to go and show off your beach body, but not anymore.

So keep me covered up with those cover-up clothes and stay in the shade, thats the way to go these days. Sure why not its closer to the cold food and the BBQ when we could be at the beach where the good times are.

It was nice catching up with you! Just remember to stay away from that Turbulence Training workout routine and Im sure we will be in touch a lot more of the time like usual.

I dont think a frying pan could fry as much belly fat as the Turbulence Training workout program. I start to tear up every time I start thinking about it.

So remember, to not use that Turbulence Training so do that for me if you want another great year or longer with me. - 17273

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Lose Weight Faster With Cha de Bugre

By Jen Levine

Weight loss can be a particularly difficult pursuit to take up. It is hard to lose weight once you have put it on.

There are some helpful aids for you that can help you lose weight and raise your energy levels.

One very helpful aid is "Brazilian Pure" which contains the weight loss promoting Cha de Bugre.

What are the Cha de Bugre and how can they help you lose weight exactly?

The Cha de Bugre is known for its detoxifying and rejuvenating properties and has been harvested for hundreds of years just for this purpose deep in the Amazon.

Cha de Bugre has become particularly popular in the media in recent years and has been adapted into the diets of celebrities and sports stars alike.

However, the Brazilian Pure product doesn't just stop at Cha de Bugre... it also features other ingredients that are known to help weight loss including green tea extract.

Brazilian Pure is known to help you lose weight, increase your metabolism, increase fat oxidation, fight fatigue, increase energy and more.

It is filled with many nutritional elements including Omega-3, 6 and 9 oils as well as vitamins and more.

If you want to start losing weight today and taking advantage of the Cha de Bugre, then take a look at Brazilian Pure today. At the time of this writing, Brazilian Pure is even offering a free trial so that you can try it with no risk and see the benefits for yourself. Give it a try today! - 17273

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SmileBrite And White Teeth

By Jen Taser

When we get older, our teeth turn from white to an unsightly yellow. This is due to simply daily life necessities as eating and drinking. Although, certain activities will yellow your teeth even quicker such as drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes. In any case, your teeth will yellow as you age.

Recently, however, there is a solution to the yellow teeth problem that can help us return to the white that we had before. Just like other age issues such as wrinkles and poor skin, we can solve yellow teeth fairly well and enjoy the benefits of having a beautiful smile again.

In past times, the only person who could offer you the service of whitening your teeth was your dentist. The dentist usually provided treatments with either lights or bleach or a combination of both. These procedures work pretty well but unfortunately they are quite costly and not very convenient as they require a trip to the dentist each time.

These days, a multitude of home products have come available that allow you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home. The only problem now is choosing which product is the best and which one is going to help you whiten your teeth without any hassles. One product though stands above the rest.

SmileBrite is at the peak of the teeth whitening product list. According to reviews and its site alike, your teeth can become whiter up to 7 shades so. This is a pretty big difference.

SmileBrite contains about 22% peroxide bleach which is completely safe and is also about the same amount of bleach that professional dentists use when performing whitening procedures.

Many news organizations and personal user reviews have appeared reporting the good job that SmileBrite does in whitening teeth. It is pretty much known now that SmileBrite works well and is beneficial to a many different people who are looking to whiten their teeth.

If you are going to whiten your teeth or are considering your options, then definitely check out SmileBrite. Its rave reviews from personal users and news organizations alike insure that it is one of the best products out there for whitening your teeth. Also, at the time of writing, SmileBrite also has a free trial available so you can't go wrong! Go ahead and pick up a free trial and see how effective it is for yourself. - 17273

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Massage Chairs For Chronic Pain

By Claudine Balsells

Massage therapy is a treatment that has been used to treat sore muscles and to help the body relax. As the massage penetrates the muscles it helps to relax the mind as well. Massage therapy is used to help those with chronic also. New research studies are showing the many benefits of massage therapy. Various treatments have helped many patients with chronic conditions such as migraine headaches and chronic pain and the lumbar spine region.

One interesting study was performed by the Puget Sound Center for health studies in 2001. This study found that massage therapy provided greater pain relief to patients than either acupuncture or self-care. This study reported that even after one year that massage therapy for back pain provided more benefits than acupuncture and self-care.

Chronic pain has two main impacts on the patient. One is dealing with the constant pain felt throughout the body. The other is dealing with the psychological impact of constantly having pain. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce one's stress by relaxing the mind as it sues your aches and pains.

Chronic pain is typically associated with arthritis, migraine headaches, sciatica and fibromyalgia. Many of these conditions can affect the soft tissues of the body. This includes the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Many of these soft tissues become stiff and fatigued. Massage is known to soothe these muscles to help them regain their flexibility.

When you suffer from chronic pain, you may also have increased stress. Stress produces a reaction in the body that releases adrenaline. The adrenaline serves to give the body energy to protect itself. Under sustained stress, the energy starts to fatigue the muscles.

Massage chairs are designed to provide therapeutic benefits. A remote control is built into the massage chair. The remote control allows the user to set automatic programs or manual programs. Massage chairs come equipped with a multitude of massage techniques. Sophisticated software programs replicate many traditional and popular massage techniques.

Massage chairs are designed with additional therapeutic treatments. The application of heat is popular in sports to reduce swelling and to help blood circulation. Designers of massage chairs have included heating elements which can be applied to particular muscle areas.

Traction systems are being added into massage chairs as well. Traction is a way of pulling or stretching the muscles and soft tissues of joints. Massage chairs have lower body stretching systems which can stretch the body from the hips down to the ankles. This type of stretching can be very therapeutic for the lower body.

Massage chairs are being designed to provide a total relaxing environment for the user. Massage chairs come with MP3 players and headphones so the user can listen to relaxing music. Music helps the mind to relax and remain quiet. This helps the body and muscles to relax and release their attention. If the mind is unable to relax then the muscles remain stiff and the massage is less effective.

Many new technologies continue to be integrated into massage chairs to provide therapeutic benefits to the users. This is an excellent trend as these features can help provide effective relief. Suffering from chronic pain is a tough situation. Massage chair therapy on a periodic basis helps to keep those symptoms in check. - 17273

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Does Resveratrol Work?

By Jen Croff

Resveratrol has now been featured in many places including the media and a variety of other sources, as well.

Television shows like Oprah have even gone as far as to recommend viewers to take this amazing supplement because of its great proven benefits.

In fact, Resveratrol was looked at in some ways as many as 17 years ago when 60 Minutes featured a show that looked at the benefits of red wine as well as a variety of other popular French foods and drinks on one's health. Red wine is one of the best sources of resveratrol in natural foods and drinks. Of course, you can get an even greater, healthier effect from a compounded supplement form.

Even clinical studies show the results of resveratrol. In one study, two mice were raised and given a high carb diet. However, one of the mice was also given a resveratrol supplement while the other one did not.

After time had passed, they were both weighed and it was found that the mouse that had received the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner than the other mouse that had had the same life and diet except for the resveratrol supplement.

Interestingly, our bodies only absorb about 40-50% of the nutrients that are contained inside the foods that we eat on a daily basis. The excess components then remain in the body sometimes in fat tissues or other places for years or more at a time. These are considered toxic and can hurt our bodies given enough time.

Resveratrol is an anti-oxidant and so it is able to get rid of these toxins in our bodies and make us healthy and thin again. Even after only a short time of use, resveratrol can have these great effects.

If you are interested in getting positive effects from resveratrol, you should consider a resveratrol supplement like Resvalife. At the time of this writing, Resvalife is even being offered as a free trial so you can give it a shot and see the results before having to spend a dime on it! - 17273

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Getting the Most from your Weight Loss Shake

By Jay NaPier

Protein shakes have become popular for those who want to lose weight. Protein comes with many benefits but the protein shakes make you feel like you had a full solid meal. Many weight loss shakes on the market promise results but they fail most of the time.

Many of these protein shakes have high amounts of sugar and low calorie counts. Low calorie diets are the quickest way for a person to lose weight. Restriction to your intake of calories will be disastrous for your metabolism. Weight loss shakes that contain small amounts of fat will help your body. The fat content is necessary for your body to burn off the excess fat.

Making your weight loss shakes at home can be fun and better for you. It costs less to make them at home than it does buy them at a store. Fruit and vegetables are going to be your friends when you've got the right recipe. Fruit gives your shake a great taste and will allow you to have a flexible diet. Vanilla and Chocolate are not the only options. When you add fruit to your shake you'll be gettingthe fiber your body requires. These nutrients flow through the body and helps flush out toxins.

So what are these protein powders. They come in Whey, egg and soy. This is what adds the protein to your shake. The protein keeps your body healthy and it builds new muscles. The protein powder boosts your immune system and can help your body become more attractive.

Now it's time for the liquid. While milk is the most popular, there are other options. Juices are great to give your shake a great taste. Soy milk or almond milk are other options to help you get a great result. They are similar to milk, but are better for you. Low fat and non fat milk are the options most will go with. You can also add Coconut oil to speed your metabolism.

Now comes the fun part, blending. Adding fruit to your shake will give it a great taste, but you'll want to get your fruit and vegetables from their best source. During summer month you should opt for fresh. Go to the farmers market to get them. Organic gives you the best quality and you avoid the chemicals found in commercially grown produce.

Time to add the protein powder. Add a medium amount of protein powder or read the instructions that came with the powder. Add as much milk as you want, this makes the weight loss shake taste better. The last step, add ice cubes. If you want, you could add some type of fruit juice to tweak the flavor of the shake.

There are alot of options that make a weight loss shake the perfect meal replacment. Ask your friends who are also into health what they use in their shake, you'll be surprised how great they taste and how they are a great option. - 17273

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