Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

6-Pack Abs: General George Patton's Bodybuilding Quotes

By MaxBurnFitness

It might seems strange that building a great set of six-pack abs can be motivated by a World War II General. However, upon closer inspection George Patton was a decorated war hero who led thousands of American troops to victory against overwhelming odds, and his words can help us overcome our training challenges. The following Patton bodybuilding quotes are provided with comments for context.

"You're never beaten until you admit it." You're in the last sets of the workout and as tired as a dog. The question is will you throw in the towel or will you push through the pain and make it happen? Thoughts lead to word, words lead to actions, and actions lead to results. It is your word or self-talk that can get you through the tough situations, in the same way that giving your word to do your best keeps an honorable person going even when his body says he should quit.

"Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory." When you think about it, everything that we truly value has come to us at some sacrifice. Your plan for diet and exercise provides the biggest challenge of all. Are you up to following the plan day-in and day-out or do you take short cuts some days because it is easier?

"Better to fight for something than live for nothing." What do you stand for? Do you just talk a good game and hope you get the results or do you focus on carrying out each aspect of the plan faithfully? People that are fat stand only for immediate gratification as they enjoy their Whoppers. If our focus is physical fitness, we stand for good health and a body that reflects it. Those who take the easy route stand for nothing.

"If a man does his best, what else is there?" We are all guilty of going off the diet or cheating on our exercises, and we often beat ourselves up for days and weeks over it. This is a human response and we have to accept our human frailties. The difference between the successful and the unsuccessful is that those who succeed take these unproductive feelings and channel them into positive action.

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." Eating a Big Mac is easy and provides instant gratification. Getting a great set of six-pack abs is difficult. It requires a plan for caloric discipline that keeps calories in less than calories out and for exercise that will increase the percent lean body mass. It is NOT easy to do this, so the test of your character is the ability to stick to the plan through the tough times when you want to give up. You have given your word that you will adhere to the plan and, in the final analysis, your word is who you are.

General Patton's bodybuilding quotes inspire us to do what needs to be done not because it is easy but that it is necessary to achieve the objective. They are there to help us when things are going our way, but more importantly, they keep us focused in the tough times. They provide a bridge from the military to the fitness battlefields. - 17273

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Best Way To Lose Weight? Give The Booze A Miss!

By Henry John

Does alcohol make you fat? In the strictest sense the answer is that it doesn't. Alcohol actually prevents the body from using stored energy, so it really prevents you from losing weight. The accusation that 'alcohol makes you fat' has been used for many years to scare people off from drinking too much. The best way to lose weight is to understand about alcohol.

The fact remains that alcohol doesn't contain any carbohydrate so the body can't store the alcohol energy. It doesn't know what to do with it so it tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It does this by converting it into acetate energy. This acetate stays in the blood stream and is used in preference to the energy you body would normally use, i.e. the energy it has stored as fat.

Drink alcohol and your stored energy will stay where it is. You will burn none of it off, in fact if you drink a lot, the stored fat will accumulate. If you want to lose weight , stay off the booze!

Drinking too much like eating too much is a bad habit. Bad habits can rule our lives. When they do we find it very, very difficult to lose weight. To lose weight we must get rid of our bad habits.

After you have recognized your bad habits it will be much easier to lose weight. The most effective way of losing weight is to learn new habits, slim habits. This is the only sure fire way of losing weight permanently.

Losing weight is all about making change. If you don't make change then you will never lose weight. So, if you are drinking more than you should or alcohol has just become a habit, then you need to change your behavior. How do you do that? You do it by learning new habits, slim habits. This way you can make the change you want and get on the path to permanent weight loss. It's not difficult, you just need to commit yourself to doing it, and it will happen! - 17273

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Professional Clippers

By charlie reese

Because I shave my head, I use hair clippers a lot. I have always bought them at the drugstore. Usually, I can get a cheap one for 20 or 30 dollars. They all work well for a while, but they soon wear out. Although many of them claim to be professional clippers, I am definitely not convinced. I have seen the professional clipper at the barber shop. It is heavy, ugly, industrial, and straightforward. It never seems to choke on hair, always rings with a loud and powerful buzz, and works dependably.

The so-called professional clipper that I was using, however, was as different from this as night and day. First of all, it had this very slick, modern design. This isn't something to complain about per se, but it shows that appearance features prominently in the design of this professional hair clipper. It was slimmer, longer, and more curvy than the hair clippers in the barbershop. It was also quieter.

It did have some features that you couldn't get on a professional clipper. There were several different attachments to get different hairstyles. Some of them would allow you to cut your hair at a certain set angle or a certain distance from the scalp. On first appearance, they seemed like useful functions. I used the attachments all the time, and I knew if I tried a professional clipper, I wouldn't be able to anymore.

Nevertheless, when my hair clippers wore out, was finally fed up for good. I decided to look at real professional grade hair clippers. When I went to the barbershop supply store, I was a little bit disappointed at first. Every professional clipper was huge. The hair clipper set that I had last bought came with two appliances: a large clippers for doing the head and a smaller one for details. The smaller one was battery-powered and portable, a big convenience. By contrast, every professional clipper that I could find was big and clunky. I had seen people do extremely detailed work with professional clippers, but I couldn't figure out how. I supposed that I would just have to learn.

Looking back, getting a professional hair clipper was one of the best purchases I made in the past year. It forced me to depend on my own skills rather than a bunch of unnecessary attachments. I can now style my own hair quite attractively, and have even started giving haircuts to friends. Best of all, it still works! - 17273

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Core Stability Exercises -- How To Get Solid Fast

By Erik Helms

Core strengthening exercises and core stability exercises are essential to your general health, and to your workout program.

Twist. Turn. Bend over. Sit all day. Get in and out of the car. Carry those groceries. We put our back through all kinds of stuff, and it never complains. Or does it? If we're out of shape in our core muscles, our back will let us know pretty quick. The core muscles support the lower back and internal organs, and if we stop taking care of them, like most of us have, we are in for some soreness and more and more days of pain the longer we let it go on.

And our workout routines become ever more risky; we always are on the edge of straining our back.

So we know we need to do some core strengthening exercises, but what are some good ones?

* Pilates. You can do any Pilates routine and you will come out ahead. I've used Pilates for years to keep the old middle tight and strong. Pilates has a sort of "girls only" reputation for some reason, but take it from me, guys; this is serious exercise.

* The Farmer's Walk. This is really a whole body exercise, but your core will work real hard, as will your back, legs, arms and hands. Just go pick up two very heavy dumbbells, and carry them over to the other side of the room and back again. Maybe another time. Your core will work overtime to keep you balanced and stable.

* The Wood Chopper. Grab a medicine ball. Hold it over your head and off to one side. Now swing it down and over toward your opposite foot, like you were chopping wood. Then swing it back on the same line. Repeat several times, and switch sides. Be sure to engage your hips and legs to keep your back fairly straight. That makes it harder.

* Saxon Bends. Ooh baby. If you do these right, they can be tough. Grab a weight plate, and hold it over your head (standing). Now sway over to the right, being careful not to bend forward or backward. Go as far as you can and still stay stable. Now go back over to the other side. Once you get back to the center, that's one rep.

You can incorporate these exercises in your regular workout. Put 'em in the middle, use them as a warmup (they are great for warming up and getting away from the treadmill), or do them at the end. Or devote a whole workout just to core strengthening exercises; your body will thank you! - 17273

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What You Should Know About Fast Weight Loss

By Cathy M

Many people need to lose some weight, that's a fact. Look around where people gather, you'll see it. Don't laugh. Unfortunately you're likely to see it in the mirror too. If you've made fast weight loss your New Years resolution, keep these basic things in mind to lose the pounds quickly and safely.

Skipping meals is one of the first things people often try when they want to lose weight. It makes sense, right, cut out the calories by eating one fewer meal. Doesn't weight loss come with eating less calories? Yes, but skipping meals is a mistake, not the right way to reduce calories. When you skip meals your body goes into starvation mode. It starts to retain fat to counteract what it perceives as a shortage of food. When you skip meals you'll end up hungrier at the next meal.

Another problem with skipping meals is that when you finally eat you'll be a lot more hungry. The result is binge eating. Skipping meals is the worst of both worlds that results in gaining even more weight. Don't do it.

Have a plan on how much to eat. Portion control is just as important as eating the right food. Too much of even a healthy food will still result in weight gain. It's hard to do when large portions are so common. Restaurants serve over large portions, as do most people at home. Sources such as the FDA list recommended daily allowances. If you must eat out, keep portion size in mind. You'll likely have to cut down on what a restaurant serves.

Replace white foods such as white bread, white rice and sugar with whole grain foods. Whole grains are lower in fat and higher in nutrients. The fiber in whole grains helps you become full faster, and feel fuller longer. Also whole grains contain many nutrients that are often lacking in people's diets.

Consume more water (H2O). Substitute soda and juice with water since that juice and soda adds 90,000 calories to an average person's diet every year. Drink water between meals too. In fact, the goal is 8 glasses of water each day. It seems like a lot, but it's not. Drinking water also promotes health in general by keeping you well hydrated and cool.

In order to maintain proper blood sugar eat healthy snacks between meals since the body needs food every three to four hours. Healthy snacks also help control eating at meal times.

Fast weight loss isn't impossible with a little knowledge and planning. It won't be long before you're slimmer and trimmer. - 17273

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Constipation Natural Remedies

By Julieanne van Zyl

Constipation natural remedies are good because one of the most common. widespread digestive complaints in the United States is constipation. This may be attributed to the conventional Western diet. Common to most individuals in the U.S., it is often high in fats and processed foods and low in natural fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

The natural incidence of purging will vary from individual to individual and also from day to day. One person will have bowel movements once or more per day while others may not have them anymore than 3 times a week. Constipation is defined, not by the number of times a person has a bowel movement, but rather by the consistency of the stool when it is passed.

Although it will affect anyone, constipation is more common in women and in older folks. Pregnant women, those who have just given birth, or anyone who has just had surgery will also be proclivity to develop constipation. Medications such as pain relievers or some physical conditions such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries will also place folks in a higher risk group.

Medications that can be used to increase the number of stools as well as improve the consistency of the stool, are readily available, but natural remedies are best for improving this particular condition. Constipation is construed as a condition in which stools are hard and spherical and difficult to pass. The sufferer often feels distended or of not having satisfactorily emptied their bowels. It can be a very horrible feeling and really ruin your day.

If you propose using anything other than a natural remedy to improve your condition you should ensure that you really are constipated. TV ads inundate us daily, pushing us to use their products and laxative laboratories push their products vigorously. Sometimes this publicity can persuade individuals to believe they are constipated when in fact they are not. Always remember, using natural remedies for constipation will not negatively impact on your health. In fact, using these natural methods will only improve your overall health.

One of the first things to do, if you think you may be constipated, is to increase your fluid intake. The stools stay soft according to the amount of water left in the stool. A dehydrated body will pull as much water as possible from the stool in order to help uphold hydration in the body. A minimum of six to eight glasses of liquid a day should be a part of every adult's diet. While almost any fluid will do the trick the most recommended one is water. Fluids that contain caffeine however will do more to dehydrate than to improve your condition.

There is usually not enough fiber in the conventional Western diet. 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day per each adult is recommended by the American Dietetic association. It's not difficult to take in those 30 grams per day if you look carefully at your diet. Half a cup of green peas will equal 5 grams, one small apple 3 grams, or a bowl of bran cereal can give you as much as 13 grams. However the fiber heavyweights are cooked dried beans, nuts, oatmeal , prunes, figs, raisins.. Another good source of fiber is the mangosteen fruit or if you cannot buy the fruit, mangosteen juice.

Regular exercise is of huge benefit in the maintenance of a healthy bowel. Regular exercise will help to prevent constipation because the continued movement helps the peristalsis in the lower intestines. Peristalsis is the motion, or movement, of the intestines that pushes the stool through to the rectum. While any form of exercise is of benefit, walking appears to be the best and is especially useful for pregnant women who undergo constipation as their babies develop.

We can also train ourselves to go to the toilet. We tend to choose to go when it's convenient for us to go. However, habitually prolonging the urge to go, can lead ultimately to constipation. It is never, never too late to improve your bowel habits. A gastric reflex which is activated approximately 20 minutes after each meal, especially heavy meals, will subtly send a signal. So choose a meal, any meal, and every day after that meal go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for at least 10 minutes. Wait for 20 to 30 minutes following that meal before going. It won't be long before you will begin to create the habit of evacuating at the same time every day.

Should these dietary and lifestyle changes be unsuccessful, individuals may choose to add a little help. Eating a half a cup of sunflower seeds every day will help to increase the fiber. They are tasty and will help move the stool along. Bran and even oatmeal, horseradish, dried figs and plums will help the problem.

Pelvic floor dysfunction which is a condition in which the pelvic floor muscles do not work properly and do not permit the bowels to empty properly, is sometimes the cause of constipation in individuals. Biofeedback therapy helps teach those individuals how to coordinate the muscles and it improves the ability to go to the toilet.. Although biofeedback has only recently been explored as a treatment, the results appear to be promising. For example, after six months of biofeedback sessions, 43 of 54 biofeedback patients found them more effective than laxatives. Benefits appeared to last for at least two years.

Prolonged constipation will ultimately lead to the development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which are not only painful but can also exacerbate the constipation. They do this by narrowing the opening and not allowing as much stool through with each evacuation. Straining can also raise blood pressure and lower the heart rate which can result in elderly patients blacking out and falling off the toilet.

If these methods are not successful in alleviating your constipation and its linked problems you should seek the care and advice of your primary care doctor or health care practitioner. - 17273

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Portable Water Purifier Units And Their Importance To Travel

By Chris Channing

Water purifiers are becoming popular as more studies come forth that suggest that city and town water may not be as healthy as we always thought. This is especially true for travelers who may not even have a water source that can compare to what we are all accustomed to. With the many models available, it can be tough to find the right portable water purifier for you.

Traveling even to a developed country will require that one has a portable water purifier in most cases. This may not because of the lack of quality in water filtration, but because of certain present chemicals or methods used in the filtration process of the country being visited. This is true when United States citizens go to Mexico, in which sickness may come as a result of a difference in the methods used to filter the water. A portable water purifier is key in this case.

There are several different means in which a water purifier is able to work. The most popular of all methods is to use UV sterilization, which uses ultraviolet rays to damage organisms in the water to make it drinkable. Chemicals may also be used, but they are less desired since they will often leave a poor taste in one's mouth. Chemicals may also have certain side effects, depending on the chemicals used in which to sterilize.

If money is no object, there are many neat little upgrades that can be tacked onto a portable water purifier. The most popular is the solar energy upgrade, which allows the unit to recharge an internal batter based on the energy supplied to it from the Sun. This is great for times when water may not be readily available and when batteries are just as inaccessible. Expect to pay more money, but it's money well spent.

The time in which it takes to purify water differs based on the model purchased. Some are completely automated and use electronics to test the water for drinking quality. Others may leave the hard part up to travelers, and demand that test strips be used to verify the safety of the water. In this case a little bit of extra money goes a long way in providing for extra benefits that are important in making safe decisions or simplifying a camping trip.

The innovations in water purification have changed the industry dramatically. We can now afford a basic model that can purify even the dirtiest of waters in just minutes, compared to the methods of the past where chemicals or hand pumps had to be used. Now hand-held water purifiers are necessities, not just upgrades for the wealthy.

Closing Comments

Finding water purifiers is easy. Even a common general store should have a basic water purifying machine. For more specific models, you may wish to continue your search on the Internet, where more up to date models can be found that take advantage of the latest technologies. - 17273

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What Makes the Acai Berry So Special?

By Eric Hardaway

If you are looking for something healthy to eat, then the acai berry may have something wonderful to interest you. Over the past years, the acai berry has gone from pretty much unknown to very popular within a very short period of time. People are already taking vitamins and food supplements and they welcome a natural alternative that may do the job as well or even better.

Nowadays, most people are aware of antioxidants and why it is important to fight free radicals. The acai berry is one of the fruits with the highest amount of potent antioxidants known. There may be other fruits that have even more antioxidants than the acai berry but the jury is still out of which fruit has the highest amount of antioxidants.

There are many types of antioxidants in the acai berry such as anthocyanins. The main anthocyanins in the acai berry are called cyanidin-3-glucoside or C-3-G and cyanidin-3-rutioside. There are many more antioxidants in the acai berry such as polyphenols which are found largely in the pulp of the acai berry. These antioxidants are effective in fighting free radicals.

A diet is not complete without essential fatty acids and the acai berry has plenty of fatty acids that your body needs to be healthy. In fact, the little acai berry contains more fat in it than other things. By measuring the dry weight of the acai berry, you will find that 50 percent of more of the berry weight is fat, mostly monounsaturated fats but there are some polyunsaturated fats. The fatty acids in the acai berry is similar to that of olive oil.

Protein is very important in your diet. Unlike other fruits, the acai berry is high in protein. The acai berry's protein profile is similar to an egg. But, bear in mind that the protein content can vary from an acai berry to another. Some acai palm trees bear acai fruits that have higher protein content than others depending on the condition which the trees grow in.

When talking about the nutritional profile of the acai berry, you cannot forget that the acai berry has a lot of vitamins in it. There are many vitamins including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E. The acai berry pulp is where most of the vitamins are. This is why, when choosing an acai juice, you should look for one with the acai pulp in it, not a pulp free one. When drinking the acai juice, you will have most of the vitamins that your body needs.

With all of the vitamins and minerals in the acai berry, anyone eating the acai berry or drinking good brands of acai berry juices find themselves full of energy and healthy. There are many other nutrients that have not been mentioned such as fiber in the acai berry. Also the acai berry is very low in sugar making it good for anyone on a low sugar diet. - 17273

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Getting A Home Gym Is Not As Hard As It Sounds

By John

Contrary to what most people may think, having your own gym is not really all that hard to achieve, nor is it that expensive. So long as you know what exactly you want, and shop withing your means, setting up their own home gym is something that's relatively easy to do. So let's explore the following tips in setting up your own home gym.

First, you need to determine which parts of your body you are keen to tone or work out. Clarify you needs. Ask yourself what your purpose is for working out"is it to tone? To lose weight, or are you training for a marathon? Ask yourself why you need the instact access of a home gym, and find out your needs from there. Once you know what your goals are, it is easy to determine the various equipment that you'll need.

When still not quite sure what to get, the first rule of thumb, is to get something simple. By simple, we mean work-out machines that are not only practical, but are relatively affordable. While it's easy to fall in love with some of the newer machines and everything they have to offer, these new additions might not be exactly what you need. Start with the basics, you can never go wrong from there.

After you have determined your fitness goals, and where get your different machines, you should then look for a place to put them. An ideal workout room should be well ventilated, and have good airconditioning. Not only will this make for a more comfortable workout, but you won't reek as much as well!

If you're considering on getting a treadmill as part of your home gym collection, you should opt to get a motorized one. You should never skimp and buy the cheapest treadmill, as they can lead to a lot of accidents. Not only is this dangerous, but an injury can severely dampen your momentum. That's something you don't want, so make sure that you buy a good treamill to avoid any regrets.

One way to save money in buying your machines, is getting them second-hand. They may be used, but most machines are built to last. While you should always check for damages, you'll be amazed how much most second hand equipment have been kept in good condition. - 17273

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Advanced Wellness Research Promo Info

By Linda Kemp

Imagine being able to shed pounds and streamline your physique to exactly the way you want it! Imagine being able to eat what you want without having to worry about it going straight to your weight accumulating problem areas! Imagine being able to work out without discomfort and actually see results! All of this is possible thanks to Pure Acai Berry!

Pure Acai Berry is a nutritional supplement, but it's not an ordinary one. Unlike other weight loss pills that are packed with stimulants and substances that have questionable (if any) health benefits, Pure Acai Berry produces results naturally! That's because it concentrates the essential parts of the acai berry of the Amazon Rain Forest! The acai berry is a truly unique type of food because it can deliver everything needed to support complete human health. This includes healthy fats, fiber (of both soluble and insoluble varieties), and minerals. The acai berry is also the most potent source of antioxidants known to man! All of this combines to have a very positive effect on the health of the human body.

So what does all of this have to do with weight loss? It's actually pretty simple. The human body wants to maintain a healthy weight. It's what we're programmed for. The trouble is that modern society creates all kinds of obstacles to maintaining a healthy weight. It introduces stress and pollutants that interfere with the normal functioning of the body. It also makes incredibly calorie rich foods available all over the place. Yet, ironically enough given the huge number of calories that we have access to, we don't have the energy that we want. This lack of energy gets in the way of the exercise that kept our ancestors healthy.

The acai berry fixes this situation by purging the body of the pollutants that get in the way of its normal functioning and it also relieves stress by inducing peace of mind. Even more importantly, since the acai berry lets the body work more efficiently it increases the metabolism so that the body will burn calories more easily and naturally! This will lead to weight loss in two different ways. First of all, since the metabolism is working to supply energy to the body instead of depositing that energy as fat, you'll be able to burn off weight just by going about your normal everyday routine! Second, the fact that this energy is available to you for easy use, exercise is easier and more fruitful. In other words, you'll have the ability to see quick results from exercise so that you can have the body that you always wanted!

Of course, there are lots of other aspects of Pure Acai Berry that will help you to look and feel better. For example, it will also improve the quality of your sleep. This will give you better mental acuity and great memory capacity! Those improved mental abilities will help you to feel better about yourself, provide a sense of well being, and ultimately reduce you level of stress! In addition, you'll find that your skin looks better, your libido is stronger, and that you have fewer aches and pains in your joints and muscles!

With an improved ability to lose weight, and numerous additional advantages, Pure Acai Berry is a great investment! - 17273

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Acne Natural Remedies

By Julieanne van Zyl

Over 50 per cent of individuals between the ages of 12 and 21 suffer the devastation of acne. The pimples often start with the start of puberty and the body's hormones are rising. Individuals become more propensity to acne anytime hormones begin to lift or surge in the body. Women who are pregnant, or going through menopause, or anybody who is using steroids is likely to undergo from acne. If not treated, the acne often results in scarring.

To diminish the scarring, the condition needs to be treated, wherever the acne appears, face, arms or buttocks. The choice is between remedies prescribed by a physician, which will be laboratory made, or natural remedies, or a combination of both, one augmenting the other.

Open pores in the skin are an invitation to the bacteria and oil which create the pustules and cysts of acne. A simple protective method is to close these open pores by rubbing the face with ice for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Closing the pores will go help a lot in preventing new pimples.

The acidity of tomatoes presents another option as they help to diminish large pores and black heads in people who have oily skin. Slice the tomato open and rub it on the face letting it to dry for some minutes before washing it off. If you have very oily skin, do not wash the face with soap and water. Instead, in the morning and evening, use lukewarm salt water which will eliminate the oil without drying out the skin too much.

Crushed mint leaves tied in a muslin cloth and squeezed is another natural solution for acne and blackheads. Use the juice on the face.

By far the best natural treatment for acne is stop it from happening in the first place.. When conceivable acne victims are aware of that time in their lives when their hormones will be flowing such as during puberty, pregnancy or when they are using certain medications, it is good policy to use good skin cleansing and general good health practices to prevent the pustules and blackheads emerging.

The largest organ in the body is the skin, and it is fed by the food that we eat. By eating junk the skin will produce junk. Improve your overall diet by reducing your intake of processed foods, foods that contain undue quantities of trans fatty acids or foods that are high in fat. This means relinquishing as much as possible foods like hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, excessive chocolate and processed foods like chips and candies.

Modify your diet to one that's high in green leafy vegetables, fruits and trace minerals and pimples will not come close. And, while fluids are very important to the health and wellness of your skin, it is well to remember that soda is a toxin full of excess sugar and other chemicals. Water is the best fluid to flush out toxins from the body and give your skin overall health and glow.

If the pimples do occur, abstain from the use of makeup. Cosmetics tend to aggravate the condition and impart the appearance of pimples covered by makeup.

The sun is helpful for both the prevention of acne and its treatment, but there are several things to remember. Be sure that you are using an approved sunscreen to prevent sunburn to your face or any other uncovered areas of the body. Tanning by the sun may make the acne look less visible but it also speeds the aging process of the skin and increases your risk of skin cancer.

Include in your diet an sufficient amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene. These have been found to help rebuild healthy tissue and hinder outbreaks in those who are prone to acne. Cucumber juice, either by itself or mixed with carrots, lettuce or alfalfa, has been found to be another natural choice which provides the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for the skin to help rebuild itself. It is vital that these juices should be made and consumed within 12 hours of making, or the active living enzymes in them will die and will decrease their effectiveness.

Vitamins B, E, and C have been found helpful for both the prevention and treatment of acne. Potassium deficiencies have been related with people who have acne but because potassium is also important in the electrical conduction of the heart individuals should refrain from taking supplements and just eat bananas. Bananas are high in potassium.

Although there is no one vitamin that is of overriding importance in the prevention of acne, in combination they work cooperatively to provide a healing process for the body from the inside out. - 17273

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Health Benefits of the Acai Berry

By Janice Pettry

The Acai Berry is a super fruit that is found only in the rain forests of Brazil. For hundreds of years, the natives of Brazil have been consuming the Acai Berry for its major healthy benefits and it has been only the past few years the rest of the world has discovered the benefits of the Acai Berry.

The Acai Berry is presented to the people of the world in many different pure forms. Doctors are starting to recommend to there patients that the regular use of products that contain the Acai Berry will aid them in increasing there resistance to certain diseases.

Health benefits of the Brazilian Acai Berry!

The biggest health benefit is the increased resistance to disease. Packing a heavy load of antioxidents, the Acai Berry charges up your immune system. The vitamins and minerals found in the Acai Berry aid in fighting certain disorders an are known to help fight cancer cells as well.

Increasing the antioxidants in the human body has proven to scientific researchers that the Acai Berry can ensure your overall health and fitness. With users consuming such a small amount (just one capsule) of the Acai Berry daily, lives are simply being changed!

The Acai Berry can be found in different types of supplements like juices, powder and capsules. The Acai Berry supplement can also be put into smoothies. There are many people who consume the acai pulp directly but is often just consumed in a capsule form.

There has ever been so many helpful benefits found in just one fruit before and with the increased antioxidants in your body one other benefit has been an rapid weight loss weight loss. - 17273

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