Day 9: Waiting for My HCG Diet Kit
But I decided that it would be easier for me to stick to the rules if I went ahead and documented what I think of as a few of the "big issues": Diet Soda, Crystal Light, Berries, Ground meat and substitutions. diet soda OR Crystal Light. That's a rumor I heard going around online anyway. And I have to say I'm appalled. What will I do? I've decided to take a deep breath and hope for the best since I did run across some blogs that mentioned a diet soda for emergencies or a diet soda or two per day to help you avoid sugar. But I won't be able to be sure if it's allowed or not until that dang rule book arrives by mail. And I'm going to try my best to follow the correct HCG diet protocol because that's how you lose the most weight.
And the limitation to strictly strawberries just can't be true, right? All berries are so good for you from what I've always heard. Although I do kind of remember there being something said about all the sugar that is packed into certain types of fruit. So this one could actually be true. I'll be sad, but I'll deal with it. I'll miss the possibilities that are presented by blackberries. They're my favorite.
And that brings me to the lack of ground meat on the approved HCG diet protocol. It seems fairly logical, but I just wanted to complain really quickly because it's going to make it hard to make good HCG diet protocol approved choices at the next family barbeque. But that's alright. I'll figure something out! substitutions? Yikes! I think it would make it a lot easier if I could split up my little bits of food to have a little here, a little there throughout the day, but some forums are saying you just can't do that. That seems a bit beyond strict, but maybe there's a good reason for the rules. I sure would like to option of saving a serving of fruit for a late night snack, though. So...again...keeping my fingers crossed this one is actually just a rumor.
And now we're at the end of my sad tale. I feel like I've whined at you enough for the day. I'll let you go ahead and hold your breath waiting for my next titillating installment as I document my course through the HCG diet. - 17273
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