Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is Losing Weight Through The Acai Berry Diet Genuine?

By Betty White

It is all over the Internet and anybody who is searching for ways to lose weight has no doubt heard about the acai berry diet and the magical way it can help you lose weight. Simply consume this tiny little berry that tastes similar to a blueberry dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will fall off your body like magic. While you read some of the claims you would think that is how it happens but that is not precisely it.

The acai berry is only found in the Brazilian rainforest and that may be part of the magic but the fact is that the acai berry cannot help you lose weight any more than the blueberry that is grown in the state of Maine. When it comes to weight loss there really are no magical potions or magic bullets.

Nevertheless the acai berry can be an aid to weight loss and a benefit to our bodies for the prevention of diseases, the slowdown of the aging process and the reduction of inflammation in our bodies. The reason why is not because this little berry is a magical fruit but rather because this berry is one of the healthiest foods ever found in nature.

The antioxidant qualities of a food are measured by an ORAC score or more accurately the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The acai berry boasts one of the highest ORAC scores ever found in a food. The acai berry has 10 times the antioxidant capacity as red grapes and even twice as much as blueberries, which are an additional powerful fruit.

The acai berry is also high in the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Up to 50% of the edible pulp is comprised of these fatty acids and monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the same healthy fat that is found in olive oil.

Shockingly this small little powerhouse berry also contains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks to protein. They also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E along with potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper and zinc.

The acai berry is extremely perishable and it has only been in very recent times that it has been available outside of Brazil at all. The berries have to be processed within 24 hours of removal from the tree in order to maintain the nutritional integrity of the fruit. Dissimilar processing methods yield different results and the best way to process these berries is with a freeze-drying method.

The acai berry is not a mystical potion that will help you lose weight but this little berry is an extremely and highly nutritious food that can help you to acquire optimal health and energy. When you give your body optimal nutrition it responds positively to diet and working out and the weight will come off. - 17273

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Green Tea Rx Anti-Aging Cream

By Jake Wakefield

We all know that as we age, wrinkles, blemishes and other skin imperfections begin to appear.

Even though we may get skin problems from this aging process, that does not mean we simply have to endure them. There are solutions.

Often times years of exposure to the sun, buildup of skin cells and use of mass-produced soaps and skin care products loaded with harsh chempicals can cause damage to your skin or at least have it in a non-pristine state.

For these reasons, you should try GreenTeaRx. This unique formula uses the all natural green tea extract which is known to be bursting with anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens.

Using these ingredients, GreenTeaRx can replenish your skin and combine to heal, protect and nurture your skin in ways never available before!

GreenTeaRx's effectiveness lies in the fact that there has been extensive scientific research utilized. The anti-carcinogens that are shown to be abundant in GreenTeaRx are an amazing natural chemical that targets and neutralizes free radicals. These are the unwanted cancer-causing agents that bombard your body daily. By minimizing these free radicals, cancerous cell mutation is less likely to occur. By using GreenTeaRx, you can fight back against these free radicals and insure that they do not have a detrimental effect on your skin.

GreenTeaRx also has anti-oxidant properties which means a double punch against the spread of cancer. Your skin then stays naturally young because of these fighting properties.

GreenTeaRx helps to rebuild the collagen and elastin that naturally has its production decreased as we age. By rebuilding these two important substances in our skin, your skin's outward appearance will improve thus dimishing wrinkles, fine lines and other visible imperfections.

If you are at all interested in GreenTeaRx or making your skin look younger, then definitely consider giving GreenTeaRx a try, especially since at this moment, GreenTeaRx is offering a free trial. This means you can give GreenTeaRx a try and see if it works for you without even having to spend a penny! - 17273

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Is Losing Weight Through The Acai Berry Diet Genuine?

By Cynthia Young

It is all over the Internet and anybody who is searching for ways to lose weight has no doubt heard about the acai berry diet and the magical way it can help you lose weight. Just consume this teeny little berry that tastes similar to a blueberry dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will drop off your body like magic. While you read some of the claims you would think that is how it happens but that is not precisely it.

So what is the truth? Well an acai berry from the Brazilian rainforest will not help you lose weight any more than a blueberry from the state of Maine. It is not a magical bullet. It is not a supernatural potion that instantly makes the pounds melt off.

However the acai berry can be valuable to your weight loss efforts and it can be of help when it comes to the prevention of diseases, the slowdown of the aging course of action and the reduction of inflammation in our bodies because this tiny little berry is one of the most nutritious foods ever found in nature.

The antioxidant qualities of a food are measured by an ORAC score or rather the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The acai berry boasts one of the highest ORAC scores ever found in a food. The acai berry has 10 times the antioxidant capacity as red grapes and even twice as much as blueberries, which are another powerful fruit.

Acai berries are in addition very high in amino acids and healthy fats. About 50% of the edible pulp of the berry is composed of fat and that fat is composed of the very healthy essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. The fat found in these berries is also rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is similar to olive oil, another exceptionally healthy oil.

The acai berry is also rare in the fact that it contains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks to protein. They also play host to vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E along with the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and zinc.

The acai berry is exceptionally perishable and it has only been in very recent times that it has been offered outside of Brazil at all. The berries have got to be processed within 24 hours of removal from the tree in order to preserve the nutritional integrity of the fruit. Different processing methods yield different results and the best way to process these berries is with a freeze-drying method.

No, the acai berry is not a magical fruit that will help you lose weight although it is an extremely healthy food that can aid your body in achieving optimal health and wellness and when you do that your body responds in a constructive manner to diet and exercise and the weight can then more simply come off. - 17273

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Detox Diet Or Natural Weight Loss

By Ron C

Detox diets are designed to wash out the system therefore if you are considering this technique, here's a couple things you should be informed of. First off, detoxifying diet programs are not made to assist you in dropping your weight but simply aids to clean your metabolism. For a couple days, you'll need to give up certain foodstuffs and use some laxatives to help clean out the bowel and liver.

Throughout this time, you will have to eat lots of fruits and vegetables because in the majority of instances, they're fresh and raw, because cooking removes essential minerals and vitamins. People who are able to properly finish this program say they feel healthier and have enhanced vitality. Detox diet plans aren't suggested for individuals that have specific health issues especially patients suffering from diabetes, eating conditions, heart conditions or different recurring issues. This should also not be done by pregnant or nursing moms. Teens shouldn't attempt this detox diet for that matter since this will rob them of vitamins and minerals which are important for their rapid growth and development.

Detox diet plans should just be performed once or twice a year as it may turn habit-forming. Some have compared regular detox diets to smoking or drugs wherein it's hard to give up and this may end in health issues such as eating disorders, heart conditions even death.

If you think starting a detox diet does not have side effects, think again because there are a few namely acne, headaches, fatigue, hunger and irritability. You may also experience these when you decide to take detox supplements as most of the ingredients are actually laxatives, which means going to the bathroom more frequently and as we all know, this could be messy. When this happens, you ought to consume a lot of fluid to stave off dehydration, mineral imbalances or any other problems associated with the digestive system.

Since the detox diet will only last several days, you may think that you've lost some weight, however in reality, you will only lose water and a bit of muscular tissue that would be recovered as soon as you terminate the program and start consuming normal food. Currently, there haven't been any studies which prove the effectiveness of the detox diet. In fact, there is currently no evidence to verify these toxins are eliminated particularly if the liver and kidneys are functioning properly because you should be able to excrete urine and stools consistently.

As you can see, there are some good and negative statements when it comes to detox diets. Now that you know exactly what those are, you can decide for yourself whether it's a thing you wish to try or not. Don't forget to talk to your physician if you choose to do it since as mentioned before, there are certain people that shouldn't try this based on their age and health condition.

Keep in mind that besides utilizing this method, your body has a natural way of taking care of that issue so you may let nature take care of it or push it from your system. There's additionally alternative diet programs aside from the detox diet that may help you even if there are no guarantees that what is good for one particular individual, will be good for someone else. - 17273

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Exercise And Optimum Diet Can Help You To Lose Weight

By Sharon Robinson

Right now in the United States obesity and being overweight has reached more or less epidemic proportions. Our lifestyles are deskbound and we consume too many nutritionally vacant foods in the Standard American Diet. We don't exercise enough and we eat too much.

All the way through the past our bodies evolved in such a way as to make certain continued existence. This means that our bodies logically conserve energy and fat to keep us in times of scarcity. The problem today is that the only food crisis we ever actually suffer is the self-imposed one that we get when we go on limiting diets.

However, our bodies do not know the difference and our metabolisms end up slowing down and conserving all of the energy that it can. That is one cause why it gets harder and harder to lose weight with every ensuing diet.

The resolution to the problem may be as easy as to stop the diet roller-coaster and begin eating. In other words, begin working with your ordinary biology and start eating the way your body was intended to eat.

The answer encompasses more than just eating however. The Standard American Diet or the apropos acronym SAD is really contributing to our problems with obesity and overweight. Our bodies were never designed to eat the detrimental, nutritionally void and processed foods that are so profuse in our society.

Human beings were designed to eat the logically nutritious, wholesome foods from nature. This world that we live on provides the foods that are optimal for our bodies including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. The less processed and more natural a food is the better and more wholesome it is for our bodies.

As humans we were also designed to move and work out. None of our ancestors led a inactive life. They were always up and around, moving about in the course of living. If you want to realize optimum healthiness including losing weight you need to incorporate both exercise and an optimum nutrition diet.

Combating obesity, losing weight for good and creating optimum wellbeing starts with including the healthiest foods in nature into your diet and incorporating an work out strategy into your life. You will see the outcome and your body will thank you. - 17273

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Creatine: The Little Molecule that Packs a Big Punch

By Henrick Scofers

If you are someone who is into regular exercise, then you've probably heard a lot about creatine. In order to understand how creatine can benefit your workout, it is important to understand what it is and how it works. Creatine is an amino acid compound that takes advantage of your body's existing amino acids and the food you eat in order to help store energy. Red meats and fish are creatine rich foods. In the human body, you will find creatine stored as phosphocreatine. What this does is works with your body's natural system for storing energy in the muscle, and in this way provides energy for muscle contraction. It also contributes to the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) regeneration process.

What is the ATP regeneration process? You may remember this from your biology classes in high school. When a muscle contracts, ATP loses a phosphate molecule and converts it to energy, turning it into ADP (adenosine diphosphate). In order to replenish the body sources of ATP, that ADP molecule needs to be turned back into an energy rich ATP molecule. This is where creatine can help. What does, in a nutshell, is convert ADP to ATP. So the more creatine in your body, the faster your body can turn ADP into ATP. The benefit of this is that your muscles contract much more rapidly and effectively when your body is able to quickly convert ADP back into ATP. As a result, when exercise enthusiasts know they need extra energy, for example they are doing something like bodybuilding or sprinting and they need to have short bursts of energy for exercise, they take creatine.

Also, taking creatine helps reduce fatigue and aids with protein synthesis. In this way creatine promotes the development and growth of muscles.

Creatine is able to provide energy almost instantaneously. This makes creatine very successful as a supplement for weight lifters and athletes as they must have sudden bursts of energy quite frequently. Creatine is known to be very effective in performance of those repeated bursts of exercise due to the fact that it enhances recovery.

People related to an exercise program or body building probably know about creatine. If they dont know about this then they had better wake up and smell the roses! At this moment it is a great bodybuilding supplement. Creatine maintains water in the muscles very efficiently. It is a natural derivative of an amino acid that is manufactured in the pancreas, liver and kidneys from arginine, glycine and methione. When a person takes creatine, water will be retained in your muscles. With weight training it will be more effective since your muscles can build muscle. Creatine is used not only for increased endurance but to develop more strength as well.

Once you know all of the wonderful benefits of creatine in helping with muscle growth and endurance, you're guaranteed to be happy you tried it out. And it is proven by research to be safe and effective for those who want to improve their performance and muscle mass provided their exercise requires short explosive energy bursts. That does not mean that creatine is a magic wand you can wave to achieve the physique you want without hard work. It will help you if you are exercising, but you can't just take a creatine supplement, sit on the couch, only exercise your thumb by turning the channels, and still expect to have a great body.

It takes hard work and effort to grow muscle. When used with a regular exercise plan, creatine is quite effective.

If you are weightlifter, or if you are taking advantage of the benefits of a trainer, start taking creatine. In time, as you continue to workout, you'll see your muscles begin to grow and also gain definition. The hydrating effect of creatine is helpful in creating definition in the muscle. Creatine works by entering the tissue of the muscle through the highway of the bloodstream. With a regular creatine supplement, your muscles will be more hydrated and appear larger and fuller. 90% + of your body's creatine is stored in muscle tissue. You'll also find some in the heart, brain, and testicles (in men). An average adult will be carrying around in his or her body about 120 g of creatine. It is recommended that you take in about 2 g of creatine everyday. Be careful about this -- if you suddenly stop taking creatine, you will lose the hydrating effects, and as a result your muscles will lose expansion. You'll still have the muscle, but it won't look as healthy. And remember, creatine does not simply build large muscles, it helps your muscles remain strong, as long as you keep up the effort and hard work. - 17273

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Best Fat Burning Workout?

By Christina Carey

Millions of people would love to know what the best fat burning workout is. The information highway if full of advice about the best fat burning workout and how you can begin shedding those excess pounds today.

If you are searching for information on the "best fat burning workout" then you have come to the right place. We want to share with you some information on how to get rid of the fat from your body.

So what is the best fat burning workout that is guaranteed to help me lose weight? Is it really possible to drop the weight without diet pills and struggling everyday?

Everyone knows that the only way to lose weight is to get off the couch and begin moving. If you can begin implementing some exercises that will get your heart beat pumping; then you will easily begin to notice a difference in the way that you look and feel.

Some of the best fat burning exercises are cardio and interval training. Research studies have proven that when people take the time to implement them into their daily routine; then your body is more prone to begin burning fat than with any other type of exercise.

Do not forget to visit our site below and get some great advice and another great fat burning workout that will help you melt that fat away. Get your FREE ecourse that is filled with valuable tips and information on how to get rid of fat and stay healthy. - 17273

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The Fear of Food Must be Broken To Beat Obesity

By Carlene Jones

Fast weight loss is every obese person's dream diet, but when I introduce my new clients to my proven plan they panic when I tell them they must eat to succeed. This is something I actually understand. When I weighed 256 pounds and was so depressed I was worried for my safety, I found a naturopath who would run the blood tests I wanted to see if my liver was to blame. After giving her my medical and dieting history and explaining why I felt it was my liver causing the problems she agreed to let me do things my way. I thought I had convinced her. Nine months later when I had lost 136 pounds and returned for the final blood work that would prove my liver theory, she shared with me her first impression. She had written in her notes: "Patient views food as poison."

We both laughed at that, but it was not far from the truth. Not just for me, but as I have learned from helping so many other obese women it is a common theme among the obese. None of us feel that we can trust food because we cannot trust ourselves with it. It has been the cause of all our weight problems, not actual food, but our unhealthy relationship with it. For this reason we come to fear it.

For those of us who have grown up with obesity or entered the dieting world early, we have no idea what "normal" eating is. All we know is how to diet or not diet, and the not diet has nothing to do with eating right. We have proven to ourselves over and over again, that we have no control over the food we eat except when on a structured diet, and then it is only until we can't do it anymore.

When I ask my new obese clients how they would eat if they were a normal person they either tell me that normal people can eat anything they want, which of course we all know is not true, and then they shrug. They have no idea how to eat in moderation or even wat to eat. My program requires obese clients to start off with a diet of 1800 calories. Without fail, they each tell me that is way too many calories and that they will gain weight. It takes me the two weeks of discovery that I require to convince them otherwise.

That first week almost everyone of my clients feel lost. They try to eat, but when I go over their food lists with them it is obvious they are living on typical diet foods and quantities, and most don't get even close to the 1800 calories. I always say, obese men and women are experts in starving. Where we have no experience is in eating to maintain our weight. By the second week I have them eating better whole foods, but still with apprehension. It isn't until the third or even fourth week before they start to trust the process and open their minds to how great it can be to eat foods that taste good and satisfy their daily appetites as well.

I don't believe there is anyone diet that works for everyone. We all have different likes and dislikes and our bodies react to certain foods in both positive and negative ways. Some of us do better with low fat, some thrive on higher fats. Some of us are insulin resistant with some foods spiking our blood sugar while others can eat what they want. We also have different appetites that dictate if we are grazers or three meal a day type of eaters. There is no one right or wrong way to eat. Yet most obese men and women feel they have to conform to dieting standards which have always been about deprivation and obsession.

Dieting is exactly what has made us all afraid of eating, yet to lose weight and keep it off for life, learning to eat is imperative. That's no brainer you are thinking, yet in my experience getting people to eat is more difficult than getting them to diet. When they do eat foods that they thought were only available during the overeating phase of their life they feel guilt and have a hard time enjoying it.

When I start a new client on this program, their first week proves how true the above statement is. They eat tentatively. The foods tend to come from their dieting history, the amounts minimal. I pick out these dieting foods and ask why they chose to eat them. Their answer is surprising. Not only was the food not satisfying, but oftentimes they ate food they didn't like because that is what their dieting brain told them was the only acceptable choice. Now, there are diets out there on the market that promote lots of eating choices. They work for some, but the problem is they are small amounts for the calories, and most obese men and women need bigger servings, and when they eat higher fat, sugar, or salted foods, cravings dictate that one serving is never enough. That creates more fear of food, and that fear limits viable choices in their idea of what they can and cannot eat for weight loss. I make it clear, I do not want to see those diet foods in their menu again. Panic ensues.

Making that switch is not easy. It takes me a while to calm their nerves and get them to trust the process. Once they do, they are surprised by the types of foods they can have in their lives and that yes, even with 1800 calories a day they can maintain their weight while feeling satisfied and full. But still that nagging thought that they are cheating, that they are breaking the dieting rules persist. Even when they are experiencing fast weight loss.

For so many years the obese have fought their inability to control their weight and take responsibility for their relationship with food. That loss of control makes food the enemy for some, and an abusive lover for others. But food is only as powerful as e make it. The obese must open their eyes to the true value of food. It is nutrition for the body. Like gasoline for a car. There is no need to fear it, there is only a need to build a solid relationship with it where we are the ones in charge. - 17273

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Product Review for the Sanyo DR7700 Massage Chair

By James Knolan

If you are looking for a massage chair, then finding relevant information regarding potential shiatsu chair candidates is important. Reviews and evaluations can point out the relevant aspects of each product. To assist potential purchaser researching massage chairs, we evaluate 5 key categories which include Warranty & Customer Service, Comfort/Ergonomics, Ease of Use, Features and Massage Therapy. Each category is worth up to 20 points. All points are added up to give a total score based on the 5 categories. A disciplined, systematic approach takes out bias and presents facts. We review the Luxury range of $4,000 to $5,000 and feature the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K massage chair.

Warranty & Customer Service: Warranty and customer service come from the company that makes the massage chair. A warranty protects the customer and customer service must rectify issues one may have. With the HEC-DR7700K, Sanyo covers 3 years on the roller mechanism, 1 year on parts, 1 year labor and 1 year in-home service. In most cases, Sanyo has 1 year covering shipping. Sanyo covers the roller mechanism for 3 years, but other parts and labor is only 1 year. Sanyo forces the customer to purchase an extended warranty for additional protection that other manufacturers already. On the customer service side, Sanyo overall is available 24/7 and has average competence and average turnaround times. The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K is a 14 in Warranty & Customer Service.

Comfort & Ergonomics: Massage chair recliners should fit the body and be comfortable to site on. The Sanyo DR7700K is well padded and the chair back comfortable. The detachable head pillow is designed well to support the head. The seat is average to sit in and the armrests are plush. Unfortunately, the footrest cannot be adjusted which limits the chair to shorter individuals. Taller people feel some restriction with the footrest. Overall Rating for Sanyo DR7700K for comfort and ergonomics is 15.

East of Use: With the advance of electronics, the controls and features can just be overwhelming unless you work for NASA or JPL. Sanyo has made the controller fairly simple to use compared to what is out there. There are 4 automatic programs where one can select and just sit back and relax. There is one button to take you to Zero Gravity which is nice. A side panel contains many manual controls with basic controls for the massage techniques and the lower body air system. The sub-remote allows the chair to be raised or lowered and has the stiffness detector built in. Our rating in this category is 19.

Key Features: The most prominent features of the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K are the GK Rollers and Zero Gravity. Zero Gravity is a leaned back position where the pressure from your body evenly distributed across your back and your knees are above your heart. The GK Rollers are jointed massage heads that push outward from the chair back and can grip your shoulders. The most impressive feature is the GK rollers as they bring a third dimension into the robotic massage world. The sensation of the rollers coming over the top of your shoulders is an important advance in massage chair technology. The massaging capabilities of the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K are solid. Our rating in this category is 18.

Massage Therapy: The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K has both automatic and manual massage settings. Sanyo incorporates 4 full body automatic courses, 4 manual massage courses, and 5 massage speed settings for a total combination of 83 manual massage courses. The manual massage techniques include Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping, and Kneading & Tapping. Sanyo has some stretching capabilities for the lower body and has 24 airbags of coverage. The airbags have projections to perform shiatsu acupressure massage. There is a good variety of massage therapy techniques in this massage lounger. The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K is a 19 in Massage Therapy.

How does the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K rate? Overall, our rating of the Sanyo is an 85/100. The technology of the massages for both the back and the lower body are solid and thorough. The controls are easy to use and intuitive. The main drawbacks with this Sanyo shiatsu massage chair are first it has a weak warranty for the price of the chair. Second, the footrest cannot be adjusted, which limits the size of who can use the chair. Comfort is important because the massage helps one to relax. All in all, this is a solid chair with many interesting and novel features. You will not be disappointed. - 17273

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Get your children to eat healthy food

By Alex Hendricks

Our kids may get older, but the desire to spend time with them never really goes away. Use these tips to make your family mealtime an enriching experience.

-Make sure that your kids (and you) have a lot of good snacks to eat. -Follow your own advice by making better choices for yourself. -Dinnertime isn't the time to start a battle over food. If you don't leave it up for debate, your kids will eat healthy. -If you let your kids help cook and shop for groceries, they are more likely to eat healthy if they chose the food.

These are great ways to incorporate healthy eating into family life, but it's not easy to do it when everyone is so busy and cheap fast food is so widely available. Here are some methods by which you can bring the above strategies into your daily routine.

Sitting down for a meal as a family can be the start of a wonderful tradition. Children thrive on structure, and knowing that there is a family meal coming up gives them something to look forward to. Parents can use the opportunity to catch up with their kids' lives. Kids who eat meals as a family have been found to be:

-more likely to eat healthy foods like veggies, fruits, and grains- and less likely to snack on "junk food" -much less likely to use illegal drugs or alcohol

When kids eat with their parents, they are more likely to try new foods, and their parents are modeling healthy choices. Teens, however, are independent by nature and they probably will be less than enthusiastic about a family dinner.They still need their parents' advice and discipline, and using dinnertime as a chance to reinforce the rules is a good idea. Try these tips:

-Let your teen invite a friend to dinner. -Allow them to help choose and cook the meal. -Make mealtime a "fight free" time- save lectures and arguments for another more appropriate time.

If your kids have sports or band practice, you might have to have a late dinner, or maybe you could go out for pizza once a week. - 17273

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