Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Acai Berry Natures 'Super' Food

By Abdulah Hayes

A tiny purple berry native to the rain forests of Brazil is growing in worldwide popularity. This is the Acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry which has great claims that have gotten everyone on earth talking about. The Amazon palm tree's fruit is the dark purple berry and it is filled with the stuff that makes up dreams. Imagine a fruit which is full of all the good things which give the human body energy, essential vitamins and nutrients plus an anti aging agent. It seems this fruit has everything.

There is no doubt that red wine and fresh fruits have great benefits, but this berry even improves cardiovascular functions as well as improve the digestive system! There are a lot more benfits to it. Fatty acids contained in this fruit allow for absorption of omega oils, which are advantageous to joints and the effects of aging. Older persons having flexible joints are active for longer period without aches or pains of arthritis.

The berry also lays claims to keeping insulin levels steady. Of course, this benefits not only the body because of the anti-inflammatory properties " which if left unchecked will age the body, but also diabetics may have an easier time controlling their insulin levels which could result in them using less drugs.

Even people who are watching their weight are accounted for - or so it appears to me - since some people say when they use this supplement they lose weight. Cancer sufferers too are not left out in the cold and many claim to benefit from the juice of this small berry. Its not a surprise that this small berry is being called as the 'wonder' food and also appearing in advertisements on prestigious TV shows.

Many people are testifying to its efficacy and have literally flooded the internet with testimonials about its effects on even the most diverse of conditions. Someone somewhere will be benifited from this supplement even if there is a shed of truth in these claims. What is the harm in trying it? - 17273

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What Can Potentially Cause Autism?

By George Alarcon

Autism is a spectrum disorder which means that there are varying degrees of autism. One person can be mildly affected and may be able to function in society while another individual may be profoundly affected to such a degree that there is no hope of independent living. With such varying degrees of this disorder, one might expect that there are several underlying causes which increase the chance and severity of autism.

It is generally accepted that autism is brought about by abnormalities in the structure of the brain or some kind of malfunctioning of the brain. It is considered a neurological disorder. As of yet, we do not know what causes this malfunctioning. There are several theories. One is environmental factors such as toxins in the air, viruses or exposure to chemicals such as mercury. Another is that autism is hereditary, as it does seem to run in families. However; they have not been able to isolate a gene that causes it. In addition, there is evidence that the potential to develop autism also runs in families. But this only a theory so do not take it as fact before it has yet been established as such.

The presence of Thimerosal in vaccinations, particularly in the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine, has long been thought to cause some cases of autism. The preservative has been removed from the vaccine due to this belief but many parents remain unconvinced that the vaccine is safe. Parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate their children--if they feel their children may suffer a serious health risk. Other parents argue that autism may be caused by the overload on the immune system by the current vaccine schedule. Many children with autism suffer from asthma, other respiratory ailments and impaired immune systems. It is now hypothesized that exposure to a virus either as a fetus or as an infant might also cause the damage to the immune system which results in autism; of course, this is only a mere theory which tries to search at the core cause of autism.

More conventional treatments of autism involve therapy that targets impaired social interaction, communication and repetitive routines. Treatments in the first years of development prove the most beneficial. Family counseling will help with coping skills in parents and siblings of an autistic person. Antidepressants can be prescribed in the treatment of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. Behavioral problems may require anti-psychotic medicines and stimulants may help decrease hyperactivity.

The diets of the children have also come under scrutiny. Many autistic children have difficulty digesting gluten, found in wheat, barley and oat products, and casein which is found in dairy products. The elimination of these proteins helps to improve the autistic behaviors in some children although consuming these products does not appear to cause autism. For now, research is focused finding the gene or genes responsible for causing autism with the hope that genetic testing can identify those at risk for the disorder. With early therapy and intervention, the effects of autism can be minimized. So if you plan to have children in the future it may be wise to know the early symptoms of autism in order to identify them as soon as possible. - 17273

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Benefits From Losing Weight

By Bernard Adkins

Weight loss can do some great things for people. That's why doctors are always telling us we need to lose weight and exercise more. As your body gets into shape you will feel some great benefits to your weight loss.

Different ways you need to look at will be a gym, boot camp, or even just a workout program you can do at home. Diet pills can be considered as an option, but in the long run you will still need to add in exercise too. So you have those options that were first mentioned to help you lose weight quickly.

Also when you want to lose weight quickly you may look at hiring a personal trainer to help motivate and drive you a bit harder. Fast weight loss can be noticed through the assistance of the right personal trainer who is good at their job.

Start your search by looking at several of each choice that is located near you. Losing weight is something that will not happen overnight, so you will have time to look around. It's never a great idea to pick the first one you look into either. It can leave you with a membership at a place that you hate and can't get out of for a year.

At times when you consider a gym, they may along with your membership include the services of a personal trainer. This option if it is a good price should also be thought through carefully. Though these offers will sometimes only be for a few sessions, and then if you want to continue you will need to pay the personal trainer separately. But at a cost of $30 to $70 for an hour session in most cases, you will now need to figure that into the cost of the gym membership.

As stated above you can look at diet pills to help lose weight, but just taking a pill will not get you those fast lose weight results you were hoping for. In order for you to lose weight you will need to still eat right and exercise.

For a quick weight loss the choice would be a boot camp, these are very intensive workout programs that will last in most cases between four and six weeks. These programs are built to build your lean muscle mass, and to teach your body how to burn the fat instead of storing it. Many have had fantastic results with this choice. But you may run into a price that is much more expensive with a boot camp.

How to lose weight quickly is something many people would love to know. What it comes down to in the end is what you can afford to pay out for an exercise program. And how much you will be willing to put into working out and pushing yourself to those limits. It's not easy at times, but once you have lost weight you will feel much better. - 17273

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Organic Farming or Conventional Farming? The Debate Goes On.

By Richard Murray

Organic, holistic and naturalistic are disciplines of agriculture that are growing in popularity each day. People everywhere are extremely concerned about the environment especially as how it relates as to what we put into our bodies and also how it affects our earth.

Large food producers over the years have done an excellent job of providing substantial amounts of nutritious food for a growing world population, but is this scenario of farming sustainable? Organic farmers and conventional farmers are looking for common answers to this question.

Organic farming largely excludes the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, and livestock feed additives, such as hormones. Organic farmers rely on crop rotation, crop residue recycling, animal manure and mechanical cultivation to maintain the soil and to control weeds, insects and other pests.

Many methods are employed by organic farmers including crop rotation, green manure, cover cropping, application of compost and mulching,as a method of enhancing and maintaining soil health which is the mainstay of organic farming. Organic farmers also use certain fertilizers such as seed meal and mineral powders such as rock phosphate and greensand which are naturally occurring forms of potash.

Organic farming began as a reaction against the industrialization of agriculture in the early 20th century. Scientific research produced hybrid seeds, fields grew in size and cropping became specialized to make efficient use of machinery, irrigation, fertilization and the use of pesticides. Cheap fertilizer was available in the form of nitrates produced as explosives and converted to fertilizer as a source of nitrogen.

Another major problem is the wide spread use of genetically modified organisms (GMO), human growth hormones (HGH), sewage sludge and antibiotics in the production of our food supply.

Standard farming allows farmers to precisely apply only the necessary fertilizers to the soil in order to minimize waste pollutants. Organic fertilizers such as manure which contains fixed amounts of various elements which can not be adjusted. The most common problem is over application of these organic fertilizers because of their relative lack of potency. These over applications can very easily lead to pollution of the water supply.

Can agribusiness convert to large scale organic farming and still be able to make a profit without raising the consumer cost to unacceptable levels?

The current food distribution system favors high volume production with large farming corporate operations and cannot be easily altered. What we know as organic farming may change very dramatically in the coming years. A growing consumer market is normally one of the main factors encouraging conventional farmers to convert to organic agricultural production methods. I believe this trend will continue. - 17273

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Why Personal Training Is A Good Idea - And How You Can Ensure You're Getting Your Money's Worth|The Advantages Of Personal Training And Ways To Ensure That Yo

By Sherinaya Mason

In their pursuit to lose some extra kilos, people often go for strict diets, which impose limits on the amount and kind of food a person eats. These are more often than not both unhealthy and ineffective methods, as they lead to weight loss only in the short run, and may cause serious damage to one's health if persisted with. Working out on a daily basis is a healthier and more efficient option, and getting a personal trainer to assist you with this is a wise decision.

But people are usually suspicious about the efficacy of such an arrangement and are not sure if it can bring the benefits that it is meant to. There are, in fact a whole lot of reasons to hire a personal trainer.

First of all, a personal trainer will develop an elaborate exercise plan for you and this will motivate you to fulfil your health goals. This will help you become more driven towards your efforts to take care of your fitness and overall health.

Secondly, the knowledge of a personal trainer will allow you to imbibe the right exercise methods, and will provide you with a personalized exercise and diet program, which will perfectly suit your requirements. Thus, you can shift from random exercising and crash dieting towards a plan that really works for you and does not do you any harm.

Thirdly, a personal trainer is more sincere to you than you would be with yourself, and can provide you with a correct picture of your fitness and health standards. He will also assist you to develop plans to fight illnesses and other health related issues, and hence help you live a longer and more fruitful life.

How to avert an injury and how to speedily recuperate if you have had one, can also be taught by a personal trainer, and he can eventually make you capable of carrying out the exercises on your own.

Lastly, a personal trainer generates in you a sense of responsibility towards the upkeep of your good health and makes you more conscious and committed about your time tables and deadlines.

In a personal training program, you and your health related needs get complete attention from your trainer. Maximising your benefits from personal training is merely a matter of being clear about your needs and aims right at the beginning. Besides, checking the trainer's certificates and references will make you confident that you are hiring the correct guy, and you must build a good rapport with him once your sessions begin. If yo work on the above mentioned recommendations, personal training can lead to great benefits for you. - 17273

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Maitake - A Medicinal Gourmet Mushroom

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Considered a gourmet mushroom, Maitake is also an important medicinal mushroom in Oriental medicine. It is especially known for its high content of beta-glucans [71, 72], which are known as potent immune boosters.

Maitake is the Japanese name for the mushroom species Grifola frondosa. American mushroom hunters know it as Hen-of-the-woods. Common in eastern Canada and the United States down to the Mid-Atlantic States, Hen-of-the-woods is one of the most easily recognizable wild gourmet mushrooms.

Research has found Maitake extract to increase tumor necrosis factor [73, 74, 75] and demonstrate other anti-tumor properties. [76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81] Specific focus in these studies has been given to breast, prostate, lung, liver and colorectal cancer. [82] In fact, a Phase II study of Maitake on breast and prostate cancer was approved by the FDA. [83]

Other studies on Maitake extract have focused on its immune enhancing properties in general, [84, 85, 86] or on immune-enhancement on cancer patients in specific. [87] Maitake's anti-viral properties have received particularly intense scrutiny by the scientific community [88] and research on Maitake in the treatment of HIV is ongoing. [89]

Another area of potential interest for Maitake extract may be diabetes type II. One study reported blood glucose decrease of 25% in insulin-resistant individuals. [90, 91, 92]

In addition to research on Maitake extract, there are also many studies on the individual active compounds, in particular beta-glucans. A patent application exists on "Methods of using beta glucan as a radio-protective agent." The patent in question "relates to methods for treating and preventing radiation and/or chemotherapy related injury and/or afflictions, such as myelosuppression and decreased macrophage activity." [93] This protective effect against radiation poisoning and degradation of the immune system may be why NASA gives beta-glucans to astronauts.

Additional therapeutic properties of Maitake extract as indicated by scientific research include: anti-bacterial, anti-Candida, moderating blood pressure, respiratory conditions, nerve tonic, and stress reducer. [25]

Paul Stamets, in the book "Mycelium Running," also refers to research on leukemia in which Maitake has demonstrated some positive effect. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any herb (or mushroom) except as advised by a licensed medical practitioner.

Credits: Thank you, Paul Stamets, for research references. - 17273

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4 Big Nutritional No No's When Losing Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It would seem as though the food industry is working against your flabby arms mission. Why? Because for them, profit comes before consumer health. Sad, but true.

Unknown to most women, a very LARGE quantity of what the food industry sells you is very unhealthy. And in some cases, they market the unhealthy as being healthy. Combine this with some bad food preparation practices and you have a recipe for arm fat galore.

And the central issue here is that most women in this deceiving day and age do NOT have the appropriate resources to find the nuggets of truth. You don't have 4 years of time and thousands in disposable income to get a degree in nutrition!

Thus, here are 4 big no no's when losing arm fat:

1. Overcooking food. If you cook it till it's blackened, then you're increasing your risk for colon cancer. Charring food is not healthy. Moreover, a lot of blackened foods (ribs, deep fried samplers) also contain an insane amount of calories.

2. Having lunch meat. Lunch meat is ultra convenient. Unfortunately, the convenience comes at a steep price: colon cancer. The nitrates found in most lunch meats are extremely unhealthy. There are far better sources of protein out there.

3. Overdosing with sweeteners. Get rid of fat arms the healthy way and do NOT consume large amounts of sweeteners. One study showed a 30% increase in cancer from very high sweetener intake. Only use sweeteners in moderation. Also, many products you consume on a regular basis already have sweeteners in them.

4. Water bingeing. Drinking huge amounts of water in one sitting is not a good way to stay hydrated. You are not a camel! Instead, drink small amounts of water in between meals throughout the day. This is the best way to stay optimally hydrated.

Losing arm fat shouldn't be accompanied by unnecessary health risks. In fact, the whole process can be extremely healthy and very manageable. The key is to know what to avoid and what not to avoid. Getting toned arms can be fun and safe! - 17273

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Getting Revolutionary Acne Alternative Treatment Choices

By Jason Cartwright

Did you know there is a Chinese acne alternative treatment, that is not only natural and harmless, but it works too? As you may well be aware of, the Chinese have an number of remedies for just about any health condition, including acne.

Chinese medications have been used for thousands of years and at present, are an admired selection for all sorts of sicknesses together with acne. Against westernized medicine, the Chinese think that a human being's blood has temperature and toxins that take part in the growth of acne.

For illustration, have you ever observed how acne looks to build up in the T zone on the face? The Chinese declare that this is due to the fact that this zone is the similar zone connecting to the tiny and huge intestine, plus the stomach. For this reason, the patient suffers from acne due to digestive difficulties, or getting in touch with chemicals.

You will find that a Chinese acne cure home remedy also supports proper diet, good hygiene, taking supplements, and then maintaining the right program. You should use only extra virgin olive oil when cooking since saturated and partially hydrogenated fats cause tissue damage and inflammation within the body.

With a Chinese acne alternative treatment it is also believed that eating non- or low-fat dairy products is much better on the digestive system. Things you should avoid include anything packaged, which covers many of our favorite foods such as crackers, cookies, potato chips, and so on. You should also supplement your diet with foods like flax seed and salmon, both rich in omega-3 fats.

However, what you want to stay clear of is omega-6 fats. These would cover things like soybean, corn, sunflower, and cottonseed oils, all oils that encourage inflammation. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is also promoted by the Chinese as an effective acne cure treatment.

The reason is that these foods are high in vitamins that have been proved to eliminate acne. Fiber, which is beneficial to a person's digestive system is also encouraged, along with foods high in beta-carotene and vitamin A. The Chinese at home acne treatment also supports the consumption of protein and lower carbohydrates, again going back to a better digestive system.

The bottom line is that the Chinese have discovered that eating foods that heat the body like garlic, some spices, and coffee are harmful and can only cause an explosion of acne. The Chinese also promote drinking lots of clean, purified water. In fact, while most experts suggest about two quarts of water, the Chinese say to clean up acne, you should drink up to four quarts. This helps the body by flushing out harmful toxins, thus making it a simple but effective acne alternative treatment. - 17273

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Discover A Training System And Optimum Nutrition That Can Help You To Lose Fat

By Marilyn J Ross

Right now in the United States obesity and being overweight has reached practically epidemic proportions. Our lifestyles are sedentary and we eat too many nutritionally vacant foods in the Standard American Diet. We don't exercise enough and we eat too much.

Our ancestors needed to progress in such a way as to ensure survival. Therefore our bodies naturally save fat and energy in order to protect us from the times of deprivation. These days the only deprivation that we ever experience is the self-imposed famines that we experience when we go on a limiting diet.

On the other hand, our bodies cannot discriminate between a scarcity and a restrictive diet. We start dieting and our biology sabotages us by slowing down our metabolism and conserving every little bit of fat and energy that it can. That is one rationale why our dieting efforts get more and more stubborn with every consequent diet.

A big part of the answer to this predicament may be to just stop dieting and begin eating. Start working with your biology instead of against it by discontinuing the crazy diets and eating like you are supposed to.

It's much more than just starting to eat as normal again. We must redefine what "normal" eating is. The Standard American Diet or as it is also known SAD contributes essentially to our problems with obesity and overweight. Our bodies were never intended to eat the standard fare of processed, nutritionally void and unhealthful foods that is so abundant in our society and that many of us are used to.

As homo sapiens we are intended to eat the nourishing, healthy, natural foods that come from nature. The earth naturally supplies the foods that are optimal for our bodies and that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. It does not include the foods that are found in a box in the middle of your community supermarket. The less processed and more natural a food is the healthier it is for our bodies.

Our anatomy was also designed to be in motion and work out. Our ancestors spent most of their days up and about, moving around and our bodies are intended for that. If you desire to lose weight and become healthier the remedy is to embrace both a healthful diet with optimum nutrition and an work out plan.

If you desire to fight obesity, lose weight for good and create optimum physical condition start by changing your diet to comprise the healthiest foods from nature and integrate an exercise plan into your days. Your body will thank you and the pounds will drop off. - 17273

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Exposing Some Herbal Remedies For Acne

By Jason Cartwright

Are you suffering from bad skin and looking for herbal remedies for acne? Acne is a skin condition that usually occurs during the puberty years. It is often seen as pustules or skin eruptions that occur mainly in the face, chest or back of an individual. Although, it commonly occurs during adolescence, it can also manifest itself well into adulthood.

This skin condition can be very frustrating and even embarrassing for anyone to have. Acne is typically a result of malnutrition, unhygienic habits and a spike in certain hormones that happens, as we become adults. And so it is normal for many of us to seek the best natural acne treatment.

At present, there is a wide range of drugs and herbal remedies for acne available in the market. Herbal acne treatment is usually preferred to taking prescribed medicines, as they have lesser side effects. Moreover, acne drugs and chemicals can be very costly, particularly when you require using them as a pimple cure for about 6 months at a stretch.

Herbal remedies for acne generally involve purifying, detoxifying and cleansing your blood. Some of these herbal home acne treatments include the Dandelion Root tincture, Milk Thistle seed, Red Clover, and the Burdock Root.

Burdock Root can be bought from your local herbal store, it is then added in vegetable dishes and even uncooked, in salads. Red Clover is frequently extracted in hot water and drunk daily just like tea. To make your liver tougher and cleanse your kidneys, Dandelion Root tincture is taken..

Milk Thistle seed can come whole or as a tincture. The seed can be powdered and combined in your cereal and the tincture can be taken orally, like medicine.

More herbal remedies for acne are also available as oils and creams that are rubbed to the affected spot of the skin. Tea Tree oil, Aloe Vera gel and Calendula are examples of these herbal acne cures. Tea Tree oil has anti-bacterial characteristics that assist to reduce irritation and heal acne disease.

Aloe Vera gel works as an astringent for your face and also as an antibacterial which can help to kill the bacteria that causes infection in acne. Calendula functions to heal the infected tissues. This is one of the best natural acne treatment options and is often used in creams and ointments.

Many people can benefit by trying these herbal remedies for acne. The advantages of using such treatments are that they are inexpensive, have few side effects and are readily available to apply as often as you like. - 17273

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The Simple Science Behind How A Bread Maker Works

By Chris Channing

Getting the taste of fresh bread is what compels many home owners to knead and bake their own bread. But know that you don't have to go through the process yourself- let technology do it! Bread makers today can make the best of the best when it comes to bread, and with no effort at all.

Baking bread once was an all-day affair. To make bread for an entire family, it wouldn't be a surprise if someone had to stick in the kitchen all day and make a job out of it. Today the bread makers that are available to use can do the work for us, and in a lot less time. Through the power of electricity, circuits, and smart chips, devices can make their own decisions on how to bake the bread so you don't have to.

The mixing and kneading process is the first thing that occurs once the ingredients are ready. The electronics inside the bread maker know exactly how long the dough will have to be kneaded, how long it has to rest for gluten to develop, and when to finally start the rising process. The kneading is a pain to do by hand, so it's nice to outsource this section of the process.

The bread maker will have another circuit that controls how long the bread will take to rise. The thermostat included in the bread maker will go up noticeably as the bread maker attempts to create the perfect atmosphere for bringing the bread to its full size. At this point the bread isn't cooked, so right after the rising process we go straight to the cooking process.

Since the start of the process, the cook has only had to enter ingredients into the machine and wait. For the final interaction, the cook needs to tell the bread maker how long to cook the dough and at what temperature to do it at. For a perfect result, follow the instructions that came with the recipe you are making. If you don't have the instructions you should check constantly and try to guess the amount the best you can.

Bread makers aren't as cheap as say, a toaster, but after seeing how much of the process they can streamline, this shouldn't come as a surprise. The bread makers of today can do a lot more than described as well, it all just depends on how much money you are willing to part with. The more money you decide to spend, the more bells and whistles you can expect to get with your bread maker.

In Conclusion

Bread makers are easily found. Department stores stock them, yet so too do a lot of general retail stores. Look on the Internet for shops that would have a model that would work for you, your budget, and your needs in feeding the entirety of your family members. - 17273

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Why Do You Have Swelling after Workout?

By Jesse Regan

Most of us have probably experienced muscle swelling or soreness after a workout. Although this doesn't happen all the time, muscle swelling often happens after having intense work outs. But what causes muscle swelling in the first place?

Muscle soreness or swelling is a common consequence of hard and vigorous exercises like intense weight lifting, nonstop stair climber on the gym, and great speed on the track. When our muscles are working hard, they produce a byproduct known as lactic acid. This product can cause irritation and discomfort to the muscles which will then lead to muscle swelling. However, muscle swelling caused by lactic acid only lasts a few hours to less than a day after the work out. For muscle swelling that stays for two days and over, there is a totally different explanation.

Whenever we try to subject our muscles for work outs much more than their capacities, they tend to get some damages. When this happens, white blood cells, prostaglandins, and other fluids and nutrients flow to the muscles to repair the inflicted damage. The sudden influx of these elements causes the swelling of the muscles. These said elements continuously flow through the muscles until they are fully repaired. The damage in the muscles being referred to are microscopic and it depends on the intensity of the work out. This explains why there are some muscle swellings that last 2 days while there are those that can reach of up to 5 days tops.

The common misconception for some fitness enthusiasts is that muscle swelling is needed for better muscle growth. Muscles still do grow and individuals get stronger even when they don't get a muscle sore. Muscle swelling does cause several uncomfortable consequences like difficulty in walking, reduced strength, and being uncomfortable for several days.

An anti-inflammatory may come in handy as a remedy for muscle swelling. However, there is a certain difference between taking an anti-inflammatory drug before and after a workout. Several studies have revealed that taking an anti-inflammatory drug like ibuprofen before exercise reduces more soreness or swelling than taking it after a workout. In some cases, gym enthusiasts rely solely on pre-stretching to help either prevent or reduce muscle swelling. But careful investigation exposed that pre-stretching has no notable contribution to preventing or reducing muscle soreness.

Another good remedy on muscle soreness is a massage. There were also some conducted studies that showed the effect of 30% less muscle swelling for those who have received massages after their work outs compared to those who have not. In other cases, there are several people who still want to go on with their work outs even with a muscle swelling. In order to do so, one must first determine the specific muscle affected by swelling. After which, you can then use the muscle on lighter exercises and see the effects. If the soreness of the muscle happens to have no reactions with the work outs, you can go ahead with the full extent of the exercises. But if the swelling happens to become worse, it is best to immediately stop your work out and take some rest. Keep in mind that a damaged muscle needs more time for it to get full recovery before it starts to grow. When you want to be robust in health, you have to know information on results driven workout . - 17273

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