Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, January 4, 2010

Swollen Mammary Glands In Men

By Dustin Fennell

Gynecomastia is a common condition that effects mostly adolescent boys and older men. The causes of this condition are unknown, but it is thought to be due to an imbalance of hormones, especially since most children going through puberty have strange hormonal issues or imbalances. So how do you tell if you have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia? What is it?

You may think you have man boobs, but it could really be your breast tissue having a strong response to hormones if your body is undergoing a change. Your tissue and glands will swell and make it look like you have breasts. Though it is not an easy condition for men to live with, it is understandable why it happens when one's body is going under so much hormonal change and stress.

Everyone has both estrogen and testosterone. Estrogen is more prominent in females and testosterone is more prominent in males. But when your body is changing rapidly, the lower amounts of hormone could come to the surface. Pubescent girls can often develop masculine qualities like unwanted hair, while boys can grow breasts. It make puberty that much more difficult.

This does not mean that if you have man boobs that you have gynecomastia, however. While it is a common medical condition that will just go away in some men, others can actually have 'man boobs' due to obesity. But how can you be sure which one you have, especially if you're over-weight?

Firstly, gynecomastia can make a man's breast tissue sensitive, just like a pregnant woman's engorged breast tissue would be sensitive. One should look at the nipples as a good indicator. Are they puffy? You should also note that if you are working out to change this problem and are seeing no difference, you probably have a hormonal imbalance. It cannot be corrected by exercise.

Exercise for the over-weight is an excellent way to tell. If your man boobs are just fat, then they should go away with proper diet and calorie burning. Gynecomastia is a much deeper issue than that and affects the glands. So if you work out or are naturally slender and your breasts are far out of proportion with the rest of your body, the answer seems pretty clear.

But what kind do you have? You could have extreme gynecomastia, you could have the asymmetrical type, you could have the nipples-only type, or any other variation. Body builders often stimulate their own gynecomastia by messing with steroids and making their bodies go under extreme changes. Their pectorals can also sag if they decide to reduce their body builder figure. But this is merely the muscle going slack. They must tighten it up with lean exercises.

There are many treatments one can undergo. The most standard is hormone therapy. Other more extreme procedures include radiation or cosmetic surgery like liposuction. This can be very costly and painful, though effective. Liposuction can range anywhere from $3-10,000 depending on how extensive the surgery and if any body parts need to be re-sculpted. If you have severe problems, liposuction and re-sculpting may be your only options--but it will be worth it for your self esteem and you will thank yourself every day. - 17273

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Just How Effective Is The Slim Fast Diet?

By Lee Reid

The slim fast diet is a dieting plan that is designed by combining healthy nutritious shakes along with well balanced meals which will help you achieve the goal of rapid weight loss. Several choices of shakes including Slim Fast Original, Optima, Low-carb, High protein and easy-to digest are offered in the slim fast diet. In addition, different delicious flavors including creamy milk chocolate are also available in the slim fast diet.

If you hope to follow or to start the slim fast diet plan, you will require slim fast diet shakes, fresh fruit and it is also recommended that you have some slim fast snacks and meals to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the diet.

Once you have stocked up on enough slim fast diet shakes you are ready to start your diet and travel the road that will lead to quick and effective weight loss. When dieting always remember it is vital to have a healthy breakfast as this sets the tone for the day. Try and have a slim fast diet shake for breakfast and also for lunch as you should try to drink the slim fast diet shakes twice a day for the best results.

Furthermore, even when you are in the mood for a snack, you could choose healthy options including fresh fruits or a slim fast nutrition bar. Also make sure that you don't consume more than five hundred calories for dinner. The slim fast diet helps you to lose weight by reducing the amount of calories you consume without compromising on healthy food or starving yourself.

It is important that you make sure that you drink plenty of water when following the slim fast diet.Water is required to remove all the toxins. In addition, if you rehydrate yourself with plenty of water, it will help to cut down the calories that come from sodas and in turn making the slim fast diet more effective.

For optimum results combine the slim fast diet with exercise. Any form of exercise including jogging to aerobics to using weights will increase the number of burned calories in addition to your metabolism. Hence exercising at least thrice a week, along with the slim fast diet shakes and controlled food intake will lead to rapid weight loss which will in turn have you looking and feeling wonderful. - 17273

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How To Use The Best Bicep Exercise To Grow Big Arms

By Rob Maraby

Most bodybuilders often debate about which bicep exercise is the best exercise when it comes to building muscle mass. However very few know which one are. So in this article I want to show you how to use the best bicep exercise to develop huge arms. The best bicep exercise would be the standing bicep curl and below is how you have to use it to build big arms.

The standing bicep curl is the best bicep exercise for the simple reason that it stimulates the entire bicep muscle but it also stimulates the stabilizer muscles as well as the shoulders and forearm muscles.

You need to apply the right intensity and allow the right muscle recovery in order for the bicep muscles to grow. The standing bicep curl does both very well and here is how:

-In order to grow the bicep muscles, you need the right training intensity, and the standing bicep curl delivers this because it allows the maximum amount of overload to be applied on the bicep muscles in the shortest period of time

The bicep curl allows the maximum amount of weight to be lifted. This is so because the movement allows leverage and this allows maximum muscle stimulation and therefore growth

The bicep curl is number one for the simple fact that it allows the maximum amount of intensity to be generated in the shortest period of time which means you need very few sets to get the maximum muscle stimulation for big bicep growth. Allowing lots of time for muscle to recover Muscle recovery is encouraged by performing one set of this exercise done once a week.

So grab a weight that allows you to perform 15 repetitions to failure on the standing bicep curl. Positive failure being the point where completing another rep is impossible

After you have performed the standing bicep curl to failure, put the weights down and rest for 8 seconds. When you are done pick up the weights again and perform the set to failure. Then rest another eight seconds and then pick up the weight again. You do this until you can't perform a single repetition again

15 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

9 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

6 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

3 repetitions

This is how you perform the best bicep exercise.

One set of this bicep exercise and you have nothing else to do. So apply this diligently and you will get the big arms you have always wanted - 17273

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Quick And Safe Weight Loss Can Be Achieved With The HCG Diet

By Wesley Van Zyp

The latest diet to make the news is the HCG diet and there is a very good reason for it, it works. Never before has a diet been introduced that allows people to eat their own food and realize such a massive weight loss. A restricted diet in conjunction with the HCG supplements will decrease body fat.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or HCG, is a hormone that is usually found naturally in both men and women. People who are not eating properly will often lose the ability to produce this on their own and the HCG diet solves that. There are several forms that are available, but the two most popular are injections and drops.

The HCG diet works by sending the HCG hormone to the hypothalamus gland. The hypothalamus is the gland in charge of regulating metabolism and body fat storage. When the HCG hormone reaches the hypothalamus gland, the hypothalamus sends the body signals to release excess body fat.

After the body fat is released, the body will use it as a source of energy. Because the HCG activates this and the HCG diet has a limited amount of calories, the body will burn off massive amounts of fat over a very short period of time. While the diet will fill you up and provide protein, it stays away from fatty foods and used what you have in storage.

Many diets that have low calorie counts are not very intelligent diets. They will be low calorie, but also the wrong types of foods (remember the cookie diet?). When a diet is this low in calories, it is essential that is contains the other nutrients that the body needs in order to perform. However, even though this diet is packed with the right nutrients, it is still not recommended to do cycles back to back.

Once the cycle has been completed, the dieter can start to resume eating normally, but they will still want to observe their daily food intake. If they have not achieved the desired results after the first cycle, they should give their body 30-45 days of regular eating before going through another cycle. In many cases, there is significant weight loss so one or two cycles will be more than enough for the average person.

When quick weight loss is needed, there is no better diet on the market than the HCG diet. This is the only SAFE rapid weight loss plan that is available that does everything that it promises to do. Dieters will not only experience rapid weight loss, but they will learn better eating habits that will allow them to keep the weight off permanently. - 17273

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Important Facts About Dietary Fats

By Beth Hoover

Any worthy fat list will include both bad fat and good fat classes because not all fat is formed the same. Some dietary fat can heal while other fats can kill.

Fat has a poor reputation and deservedly so. Excess fat in the diet, particularly bad fat, has been scientifically linked to weight issues, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

However, good fats have been discovered to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and help protect against coronary disease, diabetes and stroke.

That is the reason why a healthy appreciation of bad fats and good fats is good for your well being.

It's clear that food fat cannot be absolutely eliminated from your diet. The U.S. Office of farming essentially recommends all adults get at least 10% and not more than about 25% to 30 percent of their daily calories from fat. The difficulty is the majority are getting a lot more fat than that, as much as 35% to 40% of their calories. And a lot of that fat intake would be considered bad fat.

Basically, there are two types of bad fat - saturated fat and trans fat.

Saturated fats are those fats that are usually hard at 70 degrees. These heart blocking fats have been found to raise blood cholesterol levels, which finally leads to such heart and circulation issues.

Saturated fats, for the most part, come from animal sources. The commonest food sources of saturated fat are meats, cheese, butter, milk, yogurt, ice cream and other dairy goods, as well as coconut and palm oils. Saturated fat should restricted to no more than 105 of your daily calories.

Trans fat, the second sort of bad fat, is probably the most unhealthy fat and should be almost eliminated from your diet. Trans fat is an hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated type of fat which has been closely linked to weight gain and far higher risks of artery blocking bad LDL cholesterol, as well as breast cancer. Trans fats are found in nearly every processed food, including cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries, cereals, candy, chips, for example.

Good fats are monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and the unique polyunsaturated fats called omega three trans acids.

Monounsaturated fats have been shown to raise good HDL cholesterol and lower bad LDL cholesterol, providing superior cover against heart disease. The best monounsaturated fat is extra virgin olive oil, which is a serious part of the very healthy Mediterranean Diet. Other good sources of monounsaturated oils are olives, avocados, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, and pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Polyunsaturated fats, found principally in plant oils, are a good source of essential fatty aids [*COMMA] but most authorities now believe folk use way too much of these highly refined oils. It's much healthier to use monounsaturated olive oil for salads and get your necessary greasy acids essentially from one hundred percent whole grains, soybeans, sunflower seeds and walnuts.

there's one highly valuable polyunsaturated oil that should be a major part of your regular diet and that is fish oil omega 3 EPA and DHA trans-acids. A healthy dietary intake of omega three oil has been shown to lower your chance of depression, inflammatory illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, coronary disease and cancer. The best food sources of omega 3 EPA and DHA include salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel and anchovies and prime quality omega three fish oil supplements. - 17273

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