Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Do We Really Need To Buy Organic Chicken?

By Andrea Kristi

Chicken is a great source of protein. It is considered to be one of the healthiest meats and poultry; however, if you really care about your health, make sure you choose organic chickens.

Buying conventionally raised chicken is not always the best idea, because farmers often use arsenic in the chicken feed. Arsenic is a poison, which exposure has been linked to certain types of cancer, heart disease, liver disease and many other health problems.

Some studies show that children of women who were exposed to arsenic while pregnant, may be at an increased risk of cancer later in life.

According to the research done by the government, arsenic levels in some young chickens are up to four times greater than in other meats.

Arsenic is called a deadly poison for a reason, because exposure to large quantities causes immediate death.

If you buy organic chicken, you may be sure that you are not going to be exposed to even small levels of arsenic. Organic chickens are fed with natural feed which is not genetically or chemically altered. They are raised on natural vegetarian diets and are kept on pesticide-free soils. No antibiotics, growth hormones or any other medication is given to organic chicken. Organic free-range chickens get regular access to fresh air and sun and they have plenty of space to move.

Organic chickens which are free-range are much healthier than conventionally raised ones, because they get daily exposure to sunshine and fresh air. They have plenty of room to move around and to run, which makes their muscles well exercised and not wasted. They have high amounts of beneficial fats, which help lower cholesterol levels. They are also rich in Vitamin A and Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Buying organic chickens can get expensive, so you should always search the Internet for printable organic food coupons. Also, you may want to check local farms in the area, who may offer organic chickens and organic meats at lower prices.

Even if you don't care about your health and don't mind getting exposed to arsenic, give organic chickens a try anyway. If you experience their rich taste, you may never want to buy any other chicken again. - 17273

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Exercise Programs For Lower Abs

By Stewart Christian

Step 1 for you is definitely to eat right. You cannot be spending hours doing abdominal exercises and then rendering all that work pointless by eating junk food and unhealthy food. Eat a nutritious controlled diet before you set out on exercising your abs. This tip will serve you well, and the unawareness of this will result in you having to work twice as tough to get that six pack. Read further on abs diet.

Workouts for Lower Abs for ladies and men

Leg Lifts

This is the most simple of all of the workouts for lower abs for men and women. You want to lie down on a level surface, and place your arms on your side. Tighten your abdominal muscles, control your respiring and lift both your legs up off the ground, till they are perpendicular to the ground. Keep them there for a few seconds.

Then gently lower them back onto the ground. Start with sets of ten - fifteen repetitions and perform two - 3 sets at a time. As you progress and your abs get stronger, you can increase the quantity of repetitions per set.

Alternate Leg Walk

This exercise is similar to leg lifts. You want to position yourself in a similar manner as before and then proceed. Now lift your legs together until they are at an angle of forty five degrees to the ground. Now gently lower one leg towards the ground, but confirm not to let that leg rest on the ground. In the meantime the other leg must remain as it was. Now get the leg you moved back up and move the second leg towards the ground. Set the amount of repetitions for yourself depending on how long you can continue this procedure. Do not forget to time your respiring to perfection.

Leg Circles

This is another one of the finest exercise programmes for lower abs for ladies and men, that you're going to come across on numerous occasions. You need to lie down on a flat surface for this exercise as well . Place your hands under your lower back or your butt. Now you want to lift your legs up to a 90 degree angle ( just like you did for the leg lifts exercise ) and rotate both your legs together in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. As you feel your abs getting stronger, you can increase the number of circles you make. - 17273

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Trampolines And Gymnastics: Weight Loss Fun For The Whole Family

By Dave Vower

Nearly everyone understands that a wholesome diet and a excellent exercise plan are the most excellent ways to stay healthy or watch your weight effectively. Nevertheless, most do not recognize that trampolines and gymnastics are a fantastic illustration of an accepted exercise regime. Additionally, they can effortlessly be united into one enjoyable instrument for weight loss and enjoying time with friends or relatives

Most of us consider the trampoline as fun and games for our children, including many retail stores, who usually categorize them with toys or swing sets. A trampoline can be a great way to tone muscles, shed pounds, or maintain a healthy weight with a great exercise program. It can also be a much cheaper alternative to traditional exercise equipment, and an ideal environment for spending time with the family.

There are a number of typical sizes that should be reflected on when shopping for this item. The smartest way to establish what you need is to look at your space, who will typically be bouncing, and their typical weight range. Funds should be a thought, but are not really a large concern because they are reasonably priced, fluctuating only minimally in a lot of cases.

The smallest standard outdoor model is around thirteen feet, and will cost anywhere from one hundred dollars to one thousand. Next, a fourteen-foot model is available through a large number of retailers. This is perfect for one adult and one child, or up to three children, to safely jump at one time. Fifteen-foot kits are popular for several children, or an adult with a few children, to jump safely. It is much easier to get some serious height and bounce with a larger surface area to work with. Finally, sixteen feet is about the largest available in most areas, although some retailers carry larger kits.

Most kits include a pad, springs, spring cover, and the basic equipment for setup. Optional equipment often includes the enclosure, which can be sides only, or sides and top on occasion. Be sure to pay close attention to the weight capacity, as exceeding this can cause unsafe jumping conditions.

There are a lot of much smaller models existing for inside use, and lots of people have chosen this weight loss technique for half a century. After all, how can you not have fun losing weight and staying in shape by spending time with your family? Choosing a trampoline is a great way to do both. - 17273

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Lose Belly Fat Diet - Low Carb Or Low Fat

By Luis Hancock

The general public wrongly believe a low fat diet is the way to lose belly fat. Many research has demonstrated that a locarb diet is indeed better for belly fat loss.

From the early 70s, US citizens reduced their fat intake from 40 percent to 34%. Yet, the obesity epidemic has been rising steeply since it commenced in the early 1980's. Why?

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates. Our primal ancestors lived on a hunters-gatherers diet of essentially meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Grain wasn't even part of human diet until rural started about 10,000 years back. The rise in human population and dip in hunted large game made it mandatory for humans to take on agriculture.

The development of human diet from mainly animal sources to grain products ( refined carbs ) has led on to a fall in the quantity and quality of human life. Illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease which were once non-existent, are now commonplace.

Take a look at your existing diet. Are you consuming heaps of refined carbs such as bread, pastas, cereals, cakes, biscuits and sugar? Excess consumption of refined carbs forestalls stored body fat from being used as energy. The body becomes changed to burning sugar as fuel and forgets the best way to burn fat.

Everyone wants some carbohydrates. In the body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose as a main source of energy for the brain. Unused glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Only the glycogen in the liver can be converted back to glucose to be used by the brain when obligatory.

The body has limited capacity for storing carbohydrates. Though the muscles can store more glycogen than the liver, its reserves can't be broken down when energy is necessary by the brain. Once the glycogen reserves are full, excess carbohydrates are converted into fat.

Eating a high carb meal can cause a spike in glucose levels. This prompts the pancreas to release insulin into the bloodstream to lower the glucose levels. The bad news is insulin is a fat storage hormone. It tells the body to store excess carbohydrates as fat. Fluctuation in blood sugar levels causes longings for more carbs and thus, more fat storage replying to insulin. - 17273

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Add Weight Training To Your Health And Fitness Regime

By Jose Andres

There are many important facets to health and fitness but most women skip an important part, weight training. Only about 20% of women do weight training as part of their fitness regime. In about 2 months you can lose an additional 3% of fat then if you were only doing cardio exercise.

Most individuals focus completely on cardio workouts to lose weight. However it is possible to burn more calories by doing weight training. This is possible because your body keeps burning calories 24 hours after the workout.

Additionally muscle is important for your metabolism as the amount of fat you can burn is directly linked to the amount of muscle you have. You burn more calories throughout the day because you have more muscle that needs energy. If you replace fat with muscle you will burn more calories just by sitting down.

Additionally by adding weight training to your exercise you will not lose any muscle. Anything you do lose will be 100% fat. Those individuals that only do cardiovascular then you will lose fat but you will also lose muscle. Weight training will let you keep the muscle you have. It also is particularly good at getting rid of that difficult stomach fat.

It is also important to realize that when you do aerobic activity you burn fat but you also lose muscle. However when you lift weights you only burn fat because you are keeping your muscles strong. Also weight lifting makes it possible to lose that pesky abdomen fat that can be very difficult to get rid of.

So you should measure yourself regularly besides tracking your weight. You will be very happy with the results as you will feel great and also get that lovely toned look that you desire. - 17273

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Easy Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat

By Elliott Mccarty

Who claims you can't eat good-tasting foods and burn fat at the same time? Turn your attention on the foods you can combine or eat singly on a consistent basis to dispose of belly fat.

The Fat Resistance Diet is known to ease inflammation through eating antioxidant rich fruits & juices and using fresh healing herbs and spices to perk up flavors of global cuisine. The Fat Loss four Idiots Diet, in the meantime, creates an 11-day menu that must include fruits, veggies and beef and underscores the significance of heaps of water and bread.

Here where we start to get shot of belly fat:-

You may start with this Mediterranean-style of reduce belly fat diet plan. It loads up on fruits, veg, bread, potatoes, nuts & seeds, beans, and olive oil as fat source.Try and avoid food made from refined grains like white bread and white rice. And while you are at it, avoid flour-based pasta also.

Follow by belly fat busting food, oatmeal. Oatmeal is fiber-rich with lower cholesterol levels that may help to reduce fat effectively .

Third step- Eat more high- pectin fruits like apples, grapefruit, belly peppers and pears. These fruits not only to flatten your belly fat but also enhancing health.Fresh fruits which contain vitamin and plant. Fiber in fruits help to enhance our digestion.

Fourth- include these veggies in your belly fat diet plan, they're carrots, beans, spinach,cauliflower,cabbage,broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Last, according to studies, it shows that it can be a contribution to a slimmer waistline by drinking a glass of wine at dinnertime. Statistic proven folk who do this usually do not have as much fat around tummy as people who do not drink it.

Include these few simple diet into your reduce belly fat plan, little changes will bring you a huge effect in a month if you do it solidly. - 17273

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Dr. Sam Robbins Explains A Cholesterol Free Diet

By Dr. Sam Robbins

Some types of cholesterol are not dangerous. Bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) forms blocks on the walls of the arteries. Oxygen and nutrients are transported to the heart and brain by the way of blood vessels. When cholesterol blocks the vessels it can cause a stroke or heart attack. When you have a blood test and it shows your LDL cholesterol levels are over 100, you need to change your lifestyle and your diet.

Do not eat food with saturated fat. This type of fat is solid at room temperature and can elevate blood cholesterol levels. This is a list to avoid: * Lunch meats * Bacon * Sausage * Fatty red meat * Dairy products made from whole milk * Chicken skin

You can raise your blood cholesterol by eating foods with trans fatty acids. Avoid these foods: * Margarine * Fried foods * Fast foods * Processed crackers and cookies

These foods have plain cholesterol in them: * Egg yolks * Shellfish * Liver

Cholesterol comes from animal products so you might think a vegetarian diet will keep cholesterol levels low. There are many food sources that are vegetarian but they are full of saturated fat and trans fatty acids: * Palm oil * Palm kernel oil * Coconut oil * Cocoa butter Avoid these; however, there are many substitutes for them.

Fried foods contain trans fatty acids. Fried food soaks up the oil and butter. It is recommended that you cook with alternate methods like baking, broiling and grilling.

Exercising can lower blood cholesterol levels since a sedentary lifestyle is often associated with high cholesterol levels. Exercising regularly improves metabolism and helps you burn fat and increases your energy level. Along with a healthy cholesterol free diet, you need to do keep doing physical activities in order to keep your blood cholesterol levels low. - 17273

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Discover The Easy Way To Build Muscle Quickly!

By Austin Smith

A Good Deal of our subscribers have emailed us questions regarding how they can build muscle quickly. Obviously people are hoping to get themselves in shape as rapidly as can be, so how about we have a closer look at this subject.

It's possible to quickly build muscle by keeping in mind some simple measures. Naturally it involves some commitment, but getting that perfect body is worth a little bit of sweat right?

First off, you need to visit the gym a minimum of five times each week. No exceptions! Also, when you are at the gym keep your workouts to forty to sixty minutes.

While you are at the gym, always think about these critical words - "proper form"! Don't attempt to lift more weight if you can't lift it with proper form. To build muscle quick, you must ensure you are targeting every muscle properly. You must make sure you are isolating the muscle and utilizing good form. It doesn't matter that you may be lifting a little lower weight because you will get much better gains by observing this tip.

It's a smart idea to use a three day rotation for your workouts. Organize your routine so that you exercise each muscle group during the three days. This lets you work all muscle in only a three day period.

Obviously your diet has a big impact on your muscle building efforts. To keep your muscles well fed and ensure your metabolism is at the proper pace, consume six meals every day. The three main meals along with three other smaller meals consisting of about 250 calories each and about ten grams of protein.

Your body will also like it if you use a protein supplement to give your body the protein it needs to build and repair muscle tissue. Although you don't have to use a protein powder, make sure you are consuming lots of protein rich foods if you aren't (cottage cheese, chicken etc).

Gaining the physique you want isn't tough when you dedicate yourselve to it. With a little dedication and by using the above tips, you'll be able to build muscle and strength quickly. - 17273

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The Struggles To Bring A Physical Change

By Densery Kopsull

One and all desire of everyone is to seem elegant and stylish and that's why many people attempt to attain a styled look. There are many things under your control that can assist you to achieve good personality. Some simple tips are mentioned below to get rid of your poor body shape. These great tips will also increase your strength and fitness showing you how to get in shape fast.

1. Drugs and Alcohol Avoidance: Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy and Marijuana are categorized as life threatening drugs as they severely affects the internal working of the body and also external appearance. In addition, usage of these drugs can result in extremely fatal diseases like Brain Hambridge, Memory loss, Blood cancer and Lung cancer etc. Drugs and alcohol intake can also affect your eyesight and a number of other physical disorders. If your desire is to have a great in-shape body, then quit usage of these drugs with immediate effect.

2. Stop overeating - Eat a Healthy Diet: Now stop! It is not easy to immediately change your habit of too much eating but for good outlook, you must sacrifice something like this. Remember in order to get something you should be willing to give up something. Eat little but healthy foods containing adequate number of calories. By this way, you can put off your extra fat and look healthy rather than looking fat or over-weighted. Use more vegetables and fruits instead of consuming fast foods or munchies. The natural foods will give your skin a fresh look and a shiny glow, which is indeed key point of a good looking personality.

3. No more laziness - Exercise Daily: You have to work out to keep yourself fit. Aerobic exercises are good for body making. It is more effective for your body shape that you join the Gym or work out at home to build-up some muscles and body. Avoid boosting your muscles too much. Start any kind of sports like Soccer, Hockey, Rugby or Badminton to remain active. Games not only affect your body but also activate your senses and brain.

4. Try to be happy and Stress-free: Most of the people go through a lot of emotional and miserable experiences. The tendency of patience in such situations varies from person to person. We should not forget that sorrow or happiness is part of life. We should try to tackle all our problems with patience and bravely. We should never allow stress or tension to overcome us in any situation as this can lead to severe reduction in health and ultimately disrupts the physique. Healthy life, charming personality, and attractive body can only be achieved if we remain happy and tension free in our everyday dealings. Life is a blessing and should be lived and enjoyed to its fullest.

Great and in-shape physique can be achieved confidently if we willingly apply ourselves to all the sacrifices described above. - 17273

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Organic Fair Trade Coffee: What The Buzz Is About

By Ali Bautista

Common among politically conscious java drinkers, "Organic Fair Trade Coffee" is a phrase we hear a lot, but is not often explained. "Why should I seek out and purchase this particular kind of coffee?" One might ask. "How can I tell which brands fit this description and even then, where can I find it?" Well, hopefully all of those questions can be answered in the following paragraphs.

What does it mean?

Around the world, farmers in poorer nations are simply being paid too little for the amount of beans they produce and labor they put into their work. The movement is simply a demand for these farmers to be paid a reasonable price for the beans they cultivate. Considering how much the average person pays for a cup of coffee, this doesn't seem like too tall an order.

What To Look For When Purchasing

This is the really simple part. While there is no official brand per Se, there is a nifty logo which they've designed to set different coffees apart. It consists of a drawing of a faceless half black, half white person (ying-yang style) holding two baskets with the word "CERTIFIED" printed below. The label should be hard to miss on your next purchase.


Nowadays, just about every major supermarket carries at least one certified brand; it's just a matter of flipping some bags over to check. If you patronize a smaller market that does not carry it, it's probably just a matter of making a request to the staff. Now, even the most common of all shops offers it up. Yep, every Starbucks will serve you certified coffee upon request.

There you go. Not only is the idea behind organic fair trade coffee completely sensible, it does not ask a lot from anyone. As opposed to seeing Sally Struthers implore you to sponsor a foreign child, the act of showing your support for this movement is no more than a point of a finger. As long as you are a coffee drinker, there's no real excuse not to chip in. - 17273

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HCG Therapy for Weight Loss: Day 20

By Amelia Handley

It feels so good to say that I'm on Day 20 of my 25 day HCG therapy for weight loss program. Although I have to point out that even after the 25 day program is complete I still need to stick to the requirements set forth for the maintenance diet. According to the HCG therapy for weight loss protocol the maintenance portion has to be followed for twenty six additional days.

But regardless of the additional time required for the maintenance diet I'm ecstatic to be able to say that I'm on my 20th day of the low calorie portion of the homeopathic HCG diet. Having said that...I didn't lose any weight today. But it didn't bother me because my jeans hardly fit. And I have to run to the store to look for a new belt. And that is a fun outing!

B-Total was the first thing I took today. Then I took my first HCG dose. I took my second before lunch and the third before dinner just like I usually do. I thought the no eating or drinking for 15 minutes before and after would really bother me, but it's not really that difficult at all.

I went to the store and bought a blender today so that I could try some of the smoothie recipes in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook. They sound so good that I couldn't stand to ignore them any longer. I decided to start with the Orange Slush. It was fabulous along with the grilled chicken and asparagus I had for lunch. I grabbed some Melba Toasts as an after thought, but the slush was so yummy that I didn't even feel like I needed them. I decided that my kids would think it was a fabulous breakfast and to give it a try ASAP.

For dinner I made baby spinach with grilled chicken and Melba Toasts. The baby spinach recipe was outlined in the HCG cookbook. I was feeling lazy so I broke the rule about having 2 different proteins for lunch and dinner each day. The grilled chicken was already ready and in the fridge. Too easy to pass up!

I realized after the kids were in bed that I missed my fruit at dinner so I whipped together another Orange Slush. The blender disturbed the kids, of course, and they ended up coming out for some Orange Slush dessert. They loved it. I didn't have to wait until the morning to try it out on them after all. - 17273

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Natural Bodybuilding - What Is It?

By Argo Ifoel

It looks that there are several designations that can be applied by using the term natural bodybuilding. Some individuals can equate the phrase to mean resistance coaching with free weights rather than machines; others merely use it to explain a regimen that does not embrace protein powders or drugs as supplements.

Natural bodybuilding, for our intention, refers to bodybuilding with no aids whatsoever. For this instance, weights would be termed training aids. Therefore, our natural bodybuilding is weight-free, processed supplement free, and drug and hormone free. Years ago, the terminology applied to this type of natural bodybuilding was called Dynamic Tension.

Dynamic tension, or natural bodybuilding is based upon calisthenics. Yes, these are all of the exercises you hated in gym class, and a few. You'll target push-ups, sit-ups, knee bends, toe touching, shin-ups, and pull-ups. Be at liberty to feature any different sort of calisthenics you like.

There are obvious edges to the current type of natural bodybuilding. The first, most apparent, is that you can train anywhere. With no specialised gym equipment or free weights, you'll train easily from any location. This is often especially vital to somebody who travels a heap or works log, odd hours. Next, it does not cost you anything. Natural bodybuilding is free. Aside from a bar to line up in an exceedingly doorway for chin-ups and pull-ups, (you can obtain these portable bars at any athletic provide store) you do not need any equipment. You don't would like a gym membership, either. You can do these exercises in any room, anywhere, at any time.

Calisthenics and isometrics are great for lean muscle, building endurance and strength, and obtaining some pretty impressive definition. You can take them a step more similarly, with a method known as doing the hundreds. This method was developed by some weightlifters a whereas back. They discovered that they might achieve some completely different physiological results from their training if they decreased the amount of weight they were using and increased the repetitions. Their repetition goal was one hundred. This system will additionally be utilized in natural bodybuilding to supply excellent results.

Another method for achieving outstanding results with natural bodybuilding is to use the flex and hold technique. Many bodybuilders talk concerning posing as an exercise, and this is just what that is. Once you've got completed a group of tons, flex and hold the muscles that you have been exercising. Do this as exhausting as you possibly will for at least a count of ten. This is often generally known as iso-tension and it takes the exercise additional deeply into the muscles. It helps develop a chiseled feature to your definition that sometimes only comes with weight training.

The final ingredient to a really prime-notch natural bodybuilding training is speed. You want to maneuver through the stations as quick as you'll, cutting rest time between sets to the bone. Some natural bodybuilding trainers take away the remainder altogether, moving in a very continuous flow from one station to the next break free. To push this even more durable, they train each station to failure and then go at it again. They trigger on seeing how many more reps will be done once failure. - 17273

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