Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fish Oil Might Give Young Brains A Super Boost

By Dr. Bill

I was really happy this morning when I turned on the Weather Channel and saw a report saying we might have a couple of super-warm days, later this week. I am ready to get out the sunscreen and soak up some rays on the back deck.

That isn't quite true either, I just prefer not to have to put on a jacket, scarf, gloves, and boots, just to walk to the mailbox. Or to have to use a snowblower to get there.

While being inside, due to the snow this winter, I got lots of reading done, and I've discovered quite a bit of new info about fish oil. This is interesting to me, because I had done such an exhaustive study of fish oil, while putting together my own fish oil formula. The existence of this new information is confirmation for me that I was on just the right track, when I put this company in business.

London's Daily Mail published a small study by Professor Basant Puri, who believes that all of today's school children need supplementation, in order to have a healthy diet. In the study, he is referring to British school children, who he believes have an unhealthy diet.

It's my belief that the situation here is very similar.

Professor Puri believes that the diets of school children are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and that the only way to insure that they get them is through supplementaion.

Puri also believes that adults need supplementation, as well.

Puri is a professor of Psychiatry at Imperial College in London, and a consultant in neurological disorders at Hammersmith Hospital.

Youngsters in the study were given pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and after 3 months remarkable gains were seen.

There was an average increase in the school children's reading age of one and a quarter years, and there was a increase in the neatness and legibility of the children's handwriting.

In concentration, three children scored perfect results, even though they were not at the top of their class.

They also achieved dramatic results in short term memory.

When brain scans were done on the school children, the most striking finding emerged: all the scans suggested that the children had developed a larger density of nerve fibers.

Puri said, "I was astonished as I reviewed the brain scans. It was though I was looking at the brains of children who were three years older."

I've known that pharmaceutical grade fish oil helps with brain function for years, and I've recommended it without reservation for adults.

And now it looks as though the benefits for children may be as high, or higher, than for fully grown adults. This is really tremendously good news. However, until such findings are confirmed by other studies, I can't actually recommend this for kids.

I have a follow up study to read, also from England, that suggests that fish oil supplementation also curbs the violent behavior of many teenagers, and is currently being used in psychiatric therapy, with good results. - 17273

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Necessities Of Portable Water Purification To Families

By Chris Channing

Portable water purification devices are important for travelers and others, but even the average family has cause for a portable water purifier. From home uses such as watering prized plants to keeping your family healthy, a water purifier can do a whole lot of good for you and your immediate family.

Towns and cities that have erred in the purification process of their water will send out what is called a boil order. This notice simply states that water should not be consumed unless it is boiled first. If you happen to get one of these notices, you should go forth with boiling the water as specified, but also purify the water with your portable device to make sure all contaminants are gone.

A portable water purifier should be in everyone's car emergency kit. In might seem like something out of a bad movie if you were stranded on the side of a seldom-traveled road with nothing to drink, but it can indeed happen. If you do happen to become stranded, a portable water purifier will allow you to stay hydrated from any natural water source until help arrives.

The trees, plants, vegetables, and other types of greenery you keep around the house deserve purified water. Regular town or well water can have contaminants that will hinder the growth of the plant, or cause its fruits to be less appealing. Portable water purifiers are able to quickly purify the water so that you can dish out water to a wide number of plants in a small amount of time.

If you have a humidifier, you wouldn't want to put in tap water that is going to become heated and spread out though your breathing area. It would only incubate the bacteria and help the microbes grow and multiply. If you have a humidifier, it is urgent that you only use purified water for a healthier lifestyle. Using a portable water purifier is a good option so you can easily add water at will.

Teens could make use of the purified water as well in their daily face washing routines. Some health conditions such as acne will become a serious threat if not treated. Regular tap water could contain bacteria and other things that could worsen the condition. Have teens carry around a water purification device to wash their face with so they can reduce the odds of worsening the condition of their acne.

Closing Comments

There are so many uses for purified water that not having a portable water purification device is almost a crime. You don't have to be an extreme traveler to have need for one, as we can very well see from these tips. - 17273

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Train Smart by Pete Sisco - Bodybuilding Workout Discovered

By Chris Jensen

Working out is hard just like getting the body you've ever wanted. To be in shape requires so much effort and work out. Train Smart by Pete Sisco is the world's fastest workout. This product is one of those bodybuilding workout with guaranteed effectiveness. This program has simple techniques and strategies which are all effective. Its approach and principles are very simple that anyone can follow. In order to have leaned muscles in no time.

This workout program offers simply the best. One of its offers is exercises that are doable in just 5 seconds. Your effort will not be a waste for sure because all of the techniques being mentioned here is effective and not a waste of time. Principles are easy to understand. You don't need to an expert to understand the principles in here.

Train Smart by Pete Sisco brings best results. Principles of this program is not just based on gym lore or mythology but based on Math and Science. This has very understandable rules that help you achieve the body you've ever wanted.

Author of this program is one of the experts when it comes bodybuilding workout so you don't have to worry about its affectivity. He, himself have done so many research about issues of efficient strength training. With his creation everyone will achieve maximum strength with minimum time investment.

Methods in this program are proven to be effective. In fact, this method can maximize a person's strength that allows him or her to lift a car in less than 60 seconds of total training time. Raised eyebrows? Better try and proved it by you. - 17273

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Anti-Aging Diet Care

By Marianna Pells

Many anti-aging products nowadays guarantee customers with favorable effects. However, what these customers don't know is that if they are to maximize the effects of these anti aging diet care methods, they must do their share of limiting themselves to eating healthy foods, lowering calories, and increasing their fluid intake.

For most people, calorie restriction is a good way to start. It is believed that minimizing calorie intake and maximizing nutrition could benefit many of us who want optimal health and a longer life expectancy. Findings have shown that calorie restrictive diets significantly help us live longer by preventing diseases and deficiencies that are evidently associated with aging.

Statistics have shown that individuals in their 50's who practiced lesser calorie intake had blood pressures of a 10-year-old. Other studies show that in rodents and primates, those that were on restrictive diets lived longer than their maximum life spans.

According to Hormesis Hypothesis of calorie restriction, the amount or level of calorie in our body affects our stress tolerance level. Since stress is one of the primary causes or factors of aging, people who are aiming to delay aging should also necessarily lower calorie, consequently increasing stress tolerance and delaying aging.

Other than reducing calorie intake, one effective way of aiding any anti-aging diet care method is having good health food diet. A healthy food diet should include a well-balanced diet and a daily or regular dose of fruits and vegetables as these contain anti-aging properties. Below are also some of the more examples of food that will aid you in your fight against aging:

Berries - berries of any kind contain antioxidants which is a primary weapon against anti-aging because it prevents free radicals from damaging your cells.

Avocados - Avocados contain potassium that regulates high blood pressure. It also contains monounsaturated fat which can help lower the bad cholesterol in your body as well as Vitamin E which is necessary in replacing dead skin cells.

Nuts - These are a good source of protein and minerals that maintain a healthy immune and digestive system.

Garlic - This has been known to prevent heart disease.

Cruciferous vegetables - cruciferous vegetables include radish, cauliflower, and broccoli. Most cruciferous vegetables are known to prevent cancer and the degeneration of cells in the body, thus, delaying aging.

The next step to longer life is drinking water, which is probably one of the easiest ways to acquiring longer life. Water is crucial to all life forms. According to research cellular dehydration can cause stress-induced damage. Drinking at least 6 glasses of water per day can effectively get rid of waste materials, flush away toxins and improve physical performance.

One of the most effective anti aging diet care programs is said to be fasting. Fasting involves avoiding food (while only being allowed to drink water) for a considerable period of time as an anti aging diet care plan. The basic function of fasting is to detoxify your body and control weight. Benefits of fasting include clearer skin, lighter stance, better concentration and lessened inflammation. When there are fewer toxins in the body there is better blood circulation and decreased deterioration of cells. - 17273

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Is Puberty The Only Time You Can Grow Taller?

By Kenneth Jones

You want to grow taller, but you're past puberty. Is increasing your height still possible? Did anyone ever tell you that you can still grow taller even after puberty, just by changing your food and daily routine?

If you're like everyone else, you've probably been told that you can't grow any taller once you're past puberty. It's "commonly known" that our growth spurts would have been over by then, and we just have to accept whatever God gave us. But what if you refused to accept "common sense"? Growing taller naturally is possible at any age. You can increase your height and grow taller just by making simple changes in your lifestyle, like in the food you eat and the exercises you do.

It's always good to start early so you can work with your body's natural ability to grow. Food that you eat is one of the most important considerations in your quest to grow taller. Because food is what your body needs to rebuild itself and grow, nutrition is very important in a grow taller program. With the right food and nutrients, you can encourage your body to continue growing taller no matter how old you are.

The proper diet and nutrition planning are essential when you start a "How To Grow Taller" program. If you want to get the most height increase possible. The kind of foods that will greatly enhance your body's ability to grow taller are rich in calcium, amino acids, essential proteins and calories. Without these elements, your body has nothing to use to help you grow taller!

With the right exercises and nutrients, you can increase your height and here are the reasons why:

You need young and healthy cells to replace your old and dying ones. And to do this, calcium is required. To have healthy bone growth and your muscles functioning right, did you know that calcium is required? This is why you often hear other people saying that you need to drink your milk (which is calcium rich) to have strong and healthy bones.

Guess what keeps your heart beating steadily, and your blood, nervous system and muscles functioning properly? Yes, it's true. Calcium helps your body to do all these things. Do you know that your body will steal calcium from your bones if you don't get enough of it? And in time, this will cause your bones to weaken and may even cause the onset of osteoporosis.

Proteins also help you to grow taller naturally. The building and repair of our body tissues requires the use of protein. Our bodies undergo natural wear and tear as we go about our daily activities, especially during exercises. To rebuild and keep our body healthy and functioning right, protein is needed. Protein also produces other substances our body needs in daily life. Substances like enzymes and hormones.

The things that our body does, like water balancing, transporting nutrients, and contracting muscles will be impaired when you don't get enough protein. Helping our body to resist diseases that commonly occur to malnourished people is also something that protein does. To keep us from getting easily fatigued, protein is needed by our body to produce stamina and energy.

Amino acids are the "building blocks" of protein. In fact, did you know that proteins used in the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissues are made from 20 different types of amino acids? While 11 of these amino acids can be made by our body itself, the other 9 essential amino acids have to come from external sources through our diet. However, whether internally manufactured or derived from food sources, our bodies need all 20 amino acids to be healthy.

One of the critical factors to grow taller naturally is your diet and nutrition plan. While it's not the only thing to look at, it's a necessary and critical element of your height increase program. Nutrients are required as the materials used by your body to repair and rebuild itself. When you eat right, and have a good solid diet, you naturally give your body better building materials to work with. And this is one of the simplest and most natural of ways to grow taller naturally. - 17273

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Use Your Creatine Supplements the Right Way

By Lionel Weathers

Since creatine is one of the most popular body building supplements around today, it only makes sense that a lot of people would have questions on how to use it. The other problem is that you'll get different answers from different sources! Let's go over a few of the different theories that are out there about how to use creatine supplements.

Creatine Loading

If you've ever used creatine supplements before then you've probably gone through a loading phase. Typically, the standard loading phase would usually be to take up to 20g of creatine a day for 5 days, then move into a maintenance dose of 5g a day. These amounts depend on your body weight. The idea behind loading is to saturate your muscles with a bunch of extra creatine and then try to maintain that saturation with the rest of the cycle.

I'm sure supplement companies love this idea, because by the time you're done with your loading phase you've pretty much gone through your first bottle of creatine! The common question is if it is really necessary.

A lot of people will tell you that it really isn't necessary. I've read articles before (I'd source them here, but I can't remember where I read them!) that suggest that if you use creatine supplements long term you will get the same benefit as loading. A lot of users have also found that it probably isn't necessary either.

There are other ideas on creatine cycles out there as well. I found one interesting twist on the creatine loading cycle idea from MuscleHack.com. He tried a technique that involved loading for 3 days, abstaining for 3 days, and repeating that cycle over and over again. The idea being that if you cycle in this way you will maintain a higher level of creatine concentration in the muscles over time.

In the end, I don't really know which way is best. This is one area where you should experiment and see which method reacts the best with your body.

When to Take It

Another common question is when creatine supplements should be taken. This was my first question when I started using creatine. The standard suggestion has often been to take creatine soon after your workout (unless you are doing a standard loading phase, then you would take it throughout the day).

But there are variations to this standard approach as well. For example, if you're going with the 3 days on 3 days off approach suggested by MuscleHack Mark McManus, you would take creatine before your workout, after your workout, and then at least 2 other times throughout the day. You really have to load up on a cycle like that.

Once again, it would seem that you will need to experiment and see what works best for you and your body.

In Conclusion

My intent in writing this article was not to come out with some kind of ultimate solution as to what is the best way to use creatine supplements. As you can see, there are several different approaches that different people have found to work. The only best solution is whatever works for you. So do some testing and you'll find out soon enough! - 17273

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Gouty Arthritis Treatment And Causes

By P Easton

Gouty arthritis is also known as gout. This article is going to detail the top gouty arthritis treatment methods, as well as some of the causes. First, however, an overview of gout is necessary. Many people do not realize what it is and thus may not even be sure that they have it. It is a classically misunderstood problem.

Gout is actually when you get a burning sensation paired with pain, stiffness and even some swelling of a few joints. Usually, with gout, the attacks of this will continue until you find the proper treatment for this and if you leave gout untreated, it can honestly cause a whole slew of problems. Most often, men are the ones that end up with gout but there have been cases of women having it too.

Some people are predisposed to gout. Overweight people often get it, as do those who drink too much alcohol. Eating large quantities of meat and fish that contain a lot of purine can lead to gout as well. Furthermore, some medications can lead to gout. Diuretics are one of those medications.

What a lot of people do not know is that the big toe is actually the place where most of the gout symptoms start. It will becomes extremely tender, swell up, get red and you may even feel some sharp shooting pains in it. While the big toe is the most common place for it to start, the knees, ankles or even your feet in general are places that it can start as well.

To get gout diagnosed, you will have to have a physical exam. Your doctor may extract fluids out of your joints and test them to see about the level of uric acid crystals in them. Too much uric acid in the blood stream is the main cause of gout. Thus, blood tests can also be used for a diagnosis.

There are a ton of different treatments out there for gout, but generally, just one shot of corticosteroid is the normal treatment. However, there are quite a few different medications prescribed after the shot and as soon as you start on treatment, you will begin to notice a decrease in pain and swelling and you will start to feel a lot better.

If you do not want to take any of the medications, there are other ways that you can do it. Cutting out a lot of the alcohol that you consume, make sure that you are eating right, rest your joints that hurt and make sure that you are managing your diet. All of these things can help treat your gout naturally!

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Have you heard about nutritional body cleansing?

By Loralie Hardy

People are asking us all the time, Will body cleansing help me lose weight? or is body cleansing safe? Yes, not only is body cleansing safe, it is highly recommended by many health professionals. People all over North America are starting to hear more and more about body cleaning and the "Isagenix Nutritional body cleanse". Are you thinking about cleansing your body? Do you want to lose unwanted fat and inches? Then you should research what the Isagenix Nutritional cleanse can do for you.

If you are looking to lose weight then you should seriously look at the "Isagenix Nutritional body cleanse". When you are cleansing your body, you are eliminating the toxins in your body and once you start to rid yourself of the toxins, your body also starts to release fat. Over 140 people have lost over 100 pounds, and some over 200 pounds (and kept it off) while cleansing their bodies with the Isagenix 30 day cleanse. Your mental clarity and energy will improve, and while Isagenix is working on the inside, you will start to lose pounds and inches on the outside.

Most people have always wanted to have a beautiful and a healthy body. Face it, we all want to look attractive. You need to take care of your health and have a better diet void of junk food, if you seriously want a newer and more healthier body. Eating a proper diet isn't easy for many busy people who are always eating on the run and are too busy to make healthier home cooked meals, and then the end result is the start to gain excess weight and many become obese over time. With the Isagenix 3o day nutritional system you are daturating your body with high nutrition with the Isalean shakes and you are also cleaning out the toxins that we take in every day. The end result is a leaner, more energenic body.

Have you ever taken diet pills? Not a very safe way to lose weight. Too many bad side affects. Body cleansing is getting very popular nowadays. Many doctors and health professionals are now recommending their patients to do some sort of cleanse. Isagenix's nutritional body cleanse is a popular cleanse that the health professionals are now recommending. It is a fast and safe way to lose that excess fat. The pounds and inches literally melt away by detoxifying your body of excess waste and toxins.

One of the main products in the 30 day cleanse is the Isalean shakes. It is a phenominal meal replacement and it will load your body with all the nutrition it needs. Two shakes a day and a sensible meal and cleansing out the toxins once a week and just watch the new and thinner you appear in the mirror. It is that easy. For more info and to order visit the web site below. - 17273

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