How Did Physical Fitness Come About?
Early human activity would not require them to appropriate time for exercises to keep fit. To survive against the elements of nature and to feed themselves, men had to hunt using very backward instruments. This would entail applying every piece of muscle they have just to have meat for dinner. The women also worked heavily in agriculture. Their kids were also trained early in hunting and, later on, rudimentary agriculture. This definitely was not the time of chemical-based preservatives and bad cholesterol. The food was always fresh and, although they gorge on meat heavily, every piece of fat just melted away with the extreme physical labor they do.
Later on, basic tools were conceived out of mans desire to make their food production stable and to live more comfortably. Planting food crops became the main source of living while hunting diminished. Soon, manufacturing advanced followed by industrialization, which led to the rise of modern machines. Discontented, man stretched industrialization further to computer-driven automation. Today, with computerization, mental work has become ever more dominant. In the US and in most industrial nations, the days of the muscled and rugged worker have long gone. Their idea of an employee is that of a white-collar overweight.
Todays typical food makes matters worse for someone who spends most of his time sitting inside an office. While it lacks the vital nutrients, it is usually rich in bad cholesterol, harmful preservatives and other inorganic ingredients. One can argue though that the primitive diet of raw meat might be just as loaded with fat as the average burger.
However, the primitive diet was also essential for the early mans extremely physical and rugged lifestyle while todays burger fat merely settles in the tummy of an employee who does his work while sitting for eight hours. Worse, bad cholesterol has become ever more domestic widespread with the prevalence of processed meats on every dinner table.
Fortunately, men made steps to avoid the cardio-vascular diseases resulting from inertia and excessive fat intake. They began to put stress into physical activities. The consequence is the development of physical fitness training programs. Measures have been introduced to effectively lose fat as well as the work-related mental stress. Physical fitness has now become a rage everywhere. Balancing mental work and physical activity has become a by-word in office lunchrooms and gyms. These are only some of the basic information on weight loss that you can find online. - 17273
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