Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Foods That Help Men Live Longer

By Tom Fay

Here are five superfoods for men. Regularly eating them will ensure you're on your way to living a long and healthy life.

Tomatoes. These contain a useful nutrient called lycopene, which has been shown to be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer in men. To get the complete health benefits of it the tomatoes should be broken down, so go for tomato sauce and tomato juice as opposed to whole tomatoes.

Oysters. This superfood is a high quality source of protein that is perfect for helping to build lean muscle. Additionally, they supply omega 3's and zinc, of which lots of men are lacking, and assist in testosterone production.

Brazil Nuts. Nuts in general are full of fiber and protein. Brazil nuts in particular are recommended though because they are especially high in selenium, a mineral that is vital in antioxidant production to fight off disease. Eating just a single one will give you your RDA of selenium.

Broccoli. There is considerable evidence pointing towards the anti-cancer benefits of this superfood. It's full of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that both detoxify your blood arteries and keep cells strong and healthy

Flaxseed. Flaxseeds are a good source of nutrients and fiber and they help the body get rid of toxic compounds. For your body to acquire the full benefits from them they must be ground prior to consumption. After they have been ground they can be added to shakes, cereal and oatmeal.

There are plenty of other healthy foods for men but these are a good start. Start this month by increasing the amount of these that you consume, and then add additional healthy foods to your regular diet month by month. - 17273

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How To Save Money With A Washington, DC Fitness Coach

By Josef Brandenburg

The number of people that are concerned about their appearance is increasing and they are showing interest in getting in to shape. They are willing to spend any amount of money, when what they should be doing is finding a good Washington, DC fitness coach to invest in. A lot of people think that personal trainers can ensure better results from your workouts, which may not always be the case.

Be prudent and invest on a Washington DC fitness coach. Hiring a fitness coach will not only guarantee effective workouts but also help you in saving a lot of your money. No matter what your financial stability is or what the condition of present economy is, saving money is always a god thing since it can always be used for other purposes.

Think about it. Do you really need a babysitter? Do you need to pay someone to count reps out loud for you? Can't you do that yourself? Instead of paying someone to waste their time doing things you can do yourself, you should pay someone for things that you really could use help with. This is where the Washington, DC fitness coach comes in.

Instead of monitoring your activities for long hours, a fitness coach would develop a written plan which when executed correctly would produce stunning results. These plans have been proved to be successful and the Washington, DC fitness coach will also check on you from time to time. These checks will identify deviations from the plan if any.

You will be able to have some one-on-one time with your fitness coach but because it is in a semi-private setting and you are not supervised for every workout, it is going to cost you much less than a fitness trainer. Just think of what you can do with all of the saved money. You can put it away in a savings account or go buy yourself some nice new clothes as a reward for your personal achievements.

You still want to make sure that you are selecting just the right fitness coach for you. It needs to be someone who you feel comfortable with, who has a system that is proven to work. If you do not feel comfortable with the Washington, DC fitness coach or the program he or she has you following, you will not have a high likelihood of succeeding. You have to believe in everything in order to make it work for you.

Once you have started, you will notice some spectacular changes in yourself. The efficiency and effectiveness of a fitness coach is so much better than that of a personal trainer. The gap is so huge that you would be surprised to notice it. Within a short span of time you will realize that all your dreams have come true. You have nothing to lose but weight, so give it your best shot and look at its impact on your lifestyle. - 17273

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Foods Approved for Homeopathic HCG Programs

By Amelia Handley

Popular homeopathic HCG weight loss programs are all the rage. They help people lose weight. They also re-introduce healthy foods into the lives of dieters and teach dieters how to prepare healthy foods using low fat preparation methods. Successful HCG dieters typically walk away with a new love of healthy food options, a new ability to incorporate healthy food options into their daily fare and with a lot less extra weight!

This is one of the reasons that HCG dieters have high success rates in keeping off weight lost during the program. Many have been the victim of diets that left them see-sawing back and forth between high and low weights. This scenario leaves people that need to lose weight frustrated and angry. In comparison, actually succeeding in reaching goal weights within specified time frames on the homeopathic HCG diet offers self confidence and energy.

And successful dieters take their new found self confidence and their renewed energy levels into their new lifestyle. Their new appreciation of healthy foods is one other very useful benefit of the program that dieters are able to keep with them after the program is completed. They are used to eating healthy foods. They are used to choosing healthy foods from amongst the wide array of foods at a gathering or party. They know which foods on a menu are most likely to be a nutritious meal.

The list of foods approved for HCG use are very limited. Water is a mainstay. You drink it all day; basically, as much as you can. Dieters are also encouraged to drink as much tea as they'd like and even encouraged to replace breakfast with tea. They are offered a small list of fresh fruits and vegetables and told to incorporate only lean meats. Because the list is so exact and so limited dieters learn to use it well and use to depend upon it. They are given recipes and encouraged to learn them and enjoy them. The recipes give them the chance to learn healthy preparation methods and teach them that healthy foods can taste good and satisfy the need for food adequately.

While on the homeopathic HCG program dieters definitely learn to eat differently. Many are eating foods that they have never tried before they signed up for the program. But because they are so limited while on the diet, they learn the foods very well. They know them and are comfortable with them by the time the program is complete. And most don't have the desire to cut them out of their diet even after they are allowed to incorporate a wider variety of foods.

And by learning to enjoy the foods on the homeopathic HCG program, dieters are incorporating healthy foods into their diet permanently. Homeopathic HCG dieting programs teach people to enjoy healthy foods. They teach people to use low fat, healthy cooking methods. They teach people to limit their portions and make healthy food choices. And those are just the side benefits. It also enables people to slough off the extra weight quickly and efficiently! - 17273

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Massage Chair Therapy For Kicking Up Your Health And Wellbeing

By Jason Resnick

If you ask most people about their health being a priority, then will definitely say yes. However, if you observe their behavior, then you notice that their actions do not always match up to their words. It is kind of like New Year's resolutions. We make them and break them in a few days within the New Year. I think we like to think that we are in control, but then we must somehow lack the discipline to sustain the necessary action. We know that we are under more stress, yet we are not finding ways to relieve this stress. One very effective means is getting massage therapy from your own massage chair.

What happens to us when we come under stress? Stress causes a chemical reaction in our bodies. We become nervous and anxious. We start to worry. All of these are chemical reactions that need a way to reverse. Massage therapy is effective in reversing these affects.

Most people think a massage being delivered by a masseuse, but massage chairs are an effective means to receive a full body massage. They can massage you from your head to your toes. They are very effective in helping to release out the build up of toxins in the body.

What are the benefits of massage therapy? There are many studies that continue to show that receiving regular massage therapy helps in the following ways: It helps to remove toxins out of the body; it increases blood circulation; relaxes the muscles; increases muscle and joint flexibility to name a few. Also note that the studies point out that to obtain these benefits, massage therapy must be received on a recurring basis.

The convenience of a massage chair cannot be understated. The biggest obstacle we hear for receiving regular massage therapy is the time involved with going to a massage therapist. We just simply do not have time in our busy schedules to do this on a consistent basis. This is precisely why having a massage chair can be very convenient. You can get a 10 minute warm up massage before you hop in the shower or just before you go to bed. No appointment need and you have access around the clock.

We do want to point out that if you can get regular massage therapy from a masseuse, then that is certainly a great way to go. The relieving and soothing hands with the human touch are certainly fantastic. However, the convenience is where this can be a challenge.

The other factor in saving time with a massage chair is that the operations can be performed in parallel. A masseuse works one area at a time, then moves on to the next. Overall, it takes about 50 minutes to effectively cover the body. A massage chair works in parallel. It can massage the full body all at once. Working in parallel cuts down the total time required to get a massage.

Believe it or not, but a massage chair is actually cheaper than using a masseuse for massage therapy. A typical massage chair will run for 1,000 hours. Even if you pay $3,000 for a massage chair, you are actually paying $3 per hour of massage. A masseuse will run you $50 per hour and you still need to tip. You get convenience and a great economic advantage to help relieve your stress!

So is our health a priority? Do not just pay it lip service. It is your life. Are you just making another New Year's resolution that lasts for a few days or are you going to take care of yourself. Take a first step and get a routine of massage therapy going. How hard could it be to come home, take a seat and get a nice, soothing massage? You are probably already to start to relax just thinking about it. Take the next step and check out some massage chair recliners and start to counterbalance your stress. - 17273

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Are You Wondering Why Hair Loss Cures Are Important?

By Allison Mae

Many men and women who are looking for hair loss cures have absolutely no idea why it is vital that you find something that will enable you to look and feel great. In fact chances are you have come to the internet in search of ways to find hair loss cures.

We all should be concerned with hair loss cures that can help us gain our self confidence back. You may be wondering what the effects of hair loss can be? Well the truth is that most people end up finding themselves coming to the internet in search of resources and tips that will enable them to overcome their hair loss problems. We wrote this article because we wanted to provide you with some hair loss cures that have been guaranteed to work.

All men and women who have to deal with this problem have noticed that their self confidence and self esteem have been negatively affected. In fact research shows that most of the men and women who suffer from this condition will usually find themselves in search of ways to hide the thinning bald spots that are beginning to show on their heads.

We never want to look into the mirror and look at a bald person staring back at us; this has only proven to hurt one's self esteem. This problem has caused a lot of people to have self esteem issues and it also lowers their self confidence as well.

Hair loss cures seem to be crowding the internet; and it is important that you find a treatment that is proven to work for you. One of the most important things that you should remember is that you should always avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals that can cause burns and more hair loss problems.

In fact we highly recommend that you visit the site below to find out about some valuable tips and resources that you can use to regrow your hair. As women we all should be learning about hair loss cures that are guaranteed to work and help them feel better about themselves. - 17273

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Which is Better: Insanity vs. P90X?

By Yasir Y Khan

That is the classic question. Which is better, Tony Horton and his new P90X system, or Shaun T and his truly daunting INSANITY workout? Both are touted as very intense, only for old and conditioned athletes. Both the products give you exceptional results if you follow their guidelines closely and use them the way they should be used. But how should you choose between the products? Do you feel like going for Tony Hortons 90 day body transformation, or Shaun Ts 60 day cardio madness? Is one of them simply better than the other? The answer, as you might have had a sneaking suspicion, is that it totally depends on your own fitness goals. In this article well take a look at what each program provides, and see which style of exercise suits your own personalized needs. Because while each is truly a challenging workout, theyre tough for their own particular reasons, and its important to know why before making a choice.

Lets start at the beginning. Before looking at the programs, you need to look at yourself. What do you want to accomplish? What are your fitness goals? Are you primarily interested in losing weight, or bulking up with some muscle? Do you enjoy extreme cardio, or loath it? What about free weights and doing pull ups? Of course in an ideal world you would be able to accomplish every fitness goal you could put on paper, but here you have to be realistic. What is your number one goal?

That determined, lets look at the programs. Shaun Ts INSANITY is so called because he strives to keep you in your anaerobic zone for extended periods of time while giving you short short breaks inbetween. INSANITY is all gut wrenching cardio, where you use your own weight as the primary form of resistance. But lets be clear: the key word up there was anaerobic. Shaun T doesnt want you to cruise through his workout at 65% effort, but rather 85% +. When exercising this hard you wont be getting enough oxygen to comfortably break down fat for energy as you would over the course of a 45 minute leisurely jog"youre forced to break down your own body tissue to keep going once youve exhausted your supply of blood sugar. Then, over the course of the rest of the day and that night your body will repair itself, resulting in more lean muscle tissue, greater health and less weight. But its hard. For this to work, you need to operate at 85% + effort level, which few people can do for more than six minutes. Shaun T will ask you to do so for thirty minutes to an hour. Can you handle that kind of cardio?

Conversely, Tony Hortons P90X will challenge you in terms of strength training. While Tonys workout includes cardio and plyometrics (jump based routines), there is a strong focus on weight resistance training, from pull ups to free weights. Youll be breaking down the muscle tissue in the classic manner, which will not only help burn fat but result in muscle growth. You will not only fitter but stronger, and your appearance at the end of it will reflect that.

Finally you have to think about the time consideration. INSANITY takes around 60 days to have full-effect. P90X, on the other hand, takes around 90 days. How much are you willing to commit to one of these programs? Are you willing to go at it for the long haul, or do you want a shorter exercise period?

Extreme cardio versus strength training. Theres plenty of overlap, with both generating extreme body transformations if done correctly, but in the end its a matter of style and taste. Do you want to bulk up some while shedding weight and developing athletic potential? Then P90X is for you. Do you want to burn fat so fast it melts right off you, leaving you leaner and ripped as a result of tons of sweat drenching exercises? Then Shaun Ts INSANITY is just right for you. But remember: the most important part of this decision is not only knowing your own fitness goals, but undertaking either of these at-home workouts with utter dedication and awareness of your own bodys limits. If you do that, than both of them will give you the incredible results you desire. - 17273

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Antioxidant Rich Foods Could Lose Some Of Its Benefits As Time Passes

By Kirsten Whittaker

If food and drinks are stored that are rich with antioxidants for too long they can lose their nutritional value.

One of the studies looked at the compounds within green tea. These are known technically as catechins and are believed to have the capacity to fight off viruses and bacteria, and might even be able to limit cancer cell activity.

As this type of tea stays on the shelf for a long time, a team from the Western Regional Research Center of the U.S. Department of Agriculture looked to see if the catechins remained stable during long term storage in our cupboards, in restaurants, in warehouses and on store shelves.

There was some drop off in catechin content with even short-term storage, but there appeared to be a progressive decrease in the amount of antioxidants over time. By the end of six-months of storage the levels have gone down by about 32%.

Another group of researchers from the University of Foggia in Italy checked a number of varieties of olive oil that had been been made a few days after the olives were picked. The researchers were very strict about making sure that the oil was extra virgin, ensuring that the study was consistent.

Making this oil part of your diet has long been thought helpful for cutting the risk of heart disease, stroke and even some types of cancer. Once Antonella Baiano and her team checked the levels of antioxidants in the oil, and found that they did not change significantly within the first three months. However, by the time six months had elapsed they had lost 40% of their antioxidant benefits.

So, this means that even if you do everything right foods can still lose their nutritional stength. So, this shows that the fresher the food the better it is for you.

Choose tinted containers instead of clear ones in the hopes that they provide some protection to the antioxidants from the sun. - 17273

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Bodybuilding Workouts, How to Build Huge Biceps?

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want huge biceps, then having a good diet is a great start. Natural foods are always a good way to go if you want huge biceps, and that means you need somewhere around five meals per day. Carbohydrates are very important, as is lean protein and fat. Drinking plenty of water is also a great idea, even though it appears to be a bit counterproductive. If your body detects low amounts of water, then it will begin to store as much as possible. This is where we get the term 'water weight'.

Do your big lifts first in your lifting routine. It's believed that the big lifts like squats encourage your system to produce more growth hormone, which will help all your muscles to grow.

It would be wise to stay away from the machines and just go for the free weights. They call for a greater amount of control than a machine would. As long as you do compound exercises, your arms will get the workout that they need.

When you are doing a pulling move, such as rows or pull ups, your biceps are getting work in assisting in those exercises. You will not perform well on your compound exercises if you do your isolated arm exercises first. Use your isolated arm exercises to finish up and polish the arms after you are finished with the compound exercises.

Pre-exhaustion training is where you reverse the aforementioned plan. Tireing out the arm muscles first by doing an Isolated arm movement, will cause the main driver of the compound movement to work harder because the pulling or pushing power of the arms will be reduced. For example: you could do sets of tricep extensions before doing bench presses.

The idea here is that, since you biceps are tapped out, your lats will have to work harder to perform the movement. It sounds like a good idea, but, does it really work? Try it out and see what you think.

When you have finished with the compound exercise, you should move on to the arms. Arm exercises are paramount to developing larger biceps! The arms must be exercised from many different angles. In spite of that, try to avoid doing too many arm exercises.

Try to superset your biceps. To do it you can perform three different exercises with your triceps. Try an overhead tricep extension, as this is actually pretty easy. It consists of a standing tricep pushdown.

Remember to choose a position for the day and don't just go at it haphazardly. A few examples of good positions are middle, stretched, peak, and many others. Though you'll want to do three or maybe even four supersets in a day, it isn't a good idea to exceed that. Above all, do warmup exercises before you begin so you don't end up pulling something!

Then there's the brachialis muscle. This is a muscle that is beneath the biceps and you will need to maintain a decent balance within your arms. To do this, you will need to turn your palms down during the exercise. Note that the brachialis is the main muscle involved in flexing your elbow. If you turn your palms down, the biceps will be out of the picture and you will be able to focus on the brachialis. By making the muscle bigger, the biceps will be pushed up, and they will be more prevalent.

If your nutrition is poor then you'll never get the muscle growth or muscularity that you are looking for. Work hard, get green and eat well! - 17273

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Curbing Mistakes: Critical Advice for Strength Training

By Brad Morgan

Starting any kind of fitness program can be difficult because of the sheer amount of advice out there. It is often hard to know where to start your muscle building efforts.

There is more than one way to build muscle, more than one exercise that works, but there are also many things that can hurt your efforts to build muscle. Let's take a look at some things to avoid.

1. Buying overpriced gym memberships.

You may think that they only way to get a good workout is to go to a gym: they have stack-pulley, computerized, and hydraulic machines that you could never afford. And they're safer, right? Not necessarily. Often, the low-cost exercises that you do at home are much more effective and safe. If you are considering a gym membership, you may want to save yourself the expense.

In the comfort of your own home, you can use inexpensive free weights or totally free exercises like pushups, lunges, squats, and more. These are some of the most effective moves for building muscle, and all you need is your own body and a few free weights.

2. Not changing your workout.

When it comes to exercising and building muscle, what worked for you in the beginning may not work for you now.

Doing the same exercises all the time doesn't challenge your body. In fact, your body becomes so efficient at performing the moves that it works less hard. Your muscles will not be challenged enough.

Doing the same workout time after time sabotages your efforts to build muscle. To overcome this difficulty, add variation and more intensity into your workouts. You have to make a constant effort to challenge your body so it has to work just as hard. A side benefit is that you are always changing your workouts, meaning you won't get bored.

3. Not doing any cardio.

You may think that if you want to build muscle, you restrict your exercise routine to weight training. This does not work. If you want to build muscle, you have to add cardio.

Cardio can keep you from gaining fat and also help your body recover from weight training sessions. For optimal muscle building, perform cardio immediately after your weight training. Also, cardio should be performed with high intensity intervals for no more than twenty minutes.

4. Exercising too much.

Your body builds muscle while it is resting, so it is important to take breaks for your training regimen. Take two or three days off per week and allow your muscles to rest.

Also, alternate which muscle groups you work on. For instance, if you work on your arms and back one day, the next day do your abs and legs. This will keep the muscles from becoming fatigued or injured and allow them to do their work.

5. Not paying attention to what you eat.

Many people neglect to consider their diet when they are trying to build muscle. But because food is such an essential part of your body's health, you need to eat to gain muscle.

Especially important is protein, which is essential to muscle building. Make sure you get plenty of lean meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy in your diet, and eat a protein snack within thirty minutes of your workouts.

6. Abandoning your goals.

Quitting is the biggest mistake you can make when trying to build muscle. If you have been working out and not seeing results, it is tempting to stop. Your body might just take longer to build muscle than others.

If you feel discouraged at your progress thus far, it is a good time to look at your routine. What can you do to change it? Should you add some intensity? Are you resting enough? Do you use supersets or compound moves? It may be that you simply need to stick with it a little longer in order to start seeing results.

Either way, quitting won't give you the body you want. Keep up with your efforts; if it is not working, then by all means change something. Just don't give up. - 17273

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Regular is Best Way to Lose Weight

By John Knight

It is normal for people to find the best way to lose weight and to eat when hungry. But with a high-protein diet, this you will crave less for food because of the fullness that you feel. Having greater satisfaction helps you shed off those unnecessary fats from your body. Recent medical researches have found that the best way to lose weight is to go on a full-protein diet. Diet such as is creates less hunger, greater satisfaction and weight loss success.

Ironically, the foods that you avoid to eat are good sources of high-quality protein. Your body is in need of sufficient protein which is very vital for a healthy immune system and energy level at its best. Most people avoid eating foods containing fats and cholesterol such as meat and cheese which are sources of this important element.

With high protein diet you do not feel hungry. The result is you do not have an increasing craving and no need to watch for those calories. Protein can provide the vital nutrient your body needs. You must know that reducing intake of this vital food element can adversely affect your weight and overall health because you always feel insatiable.

Medical doctors, nurses and nutritionists often recommend this type of diet to their patients especially those who are lactose intolerant. It has been found that lactose intolerant patients do well with this protein-rich diet. Some people resort to a lactose diet like drinking milk when they feel hungry instead of eating their regular meals. Lactose is not what your body wants but protein-rich foods.

Having foods rich in proteins in your daily diet coupled with religious exercise program are certainly the best way to a beautiful body. With such type of diet which is in truth and in fact very effective for losing weight, having a regular exercise must never be discounted. A regular physical fitness program can give you the figure that you desire and offers you good stamina and the best way to lose weight. - 17273

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Is it Possible to Build Muscles Quickly?

By Ricardo d Argence

Anyone who is into bodybuilding knows it's all about increasing your muscle mass. But many people get frustrated when they don't see the big muscles they imagined right away. Instead of giving up, try what successful bodybuilders do.

Here are a few pointers that will help you increase your muscle mass quickly. These tips are easy to put into practice and can really make a difference!

1. Visualise. Picture yourself in your minds eye precisely the way you wish to be. If your goal is to get huge and ripped then imagine yourself looking this way strolling down the beach getting all the glances from the ladies. This works for a variety of reasons but mainly because it send powerful messages to your sub conscious mind of how you want your life to be.

When you hold an image in your mind continually, you change your actual behaviors to help create that image as reality. It also boosts levels of confidence and motivation and that keeps you moving forward to achieve the goal. Practice visualizing yourself as you want to look for 10 minutes per day and see what a positive affect it has on your progress.

Did you know many well-known pro athletes incorporate visualization into their training routine? This includes people like Usain Bolt, David Beckham, and Tiger Woods, among others. Give it a try!

2. Variation. Train with as much variety as you can. Compound sets are a must have technique to use in your training. This is conducted by performing a regular set for one specific muscle group and then doing another set for the same muscle group but this time doing a different exercise.

You could start out with dumbbell flies and then do a set on the bench press. You'll get a great burn with this routine. You can also optimize muscle growth using techniques like giant sets, super sets, drop sets, partials, and other routines.

3. Snack Smart for Muscle Energy. Eat for workout energy. About 1 hours prior to your workout, eat a hearty snack. Then, about 30 minutes prior to working out, eat a piece of fruit.

As soon as possible post workout try and get a large dose of both carbohydrate and protein in to your system. Other times when it is essential to take on calories to build muscle quickly are just before bed and immediately upon arising. remember your muscles grow when they are at rest and at night time they need the calories to do this!

4. Workout for no longer than 45 minutes. Working out longer than this triggers the release of the wrong type of hormones for muscle building purposes and will in fact hinder muscle building.

Indeed lifting for just 30 minutes is perfect, this will ensure you end your workouts with your hormones at the exact right levels for increasing muscle mass what is more you will still have plenty of energy left to support growth.

5. Keep your focus. Keep your eyes on the prize and prevent your thoughts from wandering or never let yourself get distracted whilst training. You workout for only a short length of time so train hard and intensely and then leave. Start wearing a headset and keep a training log, these can both help you remain focused. This will keep you motivated by giving you suitable goals to try for in each workout.

Those are 5 excellent points to bear in mind when trying to build muscle quickly. Try them for a couple of months and feel yourself grow! - 17273

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Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips to Increase Your Bench Press and Build Muscles Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Everyone knows to build muscle up one of the best exercises for the upper body is the bench press. As always certainly one of the questions most bodybuilders want to know the answer to is: how much can you bench press? So, lets cut to the chase and find out how to build muscle now and get a bigger bench press:

Develop your triceps. Almost two thirds of the total muscle mass on your arms is comprised of the triceps muscle. Strengthening your triceps is very beneficial to increasing your bench press. Some excellent exercises that will help build muscle mass on your triceps are using both barbells and dumbbells and doing close grip bench-presses as well as skull crushers. Do not do exercises that just isolate the muscle because they are not good, as they will isolate the muscle completely. Working your triceps will certainly assist in adding weight to your bench press.

Try training your triceps separately. Usually bodybuilding programs recommend that you train the chest in the same session as the triceps. Doing this means that you can train them very intensely and trigger muscle growth in the process. Do this over a period of weeks and then go back and see how many more kilograms you can press.

Variety. Have you been doing that same old workout routine for months now? When your muscles have done the same workout a few times, they have already been able to adjust to it and so the need to grow bigger is not there. Keep changing your routine, it can involve little changes such as changing the grip width or even reversing the order of your routine or they can be bigger changes such as doing super sets or compound sets and more.

Make sure you are not doing too much. While with most things in life more is better, in muscle building this is not quite true. If you do too much and overtrain your chest then it can struggle to recover and find it hard to grow more. Focus on intensity and technique as opposed to quantity. A short intense workout is much more effective than a long drawn out one.

Solid rest. Your muscles are not going to grow in the gym! At rest is when they grow. If you don?t give enough time for growing then you simply won?t grow. Of course do not workout again when your muscles are still, a fair rule of thumb is to limit yourself to 6-9 sets each session for each muscle group, any more and you risk overtraining.

Take a break from training. If you reach a training plateau, then think about taking a total break. Let your body completely recover from all the strains, come back to your exercises a week or so later, and be even more motivated.

Examine your diet. Are you eating 6 meals per day with a minimum of 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight you have? If you are not following this sort of diet, then it is probable that you are limiting your gains by not following a muscle building diet. In every meal try to eat 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the remainder can be fats.

Concentrate on your technique. Are you pressing correctly? Bad technique can take away the focus from the chest muscles and can put you at elevated risk of injury. Make sure you are not lifting your feet up off the ground and that your hands are not grasping the bar too close together. These are the two most commonly made errors.

By sticking to the tips above you will be greatly increasing your chance to develop more muscle mass on your chest quickly. - 17273

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