Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Advantages of Fish Oil for Women

By Michael Byrd

Are there benefits of using fish oil for women particularly to the fairer sex?

Nevertheless, women are said to be smarter than men and definitely have stronger endurance and emotions. Not to mention, they smell a lot better too!

However, with these differences, women do still suffer from health problems like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis depression. The only point where men suffer more than women is in PMS. (My wife gave me a go signal to say it, provided I say it tenderly.)

The manner in which we handle these health issues is really up to us.

You have two options, to wait until you get a degenerative disease and seek for medical help (this is what men always love to do), or do something before you see a problem.

If you prefer to do the second option, then you can get specific health benefits of fish oil for women ? meaning lesser PMS and menopause symptoms and of course a reduced risk for breast cancer.

Every top cause of death on women has two common factors, degenerative and preventable.

We won't be nit-picking on the ranking of these diseases. Whether you have the one that is top on the list or last. We see no need for competition because this is not a thing you should be proud of.

Nevertheless, you will have one dietary adornment that you wish to have in your nutritional clothing, and this happens to be the most amazing form of prevention there is for women ? the omega 3 fatty acids from fish.

Day by day, there has been ongoing research that verifies the potency of these simple, natural nutrients.

Surveys tell us that a supplement of omega 3 helps in preventing heart disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, PMS, memory loss, dry skin and lots more.

One of the major reasons why fish oil fatty acids is very beneficial is it helps in decreasing and regulating inflammation in the body ? whether you see it or not.

The current study show how degenerative diseases can occur as a body's inflammatory cycle is disturbed. This often happens as a person lacks specific omega 3 fatty acids.

Scientist refers to this as an "inverse relationship", but this is actually very simple. If you have more omega 3 fish oil intake, the lesser your chances of developing degenerative diseases.

And if men think they are an exemption, they better think twice because the same thing applies for men. The lesser omega 3s they get, the higher risk of premature death due to a preventable disease.

It's that easy.

Omega 3 fatty acids are sourced from cold water fish, like salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, herring and mackerel.

So to get as many health benefits from fish oil for women (and men), add more omega 3 fish oil in your diet plan and get a daily supplement of pure fish oil capsules from a reputable source.

The ladies will have to prove to us guys how smart they are by making sure they get more fish oil in their diet on a regular basis - 17273

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Type 2 Diabetes - How to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels!

By Brian V Shortt

Sufferers of type 2 diabetes at times walk a fine line between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia simply because their bodies cannot process blood sugars as effectively and efficiently as non-diabetics. However, don't despair regarding this because balanced blood sugar levels can be achieved although, it must be emphasized, it will still be relatively elevated when compared with non-diabetic levels.

Therefore, you must consult with your health care provider to determine the target blood glucose range appropriate for you.

Three of the most basic steps to help you include:

1: With the aid of your individual glucose meter, regular blood sugar level testing at times agreed with your health care provider, will help you determine the pattern with which your levels rise and fall. Of course your activities, foods consumed and time of day will make a difference. Don't forget issues like stress, depression, pain, poor mobility and illness come into play as well.

Once you have determined your personal pattern your diabetes management plans will be easier to tailor to your needs. In other words, you can then make the crucial changes to your lifestyle to stabilize your blood sugars.

2: Various conditions, like type 2 diabetes, send you warning signals when something is not quite right. You must learn to listen to your "body talk" ... Your body will continuously show you but you must be aware of the symptoms of high or low blood sugars. For examples an unquenchable thirst, frequent urination and extreme tiredness are all signs your levels are high. If you are taking insulin and maybe missed a meal, you would exhibit signs of a "hypo" and they could include pale sweaty skin, palpitations, confusion, slurred speech or maybe a headache.

As soon as you know your signs and symptoms take immediate action, i.E. Monitor your blood sugar levels, inject insulin, take glucose tablets, and/or eat food. Don't wait for your symptoms to go away as your capacity to remedy the situation may fade quickly.

3: Even after you give your type 2 diabetes your complete attention, blood sugar levels can be unpredictable. So it is really essential for you to know the level you should be aiming for. Most people who have diabetes should aim for:

* an HbA1c of less than 7 per cent * a pre-meal blood glucose level of 4 to 6mmol/l (72 to 108 mg/dl) or 3.5 to 6mmol/l (63 to 108 mg/dl) if you are not taking insulin or diabetic medications * a level of 4 to 8 mmol/l (72 to 144 mg/dl) measured two hours following your meal.

Don't overlook to share with your relatives and friends the steps you would like them to take if you are unable to help yourself. Place your health care provider's telephone number in conspicuous places so they can contact him when emergency situations occur.

By keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range you can slash your risk of developing complications and live a long and healthy life even with type 2 diabetes.

Running consistently high blood sugar levels when you have type 2 diabetes increases your risk of developing complications such as heart problems, stroke, macular degeneration and other circulatory conditions, besides recurrent infections. - 17273

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What You Need To Know To Build Chest Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

Who is your ultimate super hero? Is it Batman, Superman or Wolverine? They all usually have two things in common: super powers (alright, batman just a super utility belt but it's still awesome), and a super body. That's right, these buffed up, muscled men are the ideals of strength and virility we've all come to recognize. Maybe you've always wanted to be one or at least fake it by looking like one. The best way to do this is by learning how to build chest muscle fast.

Ok so the motivation isn't as selfless; but the quest for self-improvement has always been a good thing. Really, who doesn't want to look good? Learn how to build muscles the right way and here's a great guide on how to do just that.

The chest muscle has four major parts that you should work out independently if your goal is to build chest muscle fast. For upper chest muscles, make use of the incline barbell bench press. It is important that as you execute this, you do not let the bar touch your chest because this removes the concentrated stress on your target muscles and onto your shoulder joints. This can lead to future injuries. Make each movement as deliberate and slow as possible for maximum efficacy.

Make use of the decline dumbbell fly and decline barbell bench press to work your lower chest muscles. Keep in mind though that the angle you are positioning yourself in is a little tricky and will require assistance from a professional instructor or a spotter.

And the last section-the inner and outer chest muscles. Strengthen this area by using the flat bench dumbbell fly correctly. Keep the correct form throughout the drill. Don't let your shoulders move as you slowly extend the weights to the starting position. Doing so will strain the shoulders. More important than completing the reps and sets is doing the said exercises properly.

If you are only beginning this high intensity workout to build up your chest, expect loud protestations from your body in the form of aches and soreness. Keep at it because you are developing strength even in your sleep. After a few weeks, execute the same exercises but give it all you've got-train to your body's maximum tolerance level. When you push the targeted muscles to the limits, muscle growth is accelerated. Have a trained instructor nearby to assist you in these endeavors.

Put in more drills into your weight training program. Vary it up after four to six weeks with different weight loads, sets and exercises. Doing so will ensure that your body does not hit a plateau and stagnate. Keep challenging it and it will rise up to meet your expectations. Work the serratus anterior with pullovers. Bring in more dumbbell flyes-this isolates and builds up your pecs more.

Take these tips and run with it; they will help you build chest muscle fast. Maybe you're not a super hero yet-- but with your new physique, everybody will think you are one anyway. - 17273

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Your Guide To The Best Muscle Building Information

By Emmanuel Palmer

Tell me something, do you feel good after a good workout session? I stress the word 'after' because one rarely has a smile when he trudges into the hallowed grounds of the fitness center. Even if many times you don't feel like working out, notice that you feel much better physically when you do. You're body releases chemicals that make you happy and not only that, you are sharper mentally because of it. How so? Imagine you need to concentrate on executing the drills in the correct form and manner, with the appropriate number of reps and sets-all the while feeling extreme physical discomfort. Weight training programs push you to your limits and the result is a great physique you can be proud of.

Now we know what we're gunning for (a body worth working hard for), let us proceed to survey the best muscle building workouts that will get you to your goal as quickly possible. There are two weight training philosophies being practiced today: high intensity and periodization training.

High intensity training uses up much of your body's energy. These are workouts that are short and very physically grueling. A session lasts only 60 to 90 minutes and is done around two to three times a week. As you develop your strength, you will have to increase the number of reps, or preferably the weight loads you are taking on in every set. In this training, you are driving your body beyond its perceived natural endurance; hence it has no choice but to step up and perform according to the standards you set on it. Consequently, you get faster results.

With periodization, your body gets more time to adapt into the physical stress being put on it. You start out with three weeks of light training, followed right after by medium training. After a few more weeks, you then proceed to the more punishing heavy training but by then your body is more prepared to handle it. The focus here is the cumulative instead of per session increases obtained by your body. Periodization ensures three things: that your muscles do not get over trained; that muscle mass and strength is developed over time; and that your body does not get stagnant by staying in one level for too long.

High intensity and periodization regimens both have its advantages and disadvantages. The key is to incorporate both philosophies in a workout that would suit your body the best. A three to four day split workout is the best muscle building strategy for many professional trainers. You hit your training with high intensity without too much volume that might result in over training. Switch up the exercises every so often for best outcome.

Here are some exercises specific to each muscle group you can use: Legs- squats (different variations), leg curls, leg presses Back- deadlifts, rope pull downs, seated rows, barbell shrugs Chest- bench press, dumbbell flyes Shoulders- military press, dumbbell shoulder press, seated shoulder press Arms- dumbbell curls, barbell wrist curls, triceps extensions Stomach- crunches, reverse crunches, leg raises

The best weight training programs to have are those that are difficult because you are pushed to push the envelope of your own physical capabilities. Your health, appearance and strength will benefit from a great workout session. Continue to strive for the next level and you won't be disappointed. - 17273

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Personal Training In Washington, DC - The Consumer's Guide

By Josef Brandenburg

Do you need to get back in shape but you are confused by the plethora of exercise and diet options? If you haven't been exposed to exercise and diet programs, then you may even be more confused. Fortunately, you are not the only one facing this dilemma. If you happen to reside in the DC area, you may consider hiring a reliable professional who can provide you guidance in your personal fitness program.

One of the main reasons to procure the services of a reliable personal trainer is the trainer can add a solid sense of focus to the workout program. One of the most common ways this is achieved is through setting up specific goals based on your needs. These goals could be weight loss, increased muscle mass, enhanced endurance, or any other goal one may have in mind. A personal trainer Washington professional understands exactly what is needed to set goals and deliver subsequent results.

It is, however, important to work with a personal trainer willing to take the time out to properly craft a workout program that fits your individual needs. Workout programs are definitely not culled from the one program fits all mold and not every person will be the right fit for a particular goal. A quality personal trainer Washington, DC professional understands this and will engage in an assessment session in order to ascertain your particular goals and needs.

It is necessary to assess the client and the situation to gain a clearer understanding about what the clients unique circumstances are. It may be to find out things like - what is in their diet, how fit they are, do they have any issues relating to health, etc. It is not meant to screen or remove anyone from the weight loss process, it is done to enable the trainer to gain invaluable insights into an individuals training requirements and make the process fruitful and reliable. A good trainer needs to assess clients requirements and help him achieve the goals. It is best not to work with trainers that for any reason avoid the assessment stage.

Also, it is helpful when a trainer performs reassessment at various points of the training session. This is done to ensure that the current goals are being met and that future goals are modified and devised.

A good trainer may also provide a workout routine that a client needs follow outside the normal workout sessions. In short, he will provide a comprehensive plan that can be performed outside the training hours. A good plan covers overall fitness and will definitely help in the process and thus it is actively recommended.

And, finally, the most important point is that your trainer should work in an ethical and professional manner. If he is negligent or does anything to distract you from your fitness goals, then it is recommended that you look for someone else to train you. Most personal trainers are solid professionals and chances that you encounter this problem are bleak. But if you do find yourself in such a situation, then you should look for a better personal trainer. - 17273

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The Right Way to be Fit

By Stephen Unato

Perfect body, that's what a lot of people think about. Especially for those who have developed an abnormal eating habit which resulted to the increase of their body weight. They begin to find solutions, only to find out that they cannot do it.

If you fall to their pit, you will have a hard time getting out. They will offer you different exercises but not all of them will work without proper guidance. Programs will be given but not all of them will work.

Diet plays an important role to your fitness too. You may have read some of them. You may try some. Or friends will tell you what to do. There are many sources, but you will stumble again on one problem. You will become confused if which one would be the right for you.

In every problem, there is always a solution. And a group called The Body Project Studio has all the knowledge and skills to help you solve your burden. They offer not just a mere program but something that will make your wishes comes true.

Instructors will give you what exercises you need. You don't have to do a lot and then have poor results. But you will be given specific programs which will be suited to your needs. Their training will slowly but surely mold your body to become the body that you are wishing for.

They also have good nutritionists who are experts when it comes to your diet. You will be given diets that are suited to your needs. You will just have to obey them.

These people will monitor your progress. And while doing so, they can study and suggest what is best for you. Isn't that nice? You will be treated accordingly. No hustles and worries. Your payments will not go to waste.

You can check out their site and see the testimonies of persons who have undergone training in their hands. You can also try it and share the same story to the world. - 17273

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George Washington Weight Loss Expert Takes on Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

Losing weight is all about numbers; this myth is now being taken on by a person from the George Washington University area who is an expert in weight loss. For a long time you have been told that one pound lost on the weighing scale is equal to one pound of fat lost from the body. It is a myth and the worst misleading weight loss concept that if you weigh less, you will look better in a bikini. Look at it this way, a baseball is heavier than a beach ball, but a beach ball is pliable and soft, whereas the baseball is firm and hard. Now how would you like your body to be?

Honestly speaking a healthy body and good looks is all about the weight composition rather than the weight itself. One can weigh 150 pounds, however if the body fat contributes to 50% of the total body weight then you will most likely, not have a great physique. People will go to an unimaginable extent just to weigh less on the scales but it's a good thing we have a weight loss expert from the George Washington University area who has unveiled the truth about effective weight loss.

Its a well known fact that the rate of metabolism of your body is determined by the muscle mass you have. This in turn will also decide how good you will look in your swimwear. Maximum weight loss plans emphasize on making the weight on the scales go down irrespective of whether it is fat or muscle that is lost. One needs to address this fundamentally wrong approach to weight loss. One should aim at loosing fat and not muscle mass as muscles help in burning down more calories. It also helps you achieve a toned look while wearing shorts rather than the fat. Assume that you have lost body fat, say about five pounds and gained the same amount of weight in muscle. In the mirror it would seem as though you have lost ten pounds but the scales will show no changes in your weight.

In case you want effective weight loss my advice would be to follow the instructions of the weight loss experts from the George Washington weight loss centers. These weight loss experts advise their clients to measure their body composition, which can be done with a simple tape privately in your home. All you have to do is measure yourself regularly. Keep an eye on the inch loss rather than a drop on the scales.

An inch loss in men means the loss of 4-5 pounds of fat whereas in women it means 3-4 pounds. You should aim at maintaining your weight with a uniform inch loss from all parts of the body. To begin with, just measure all the areas and then start building more muscles in your body. Men can just measure their waist since men put on weight mostly on their waist. Women should measure their waist, hips and thighs. The measurement for women should be taken in the following manner:

*Hips- standing with your feet about hips width apart measure around the largest part of your backside

*Thighs- Make a mark six inches above your knee and take the measurement around the thigh at this point.

*Waist- It can be measured at the same level as the naval.

Ensure that the measurements are taken on a particular day of every week. Also, to ensure accurate results, you should visit the restroom before measurements are taken. This type of measurement will indicate actual fat loss and this practice is followed by almost all of the weight loss centers in the George Washington area. - 17273

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Georgetown Weight Loss Expert Takes On The Authorities

By Josef Brandenburg

Much is written about the war on obesity and, without a doubt, this is a war that is definitely a quagmire as most people wishing to lose weight simply cannot get the proper handle on being able to lose weight. Why is this? Have not there been many diet and exercise programs developed over the years? Yes, there have been many diets devised throughout the years but they are often removed from the basics. Getting back to the basics is usually the best, no B.S. approach to proper weight loss. Sadly, there is a lot of misinformation out there that needs to be debunked.

People who are basically looking to lose weight effectively should be careful of the popular myths which can misguide them.

First of all, there are better options to burn calories than an aerobic workout. While it is a well known fact that you can burn calories with an aerobic workout, one should also know that the calorie loss is not as huge as it is publicized. Your workout will prove to be less effective than you expected.

One need not work out for about one or one and a half hour to loose oodles of weight. It may not be a good idea at all due to non feasibility. No one has the time to workout one hour or so with such a busy lifestyle. Also it may be the worst option to consider for the reasons already discussed earlier. It is simply not as big a deal as it is made out to be.

It is completely not true that a person may have genetic limitations for weight loss. This concept is extremely demoralizing as it defeats the person even before he has taken the plunge by making him think that there would be no results in spite of tireless efforts. This false notion needs to be dismissed immediately.

Weight training raises the body metabolism automatically, is another myth that needs to be addressed. Muscle mass can generally raise metabolism only if you are already ripped. If on the other hand, you are a beginner who has just started the weight training then it is impossible for you to experience increased metabolism due to muscle mass. People should be aware of this, so that they do not carry any false hopes.

The following fact may upset a few people in the weight loss community of Georgetown, but it doesn't make it any less true that almost all the Georgetown nutritionists and the registered nurses are incapable of giving you a proper diet plan. They might be knowledgeable but their skill set is inadequate to give to exactly what you need. Therefore you should not take their advice too seriously.

If you wish to save yourself a lot of time and aggravation, it would be best to look for a qualified Georgetown weight loss personal trainer to help you with your journey. Such individuals know their material and can certainly help you reach your goals better than those who perpetually promote myths. - 17273

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Common Mistakes About Butt Exercise

By Simon Rowlings

Butt exercise is by no means easy. It is in the context of the whole human body, it is probably the hardest part of the body to workout effectively. Most of the time the effort that has to be put into to make a noticeable impact on the strength and look of your butt is disproportional to the results you get. It is only when you fully understand this statement that you can appreciate the monumental work that is necessary to build a butt that you want.

It is made even worst when normal health and fitness fans are provided with information that isn't exactly correct and at the very least inefficient. Most of the information that is provided in health and fitness magazines and even exercise journals isn't correct to build and mold the butt. They will work to strengthen your butt but will do precious little in the way of shaping it the way you want. Below we are going to list a few myths that we think has done a great injustice to those who want to improve the appearance of their butt.

As you can appreciate, the greatest myth is that out there is that butt exercise is easy. People seem to think that it is easy to sculpt the butt muscles into a shape that you want and that you can follow some sort of magical routine or even apply some heavenly cream which will take all the fat away. There is no such thing. The truth is that the butt is one of the places on your body that is notoriously hard to work out and gain substantial results. This is mostly down to the inherent strength and durability of the muscle in the human physique design. The muscles in the butt are used for most of our mobility and also for our ability to stand up right. As such it is extremely resilient and hard to train. We must first understand this very important premise about butt exercise so that we aren't disappointed with the results we obtain.

Another myth that is commonly heard is that you can "tone" your butt muscles with resistance butt exercise with weights that are very light. For some reason or another there is so much hype about toning muscles or even lengthening muscles while not building bulk by using light weights in your resistance workouts. The problem is that muscles only respond to building themselves when they are subjected to work that they aren't used too. This means that if you continue with light weights even with high reps, you will not get the results you are looking for. The only way that you can build strength, build muscle and increase tone is by progressing to heavier and heavier weights, building resistance continuously over time until you reach a point where you are happy with the strength and tone then maintain that weight to keep the tone intact.

Another terrible myth is that you can actually spot reduce the fat on your butt. There are so many advertisements and products that claim that it can do this; they are all lies. There is no way that you can work your butt muscles in such a way that it will draw the fat from the butt. The two systems are quite independent of each other. The only way you can reduce the amount of fat on your butt is to maintain a caloric deficit so that your body can feed off the fat reserves in your butt to reduce the size.

The net result of people doing light weights multiple times is a mixture of poor resistance training and even worst cardio exercise. This means that your muscles will have are substandard anaerobic exercises while you also get a poor aerobic exercise from the many repetitions that you do. The net result is you wasting time doing something that really isn't going to make a difference to the size and tone of your butt. If you keep doing it you will get gradually decreasing results but ultimately there are much better ways to spend your time in developing your butt.

Overall, people who are looking to improve the appearance of their butt have three things in their arsenal to help with the shaping. They can use resistance exercises to build muscle bulk and tone, they can subject themselves to a caloric deficit which lowers fat content around the body and around the butt. The last thing they can do is to tighten the skin around the butt. This is by far the hardest thing to do, how it is done is simply too hard to explain in a simple article. Follow the link in the resource box below to find out how. - 17273

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What Men Should Consider When Fitness Training

By Frank Powell

Each specific man has different goals for his body. Are most men willing to achieve those goals by working out? Do they want a more solid body or do they want a more healthy body? It depends on the particular man and his drive to achieve that buffer body. Some men want both, some men are trying to just look good, some are satisfied with how they look and feel, while some want a more buffed body but don't have the motivation or knowledge to get what they want.

Today's man is looking for more than just a body that looks good. He's in search of a body that will last longer, help him function in today's fast-moving environment, and keep him out of the physicians office and on the go. He realizes that as much as it feels good to look good it's just as important to build a body that gives him stamina. He knows that putting muscles and joints under undue stress can do more harm than good.

Some men are still sweating and straining to add definition to a finely sculpted body, or so that they can attract a date for Saturday night action. But whatever the reason there are several factors that need to be considered. Not all of these factors are directly connected to getting the body into shape.

How much time do you want to devote to the pursuit of fitness? Is your time at the gym detracting from your social life over all? Do you want to workout at home where you can go at your own pace and not be concerned about others critiquing your methods? Do you prefer to workout with a group and get incentive from the others around you? It's a matter of setting your target and keeping to it.

You may want to ask your doctor if there are any limitations you need to impose on yourself. Many of us feel that we are capable of making our own decisions, but the physician may be able to point out a different path to the same effect. Friends may be able to advise you as to the best gym or equipment that you need to use. You are not out on an island while trying to achieve the results you want. Many health clubs have professionals who can help you make choices to improve your workouts.

After you receive input and make your decision it is time to proceed with it. If you decided to get a gym membership you must go through the process of finding a good gym. There are a lot of gyms out there. Some of them are not so good and some of them are very good. Dont be stuck with a membership to a place you dont even like. If you decided to workout at home then you must research gym equipment that youre going to purchase. You want to get equipment thats going to last a long time and fit your personal needs. Make sure you develop a workout plan then buy equipment that allows you to do that workout.

After you've made a final decision on how you are going to proceed you still need to consider if the club you've settled on is really reliable. What's the turnover in their personnel? Do they maintain and update their gear on a periodic basis? Or if you've chosen to make your home the base for your workouts you need to locate a source for the equipment. Check the reliability of the manufacturer and the kind of warranties they offer. When you're satisfied go for it. - 17273

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When You Buy Omega3 Will You Buy The Best?

By Terry Johnston

You buy Omega3 because of all the health benefits for:

*the heart

*the brain

*the joints

*the skin

*the immune system

*our vision

*aiding digestion

Omega 3 fatty acids are most potent in fish oil--a natural source. Because natural sources are the most effective way to introduce nutrients to your body, when you buy Omega3, make sure it is naturally sourced.

Fish oil can be considered good and bad. Bad fish oil comes from fish contaminated with heavy metal toxins like mercury and PCBs. So much of the world's waters are polluted, fish caught in these waters should not be eaten. These types of contaminants build up in a concentrated form in the fish living in these waters.

The best fish oil is processed pure is 100% free from any contaminants, has a low oxidation (decomposition) levels for freshness. It should also be in a natural form meaning natural triglyceride or ethyl ester form oil, not manufactured synthetically.

Omega3/DHA is a "Super" anti-inflammatory. Higher levels of DHA mean higher levels of action against the inflammation.

It has been found that there is an unexplained concentration of anti-inflammatory inhibition when non-concentrated hoki oil is combined with concentrated ester tuna oil. This has been dubbed the x-factor because of the synergistic effects of the combination.

When buying Omega 3 oils, you will want to look for this formula, which has 2 " times the inflammation inhibition of normal fish oil and double that of highly refined and concentrated forms of it, according to studies done by "Trinity Bioactives", part of Wellington School of Medicine in New Zealand.

inflammation Reduction is a big reason many choose to buy Omega 3. In the article "The secret killer" in Time Magazine (May 2004). They offer solutions like aspirin, Statins, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors or you could just buy some Omega 3 fish oil. It is much stronger than aspirin, but is gentle on your stomach.

Now you can buy Omega 3/DHA in higher concentrations of anti-inflammatory then you can get by eating fish. Newer supplements on the market have some of the most highly effective fish oil concentrates, higher than normal fish oil that many people buy.

Brain function improves when you use Omega 3 fatty acids.

Taking Omega 3 fatty acids or fish oils on a regular basis has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's by 60%.

Guidelines from the American Heart Association recommend omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil because of proven benefits to the heart, be taken every day.

In conclusion, when you buy Omega 3/DHA, and start taking it you will realize many health benefits, based on proven clinical studies. Look for Omega 3 in a concentrated supplement for from natural triglycerides, with high amounts of DHA for the best results.

For more information about he amazing benefits of Omega 3/DHA fish oil, please visit my Web Site - 17273

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Fluoride In Water Is It Safe?

By Terry Johnston

Fluoride and the Pineal Gland

Fluoride was heralded as the way to save a generations teeth from tooth decay, and studies found that naturally occurring fluoride in water seemed to lower the incident of tooth decay of the population drinking it.

Governments were excited about the prospect of cheaply and efficiently protecting children's teeth, by adding fluoride to drinking water. Fluoride has 4 isotopes--2 naturally occurring and 2 manufactured). Cheapest of these isotopes (is made from industrial waste).

FLUORIDE IS TOXIC--that's why there are warnings on toothpaste containers about never swallowing the toothpaste.

It effects the pineal gland. A small structure located in the brain, which produces melatonin--the hormone that controls, your circadian rhythm, (wake and sleep cycles) the onset of puberty and the health of your immune system.

With more than half the population of the United States suffering from some form of sleep disturbance.

Big question is why? -- sleep deprivation is at world wide pandemic levels.

Lack of sleep negatively impacts on your immune system and is correlated to depression, stroke, and heart disease. Insufficient melatonin production allows the earlier-than-usual onset of puberty.

A 1955 study showed young girls who drank fluoridated water begin having their periods an average of 5 months earlier than their same aged peers who did not drink fluoridated water. Early onset puberty in young girls has been linked to breast cancer and obesity.

A recent study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, believes early onset puberty almost doubled the odds of someone becoming obese.

Scientists, knew that Fluoride could affect the pineal gland wanted to learn more about that process.

One concerned scientist--Dr. Jennifer Luke, Ph.D., found the pineal gland attracts fluoride. The fluoride interferes with melatonin and its functions. Studying the pineal gland of cadavers during autopsies, she discovered concentrations of fluoride in the pineal gland--ranging from 9,000 PPM (parts per million) to 21,000 PPM. Far higher then anyone had expected.

Mongolian gerbils (the best research animal for studying effects on the pineal gland) when given fluoride had reduced levels of melatonin and early puberty.

The question is does fluoride cause the early menstruation we are seeing? There is an obvious connection between insomnia and the amount of fluoride found in the pineal gland. Which seems to contribute to the nationwide epidemic of sleep deprivation.

This means you need to find a way to reduce your fluoride intake. A simple kitchen faucet filter is not enough. You will also need a shower head filter (as not to breathe in the vaporized fluoride)--and make sure no one takes a bath.

Installation of a whole home water filtration system will eliminate most of the synthetic fluorides (40%-60%). Some naturally occurring fluorides will remain. We should be speaking to our elected officials making them aware of the danger and demanding the cease adding it to the drinking water.

An aluminum salt system supposedly removes all fluorides, but is apparently so dangerous that no reputable expert is willing to recommend it.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is currently testing fluoride for its potential to interfere with the human hormone system.

Hopefully they will do something in regard to fluoride.

For more information about systems to purify your water, please visit my Web Site - 17273

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