Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is Green Tea as Effective as Wu Yi Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Wu yi tea and green tea are very similar in what they do. They remove and protect the body from free radicals. They also contain many vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to your health. The difference is where the tea is harvested and also how it is harvested.

Nevertheless, these natural substances come in different concentrations in green tea and wu yi tea. The main reason for this is the different fermentation processes that these tealeaves undergo. Green tea is dried and packaged without fermentation. Wu yi tea, on the other hand, is semi-fermented. This means that wu yi undergoes a certain level of fermentation under the sun that of course affects its flavor, aroma and texture, and the concentration of substances in it as well.

Wu yi and green tea contain substances that naturally aid our bodies such as: polyphenols, cathecin, and tea flavin and tearubigin. These can be categorized as tannin. This is where the differences begin.

Caffeine, also called theine when found in tea, concentration in both green and wu yi tea are the same. In some recent studies, caffeine has turned from being a harmful substance to a beneficial one. Researchers are still ongoing but preliminary data show that caffeine may reduce the risk of suffering from Parkinson's disease, type-2 diabetes, and colon cancer.

In the tannin sub-groups there are slight differences in green tea and wu yi tea. Green tea has higher levels of catechin than wu yi tea. Catechin is important in reducing the risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart failure. Catechins have been associated with delaying the aging process as well.

Wu yi tea contains a much higher level of tearubugin and teaflavin. Thease are important to prevent dementia and memory loss as well as lowering blood cholesterol levels.

The biggest difference is in there levels of polyphenols. There is a much higher concentration in wu yi tea compared to green tea. Polyphenols help to reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. It is a very powerful antioxidant compound that works to remove toxins from our body. - 17273

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The Most Important Fat Loss Nutrient

By Curtis Ludlow

Did you know that most people can survive no more than 7 days without water (Williams 200S)? Because of its numerous and diverse functions in the human body, water is often regarded as the most important nutrient.

Although there is rigorous proof of its benefits, scientists still have trouble objectively advising people how much water they need to drink daily to maintain favorable health. Len Kravitz, PhD, program coordinator of exercise science and researcher at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, plunges in for a look at this mysterious nutrient called H20.

Water is involved in numerous functions of the body, including the transport of oxygen, nutrients and waste products into and out of the cells. Drinking water contains several electrolytes (substances in solution that conduct an electric current), including calcium, chloride, fluoride, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Water is necessary for all digestion and absorption functions, and it lubricates mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.

H20 is the medium for most chemical reactions in the body, especially those metabolic reactions involved in energy production. The body uses water as a coolant, helping to regulate internal temperature during exercise, when fever is present and in hot environments. Water also serves as a cushioning component between joints, in the spinal cord and in the brain.

At different times in your life, you may need to pay special attention to water intake.

Seniors. With age, thirst becomes a less effective indicator of the body's fluid needs, so older adults who rely solely on thirst signals increase their risk of be coming dehydrated. Seniors who relocate to places where the weather is warmer or dryer are also more susceptible to dehydration.

Pregnant women and those who are breast-feeding need additional fluids daily to stay hydrated. Women at risk of gaining too much weight are encouraged to consume more water (no calories) and limit their consumption of sugared fluids (with calories).

In an hour of light exercise in a moderate environment, the small amount of water you sweat out is easy to quickly replace. However, endurance exercise is different. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently released its newest Position Stand on exercise and fluid replacement in an effort to guide exercisers toward safe and enjoyable participation in endurance exercise.

People will have different and variable water losses, so one blanket recommendation is not possible. However, it discusses the importance of drinking water before, during and after your workout.

The Dietary Reference Intake for water is 3.0 liters for men and 2.2 liters for women. Since 1 liter == 33.8 fluid ounces, men are advised to drink 101.4 fluid ounces, or 13 cups (a cup is 8 fluid ounces) of drinking water and other beverages per day, and women are advised to drink 74.4 fluid ounces, or 9 cups, per day. - 17273

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Advantages of natural organic foods

By Karol Wariala

Other Authors: Salad Cesar. The food available in supermarkets is often packed with chemicals and in the conditions of a rapid health deterioration of the population, it's no wonder that more and more consumers turn to natural organic foods.

Although analyses between conventional and non-conventional foods are relevant, any consumer can use his/her common sense to decide whether the foods he/she buys are good for health. Antibiotics, hormones and pesticides are just a few of the dangers that come from non-organic foods. The non-organic livestock grow in very harsh conditions, while the fruit and vegetables are synthetically boosted to appeal to the consumer's eye. By contrast, very little human intervention is manifest in the growth of natural organic foods.

Natural organic foods may also present traces of chemical residues, but these usually come from nearby farms that rely on chemicals to grow crops. Furthermore, with natural organic foods the amount of nutrients is significantly higher while the threats are considerably fewer. If we take the example of organic eggs, analyses indicate that besides the fact that the organic product is free of antibiotics and hormones, there is less cholesterol and saturated fat, huge amounts of beta-carotene, superior levels of vitamin A, twice more Omega3 acids than in non-organic eggs. The difference is more than apparent, not to mention that the protein quality is incredible.

The word has traveled far about the positive aspects of natural organic foods, and since direct access to organic retails is not available on all geographic locations, it is good to know that one can order the various products from a close source online. Thus, natural organic foods will sooner be available in farm markets than in supermarkets. Moreover, producers of natural organic foods are more likely to be found in the countryside; therefore take the best of any trip.

Make a bit of research and see where you find them and whether you can make some supplies.

The only problem with natural organic foods is their price, because they are between 10% and 40% more expensive than non-organic foods. When it comes to vegetables and fruits, take a look at the products and you'll see the difference right away: there will be no flawless strawberries or apples, but various fruit sizes, some better than others. The same thing stays valid for meat, but you will only be able to tell which is which by shopping from the special organic sectors in markets or supermarkets. - 17273

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Cellulite Detox Diet to Eliminate Cellulite

By El Bilson

How effective is cellulite detox in eliminating unwanted body fat? Many women today are concerned about their cellulite. This has led them to seek various ways to get rid of it including detox diets, exercise plans and vitamin supplements.

Often times however, these solutions do not work and leave women feeling even more frustrated. Fortunately, various medical and natural procedures are now available to prevent the occurrence of this stubborn skin condition.

Most women will encounter cellulite at some point in their life. Cellulite is the lumpy deposit of body fat just below the skin. This lumpy buildup of fat under the skin gives it an unpleasant look - many have called it similar to orange peels or cottage cheese. Added to this is the danger it poses to health due to the insufficient supply of blood in the areas affected. Failure to treat this soon could bring permanent skin damage. Advanced medical studies confirm that among other methods of eliminating cellulite, cellulite detox is one of the most effective treatments.

To get rid of cellulite, many doctors recommend their patients do a regular exercise routine. By practicing a healthy diet and getting lots of regular exercise, you will be on your way to getting rid of cellulite. Detoxifying through a healthy diet has been found to be extremely effective not only against cellulite, but other health problems as well.

A cellulite detox diet consists of healthful and non-fattening foods. This diet is intended to do away with toxic substances in the body brought about by a past unhealthy habits and environmental factors. This diet helps by improving blood circulation, especially on the affected areas. This is accomplished by heightening the bodys metabolism. Having good blood circulation and increased metabolism eliminates the lumpy deposit of fats under your skin. Getting soft and younger-looking skin is just one of the benefits of a detox diet.

Giving your body a break from a lifestyle that contributes to cellulite build up is vital to achieving your desired result. A good detox program starts with getting rid of junk foods and go for the low-fat and low-calorie alternatives. Another important thing to do is to take in more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy ones. Foods high in fiber and protein are also good to consume.

Nutritionists also suggest that you eat plenty of apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, celery, carrots, beans, in addition to other fruits and veggies. White meat like fish and chicken (with the skin removed) can also be eaten without guilt since they are sources of lean proteins. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water and green tea, since drinking enough fluids can help flush toxins out of the body regularly.

Committing to a cellulite detox diet can do wonders for your body. Aside from engaging in physical activities and a healthy diet, one can also boost the effect by using clinically proven products like anti-cellulite creams and vitamin supplements. Some expensive procedures like surgeries and spa treatments are also available for those who can afford it. However nothing works as efficiently and yields more lasting results than good food, exercise, and products that contain only natural ingredients. - 17273

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Chromium Supplements in What Foods

By Peter D Vizard

Chromium is a naturally occurring mineral in the body, but experts have yet to decide how much the body needs or really requires for normal health.

Chromium comes in two different forms: chromium 3 (commonly know as trivalent) which is found in many foods; and chromium 6 ( commonly know as hexavalent), which is considered to be the harmful form of this mineral. To function normally, your body requires a regular amount of chromium 3 .

Chromium helps your body use sugar correctly . It is also needed for the processing of proteins and fats. Chromium enhances the action of insulin in the body and also plays a major role in the storage of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Its exact role is yet unclear and more studies are being done to find out the exact reason why the body needs it.

These studies will analyze different foods for its chromium content, looking at the benefits of chromium, deciding if chromium supplements can help and working out much amount of chromium is needed to address any possible lack.

There are many different foods that contain different level of chromium. Unfortunately, the level found in these foods is small, approximately 2 microgram per serving.

These food items are those you would connect with healthy living include fruit vegetables, seafood and whole grain bread products. Foods that are high in sugar are known to deplete the chromium reserve in your body.

To give you and idea how much chromium is contained in different types of food, check the details in the list below.

- 1 cup broccoli (22mcg) - 1/2 cup orange juice (1mcg) - 2 cups orange juice (4mcg) - 4 slices of whole grain bread (4mcg) - 3 ounces of turkey breast (2mcg) - 1 tsp of dried garlic (3mcg) - 1 tablespoon of dried basil (2mcg) - 2 cups of mashed potatoes (6mcg) - 10 ounces of red wine ( 2 to 23 mcg) - 2 medium-sized banana (2mcg) - 1 cup of green beans (2 mcg)

The amount of chromium differs based on your age, body weight and size. Females who are pregnant need more that other normal adults. Females in this position, need around 30mcg of chromium daily. For adults, the recommended daily requirement is between 20 to 30 mcg.

If you have a busy lifestyle and maybe don't have the time to get the right amounts of quality food, you might want to consider taking chromium supplements. They are available in different forms medical advice should be sort before any type of supplement is considered. Chromium supplements are available in the following methods:

1. Oral -Chromium Capsules or Tablets (U.S. and Canada)

2. Parenteral Chromic Chloride or Injection (U.S.)

Once you received the approval of your medical professional, you can buy chromium supplements from most pharmacies and health stores. For the best prices and service you may want to look towards online stores.

The internet allows access to stores that may not have previously available. As with any purchases online, always look for a reputable operators who hold well know brand name products and are easy to contact via the phone.

As with any medical its is important to seek reliable medical advice especially if you have any form of allergy they may be effected by the addition of another mineral like a chromium supplement.

Search Engine Optimisation NZ by Digitalawol.com and Ebay Sniper - 17273

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What Do The Acai Berries Taste Like?

By Carter Sinclair

Pretty delicious is the word; acai berry combines the rich tastes of berries and chocolates and it would be very difficult not to like it. If you are a health food fanatic, you may have endured the taste of wheatgrass and other health and energy bars for the last time; Acai berry tastes infinitely better than these "traditional" health foods, and it actually has more benefits as well.

The acai berry contains an extremely hight amount of antioxidants which help to fight against free radicals. Free radicals cause your skin to age and mutate. This small berry protects against that and is full of amino acids, fiber, vitamins, and iron. Research is doing well on the acai berry and has already produced some truly unbelievable results.

It has been topics of studies for the prevention and treatment of cancer, diabetes, debilitating illnesses associated with old age, weight loss, lowering the risk for cardiovascular ailments, and of course weight loss.

Weight loss is just one of the by-products of ingesting the substances that can be found in acai berries. The reason why acai is effective in losing excess pounds is because of the powers that it has to kick up metabolism. When your metabolism is made faster, you can easily burn bad fats and turn them into energy. This energy and stamina that you experience can be used when training for weight loss. Additionally, your muscles are easier to develop since burning the fats also oxygenate the mitochondria - essential for growing your muscles. Keeping your metabolic rate up makes you more active inside and out.

As mentioned earlier free radicals can cause cell replication which causes your body to age quicker. So by eating acai berries you can protect yourself from free radicals.

Acai does so much just to name a few it helps to relieve headaches, helps you sleep, improves your mood, blood circulation, memory, as well as helps to promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Acai does so many wonderful things that everyone should try it out and see what it can do for you. - 17273

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NSF Certified Bodybuilding ghp sport

By Claude Edwin Theriault

A major component in bodybuilding is getting ones hands on the amino acids ,both the 9 essential ones that must be supplied by the food we eat. As well as the 12 non essential ones that can be synthesized from other ones. Since they are the building blocks all this new muscle mass is going to be made out of.

Competition is becoming quite fierce for dominance in this consumer niche. It is therefore important to read and reread carefully to get the lingo down so that ones can understand and come to a wise choice. That is what I do all the time since I am a therapist in health and longevity. It's my constant research that took me from Human Growth Hormone to the discovery of a Sport Formula ghp version of it for more serious athletic Bodybuilder types.

Recovery time from intense work out or athletic competition is greatly improved , hence bigger, stronger ,faster. This ghp supplement is a more athletes version of the very popular human growth hormone somatotropin which is always seen in pay per click ads along side articles on body building. All of these products are not created equal however,absorption is of the essence. Important facts to know for the ones who devote so much time and discipline to the life style, without the dope.

A major component in bodybuilding is getting ones hands on the amino acids ,both the 9 essential ones that must be supplied by the food we eat. As well as the 12 non essential ones that can be synthesized from other ones. Since they are the building blocks all this new muscle mass is going to be made out of.

Once these building blocks are circulating in the blood stream, the tissues spot the ones they need to use in their continuous repair and regenerate cycle. Hence the need for a world-wide patented stack of crystalline amino acids called, ghp sport supplement. That is the only one so far to be granted the highly coveted NSF Certification by the National Sports Federation for containing no banded substances such as stimulants, steroids,narcotics, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, beta blockers,or masking agents . - 17273

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Usana PhytoEstrin - Effective Phytoestrogen Supplement

By Angela Giles

Usana PhytoEstrin is a broad spectrum phytoestrogen product that provides relief from common menopausal symptoms in women. It is produced by Usana Health Sciences, known for its superior nutritional care products.

Menopause is associated with the stopping of the monthly reproductive cycle in women which usually happens around the age of 45-55 years. Women are susceptible to various health issues as a side effect of menopause because of the reduced production of various hormones especially estrogens and progesterone.

Many experts in women's health recommend a natural approach to dealing with health issues surrounding menopause. They advise regular exercise, a healthy diet including dietary supplements rich in panthothenic acid, Vitamin E, calcium and phytoestrogens, which are botanical compounds with estrogen-like properties.

Also called 'dietary estrogens', Phytoestrogens are plant based compounds which are structured similar to body estrogens and work in a similar fashion inside the body. They are usually found in rich quantities in grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. During menopause, estrogen levels fall causing cardiovascular diseases and increased risk of osteoporosis. In such cases, phytoestrogen supplementation has proved to reduce the symptoms of these diseases.

Usana PhytoEstrin supplement contains phytoestrogen from 5 different sources along with isoflavones essential for the health of women. It also contains a unique combination of herbs that complement the activity of the soy isoflavones: black cohosh, dong quai, licorice-root extract, and chasteberry powder.

Usana PhytoEstrin is a complete solution for a number of women's health issues relating to changes in hormones and changes in hormone release patterns. It is a valuable aid during the peri- and post-menopausal years. Usana PhytoEstrin is a clinically tested product prepared with the highest quality standards as laid down by USP.

Usana has always been known as a company that specializes in cellular nutrition. Its product range from nutritional supplements to personal care is most suitable for men, women and children of all ages. - 17273

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Home Gyms And A Home Sauna - Think Again

By Jacob

Homeowners are well-known for renovating and redecorating. If there is a space in their home that requires a new look, out comes the color swatches and home decorating magazines. It doesn't matter which place you decided to decorate, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen or even a home gym.

Home decorating can make developments to any area in your home. Decorating your home gym is probably not at the top of your list but why not add some life to the room which is meant to be motivating and full of vigor.

Decorating your home gym may need some thought and imagination. This job could be hard for you if the home gym is not one of your favorite rooms in the house. If you are not a dynamic person or interested in using your home gym, finding ways to improve the space may not really interest you, at least not as much as decorating your kitchen would.

If you are having trouble coming up with ideas for decorating your home gym, you may desire to seek advice or flip through a few home decorating catalogues.

Rowing machines can take up some floor space, but many models fold over to be placed in a corner or against a wall. This is better than a treadmill or bike in that it doesn't have to become a everlasting fixture in a room.

These kinds of home units will have doors that have a good seal so that the steam will not get away out of them. This is good because you wish to make sure you get the most out of your sauna and not waste energy. The doors themselves are usually made from wood and/or glass.

Lastly, you'll need to think what type of heater you desire. You can choose from electric, wood or gas burning heaters that are obtainable on the market. The casing itself should be either of aluminum or stainless steel, so that it will be safe, long-lasting and fireproof. Most home units generally have electric heaters included already with them, so that you just plug the equipment in and are ready to go. Get pleasure from your sauna! - 17273

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Anything that you focus on expands.

By Taiana Camarado

That's a well-known principle of life that people have discovered. If you don't like something, and it doesn't make you happy, why would you want to have it in your life? You wouldnt, I'd hope!

Now that you know this unique principle, can you stop focusing on things you don't want? A friend of mine told me a story. When he was teaching classes on how the human mind works, he asked a group of people in a large class, to think of a number from 1 to 10. Then, think of carrot, and then select a color.

From listening to the audio of the class, I recognized that he was using a mind game to lead them in a certain direction. The majority of the people chose 7, carrot, orange! I knew what he was doing, and more than 90% of the group got all 3 correct, and voila he'd given them confirmation of their mind power. Sure, it was a game, but he was expanded their minds in just one minute to believe that they were powerful intuits. He continued.

He said, I've just demonstrated how intuitive you can be without even trying. Next, he asked the students to recall their favorite moments with their family, when they were kids, and everyone was smiling. Then, he asked everyone to remember their first kiss and everyone had big grins. He continued with stimulating memories: the first time we made love, the most passionate time we made love, and then everyone was moving in their seats.

Last, he told us to recall our most frightening moments in life and we were shaking and crying " and he said . Now that you are all scared let me tell you this:

What you think about happens. anything you think with either happy feelings or fearful feelings can happen easily! Those emotions make them happen faster. Emotions, he said, are the key to making all of it happen. Break Through the Barriers Dramatically Improve Your Mind and Body!

Emotions are feelings, they are emotional energy, they are psychic energy and it's vital to harness and control the energy for good reasons and goals, not to experience any fear or horror because that will screw up your life plan and life style.

I wanted to get that said, early on in this book, because it will be necessary for you to get on the same page with this concept of thought/emotions being energy. As you'll learn, the power of thought is an all important part of the great Secret of the Universe. We'll get back to this later.

Taiana is 26 yrs old. She practices Reiki in her work as a professional body worker, with study and experience in Holistic Therapies. Taiana is also personal trainer, and has extensive experience with coaching individuals to make the breakthroughs in life, that they've waited for " all their lives. She believes in rekindling the flames of inspiration in life's first step for motivation. Taiana lives in Australia, where she relocated to 16 yrs ago. - 17273

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Totally Tofu

By Kristen Thorpe

There was a time I could never imagine a meal that wasnt based on meat and potatoes. But as I began to eat healthier over the years I would make more dishes that didnt involve meat like pasta or eggplant. A sister once remarked that one day Id serve Tofurkey for Thanksgiving. I laughed it off at the time though now I see that its not that implausible to me anymore.

It seems the healthier I eat the more I move toward less meat in my diet. I simply crave it less and less. Seems that happens for a lot of people. While some people make an overnight change to vegetarian diets, others grow towards it gradually.

Now I cant swear that I will ever be completely vegetarian since I still enjoy a good steak now and again, or a dish of chicken parmigiana over a bed of linguini. And I cant imagine ever becoming vegan since that would mean giving up cheese, one of my favorite foods. But never say never I guess. The bottom line is I find myself eating a mostly vegetarian diet these days.

Of course one of the easiest foods to substitute for meat is tofu. I recently made some excellent tofu sausages in a sausage and pepper dish over a bed of basmati wild rice that was delicious. The texture of the sausage was a little different, but its a small price to pay for the relief of not wondering exactly what animal body parts I might be eating in the old days.

Now I know some vegetarians that have never taken a liking to tofu. They prefer beans and other dishes for their protein intake. But if youve never tried tofu you might be surprised at how good it can taste. My personal favorite is a sesame soy tofu served with Asian noodles.

You can also buy Tofurkey as to use on for your sandwiches. The taste mimics turkey quite well and a Tofurkey on rye with mustard, lettuce, and tomato is a pretty impressive sandwich. Even kids enjoy the taste. So youll find there are numerous tasty ways to add tofu into your diet.

If youre evaluating your diet and your health but have not tried tofu yet maybe its something worth checking out. You can start small, with something at your local supermarket or salad bar, like roasted sesame tofu over Asian noodles. Its a great way to get a sample taste at a small price.

Visit a local grocer or health food supermarket and see if they have Tofurkey. You can pick up a package to make sandwiches " like a Tofurkey sandwich with salad greens, mustard, and tomato grilled on your indoor electric grill or panini sandwich maker. The taste might surprise you " and your body will thank you for the healthy choice. - 17273

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