Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Your Diet

By Michael Byrd

Colorectal Cancer prevention and diet really have a lot in common.

Your colon and rectum are responsible for lots of factors regarding nutrient absorption, water management and elimination of waste.

A scientist is not needed to tell you that a garbage in equals to a garbage out. Let's see what these experts have to say.

It was found that intake of red and processed meats are a major contributor of colorectal cancer. However, group of doctors in France are unconvinced by this "existing evidence." They've decided to make a comprehensive study for these themselves.

There were 478,040 men and women in a span of nearly five years that they followed before they have concluded that red and processed meat were a positive cause for colon cancer, adding that eating fish would reduce a person's risk. [Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 15;97:906-16]

This is not the only available research involving omega 3 oil, explaining that fish is a factor in reducing colorectal cancer.

The doctors that were associated with the New York University Women's Health Study had closely watch women, numbering of 14,727, for an average of 7 years. They have discovered that "a progressive decline in risk of colorectal cancer with increasing the intake of fish and shellfish."

They actually found more. There is a similar decline in the risk for women who have been inversely proportionate to the amount of calcium they consume. This means that women who ate most calcium had the lowest risk.

But, they were not that confident about the red meat connection to the colorectal cancer as how our friends in France were. Actually, the doctors in NYU said that, the issue of associated of red meat to colorectal cancer "remains unclear." [Nutrition & Cancer, Vol. 28:276-81]

Another study came out in Harvard that suggests that it's not about the red meat and fats, but our "western" lifestyle which causes the problem.

It was mentioned that obesity, being physically inactive, a person who has a diet how in vegetables and fruits while high in red meat and processed goods contributes most in giving you high levels of insulin in the blood!

Researchers have explained that elevated blood insulin will "promote colon carcinogenesis" because insulin is a "growth factor" that will cause cellular division of epithelial cells in the colon. [Cancer Causes & Control, Vol. 6, No. 2:164-79]

Curious what do we have to do to the colorectal cancer prevention and diet? It's pretty easy.

Always stick with whole foods, such as vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and fiber rich foods. Only use unprocessed oils, lean meat, low fat dairy and lots of water.

The studies suggests that it is very important to cut way back on alcohol, start practicing stress management and be sure to exercise on a regular basis.

By these guideless, it won't just reduce the risk for colorectal cancer but to other types of cancer, heart diseases and diabetes too. This will also improve your vim, vigor and your vitality. - 17273

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Chiropractic Care is Effective

By Dr. Jason Fowler

WASHINGTON--A critical mass of recent surveys and studies document the fact that the public, and conventional health care providers and payers, have come to recognize that traditional medicine can not answer all of consumers' health care needs. In particular, more people are turning to chiropractic services.

A study published in the July 1, 1998 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine shows that chiropractic treatment is appropriate for low-back pain in a considerable number of cases. This study by the Rand Corporation found that 46 percent of a sample of low-back pain patients received appropriate care from doctors of chiropractic - an appropriateness rating similar to that of common medical procedures. Poll results released in January 1998 by Landmark Healthcare, Inc., showed that one in every five adults ages 55 to 64 has used chiropractic care. A December 1997 report from the Federal Agency for Health Policy and Research notes that the chiropractic profession is now the third largest group of doctoral-level providers in the United States (after medical doctors and dentists). That same AHCPR report shows that fully 80 percent of American workers in conventional insurance plans, preferred providers organizations (PPOs), and point-of-service plans now have coverage that pays at least part of the cost of chiropractic care. As the recent AHCPR report states, "In the areas of training, practice and research, chiropractic has emerged from the periphery of the health care system and is playing an increasingly important role in discussions of health care policy." And, notes a March 1998 article in Business and Health magazine, "Many companies say chiropractic coverage has lowered their medical and workers' comp costs, while raising overall health and productivity. 'It's one of the best benefits possible from a quality, quantity and pricing perspective,' says George McGregor, president of [a firm that is a third-party administrator]." The article also cites an Oregon study, which found that median work time lost for employees with back injuries who used chiropractic care was only 9 days as compared with 34.5 days for workers who used medical care.

Quick relief of symptoms and sustained effectiveness have long attracted consumers to chiropractic care. In fact, in just one year -1997- more than 20 million adults used chiropractic services. The 1994 AHCPR guidelines for low-back pain concluded that spinal manipulation, chiropractic's primary treatment technique, is one of only three treatments whose effectiveness is substantiated by rigorous research. According to a 1992 RAND Corp. study, patients see a chiropractor primarily for low back pain and neck pain, though many seek chiropractic care for mid-back pain, extremity problems, headaches and other symptoms as well.

Doctors of chiropractic have long understood the cyclic nature of low back pain. They consistently rate higher than MDs in patient satisfaction in this area. In a recent Gallup poll, 90 percent of all people who visited a chiropractor agreed that their care was effective.

Successful outcomes in both effectiveness and patient satisfaction, have paved the way for chiropractors to enter the mainstream of health care services. Some have even begun to collaborate with medical doctors in integrated health care practices. As reported in the May/June 1998 issue of Health magazine, the prestigious Texas Back Institute (TBI) at one time included only surgeons and other M.D.s. Then, about ten years ago, when TBI's medical doctors discovered chiropractic's success with lower back pain, they hired their first chiropractor. Now, according to one administrator quoted in the article, about 50 percent of the Institute's patients see a chiropractor first when beginning their treatment. Also, the Washington Post recently reported on the success of the 5-year-old company, American WholeHealth, whose clinics incorporate a consumer-driven mix of traditional medical and alternative health care including chiropractic.

Due to years of criticism -- and even an illegal boycott by the American Medical Association -- chiropractic training was sometimes called into question. However, the fact remains, chiropractors must complete a minimum of 6 and, on average, 7 years of college and post-graduate study to earn their degrees. Their education includes at least 4,200 hours of classroom, laboratory and clinical experience, and as much -- and sometimes more than -- course work in anatomy and physiology as most medical doctors. After they receive their degrees from one of the nation's 17 accredited chiropractic colleges, they have to pass rigorous exams and be licensed by the state before they can open a practice. The practice of chiropractic is licensed in all 50 states, and in 1994 there were approximately 50,000 chiropractors licensed in the United States. This number is expected to double by the year 2010, according to the 1997 AHCPR report.

"These recent surveys and reports finally vindicate the chiropractic profession after years of enduring doubt, questions and criticism about our training and practices," said Dr. Pedigo. "What the health care and medical communities are just beginning to accept is what our patients have known all along -- that our treatment is safe, effective and highly successful at improving their quality of life. - 17273

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Establishing Baby's Healthy Balance

By Ellen Valentine, NC

The intestinal tract is a marvelous balance of friendly and not-so-friendly bacteria or flora. It is necessary for proper digestion and adequate absorption of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, essential amino acids and protein. The flora or bacteria labeled not friendly is actually very necessary and good when in balance.

There are a few things in particular that upset that balance. When that happens, good bacteria is destroyed and the not-so-friendly takes on a life of its own, taking up more than the space it is allotted; basically, it takes over the intestinal tract, destroying the good capability of the digestive system to assimilate good food.

Some of the things that destroy the internal eco-balance for a baby are: antibiotics, antibacterial soaps, medications, improper or denatured food too early in a young life, introducing simple sugars to baby, and even dairy products given to a new infant can coat the intestinal tract, cause mucous conditions and destroy capabilities early on. Contrary to popular advertisements, cows milk is really only designed for baby cows, not human babies. Babies cannot digest the high protein and saturated fat content in cow's milk.

A few signs that a baby has an early out-of balance intestinal tract, and the ensuing digestive problems to match are: thrush, cradle cap, rashes that are raised and either crusty or red, recurring constipation followed by diarrhea, recurring sniffles or a rash of tiny pimple-like pustules. Other symptoms include a weakened immune system.

What to do? First of all, do your homework with regards what to feed baby. Look for the companies, there are a host of them that supply pre-biotic and probiotic help for a new system. What mom eats does affect the baby if she is a breast feeding mom. It is good for mom to take digestive enzymes, a reliable and natural multi-vitamin supplement and a good probiotic while she eats lots of fresh vegetables and digestible protein.

The hormonal shifts after child birth or the cessation of breast feed can cause a candida outbreak in new mothers. If a mom is still breast feeding she and the baby can trade yeast back and forth in a very painful process which infects the nipple and areola. For the baby it translates to thrush, a yeasty coating in the mouth. Mothers suffering should get plenty of rest, take probiotics, eat simply and stay away from simple carbohydrates, stay away from sugars and wines, and find healthy ways to stay happy.

There are natural candida remedies for mom on the market, you simply want to make sure with your nutritionist that it won't affect breast milk quantity or quality. A quick call to the source company, hopefully not just a private label company, should answer those questions.

Keep life simple postnatal, eat live foods rich in minerals and vitamins, watch food combining for both mom and baby. These are small changes that will set your health above the average. Babies were designed to breast feed for the first few months of life. Make sure rest and enjoyment of baby are included in the daily regime. Ask for help in other areas. Create a lifestyle that is healthy and relaxed. You will set healthy patterns that will be a guideline for the entire family for years to come.

Ultimate Health and Wellness, Ellen Valentne, CNC - 17273

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How to Look Great Without Spending Millions With Free Body Building Programs

By Ricardo d Argence

Lifting weights is one method of increasing both your endurance and muscle mass. You can also use a lifting program in order to tone yourself overall.

There are many people searching for programs that incorporate free body building. The need to appeal to others is a great motivator when it comes having an amazing physique.

Developing a well-balanced workout program is of utmost importance to your entire body, and the first lesson newcomers to body building should consider.

Everyone benefits from free body building programs by saving money. There are many free weight lifting programs, all of which are geared to get you into the shape you want to be in.

Where is it possible to find free body building programs? Health and fitness magazines often have plenty of free lifting routines within their pages. Even more general magazines can offer routines, especially as it gets closer to summer. Borrow magazines from friends or from the library, or check out their websites to see what they offer in terms of body building routines.

Another great option is free lifting program published books. A book with many good reviews is likely to be a good read. To make sure you are doing your body building exercises perfectly right, you should keep track of your progress. Go look at your local library.

There are a lot of free body building programs on the internet if you know how to find them. It is just this easy. You can get hosts of free weight lifting programs with few mouse clicks. Many websites offer great advice about free body building programs.

You can find many testimonies who has benefited by these programs as well from the sites. Some sites offer you video clippings to show you how to practice the weight lifting programs as well.

Free body building may help you sculpt or build muscles, as well as being a terrific complement to your customary workout. It's not enough to just set goal for the improvement of muscle mass- you need to really dedicate yourself to a long-term process of working out frequently. You will successfully achieve a great appearance. - 17273

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Discover The Most Effective Ways To Build Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

People usually go to the gym to lose weight; but there are a special few who have a passion to get massive muscles and a packed physique. Is this more up your alley? If it is, then here are helpful tips on ways to build muscle fast.

Building muscle mass is both a challenging and rewarding endeavor to take on. You will need tenacity and patience in the daily rigors of ensuring you reach your weight and size objective. Many times people think that spending every spare minute in the gym is the best way to accelerate muscle mass growth. This is not only untrue but doing so can even be harmful to your body. Workout sessions should only last around an hour for 2 to 4 days a week. The days in between should be dedicated to getting you plenty of quality rest which allows torn muscle tissues to be mended and developed-an important aspect in bodybuilding.

When exercising, use power in lifting the weight and control in lowering. This will increase your body mass, stamina and strength. Always ensure that you have a correct form so that you don't risk injuring parts of your body. Many times, all it takes is a shift in position to improve the quality of the whole set of drills.

If you are a beginner, the trainer will most probably start you off with higher number of reps and lower weight loads. Before long, your body gets accustomed to the physical challenges you are inflicting on it; periodically increase the weights or reps so your body gets continually pushed to perform better. When you get to the heavier loads have a professional trainer or spotter on hand to assist you as much as possible. Always practice gym safety.

Anyone who has attempted to work out in the past knows the familiar face of muscle soreness and it is felt in the next few days. When certain muscles are especially sore, do not exercise them until they feel normal again. They need to be restored properly but you can train the other muscle groups in the meantime. For example, train the chest and biceps one day; then work out your back and shoulders another day. A 1 to 2 minute rest in between sets is advisable.

If you plan on losing weight, maintain a high cardiovascular, low calorie diet; for building muscle mass you need a low aerobic training, high calorie diet. Yes, it's time to chow down some serious calories-around 3000 units depending on your particular body type. Don't go and binge on food high in saturated fat. Go for a diet rich in protein, carbohydrates and fiber. Study the market on recommended muscle building supplements and protein shakes that you can consume to pack in the essential calories and nutrients you need daily.

Do not be taken in by every fad and promised benefit of fitness products and programs out there. Remember, many are the ways to build muscle fast, but you have only one body to keep. Take care of it and it will take care of you the rest of your life. - 17273

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Can Learning Belly Dancing Really Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If the idea of staying young, looking great and as a byproduct being able to overcome your easy bruising sounds good, then consider becoming a student of belly dancing. As we grow older, we are much more likely to bruise and also to retain those bruises for much longer period than we were once accustomed to. The fact that our bodies do not heal themselves in as many ways or as quickly as they did when we were younger because, they have become much more prone to injury because of our age. Although you might not otherwise have thought about belly dancing, it can become part of the solution, believe it or not, to your easy bruising.

Belly dancing is practiced in many different forms, with styles that are practiced just by men and others practiced just by women. There are also several different philosophies practiced with this dancing as well. Generally everyone agrees that the practice of the dance can be lovely while providing you with physical benefits. Most people don't know that the practicing of this form of dance can prove very useful when you are attempting to overcome your tendency to bruise easily.

First, remember that belly dancing, even though it appears to be wonderfully slow and sensuous, it actually takes a lot of strength and concentration. Of course, there are also belly dance styles which are very aerobic. What this means is that when you are willing to really work on belly dancing, you are going to be able to increase your cardiovascular health, and this in turn will help you get rid of your tendency for easy bruising.

When you have improved your cardiovascular health, you are going to find that you are much more resistant to getting bruised. As your cardiovascular health gets better, the blood vessels beneath your skin will be much less likely to rupture upon contact with the edge of a door or cabinet, making the bruising non-existent or at least much less noticeable than it was in the past.

Also remember that one of the important lessons that people learn in belly dancing is grace. You will develop better muscle control, and thus you will be much less likely to stumble or trip, which allows you to avoid the causes for bruises in the first place.

As you are considering starting to learn belly dancing, take the time you need to evaluate what your objectives are going to be. Determine if you are going to be doing it for fitness, or whether you eventually want to become a performer. If you interested in performing, do you want to perform with others or as a solo act? There are many different dance groups around, so there will be numerous opportunities for you to consider.

Egyptian cabaret is a lovely type of belly dancing that is wonderfully glamorous, while American Tribal Style has great ties to body acceptance, personal styles and group dances. Folkloric dance can teach you traditional dances from Iran, Egypt, Syria or Iraq, while there are also dances that are taught based on the props that are used.

Take some time and consider what kind of belly dancing is right for you and how much it can help you overcome your bruising easily. Don't be so skeptical as to rule out the benefits an all natural, unique, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned that may provide help for you to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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6 Week Body Makeover - Guide to Weight Loss

By Perry Simpleton

Many people get stuck and stop losing weight on their weight loss plan. This can be frustrating and many people end up giving up out of sheer frustration. Losing weight is not easy, if everyone could lose weight easily, why do people spend thousands of dollars to lose weight? The 6 Week Body Makeover is not a miracle program, it's an alternative to purchasing thousands of dollars worth of nutrition supplements. Here is a guide for those who are "stuck".

First of all, are you really sticking to the program? The only person you are cheating is yourself if you do not adhere to your customized eating plan. Remember, it's only 6 weeks long. This program will guarantee that you will lose weight, or you can get your money back. If you are not losing weight, then you are not following the program. Stick with it! You will see results soon!

However, if you can, try to eat all your meals. If you stick to the plan and still have troubles eating all the meals, then reduce the portion sizes about 10%. Don't reduce any lower than this or you will start starving yourself. Some people are concerned that they didn't lose a lot of weight during the first week of the program. Remember that everyone's body is different and that results might vary among people. Some people might lose 10 pounds in the first week simply because they are already over fat and have a lot to lose. Don't despair if you aren't losing the weight that you expected. Stick to the program and you will naturally see results. Another way to compensate for your slow weight loss is to increase your aerobic exercise.

Are you the same weight as you were when you started the program? Do you look thinner but weight the same? Many people are deceived by weight. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. If you've stuck to the program, then this means you've gained muscle. Lean muscle is a good thing because it means your metabolism will burn calories even faster than before. A good indication of whether or not you've lost FAT weight is by looking at your before photo and studying your after photo. You will be shocked with the results!

Instead of weighing yourself, try on your old pants and see if you can fit into them. You have definitely lost FAT weight if you can fit into your old pants that you couldn't wear before. This is the best way to determine if you have lost fat. - 17273

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Consider Best Fat Burner Tips for Excellent Health

By Dorothy Williams

Almost 100 million USA citizens who go on a weight loss diet in any given year end up to 95% of them regaining the weight they lose within 5 years. What's worst is a 3rd will eventually gain back more weight than they lost, with the danger of 'yo-yoing' from one popular diet to another. Obsession to look good physically is becoming a part of our culture even as we grow larger. Medical problems like cancer, coronary disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and gall bladder illness are associated to obesity.

The common approach to weight concerns, being particular on fad weight reduction diets or weight reduction drugs, usually leaves you with just as much weight and encourage the growth of unwell health. Nevertheless, proper combination of the healthy foods, supplements and exercise can put you on the path to wellness. For instance supplements like Lipo 6. Since Obesity contributes to over quarter of a million deaths annually. In addition, the general public expense for obesity are amazing.

Obesity is an essential part in 19% of all cases of coronary disease with annual health costs at 30 bn. bucks, which is also an element in 57% of diabetes cases, with health expense of $9 bill yearly, according to analysts at a top Ivy League University. Have realistic goals, most likely you have fallen for a number of the weight reduction diet schemes over time, promising fast and pain free weight reduction.

Lipo 6 is a liquid capsule, a liquid cap used to lose body fat fast, effortlessly and safely. Assisted with scientific experimentation and research, it is said that Lipo 6 improves the overall fat burning process and is an excellent part of weight lost diets.

Health aids like ephedra or hydroxycut usually a part of diet for weight loss which could be seen in places like GNC. The best fat burners and aids whether it be ephedra, hydroxycut or any of the other top brands are usually competing in the market. But the truth is that when you are looking for diets to lose weight you have to combine a healthy mix of the right supplements and aids with the proper meal plans and exercise as well. The best natural fat burner is the ideal combination of all three.

No matter what, the most important is to play it safe. Fad or fast weight reduction dieting plans usually emphasize one kind of food. They deny the basic principle of proper nourishment - to stay healthy one must consume a nutritious diet, which includes a selection of foods.

Safe, healthy, and permanent weight reduction is actually vanishing from the thousands of preferred diet schemes. Some of the weight reduction diet schemes will rule temporarily, only to vanish out. Examples of such fad diets include the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet, the Grapefruit diet, Cabbage Soup diet, the Revolution diet, Beverly Hills diet, Ornish Plan the list grows and on.

These trend diets advocate a particular strategy (like getting shot of a certain food, or eating only certain mixes of foods) together with the basic concept the body makes up the difference in energy by breaking down and employing some part of itself, essentially changing matter into energy. - 17273

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Why Crash Dieting Does Not Work To Tone Arms-7 Reasons

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Many women want to tone arms. And they want to tone them NOW, not later. After all, we do live in a society that expects rapid results. We are busier than ever and simply don't have the time to wait around for things to happen.

You may think that crash dieting is an effective way to get toned arms ASAP. Unfortunately, the female body resists such extreme dieting and you could end up worse once you resume normal eating. So here are 7 reasons why crash dieting does not work to tone arms:

1. Malnutrition. Many women who eat an EXCESS of calories are malnourished because their food lacks nutrient density. Put yourself in a massive deficit of calories and your risk for malnourishment is even higher.

2. Brittle bones. Bone density is a very important thing for female health. As we age, our bone density can be compromised because of cyclical levels of estrogen output. And restricting calories too much to get rid of arm fat, can reduce bone density.

3. Muscle loss. Muscle mass will be your best friend for getting rid of that arm jiggle. Now we're not talking about bodybuilder levels of muscle here! Nonetheless, massive drops in caloric intake will produce massive reductions in lean muscle tissue.

4. Decreased secretion of arm-fat-burning hormones. Hormones are the most powerful substances in your body. If they are not working for you, you're missing out big time. Decrease calories by more than 20% and expect a suppressed hormonal output.

5. Reduced immune response. Nobody likes to get sick. Getting sick will set back your flabby arms mission by many steps. And rest assured that if you cut calories too much, you'll get sick very often.

6. A loss of period. Cut calories too much, and it's very likely that you'll lose your period. Without enough food coming in, the body shuts down the reproductive organs.

7. Emotional roller coasters. The female body needs a steady and sufficient stream of calories in order to produce feel good substances. Without them, the risk of depression increases. Just hang around a fitness professional whenever they're going on a low-carb diet to see what I'm talking about.

Going on an extreme diet to tone arms is simply not worth it. Not only will you be at risk for a whole host of issues, but you will also rebound once you get off of said diet. And who wants to go through the pain of excessive caloric restriction only to gain everything back? Don't go around in circles and follow a prudent way of eating that focuses on balance. - 17273

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How To Make Your Own Popsicles

By Dania Petrevski

"Mom, we're hot and the Ice Cream Man is coming! Can we have money for a popsicle?" Say "yes" to this request too many times and you'll be broke before the month is out. And what are you really paying for? A frozen block of water, sugar, some food coloring and a drop or two of artificial flavoring. Save yourself some money and give your kids a healthy treat at the same time by making your own popsicles.

Ingredients For Making Your Own Popsicles

Ingredients for making your own inexpensive and healthy frozen treats are as near as your own kitchen cupboards. Simply freezing bottled fruit juices or frozen juice concentrates is a good place to start. Add in whole fruits or crushed fruits that you may have on hand, or even applesauce - to make it more fun. Switch it up even more by using yogurt as the base instead of fruit juice.

Basic Popsicles From Fruit Juice

Fruit juices, by themselves, make excellent, cheap popsicles, but tend to be a little too watery and might not freeze well. Pour your favorite fruit juice into a sauce pan and simmer for a little while to reduce it by about half. This will get rid of some of the water and make the juice thicker, closer to a syrup consistency. Stir in 1 tablespoon of corn syrup to help stabilize it. Then just pour into molds and freeze.

Use Frozen Juice Concentrates To Make Tasty Ice Pops

Using frozen juice concentrates as the base for your popsicles is a great money saver. You can get really good deals on these at the grocery store. Even easier to use than bottled fruit juice, just mix according to the package directions but use only half the water. Stir in 1 Tablespoon of corn syrup to help stabilize it, then pour into molds and freeze.

How To Make Lemonade Popsicles

What is more refreshing than lemonade on a hot, summer day? Lemonade Popsicles! Heat 1 Cup of water and to 1 cup of sugar until the sugar dissolves. Stir in 1 tablespoon of corn syrup, simmer for a couple of minutes, remove from heat and allow to cool. Stir in 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (2-4 lemons), pour into molds and freeze for about 4 hours. Recipe can be multiplied for more popsicles.

Creamy Strawberry Popsicles

With just a few ingredients, you can have a tasty Strawberry Creamsicle! These pops are also a great healthy snack for yourself or the kids. Combine " Cup Strawberries, " Cup Vanilla Yogurt, 1 Cup Orange Juice and " Tablespoon of sugar in your blender until smooth. Then just pour into molds and freeze for approximately 4 hours. Voila! Strawberry Creamsicles!

Fruit Cocktail Pops

Every kid loves fruit cocktail. Sometimes, it's the only fruit they'll eat. Here's a tasty cocktail that you can freeze! Mash one banana and one 10 ounce package of frozen, sliced strawberries with juice with a fork. Stir in one 8 ounce can of crushed pineapple with syrup and Cup milk. Toss in a few maraschino cherries or some green grapes to really spice it up. Pour into ice pop molds and freeze.

Apple Grape Popsicles

This is an easy recipe and a great way to serve your kids a healthy snack. And what kid doesn't like applesauce and grape juice?! Just mix one cup of frozen grape juice concentrate with 3 cups of applesauce. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Note: different types of applesauce freeze differently. You may have to simmer the applesauce for a few minutes to reduce some of the liquid out of it. - 17273

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Can Following a Strict Yoga Regimen Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

There are a variety of remedies and activities that may hold some promise for helping you reduce your bruises, but you probably have not considered undertaking a yoga program before. Different people have various definitions for yoga. Some people base their involvement with yoga for spiritual awareness, while other people are strictly interested in gaining better strength and better flexibility, which might also become a pathway for helping you be able to help prevent your bruising.

There are a number of alternatives available for you when it comes to practicing yoga. A yoga mat that will provide you sufficient traction and some joint protection along with comfortable clothes are about all you really need to get started. You should have no difficulty in locating a number of classes for yoga locally, or you may choose to learn on your own by making use of easily obtained video or downloading an internet DVD for instruction.

When you practice yoga, you are strengthening your body and building up muscles. Similarly, you are at once relaxing your body and training it to do things like fall more gracefully and to move more gracefully in general. As your body gets healthier and healthier through this exercise, you will discover your bruising may become much less common.

There are many different forms of yoga from which to choose. Hatha yoga is the method most commonly taught, and vikram yoga, is considered to be an aerobic activity because of the intensity of the workouts. Also, there is very gently yoga that is practiced mainly by pregnant women or parents with small children.

One of the most important things about yoga is that it will make you sweat, and through sweating, you will be removing impurities from your body. Take a moment to think about how toxicities can build up in your body and use up the body's resources to fight. Your body should be in a place where you can devote your resources towards healing bruises quickly and effectively, and this is where any good exercise program can prove beneficial.

You already know that bruises are created from the rupture of small blood vessels right beneath your skin, but were you aware of what you could do to help prevent this? One way that yoga helps prevent bruising is that it will aid in making sure that your cardiovascular fitness goes up, encouraging your veins to strengthen and to stay intact during bumps and bruises.

One of the greatest advantages of participating in a yoga routine is the fact that you will become more graceful. Your movements will be much surer, and this will greatly reduce your occasions of roughly bumping yourself into something. You may also be taught to fall in such a manner that will result in less bruising.

Once you have learned how yoga can help you overcome easy bruising, you should also consider how adding a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned can be beneficial for you to help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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How Long Should You Stay on Atkins Diet?

By Jesse Regan

The alarming number of obesity cases in many parts of the world enabled nutritionists to create diet plans which should result to weight loss. Diet plans became well known because of famous celebrities who permitted the media to publicize their fitness plans which encourage their admirers to follow their example by following some diet plans too. Hence, media outlets usually feature news or write ups about the weight reduction effect of diet programs. But, no matter how effective these weight loss programs are, there are certain considerations which should be known when following any diet plan.

One of the most followed diets is Atkins diet which considerations should be known in order to achieve weight loss and physical fitness. One of the most frequently asked question regarding this diet is how long should a dieter stay on this diet. Hence, follow along and find out the answer.

The aim of Atkins diet is permanent weight control. It conditions the body processes by using fats to be burned for energy instead of carbohydrates which should be taken at a very minimum amounts. In the induction phase, dieters are allowed to eat a extremely small amount of carbohydrates which result to quick weight loss. But little by little healthy carbohydrates such as those that come from vegetables are included in the meal plan.

But how long will dieters take the suggested foods in the diet? It is largely determined by the dieters goals in taking the diet. In other words, dieters should only stop following Atkins only if they have achieved their desired weight. However, there are factors that affect weight loss which explains why different dieters end at different times even though they started at the same time. These factors include metabolism rate or how fast body cells burn out energy, age, gender, and overall fitness of an individual. Based on studies, as people grow old, their metabolism rates also become slower. This also means that women who are on menopausal period have lower carbohydrate threshold that makes burning out carbohydrates a longer activity. Moreover, a dieter who started to follow the diet with a mass of hundred pounds really takes a longer time before he can slim down compared with a dieter whose body mass is lower.

But having achieved the desired body weight is not the ultimate goal set for every Atkins dieter. After shedding off pounds of fats, dieters should continue dieting, that is, controlling the amount of food they eat and ensuring that they eat the right foods. Moreover, dieters are encouraged to take exercise regularly because it can increase metabolism rates or speed up energy burning activity.

There are nutritionists who do not recommend Atkins diet to some dieters, however, knowing the ultimate goal of the diet encourages people worldwide to follow it strictly. Atkins diet does not only help achieve physical fitness, but it also makes dieters responsible for their physical well being. These are some useful information you should keep in mind about diet . - 17273

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