Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Benefits of Acai Berry?

By Josh Irv

What is the big hype over the acai berry? I mean I understand it's a berry that isn't native to the americas but is it that great?

I figured there must be something more than meets the eye with the acai berry. So I did a little research myself.

The acai berry grows in the Amazons. The amazons seem like a great place to grow fruit because of all the conditions.

Have you ever heard someone say that they have a high metabolism? Well now you can too with the help of eating the acai berry.

Oh but that's not all this fruit does. It also helps with heart disease. It does this by lowering the blood pressure.

This fruit is perfect for post workout shakes because it is naturally high in protein. We rebuild our muscles after a workout using the amino acids in proteins.

Oh there is more! This fruit is also high in fiber. Fiber helps with the prevention of many diseases and cancers. So more fiber is essential especially for men.

All of this the berry actually tastes good! So it seems to me that this berry is really beneficial to consume. Wanna know more about the acai berry? - 17273

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Fish is Brain Food

By Michael Byrd

Grandma was right. She knew fish was brain food and she didn't need a science degree to figure it out.

It seems like everyday, there's good news about what fish oil can do for your brain. Research has shown that fish oil brain benefits begin in the womb and continue straight through life preventing Alzheimer's and dementia in the elderly.

Omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids constitute about 70% of a baby's developing brain. These fatty acids are essential for a baby's brain development and emotional wellbeing. The optimum development of a baby's brain and emotional wellbeing depends on these fatty acids. And the only way a baby can get this nutrition is from its mother's diet. That's why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that all pregnant and nursing mothers take 1200 mg of DHA and EPA on a daily basis.

Yet, the average pregnant or nursing woman gets only about 18% of the NIH recommended amount. Actually, just 3% of the women surveyed were getting the omega 3 they needed in their diet.

If the fetus doesn't get the DHA and EPA it needs from the mother's diet, the baby takes what it can get from the mother's brain. Depleted DHA and EPA is why many women lose almost 3% of their brain mass during nine months of pregnancy. A lot of experts believe this depletion may be the major reason for post-partum depression.

If Mom's not eating fish and getting enough DHA and EPA, you can bet her other kids aren't either. And this omega 3 fatty acid deficiency is now linked to ADD and ADHD behavior problems, temper tantrums and learning difficulties.

However, British scientists recently discovered that omega 3 fish oil supplements can significantly reduce the symptoms of dyslexia, ADHD and ADD. After putting the children on omega 3 capsules for just six months, the children's spelling score was six months higher and their reading skills were a year higher.

Eating fish two or three times a week and/or taking a daily omega 3 fish supplement with DHA and EPA is good for adult brains too.

Dietary deficiencies of omega 3 DHA and EPA have been linked to a higher incidence of migraine headaches, depression and bipolar disorder. Eating more fish or taking fish oil supplements, on the other hand, has been found to provide good quality, natural relief for these conditions.

Fish oil can also be a big help for baby boomers as they age over the next twenty years if they don't want to join the five million Americans who already have Alzheimer's disease. According to recent studies, people who eat the most fish have much lower risk of both Alzheimer's (39%) and dementia (47%).

Fish oil also helps prevent "brain attack" or stroke. A Harvard Medical School study of over 43,000 men over a period of 12 years reported that men who eat fish just once a month had a 44% less risk of ischemic (blood clot) stroke than those men who ate fish less than once a month. Taking a daily aspirin, by the way, reduces stroke risk by only 21%.

So, you can see Grandma knew what she was talking about. Eating fish and taking fish oil supplements is good for your brain. So get smart and follow Grandma's advice. - 17273

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Without A Diet, You Can Do It

By Dan Solaris

They're a favorite subject of mass media- fashion spreads and fitness magazines, infomercials, billboard advertisements, action flicks, even soap operas. I'm talking about people with gorgeous six pack abs and they're the envy of millions everywhere.

By the frequency they're shown on the movies and on shows and advertisements on TV, one might get the idea that the United States is filled with physically-fit specimens of the human race. Unfortunately, this is a bit distant from the truth.

Figures recently collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that 66% of adult Americans are overweight. Given the unhealthy fast track lives most of us lead, it's not really surprising. We spend most of our waking hours on our butts- in our office chairs, in our vehicles and at home on the couch or the computer chair.

The market is chock-full of seemingly innocent munchies packed with flavor and loaded with calories. Ours has turned into a culture of fast-food and the surplus calories are showing-up on potbellies and lovehandles across the Western world.

Well, unless you missed the blockbuster starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt you would know that envy is one of the seven deadly sins and it can lead to self-pity, depression, etc. It's time to stop fantasizing and get yourself a lean, sculpted six pack as well.

Conventional strength-building exercises with the use of free weights or machines have a heavier effect on six pack ab formation than you may think. Adding muscular tissue to one's frame actually increases our basal metabolism or our metabolic rate when we're at rest. Experts say our basal metabolism accounts for 75% of our caloric usage in one day!

Increasing our BMR through strength-building exercises is an optimal way to achieve six pack abs because it leads to faster fat loss. The amount of muscle tissue we have on our physique dictates how high our metabolism is. The higher our metabolism, the more calories and fat we eliminate.

Another great thing about exercising to build strength is that if it's done intense enough, the daily calorie deficit produced by boosting our metabolism and during the actual workout will enable us to keep eating modestly. Since eating has become part of our emotional as well as our physical needs, it's ultimately easier (not to mention more enjoyable) to hit the gym and adopt a regular exercise regimen rather than restricting our diet. - 17273

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Free Online Ab Workout - Free Video versus Paid Video

By Jose Loni

Information is the key, when it comes to free online ab workouts. You Tube and paid programming are great but you have to know some basic principles to see if the exercises shown or the product being sold will work. You have to know that spot reducing does not work and that dieting and exercising to increase your metabolism will help your body burn fat.

So for You Tube to be properly useful, we need to know basic health and exercise principles that can guide us to discern which videos are safe and effective, and which ones are bogus and could possibly injure us. We need to know that proper nutrition and exercise are key factors in raising metabolism enough to burn fat.

Paid videos basically sell you a product. The consumer must be very aware if the exercises and content of the video is valid or whether or not it is safe. Not all paid videos offer valid training. Some are just trying to sell their ineffective product by showing beautiful, fit and healthy models and linking them to the product.

Often times, people think that if the problem is a fat belly, you should just work the belly area. Spot reduction is not effective and to focus on the belly will not work and all the machines that focus training on the stomach are equally ineffective at giving you ripped abs.

Healthy eating will help prevent more fat from being stored in the body, while helping the body consume calories faster. The problem with the common diet is the high calorie content of the fatty foods, burgers and sodas that we eat. The problem with that kind of diet is when the body doesn't use all those calories, the excess calories are stored as fat on the body.

Proper nutrition monitors the amount of fat we eat as well as total caloric intake. When we're not adding to fat stores through diet and we exercise to burn whatever fat we already have, it would be easy to create a fat deficit, resulting in fat/weight loss. Foods to avoid are the fatty, fast foods and sugary snacks and sodas. Eating small, healthy meals throughout the day keeps us energetic and burning calories from the constant digestion. Small meals prevent overload and excess storage of food that wasn't converted into energy for immediate use.

Exercising to increase our metabolism is the sure way to really burn fat. Exercises that train multiple joints and incorporate interval training are great ways to increase the body's metabolism. By forcing the body to adapt to the intense training, the body ends up burning fat throughout the day to replenish and nourish the muscles that were used in the exercise session.

Free videos or paid videos, you have to be able to discern which is good and which is crap. Knowing that spot reduction doesn't work and healthy eating and exercising to jumpstart metabolism are the basic keys to effective workouts. If you find a video that has that, then it will give you the rock hard abs that you want! - 17273

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Acai Berry Health Secrets Revealed

By Carter Sinclair

More many years Amazonian locals have been using Acai for great health benefits. Many of their diets consist of up to fifty percent acai fruit, and it shows how great the fruit is because of their health. These Amazonians often live longer and healthier lives than we do without our current advances in medical care.

Brazilian surfers often dominate competitions, and one of their secret weapons is Acai. Acai fruit juice can give you a boost of energy that is as strong as, and longer lasting than coffee. Many athletes find that is a great way to increase performance long term, without the negative side effects of other methods.

Acai fruit also can improve your vision. It contains anthocyanins, that are known to help your eyesight improve. It even helps your night vision.

In the war against cancer a very exciting breakthrough has happened. Researchers at the University of Florida discovered that Acai berry causes leukemia cells to self destruct. The research is very new but has a very promising future.

Acai has one of the highest values on the ORAC chart. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity which is a measure of foods antioxidant content. Antioxidants right the damage to cells caused by free radicals. This slows down the signs of aging and gives a big boost to the immune system. They also improves the appearance of your hair and skin.

If your not a fan of eating fish to get your essential fatty acids or Omega fatty acids you can enjoy Acai. It contains all the Omega fatty acids you need to help improve your mood, improve brain functioning, and reduce cholesterol.

If Acai health wasn't enough, it is also one of the best tasting fruit juices on the planet. It tastes more like a treat than it does a health food, and makes for an amazing morning or post work out smoothie. - 17273

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You Can Lose 20 Pounds the Healthy Way

By Sara Greene

Special occasions make everyone nervous. You want to look your best for that special vacation with your honey, or that reunion with your crazy family, or even your own wedding! Staring at the calendar as the days and weeks tick by is NOT going to help you lose those 20 extra pounds! Get up off your butt and start now. It's never too late.

There are many safe methods to losing weight quickly. You can even lose a substantial amount of weight, like 20 pounds, in a remarkably short period. All it takes is a little knowledge and perseverance.

Oatmeal for breakfast. It tastes good, and it's good for you. The fiber in oatmeal absorbs the fat and cholesterol from your bloodstream and helps your body get rid of it. It's a great way to start losing those 20 pounds.

Stay away from sodas and other sweetened drinks and just drink water. Preferably, COLD water. Your body actually burns more calories when you drink cold water, so go with it. Plus, water fills you up, helps curb your appetite and keeps your body hydrated. All of which will lead to a healthier, slimmer you!

Eat apples, bananas and citrus fruit every day. They all have fiber and vitamins necessary for good health. Bananas also have potassium (good for heart health), citrus fruits are LOADED with vitamin C, and apples are just plain GOOD for you. They will all fill you up and help flush out the fat in a healthy way.

A diet high in fiber is your Number 1 Helper when you want to lose weight. Fiber aids in both weight loss and a healthy digestive system.

Want great taste AND quick weight loss? Eat spicy foods! The spice enhances your metabolism, which makes you burn more calories, more quickly. Spicy foods also help your immune system fight off infection. Don't eat too much, though. A little goes a long way.

Milk, cheese, yogurt and fish are great for losing weight. They are protein-rich, which makes it easy to eat just the right amount, and not too much. Fish is also loaded with heart-healthy omega-3s, so it's a real win-win situation.

Exercise. Don't kid yourself about this one. You don't have to get in tri-athalon shape to lose weight (despite what you see on TV), you just need some form of regular activity to help you burn off the calories and fat. You can walk, swim, roller blade, jump rope or ride a bike. Just find something you like doing, and it won't even feel like a chore.

There are few guarantees in life, but if you follow these simple tips, you WILL lose 20 pounds in a very short time. - 17273

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Want to Find the Best Memory Vitamins?

By Royce Linford

There are large number of memory vitamins out there and all of them effect memory and learning to some degree. This can make finding the right one hard, well take a closer look at the more well known ones to help you make an informed decision.

Most memory vitamins are either in pill or liquid form. Pills have a better concentration of actual vitamin in them, so if possible try to stay away from the liquid versions. You want a vitamin that uses several of the memory enhancing nutrients. This way they are all able to work together, giving you the best results in just one pill.

A lot of vitamins aid memory, some more than others. The most common vitamins, such as Vitamin B1 and B6, as well as Vitamin C. Less common vitamins include Ginkgo Biloba, Guto Kola and DMAE (Dimethyl Amino Ethanol).

Many foods and multivitamins contain Vitamins B and C. Including them in your diet can help improve your memory, of course you'll get better results when taking a supplement specific to memory enhancement.

Ginkgo Biloba and Guto Kola have the benefits of increasing circulation and brain activity as well as reducing stress. Making these two of the best herbs for memory improvement.

DMAE is the basis for acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter. This helps increase cognitive function. Making it easier for you to process thoughts and memories.

Taking Ginkgo Biloba, Guto Kola or DMAE can improve memory function. Care must be taken when using vitamins such as these, you can do a lot of damage to yourself if you take too much. The best thing to do is find a memory vitamin that contains 2 or more of these nutrients, this way you are getting the proper dosages, while maximizing the effects on your memory.

Most vitamin and health food stores carry a verity of memory vitamins. I suggest sticking with whichever memory vitamin you choose for a least 2 months before deciding whether or not to switch. Give your body time to adjust and if you're not pleased with the results, try something else. - 17273

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Your Diet is Not Perfect Without This

By Thong M. Dao

Many people stick to a nutritious diet plan. They make sure to skip the fast food lunch and eat a salad instead. They may make fantastic concoctions to sustain themselves like green smoothies or raw meals that imitate the popular American diet.

Many people have already experienced lots of health benefits of this manner of eating. They are not only trim but they also lead a healthy life. Chances are they have finally found the perfect diet plan. Is there something, however, that's missing?

Typically, there's one thing that those who are eating properly may be lacking. We are able to get this component by drinking it. Water is what I am talking about if you have not figured it out. You might be thinking that you already swallow lots of water each day.

Is it true, though? You might find yourself a bit shocked at how many people stay dehydrated from their youth because they don't consume plenty of water. Yes, they may drink throughout the day but the quantity may not be enough.

Having enough water everyday is and essential part of a wholesome diet. This means in-taking as much as half of your weight in water each day. For example, if you were 150 pounds, you would want to drink 75 ounces of water throughout the day.

In addition, you have to be certain that you add 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt per 16 ounces of water.

What can sea salt do for you? It helps to keep the water inside your body long enough that it can hydrate you, which is what it's intended to do. If you ignore the salt, you might find yourself going to the WC all the time and flushing out the nutrients from foods you consume.

You should do this kind of drinking for one month. The health benefits of simply drinking water will surprise you. - 17273

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Lower Ab Exercises- Is This Possible

By Jose Loni

Can doing lower ab exercises give us ripped abs? No, isolation through lower ab exercises is not the answer. The key to toned, visible abs is a faster metabolism via a smart eating plan and regular physical activity.

Lower ab exercises will not give us defined abs. Exercises for the lower abs will get the area stronger and help stabilize and support the back and hip area, but it is not possible to spot reduce.

Training the problem area directly will not burn the fat found in that area either. What we need to do is train the whole body so that excess body fat, especially around the stomach area, can be burned as fuel and used as energy.

To get well-defined abs, we need to increase our metabolism. Through our diet, we need to make sure we eat quality foods that our body can easily burn. When our body is able to burn the food we eat, it will then burn the excess fat that we have for further energy production.

Lowering caloric intake by eating small meals 5-6 times throughout the day helps keep our energy up and our blood sugar stable. Energy is used to digest food so the frequent meals help burn even more calories.

Engaging in overall physical activity is a great metabolism booster. Our muscles are positively affected by resistance training, in particular, causing them to work harder and consume more energy. As a result, our body gets more efficient at locating and using up excess fat as fuel.

Our muscles can also be trained in an anaerobic way through interval training, resulting in highly reactive and explosive muscles. Muscles like these consume even more fuel because of their high metabolic rate with the very welcome ability of getting our body to keep burning excess fat hours after training.

Doing lower ab exercises in isolation is simply not the answer to getting toned and visible abs. However, having a smart eating plan and regular physical activity can boost metabolism and send us on our way to achieving six pack abs. - 17273

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Ab Workouts - 30-Day Transformation

By Jose Loni

Are ab workouts essential to a 30-day transformation of our abs? No, ab workouts don't play an important role in this 30-day transformation, but fat loss does and proper nutrition and exercise are the major players in removing the unwanted extra fats covering up our abdominals.

Proper nutrition means eating the right foods at the right times. Having 5-6 small meals a day help our metabolism stay revved up because of the need to constantly digest food. The frequency of food intake will also mean less hunger and, therefore, less bingeing especially on unnecessary calories.

Proper nutrition also means smart food choices. Stay away from foods high in corn syrup, fructose, saturated fats and hydrogenated oils. Avoid white bread, white rice, and pasta because all these foods easily convert to fat, which gets stored as soon as they're converted.

Smart food choices include complex carbs like whole grain breads and brown rice, high protein sources like fish, chicken and lean meats, high fiber fruits and veggies and good olive and canola oils. All these foods fuel our body well, allowing us to stay full longer eliminating the need to snack on junky foods.

Since we can now distinguish which foods add fat to our belly and which foods don't, nutritional balance can be had. As for the excess fat that currently sits in our belly area, full body training will help use it all up and expose six pack abs.

A mixture of high intensity (sprinting, lunges, squats) and aerobic exercises (brisk walking, running, cycling) along with lifting weights work wonders at revving up your metabolism. A high metabolism is key to burning fat better. But you have to remember to change up the activities to help sustain the metabolic fat burn.

The addition of weight training builds muscles, which use up more energy resulting in a greater fat burn. Since 3 lbs of muscle burns up calories equivalent to a 1 mile jog, muscle building is a faster way to lose fat. Also, this burning occurs during the training and even while the body is stationary.

Doing ab workouts is not necessary on your 1 month route to ab glory. What you do need to do is lose the fat. And the best way to lose fat is through a combination of healthy food choices and smart training habits. Add discipline to the mixture and your six pack abs will be here to stay. - 17273

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The Fastest Way to Lose Weight

By Matthew Roberts

Many people today are wondering what the fastest way to lose weight happens to be. After all, quite a few of us really want to lose some weight but who wants to end up waiting months to see results? The great thing is that there really are some quick methods to get rid of those pounds quickly.

If you are tired of waiting to get the weight loss results you want, you probably want to find the fastest way to lose weight. If shedding pounds fast is your goal, the following are some excellent tips that will help you quickly slim down and feel amazing.

One of the main keys is the fastest way to lose weight exercise. Yes, exercising is important for quick weight loss, even if you don't really enjoy it. Just adding a bit of exercise to your daily routine can help you lose fast. When exercising, a great idea to try is the fastest way to lose weight running. You'll lose weight faster when you choose to run instead of easier exercises.

When you want to know the fastest way to lose weight healthy measures are definitely what you are looking for. While you want to take of the weight fast, it's important that you only go with options that won't damage your health. Some people may offer quick weight loss methods, but before you try them, make sure they are healthy for you.

Cutting back calories is another of the fastest way to lose weight options. Simply limiting the calories you take in can be very helpful when you want to lose weight. Don't think you'll lose quickly if you are not willing to cut a couple hundred calories out of your diet on a regular basis.

To lose unwanted pounds on your body, the fastest way to lose weight diet can help. You don't have to be on a restricted diet, but simply eating healthier can make a huge difference. Instead of eating high sugar foods, fried foods, and processed foods, go with healthier choices. Get 5 servings of veggies and fruits, and plenty of lean protein should be a part of your diet too. With a healthy diet, losing weight goes much faster.

Drinking water is a great option when you're looking for the fastest way to lose weight. Most people aren't getting the water they need. Start taking in about ten glasses of water a day, which will help you to lose some weight. Water is important to your overall health and it can also help to flush out fat so you can slim down faster.

When you're wanting the fastest way to lose weight, many different options are available. Make sure you put these tips and ideas into practice so you can lose those unwanted pounds and start feeling better about yourself. - 17273

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Tips On How To Gain Muscle Mass

By James Sloan

Searching ways to gain weight build muscles? This is the right place for you. As I go along with the explanation of these methods,bear in mind that the objective here is to build lean muscles.

To start with, if you are one who hates leg work outs then you might want to get used to it. A lot of athletic researches show that full body workouts are MUCH more effective than split body workouts. If you are unfamiliar, split body workouts are where you just work one part of your body during a workout.

Full body workouts are proven to pump up higher testosterone levels in your body. And we are aware of how much we want that testosterone for building muscle!

To break down muscle fibers is the ultimate reasoning for working out. The more we break down the better they will rebuild themselves stronger and larger. With that in mind, you need to use a 4 second cadence when lifting weights. The amount of time it takes you to lift and lower the weight during a single repetition is what we call as cadence.

It should take you both 4 seconds to lift the weight and another 4 seconds to lower it back to the starting position. In here there is maximum tearing of muscle. Now, the whole muscle rebuilding process begins by breaking down your muscles by lifting weights. With that, make the most of out of your efforts. And keep in mind to get yourself lots of protein after your workouts.

Protein is necessary to gain weight, build muscle. Easy as that. To have a burning passion to achieve your ideal body type is a must. If you are without passion, might as well start nurturing it. What would it be like to have the exact body that you long for? Visualize it. Take the time to feel that passion and emotion in your gut. Feed that passion as it grows.

Feels good, doesn't it? That kind of passion drives your dreams into a reality. You must take care of yourself first before you begin to give value to anything else in your life. With that desire, that ripped, toned, body that you've always dreamed about will be at hand. It takes a lot less time than you think. But if you dedicate yourself in doing the work, you will get the results. - 17273

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