Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Easy Guide for Proper Bodybuilding Routines

By Wakelin Smith

Any newbie who seeks to get into bodybuilding needs to understand that it is not a hit and miss affair. It requires the right determination to do effective bodybuilding routines. Together with the determination to carry out the right workout, the proper way of doing them will surely result in building muscle mass.

Every bodybuilder, either a beginner or a professional, must make his weight training routine a priority. This way, he must bear in mind that his desired results from weight training do not just happen overnight. Patience and determination play a lot of role in gaining the muscle mass and strength that he truly desires.

Also, highly effective bodybuilders know that spending a lot of time inside the gym does not guarantee a bigger muscle mass. This way, they are aware that they must keep their workouts as efficient as possible within a reasonable time. There is no need to spend 3 hours a day in the gym to build muscle mass Keeping the weight training workouts under an hour and a half (or better yet, and hour) and doing them 3 or 4 times a week will give the body enough rest to grow bigger and stronger.

Here are some other reminders for proper bodybuilding routines. For one, keep it short. The ideal range is between 45 to 75 minutes maximum while 60 minutes is the best time spent for a single workout. A simple reason guides this duration. After 75 minutes, there is a drop in the levels of muscle building and fat burning hormones that the body produces. It will also prevent you from fast recovery.

Two, keep to a minimum the rest in between sets. This means that rest must be somewhere between 90 seconds or less. This rest time is ideal in improving the cardiovascular system as well as helps the body to perform a lot of work and still finish within the ideal time of 75 minutes. Also, it has also been known that this kind of training stimulates the most growth hormones outputs.

Third, the sets should be between 8 - 15 repetitions for muscle mass gains and 15-25 repetitions for body sculpting purposes. There are many reasons for this range in reps.

It has been shown in studies that muscle building and fat burning occur more efficiently at these repetition ranges. Another reason is that since the body is doing so many repetitions, there is less probability of injury because the lifter will be using a weight that he can control. Also, Because the best blood pump to flow into the muscle cells are within these repetition ranges then this is important since along with the blood come nutrients that nourish the muscle cells and help them recover and rebuild bigger faster.

It is not wise to get stuck with the same routine for a long workout period. A bodybuilder ends up with a zero muscle growth if he does this even he spends a lot of time pumping iron. Also, sticking at the same workout regimen will surely lead to a boring and unenthusiastic day at the gym. So finally, training must be varied and cycled. - 17273

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5 Weight Gaining Gremlins

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you incessantly check your weight, you may be losing motivation very quickly. Keep in mind, however, that even though your weight may be going up, you could be making substantial progress in the right direction.

In fact, many women actually gain weight while losing fat when just starting off with an exercise program. Especially if there is a lot of resistance training involved. Why does this happen? Because of H20.

The issue most women have is identifying what is causing the excess water gain. So in this article I'll show you 5 things that could be causing you to gain weight instantly:

1. Food mass. This may sound obvious, but in my experience many women overlook the fact that once they eat food they gain the weight of the food. And it can add up over the course of a day. So don't be surprised if you are significantly heavier at night. Also, if the food is heavily salted you can easily gain five pounds in no time.

2. Everything carb. Your body needs carbs, there is NO way around this. The brains preferred source of fuel is glucose-a simple carbohydrate. And in order for your body to take in carbs it also needs water. How much? For every one part of carb it needs 3 parts water.

3. Sodium. You probably already knew this one, but did you appreciate the magnitude of sodium weight gain? Most women grossly underestimate how much water they are actually retaining because of sodium. Too much sodium can make or break an already lean woman's appearance.

4. Water. I'm not talking about drinking water, I'm talking about water hitting your skin. Believe it or not, you will absorb water when you shower or take a bath or enter any body of water. Many athletes have failed their weigh ins because of this skin-absorbing effect.

5. Lifting weights. Lifting weights will cause you to gain weight unless you are on an aggressive diet. But don't freak out, the weight gain will eventually plateau and in the long run you'll be much better off than the cardio bunnies. Where does the weight come from? And increased storage capacity for carbohydrates and water.

I strongly believe it's in your best interest to NOT weigh yourself frequently. It will take you for an unnecessary emotional roller coaster ride. And if you feel like water retention is an issue, this article is a great starting point to ditch the excess H20! - 17273

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Facts About Popular Vitamins

By James Johnson

In order to get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition the body needs, you need to start thinking in a healthy mindset. There are various body essentials, but in this article we will talk about some of the top vitamins that you should be taking regularly either through food or supplements.

Vitamin A - How Well do You See?

Retinol or Vitamin A, has antioxidant properties which can prevent damage of the cells through the neutralization elements that this vitamin naturally has. Your eyes will also benefit because Vitamin A helps the eyes to readjust when entering an indoor area after being outside.

Boost your immune system with Vitamin B1

With Vitamin B1 you will have increased energy and a much better immune system. There are several different versions of the B vitamin, but Vitamin B1 is one of the best to take regularly. The number one reason people take this vitamin is to have more energy throughout the work week.

Vitamin D will Give you some Bone Leverage

Another great vitamin is Vitamin D. People who are outdoors often or in places where the sun is out often generally get enough of this vitamin, however, those who are in less optimum climates tend to have a deficiency. Vitamin D can prevent osteoporosis, supports the nerve and muscle functions, and aids in tooth and bone formation.

Vitamin K is the Blood Clotter

Without Vitamin K your body would have difficulty blood clotting. Even a small wound has the potential of causing lethal bleeding without sufficient Vitamin K in the system. Your kidneys and bone repair capabilities also benefit greatly from the appropriate does of Vitamin K. Like Vitamin D, Vitamin K has also had studies done on it which suggests the prevention of osteoporosis.

Whatever vitamins you choose to take on a regular basis, make sure that you are either getting them from the foods that support these vitamins or taking some form of a nutrient supplement.

You might consider taking a multi-vitamin in order to ensure that you are getting the right amounts of the vitamins listed here each day. You should always consult your doctor before taking any sort of pill, but I almost guarantee a multi-vitamin will be a-ok with your doctor given you have no medical history with any of the vitamins. - 17273

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Weight Loss With Weight Loss Shakes

By Samantha Reis

About Weight Loss Shakes

Have you heard about weight loss shakes? Or you are currently taking them. What kind of weight loss shakes is your favorite? Generally weight loss shakes is a kind of meal replacement. They are used to replace normal meal like lunch and dinner. Weight loss shakes also called as weight loss meal replacement shakes or protein shakes.

Content Of Weight Loss Shakes

Weight loss shakes normally found in power form. Thus you can get them in skimmed milk form too. Weight loss shakes consist of 75% protein. Thus they also contain many types of other nutrients like vitamins and mineral salt. One of the most important criteria for this shake is they are low in calories. One sachet of 30g weight shakes powder only contains 44 kcal to 80 kcal. Thus they also low in sugar and sodium; is an ideal food for dieters.

Weight Loss Shakes Vs Fat Burning

Weight loss shakes speed up the process of fat burning. You manage to lose weight if fat burning process goes well. Weight loss shakes helps to this body fat effectively through the help of fat eliminators. These fat eliminators are inclusive of Lecithin, Inositol and also L-carnite.

Detoxify Through Weight Loss Shakes

Detoxification is crucial for dieters during their weight loss period. As such, weight loss shakes helps to achieve this mission. Weight loss shakes is just like any other detoxify drinks that helps to ?chase? away toxin from body. You will feel refresh and exciting if your body is free of toxin. In conjunction with that also you manage to achieve your weight loss goal.

Weight Loss Shakes As Meal Substitution

Weight loss shakes is a good substitution food for dieters during weight loss period. Generally they are used to substitute lunch and dinner. This weight loss protein shakes filled your stomach full during weight loss period. You will not easily feel hungry with this weight loss shakes.

Homemade Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes

If you refuse to buy convenient pack of weight loss shakes, you can always preparing it yourself. It does not required expensive materials and complicated steps. Generally recipes of homemade weight loss shakes include materials like low fat milk, sugar free pudding and fresh fruit puree. You can either make it as cold or hot drinks.

Weight Loss Shakes - Where To Get?

There are many types of weight loss protein shakes offered in the market. You can select the best that suits your taste. However it is always advisable to go for weight loss shakes that contain low calories and low sugar. Make sure you choose the right shake for the right reason. - 17273

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4 Bodybuilding Tips To Develop A Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

For most aspiring lifters, an impressive physique is all about a huge chest and arms. Week after week they slave away on endless sets of bench presses and barbell curls in search of the rippling muscle gains they want so badly. Not surprisingly, those gains never appear in any significant form.

Of course, a well developed chest and arms is something that you want to achieve to help give you the "wide" look, it is not the only muscles that need focus for this to happen. Many people fail to even realize that there is a much more intricate muscle group that is often neglected in training programs.

The muscles that I am referring to would be the traps, lats, rhomboids, lower back and the spinal erectors. These are the major muscles in the back.

I want to make sure that you are able to get as powerful and as thick as you would like to be. Nothing will make this happen faster for you than developing your back muscles. Believe it or not, about 70% of your upper body muscle mass resides right in your back.

So get up off the bench press and put away the EZ-curl bar and follow this simple workout that will allow you to build the back you need to achieve the look you want.

There are 4 major movements that you must perform to properly develop your back...

1) Deadlifts: These are extremely important as there is not an exercise out there that can even come close to matching the effectiveness of this. You should perform 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps of the bent-legged barbell deadlift.

The deadlift will work you from finger to neck to toe and is irreplaceable in developing strong, thick back muscles.

2) A vertical pulling movement: These exercises mainly target the lat muscles and will help you to attain that wide, v-tapered look from behind. Examples of vertical pulling movements are chin-ups (overhand or underhand), lat pulldowns and v-bar pulldowns. Your workout routine must include 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

3) A horizontal pulling movement: This exercise is commonly referred to as "rows". This workout will place emphasis on the upper and the middle part of your back, while stimulating the lats as well. Since there are many different rowing movements to pick from such as dumbbell rows, seated machine rows, bent over barbell rows and cable rows, you should have no problem finding something that works the best for you. Again, this workout should include 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

4) A shrugging movement: Even though this may not be as important as the other lifts, it is still one that you should include in your workout. It will target the upper traps and give you the diamond shaped look from the back. You will want to add 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

It may not seem like a lot, but as long as you take every set to muscular failure and focus on quality rather than quantity, this routine provides more than enough stimulation for maximum back growth.

All you have to do is to perform this workout at least once a week and you will be able to have the upper body that you have always wanted and then some. - 17273

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Things To Think About With Calcium Supplementation

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Consistent research has shown that eating calcium blocks that absorption of fat. And the amount of fat blocked is substantial.

However, can taking extra calcium really make a difference in your fat loss efforts?

Well, I wish I could say it would. But the bottom line is that taking in a bunch of calcium is most likely NOT going to have a significant impact on your body fat levels. And it's probably not a good idea to block fat absorption.

After all, healthy dietary fat is essential for any successful fat loss program.

And you also have to pay attention to the following dangers of high calcium intakes:

1. Reduced iron absorption. The human body is a very complex organism. If you do X there will always be effect Y. And calcium is NO exception here. Take too much calcium and you'll impair the absorption of iron. And iron is critical for bringing oxygen to all your tissues?

2. Lower amounts of calcium. If you take a bunch of antacids to get more calcium, you should probably stop. Why? Because certain minerals in antacids can actually leave you with a net negative amount of calcium!

3. Stones and potential kidney damage. This is mostly an issue for those who have a history with kidney stones. So if you think you might have kidney issues, please do NOT supplement with calcium without the strict supervision of a doctor.

4. Too much D. Many calcium supplements are super fortified with vitamin D. And if you have hefty amounts of vitamin D coming from other sources in your diet, you risk overdose. Now vitamin D is an exceptional nutrient, but too much of anything is NOT good for you.

Now calcium supplements aren't all evil, taking them in excess is. And the tricky part here is that many of the foods we eat can be fortified with a multitude of vitamins and minerals. This can add up as the weeks and months go by. So be careful with what you put in your body! - 17273

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Amazing Body Solid

By Krasen Dell

Body solid is no doubt now becoming popular fitness equipment especially those who are working out for that perfectly sculpted body. Both men and women simply adore this particular gym equipment for its amazing features. For these people who truly know what it takes to have a perfectly sculpted body, would surely find this kind of equipment amazing and one to reckon with. It simply has the magic they need for the type of body they so desire to have.

Body solid is now considered as a little magical piece of equipment for muscle building. It is now seen both in regular gym and the ever becoming popular home gyms of the young professionals who simply do not have much time to go to traditional workout gyms. Many find these equipment an amazing piece to help them achieve that body sculpt they want as it is not only easy to use but also provides all the tools they need in one single machine.

Because of the fact that it is now becoming popular, it is no longer hard to find this kind of fitness equipment. You also need not spend a fortune for this. Many fitness equipment stores are selling body solid at fairly reasonable price and awesome warranty.

It surely provides you almost everything you need to attain your goal and desires to have perfectly fit and nicely sculpted muscles. With these amazing deals, it is no wonder this kind of gym equipment is now becoming more popular. The fact that it seemed to have packed a whole gym in just one machine is more than enough reason for anyone to be enticed with these awesome features.

The enticing features that this gym equipment is among the many factors that lured people to have it in their home gym. For regular gym operators this kind of workout machine is a must have as it gives them great saving on not having to buy many other workout gadgets. It also saves them space for having a whole gym in this one great machine. These are more than enticing enough to enhance your work out regimen and finally have that nicely sculpted muscles in just one machine in a body solid. - 17273

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Build Bigger Muscle - It's Easy

By Harley Radowski

Can you imagine yourself envied by others because you have a lean muscle mass? I'm sure you've been dreaming that this situation will soon come. Millions of people especially men are wondering what is the best muscle building technique. Of course, having a physically fit body is what everyone has been trying to achieve in order for them to have a healthier body. This can also help them increase their self confidence and most of all, attract enormous attention from others.

The human body has various muscle types, from simpler to a more complex one. These muscles give the body its frame and shape. When it comes to muscle growth, the macronutrient that is always associated with that is protein.

Although protein is essential, the process is not considered complete without the aid of carbohydrates as well as fats. Your body requires that you have an adequate intake of these macronutrients in order to build bigger muscle mass. Caloric intake should be as high as possible depending on your body mass. Keep your diet as balanced as possible and make sure that it is considered healthy. Your body burns your caloric stores during your exercise or even in doing just simple activities of daily living.

Creating a comprehensive physical training routine coupled with a balanced diet is the most popular technique to build bigger muscle. Training in a gym for few days per week is now common. The training should not exceed approximately an hour for each session.

It is important to keep your workout no longer than one hour due to danger of tearing your muscle strands making them weak and brittle. At first, try to keep your workouts around key exercise movement - bench press, leg press, etc. - then proceed to more vigorous training such as lifting a few weights when your body is totally adjusted to your training.

Some people struggle to build muscle because they are eager to build bigger muscle even they have been working out for only few days. This may only indicate that their muscles have a slower recovery time from workouts than others. Don't over train because your muscles also get tired and sometimes you may experience sore muscles. Even though sore muscles are considered normal after a tiring exercise, you also need an adequate rest in between workouts to give your muscles ample time for healing and a chance to actually grow.

Do you believe that muscles actually grow while you sleep? Sleeping stimulates your brain's pituitary gland to release growth hormones which includes tryptophan, glycine, ornithine, and arginine. It is necessary for you to have an ample time for rest because this is the time when your muscles and even your bones are beginning to augment.

Resting is as essential as dieting and physical training. It is recommended to not force too hard in exercising. Few acknowledge the fact that sleeping for six to eight hours will benefit you a lot and is considered as the best muscle building strategy.

Training for muscle growth also includes the superset system. This training involves the use of three or four different types of exercise for the same muscle. This will also give you an ultimate pump in the muscle belly and an increase in muscle size and strength will be achieved with repetitive training sessions. However, do not favor a single body part when working out as this can cause muscular imbalances.

I'm sure you would agree it would be odd to have a big upper body and skinny legs or vice versa? That's an example of muscular imbalance. It is therefore necessary to balance not only your diet but your muscle training as well. Achieving proper muscular balance involves paying attention to the muscle which lacks mass or leanness.

Cardiovascular exercise is an important activity before or after workout. It helps in obtaining a maximum heart function thus providing good blood circulation which in turn contributes enough oxygen needed for your vigorous exercise. Cardio is best performed for a minimum of once a week to a maximum of once every two weeks.

However executing cardio more often than this is exhausting and can take away the quality of your muscle gains resulting in a much smaller muscle size which is certainly not what you are trying to accomplish. Cardiovascular exercise is usually done in the early morning more often than not before breakfast.

It is advisable to control your enthusiasm when working out. The biggest and most common mistake committed by people who work out especially the novices or even the hard gainers, is their lack of patience. Their eagerness to gain muscle mass early on only hurts them.

For all they know patience is the only key to success. The secret of muscle growth also involves consistency, discipline, knowledge and determination. Exhibiting proper technique and attitude while working out is a huge factor in anyone's success in building bigger muscle. - 17273

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Lose Weight Quickly Without Diet Pills or Potions.

By Ryan M Hall

Today we are constantly promised that some magic pill or super machine will make us lose weight quickly without having to diet or exercise. Of course, those of us who have fallen for the diet scams know that these products, pills and potions just don't work, but if we don't want to lose weight without using over promising and under delivering diet products, what can we do?

There are 3 easy steps you can follow to lose weight quickly. You have to control your diet, workout a couple times a week with resistance training, and give your body plenty of time to rest. Running on a treadmill isn't necessary, but it can help. But, how much weight can you lose and how quickly? This really depends on how much weight you have to lose and how closely you follow your diet plan. The more weight you have to lose, the quicker you will be able to lose it, whether it's 2 lbs a week, or 10, these steps will get you there.

Having a healthy but specific diet plan is the core of losing weight. There is a reason that when anyone wants to drop weight, they start to look for diet plans. It's obvious, if you want to change your body, you need to change the way you eat. But losing weight quickly requires more than just cutting some calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a meal plan that is specific and includes protein and healthy carbohydrates. Preferably with plenty of vegetables. Vegetables will fill you up quickly and aren't high in calories. If you want to burn fat fast, you need to eat lots of vegetables.

Building muscle with resistance training will burn more fat than running on a treadmill in a much shorter time. This is because running on a treadmill will only burn calories while you are on the treadmill and about an hour after you step off of it. Resistance training will burn calories while you are working out, and, if you follow a good muscle building plan, you will burn fat for up to 72 hours after the workout. Which one makes more sense, burning fat for 72 hours or burning fat for 1 hour? Weight training burns more fat and putting on muscle will increase your metabolism permanently, meaning that you will burn fat for months because of the muscle you've built.

Too many people neglect this because they think that the more they work, the faster they'll burn fat, but that's just not true. If you want your body to function properly while dieting and exercising, you need to have plenty of time to rest. If you are dieting and exercising to burn fat, your body needs rest to heal, and building muscle requires that you rest so that your muscles can grow. Rest is more important than most people think, and is so underrated by most of us who try to lose weight. You don't need to sit on the couch and watch TV all day, but you do need down time between workouts. Don't lift weights every day and burn your muscles out, take a day or two between workouts to allow your muscles to heal, this way you will be refreshed when you step back into the gym.

If you follow these steps, you should have no problem burning more fat, and if you want to lose weight quickly, you need to be sure to stay on track and stay disciplined. Lift weights, Diet and get plenty of rest and you should do just fine. - 17273

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Find More Alternative Health Choices By Shopping Online

By Richard Ealom

The physical and fiscal well-being of retirees was the subject of a recent radio call-in show. A caller asked the expert regarding the role of alternative medicine and alternative health products. He talked about the benefits to his elderly mother of combining traditional and alternative treatments. The caller said that alternative health products and methods have improved the quality of his mothers life whilst reducing her healthcare expenditure.

Alternative health products embrace nutritional supplements, vitamins, amino acid supplements, herbs, digestive enzymes, glandular supports, and natural remedies. Unique products treat children (and even pets). Practitioners of alternative medicine endorse an array of these therapies for treating an extensive array of mental and physical health ailments, including food allergies, headaches, stress, depression, digestive problems, skin issues, and various others.

In addition to supplements, dietary adjustment is an necessary element in the alternative medical treatment for lots of disorders. Food allergies, for example, bring about a wide range of symptoms, including muscle pain, fatigue, headache, stomach ache, skin rash and depression. In addition to, or instead of, medical testing, an allergy rotation diet can help isolate which foods the individual needs to get rid of.

Health patrons may use alternative health therapies alone or in combination with established medical treatments. Too repeatedly folks believe they can use vitamins and other supplements erratically because they are "natural." In fact, the same qualities that make alternative health products helpful demand that they be used in an informed and thoughtful way. As with all medical decisions, consulting a medical professional is very crucial prior to embarking on a regime of natural remedies.

Indeed, one of the ways alternative medicine saves wealth is because of personalization. Everyones condition is special; 2 persons with the identical diagnosis may necessitate different treatment because of differences in their unique constitutions or social situation. Alternative medicine takes the entire person into account when prescribing courses of treatment. This way, pointless tests, risks, and medications are avoided and fitting and effective healthcare is delivered cheaply.

A sharp increase in the numbers of manufacturers and retailers of dietary supplements has accompanied the rising popularity of alternative medical products. While supplements from different companies may have the same name, they may not have the identical quality. Supplements may contain noxious or allergenic additives or mediocre materials. That's why it is critical to purchase alternative medical products from trustworthy sources.

Numerous online marketplaces vend supplements and other alternative health products. How do you recognize if the company is reputable? If someone whose health decisions you rely on uses the company, that's a good sign. If the company has information and a way to ask questions, that's a good thing. If you can "read the labels" online and find out exactly what is in the products, thats good too. If a qualified medical professional is allied with the site, that helps. However if the website claims to have all the answers and suggest you not to get other advice, thats definitely not good.

The world of alternative health products has opportunities for improving health and wellness that are well worth examining. - 17273

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Weight Lifting Techniques and Exercises

By Wakelin Smith

Weight lifting is a popular strength training activity for people who want to lose weight, improve strength and bone density, increase muscle tone and build muscles. Many people who weight lift do not know how to do so safely.

First, you should choose the correct amount of weights. This means that you should not choose weights that are to light or too heavy for you. You should be able to comfortably lift the weights that you choose at least twelve to fifteen times before you feel your muscles tiring. For many people a single set of twelve to fifteen repetitions is sufficient as you become stronger you can increase the amount of weights you are using.

When working with your weight lifting techniques, you may want to skip your warm-up. This should be avoided because lifting weights is the same as other sports. With all sports activities, you need a period where you allow your body to stretch out and warm-up to avoid injury when you start weight lifting.

It is also important that weight lifters maintain a proper form while lifting weights. For example, during weight lifting your back should not be rounded. When performing upper chest workouts your incline should not be very steep, your body should be at a thirty degree angle. Your movements during lifting should be slow, smooth and continuous as oppose to fast and uneven movements. Fast and uneven movements during lifting can place unnecessary strain on your muscles and cause unwanted injuries.

If you have pain, don't attempt to work through it. Pain is a sign that something is going awry. As you progress in your workout, pain should not be a part of your practice. It usually means you are not dong something properly, and you should stop the lift, lower the weight value, wait for later or seek out someone more experienced for advice.

Rest is a part of the sport. Practicing at the correct weight with good technique and proper form requires that you give your body a chance to rest. Weight lifting is vigorous, and you don't want to overwork muscles by doing the same thing every day. It is essential that you give your muscles a chance to rest. Vary your routine and work on different muscles for the best result.

Take your time. Many people hold in their breath while performing weight lifting techniques. This is very dangerous and can cause a sharp increase in your blood pressure. Keep your breathing regular at all times during techniques, making sure to breathe out as you are lifting the weights and breathe in as you are bringing the weights down.

By adhering to these simple tips on how to lift weights safely, you will reduce the risks of common injuries such as fractures, sprains, joint dislocations and long term injuries such nerve damage, bone stress, muscle overload and rotator cuff damage. - 17273

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The Impact of Different Coffee Flavors on Your Daily Grind

By Damian Papworth

Coffee is something of an acquired taste, owing to the bitterness that most coffee drinkers experience when trying the drink for the first time. With some milk or sugar (or both), that bitterness quickly disappears and it is no surprise that coffee is popular all over the world, in some cases ranking in a consumption ratio of 1 to 3 when compared to water. After introducing new flavors to a favorite drink, it isn?t difficult to see why flavored coffees continue to increase in number and popularity.

In the past, the number one flavor added to coffee was chocolate, or mocha. With origins in European espresso-based cafes -- most of which serve hot chocolate -- it was not much of a leap for coffee drinkers looking for a slight change to add some chocolate to an espresso drink, creating the ?caf? mocha? now served in coffee houses big and small all across the world. After that, the practice of adding syrup ?shots? to coffee became popular, mimicking the flavor of liqueurs (amaretto, hazelnut etc.) as well as supplying distinct flavors (orange, mint).

Coffee drinkers who love different flavors in coffee can also find different choices in whole bean or packaged form. By taking the bean and modifying the overall taste, coffee producers must introduce an unnatural element to the coffee. It simply cannot be done during the cultivation process. However, the flavors themselves can be entirely natural. Getting a package of hazelnut or mocha-flavored coffee is possible these days in your favorite caf? or local store.

Among the most popular flavors being found today, almond, pistachio, orange and white chocolate have joined hazelnut and mocha at the top of the list. Whatever flavor or type of sweetener you love, you?ll probably be able to find it at a caf?. Even the syrups being used can be produced organically.

There is nothing artificial about chocolate in the hands of the right producer, of course, so enjoying a caf? mocha can have a more natural flavor than some of the syrups. The natural properties of both can blend together nicely.

Coffee drinkers will also see more autumnal flavors like cinnamon and pumpkin popping up in your favorite caf?, to the delight of many.

For coffee drinkers who are experimenting with different flavors and concoctions, you should remember that caffeine is generally the ingredient with the biggest impact in traditional coffee. When you are adding elements like whipped cream, syrups and powders, the fat and sugar content in your drink could rise considerably.

For coffee purists, the further you are pulled from the original intention of the coffee bean, the less likely you will enjoy it. However, for those with a sweet tooth who have never been crazy about the basic bitterness of traditional coffee, coffee flavors will add an element of enjoyment which will keep you heading back to the caf?, caffeinated or not. - 17273

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