Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, October 30, 2009

Is MonaVie A Potential Arthritis Remedy?

By Markis Grisham

MonaVie is made up of the critical elements in many fruits and berries, and is a very tasty drink. The most important nutrient, the acai berry, comes from the Brazilian Rainforest, and is known as one of the most powerful foods nature has to offer. Along with the acai berry, there is an additional 18 berries and fruits that comprise the MonaVie, and many are questioning if it can be used as an arthritis remedy.

One of the products that could act as an arthritis remedy is called MonaVie Active. This drink has wonderful antioxidants and phytonutrients to neutralize damaging free radicals, and make the body much healthier. Free radicals are responsible for many of the problems in our joints, and the antioxidants in the Active formula help alleviate the issue.

As the antioxidants and phytonutrients are absorbed by the body, the free radicals become neutralized. Once the free radicals are reduced, the flexibility and mobility of the joints becomes much greater. The nutrient glucosamine that is in the remedy produces glycoproteins. Glycoproteins are critical to healthy cartilage in the joints, and of course the surrounding connective tissue, and are largely responsible for the increase in flexibility.

Most arthritis sufferers have difficulty with their range of motion. Significant rewards can occur in that range of motion, because the ingredients in the Active formula effectively "lubricate" the joints, allowing for better movement. It's very obvious that when you give the body what it needs nutritionally, the better it will perform.

The arthritis remedy potential has been researched to determine what effect it can have on the health of the body. It has been scientifically proven that the antioxidants that stem from the super fruits are the neutralizers of the free radicals. The acai berry is the most important super fruit, as it harbors anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. These anthocyanins seek and destroy the ability of the free radicals to hurt us. Drinking approximately 2-4 ounces of the Active formula enables these crucial anthocyanins to do their work.

A very exclusive freeze drying process is used to fully capture the total nutritional value in the fruits and berries. To make the Active formula and enable the arthritis remedy to be feasible, this freeze drying capability allows the formula to maintain its ORAC score (a method to determine the antioxidant power). Because the preservation of the nutrients, especially the acai berry, is so important, freeze drying has greatly enhanced the ability of the product to benefit its users. The fantastic ORAC rating, which has been tested on a gram for gram basis, beats most any other fruit or vegetable powder.

A few more interesting facts have been associated with the arthritis remedy. The first one indicates that regular consumers of the product have shown an increase in vitality and healthier joints. Secondly, a 12 week study indicated that every one who took part showed a large increase in the knee and lumbar region as far as range of motion goes. These same participants realized a significant decrease in their overall discomfort in general.

The Active cocktail benefits range from protecting our cells against free radicals, many nutrients for better health, massive antioxidant delivery with approximately 13 servings of fruits and vegetables, and the ability to slow the aging process by containing the correct nutritional components. This very feasible MonaVie arthritis remedy is a winner. - 17273

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Nutrition and Immunity " Protect Yourself this Winter Season

By Nanci S. Guest MSc, Registered Dietitian

Along with the shorter days and falling leaves come the colds and flu, however, not for everyone! Survival of the fittest " the fittest immunity that is. We know to wash our hands frequently, dress warmly, get plenty of rest, and of course incorporate daily exercise into our routine, but can the foods we eat really make a difference in our efforts to fight off colds and the flu? In my experience, there is no question that a well-nourished individual is more immunologically competent and better able to cope with illness/infection challenges than those with nutrient-poor diets. So where to start?

Your Foundation Diet

This is what I characterize as your day-to-day intake of the essential nutrients. Its not what you eat Friday nights after hockey or for the occasional birthday gathering, its what your food choice tendency is day-to-day over months and years that really impacts your overall resilience to create a body of health, vitality and strength. Your immune system is what protects you from viral infections, and the foods you eat have a major impact on your immune systems ability to fight off colds and flu. Balance, variety and moderation are three key areas to keep in check.

Balance Balance your meals and snacks by including at least 3 out of 4 food groups in each meal and 2 out of 4 for snacks. In general aim for lean/low fat proteins, unprocessed carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Examples: 1. Breakfast (all four food groups!) a. Grains: choose whole grain cereals high in fiber and low in sugar b. Fruits & Vegetables: sweeten by topping with berries or a sliced banana c. Meat or Alternatives: chopped almonds or walnuts add good fats and protein to your cereal bowl d. Dairy or Soy: Low fat milk or soy milk " a generous amount for a good blast of calcium and vitamin D.

2. Snack (two food groups) carrots sticks and a container of low-fat yogurt

Variety Escape routine and try new foods (plant derived) as often as possible. Phyto -(Greek for plant) chemicals are important nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and even chocolate and wine! Each plant derived food hosts its own profile of these powerful antioxidants " the more variety you eat the more of these antioxidants your body can utilize to fight disease and boost immunity.

Moderation Limited or moderate intake of unhealthy food is important too. Stay away from excess sugar and unhealthy fats, such as saturated fat and especially trans fats, which have been shown to suppress immune function. Watch alcohol intake as well, which can impair your ability to fight off pathogens.

Adequate intakes of vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and trace elements (Selenium, Zinc) are required for the immune system to function efficiently, however there is limited evidence of any benefits unless you are deficient (however in the case of vitamin D many of us might be). Taking a multivitamin/mineral a few times a week is a good safeguard for falling short, but supplements continue to prove their inferiority to a nutrient-rich diet. A variety of Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Lean Protein and Essential Fats are your key to optimal immune function.

Vitamin C Supplements

You need vitamin C for a healthy immune system, however you should get it from the fruits and vegetables you eat so that you also get other important nutrients, fiber and other phytochemicals and antioxidants that you won't get from dietary supplements. There is no current scientific evidence to support the idea that taking large doses of vitamin C will prevent or reduce the symptoms of colds or flu, however you can take dietary supplements to assure that you get enough vitamin C on the days you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. In addition, your immune system requires a constant influx of vitamin C when it's working hard to fight invaders, so drinking 100% juice or eating oranges every 2-3 hours at the onset and during a cold may shorten its duration.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has made news headlines numerous times over the past couple of years, and growing evidence suggest we need to at least triple our intakes, especially during winter months (unless you're lucky enough to live in the tropics!). Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D, and foods that are fortified with vitamin D (fluid milk/soy) are often inadequate to satisfy an adult's vitamin D requirement. Vitamin D deficiency, aside from poor bone health, has also been associated with increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, and infectious diseases. This is a supplement you may want to consider at 800-1000IU daily.

Zinc Supplements

Zinc is a mineral that is needed for a healthy immune system and is safe to take when ingested through food sources such as seafood, nuts and yogurt but more is not better although it's often sold as an over-the-counter natural treatment for colds. Zinc is necessary for optimal health but most studies show little or no benefit when studying zinc supplements. Zinc sold in a nasal gel form has been shown by several studies to cause a loss of the sense of smell in some patients and should be used with caution. Zinc is often sold as ingredient in lozenges that may help to sooth a sore throat in some. But supplementing with higher doses of zinc, particularly long term, can be toxic.


This herb is available as a dietary supplement and is used to prevent or decrease the duration of the common cold. Most studies show mixed results, however a meta-analysis of several studies reports that taking echinacea supplements may actually be beneficial, and the most effective preparation seems to be the pressed juice of the Echinacea purpura species


These "friendly or good bacteria" help to keep your digestive tract healthy and appear to have some beneficial effect on your whole-body immune system. Probiotics may be found in dietary supplements or as a nutritional ingredient in yogurt (be sure "active" or "live" cultures is in the ingredient list), yogurt drinks (Bio-K) and other foods. Some research does support the use of probiotics for reducing the symptoms and duration of the common cold.

Food First -- the foods listed here will give your immunity a boost, naturally!

For Vitamin C Citrus fruits and juices Apple juice Kiwi fruit Strawberries Broccoli Brussels sprouts Red/green/yellow Sweet potatoes Potatoes Tomatoes

For Vitamin E Vegetable oils Wheat germ Nuts Peanut butter Sunflower seeds Papayas Avocadoes Peppers

For Selenium Brazil nuts Grain products Wheat germ Wheat bran Oat bran Fish, shellfish Meat, poultry Eggs Beans

For Carotenoids Carrots Cantaloupe Sweet potatoes Pumpkin Broccoli Pink grapefruit Tomatoes/tomato products Dark green leafy Veggies

For Zinc Oysters and other seafood Red meat Poultry Fortified breakfast cereal Whole grains Beans Nuts - 17273

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Beachbody Products to Note

By Jesse Regan

More and more people are putting great emphasis on keeping themselves fit and healthy. This is mostly because the rate of obesity and the health problems that are connected to this problem. People are now adopting a healthier lifestyle, including eating a proper diet. Exercising is another good thing that you can do in order to keep your fitness level up. Going to the gym and hiring a personal trainer is a common thing to do. However, the economic and financial crisis that we are experiencing today makes doing so is a bad idea since memberships to great gyms and hiring a good personal trainer can cost a lot of money. The best way that you can keep yourself fit and not spend too much money is to do your workouts at home, in which you can enroll in an online program which can help you in your workout routines.

This may sound like an expensive ordeal, but in reality it is not. In fact, you will surely save more money this way. One of the most top selling home workout programs is the Beachbody Program. It is an online fitness system from a fitness company that manufactures and markets fitness brands and products such as the Turbo Jam, P90X, Hip Hop Abs, Power 90 and Slim in 6.

The Beachbody products, although a tad intense at times, are immensely fun, and extremely effective. A lot of the customers of the Beachbody program have been nothing but awed with the outcome that they experienced from these incredibly fun and easy to do workouts and the products that they used.

So, what are the most noteworthy Beachbody products? First off, there's the P90X workout series, which is one of the company's top best sellers. The P90X workout series is presenting their customers with the capacity to obtain super fit, sexy and sculpted healthy bodies in a period of ninety days. This product boasts of doing so from the comfort of your own home with no need to use any heavy and expensive equipment.

Another noteworthy product in the Beachbody program is the Shakeology program. This product is a tasty shake that you drink as a replacement for one of your meals in a day. The system comes with a DVD with instructions and a workout routine that you do three times per week. By following this and eating healthy, you will loose weight and get a fit body in no time.

The Shakeology program is complemented by the Shakeology Fiber Boost. Adding this flavorless powder into your daily Shakeology shake or any other shake or drink will give you more fiber in your diet. It is very easy to mix in, so you will not be feeling any lumps at all.

The Beachbody Company workout accessories are verynoteworthy too. Top sellers are the Plyometrics Mat, which are creafted for safety, comfort, longevity and performance. There is also the Beachbody Squishy Ball, a small but very effective resistance ball used to tighten up and tone the abdominal muscles.

These are some samples of information about fitness tips that you can access on the internet. - 17273

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Is Your Child On The Road to Obesity? 4 Mistakes You Can Fix Now

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Whether you live on the west coast or the east coast, the silent killer called obesity is aggressively moving through our communities. More than likely, if you are not directly affected, the chances are that you have friends or family members who are loosing control of their weight.

For some people, this is tied to genetics - there are several genetic triggers that, when we lived hand to mouth as a species, were survival traits. Being able to store fat in prosperous times was an insurance of survival in the winter. Also in that calculus lies the fact that we have, as a population, become more sedentary as technology has progressed.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in looking at childhood obesity and nutrition. Nutritionists estimate that for every point of body mass index a child is overweight by before puberty, the adult that child will grow into will be three points overweight by the time they're thirty. Type II diabetes, where body stress from overeating builds up resistance to insulin, is becoming more prevalent in teenagers.

At the ages of 12 - 16 is when most young girls and boys are self conscious about their bodies. Even "normal looking" kids get teased. If we allow our children to continue down a slippery slope toward obesity, we are setting them up for a very difficult childhood. Parents must be told that healthy eating habits and not Slimfast diet shakes or Medifast meals are the key to weight loss and a nutritious lifestyle.

On the positive side of things, I want to let you know that there is hope. There is an easy way to solve this downward trend.

Remember when you were a kid? You know, before video games like the Nintendo Wii. You actually had friends who played outside with you. You had energy and used it.

If you felt tired or felt dehydrated, you immediately reached for a glass of water or milk. Sweets were a treat for good behavior rather than your main course. Snacks did not come prepackaged but rather apples, oranges and bananas were your choice.

This same attitude can be instilled in your kids, but you have to be strict about it. Keep your kids on the smallest amount of soda you can. If you do give your kids soda, give them diet soda, or a mixture of diet and regular; the key here is that you don't want to give them a sugar addiction early on. Humans are evolved to prefer sweet as a flavor, and the amount of sugar in a can of non diet soda has increased 30% since 1970.

Another simple trick is to schedule snack times along with family style meals. As an example, rather than Johnny eating a snack whenever he is bored, you establish certain times during the day when he will have a snack and what his choices are. By doing this early, it minimizes the impulse eating and helps children make proper choices.

Staying physically active is an absolute necessity. Children are usually mirror images of their parents. If you as a parent live a sedentary life, the chances of your child duplicating your example are very high. If you have little league teams in your town, encourage your children to participate. Not all kids are athletic but all kids need to be active. In addition, set aside at least one day in the week where the entire family is physically active together. It could be a walk in the park or playing tag in the backyard.

Start early with your children. Sit down with them and honestly and directly explain why living a healthy lifestyle is important. If you are reading this today, you are the future of your family. An always remember, nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels. - 17273

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Let Cliffside Malibu Help You With Your Eating Disorders

By Joy Banerjee

Well, the urge to have something can be really tempting. You don't need to worry about this anymore, because help is here.When was the last time you wanted to have something but resisted because you were allergic to it?

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from a very private, two-acre estate, the exclusive Cliffside Malibu eating disorder center offers world-class treatment for debilitating conditions such as bulimia and anorexia. The expert staff is experienced in treating people suffering from eating disorders and they have prepared a treatment program that is designed specifically to give you the highest chance at a successful recovery.

Care and treatment programs are tailor-made according to you and your needs, ensuring that 100% safe and sound recovery is possible. One therapist is assigned who will be with you throughout the therapy session, guiding and motivating you. No need to worry because individual attention is the foremost thing that they offer.

The chef and his staff prepare gourmet meals that are fresh, nutritious and promote good health. Therapy might mean boring food at most of the places, but here you will find healthy, delicious food giving you a homely feeling. Private beach access, heated lap pool, comfortable bedrooms equipped with modern amenities and a wide range of recreational activities will take care of you and your loved ones.

Bulimia, Anorexia and other eating disorders can have a hugely negative impact on your health and when you beat the disorder, you will reap immediate and long-lasting health benefits.Besides individual counseling and psychological therapy, the Cliffside Malibu eating disorder treatment program includes group and family therapy sessions. The staff is dedicated to doing everything possible to help you succeed, supporting you along the way.

Our 24-hour service (everyday of the week ) will ensure that you recover and stay healthy throughout your life. So call us today and get yourself cured. Call 800-501-1988. - 17273

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Weight Loss is Easier with Portion Control

By Kristin Johnston

Many dieters are familiar with the so called yo yo or roller coast diet. The phenomenon of cutting weight only to gain it back in a cycle with no long term weight loss.

Many of these people are committing a crucial mistake that makes it almost impossible for them to be successful. Their mistake is not focusing on portion control. Portion control is the amount of food they are eating.

We all know that over eating is a major cause of being over weight and still many dieters do not set a specific goal for how much to eat daily and even less take the time to record how much they are consuming.

It is understandable that many people do not want to take the time or the energy to write down their daily food intake but it can be an incredible important step. It allows you to know exactly how your body reacts to specific foods and meal plans. If you are not already in the habit of making a note of what you eat and when you should start.

If you do set a daily limit your food intake but do not keep detailed records you should start. You may be surprised how your actual eating compares to your perceived consumption.

Some diets, such as Weight watchers, do instruct dieters to keep a close eye on the food they eat and the calories they are consuming. These diets are built around strict guidelines for the types and amounts of food to eat. Many people find this helpful when trying to plan out healthy food and snack options for the day.

They also encourage everyone to maintain a records of their daily meals and snacks. By realizing what they eat compared to heir target deals diets can easily see where they need to make changes.

Many people who have failed in diets before do not realize how much they were actually consuming while on "diets" in the past until they began keeping accurate and detailed records of their eating.

Keeping a food journal can also help you to understand how your body reacts to different diets. Not everyone alive will lose weight on the same diets, every diet effects every person a bit differently. If you know exactly what you have been eating you will know exactly what food has caused you to lose or gain weight. - 17273

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3 Ways to Heat Raw Vegan Food

By Alistair Bedingford

The concept of a hot raw meal is counter intuitive, how can a meal be hot and yet be considered raw. Hot raw meals are possible because of how raw food is defined. Most definitions of raw food state that food is considered raw as long as it is not heated above 115F, the reason for this that enzymes found in food, breakdown at 115F. Here are some methods to enjoy a warm raw meal.

Method #1 Use a Food Dehydrator

Using a raw dehydrator is by far the best way to cook hot raw food. A raw food dehydrator is a device that uses very low heat to pull the water out of food so the trick is to keep the temperature under 115F. There are lots of great raw dehydrator recipes out there such as recipes for hot raw crackers and raw cookies.

Method #2 Use Warm Water to Heat Raw Food

Warm water is another method that is used to produce warm raw meals. Simply combine warm water with veggies to make raw soups. Just make sure that the water is under 115F, this especially great during the winter or a on a cold day.

Method #3 Heat raw food on a Stove

Another method for preparing a warm raw dish is to use the stove. The trick here is to slowly heat by keeping heat setting on low. As long as you can stick a finger in the dish it is not too hot to kill the enzymes. If you want to be more precise however, you can use a thermometer. This method is great for making delicious warm raw chili.

The dehydrator, cooking with warm water and low heat on the stove are three great ways to have warm raw dishes. These three methods will expand your raw culinary choices and give you lots of fun trying tasty new raw food combinations. - 17273

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Growing Your Own Mini Vegetables without the Need for a Garden!

By Nick Jaggs

Through indoor micro farming one has unlimited access throughout the year to mini salads, micro greens and bean sprouts that are healthy and intensely flavoured. When plants are young they are also more nutritious and in some cases sprouted baby vegetables have considerably more nutritional value than you would get from more mature ones.

A large number of us know about the small stacking bean sprouters available and that you sit on a kitchen window sill. They do offer you a taste of the health benefits to be collected from seed and bean sprouts but will only do so on an irregular basis unless you set up several of these units. Often they only provide you with regular garnish sized portions. Also these systems do not have the capabilities for the use of soil need to sprout things like sunflower greens, pea shoots as well as wheatgrass which is become increasingly popular with being able to juice.

Hassle-Free Healthy Young Sprouts & Salads. Also when it comes to caring for the mini plants in the traditional sprouters or sprouting jars can be a chore as they constantly need rinsing and watering when you want to increase how much of their health enhancing nutrients you consume. It becomes even more difficult to grow them successfully when you are out at work all day.

So what will you need to if you have limited space and would like the opportunity to grow healthy micro greens and sprouts so you don't need to keep spending money on the inferior kinds at your local store?

There is one solution that will allow you to be able to successfully grow all year round plentiful supplies of organic pea shoots, micro salads, sunflower greens, beans and seed sprouts effortlessly. There is even any need for you to use sophisticated temperature controlled indoor growing rooms that rely on hydroponics of fancy artificial lighting. The solution requires only a small amount of space, doesn't require too much electricity to power it or a water supply or ambient lighting.

The EasyGreen Makes it EasyGrown. With the self contained fully automated EasyGreen MikroFarm hydroponics system you can very effectively produce enough of your favourite sprouts simply to make a different in your life and provide you with their many health benefits. Just a one box solution that will provide you with regular crops of mini vegetables but other plants as well. Chefs can even use these to grow good quality micro greens, baby salads and garnishes for their restaurants. As the EasyGreen is a modular system it provides you with the ability to place units on top of each so increasing the number of crops you can grow.

It allows you to grow all types of bean and seed sprouts, wheatgrass that can be juiced, sunflower greens with or without the need for soil, pea shoots to be used as garnishes or in salads, micro herbs to add flavour to your plate and miniature salad leaves. The possibilities are endless. You can even look at using a food dehydrator as well to add some variety to the mix.

How Does it Work? The system is very simple to use because at the heart of the EasyGreen you will find some very advanced hydroponic technology. The rectangular box is separated into two sections the front used for the growing of the crops and the rear acts as reservoir where water with any organic nutrients can be placed. Covering the tray is clear polycarbonate lid that ensures that sufficient amounts of light can shine on to the seeds and a timer allows you to decide when the plants will be sprayed with water from the reservoir. So you are the one that has complete control over how much the plants you are growing are provided with.

There is a wide selection of growing trays to choose from and can be tailored to meet the size of your growing chamber and in turn allowing you to mix and match the crops that you like to grow. In the larger trays you have the opportunity to grow crops in bulk quantities such as wheatgrass, baby salads or sunflower sprouts. Whilst the smaller (junior) trays allow you to grow up to 10 types of crops at any one time.

Simplicity Means Success. Each EasyGreen system comes with a specialist pump that creates an ultra fine mist of water that is oxygenated and provides you with a more optimized and advance growing environment for your crops. As the seeds contained within are watered evenly there is no need to initially pre-soak them and will often grow much more quickly. Also the mist has sufficient amounts of oxygen in it that is beneficial to the growth of the young crops roots. The generator also provides you with complete control over the growing chamber that is ventilated because every time the crops are watered the air is being filtered and cleaned. Plus because these systems contain no water jets or dripper nozzles you want have to spend time dealing with blockages.

Where your water is sourced from is your decision and if you choose to add nutrients like Kelp to the reservoir is another decision for you to make in order to improve the crops vitality at harvest time. Using this system you decide when the crops get watered during the day and night at intervals of no less than 15 minutes at a time. Once the seeds are laid in the tray the reservoir needs to be filled and the timer set for when to water the crops and after doing this you can just forget about it. This is certainly of benefit to those who lead very busy lifestyles. However, you shouldn't forget to make sure that the reservoir is regularly topped up and also to harvest the crops once they have reached their most nutritious and flavoursome stage of growth.

Unlike other types of hydroponic systems the EasyGreen is one where the use of soil or compost in the trays is allowed and so is ideal for long growing crops such as wheatgrass, baby salads or sunflower greens. This system is undoubtedly the best no matter what sorts of sprouts or mini plant you wish to grow in yours and provides you with a regular convenient supply of foods to boost your health. Plus these use very little power and so won't have an adverse affect on the environment and although the cost to purchase is high initially you will soon begin to reap the health benefits from using it.

Each EasyGreen MikroFarm measures 24 by 18 inches and comes with five long trays. There are other trays available and can be brought at the same time as your initial purchase and will typically cost you around 149 in the UK to buy. It also includes a manual that is not only informative but offers guidelines and tips for growing different types of sprouts. This particular model can be purchased through UK Juicers Ltd who import it into the UK and provide with it a comprehensive sprouting book that will enable you to quickly become an expert in relation to this health subject. Also this company offer a range of high quality organic sprouting seeds to get you up and running. - 17273

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Great Suggestions On Healthy Alternatives To Make For Breakfast and How It Will Help You To Maintain Your Weight

By Connor Sullivan

With crazy and hectic schedules, a lot of people don't make the time to have a good and healthy breakfast. In fact, a lot of people simply do not have anything for breakfast and skip the most essential meal of the day. This article will give tips on the various things you may make for a wonderful healthy start to your day. It will offer great healthy smoothies that you can take with you on the go made in a Vitamix blender and gobi berries, or a fast healthy egg dishes in addition to things to make and freeze to quickly have in the morning.

The main reason why so many people do not have breakfast is that they are rushing around in the morning. If you would just give yourself 5-10 minutes extra in the morning that is all that is needed to make a nutritious and great breakfast for yourself and your family . The other issue many people do is that the quick things that they do grab for breakfast are full of unhealthy doses of high fat and sugar. Donuts, muffins and enormous white flour bagels are some examples of these bad choices that many people turn to for breakfast.

If you travel a great distance for work and would like to be able to have your breakfast on the go, a wonderful alternative to a good breakfast is to create a smoothie packed full of nutritious elements . It may as easy as a few ingredients such as chocolate soy milk, frozen strawberries and a banana that tastes decadent and was invented by Oprah's trainer. Or it can include some vegetables along with some fruit and berries in addition to yogurt to make it a filling and terrific energy booster to get you going . If you don't think you will be likely to make your own smoothie for breakfast and are willing to pay the added expense to purchase one instead, try the different Odwalla varieties that come in fruit or vegetable types and are a wonderful way to start your day.

Eggs are another great source of protein to start your morning off on the right foot . A great breakfast recipe that adults and children like is a simple and quick breakfast burrito. Simply scramble one egg with three egg whites and mix in whatever vegetables you like . Put this in a flour tortilla and top with salsa and there is a perfect breakfast that took you about 5 minutes to make . Egg white omelets are also good options for breakfast and may be served with a slice of whole wheat toast.

Steel cut oatmeal is the final idea that is wonderful but takes a bit longer to make so make it in advance and freeze it in single portions . Then you simply microwave it and top it will some berries and you are all set . All of these healthy options will assist you to consume less during the day and keep you focused on your studies or at the office . - 17273

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What You Need To Know About Total Knee Replacement

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Have you tried everything to get some relief from your knee pain? If you are no stranger to braces, canes, cortisone injections, and other methods of dealing with knee pain, yet you still have knee pain, you may want to consider total knee replacement. This successful, time-tested method of eliminating knee pain and returning mobility may be exactly what you need.

Knee pain that interferes with the simplest activities - standing, sitting, walking, climbing stairs, and even resting - needs to be addressed decisively.

Total knee replacement is the treatment of choice for this kind of pain and inconvenience. You know it is safe because it has been practiced successfully since 1968. During that time, the methods and materials used for this popular operation have just gotten better and better. In the United States, alone, there are over 581,000 knee replacement surgeries performed every year.

Have you spoken with your orthopedic surgeon about knee replacement yet, or are you just starting to think about it? Either way, you are sure to find useful information in this article.

Click here for more on total knee replacement .

What Are Knees Made Of?

Three bones make up the knee. The thigh bone, the shin bone, and the knee cap. Your orthopedic surgeon may refer to these as the femur, the tibia, and the patella - respectively. As the largest and most used joint in the body, the knee is most likely to be injured.

Holding the knee together are the medial and lateral collateral ligaments and the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. These strong bands of tissue connect the femur and the tibia and stabilize the knee.

The muscles of the thigh also play a strong part in the strength and stability of the knee. Strong thigh muscles mean strong knees.

Articular cartilage forms a pad between the bones of the knee. This pad keeps the bones separated and allows them to move without grinding against each other. With this smooth cushioning your knee can move smoothly and easily. Additionally, the knee comes equipped with natural shock absorbers called the lateral menisci. These are semicircular, fibrous cartilage rings that add stability to the overall structure.

All of the bones of the knee are lined with synovial membrane. This thin, smooth tissue makes a special lubricant that keeps all of the parts of the knee operating smoothly.

When perfectly balanced, the knee operates smoothly and efficiently. However, it is easy for the knee to suffer injury or become the victim of arthritis. When this happens, the balance is thrown askew. The result is pain and a loss of strength and mobility.

The usual candidate for total knee replacement surgery is between the ages of sixty and eighty; however, this is not always the case. Many very young patients and many very old patients have also had successful knee replacement surgery for everything from juvenile arthritis to degenerative arthritis to injury. When your orthopedic surgeon evaluates your case, he or she will look more at your pain and your loss of mobility than at your age. - 17273

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A Good, Healthy, Natural Detox

By Michael Giggs

You don't need to starve yourself to achieve the benefits of a detox diet. Doing so will actually make you even less healthy. Instead of depriving yourself by eating and drinking less, you should be concentrating your efforts on eating and drinking healthy, wholesome alternatives.

Every day, you should look to eat four to six meals small portioned meals at consistent times. Have your largest meals at breakfast and lunch. and consume increasingly less as the day wears on. How you cook your food is also vitally important. Frying food is unhealthy, so choose grilling, steaming or baking instead.

Whether they're canned, dried, fresh or frozen, fruits and vegetables are fundamental to a healthy detox diet. You should have five portions of them a day at a minimum.

There are many fruits you can choose from so try as many as you can. Ones to consider include apples, bananas, grapes, tangerines, avocados, blackcurrants, cherries, clementines, dates, chestnuts, figs, grapefruit, blackberries, kiwifruit, limes, mandarins, oranges, raspberries, blueberries, nectarines, lemons, pineapples, pomegranates, melons, red currants, peaches, strawberries, plums, tomatoes or apricots.

For vegetables, there is just as a wide a choice: aubergine, beetroot, asparagus, broccoli, broad beans, carrots, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cherry tomatoes, courgette, eggplant, cucumber, cress, haricot beans, gherkin, green pepper, green beans, parsnips, peas, potatoes, red peppers, pumpkin, spinach, rhubarb, spring onions, runner beans, turnips, sweet corn, water cress, swede, and yellow pepper.

Consuming plenty of seeds, nuts, fiber, beans and grain, is another important step in detox dieting. The following items are particularly beneficial: lentils, walnuts, buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, pinto beans, wholemeal pasta, millet, chickpeas, cereal, rice cakes, mung beans, baked beans, almonds, kidney beans, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseed, and pumpkin seeds.

Now for food types to avoid. As part of a healthy detox diet, try not to eat anything that contains sugar, processed meat, red meat, pastry, breads, wheat and any dairy products. Though they may not be outright bad for you, they are more difficult for your body to digest and process. - 17273

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Feeling Inspired by the 500 Calorie Diet HCG?

By Amelia Handley

Nothing can get you moving on something like the proper motivation. Losing weight is definitely one of those things that requires motivation...or in other words, inspiration! What's your inspiration? Do you focus on your pre-baby weight? Do you remember your cross country abilities back in high school and dream of at least being able to fit in those shorts? Do you think about being able to navigate your way through a packed dining room without having to excuse yourself to a large portion of diners as you attempt to squeeze behind their chairs? If it's inspiration you're looking for...you might want to listen to the buzz about the 500 calorie diet HCG inspired. Its sheer effectiveness makes it a fantastic inspiration.

A 500 calorie diet can't be effective on its own. It depends upon the unique effects of the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula on the physiological function of the body. It removes the difficulty of operating while HUNGRY! And it recreates the opportunity for your body to absorb fat cells rather than just empty them and hang onto them.

Sticking to the very strict diet is the hardest part of the 500 calorie diet HCG makes possible. There are absolutely no fatty foods allowed. And most of us are VERY used to incorporating fatty foods into our diets. You won't even be eating fatty meats; only the very leanest meats are allowed. Many think they just can't do it, but HCG Diet Direct provides a variety of tools that make the diet more versatile that it at first appears.

HCG Diet Direct offers a variety of tools to make dieters successful on the 500 calorie diet HCG inspired. They offer online access to general information and frequently asked questions, email and online contact options for questions or comments, additional useful dieting products, and an extremely popular eCookbook. The eCookbook drastically increases the ability of dieters to add variety to their very strict diet.

Following the rules to the "tee" is the best way to ensure that you will succeed on the 500 calorie diet HCG inspired. The easiest way to stick to the rules is to eat what you prepare. It's harder to stick to the diet if you are accepting food from someone else or trying to order food that fulfills the requirements. If possible prepare your own lunch and take it with you to work.

And if your personal situation makes sticking to the 500 calorie diet HCG inspired difficult...just think of losing up to 2 pounds of weight per day. Those are absolutely amazing average results! And they could be your's. It's well worth the effort. - 17273

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