Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Juicing Changes Health for The Best

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. My job here though is to remind you that your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste the triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

Digesting food takes the first priority in the body mind. Looking for nutrition or cleaning up bad food is the body's first job. I'm searching for ways to emphasize that because it's very important because there in an intense cycle that repeats itself. To understand the cycle allows for healing or disease. When denatured or mineral-depleted foods are the mainstay of the body, the body uses it's supply of pancreatic enzymes to move a bolus of food through the body at any given time. As the body supply runs low food putrefies, disease sets in, the body has little or no energy to heal or restore homeostasis and a person finds themselves in a crisis.

Illness used as an opportunity to heal the entire Being, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically is the life altering miracle that some people write about. The idea is to eat as much organic raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. And you dont have to be sick to juice.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

Try these simple formulas: 1. Blood Building: 7 carrots, 1 beet with the greens and a handful of parsley. Add a green apple if you like. 2. Beautiful Skin: 2 Cucumbers, handful of parsley, 7 carrots, a green apple and kale. 3. Arthritis: handful of cherries, a handful of blueberries, and pineapple. Also try: pineapple, 6 carrots, and a handful of spinach. These three are only a taste of the many juice recipes you can play with. You will create many of your own favorites.

Juicing allows for simple assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Remember,always, that when ill you want to make all things as simple and restful to the body as possible.

As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. The middles of all stores contain that which is lifeless. In all times and especially in times of illness, eat from the outside live isles of your organic food store. Create an extra ten years of quality life by making a commitment to eat 75% whole live and organic foods.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

You Are Healthy, Ellen Valentine - 17273

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The Best Way To Find Pure Noni Juice Products

By Nathan Marks

The term pure noni juice refers to pure, unadulterated noni juice that is not blended or mixed with other fruit juices. In addition it should be free from preservatives, added sugars and flavors (both natural and artificial).

For some people, pure noni juice also means that it is unpasteurized however most noni juice products on the market (including pure noni juice) for safety reasons do go through the pasteurization process. More often than not, pure noni juice is made from organically grown noni that has been allowed to age and ferment naturally for a period of 3 to 6 months. This makes for a more concentrated juice packed full of all the beneficial vitamins and nutrients that the noni fruit contains.

However, just because a given product is labeled as pure noni juice this does not mean that it is of the highest quality. This is because products labeled as pure noni juice can have varying quantities of vitamins and other nutrients and can also differ in flavor. Much depends on what stage of ripeness the fruit was at the time it was harvested and also the way in which it was processed. Noni which has been picked when not quite ripe will not ferment as easily as noni fruit which has already ripened. When noni is picked at full ripeness, the aging process will produce a juice which has a better flavor and a higher nutritional content. This results in a much higher quality pure noni juice product.

This is an important thing to keep in mind; there are manufacturers who habitually harvest their noni prematurely, meaning that the end product even though labeled as pure noni juice, suffers in comparison to pure noni juice products made from fully ripened fruit. The fruit can take as long as six months to ferment and the longer the fermentation process, the more concentrated the pure noni juice will be and the higher its nutritional value.

Another factor to consider is that while many companies market their products as being pure noni juice, for instance as stated on the label, it is not in fact always pure. The product might just contain the pulp or an extract which is then mixed with other juices to give it the appearance of being pure noni juice. There are even products available with only minute amounts of actual noni juice and which nevertheless are marketed as being pure.

So in order to be certain that you are buying the purest product available be sure to read the label very carefully. Check to see whether it contains only noni juice and as such is not blended with other fruit juices.

The origin of the juice is another clue to its quality; the best noni (and thus the best pure noni juice) comes from Hawaii, Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands. These are places with volcanic soil which is ideal for growing noni. As long as you're looking at the label, you may want to check to see if the pure noni juice product you're looking at is pasteurized.

The FDA is not responsible for ensuring that these products are actually as pure as their manufacturers claim, so in this case consumers are on their own to evaluate this. If you're interested in doing so, it is possible to make sure that you're getting authentic pure noni juice by buying noni fruit and fermenting it yourself. It's easy enough to do - just leave the fruit in a bowl at room temperature. As the noni ferments, juice will leak out, which you can then collect. If at all possible, choose organically grown fruit if you plan to make your own pure noni juice.

If pure noni juice is what you're looking for, you'll have to be a careful shopper to make sure you're really getting noni juice and not some other sort of juice cocktail which has only the smallest amount of noni juice. If you want all of the nutritional value and health benefits which the noni fruit has to offer, make sure that you're buying pure noni juice and nothing else. - 17273

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Know How to Get Fit and Stay Active Over Fifty

By Scott Fisher

If you are over 50 you have probably begun to wonder how you will spend your "Golden Years". After decades of working non stop, looking forward to so much free time might make you both happy and nervous. The key to making the most of your retirement is to get healthy and stay active.

The ads targeting men and women your age are everywhere. You see seniors rock climbing, hiking, and swimming. Your peers tell stories about fun on the golf course or tennis court. So many enjoy activities with friends and family like bicycling and ballroom dancing. Many seniors today are living full and active lives and you may wonder how you can enjoy your retirement as they do. The key to having the best years ever is fitness over 50.

You may be out of shape after decades of stressful work every weekday or more. Many people enter their 50s sedentary, overweight, unfit, and unhealthy. If you do not become active in your retirement, you will find that you quickly become unhealthier. Your sedentary lifestyle can have potentially fatal repercussions like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer.

A fitness regiment designed to meet your over 50 needs will help you get the most out of retirement and prevent illness. Fitness is not hard, so do not be intimidated by your age. You may not want to start with the same intensity you would have in your youth, but you can still get the same amazing results. The first step is to create a quality exercise program.

Strength training or bodybuilding over 50 is an important part of an exercise program. Bodybuilding builds muscle mass and makes you strong enough for all the activities you want to do in your retirement. Rock climbing, long hikes, and family bike rides means that you will need strong muscles to support you. Bodybuilding prepares you for this kind of activity and can help you stay free and independent for decades to come.

Cardio and flexibility exercises are also important. Cardio workouts strengthen your heart, lungs, and blood circulation. It gives you endurance for activities like tennis matches and swimming. Flexibility exercises, like yoga, keep your muscles stretched and joints limber so that you can enjoy activities like an evening spent ballroom dancing with someone special.

Although exercise is an important part of fitness, you also need to practice good nutrition and make positive lifestyle changes. You should reduce fats and sugary carbohydrates in your diet. Also increase your consumption of protein, nutrients, and water. Positive lifestyle changes means that you should reduce areas of stress in your life. You should also stop any habits that harm your health, such as smoking or alcohol.

You can control how active you remain. If you are healthy, you will be able to do all of the things you dreamed of doing when you retired. If you want the "Golden Years" to be the best yet, today is the day to start a fitness program. - 17273

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Ready To Lose Weight Fast?

By Melissa Newton

Every weight loss program on the market guarantees results. Most advertise changes in diet to help lose weight fast and boost health. When looking for a program to help lose fat make sure that it includes easy to follow meal plans to make your weight loss more efficient and easily attainable.

I'll give you some tips so that you can try by yourself before buying any products. If you really want to lose weight one of the best things to do is lower your daily calorie consumption by 500 at the most. This should be combined with a daily exercise routine of at least 60 minutes.

Now let's take a look at the math. You should expect to reduce your daily calorie intake by 1000 to 1200 calories when paired with a daily workout program. In your first week of following this program you should reasonably see a one to two pound weight loss. You can continue this for a few weeks until you accomplish your short term goals. Someone that weighs 250 pounds can reasonably expect to lose three to four pounds in one week.

Another way to help reduce your caloric intake is to reduce starch and salt. Excess amounts of salt can cause water retention. If you reduce the intake of salty food you should decrease your water retention and weight. Some other foods to limit are one that have high levels of sugar like chocolate, pastries, ice cream and other treats. You should also avoid fatty foods and deceivingly unhealthy foods such as lean meat, skinless chicken, nondairy products and fish. You should replace them with soy products, fruits and vegetables and egg whites.

These are just a few changes you can make to begin towards your ultimate weight loss goals. The tips included in this article are a great jumping off point for you to begin a more healthy lifestyle. There are many more changes you can make to transform your eating habits and weight loss. - 17273

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The Reasons to Consider Walking

By Alice Griffin

I was pretty bummed about the idea of having to give up my car when I moved to a city. Then again, there was a hidden benefit that I never realized existed. People here are slimmer.

Do we eat healthier foods? Perhaps to an extent, though the city is filled with delicious pizza restaurants, burger joints, and other unhealthy food genres that seem to attract very many patrons on a regular basis.

The answer definitely has something to do with a small daily activity that has a profound impact on weight loss. This activity is walking. No one really drives a car here, which requires most people to walk in order to get from one place to another.

Whether someone's walking to a friend, their job, the subway, or more, it's not at all uncommon to spend a lot of time walking through the course of a day. People don't blink at the thought of walking a mile to get somewhere.

While it's more convenient to drive, the walker has burned calories in the process, not to mention the fact that such physical activity is always a good means of staying in shape.

They say that every mile walked will burn somewhere between 50 and 60 calories. That's the equivalent of 7 grams of fat, which really adds up over time. Walk this distance both ways, and you'll definitely begin to see some benefits over time.

Doing so really only takes a few extra minutes, and there are other benefits as well. It's nice to be outside, and you'll be keeping your legs fresh in general.

Some people have short attention spans and may have difficulty walking instead of driving. Replace your car radio with an MP3 player and some headphones, or make a phone call to keep you occupied as you walk.

Try walking in place of driving once daily and watch the results as they add up over time. This isn't an overnight miracle cure, but a steady habit such as this one will definitely prove its worth. - 17273

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Tips to Build Muscle with the Help of Nutrition

By Ricardo d Argence

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of an athlete's career. Still, many athletes do not realize the importance of this or they're just simply clueless about the subject. Not knowing anything about nutrition will lead to bad habits that then result in an unsuccessful career.

Too often, for example, a bodybuilder will take extreme measures to lose weight prior to a competition. In the process, they try to lose weight too fast and put undue stress on their body and health. This may actually be keeping them from reaching their goal, rather than helping them. Sufficient nutrients are essential to building and maintaining muscle and the best way to do this is to avoid developing bad habits. Having a nutritional plan in place and keeping track of what you eat and how much can help you get back on track.

The book "Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete" states that an exclusive high-protein diet negatively affects an athlete's training and career. Catherine Jackson, the book's author, explains that eating purely protein for a prolonged period often causes irritability and lowers stamina. This can be remedied by initially consuming adequate amounts of calories. ou can avoid the pitfalls of poor nutrition by making sure you're not experiencing any of the following throughout your training program:

Decreasing strength: Too little protein can have an impact on your ability to gain strength. Your source of protein should be from a variety of foods, such as egg whites, lean protein like chicken and tofu. The goal is to get enough protein in your diet and avoid unhealthy fat content.

Edgy and Irritable: Irritability is one of the hallmarks of low blood sugar. If you are finding it difficult to concentrate and focus it may be a result of not eating enough carbohydrates consistently. In order to stabilize blood sugar it is necessary to eat at evenly space times throughout the day. Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains but eat small portions.

Increase in sick days - Not eating a varied diet can make you prone to developing a cold or infection, which makes it very difficult for you to maintain a consistent workouts schedule. Make sure you're getting enough B-vitamins and minerals from a variety of foods to stay on the right track.

Reduced pace - If you've been focused on increasing endurance but can't get past your usual times on the treadmill or during your sprint sessions, you may not be fueling up or eating before your workout. Eat just a small amount of carbohydrate 1 hour before training. This will give you the fuel you need especially if you are training for speed.

No Ambition: If you are losing your desire and interest in your training program, it may be because of the poor diet you are feeding your body. Your body needs ample calories and nutrients to thrive under an intense training program. You may need to eat several small meals throughout the day and get an extra hour or two of sleep. Multiple small meals will help keep your blood sugar level at a consistent level. Sufficient sleep is needed to both rest your body and give it a chance to repair itself. - 17273

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Pros and Cons of Forced Reps

By Klint Newton

So after six reps of 150lbs on the bench press you decided to call it quits. You were pretty tired even though you know you could have knocked out eight if you had a spotter. You didn't though and didn't want to risk hurting yourself.

Enter the Forced Rep

The situation is the same. You are struggling with your sixth rep, but got it up. Your spotter encourages you to do a seventh. You lower the weight, and lift it about six inches off of your chest and your stuck. Without your spotter, you are in bad situation, but your spotter is there, and lifts about 10lbs of the weight, and you get past the sticking point to power the rest of the rep.

Now he thinks you should go for an eighth. You reluctantly and slowly lower the bar, but realize you can't get it back up. You simply can't lift the weight by yourself. Your spotter barely lifts the bar with you, only about 10-30lbs worth. After what feels like an hour you finally get the bar up and the set is over. This is a forced rep.

The true definition is: an extension of a particular set of repetitions in which your strength level at the beginning of the set has been reduced to a point of positive failure. This is the point at which you can't possibly move the weight by yourself. Your spotter steps in to barely help and you achieve maximum intensity. He only helps slightly but you are so tired that you feel like he's done all the work and you got nothing out of it. Trust me, you are the one who actually lifted that weight, he only helped.

The Good

The forced rep squeezes out every bit of intensity from your working muscles. When you are faced with a force rep, a physiological reaction occurs. When you are performing a rep and simply can not lift the weight, it's a scary feeling. There are only a few options, drop the weight on yourself or try to tilt the bar to make the weight fall off, or have your spotter help. Those are your mind's options, your body's options are DO or DIE. This releases a surge of adrenaline making you stronger and able to lift the rep. All in all, when one or two forced reps are used in an exercise, you will have no doubt that you have put in maximum intensity. You used all of the force that your muscles could produce at the time.

The Bad

When used in the right circumstanced forced reps are a good thing. It is very easy to get carried away. I use only one or two forced reps per exercise, not per set. Forced reps can lead to over training, and with every size gaining program you want to employ maximum intensity. When your body is performing a forced rep it is using it's maximum strength capacity, and when the intensity increases, duration must decrease. Pretty much if something is heavier and harder, you shouldn't be able to do more. Forced reps aren't bad, too many are.

Forced reps are a great way to get the most out of any set. They are a great way of knowing you reached maximum intensity, but within reason. This is why I suggest doing only two forced reps at the end of your last set. If you do more, or on more sets this will lead to muscular exhaustion and actually smaller muscles. - 17273

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How To Fade Scars

By Linda Robison

When searching methods on how to fade scars, you must be careful and not over dry or irritate the skin like many over the counter products can do. Your treatment should be powerful, gentle, and should not clog your pores. It should also aid in scar tissue healing -- while getting rid of acne scars. A truly effective scar removal treatment should work on all types of acne scars including: Ice pick scars, Atropic scars, and Hypertrophic scars,

In order for the best acne scar treatment to work effectively, it should contain a combination of different types of treatments including dermabrasion for scar fading and tissue healing and a skin lightener or eraser for removing scars and hyperpigmentation. The amount of success you can achieve from a scar removal product will vary from person to person depending on the person's skin type and how well they respond to treatment. But keep in mind that before seeking any facial scar treatment or any treatment for removing scars, it's important that your skin is clear and your acne breakouts are under control.

How To Treat Scars with Home Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a very effective way to fade a scar and encourage tissue healing. Dermabrasion is done by rubbing a slightly abrasive cream or lotion all over the skin to help to exfoliate away the top layers of the skin. A dermabrasion treatment can leave your skin feeling smooth, soft, and clean - while preparing to absorb the skin eraser/lightener more deeply. It's great for any type of skin, especially if you're over 40 years of age.

Removing Acne Scars - Skin Lightner/Fader

If you looking for another effective way on how to treat scars consider using a skin lightener to fade the red spots that scars leave behind. This will smooth out your skin tone giving you a nice creamy complexion. The perfect skin lightener should contain should natural, but powerful plant based ingredients. You want aid in scar tissue healing and not further irritate scar damaged skin. A good skin eraser can help rebuild skin from the inside out while healing scar tissue and fading discoloration, melasma, sun spots, and freckles.

Both scar removal methods listed above should be used together for optimum results. They can be used on all skin types and colors and will not only help in removing acne scar, but will unclog pores and give you clearer more radiant skin. These two steps are also great for dull, dry, and wrinkled skin. After just the first try you'll be amazed at how wonderful your skin will feel. I'm addicted to these two important steps and once you try - you will too. For more information visit the Best Treatment for Acne Scars . After years of research and evaluating the best treatment for acne scars, we have found this product to be superior and recommend it to patients with confidence. - 17273

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How to Make Healthy Whole Wheat Pancakes Tasty

By Jamis Hartley

We've gotten into the habit of eating a more healthy breakfast when we cook a full meal breakfast on the weekends. We do include sometimes some lean meats, but primarily we're pancake people.

They are yummy when they are fresh off the pan and they can be enjoyed in so many ways. Pancakes are delicious for sure, but the problem for many of us is not the pancake itself but all the stuff we pile or pour all over them.

Healthy whole wheat pancakes that are drowned in a sugary substance such as corn syrup aren't really the best kind of breakfast, but without syrup, you have sometimes just a plain piece of bread. Tasty bread, granted, but not all that you really want for breakfast.

To avoid smothering your possibly healthy whole wheat pancake find a different way to add flavor. One idea is to add some of the syrup you love into the batter for that same great taste but without the quantity typically used when pouring it all over the top. Another great idea to get more flavor by using less is by using real butter. Real butter has more flavor and requires you to use less while still getting that flavor we love. Butter hasn't been promoted so much over the years, but studies actually show that because of it's flavor we typically use less of it than the artificial stuff that comes with the trans fats. I simply prefer natural substances over artificial in all cases.

Adding flavor to our healthy whole wheat pancakes doesn't have to be a high calorie operation. There are lots of great ways to bring out flavor that will decrease our desire to pour sugary whatever all over the top of our steaming little pancake. The best place to start is with a yummy recipe that you can add to. By making the pancake taste better to begin with you will be able to enjoy them with a lot less calories after they are cooked.

If you really need topping, and some of us do, try a few teaspoons of fruit. Home made strawberry freezer jams have a much lower sugar content, are softer and more spreadable and taste super. Low sugar fruits such as peaches or pears are quite good and applesauce spread over pancakes is actually very good.

For a real treat, cook them a bit thinner, roll them up with fresh fruit inside them and top with a single dollop of whipped topping. Fresh fruit adds a festive look and taste to breakfast and no one is going to say no to healthy whole wheat pancakes and strawberries for breakfast.

Getting the kids to stop long enough for a meal isn't always easy. A family meal on the weekends with fresh fruit, whipped topping and healthy whole wheat pancakes makes it that much easier to get everyone sitting down and talking. Who knows, you might even start a tradition. - 17273

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