6 Week Body Makeover - Protein Diets Do Not Work
Therefore, even though you are consuming large amounts of protein, your body will break down your lean muscle to provide a source of glucose. Carbohydrates provide a source of glucose and your body will seek other places to find energy if you do not provide your body carbohydrates. Protein serves as a building block to increase muscle mass. However it only builds muscle if it is mixed with carbohydrates in the diet. The other problem is that muscle burns calories and if you start to lose lean muscle mass, your metabolism will decrease and you will gain weight.
Carbohydrates are a source of glucose (energy) and if your body is not receiving it from carbohydrates, it will break down your muscle tissue and use that as a form of energy. Protein consumption builds muscle mass, but the only way it builds muscle is when there is a source of carbohydrates. If your body breaks down lean muscle tissue, your metabolism will decrease. A lower metabolism leads to fewer calories burned.
Carbohydrates provide a source of energy, without carbohydrates your body will shut down and you will feel tired, angry and irritable. If you're on an all protein diet, it will be harder for you to concentrate as the brains source of fuel (glucose) will be depleted. When you consume carbohydrates, your body tends to retain water. On all protein diets, your body loses water weight quickly. This is one of the reasons why you lose weight at a rapid rate. However, losing water weight is not healthy and is not productive towards your long-term weight loss goals.
Now, that you know the dangers of high protein/no carb diets, consider a meal plan that shows you how to eat for a lifetime. The 6 Week Body Makeover is a plan, not a diet. You will learn how to eat the right foods to make you lose weight quickly. - 17273