Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Unearth The Healthy Benefits Of Acai Berries

By Wanda D Patterson

What if you could get a plethora of health advantages from one tiny little berry? Not only is this berry healthful, loaded with antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids but this berry is also delicious, reputed to taste like berries dipped in dark chocolate or a cross between a blueberry, a raspberry and a grape.

The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) that is only found in the Amazon rainforest fits all of these categories. It is extremely nutritious, boasting one of the highest antioxidant levels on the planet; it has a synergy of healthy fats and an almost perfect essential amino acid complex. All in all it is one of the healthiest nutritional discoveries of this century.

Antioxidants are molecules that are instrumental in slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is imperative to life but in excess it can damage our cells which in turn leads to many diseases, premature aging and even being overweight. Nature has given us an abundance of nutritious foods that are packed with antioxidants. The acai berry has been proven to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of any food ever found.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. The acai berry has the highest ORAC of any berry, at 10 times higher than grapes, twice as high as blueberries and even 10 to 30 times higher than red wine.

Not only that the acai berry has a host of essential fatty acids. The fatty acid content in this berry is like that in olive oil, as it is high in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid makes the cell membranes more supple. By keeping the cell membrane supple, all hormones, neurotransmitter and insulin receptors function more efficiently. This is crucial because high insulin levels have been linked to numerous diseases, most notably diabetes, but also heart disease and metabolic syndrome, which is believed to be a contributor to many different afflictions, including obesity.

All of the research being done on acai berries point to the fact that this tiny little berry is a nutritional powerhouse. It has been dubbed a superfood. The term superfood is used to describe a food with a high phytonutrient content that is believed to confer health benefits as a result.

The acai berry definitely fits into the category of a superfood as it has been proven to be beneficial in the protection against diseases, weight loss and the prevention of decline associated with aging.

The acai berry is exceptionally perishable so it is not available throughout the world in its fresh form but only in its processed forms, like juice or supplements. - 17273

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Building Muscle When You Are A Vegetarian

By Ricardo d Argence

You can build muscle if you are vegetarian, but let's first talk about what the different types of vegetarianism entail.

Vegans eschew animal products of any kind, including dairy products. Pesco vegetarians eat fish and dairy products, while lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and milk but don't eat meat or fish. There are more sub categories of vegetarianism, but that will suffice for the purposes of this article.

Because vegetarians don't eat things like red meat, they are at lower risk of certain diseases, like hypertension, diabetes, and some types of cancer, as well as heart disease and coronary artery disease.

It can be very health inducing indeed to change to vegetarianism, and not just because of advantages to your health. There are other reasons, too, such as that the vegetarian lifestyle is less cruel to animals and better for the environment.

However, many people who want to become vegetarian may be hesitant to do so because they may think they'll have trouble building muscle mass when they work out. However, if you consume soy, this is a great way to build muscle. In reality, soy is higher in protein than beef and has all eight of the essential amino acids.

You can get soy from easy to get sources like soymilk, textured soy protein and tofu. There are lots of different recipes out there that include soy, so experiment. In addition, beans, seeds, rice, nuts, and legumes are also great protein sources, so one thing you'll never be short of is protein.

Alright so that is protein dealt with but what about vitamins and minerals, particularly zinc, vitamin D, calcium, iron and vitamin B12? Well, supplements should be taken by vegans for this.

Vitamin B12 is found in dairy products so is not an area of concern for other types of vegetarians. The others can easily be gotten from a decent meal replacement powder. Of course however many minerals and vitamins are easily available in the form of leafy green vegetables and fruit that you should not overlook if you wish to build muscle up vegetarian style.

So, overall there are many health benefits to being a vegetarian and being a vegetarian need not prevent you from achieving your bodybuilding goals. Of course a key factor to your diet success will be the ability to plan, however this is just as crucial for meat eating bodybuilders also. With the above guidelines in mind go ahead and build muscle vegetarian style!! - 17273

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Observe The Miracle Of The Acai Now!

By Michelle Z Clark

Recent claims about the acai berry have been pretty amazing. While there is some scientific evidence that has been tested on this berry, it has still been declared one of the best nutritional finds ever and it has been touted as a miracle cure for everything from obesity to cancer.

Well the acai berry is exceptionally nutritious but it is just the latest find in a long line of extremely healthy superfoods. Superfoods range from blueberries to spinach and oranges to green tea. The list of superfoods goes on and on and there are many, many exceptionally nutritious superfoods.

In order to have a health promoting diet you must eat a combination of health promoting foods. Our bodies require a balance of nutrition in the form of the macronutrients of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats and the micronutrients of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals and oxygen damage that has been implicated in everything from aging to disease. When we increase the quality of what we eat we add to our health and longevity. But the addition of just one superfood like the acai berry cannot do this. We must have a combination of healthy foods.

If you are on a weight loss program you will see advantages from the addition of acai berry products. However this alone will not assist you in losing weight. You also need to start a regular exercise program and eat fewer calories. You can get superior nutritional support from acai berry products but all alone that will not help you. In addition you must also do other things if you want to lose weight.

We can find everything we need for superior nutrition in nature. Nature gives us an array of exceptionally healthy foods in the form of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This does not mean that we should be vegans necessarily. There are many healthy diets that include some animal products and meats. It is probably wise to know where your food comes from, whether it is meat or fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

We were never meant to eat unnatural and manmade foods. Nature leaves clues. If the food you are eating won't spoil within a certain amount of time then you probably weren't meant to eat it. If bacteria won't consume the food neither should humans. The acai berry is only found in the Brazilian rainforest and it is so extremely perishable that it must be freeze-dried or frozen within 24 hours after it leaves the tree or the health benefits quickly deteriorate.

The acai berry can be a great addition to your healthy diet. The superior nutrition can assist you to overcome the effects of free radicals and that can protect you from diseases. You may also lose weight once your body gets the superior nutrition that it needs.

But the best way to achieve and maintain great health through diet is to make sure that you are adding in a combination of many healthy foods including blueberries, spinach, salmon, walnuts, broccoli, tomatoes, green tea and of course, the list goes on. If you improve your diet all around you will also get the highest benefit from acai berry products due to the synergy of nutrients. Your health will improve in many ways. - 17273

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Which One Is Better " Good Form, or More Reps?

By Yasir Khan

We have all been in that situation. Whether its in the squat cage or lying down to bench, or even standing and doing bicep curls, weve all reached the point where the exercise has become too hard to do right. Sweat popping on your brow, teeth gritted, you have to suddenly make a decision. Do you muscle through, force out those last three reps, even if your form suffers, and complete the set, or do you set down the weights, take a breath, and admit that you were trying for too much? Next time youre in the gym, take a look around. Odds are youll see most people taking the first choice, wobbling as they squat or swinging their free weights up during bicep curls. Sure theyre completing their sets. But is this the right way to go?

The answer is no. Its not. There are a whole host of reasons why sacrificing form for greater reps at a higher weight is an incredibly bad idea. The first and most important is that by sacrificing good form, you open yourself up to a host of injuries. As you lift increasingly heavier loads of weight, you place your body under greater and greater stress and tension. If everything is locked correctly in place, your body will be prepared to handle the load. If not? Muscles, tendons, and joints will suffer, resulting in potential strains or tears. Are you willing to lose months of working out for a quick moment of pride?

Health aside, youre messing up the very routine youre trying to perform. One of the key reasons people allow their form to slip is because the targeted muscles have become exhausted, and the person is trying to harness the strength of ancillary muscles to compensate. But are you supposed to rely on muscles that should only indirectly be involved? Does it make any sense to exercise those side muscles instead of the main group youre supposed to be hitting? Of course not. If youre jacking up your military press by thrusting with your hips, then quit pretending to work out your shoulders and go squat.

Conversely, if youre doing the exercise right, you can lift more weight. If everything is aligned, if youre hitting the right muscles, and youre breathing correctly, youll be able to do more. More reps, more weights. Because youll be engaging the muscles in the purest, most direct manner, allowing for the greatest output. By observing correct form, youll be increasing their functional capability, which will translate into greater results in a shorter period of time.

Notice I mentioned breathing in the last paragraph. Breathing is essential to good form. If youre exercising correctly, your breathing will be synched to your reps, exhaling and inhaling with each extension and contraction. Breathing correctly helps you generate more force and reduces the risks of heart problems and high blood pressure. Youll avoid getting dizzy and light headed, will maintain smooth, rhythmic control of the weights, and feel much better at the end of your workout. And the best way to ensure this will happen? Observe correct form.

So what are some of the classic mistakes to watch out for? Youve seen them a million times. The guy who uses momentum to hike up his weights during bicep curls, swinging them like mad pendulums. Dont! If you have to sit down on a bench, or press your back against the wall. Another one: arching your back during military press. Dont do it! Lock in your core, tuck your tail bone under and squeeze those glutes. By maintaining a straight alignment youll be able to breath better and generate more force. Final tip: align your knees over your toes while squatting! Failing to do this can cause serious knee injuries, limit the amount of weight you can squat, and make you look wobblier than a man made of jello. Watch your toes in a mirror if you have to, and only go as far down as youre comfortable going.

So remember, like any good coach such as Tony Horton always says, if you have to take a break, stand down, catch your breath, relax. Dont push so hard that you become light headed, risk injury, or sacrifice form. Even in such challenging workouts as the P90X youre encouraged to always, always observe good form, because when you lose that, your health is mostly likely the next thing to go. - 17273

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Did You Know That You Can Stay In Shape By Walking To Lose Weight?

By Caitlyn Sierra

Okay chances are you are trying to get into shape by learning more about walking to lose weight and you have come to the internet to find out if this is the best way to get back into shape. We all know that losing weight can be one of the most difficult things that we as a society can ever achieve.

With so much information online about how to lose weight; we are all looking for that "little magic pill" that will help us shed those unwanted pounds. In fact if you are one of the thousands of people who are looking for the best ways to burn fat and stay in shape then you have come to the right place. We want to share with you how to begin getting into shape and getting back your self esteem so that you can look and feel great.

Everyone needs to realize is that it is not possible to shed those excess pounds by continuing to sit in front of the television on your couch. One of the main reasons that reasons that so many people are unable to get the body that they deserve is because they are not willing to put forth the effort to get back into shape.

You have to stop being lazy if you are serious about wanting to lose weight and get back into shape. No matter what you tend to believe the truth is that you will never start losing weight unless you become more active. Statistics show that people can easily begin losing weight if they were just willing to walk for at least 30 minutes each and everyday. The truth is that the only way you are going to be able to get back into shape; is to get up off the couch and begin doing some exercise.

Thousands of people in our society are not happy with the results that they are getting whenever they are trying to shed those unwanted pounds. However the only way that you will get the results that you are looking for you have to be willing to do all the necessary work that it is going to take.

In fact this is where most people will fail to reach the weight loss goals that they set for themselves. This is because we all know that it takes time to reach the desired weight that you want to be; most people will become frustrated and will give up on their goals before they reach them.

Be sure to stop by and visit our site below right now and find out what why walking to lose weight can be one of the best ways to lose weight. No matter what you have realized in the past the truth is that if you are willing to begin exercising everyday then you can reach your desired body style. - 17273

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Why Should You Drink Fresh Juice Every Day?

By Max Tain

Valuable for many people who want to get rid of health problems, fresh juice represents a very energetic and vitalizing food. Thus, fruit and vegetable juices are true purifiers of the body. If you combine several fruits and vegetables when preparing a fresh drink, you will provide to your body all the necessary nutrients.

Natural juices provide to the body the necessary carbohydrates and sugars. A fresh can be prepared by squeezing fruits, vegetables and herbs. The market offers a wide range of preserved fruit juices, which are pasteurized, containing ascorbic acid.

Don't be afraid that you might gain weight by consuming fresh juice. As long as you opt for those that have a lower content of sugar, you might even lose weight. Natural juices are recommended in weight loss diets, because they clean the body, removing toxins. It's not necessary to consume them daily, but it's better to do it regularly.

The vitamins found in fresh juice increase your immunity. It's good to drink juices with pulp, which are rich in fiber. I'm talking here about fresh juices and not about preserved drinks. You can opt for light juices, as those of apple, grapefruit or tomatoes. They contain polyphenols, a type of antioxidants that protect you from certain cancers and heart diseases. Some juices even improve the condition of those who suffer from hypertension.

Tomato juice benefits are due to the vitamins contained. A 250 ml glass of tomato juice provides to our body the required daily amount of vitamin A and C. In order to realize the importance of vitamin A, it's enough to mention some of the complication that may occur in its absence: risk of infections, the appearance of disturbances in tooth growth, eye diseases, etc. Vitamin C is also important for the body, because it detoxifies and regenerates the body cells. An insufficient amount of vitamin C in food reduces the body resistance against infections and induces fatigue and depression.

It's indicated to drink fresh juice immediately after exercising. Your energy will increase and the body fluid will be restored.

Carrot juice is recognized for its healing proprieties. Also, it protects the skin against daily aggressions. Therefore, to slow the aging process, make sure that your skin is perfectly hydrated and consume fresh juices and water. The nutrients contained by carrot juice are able to reduce photosensitivity, protecting the skin from the harmful action of sunlight.

Celery juice is recommended in case of slow digestion, fatigue, overwork, convalescence, adrenal insufficiency, anxiety, bladder disease, heart disease, cardio-renal edema, diabetes, kidney stones, anorexia, urinary retention, obesity, gout, fever intermittent, bronchitis and chronic cough.

Orange juice can be consumed every day, as it brings many benefits to our body. It is indicated in case of anemia, various infections and anorexia. This wonderful drink has diuretic and laxative effects, due to its high content of vitamin C.

Apple juice is one of the best natural remedies, being a tonic of the nervous system. This drink cleans the blood and acts favorably in case of hypertension, reducing the level of cholesterol.

Grape juice has a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying effect. It also contains calcium, iron, and phosphorus. - 17273

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Discount Vitamins Online

By Anthony Smith

People are more conscious about their health and energy levels. Scientists have made profound studies on health and they have come to the conclusion that vitamins make wonders in human life. This is why many ventures are struggling to produce the best vitamin supplements. Vitamin Shop is the major website that caters the best source of vitamin supplements. Regarding the two divisions, that are water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins, companies produce vitamins in various forms even in regards to their type like Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K.

The intensity of the deficiency makes doctors prescribe vitamins. Nevertheless, this is not the case now, with the inauguration of online websites, immense collections of vitamin supplements are on the way. Moreover, these websites struggle hard to bring out the best in the market.

Vitamin Shop supports the customers in catering health tips. They do give plans that are to be maintained while consuming their products. Thus, news flash happens daily both by promoting their product and human health. You will be surprised to see the end number of varieties in vitamin supplements. You will need some time to seek out the one that complements your health. Blood pressure is brought to control with the increased blood circulation while you are on vitamins.

Inflammation is degraded to a certain extend with vitamins. This occurs mainly due to stimulating the bones and easy for fluctuation. Human body transforms to a healthy one naturally with a keen memory. Vitamins reinforce nerve cells in the brain. Other groups of vitamins calm inflammation in the prostate glands.

Prostate cells are controlled in such away not to produce much of estrogen, which is the major cause of anti-aging. Vitamins, thereby assist men in retaining a young prostate, which is apt in size. Vitamins do support longevity and thereby increases human vitality.

On purchasing any vitamins through online, you are to be aware of the terms and conditions. Vitamin Shoppe coupons are immensely available through which the customers can bid on lower rates. While you buy a specified vitamin product through online, you can very well get health tips and supports from them.

Online vitamin shop does staple the hit brands of vitamin available all around the world. Moreover, the immense number of vitamins will astonish you. Therefore, consulting a physician before stepping into consuming vitamins is better. Online Vitamin Shop is a great relief to sport representatives. However, people can start the use of vitamin in a considerable amount. - 17273

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Weight Loss Tips

By Jacob Winters

Too many people give up on weight loss before they even have a real chance to see what they can do. If you are currently limited by a health condition or have failed too many times to have any real faith in yourself, it's time to discover the missing piece and give yourself one last shot.

Ask yourself right now what it would take to make you content with your body. When do you get the chance to finally look in the mirror and see a reflection that pleases you? This is something that every person deserves, regardless of how much weight must be lost to get there.

Burning and reducing the calories that you eat are important to help with losing weight. A diet that does not involve either of these is not a miracle diet, but a diet that is likely not to work. Support of friends and family are also very important as well.

Losing weight is highly emotional and there are a lot of mental issues that can totally derail a diet or exercise program. Give some serious thought to the attitudes and mental patterns that may have contributed to your weight gain so far. Be prepared to deal with the emotional issues that come up, rather than hiding from them.

Most opt for the temporary solution to lose weight quickly, yet tend to gain the weight back and more. Many of the temporary solutions like crash diets offer nothing more than a short term help. Not only are they short-term, but they can be detrimental to your health.

You have to deal with the emotional aspects before you can shed pounds and not regain them. Ask anyone who has lost a lot of weight and managed to keep it off for a couple years or more. Very few go through this process without dealing with mental and emotional issues.

Actually, the weight loss process is typically slowed down when someone refuses to deal with the emotional issues that come up.

So, guess what else many people discover only after losing tons of weight and looking back? They didn't need a miracle diet after all! They just needed to take a closer look at themselves and get real about their life.

Diet Programs that combine diet and exercise, increase the likeliness for success. Often they will include things such as a support system, through meetings and things one the internet. Others will customize the program to fit the kind of lifestyle that you have.

Physical exercises proved to be truly helpful in weight loss, along with a healthy lifestyle. Remember that, in order to lose fat, the body needs most of his functions, so he must receive food that is rich in nutrients and vitamins. Counting calories is useful, as long as you don't consume fewer calories than needed.

Some of the programs that you find have options to go off of a point system, which works well for some but not for others. Some prefer to count calories, however the way that a person go should fit the way they feel most comfortable. - 17273

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Acai Berry Select Losing Weight

By Louise Spade

Many people who encounter some kind of weight management problems often resort to dietary products available in the market. People who are losing hope and don't believe they could still lose weight are given hope when they see infomercials or advertisements about pills they could take to shed the weight. The truth is, not all these products actually work and worse some of them even have some adverse effects on our body. This is when research about the product would be most useful. Be sure to review the product before you take any of it.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

Taking acai berries provide many health benefits to the body. Not just a simple weight management product, acai berry products also provide better immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. With all the vitamins and minerals in the product, anyone most of the people taking it gets increased level of energy, improved sleep and healthier skin.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

Our heart also benefits a lot from the acai berries. There are presence of omega vitamins in this fruit that lowers the blood cholesterol and helps improve the blood flow. It also has anti-oxidants that are said to be good for our bodies aging process.

The acai berries are now know as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals have seen the wonderful benefits of this product for our body and are now endorsing it to everyone. The popularity of the product also reached many audiences when it has been featured in many TV show and magazines all over the world.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or maintain weight, you might be interested on how the acai berries would work for you. The good thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even order acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Just remember that anyone with pre-existing conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must consult with their physicians first before taking the product. It is currently sold everywhere in the world in health stores or you can also order it through the Internet. - 17273

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5 Things You Need To Know About Sexy Arms And Sweeteners

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

High sugar intakes and thin arms do not mix well. Hence, the utility of artificial sweeteners. They provide the taste without the calories.

Seems like a good deal, right?

Well, recent research has been demonstrating that artificial sweeteners are extremely unhealthy to the point of causing cancer.

So here are 5 things you need to know about sexy arms and sweeteners:

1. Studies have shown higher cancer rates. By how much? 30%! Only the highest intakes of sweeteners showed this increase, however. So don't freak out. The key here is to practice moderation, and if possible, elimination.

2. They're hidden in many foods. You are probably eating a substantial amount of low calorie sweeteners without even knowing it. Nowadays, food companies are loading their products with multiple combinations of sweeteners to buffer any bad after tastes.

3. Studies showing safety have NOT been long term. Every single study done on artificial sweeteners has been short term. Not good. And most of them have been conducted by the manufactures. Thus, the research is both short term and biased.

4. Popular sweeteners are toxic. Aspartame, also known as Equal or NutraSweet, was found to be toxic in the largest rodent study to have ever been conducted. Now although rodents are much different from humans, this still raises a flag of caution.

5. All natural sweeteners can be just as bad. Stevia, an all natural sweetener, has been found to convert into a mutagen within the human intestine. I used to love this stuff, not any more

At the end of the day, we still don't know how safe artificial sweeteners are. My personal advice would be to not take the risk and eliminate them as much as possible from your diet. After all, getting thin arms doesn't have to be unhealthy. In fact, it should increase your health. And remember: do not pay attention to all the marketing hype. Only pay attention to peer reviewed research. - 17273

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Low Glycemic Diets Improve Your Energy Level

By Kathryn Barry

Low Glycemic Diets are lower in sugar or carbohydrates and emphasize more foods that contain protein and healthy fats.

Why Should You Be Aware of Carbohydrates?

Your body uses glucose which is a simple sugar that is found in carbohydrates for energy. This is also an important fuel for your brain and muscles.

Your brain relies on glucose for functions like learning and your muscles rely on glucose as its fuel to get you around.

You might think it's okay to indulge in carbohydrates because it's good for your brain. However, while a little glucose seems to be a good thing, too much glucose has the opposite effect.

Two Low Glycemic Diets I Personally Experienced

The Atkin's Diet restricts carbs and this forces your body to burn its stored fat reserves for energy. Your body tends to utilize carbohydrates over fat in the creation of energy and this is why this diet limits the amount of carbs you ingest.

Since your body's first choice for energy is glucose, which comes from carbohydrates in your diet, eating too much will create fat storage instead of burning fat.

During the 3 years that I was on this diet - I was able to work 50 hours a week, take care of my toddler, and prepare our meals.

Because I only needed about 6 hours of rest every night, this enabled me to get a lot done during this time period.

What this diet seems to need are really good supplements and while I was taking high quality and very natural supplements I did well on this diet.

This Low Glycemic Diet is My Choice Between the Two Diets

The Primal Diet has similar dietary qualities to the Atkin's Diet, but is very different on so many levels.

This is a raw food diet and there is No Carb Counting involved. Grains and Legumes are not really allowed and supplements are not recommended for this diet. If you must drink water, Mineral Water is the recommended choice.

Raw vegetable juices are used for your daily vitamins and minerals. The bulk of this diet is raw animal products such as raw milk and raw meats along with raw coconut cream.

I absolutely loved raw milk and even gave this to my young child. I noticed she had no dental cavities while drinking raw milk, but when I stopped the raw milk along came the tooth decay.

My endurance was greatly affected by the consumption of raw eggs and raw meat. It is actually very filling and satisfying food.

Even though I wasn't raw 100% of the time, I was able to notice a big change in my health. All in all, the primal diet gave me a grounding and calmness I never really experienced from any other diet. - 17273

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Want to Know How to Dunk a Basketball?

By Connor Ferris

It's no secret that every basketball player would love to know how to dunk a basketball. We all spent our childhoods trying to jump as high as we can, and then one day we finally reached the net. Some of us ended up reaching the backboard and rim after that, but it's a major challenge no matter where you're at. Here are some pointers to get you on your way.

1. If you're at the point where you can reach rim, it'll still take some work to dunk. One of the quickest ways to train yourself before making the jump is to try dunking with a tennis ball. It's much easier to palm and is a great way to start out.

2. This is one that'll drain your legs, but it'll strengthen you up really nicely. Stand directly under the hoop and jump straight up as high as you can. When you land, count to three and then do it again. Try to do sets of 20 or more like this.

3. Make sure to lift weights. The more muscle you have, the more spring you'll have in your jump. Squats are one of the best builders of leg muscle.

4. Lift weights with exercises that emphasize the hamstrings and the calves. While it's very important to have strong quads, it's equally important to make sure the muscle distribution within your legs is widespread.

5. Do sit-ups and other exercises to strengthen your abs. A strong midsection can work wonders toward helping you finally learn how to dunk a basketball.

6. Get some sneakers that make it comfortable to jump in. When you're learning how to dunk a basketball, the last thing you want is a pair of old or bulky shoes that makes it all even harder.

7. Adjust your diet. Intake of the right foods can easily help you get the maximum height out of your jumps. Your energy level is crucial when taking the steps toward knowing how to dunk a basketball.

8. This one is my secret weapon. I had to spend a few dollars for it, but it was well worth it considering that I spent years trying to learn how to dunk a basketball with no success. After buying a training course that gave me videos, workout plans, and more, I was able to dunk a basketball after about 8 weeks of practice. - 17273

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